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Vehicle Vibration and Ride - 1

R.G. Longoria
Spring 2016

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin

• 1 DOF ¼-car ride model

• Terrain descriptions for vibration
• Random excitation of ¼-car model
• 2DOF ¼-car ride model

• Appendix A (base-excited models)

• Appendix B (human response to vibration)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Sources of Vibration and Noise

Interaction of a ground vehicle with,

– road roughness
– aerodynamic forces
– engine and driveline dynamics
– tire/wheel assembly imbalance dynamics
can induce vehicle body vibration and noise.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Ride and Noise

• Ride quality refers to

– the sensation or feel of the passenger
– tactile and visual vibrations in frequency range from 0 to 25
Hz (low)
• Noise refers to
– aural vibrations
– frequency range 25 to 20,000 Hz (high)
• Ride and noise are perceived differently by humans, so
there is a need to adopt methods that help quantify and
• See Appendix B for more on human response (ref.
Wong, Ch. 7).
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
A ¼ car model can help build insight

Isolation of the body from the forces generated by the ground unevenness - tire
provides some help in this respect (ride control)

Control of tire normal forces on the ground - by following the ground surface, the tires
will have traction and lateral control (road holding control)

Wong (2001)

Karnopp and Heess (1991)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Key analysis can begin with even simpler system
models illustrating isolation function – this is a
simple system modeling ground excitation.


z g ( x)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Key analysis can begin with even simpler system
models illustrating isolation function
Understanding of transfer
You can show that: Z k s2 + (ωb) 2 Zɺ
= = functions and frequency
Y 2 2
(k − mω ) + (bω ) 2
Yɺ response is essential.

The frequency response tells us how the

amplitude or phase of the response will
depend on the frequency of the forcing Good isolation
function, y(t) (which we can relate to the
terrain profile, y(x), and the forward
velocity, V).

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
The ‘full’ ¼-car model helps provide insight into
several key measures of vehicle ride
These measures are discussed in Wong (2001) and summarized in notes provided
on Vehicle Ride. 10

At higher frequencies,
1 you may ‘feel’ more
with lighter unsprung
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.05 ) mass.
Transmissibility Ratio

2 0.1
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.10 ) A lighter unsprung mass
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.20 )
2 provides better vibration
0.01 isolation in the mid-
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.75 ) frequency range.
1 .10
Varying mass ratio
mass ratio = 1 .10

ms 0.1 1
10 100

Frequency (Hz)

The 1/4 car model is also helpful in introducing the role that controllable or
active elements can play in vehicle suspensions.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Overview of Vibration Models

• 1 DOF: “Base Excitation” – to guide initial

model formulation
• Road surface profiles – to understand how you
specify road-induced excitation
• 2 DOF: ¼-car Model – the ‘standard’ vertical
vibration model
• 2 DOF: Pitch and Bounce Model

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Vehicle Vibration Models



2 DOF for pitch and bounce

15 DOF

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Let’s first look at 1 DOF model in time-domain
vx From a FBD, in z-direction:
zm pɺ z = m = ∑ Fz = − mg − Fb − Fk
Fb = b ⋅ zɺb = b(vm − vg )
zb = z k = z m − z g Fk = k ⋅ zk = k ( zm − z g )
z g ( x)
x zɺm = vm We want to track mass position.

These 4 states are mvɺm = − mg − Fb − Fk

to be determined.
zɺk = ( zm − z g ) = vm − vg
xɺ = vx We add this equation so we can solve for x as well.
vg = ?
z g = z g ( x) = known function of longitudinal position, x Given the ground description as
a function of x, can solve for the
dz g dz g dx mass motion and spring
vg = zɺg = = = z ′g ( x) ⋅ vx deflection.
dt dx dt

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Simulation of ‘ground-excited’ mass-spring-damper
function [xdot y] = mkbg(t,x);
global k m b g vx
global zgo Lg
% physical state variables
vm = x(1);
zm = x(2);
zk = x(3);
xp = x(4);
% calculate vertical ground deflection and velocity
zg = zgo*sin(2*pi*xp/Lg);
vg = 2*pi*zgo*cos(2*pi*xp/Lg)*vx/Lg;
% forces
Fb = b*(vm-vg);
Fk = k*zk; (
vɺm = −mg − Fb − Fk ) m
% state equations
vm_dot = -g - Fb/m - Fk/m; zɺm = vm
zm_dot = vm;
zk_dot = vm - vg;
xp_dot = vx;
zɺk =(dt
zm − z g = vm − vg
xdot = [vm_dot;zm_dot;zk_dot;xp_dot];
% output variables xɺ = vx
y(1) = Fb + Fk; % total contact force
y(2) = vg; % ground velocity
y(3) = zg; % ground elevation

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Simulation of ‘ground-excited’ mass-spring-damper
% SDOF, ground-excited, mass-spring-damper system N = length(t);
% Refer to VSDC slides for model formulation for i=1:N,
% Define global parameters y = zeros(1,3);
global k m b g vx [xd y] = mkbg(t(i),x(i,:));
global zgo Lg Fc(i) = y(1); % total contact force
g = 9.81; % gravitational acceleration, m/s^2 vg(i) = y(2); % ground velocity
k = 20; % stiffness of spring, k, N/m zg(i) = y(3); % ground elevation
m = 10; % mass, m, kg end
b = .1; % linear damping coefficient, b, N*s/m %
% ground/surface profile - sinusoidal model figure(1)
Lg = 2/39.37; % wavelength, m subplot(3,1,1), plot(t,x(:,1),t,vg), legend('v_m','v_g')
zgo = 1/39.37; % ground profile amplitude, m ylabel('Velocity, m/sec')
vx = 2/39.37; % forward velocity, m/sec subplot(3,1,2), plot(t,1000*x(:,2),t,1000*zg,t,1000*(x(:,3)-x(1,3))),
% legend('z_m','z_g','z_k-z_{ko}')
% Initial conditions ylabel('Displacement, mm')
% state vector = [vm, zm, zk, xp] subplot(3,1,3), plot(t,-Fc), legend('Contact force, F_b+F_k')
x0=[0;0;-m*g/k;0]; ylabel('Force, N')
dt=0.001; % time step (for fixed-step integrator) xlabel('Time, sec')
t0 = 0.0; tf = 8; % start and final time
N = floor((tf-t0)/dt); % number of steps (for fixed-step integrator)
% call rk4fixed.m
[t,x]=rk4fixed('mkbg',[t0 tf],x0,N);
% the states are returned in the vector x:
% x(1) = vm = mass velocity
% x(2) = zm = mass position
% x(3) = zk = deflection of spring
% x(4) = xp = x-position
% defined output variables:
% y(1) = Fc = contact force
% y(2) = vg = vertical ground velocity
% y(3) = zg = vertical ground displacement

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Mass and spring motions and contact force from
simulation 0.2

Velocity, m/sec

Isolation of sprung
mass by virtue of
suspension taking up -0.2
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ground motion
Displacement, mm


0 z k-z ko

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

z g ( x)

Force, N


Contact force, Fb+Fk
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time, sec

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1 DOF “Base Excitation”
Frequency Response for Base Excitation

Z go

Zm ks2 + (ωb) 2
= ωn = k m
Z go (k − mω 2 )2 + (bω ) 2
b ωd = ωn 1 − ς 2
mbω 3 2 km
tanψ =
(k − mω 2 ) 2 + (bω ) 2
z (t ) = ⋅ Z go ⋅ sin(ωt −ψ ) These curves show the effect of damping, although all curves go
Z go through,
ω ωn = 2 See Appendix A.
z g (t ) = Z go sin(ωt )
Ref.: W.T. Thomson, “Theory of Vibration with
Applications”, Prentice-Hall, 1993.
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Using the 1 DOF Model

• To use the 1 DOF model, the input forcing

function needs to be specified. This is simply a
function of time.
• Compute amplitude of output given input.
• For a ground vehicle, we’d like to tie the input
to the type of surface being traversed.
• To do this, you need to relate the input to a
description of the ground surface, and you also
need to consider the ground speed.
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Description of Road Surface Profiles

Consider a vehicle traveling with constant speed, V. Road profile

To travel between two points X apart takes time,

τ = XV
The wavenumber of the road, γ, is a measure of the A road can then be described by a
spectrum that is a function of
rate of change with respect to distance or length.

In time, we relate period, T, to frequency, ω. In

space, we relate wavenumber, γ, to wavelength, λ.

T = 2π λ = 2π γ
Units: [ω ] = rad sec Units: [γ ] = rad m ‘cycles’/distance
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Forcing Frequency from Road Profile

Now we can see that a spatial cycle of wavelength, λ, is traversed

by a vehicle during a period, T, given by
T =λ

But this period, T, is related to frequency, ω, so we can write,

2π 2π ⋅ V  2π 
ω= = =  V = γV
T λ λ 
So you can relate frequency, ω, to a forward vehicle velocity
using the wavenumber-based description of a road profile.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Road Elevation Profile Descriptions
Gillespie (1992)
Surveys of roads use power spectral densities
plotted as functions of wavenumber.
What if this was flat?
Road profiles show a drop with spatial
frequency, as shown here.

How do you interpret this graph?

What kind of change do you ‘expect’ to see in

front of you over the next inch/cm, foot/m, or

Could you look at a graph like this and say:

“For my vehicle, this environment will be no
problem.” ?
γ = 2π λ
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Road Descriptions as Power Spectral Density (PSD)

You can develop basic functions to

For high γ
you can get
quantify these spectra.
For example, S g (γ ) = Cspγ − N

For vehicle vibration, you can

convert this to units of frequency
by the relation,

S g ( f ) = S g (γ )
Wong (2001) V
Note, Wong uses Ω here instead of γ.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Data for Road PSD Functions

From Wong (Chapter 7)
S g (γ ) = Cspγ

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
What can you do with all of this?
For a linear system (the vehicle vibration model), you can compute
the response (vibrations) by using the road profile spectrum (with
frequency transformation).

2 The input
Sv ( f ) = H ( f ) S g ( f )
Then, you can use measures,
The vibration Your linear such as:
spectrum f2
vibration rms vibration = ∫ f1
S ( f )df

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1 DOF System Base-Excited by Random Road Input (1)
Consider the base-excited system as a
model of a vehicle being driven over Y
a road that has a road profile given
by, mm 2 100 mm 2
S g (γ ) = 100 =
cycles/m 2π rad/m
This PSD is re-written in terms of
20 angular frequency using,
100 constant
= 15.915
2⋅ π 1 ω
S g (ω ) = S g (γ = )
10 ⋅S g ( γ ) 10 V V
In this case,
0 100 1 mm 2
0 1 2 S g (ω ) =
2π V rad/s
γ = 2π λ

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1 DOF System Base-Excited by Random Road Input (2)

Use the PSD as input to the transfer

function previously derived and now Y
expressed in the form,
Z 1 + (2ς r ) 2
H (ω ) = =
Y (1 − r 2 ) 2 + (2ς r ) 2
ω c k
r= ; ς= ; ωn = 2 5
ωn 2 km m H (ω )
Hmag2( r)
ω n = 2π (1.5) rad/sec
ζ = 0.1
0 2 4
This is the squared result for this case.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1 DOF System Base-Excited by Random Road Input (3)
Now apply the relation: S z (ω ) = H (ω ) S g (ω )
20 100

6 6
10 ⋅S g ( γ ) 10 10 ⋅S v ( ω )
Hmag2( r)

0 0.1
0 1 2 0 0 10 20
0 2 4
γ 2 ω
S g (ω ) H (ω ) r
S z (ω )

This is the
V = 30 km/hr power spectral 10
density (PSD) 10 ⋅S v ( ω )

of the mass 1

0 10 20

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1 DOF System Base-Excited by Random Road Input (4)
From the response PSD, you can compute the standard deviation and root-mean-
square values. Use “practical” end
points for integration.

σ = ∫ S z (ω )dω
10 ⋅S v ( ω )
z Units: rad/sec
0 10 20
S z (ω ) 20 ⋅Hza

Area under PSD σv2 :=  Sv( ω) d ω
⌡0 ⋅Hza

σv2 = 150. mm
10 ⋅S v ( ω )
RMS σv2 = 12.25 mm
0 10 20

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
1 DOF System Base-Excited by Random Road Input (5)
As a continuation, consider now a
road profile described by the
relation, S (γ ) = C γ − N 6
10 ⋅S y ( ω ) 1
g sp

For the same example, you will

find the input takes the form 0 5 10
shown to the right. In this case, 100
σv2 = 21.241 mm 10

10 ⋅S v ( ω )
σv2 = 4.609 mm 0.1


for V = 30 km/hr 1 .10

0 10 20

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Problem 7.5 (Wong)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Problem 7.5 (Wong)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin

• The base-excited model should be used to understand

the basic vibration problem in a ¼-car vehicle model.
• The transmissibility ratio illustrates the frequency
response of the base-excited mass-spring-damper
system (see also Appendix B).
• Road profiles can be transformed into input forcing
power spectral densities which ‘drive’ the system.
• Basic functions provide a way to estimate the response
spectrum and critical values such as the rms velocity
or acceleration.
• Vehicle ride models can become more complex as you
add the effect of additional masses, etc.
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Full ¼ Car Models for Ride

• The ¼ car model is used for modeling the vertical vibration of a

vehicle, taking 1/4th of the sprung mass and incorporating
associated unsprung mass (effective tire, axle, etc.).
• The mathematical (vibration) model is derived by applying
Newton’s law to each mass, identifying the forces induced on
each mass (see next slide).
• This leads to a 2 degree of freedom (DOF) model.
• For linear analysis, it is convenient to follow the traditional
model, as outlined in Wong and summarized in the following
slides. This analysis utilizes the 2nd order form of the equations.
• For cases where the suspension elements become nonlinear, or
to study the effect of semi-active or active suspension elements,
it is convenient to formulate the equations as a set of 1st order
‘state’ equations. These can be used directly in simulation and
or control system analysis.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Full ¼ Car Vehicle Model
2 DOF Model for Sprung and Unsprung Mass
From Wong Excitations from aerodynamics
and engine and driveline are
applied to sprung mass.

Tire/wheel imbalance forces are

applied to unsprung mass.

For sprung mass:

z1 + csh ( zɺ1 − zɺ2 ) + ks ( z1 − z2 ) = Vertical Forces on Sprung Mass
ms ɺɺ
How do you find these terms?
For unsprung mass:

z2 + csh ( zɺ2 − zɺ1 ) + k s ( z2 − z1 ) + ct zɺ2 + ktr z2 = F (t ) = c1 zɺ0 + ktr z0

mus ɺɺ

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
¼ Car Vehicle Model
Finding the Natural Frequencies

To find the natural frequencies, take the undamped,

unforced system,
z1 + ks ( z1 − z2 ) = 0
ms ɺɺ
z2 + k s ( z2 − z1 ) + ktr z2 = 0
mus ɺɺ
Assume the response of each variable will take form,
Wong, Fig. 7.5
z1 = Z1 cos ω nt
z2 = Z 2 cos ω nt
Plug into the equations above leads to two equations valid for any Z1 and Z2 so long as,

− msω n2 + k s −ks Characteristic equation

=0 + 2 natural frequencies.
−ks −msω + k s + ktr
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
¼ Car Vehicle Model
Calculating the Natural Frequencies

ωn4 (ms mus ) + ωn ( −ms ks − ms ktr − mus ks ) + ks ktr = 0

Two solutions: 2
2 B1 − B1 − 4 A1C1
ωn1 =
2 A1
2 B1 + B1 − 4 A1C1
ωn 2 =
2 A1

ωn1 = 6.563 rad/sec ω n1,2 A1 = ms mus

f n1 = 1.045 Hz
f n1,2 = B1 = ms ks + ms ktr + mus ks

ωn 2 = 66.19 rad/sec C1 = ks ktr
f n 2 = 10.54 Hz

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
¼ Car Vehicle Model
Approximating the Natural Frequencies

For a typical passenger car, the sprung mass can

1 1 ks ktr 1 RR be an order of magnitude larger than unsprung
f n− s = =
2π ms ks + ktr 2π ms mass, while the suspension stiffness is an order of
magnitude lower than the equivalent tire stiffness.
RR = ride rate

1 ks + ktr Case 1: Neglect mus, find equivalent stiffness (RR)

f n −us =
2π mus Case 2: Assume vehicle acts like ‘big inertia’ and
mus bounces between ground and inertia
See also Gillespie (1992), p. 148

f n − s = 1.045 Hz
f n −us = 10.53 Hz

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Using ¼ car approximations

• Unsprung mass is often an order of magnitude higher than

sprung mass (for passenger vehicles).
• Damping ratio in shock absorbers is usually in the range 0.2 to
• Damping in tire is usually very small.
• You can approximate damped natural frequency with natural
frequency in many cases.
ς= ωd = ωn 1 − ς 2
2 km
NOTE: With a computer, easy enough to solve these problems, but sometimes it is
good to get ‘feel’ for magnitudes.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Static Deflection vs. Natural Frequency
For ‘standard’ passenger vehicles, you can approximate sprung natural frequency
from static deflection.

ktr >> ks

1 1 ks ktr 1 ks
f n− s = ≈
2π ms ks + ktr 2π ms

1 ks 10
f n− s ≈ g ≈
2π W ∆
10 ∆ = static deflection
f n2− s = ∆ = mg
∆ k
From Gillespie (1992)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Insight into Wheel Hop Resonance
Resonance of the unsprung mass
Typical wheel hop resonance

lbf lbf
W wheel := 100⋅ lbf Kt := 1000⋅ Ks := 100⋅
in in
W wheel
mus :=
1 Kt + Ks
fn_us := ⋅
2⋅ π mus 1
fn_us = 10.372 Hz

Gillespie (1992)

1 ks + ktr
f n −us ≐
2π mus
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Problem 7.1 (Wong)

NOTE: In 4th ed., these equation

numbers are 7.20 and 7.21,

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Problem 7.1 (Wong)

NOTE: In 4th ed., these equation numbers are 7.22 and 7.24,

NOTE: In 4th ed., these

equation numbers are 7.23 and
7.25, respectively.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Insight from ¼ Car Transfer Functions

Linear transfer functions allow for analysis in the frequency

domain, and the relationships between different variables
provide insight into different suspension characteristics:

• Vibration isolation – response of sprung mass to ground input

• Suspension travel – deflection of suspension spring or relative

displacement between sprung and unsprung mass with respect
to road surface profile

• Road-holding – critically depends on the normal force acting

between the tire and the road surface (dynamic tire deflection)

*Reference Wong, Ch. 7, pp. 442-453

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Transfer Functions for ¼ Car Model -
Vibration Isolation 1 10
You may ‘feel’ more
higher frequency
vibration with a lighter
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.05 )
2 unsprung mass.

Transmissibility Ratio
2 0.1
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.10 ) A lighter unsprung mass
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.20 )
2 provides better vibration
0.01 isolation in the mid-
TR ( 2 ⋅π ⋅ f , 0.75 ) frequency range.
1 .10
Varying mass ratio
mass ratio = 1 .10

ms 0.1 1
10 100

Frequency (Hz)

This is a measure of “vibration isolation”, or the response of the sprung mass to

the excitation from the ground. Here we look at the effect of the ratio of
unsprung to sprung mass (0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.75).

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Transfer Functions for ¼ Car Model -
Vibration Isolation 2
stiffness ratio = In this region, you get
ks better isolation with a
stiffer tire.

As expected, a stiffer tire

(relative to suspension)
transmits more force to
sprung mass.

A higher stiffness ratio corresponds to a

softer suspension spring stiffness.
Varying stiffness ratio
Softer suspension provides better
overall isolation, except in mid region.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Transfer Functions for ¼ Car Model -
Vibration Isolation 3

In this region, you get

Varying damping better isolation with
lower damping ratio.

Higher damping is better

in the vicinity of the
natural frequency of the
sprung mass.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Transfer Functions for ¼ Car Model -
Suspension Travel
( z2 − z1 )max At frequencies below
the natural frequency of
the sprung mass, a
z0 softer suspension leads
to higher suspension

This is measured by deflection Stiff suspension

of the suspension spring or by Soft suspension
relative displacement of the
Varying stiffness ratio
sprung and unsprung masses.

Effect of tire to suspension

stiffness is shown.
This helps identify “rattle space”.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Transfer Functions for ¼ Car Model -
Dynamic Tire Deflection
Not good!

( z0 − z2 )max
Light damping

Bad shock

Varying damping ratio

Wong (2001)
This is a measure of “road holding”, since the dynamic tire deflection ratio
shown is a measure of the normal force on the ground contact.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Transfer Functions for ¼ Car Model -
Dynamic Tire Deflection

( z0 − z2 )max Stiffer suspension

z0 leads to better
road holding.

See Problem 7.6 Varying stiffness ratio

Wong (2001)
Better vibration isolation with softer suspension, but to get better road-
holding at a frequency of excitation close to the unsprung mass natural
frequency, a stiffer suspension spring should be used.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Problem 7.6 (Wong)

ktrδ tr = (total weight)=ms g + mus g

NOTE: In 4th ed.,

this is Fig. 7.17.

2π 2π ⋅ V  2π 
ω= = =  V = γ V V = fλ
T λ λ 

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Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Example: Off-road axle change
A former student relayed this story:
• He and friends did off-road driving in jeeps.
• A friend changed the standard CJ-7 axle to
heavier Toyota Land Cruiser axles.
• Why would he do that?
• These performed well off-road, but after a year,
the chassis cracked.
• Can you explain why this happened?

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Simulation of ¼ Car Model
• We can envision at least two cases where we
must absolutely utilize computer simulation for
the basic ¼ car model:
– To find time-domain response to irregular surface
– To find response given suspension and/or tire
• To arrive at the appropriate model, you must:
– Convert the 2nd order equations into 1st order form
– Derive directly as 1st order equations (bond graph?)

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
3 Ways to Use a ¼ Car Model

Approach Result/Usage
Intuitive understanding based on Understanding of the influence of
approximations and knowledge of sprung and unsprung masses, etc., on
1 natural frequencies and their suspension performance.
relative magnitudes.

Derive and develop transfer Insight into vibration isolation,

2 functions between variables of suspension travel, and road holding
interest. capabilities.

Develop differential equations for Time-domain simulations, allow

3 direct numerical integration. nonlinear effects, active system
integration, transient evaluation.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin

• Basic 1 and 2 DOF models provide good tools for studying the
dependence of ride performance on component parameter
• Ride analysis focuses on vibrational response of a vehicle to
road excitation, allowing study of the dependence on the
distribution of mass, stiffness, and damping.
• The transfer function models can also show how some
objectives can be at odds with others (introducing the need for
• It can take time and experience to use basic models effectively,
so nonlinear simulation ends up being a strong tool that can help
overcome difficulties with building insight.
• Later we will examine how active elements and feedback
principles are used in controlled suspensions.
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin

1. W.T. Thomson, “Theory of Vibration with Applications”,

Prentice-Hall, 1993.
2. Gillespie, T.D., Fundamentals of Vehicle Dynamics, SAE,
Warrendale, PA, 1992.
3. Liljedahl, et al, “Tractors and their power units,” ASAE, St.
Joseph, MI, 1996.
4. Wong, J.Y., Theory of Ground Vehicles, John Wiley and
Sons, Inc., New York, 2001.
5. Karnopp, D. and G. Heess, “Electonically Controllable
Vehicle Suspensions,” Vehicle System Dynamics, Vol. 20,
No. 3-4, pp. 207-217, 1991.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Appendix A

Base-excited model and analysis

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Appendix A – 1
Ref. Thomson, 1993

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Appendix A – 2
Ref. Thomson, 1993

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Appendix A – 3
Ref. Thomson, 1993

ζ =

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Appendix B

Human response to vibration

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Human Response and Perception

• Subjective ride measurements

• Shaker table tests (mostly sinusoidal,
• Ride simulator tests - can induce
multidirectional vehicle motion
• Ride measurements in vehicles

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Vertical Vibration Limits

From Ride and Vibration Data

Manual (SAE).

“Janeway’s comfort criterion” -

based on sinusoidal vibration
(single frequency)
Wong (2001)
1-6 Hz: “jerk” should not exceed 12.6
6-20 Hz: peak acceleration less than 0.33
20-60 Hz: peak velocity less than 2.7
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Standards: ISO 2631

• For evaluation of vibrational environments in

transport vehicles and in industry.

• Three distinct limits are defined for whole-body

vibration in 1 to 80 Hz frequency range.
– Exposure limits (safety related)
– Fatigue or decreased proficiency (efficiency)
– Reduced comfort

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
ISO 2631

Vertical vibration Transverse vibration

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Octave Bands
f n +1
Octave bands are geometrically related by the recursive relation, = 2k

Where the two frequencies, fn and fn+1 are successive band limits (lower and upper),
and the index k is a positive integer or a fraction according to a whole octave or
fractional octave.

For example, if k = 1, the ratio between successive bands is 2. If k = 1/3, then the
ratio between the upper and lower band limits is 1.26.

Associated with each band is a center frequency, fc, which is given by the geometric
mean, f = f f
c n +1 n

An octave bandwidth is, f n+1 − f n = BW (bandwidth)

Contrast this with a decade. If you advance a decade, it is a 10-times increase.

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering

Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Other Issues and Definitions

• Below 1 Hz exposure leads to motion sickness,

so different standards are set for 0.1 to 1 Hz.
• Absorbed power is a common standard, found
by product of vibration force and velocity
transmitted to human body.
• Absorbed power is used especially in
specifying military vehicle vibration tolerance
levels. For example, 6 W is sometimes referred
to as the maximum amount a human can be
exposed to (and still do their job).
ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin
Vehicle Ride Transfer Functions

From Bekker (1969) h=Hinterseite=front, v = Vorderseite=rear

ME 360/390 – Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering
Vehicle System Dynamics and Control The University of Texas at Austin

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