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Countable nouns (count nouns):

Countable nouns have a singular and a plural form. In plural, these nouns can be used with a number-
they can be counted. (That's why they are called "countable nouns").

Example:1 friend, 2 friends, 3 friends...

1 book, 2 books, 3 books...

Countable nouns take many.

100 friends – many friends

Uncountable nouns (uncount / non-count nouns):

Uncountable nouns can only be used in singular. These nouns cannot be used with a number- they can't
be counted. (That's why they are called "uncountable nouns").


I have a lot of money. (Not 1000 money)

You say I drink a lot of milk. (Not 5 milk)

Uncountable nouns take much.


100 money – much money

Note: Of course you can count money, milk, meat; but then you would use the currency, liter, kilo,
glass,...and say that you have got:

 5 euros or dollars... (but not 5 money).

 2 liters, pints, glasses... of milk (but not 2 milk)
 3 kilos... of meat (but not 3 meat)
 10 bottles of mineral water... (but not 10 mineral water)

Interrogativa Negativa Afirmativa

How many books are there? There aren´t many There are many books
There are a lot
There are a lot of books
There are lots of books

How much money have you got I haven´t got much I have got much money
I´ve got a lot
I´ve got lots of money
I´ve got a lot of money
Adverbios de grado o intensidad

Los adverbios de grado o intensidad o ' adverbs of degree'

expresan la intensidad con la que se realiza la acción.

Los adverbios de grado más usuales son:

Almost - casi
Very - mucho
Completely - completamente
Greatly - grandemente
Extremely - extremadamente
much (mách) - mucho
so much (sóu mach) - tanto
too much (tchú mach) - demasiado
very little (lítl) - muy poco
so little (sóu litl) - tan poco
too little (tchú litl) - demasiado poco
fairly –bastante, justa

Posición de los adverbios de grado

It is very hot (adverbio + adjetivo) .

Hace mucho calor.

He travels to New York quite often (adverbio + adverbio) .

Viaja a Nueva York bastante a menudo.

It is hot enough to go to the beach (adjetivo + enough) .

Hace calor suficiente para ir a la playa.

We ran fast enough to win the race (adverbio + enough) .

Corrimos lo suficientemente rápido para ganar la


"Enough" en este caso no se debe confundir con un adjetivo ya

que cuando funciona como adjetivo precede al nombre al que

We have enough tomatoes.

Tenemos suficientes tomates.

2 Suelen ir delante del verbo principal, detrás del verbo "to

be" y detrás del auxiliar en los tiempos compuestos.
I have hardly known her.

Apenas la he conocido.

I completely forgot our date.

Olvidé completamente nuestra cita.

You were really trying to help her.

Estabais realmente intentando ayudarla.

3 Los adverbios "absolutely", "completely", "totally", y "rather" pueden

ir en posición final.

I forgot our date completely.

Olvidé nuestra cita completamente.

I completely forgot our date.

Olvidé completamente nuestra cita.

very / really > rather / pretty > quite > fairly

Very = really
Very / really tiene más intensidad que rather / pretty.
 I’m very / really tired. - Estoy muy cansado.
 It’s very / really cold today. - Hace mucho frío hoy.
Rather = pretty
Rather / pretty tiene más intensidad que quite. (bastante, más bien)
 It’s rather / pretty expensive. - Es bastante caro.
 The exam was rather / pretty difficult. - El examen resultó más bien difícil.
 It is rather / pretty cold today. - Hace bastante frío hoy.
 ‘How’s things?’ - ‘Pretty good.’ - "¿Cómo te va? / ¿Qué tal?" - "Bastante bien"
Quite tiene más intensidad que fairly.
 They speak English quite well. - Ellos hablan Inglés bastante bien.
 She is quite tall. - Ella es bastante alto.
 I’m quite tired, I think I’ll go to bed. - Estoy muy cansado, creo que voy a ir a la cama.
 There were quite a few people on the beach. - Había bastante gente en la playa.
 I’m fairly tired, but I don’t want to go to bed yet. - Estoy bastante cansado pero no quiero acostarme
Podemos usar rather con los comparativos, pero no fairly, quite o pretty.
 It was rather more expensive than I hoped. - Era bastante más caro que esperaba.
The situation is …………………………………. serious.

a) very

b) much

c) very much

You are ………………………………….. kind.

a) too

b) too much

c) much

QToday is ………………………………… colder than yesterday.

a) very

b) much

c) much or very much

My boyfriend is ……………………………………. older than me.

a) very

b) much

c) both answers are correct

I have been to ………………………………….. too many countries recently.

a) very

b) rather

c) quite

I like your dress ………………………………….

a) much

b) very

c) very much

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