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Manual and automated reticulocyte counts

Mackelly Simionatto1, Josiane Padilha de Paula2, Michele Ana Flores Chaves3,

Márcia Bortoloso3, Domenic Cicchetti4, Maria Suely Soares Leonart1 and
Aguinaldo José do Nascimento1
Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas da Universidade Federal do Paraná,
Curitiba, PR, Brazil
Departamento de Ciências Farmacêuticas, Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa, Campus
Uvaranas, Ponta Grossa, PR, Brazil
Centro de Ciências Médicas e Farmacêuticas da Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná,
Cascavel, PR, Brazil
Department of Biometry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, USA

Manual reticulocyte counts were examined under light microscopy, using the property whereby
supravital stain precipitates residual ribosomal RNA versus the automated flow methods, with the
suggestion that in the latter there is greater precision and an ability to determine both mature and
immature reticulocyte fractions. Three hundred and forty-one venous blood samples of patients
were analyzed of whom 224 newborn and the rest adults; 51 males and 66 females, with ages
between 0 and 89 years, as part of the laboratory routine for hematological examinations at the
Clinical Laboratory of the Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná. This work aimed to compare
manual and automated methodologies for reticulocyte countings and evaluate random and
systematic errors. The results obtained showed that the difference between the two methods was
very small, with an estimated 0.4% systematic error and 3.9% random error. Thus, it has been
confirmed that both methods, when well conducted, can reflect precisely the reticulocyte counts
for adequate clinical use.
Keywords: Hematology, reticulocytes count, statistical analysis

Introduction after supravital staining, contains a minimum of two

Manual methodology is used in small and medium particles of the stained material, corresponding to
sized laboratories, due to the lack of appropriate nucleic acid precipitations.2,3
automated equipment and the low cost in relation to Visual counting of reticulocytes under light micro-
the automated methodology.1 In medium sized scopy was developed in 1940 and is based on the
laboratories, the electronic devices are not always property whereby the supravital stain precipitates the
used due to the cost of specific reagents supplied by remaining portions of ribosomal RNA.2,4,5 This
the manufacturer. method is rapidly being replaced by automated flow
The identification of the reticulocytes by both methods, which are considered to have much greater
methods must be in accordance with the standard of precision and the ability to determine the maturation
the College of American Pathologists that in 1986 level of the reticulocytes as expressed by the
defined the reticulocyte as any anucleate red cell that, immature reticulocyte fraction as well as by a variety
of other important factors, which include both the
volume and concentration of hemoglobin.3,6,7
Correspondence to: A. J. Nascimento, Av. Pres. Kennedy, 811, Ap. 61, 80 Studies on reticulocyte counting in clinical labora-
220-201 Curitiba, PR, Brazil
E-mail: tories are of great importance in quality control.

ß W. S. Maney & Son Ltd 2010

Received 30 November 2009; accepted 5 March 2010
406 DOI 10.1179/102453310X12647083621128 Hematology 2010 VOL 15 NO 6
Simionatto et al. Reticulocyte counts

Recently, Simionatto et al.8 analyzed the agreement was diluted according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
among 12 cytologists evaluating 25 slides for manual tions. Brilliant cresyl blue 1 g/dl (Sigma-Aldrich
reticulocyte counting, and reported a random error of Brasil, São Paulo, SP, Brazil) was diluted in sodium
between 7 and 40%. citrate 3 g/dl, NaCl 0.85 g/dl, pH 7.0, and new
Studies on errors and standardization for the methylene blue 1 g/dl (Icn Biomedicals, Irvine, CA,
manual methods, and alternatives for the counters USA) in phosphate buffer 150 mmol/l, pH 6.48, after
reagents, are relevant. The aim of this work was the dilutions of 1 : 10, 1 : 20, 1 : 40, 1 : 80 and 1 : 100.
comparison between manual and automated meth- Statistical analyses
odologies for reticulocyte countings, evaluation of
Statistical analyses were accomplished by the appli-
random and systematic errors, and a proposal of
cation of analysis of variance (ANOVA), one way or
alternative dye for Cell Dyn 3500 SL – Abbott
two way models, and regression analyses, using Excel
hemocytometer (Abbott Diagnostics, Abbott Park,
spread sheets (Microsoft) or statistical package
Statistica 8.0 (StatSoft). Statistical significance was
considered to be P(0.05.
Material and methods
Blood samples
Results and discussion
Three hundred and forty-one venous blood samples
Using the protocols for evaluation of manual and
were selected of patients, of whom 224 were newborn,
automated blood cell counts of the National
51 were male, and 66 were female. The sample ranged
Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards and
in age from the newborn up to 89 years. The patients
the International Committee for Standardization in
were examined, as part of standard laboratory
Haematology, both techniques were evaluated in a
routine for hematological examinations, after
medium sized clinical laboratory at Paraná, Brazil.4
informed consent was obtained by patients or their
During the experiments, it was found that the
responsible others. Approval was given by the Ethical
automated method demanded special precautions
Committee for Research Involving Humans, Setor de
such as avoiding bubbles when agitating the sample
Saúde da Universidade Federal do Paraná. The
in the reagent bottle, incubating sample-stain diluent
criterion for the sample election was the clinical
suspensions at room temperature, and protecting the
request for reticulocyte count. No restriction was
sample from exposure to light. It should be empha-
made for sex, age or clinical history of each patient
sized that these precautions are not to be found in the
under clinical care. All the procedures were carried
manufacturer’s manual. For this work, the reaction
out in the Laboratory of Clinical Analyses of the
occurred after 15 minute incubation and approxi-
Hospital Universitário do Oeste do Paraná,
mately 1 minute for each measurement. The whole
Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná.
process was performed over a 2 hour period. Despite
Visual count reticulocytes under light microscopy the great number of samples processed, we were able
Manual reticulocyte counting was carried out accord- to both meet the time limit of the standard
ing to Lewis et al.9 with modifications as described by determination and to prevent errors, even if the
Simionato et al..8 Aliquots of 100 ml of new methylene suspension presented stability, as informed by the
blue stain (Laborclin, Curitiba, PR, Brazil) were added manufacturer.
to 200 ml of blood when packed red blood cell volume Comparison for the results of reticulocyte counts
(PCV)>30% or 250 ml of blood with PCV(29%, and obtained with manual and automated methods was
incubated at 37uC for 20–25 minutes. analyzed by appropriate ANOVA models and
Automated counting
demonstrates that there were no statistically signifi-
cant differences in average performance (P50.21).
Reticulocyte counting under automated methodology
The remaining results are described in Table 1.
was made in accordance with the manufacturer’s
Figure 1 illustrates the frequency histogram of
instructions (Cell Dyn 3500 SL, Abbott Diagnostics).
reticulocyte counts data for manual and automated
Results of the reticulocyte counts were expressed in
methods. The frequency histogram tells how many
items are in each class of reticulocyte counts. It is
Commercial and alternative dyes observed that the frequency distribution profile of the
Comparative reticulocyte counting under automated data for both methods was very similar, and that two
methodology (Cell Dyn 3500 SL, Abbott Diagnostics) different samples were observed, with averages
was performed on 50 samples. Commercial reagent ranging from 2 to 6% and 10 to 14%. This

Hematology 2010 VOL 15 NO 6 407

Simionatto et al. Reticulocyte counts

Manual method according to Lewis et al. (2006); automated method in Cell Dyn 3500 SL (Abbott Diagnostics); N. of
obs., number of observations. Data for patients (341) were obtained in two independent determinations
Figure 1 Frequency histogram of reticulocyte counts (%) for manual and automated data

observation is clearly due to the population hetero- around the regression line for measurements above
geneity, composed of adult and newborn patients. 10% of the reticulocyte counts.
The samples were composed of 65.4% newborns, and Davis10 pointed out high precision for electronic
34.6% children and adults, and serve to explain the counters. Riley et al.5 showed that the comparison of
major frequency of high reticulocyte counts that has the reticulocyte counting on flow cytometry with the
resulted. According to Riley et al.,5 age and other manual methodology, resulted in an excellent corre-
physiological variations may exert a strong influence lation (R50.984). Similarly, Fernández et al.11
on reticulocyte counts. obtained R50.880 for the two methods, and they
Figure 2 shows the scatterplot of the data for
reticulocyte counts obtained with manual and auto-
mated methods. The regression data indicate a
systematic error of only 0.4% higher for the
automated method relative to the manual method.
The random error calculated as 12R2 was only 3.9%.
It can be observed that the data are slightly dispersed

Table 1 Comparison in reticulocyte counts (%) between

manual and automated methods*

Conf. lim.

Methods N Means SD SE 295% z95% Min. Max.

Totals 682 6.65 4.69 0.18 6.29 7.00 0.40 21.10

Manual 341 6.42 4.62 0.25 5.93 6.92 0.40 18.60
Automated 341 6.87 4.75 0.26 6.36 7.38 0.82 21.10 Manual method according to Lewis et al. (2006); auto-
9 mated method in Cell Dyn 3500 SL (Abbott
*Manual method according to Lewis et al.; automated method
in Cell Dyn 3500 SL (Abbott Diagnostics). Diagnostics); R50.980; R250.961; solid line fitting the
N, sample sizes; SD, standard deviation; SE, standard error of equation (auto50.3917z1.00856manual); dotted lines
means; Conf. lim., 295% confidence limits; Min., minimun value; for 95% confidence limits. Data for patients (341) were
Max, maximum value. obtained in two independent determinations
Data for patients (341) were obtained in two independent Figure 2 Scatterplot for data of reticulocyte counts (%) of
determinations. manual and automated methods

408 Hematology 2010 VOL 15 NO 6

Simionatto et al. Reticulocyte counts

among a large number of cells in adequate fields by

visual count microscopy or the use of automated
method, under quality control monitoring, reflect
reticulocyte counts that are precise and trustworthy
for the diagnosis and monitoring of therapies in
patients with hematological illnesses, thereby pro-
moting quality in the clinical laboratory.

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Hematology 2010 VOL 15 NO 6 409

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