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R. G. Wasley S. Selvavinayagamoorthy

University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology

Manchester, England

ABSTRACT valid only when the line is perfectly transposed. But

for the untransposed line of horizontal construction,
This paper concerns the numerical evaluation of in particular, acceptable accuracy is possible if the
transmission line transient response using travelling- distributions are used in Clarke component form, where
wave methods in which the effects of frequency depend- the centre conductor lies on an axis of symmetry. As
ent parameters are taken into account. Transmission shown in this paper, however, use of the surge imped-
line behaviour is considered in terms of forward and ance rather than the characteristic impedance may lead
backward response functions, special emphasis being to errors of 10% or more. Consequently, it is of int-
placed on the latter, which is introduced because of erest to develop procedures which can account for this
the time dependent nature of the line characteristic time variation in characteristic impedance and also be
impedance. Relatively simple formulae are derived so included in a general purpose computer program.
that both response functions may be included in a For this reason a method is developed which pre-
general purpose computer program without difficulty. serves the simplicity of the travelling-wave methods.
The validity of the approach is confirmed by comparing The effects of time dependent characteristic impedance
results with those obtained from the modified Fourier are considered in terms of the propagation character-
transform method. istics of the earth mode in such a way that forward
and backward response functions are derived. Time var-
INTRODUCTION iations in the characteristic impedances associated
with the line modes are not considered because errors
In recent years the transient analysis of trans- arising from the use of their surge impedances only
mission lines has received a great deal of attention. are much less significant.
Of special interest is the refinement of numerical
procedures to account for the effects of frequency THEORETICAL DEVELOPMENT
dependent parameters such as the earth path impedance.
When dealing with the problem of frequency depeid- When formulating solution procedures in terms of
ence, use of the modified Fourier transform method 2 travelling-wave concepts, it proves convenient to con-
has distinct advantages regarding accuracy of line sider the transmission line in a primitive network
representation. Nevertheless, by introducing certain form. This has tile advantage of not involving external
simplifying3 assumptions, the travelling-wave concepts circuits when defining basic line response functions.
of Schnyder still find useful application. The problem of line interconnection corresponding to a
From a programming point of view, the travelling- particular network arrangement is overcome in a sep-
wave concept may be implemented in different ways. arate process using appropriate boundary equations.
Thus, methods based on the Bewley lattice technique4-8
or the Bergeron method of characteristics9,10 are fam-
iliar variations. Efk +
z(t) Ebm 4.
Travelling-wave methods differ from the Fourier
method in that all calculations are performed in the m
time domain. Deformation of waves because of earth and
conductor skin-effects are introduced into procedures Ebk Efmm
which normally assume ideal line conditions by eval-
uating the step or pulse response of all lines separ- Fig. 1. Single-phase line
ately and convolving these response functions with the
actual input waves obtained during the process of cal-
culation. In the first instance consider the line joining
The multiconductor nature of the practical line the two nodes k and m as shown in Figure 1. For gen-
can be taken into account using independent modes of erality z(t) defines the time dependent characteristic
propagationll,12. Difficulty is encountered, however, impedance of the line, and for the ideal line becomes
because in general the phase distributions of voltage the constant surge impedance zo, i.e. the surge imped-
and current and the characteristic impedance assoc- ance is defined as the characteristic impedance of the
iated with each mode are time dependent. This is usu- lossless line, conductor and earth path skin-effects
ally overcome by assuming that the mode distributions being disregarded.
do not change with time, and using in place of the If the ideal line is in fact considered, the back-
characteristic impedance the constant surge impedance. ward waves shown in Figure 1 as Ebk and Ebm are simply
The concept of fixed mode distributions is really related to the forward wave Efm and Efk respectively
such that

k (t)=E m (t-T)
Eb kt=E(t-T)
Clearly the waves are not distorted during propagation
so that only a simple delay equal to the line travel
Paper T 73 435-5, recommended and approved by the IEEE Transmission & time is introduced.
Distribution Committee of the IEEE Power Engineering Society for presentation at
the IEEE PES Summer Meeting & EHV/UHV Conference, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, The forward waves are generated because of extern-
July 15-20, 1973. Manuscript submitted February 12, 1973; made available for al connection, so in the primitive network are quite
printing May 23, 1973. arbitrary. Furthermore, it is important to note that

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the backward waves are independent of the correspond- If node k is now connected to an external imped-
ing forward waves at the same node. As already men- ance zes the boundary condition is satisfied by defin-
tioned, the problem of external connection is treated ing a total nodal current given by
i (t)=(z )e k (t)-z o 1F m (t-T) (11)
Once the basic line response functions are estab- k o ±Z
lished, it remains to interconnect the network and
therefore satisfy corresponding boundary conditions. In general, such equations can be established at
For this purpose the Bewley lattice technique or the all nodes to give a matrix equationlO having the form
Bergeron method of characteristics may be used.
The lattice technique4-8 introduces the concept of i(t)=Ye(t)-I(t-T) (12)
reflection and refraction coefficients. Hence taking a
as the reflection coefficient, the boundary condition The elements of the current vector I are obtained
at node k is satisfied when from equations such as (10), e.g.

Ek(t)=aE k(t) (2) I (t-T)=z 1Fm (t-T)

m o
where in terms of Ze, the external impedance seen from and since the nodal current vector i(t) can be spec-
the node k, and zo ified from the known surge conditio-ns, equation (12)
can be solved step-by-step to obtain the voltage vec-
U=(z-ezO)/(ze +z) (3) tor e(t).
So far the ideal line has been considered for the
This means that a relatively simple procedure can purpose of illustrating the overall concepts, but of
be set up in which any forward wave arising from a course our interest here is to extend the equations so
known surge condition at some node in the network will as to include the lossy line which introduces distor-
generate backward waves at all nodes directly connec- tion because of frequency dependence. In terms of the
ted according to equation (1). The backward waves in primitive network it is possible to evaluate the im-
turn will generate forward waves at these nodes, which pulse response of the lossy line using either the mod-
will then propagate towards the-starting node. Forward ified Fourier transform method or direct analytical
waves are generated from backward waves according to equations based on suitable approximations. Hence,
equation (2), and at each node the actual voltage can assuming the impulse response is available as P(t), it
be obtained from the sum of the forward and backward follows from convolution theory that basic propagation
waves, e.g. in terms of arbitrary forward waves on the lossy line
leads to the equations
k f(t)+E
ek (t)=E k b(t)
k (4)
Eb (t)=P(t)*Ef
k ~~m(t)
If node k is connected to another line then e k(t) (14)
becomes in itself a forward wave which enters and pro- E mf(t)=P(t)*E
*1 k (t)
pagates along that line, so in general a backward wave
gives rise to more than one forward wave, whereas a where in full
forward wave only generates one backward wave provided
the line is homogeneous. The basic difficulty in im- Ebk (t)=Oo I P(u)E mm(t-u)du
plementing the method is clearly associated with the (15)
problem of tracing the propagation and reflection of
all waves as time is advanced step-by-step. m b(t)o1tP(uE f

As an alternative approach,the Bergeron method can In the Bewley lattice method, this-means that all
be employed9910 to set up nodal equations in terms of backward waves must now be generated on the basis of
known injected currents. Thus, considering node k, it equation (14) and not equation (1). Similarly, for use
can be shown that forward and backward characteristics in the Bergeron method, we can redefine the relation-
Fk and Bk may be defined such that ship between the forward and backward characteristics
so as to obtain
0ikm (t)=2E f(t)=F
ek (t)+z o k k (t)
(S5) B k(t)=P(t)*Fm(t) (16)
ek(t)-Zikm(t)=2Eb k(t)=B k(t)
However, in the strictest sense, the lossy line
where im is the current entering the line at node k. can no longer be represented entirely by its simple
In terms of the backward characteristic, nerrange- surge impedance. So, in the equations developed, all
ment gives surge impedances should be replaced by corresponding
time dependent characteristic impedances, although it
om 1{e k Wt-B k(6
ikm(t)=Zo (t)} (6) is usual to proceed on the assumption that for ex-
ternal connection the line represented by its surge
But taking the ideal line it follows from (1) that impedance does not lead to significant error.
In avoiding this assumption, it still proves con-
Bk(t)=Fm(t-T) (7) venient to retain the concept of surge impedance when
dealing with line interconnection, and so at the end
to give of each line an ideal short transmission line of surge
impedance zo is introduced, as shown in Figure 2(a).
om(t)=Z {e(t)-F (t-T)} (8) This means that the time dependent characteristic im-
pedance of the actual line is handled as an internal
Furthermore, from (5) written for node m, it is seen problem leading to suitably modified basic propagation
that characteristics only.
With reference to Figure 2,consider a forward wave
Fm (t-T)+B m (t-T)=2e m (t-T) (9) E k entering the line at node k. Assuming negligible
travel time, this wave arrives at the fictitious node
So again for the ideal line k' to give
Fm (t-T)=2e m (t-T)-F
k (t-2T) (10) Eb (t)=E f(t) (17)

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Now at this node there is a time dependent discontin-
uity which can be considered in terms of a time depen- e h,
(t)-E (t)+E f I (t) (26)
dent reflection coefficient defined by
But this appears as a backward wave at node m to give
6(W)={Z(W)-z }/{Z(t)+z} (18) from (25),(23) and (22)
Alternatively, defining (t)=P(t)*E (t) (27)
z (t) =-z0+Az(t) (q9) The forward wave at node k is seen to produce a
backward wave at node m, as before from equation (14).
and neglecting the terms of equal or higher order thLn But taking the time dependent characteristic impedance
Az(t)2, it follows that an approximate form for 8(t) into account, it is now seen to produce another back-
is more simply given by ward wave at its own node k. That is, ignoring Qther
secondary reflections, th9 backward wave at node k is
8(t)=Az(t)/2z (20) given by
-b f
E k(t)=E k' (t)+P(t)*E f mI (t)
k k' z(t) m' m =Q(t)*E f k(t)
zo zo where from (21) and (25)
(a) Line diagram Q(t)=8(t)-a(t)*P(t)*P(t) (29)
Efk Once again it is noted that external circuits need
Efk±8*Efk not be considered. These, are taken into account once
the basic line response functions are available. On
~~~*T:,fk**Ek '~
the other hand, it is necessary to consider a forward
wave entering the line at nqde m quite arbitrarily.
8*6ik ~ ~~~~ K_
Such a wave will produce backward waves, at both nodes
according to similar equations-. Therefore, by super-
position, complete propagation characteristics are now
- *K*KEfk based on

(b) Lattice diagram Eb k (t)=Q(t)*E f(t)+P(t)*Ef

kk m(t)
Fig. 2. Proposed line model Eb (t=()Ef(t+t*f t

where for generality the lossy line is represented in

Thus, the backward wave gives rise to a forward terms of its time dependent characteristic impedance.
wave at the fictitious node which can be obtained by The Bewley lattice and Bergeron methods can be im-
convolution, viz. plemented in the usual way except that equation (30)
must now replace equation (14), or (1). Fundamfentally,
k(t)=B(t)*Ef(t) (21) implementation of either method is in no way altered.
The evaluation of both P(t) and Q(t), termed the for-
The voltage at node k' is now found as the sum of the ward and backward response functions of the line res-
corresponding forward and backward waves to give pectively, is described in the following section.
kl(t) =Ef k (t)+.(O*Efk (t) (22) CALCULATION OF RESPONSE FUNCTIONS
and of course this becomes a forward wave travelling When implementing the necessary process of convol-
towards the other fictitious node ml. Hence, at ml', ution, numerical integration is performed on the basis
of a finite step length At. By superposition, however,
Eb, (t)=P(t) ek,t(t) (23) a pulse response can be obtained very readily in terms
of step response functions. This approach is in fact
where P(t) is the impulse response of the lossy line adopted in the present' work so that in the following
mentioned previously. Also at this node the reflection the functions P(t) and Q(t) become the response func-
coefficient -8(t) is appropriate, so again by cpnvol- tions to a unit step input wave and not the impulse
ution a corresponding forward wave is obtained from wave mentioned earlier.
f Equations for evaluating the forward and backward
E m'(t)=-M(t)*E m'(t) (24) response functions are most easily formulated in terms
of frequency. Thus, using the proposed line model, it
For the purpose of simplifying the expressions, follows that suitable expressions corresponding to the
convolution involving more than one a(t) term can be equations (20) and (29), when a step input wave is
neglected. So from (24),(23) and (22) it follows that considered, leads to
Ef ink
t(t)=-8(t)*P(t)*E k(t) (25) P(p)= exp(-y(p)d)/p
This approximation based on the small differences be- Q(p)=Az(p){1-exp(-2y(p)d)1/2z p
tween z0 and z(t) is further justified by the results
given later which are shown to compare favourably with where d is the line length, y(p) the earth mode prop-
those obtained by the more exact Fourier"transform agation constant such that
method. 5
Once again the voltage at node m' is obtained from Y(P)=fz WPY (P? }E (32)
corresponding forward and backward waves, i.e.


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The terms zs(p) and ys(p) are the series impedance and For the purpose of illustration, a single-phase
shunt admittance parameters per unit line length resp- line having the configuration shown in Figure 3 is
ectively. They can be evaluated from well-known form- considered. It is typical of the equivalent circuits
ulae13, including Carson's earth impedance formula14. used to evaluate the earth mode response of horizontal
The forward and backward response functions in the lines.
time domain are now Qbtained by numerical inversion. To provide sufficient accuracy, 500 complex frequ-
For this purpose, the concepts of the modified Fourier encies are used and the expressions given in equation
transform ,2 are used, although a possible alternative (31) inverted for line lengths of 30, 90 and 150 km. A
is the derivation of approximate analytic expressions fast Fourier transform procedure, designed to account
for direct application in the time domain. This would for any number of frequency response values, is used
avoid the need for the numerical inversion of the ex- to reduce costs of computation.The line self-impedance
pressions given in equation (31). is ignored since this contribution is generally neg-
If P(p) and Q(p) are re-considered as response ligible in earth mode terms. So, for a unit step input
functions to an impulse wave input, it is worth noting wave, the computed forward and backward response func-
that in this form they are similar to functions intro- tions in the time domain are presented in Figure 4.
duced by Snelson15. This is further demonstrated in Corresponding response functions for a 20ps,unit pulse
the Appendix. input to the 150 km line are also computed and shown
in Figure 5.
10cm For comparison at 90 and 150 km,response functions
based on Snelson's formulae15, but modified to account
for step input waves, are also shown in Figure 4.Diff-
erences between corresponding forward response func-
tions are clearly negligible, and of course the small
20m differences between corresponding backward response
functions become negligible on application to the gen-
eral problem of finding line transient response. Hence
the validity of the simplified approach given in the
present paper is indicated.
It is noted that the forward response functions
Earth resistivity=lOOQ-m are of similar form to the usual functions employed in
methods which consider line representation in terms of
Fig. 3. Line configuration the surge impedance only. Since the backward response
functions are of some significance, however, reaching
a level of 0.1 p.u., as the line length increases to
150 km,, it is clear that they might also require con-
sideration according to the degree of accuracy being
sought in the problem of interest.



(a) Forward function
(a) Forward function

(b) Backward function

0 .4 .8
by Snelson formulae
by derived formulae (b) Backward function
Fig. 4. Step response functions Fig. 5. Pulse response functions


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For each line length, the results given in Figure For the weaker source, it is seen that the errors
4(b) show the backward response functions increasing are more pronounced. In both cases, however,it appears
up to a time which corresponds to twice the line trav- that errors tend to accumulate, so that errors of 10%
el time, 2T. Thereafter, an exponential decay occurs or more are possible. As a further example, a case of
because of the contribution from what is effectively resistance switching is shown in Figure 8, where once
the returning wave due to reflection at the far end of again the errors are not insignificant. The sending
the line model given in Figure 2. In general, it is end response clearly demonstrates' the effect of the
noted that the backward response functions should be increasing value of the characteristic impedance above
evaluated for a time of 4T at least. This is further the nominal surge impedance of 400Q.
indicated by the significant second peak in the corr-
esponding pulse response function of Figure 5(b). CONCLUSIONS
To demonstrate the possible errors which could re-
sult from neglect of the backward response functions, A suitable procedure is presented for taking into
the receiving end response of the 150 km line is eval- account the time dependent nature of the line charac-
uated when'it is energised from sinusoidal sources of teristic impedance. This procedure is based on eval-
25 and 200 mH in turn. The breaker is closed at a peak uating forward and backward response functions which
of 1.0 p.u. voltage and results presented in Figures 6 are derived in relatively simple terms so that they
and 7 respectively. might be incorporated very- easily into existing comp-
The validity of the results using both forward and uter programs using travelling-wave concepts.
backward response functions is confirmed by also show- It is shown that neglect of the backward response
ing in Figures 6 and 7 the corresponding results using function can lead to significant errors, and so its
the modified Fourier transform method. As before in- inclusion in a general purpose program would appear
version is performed by applying a fast Fourier trans- desirable, also considering how readily it can be in-
form technique. For the results given in Figures 6 and cluded. However, this may well depend on the nature of
7 respectively, 1000 and 500 complex frequencies are the specific problem under study. If the backward res-
employed. ponse function is included then it is important to
note that it should be evaluated for a time of 4T at
2 least.
O,L 50km As already mentioned, approximate analytic form-
ulae can be derived to give direct time solutions for
the forward and backward response functions, and so
eliminate the need for numerical inversion by the Fou-
1 rier transform method. The use of such formulae are
now being investigated by the authors and-initial re-
sults appear promising.

1 2

T -
~- - - - -

*. * modified Fourier transform method

- - - - forward response function only
forward and backward functions
Fig. 6. Receiving end response,L=25mH

- - - - forward response function only

forward and backward functions
Fig. 8. Sending and receiving end responses,R=400Q

The authors are grateful to Prof.L.M. Wedepohl for
his interest in this work and for the facilities pro-
vided in the Power Systems Laboratory of the Univers-
ity of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology.
Mr. Selvavinayagamoorthy is also grateful to the Uni-
versity of Ceylon, Peradenilya, for their support dur-
ing his leave of absence.
modified Fourier transform method
- - - - forward response function only APPENDIX
forward and backward functions
For the single-phase line of Figure 1 the two-port
Fig. 7. Receiving end response,L=200mH admittance matrix in the frequency domain can be ex-
pressed in the form
i= Ye (Al)


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where (2) L. M. Wedepohl and S.E.T. Mohamed, "Multiconductor
transmission lines. Theory of natural modes and
[ coth(Yd) -cosech(yd) Fourier integrals applied to transient analysis".
Y= /Z Proc. IEE, vol. 116, pp 1553-1563, Septeber 1969.
-cosech(Yd) coth(yd)
(3) O.Schnyder,"Druckstosse in Pumpensteigleitun gen",
Furthermore, equation (5) applied to both terminals Schw,eiz. Bauzeitungenr, vol. 94, pp 22-23, 1929.
leads to the matrix equations
(4) L.0. Barthold and G.K. Carter,"Digital travelling-
Eb.; e-EE f -z 0 i+E f (A2) wave solutions, Pt I single phase equivalents'",
AIEE Trans.(Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. 80,
so that use of e4uation (Al) gives pp 812-820, DeceTrrber 1961.
e=2(U+z Y) lEf (A3) (5) A. J. McElroy and R. M. Porter, "Digital computer
.calculation of transients in electric networks",
which in turn gives AIEE Trans(Ppower Apparatus and Systems), vol. 82,
pp 88-95, April 1963.
E ={2(U+z Y) -U}E (A4)
(6) J.B. Bickford and P.S. Doepel,"Calculation of swi-
where U is the 2x2'-unit matrix. tching transients with particular reference to
Expanding equation (A4), it can now be shown that
r line energisation", Proc. IEE, vol. 114, pp 465-
f 477, April 1967.
(A5) (7) H. B. Thoren and K. Li Carlson,"A digital computer
1 2 program for the calculation of switching and ligh-
m A
jfo m
tning surges on power systems", IEEE Trans.(Power
where A and A2 for an impulse wave input correspond Apparatus and Systems), vol. PAS-89, pp 212-217,
to the iorward and backward response functions deriv- February 1970.
ed by Snelson15 and are given by
(8) K. Iwamoto,T. Todaka and A: Ametani,"Digital calc-
A1=l/{cosh(yd)+l/2(z/z±+z0/z)sinh(yd)} (A6)
ulation of switching surges and treatise on irreg-
ular closing of three-phase transmission lines'',
A2=1/2(z/z o-z0/z)sinh(yd)/A1 paper no. 955, presented at Japanese IEE National
Meeting, March 1968.
For simplicity, however, consider
(9) F. H. Branin,"Transient analysis of lossless trans-
z /z +z /z= 2 mission lines", Proc. IEEE, vol. 55, pp 2012-2013,
November 1967.
z/z -z /z=2Az/z
(10) H,W. Dommel,"Digital computer solution of electro-
where in using magnetic transien-s in single and multiphase net-
works", IEEE Trans.(Power Apparatus and Systems)
z~ .t-z
vol. PAS-88, pp 388-399, April 1969.
terms involving powers of Az equal to or greater than (il) L. M. Wedepohl,"Application of matrix methods to
two are netlected. In equation (A6), these lead to the the solution of travelling-wav' phenomena in poly-
approximations phase systemst' Proc. IEE, vol. 110, pp 2200-2212,
December 1963.
A1 exp(-Yd) (A7)
(12) D. E. Hedman",Propagation on 6vethead transmission
2 ~~~~~0 lines Pt I theory of modal analysis" ,IEEE Trans.
(Power Aparatus and Systems'), vol. PAS-84, pp 200
When defined as step response functions and not as -205, March 1965.
impulse response functiona, it should be clear that
the A1 and A of equation (A7) are identical to the P (13) R. H. Galloway,W. B. Shorrocks and L. M. Wedepohl,
and Q given ln -equaton (31). Therefore, the forward "Calcul4tioh of electrical pdramTeters for short
and backward respohse functions used in this paper are and lQng polyphase transmission lines", Proc. IEE,
similar to those introduced by Snelson. vol. lli, pp 2051-2059, December 1964.

(14) J. R. CaiAon, "Wave propagation in overhead wires

REFERENCES with ground return", Bell Syst. Tech. J., vol. 5,
pp 539-554, 1926.
(1) S.J. Day, N. Mullineux and J.#..Reed,"Developments
in obtaining transient response using Fourier (15) J. K. Snelson, "Propagation of tiavelling-waves on
transforms, Pt II : use of modified Fourier trans- transmission lines. Frequency dependent parameters'"
form", Int. J. Elec. Engna. Educ., vol. 4, pp 31- IEEE Trans.(Power Apparatus and Systems), vol. PAS
40, 1966. -91, pp 85-90, January 1972.


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Discussion tained using another fourier transform technique. An alternative ap-
proach is to take the response functions and to calculate the effective
A. Semlyen (University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada): I would line parameters they represent, as a function of frequency. This can be
like to commend the authors for their sustained endeavours for refining done without approximations and a comparison in the frequency do-
the numerical procedures to account for the effects of frequency depen- main can be made with the values of the line parameters assumed in the
dent parameters due to ground return. I strongly agree with them that original calculation of the response functions. Two very simple results
travelling-wave methods have to be used in efficient switching transients for a line with zero shunt conductance come out of this sort of analysis.
programs, despite the fact that the line parameters are frequency depen- The first is that the sum of the areas under the two impulse response
dent. There is no conceptual difficulty in the transition from the fre- functions must be unity. This condition was mentioned in Appendix I
quency domain to the time domain, and one situation, quite often of reference [ 15] . The second condition is that:
encountered, is where a product (in the frequency domain) is replaced
by a convolution (in the time domain)A. While I fully appreciate the
merits of the paper, I would like to make a few remarks concerning Total dc resistance 2.Z0. (Area under Backward Function)
rigor, practicality and accuracy. of the line (Area under Forward Function)
Most frequency domain operations do not have identical form in
the time domain. For this reason, equation (18), and those derived from
it, are not valid. Also, since z(t) (i.e. the voltage response to a unit cur- Other results for the limiting values of capacitance and inductance
rent input) increases to large values, equation (20) will not result from as frequency tends to zero can also be derived. These expressions are a
(18), even if the latter were acceptable. Consequently, the validity of little more complicated as they involve both the area and also the first
Q(p) of equation (31) is also questionable, since the latter contains a moments of area of the response functions.
similar approximation as equation (20). One type of calculation using this sort of line representation that
The concept of backward response functions, first introduced by has proved difficult is the calculation of transients following the sudden
Snelson [15], is potentially useful by producing a constant, apparent application of a short circuit. Here the final power frequency current is
characteristic impedance of the transmission line. In fact, however, the very sensitive to any error in the effective low frequency series imped-
convolution due to a frequency dependent characteristic impedance or ance of the line. Have the authors tried any calculations of this type?
admittanceB is not completely avoided but only replaced by a new con- The authors mention that they are working on simple analytic
volution with Q (eqns. (30)), which is a less known and less understood formulae for the response functions. Such formulae would save much
functional relationship. The practicality of this approach is question- computation time. Can the authors give any indication at this stage of
able, also because a frequency-independent external impedance Ze the form of these formulae and the degree of accuracy they produce?
(eqn. (3)) is only a rough approximation for most terminal components.
Consequently, the effort for producing a constant zo for the line does
not seem to be fully justified.
The ground mode characteristics and related responses in figures R. G. Wasley and S. Selvavinayagamoorthy: We thank the discussers for
4, 6 and 8 have steeper fronts than those we usually obtain for three their comments and take the opportunity of thanking Mr. D. E. Hedman
phase lines. This, possibly, is due to the small equivalent conductor (Power Technologies, Inc., Schenectady, N.Y. 12301) for presenting the
radius, in Fig. 3. Results given by HedmanC also suggest stronger distor- paper on our behalf.
tion due to ground effects, in transmission lines with no ground wires. We agree with Prof. Semlyen that equation (18) is incorrect, but do
When comparing figures 4 and 5, it appears that the impulse re- not agree that this error invalidates subsequent equations. If derived
sponses are not properly related to the respective step responses. Present from the frequency domain, under the same assumptions, it can be
experienceB,C indicates that the forward response does not start with a shown that equations other than (18) are in fact perfectly acceptable.
steep front immediately after a travel time at light velocity (Fig. 4a). A Unfortunately, it was a matter of oversight that the latter was expressed
zero initial slope (as in Fig. 5a, but slightly later) is a more realistic as shown during our attempt to explain the line model in the time do-
representation. main. The validity of equation (31) is made clear in the Appendix, where
derivations are based on approximations to Mr. Snelson's equations.
REFERENCES The additional convolution involving Q in equation (30) gives rise
to no inherent difficulties other than the need for an increase in compu-
[A] A. Semlyen and E. Wagner, "Beitrag zum genaueren Berechnen der tational requirements. Moreover, as convolution is necessary in forward
Schaltspanungen in Hochspannungsleitungen nach dem Bergeron- response terms, it is highly desirable to include any convolution proce-
Verfahren", Elektrotechnische Zeitschrift (ETZ-A) Vol. 90, 1969, dure, accounting for the frequency dependent effects of characteristic
No. 18, pp. 436-440. impedance, at this stage and not when dealing with boundary conditions.
[B] A. Semlyen and M. C. Kwok, "Calculation of Switching Transients For this reason, the method adopted in the paper proves extremely
on Overhead Lines with Frequency Dependent Parameters, Part I- convenient.
Theory", IEEE Paper No. C 72 563-5. As pointed out by Prof. Semlyen the slopes of the ground mode
[C] D. E. Hedman, "Distortion of Travelling Waves on Three-Phase step response functions would be less steep for a larger equivalent con-
Transmission Lines", IEEE Paper No. C 73 409-0, presented at the ductor. On the other hand, for the particular example considered in the
1973 PES Summer Meeting in Vancouver. paper, the time scale is such that the sharpness of the wavefronts ap-
pears exaggerated. That is, for an expanded scale, the step response
Manuscript received July 30, 1973. functions would be seen not to start with a steep front immediately, and
would be delayed a little more than indicated because of propagation at
Xuan-Dai Do (Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Quebec, Canada): The less than the velocity of light. It is also worth mentioning that the shape
authors are to be congratulated for their interesting paper. The work of the pulse response function as derived from the step response func-
presents very useful material concerning the calculation of switching tion is dependent on the time step chosen. Thus, for a smaller time step,
surges on a single-phase line of finite length, taking into account the the initial slope of the pulse response function shown in the paper would
time dependent nature of the line characteristic impedance. However, it be less severe.
would be more interesting to see how the technique is applied to calcu- In application to multiphase untransposed lines, the concept of the
late transient responses of an untransposed three phase line since most single conductor representing an equivalent ground mode condition is
EHV lines are not transposed. In this case, the solutions for current and avoided altogether. Presentation on this basis was used simply as a means
voltage would be more complicated. If the authors have such results, of illustration. Thus, in reply to Prof. Do, it is worth mentioning that
they would render the interested people a service by commenting them. extension to the multiphase case has been achieved successfully through
the use of frequency independent modal transformation matrices. The
Manuscript received August 2, 1973. results of this work are given in a paper( 16) submitted for consideration
as a contribution to the IEEE Winter Power Meeting 1974. Using the
J. K. Snelson (Ontario Hydro, Toronto, Canada): The authors of this backward response function it is shown that the accuracy of the travel-
paper have presented some interesting additional information on ling wave method becomes comparable to the Fourier transform method
methods of handling frequency dependent transmission lines. They even in the three phase line.
correctly point out the presence of the second peak in the backward We were interested to learn of Mr. Snelson's alternative means of
response function (Fig. Sb), a feature which we became aware of after checking results, but as yet have not looked at the implication in detail.
the publication of reference [ 15] . The examples given clearly indicate Similarly, we have not been concerned with the investigation of tran-
the importance of the backward response function in giving solutions sients following the sudden application of a short circuit. Nevertheless,
accurate over a long period of time. we would agree that the effective low frequency series impedance of the
To check the accuracy of their line representation, the authors line plays an important role in determining the final power frequency
compare solutions of particular transient problems with solutions ob- current. There again, provided the response functions are suitably ex-
Manuscript received August 17, 1973.. Manuscript received October 12, 1973.

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tended to represent this long time problem, we do not foresee any REFERENCES
special difficulties.
With regard to simple analytic formulae for the response functions,
the results of some recent work by us have been presented in another (16) R. G. Wasley, S. Selvavinayagamoorthy, and A. Ametani, "Influence
paper( 17) also submitted for consideration as an IEEE publication. A of backward response functions in multiconductor transient
procedure of approximation provides short and long time formulae, analysis", submitted for presentation at the IEEE Winter Power
when we find that the long time formula alone is sufficient for repre- Meeting, 1974.
senting the backward response function, whereas to represent the for- (17) R. G. Wasley, and S. Selvavinayagamoorthy, "Approximate analytic
ward response function the two formulae are brought together by a formulae for transmission line forward and backward response
suitable curve fitting technique. In this way the accuracy achieved for functions in the time domain", submitted for presentation at the
the forward response function is extremely good. IEEE Winter Power Meeting, 1974.


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