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Ƨ  s common name is ANEPONYM, referring o c 
m , e
German surgeon (1867ʹ1918) wo firs described is kind of
Ƨ diagnosed only wen e umor(s) is/are already big, bu
before e cancer me as asize (spreads rougou e body)
Ƨ cancer of e kidneys a ypically occurs in cildren, rarely
in adul s
Ƨ usually s rikes wen a cild is abou 3 years old
Ƨ risk of developing Wilms' umor is slig ly iger in girls an in
Ƨ S ages:
 - cancer is only found in e kidney
 - cancer as spread deeper in o o er par s of e kidney and o nearby blood vessels, bu
was comple ely removed by surgery. No cancer cells are found a e edges of e area were e
umor was removed.
 - cancer as spread beyond e kidney area o nearby lymp nodes or o er s ruc ures
wi in e abdomen
  - cancer as spread o dis an s ruc ures suc as e lungs, liver or brain
 - cancer cells affec bo  kidneys


Ƨ cue o loss or inac iva ion of a umor suppressor gene called m on cromosome 11. Tumor suppressor
genes usually suppress e grow  of umors and con rol cell grow .


Ƨ According o e Na ional Cancer ns i u e (2007), e iges incidence of kidney cancer occurs in e
Uni ed S a es, Canada, Nor ern Europe, Aus ralia, and New Zealand. Te lowes incidence is found in
Tailand, Cina, and e Pilippines.
Ƨ n Pilippines, Cildood cancers are e - disease killer of cildren - more an as ma, cys ic fibrosis,
diabe es, and pedia ric AcS combined.
Ƨ According o cOH, Wilm͛s Tumor§compromises G of all cildood cancers


Ƨ A firm, non- ender mass in e upper quadran of e abdomen is usually e presen ing sign.  may be

on ei er side.
Ƨ Abdominal pain wic is rela ed o rapid grow  of e umor.
Ƨ As e umor enlarges, pressure may cause cons ipa ion, vomi ing, abdominal dis ress, anorexia, weig
loss and dyspnea.
c  ¬ 

Ƨ Abdominal ul rasound de ec s e umor and assesses e s a us of e opposi e kidney

Ƨ Ces X-ray and CT scan may be done o iden ify me as asis
Ƨ MR or CT scan of e abdomen may be done o evalua e local spread o lymp nodes
Ƨ Urine specimens sow ema uria; no increase in vanillylmandelic acid and omovanillic acid levels as
occurs wi  neuroblas oma
Ƨ Comple e blood coun , blood cemis ries, especially serum elec roly es, uric acid, renal func ion es s,
and liver func ions es s, are done for baseline measuremen and o de ec me as asis


Ƨ ns ruc pa ien /SO o prac ice s ric and wasing before and af er ea ing or before and af er using e
oile o preven e spread of infec ion among e family members and o reduce e risk of wound
infec ion.
Ƨ Encourage pa ien o wear mask o preven inaling microorganisms because pa ien is
Ƨ ns ruc pa ien ͛s mo er o keep pa ien ͛s fingernails clean and sor o preven from scra cing a
resul s in skin injury.
Ƨ ns ruc pa ien /SO o clean orougly fres frui s before ea ing o avoid from inges ion of pa ogens
and any microorganisms.
Ƨ ns ruc SO o provide a smoke free and dus free environmen for e pa ien o avoid nasal irri a ion
a mig aggrava e pa ien ͛s condi ion.
Ƨ ns ruc SO o cange bed linens rice a week o preven o preven dwelling of microbes, dus and
viruses in e linens.
Ƨ Clean skin surface wi  running wa er and mild soap af er cange of dressing o reduce skin
con aminan s.
Ƨ f pa ien canno ake a ba , offer im regular sponge ba ing wen clien verbalized feeling of
discomfor o promo e comfor and well-being.
Ƨ Tell e mo er o make sure a er cild avoid vigorous exercise or ac ivi ies and exaus ion and
always ave res periods.
Ƨ ns ruc pa ien o limi body movemen s, especially bending is back.
Ƨ Avoid prodding or pusing on e cild's belly area o avoid injury o e umor si e.
Ƨ Encourage walking soon af er surgery for early re urn bowel func ion, promo es effec ive brea ing,
mobilizes secre ions, improves circula ion, preven s s iffness of join s and relieves pressure
Ƨ nform e mo er o inspec surgical si e/size, no ing carac eris ics and in egri y o recognize early or
delayed ealing/developing complica ion may preven a more serious si ua ion suc as infec ion.
Ƨ Moni or surgical dressing, placemen , and bleeding o make appropria e referrals if ere are significan
findings suc as ypovolemic sock.
Ƨ Moni or e vi al signs especially e empera ure because pa ien mig ave infec ion already.
Ƨ Measure and record e abdominal gir  of e pa ien because se as iger risk of aving
spleenomegaly and aepa omegaly due o e condi ion.
Ƨ Prepare favori e foods o gain weig for upcoming cemo erapy because er appe i e may decrease
Ƨ Avoid legumes because i is ig in purines wic produce uric acid a can deposi in e kidneys in e
form of ura e s ones.
Ƨ ns ruc e mo er o follow e medica ion program carefully. Te drugs prescribed o pa ien are
designed o preven various complica ions and o rea e condi ion.
Ƨ S ric ly ins ruc e mo er no o give any medicines, over- e-coun er drugs, vi amins, erbs, or food
supplemen s o er cild wi ou firs alking o pysician.
Ƨ Teac e SO on ow o adminis er e medica ion, i s correc rou e, dosage, and iming.

M  M  


Surgery is e main rea men approac used in pa ien s wi  Wilms' umor in e USA. n Europe, e
pa ien undergoes surgery af er ey receive cemo erapy.

Surgical removal of e kidney issue is called neperec omy. Tere are four ypes of neperec omy
performed in pa ien s wi  Wilms͛ umor:

Y§    . curing is surgery, e doc or removes e en ire kidney were e umor is
presen .
Y§ Ã

 curing is surgery, e doc or removes e umor oge er wi  e
surrounding kidney issue.

. curing is surgery, e doc or removes e umor oge er wi  e en ire
kidney, e ure ers ( in ube a carries e urine from e kidney o e urine bladder), e adrenal
gland, e fa issue a capsules e kidney, and some imes wi  e adjacen lymp nodes.
Y§ • 
  curing is surgery, e doc or ries o remove only e umor wi  as li le
damage o e kidney issue as possible.


Cemo erapy is a sys emic rea men (affec s cells rougou e en ire body) a uses drugs ei er o
s op e abnormal grow  and dividing process of e cancer cells, or o kill e cancer cells. Tis rea men can be
adminis ra ed as pills, roug injec ions, or roug a ca e er placed in a blood vessel.



Tis is a rea men approac wic uses ig-energy rays or par icles o des roy cancerous cells. Te mos
common ype of radia ion erapy used in pa ien s wi  Wilms' umor is   

wic uses an
ex ernal device (linear accelera or) o genera e ig-energy rays a focus on e umor.

Tis ype of rea men is of en use along wi  surgery in advanced s ages of Wilms' umor pa ien s (s age
, V, and V) or in early s ages (s age  a nd ) if e umor as an unfavorable is ology.


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