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12/15/2017 (2) Chida Nanda - Posts

UBTLE sounds which indicate progress in KUNDALINI YOG MEDITATION------

When the Yoga enters into deeper states of trance, the heat of the Kundalini begins to course through the body, the
subtle body is activated and the brain experiences a reverberating natural silence.
Yogi experiences a sense of purity, rejuvenation and alertness within. At this point, one may hear subtle sounds in
the ear, smell burning incense or floral fragrances (which have non-worldly origin) and gain sight into the occult
worlds. The sounds which the Yogin hears tend to vary depending on the inner plane of consciousness to which one
is currently attuned. This post is a collection of these subtle sounds as noted in various ancient scriptures. As we
see, there is lot of similarity in these descriptions.
The Yoga Upanishads------
The Yoga Upanishads are a subset of the Upanishads which contain various techniques and experiences of Yoga.
The following passage is from the Hamsa-Upanishad :-----
It (Nada, sound) is (begun to be heard as) of ten kinds. The first is Chini (like the sound of that word); the second is
Chini-Chini; the third is the sound of bell; the fourth is that of conch; the fifth is that of Tantiri (lute); the sixth is that
sound of Tala (cymbals); the seventh is that of flute; the eighth is that of Bheri (drum); the ninth is that of Mridanga
(double drum); and the tenth is that of clouds (viz., thunder). He may experience the tenth without the first nine
sounds (through the initiation of a Guru).
And this is from the Nadabindu-Upanishad -----
The Yogi should always listen to the sound (nada) in the interior of his right ear. This sound, when constantly
practiced, will drown every sound (dhvani from outside …. By persisting … the sound will be heard subtler and
subtler. At first, it will be like what is produced by the ocean (jaladhi), the cloud (jimuta), the kettle-drum (bheri), and
the water-fall (nirjhara) . … A little later it will be like the sound produced by a tabor (mardala, or small drum), a big
bell (ghanta), and a military drum (kahala); and finally like the sound of the tinkling bell (kinkin), the bamboo-flute
(vamsa), the harp (vina) and the bee (bhramara).
The Darsana-Upanishad describes----
the sounds heard when the consciousness becomes centered in the Brahmarandhra (anterior fontanelle), located in
the top-center region of the head:
When air (prana) enters the Brahmarandhra, nada (sound) is also produced there. resembling at first the sound of a
conchblast (sankha-dhvani) and like the thunder-clap (megha-dhvani) in the middle; and when the air has reached
the middle of the head, like the roaring of a mountain cataract (giri-prasravana) Thereafter, 0 great wise one! the
Atman, mightily pleased, will actually appear in front of thee. Then there will be the ripeness of the knowledge of
Atman(Divine) from Yoga and the disowning by the Yogi of worldly existence.
The Shiva-Samhita----
This revelation comes from the Shiva-Samhita
Let him close the ears with his thumbs …. This is my most beloved Yoga. From practicing this gradually, the Yogi
begins to hear mystic sounds (nadas). The first sound is like the hum of the honey-intoxicated bee (matta-bhrnga),
next that of a flute (venu), then of a harp (vina); after this, by the gradual practice of Yoga, the destroyer of the
darkness of the world, he hears the sounds of ringing bells (ghanta) then sounds like roar of thunder (megha).
Ramakrishna Paramahansa------
his dialogue is from The Gospel of Ramakrishna, where Ramakrishna Paramahansa describes the mellifluous
Anahata sound which reverberates through the Universe. This is analogous but not the same as the Cosmic
Microwave Background radiation.
Prankrishna (to the Master): “Sir, what is the Anahata sound?”
Master: “It is a spontaneous sound constantly going on by itself. It is the sound of the Pranava, Om. It originates in
the Supreme Brahman and is heard by yogis. People immersed in worldliness do not hear it. A yogi alone knows that
this sound originates both from his navel and from the Supreme Brahman resting on the Ocean of Milk
Hatha Yoga Pradipika------
In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, the following verses (verse number is indicated in parentheses) detail the subtle sounds
which are heard.
When the Brahma knot (in the heart) is pierced through by Pranayama, then a sort of happiness is experienced in
the vacuum of the heart, and the anahat sounds, like various tinkling sounds of ornaments, are heard in the body.
By this means the Vishnu knot (in the throat) is pierced which is indicated by highest pleasure experienced, And then 1/3
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the Bheri sound (like the beating of a kettle drain) is evolved in the vacuum in the throat.
In the third stage, the sound of a drum is known to arise in the Sunya(space) between the eyebrows, and then the
Vayu goes to the Mahasunya, which is the home of all the siddhis.
When the Rudra knot is pierced and the air enters the seat of the Lord (the space between the eyebrows), then the
perfect sound like that of a flute is produced.
In the first stage, the sounds are surging, thundering like the beating of kettle drums and jingling ones. In the
intermediate stage, they are like those produced by conch, Mridanga, bells, &c.
In the last stage, the sounds resemble those from tinklets, flute, Veena, bee, &c. These various kinds of sounds are
heard as being produced in the body.
Anahata sounds ----
Anahata sounds (or the melody) are the mystic sounds heard by the Yogi at the beginning of his cycle of meditation.
This subject is termed Nada-Anusandhana or an enquiry into the mystic sounds. This is a sign of purification of the
Nadis or astral currents, due to Pranayama. The sounds can also be heard after the uttering of the Ajapa Mantra,
The sounds are heard through the right ear with or without closing the ears. The sounds are distinct when heard
through closed ears. The ears can be closed by introducing the two thumbs into the ears through the process of Yoni
Mudra. Sit in Padma or Siddha Asana, close the ears with right and left thumbs, and hear the sounds very
attentively. Occasionally, you can hear the sounds through the left ear also. Practise to hear from the right ear only.
Why do you hear through the right ear only or hear distinctly through the right ear? Because of the solar Nadi
(Pingala) which is on the right side of the nose. The Anahata sound is also called Omkara Dhvani. It is due to the
vibration of Prana in the heart.
Yogic Explanation of OM (Aum) Sound------
The OM sound emanates from the chakras of the deeply meditating yogi.These chakras or six spinal centers are
said to be located in the medulla oblongata, cervical, dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal region of the astral spine
spoken of in some Modern Yoga treatises
. Apparently, each chakra emits a particular sound that may be heard by the deeply meditating yogi. “When the eyes
become calm and quiet, you should be able to see a light, but it is more important that you hear the astral sounds of
the cerebrospinal centers, or the Om sound. First you may hear the buzzing of a bee, then a flute, then a harp
seemingly playing beautifully far off in the distance. This is the harp of heavenly astral music. Then you may hear a
sound as of a huge gong-bell; and finally will follow the great rolling sound of Om like a bursting sea–like the sound
of many water.
Sometimes Yogi’s claim to hear wonderful sounds. But, there is similarity between yogic explanations of the “quality”
of sounds which overlaps with medical descriptions of imaginary sounds from tinnitus.
Tinnitus vs Om: Medical Explanation of Phantom Sounds
Alternatively, we can find that the OM and the yogic chakra sounds have a medical explanation. Tinnitus is a medical
condition of hearing phantom noises in your ears. According to American Tinnitus Association, 1-in-5 people have
tinnitus and experience noises to various degrees of intensity, volume, pulse, and tone. Yogi’s descriptions of the OM
and the chakra sounds are very similar to the imaginary noises heard by persons with tinnitus. Hearing imaginary
buzzing, hissing, roaring, ocean noises, and even music in your ears are all the symptoms of tinnitus as described by
medical doctors. Someone with tinnitus, say physicians, has his or her own individualized sound fingerprints which
varies from person-to-person. Ironically, the phantom noises caused by tinnitus resemble sounds yogis claim to
come from the OM or to emanate from the chakras or six spinal centers.
Science has yet to find evidence of chakras or of astral spinal centers in the human body. Yoga theories and
doctrines — from ancient Vedas, Upanishads, Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, and Modern Yoga texts — each have
different, if not contradictory, descriptions of the yoga chakras. So we find little consensus, or no unified theory, of
chakras among the yogic literature. The chakras are important only in our above discussion to compare the sounds
of OM, explained by meditating yogis, to the symptoms of tinnitus, explained by physicians.
AS my personal experience our UPNISHADS has no comparison& giving direction like a FLAMBEAU in dark.SAINT
KABIR says;-------
A SADHAK can get the meaning of these lines-----SHIVOHAM 2/3
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