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How To Defeat Cancer

Published by HFSD
By Dr Arie Bellgegrun

How the Divine army inside your body could triple your chance of survival even if you have stage 4
cancer and nothing else has worked

Dear Reader,


The cure for cancer that researchers have been chasing for 100+ years has been found – but you’ll
never guess where...

As crazy as it sounds, the cure is already inside you, put there by our Creator from the very

It’s true!

Researchers have shown that everything you need to rid your body of cancer is encoded in your

Turns out, “the body already possesses the ability to defeat cancer,” says Dr. Lawrence Fong at the
University of California San Francisco, “and medicine’s role was to find a way to marshal the healing
work it is naturally capable of.”

Because it comes directly from an all-knowing God, the miracle cure He encoded in your genes is
more potent than anything concocted by mankind.

Mark my words:

This epic discovery, which could TRIPLE your chance of survival, is poised to change everything
modern medicine knows about cancer.

“We take patients that have failed every treatment, every chemo combination, that have just 2 to 6
months to live. Within 3 to 4 weeks you can see massive tumors melting away,” says UCLA cancer
specialist, Dr. Arie Belldegrun.

In this report, you’ll learn exactly how this new discovery has the power to change your prognosis
from INCURABLE to CURED, in a matter of weeks... even if you have stage-4 cancer and nothing else
has worked!

Just ask Father Daniel Bowen* from Pennsylvania...

Father Daniel is living proof of a modern day miracle – one that brings cancer patients back from the
brink of death...

In 2010, he was diagnosed with aggressive, late-stage leukemia. Several rounds of chemotherapy
failed to destroy the cancer... and his treatment options dried up.

He was running out of time.

That’s when Father Daniel’s doctors told him about a breakthrough in the war on cancer that is
unlike anything you’ve ever heard of before.

“It is a powerful treatment for patients who have exhausted all conventional therapies,” Father
Daniel’s doctors told him.

And they weren’t exaggerating...

Just six weeks after his first treatment at the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Cent er, Father Daniel
was officially in remission.

“I had a lot of people praying for me, and I believe that had an influence on the outcome,” he says.
He remains cancer-free today.

If that’s not a miracle, I don’t know what is!

But Father Daniel wasn’t the only terminal cancer patient who beat the odds. In fact, 88% of the
clinical trial’s participants achieved complete remission!

Of course, if Father Daniel’s story strikes you as too good to be true, I understand completely. So-
called “breakthroughs” in cancer research are often overhyped... and many of them amount to
nothing in the end.

But this treatment has the power to forever change the lives of millions like you and me. It worked
for Father Daniel, and it can work for you.

Fact is, this treatment is so potent, even the most sceptical doctors are stunned by what they’re

That the cure for cancer is already inside your body.

You see, instead of fighting cancer with man-made chemicals like chemotherapy, this treatment
enlists the help of a special group of cells in your bone marrow.

Once activated, millions and millions of these cells are deployed to hunt down and destroy cancer
with military-style precision.

You can think of it as your body’s Divine Army, put there by our Creator to heal you from within...

All you have to do is activate it.

“It’s sort of like making medicine out of your own body,” says Father Daniel.

And it is so powerful that some doctors believe it is the ONLY way to cure cancer:

“The only chance for long-term remission or cure for advanced cancers is to have the body go after
them and wipe them out,” says Dr. Kenneth Beer, a professor at the University of Miami.

The science behind this new approach to treating cancer is irrefutable, as you’ll see in a moment. I’ll
also explain why you haven’t heard of it before...
and what you or your loved one can do right away, to take advantage of this ground breaking

But first, you need to understand how your body defends itself against intruders.

It’s actually not as complicated as you might think...

You see, your body’s Divine Army is made up of special soldier cells designed to seek and destroy
intruders that cause disease.

When these soldier cells detect the presence of foreign bodies, they attack instantly.

First, they punch holes in the enemy cells.

Then, they inject microscopic “hand grenades” full of deadly enzymes that obliterate the invaders
from within.

It works wonders with invaders like viruses and bacteria...

But when it comes to fighting cancer, the Divine Army inside your body faces a major challenge...

That’s because cancer cells have the unique ability to camouflage themselves to look like healthy

They produce a protein on their outer membrane known as PD-L1. Much like a mask, this protein
tricks the body into thinking cancer cells are not threatening.

So when your soldier cells encounter a tumour, they mistake it for healthy tissue and pass on by...
leaving the cancer cells to spread like a windblown fire.

But this new treatment changes all that...

It works by ripping off the PD-L1 disguise that allows cancer cells to hide from your soldier cells.

Once your Divine Army can “see” cancer cells for what they are, the soldier cells attack immediately,
destroying the cancer with their microscopic grenades.

Better still, they do it without touching healthy cells.

That gives you a HUGE advantage over chemo and radiation, which indiscriminately burn or poison
everything in their path, because they can’t tell healthy cells from cancerous ones.

I’ve put together this report to give you the information that could literally save your life, or the life
of your loved ones. So please read this carefully, because ignoring this message would be a HUGE

My name, by the way, is Jenny Thompson.

I’m the Director of the Health Sciences Institute—a global network of forward-thinking doctors and
researchers whose mission it is to bring cutting-edge medical breakthroughs to regular folks like you.
For the past 18 years, we’ve been at the forefront of the most promising medical research of our

We’ve uncovered life-changing breakthroughs for debilitating diseases like arthritis... diabetes...
Alzheimer’s... and more.

But this cancer cure is hands-down our most exciting discovery to date...

Frankly, this new treatment is one of the most astonishing developments I’ve ever seen.

So if you or a loved one is fighting a deadly battle with cancer, this could be a lifeline.

That’s exactly what it was for 40-year-old James Richards...

After eight cruel months of chemotherapy and nine surgeries to remove parts of his colon, stomach,
liver, lung, and pancreas, James was ready to let go.

He weighed just 90 pounds, down from 210, and was ready for hospice.

“By that point, I was pretty much done with doctors and everything. I’d already bought a grave. But
when my at-home nurse told me about a treatment she’d heard of, I decided to give it one last try.”

By the time James received his first treatment, the cancer had metastasized into stage-4. He was
riddled with tumours from the neck down... and had big brown and purple skin lesions.

“When I went back after two weeks, my doctor started to examine me. Incredibly, the skin lesions
were gone. I thought... this is going to work!”

Ultimately, the Divine Army inside James’ body dissolved every single tumour he had. He gained
almost 100 pounds and went back to work, as if he’d never been sick.

“I was given a second chance at life.”

The truth is... the same could happen for you. After all, your body’s Divine Army was put there by
God... for the sole purpose of healing you.

Of course, there will always be sceptics in the medical community who say cancer will never be

But in the face of such overwhelming evidence, even the most doubtful among them have reason to
rethink their position...

In fact, some doctors are calling it a CURE...

Healthcare professionals are typically hesitant to use the word “cure” when talking about cancer.

But now, doctors are doing exactly that – calling this incredible breakthrough a CURE, even for
patients with cancers that, just a couple years ago, were almost always fatal.

“[This treatment] is saving lives and it is curing people,” says Dr. Padmanee Sharma, scientific
director at the prestigious M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre in Houston. “I like using the word cure,
because I don’t get to use it often.”
Indeed, this new treatment is so powerful that Science magazine named it Breakthrough of the Year,
pointing out:

“Oncologists, a grounded-in-reality bunch, say a corner has been turned and we won’t be going

You heard right.

As improbable as it may seem, the words, “You have cancer,” no longer come with an automatic
death sentence, thanks to your Divine Army.

Imagine knowing that despite your diagnosis, you could live to see your kids graduate from college...
to play with your grandchildren... or to grow old with the person you love.

That kind of peace of mind is priceless!

The point is, for Americans suffering with the most deadly forms of the disease, this new treatment
could be the life-saving miracle they’ve been praying for...

So please, feel free to share this information with anyone who is affected by cancer. That way,
they’ll also know the exact details of how this treatment activates the body’s Divine Army... and how
taking advantage of it right away could literally save their life.

Truth is, the world of medicine is abuzz with well-documented, scientifically proven cases of patients
whose lives have been transformed with this miraculous treatment...70 tumours evaporate...

Isaac Breton, for instance, is an electrical motor repairman who had just weeks to live. He had an
aggressive form of Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma... and all the standard treatments had failed.

But when the doctors at Christie Hospital in Manchester administered a pharmaceutical that would
activate his body’s Divine Army, Isaac showed signs of improvement within 24 hours.

Two weeks later, specialists were stunned to find him cancer-free.

Scans of Mr Brook's body before and after treatment. The left shows him riddled with 60-70
tumours from Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma. The right scan is 12 weeks after he became the first person
outside the U.S. to have a pioneering cancer drug. The black dots are his kidney and his bladder “ I
had 60 to 70 tumours and they had gone.

It feels like I’ve got someone watching over me.”

Just take a look at these before-and-after scans: (I’m sorry I don’t have these images to show you)

The left one shows Isaac riddled with 60 to 70 tumours. The right scan, taken just 2 WEEKS LATER,
shows no sign of cancer. (The black dots in the second scan are his kidneys and bladder.)

Could this incredible treatment work for you too?

You bet.

In fact, that’s exactly what happened to John Fivaz, a Texan pastor of 13 years...
Just days to live...At 44, John Fivaz was diagnosed with stage-4 melanoma. It had spread to his
stomach, lymph nodes, kidneys, lungs and pancreas.

Read the story of how his body’s Divine Army obliterated the tumours in no time at all...

“By then, the mass under my arm had grown to 8 x 6 x 4 inches, so my doctor cut it out. I had
another surgery to remove a third of my stomach. I also underwent a brutal round of chemotherapy.

But the cancer just got worse.

My doctor gave me just days to live, but my wife and our fellow churchgoers continued to pray,
believing that God would have the final say.”

There was only one thing left for John to try. It was a long shot, but he agreed to a treatment that
was designed to activate his body’s Divine Army, together with chemo.

“After the first round, I could feel the two tumours near my collarbone shrivel up.

After the second treatment, my doctor said, ‘You’ve had significant shrinkage on the inside.’

And after the third round, my PET scan showed that the cancer was gone.

I’ve been cancer free for years, and am back to enjoying life, knowing that each day is a gift from

Another patient was also cured within weeks...

“Like vanishing cream...”

In the summer of 2012, Martin Harmon, a Vietnam veteran from Maryland, was told he had a
virtually inoperable tumour. Patients in his condition typically live about eight months.

So Martin decided to join a clinical trial at Georgetown University.

Two weeks after his first treatment, Martin’s Divine Army had all but destroyed the primary tumour.
A month later, his liver and lungs were clear.

“This stuff was like vanishing cream,” says Martin’s daughter, Rose Franklin.

And Dr. Suzanne Topalian, a cancer specialist at Johns Hopkins University says, “We’re still in a bit of

5 lbs. of cancer cells... VAPORIZED

Then there’s the story of Dillon O’Reilly, 64, who took part in a groundbreaking study at the
University of Pennsylvania.

He was one of the 27 out of 30 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia that achieved complete
remission, thanks to the treatment.

That’s a 93% survival rate!

Incredibly, his body’s Divine Army dissolved away FIVE POUNDS of cancer cells from his blood and

“As far as I’m concerned, I’m cured,” he says.

“I don’t ever think about relapse.”

Four years later, he is still cancer-free.

Dr. Stephan Grupp, a specialist at Penn, says: “I’ve been an oncologist for 20 years and I have never,
ever, seen anything like this.”

His colleague, Dr. David Porter, says: “We’ve entered into a whole new realm of medicine.”

Today, you’ll learn all the details you need to get started... so please stick with me. I don’t want you
to miss out on this groundbreaking development... and the difference it can make in your life.

Because the fact is, we are at a watershed point in history...

As the Director of the Health Sciences Institute, I’ve seen a lot of medical advances over the years.

In the case of cancer, there have even been treatments that can extend your life by a few months.

But this breakthrough is in an entirely different league...

In fact, I have no doubt that future generations will file this development in the same category as the
discovery of penicillin or mapping the human genome.

The mastermind behind the cure is Dr. James Allison... and he is no stranger to the devastation
cancer can cause...

He lost his mother to cancer when he was just 11 years old.

His uncle died of melanoma, and another one of lung cancer.

More recently, Dr. Allison’s brother died of prostate cancer.

And at the end of it all, he was convinced that there had to be a better way to kill cancer than
radiation and chemotherapy.

It was this belief that drove him to pioneer the single most important breakthrough in cancer

How to activate your body’s Divine Army to attack cancer cells directly...

It sounds so simple... but the road that led to this revelation was littered with obstacles...

Initially, mainstream medicine dismissed his findings.

“Everyone thought I was crazy,” Dr. Allison says. “People would say to me, don’t do [this research],
it’ll ruin your reputation.”
But he knew deep down that he was on to something... and refused to give up.

“It can be hard to go against the system,” he says, "but sometimes you have to do it for progress to
be made.”

His instinct paid off—big time.

In short, Dr. Allison engineered a way to activate your body’s Divine Army to hunt down and kill
cancer cells... without touching healthy cells.

As a result, there are thousands of patients who’ve been given a second chance, thanks to this
“miracle” treatment.

And it likely won’t be long before millions more join them.

What would it mean to your life, if you could be one of those people? That’s why I put together this
urgent report... to share everything we at the Health Sciences Institute have uncovered.

Dr. Allison’s work was so meaningful that in the past few years, he has been the recipient of 16
prestigious awards, including a $3 million ‘Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences.’

And that’s likely just the beginning...

In fact, Dr. Ron DePinho, President of the M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre, is certain that this brilliant
approach will result in the Nobel Prize.

But more important than awards and accolades, the treatment that activates the body’s Divine Army
to kill cancer is changing the course of regular Americans’ lives, one person at a time...

“Hopeless” to “HEALED” in 8 days...

Dean Aldridge, for instance, is a television sound technician who was diagnosed with leukaemia...
and underwent a gruelling regimen of chemotherapy.

Six months later he relapsed.

“After everything I had gone through, the chemo, losing hair, the sickness, it was absolutely

Dean was just weeks away from dying. He had nothing left to lose, so as a last-ditch attempt to save
his life, he decided to give this new treatment a try.

Incredibly, just EIGHT DAYS after his first round, his body’s Divine Army had obliterated ALL traces of
the cancer.

Imagine going from “HOPELESS” to “HEALED” in just 8 days. That’s CRAZY!

“My doctors even ran the lab tests a second time, to make sure there was no mistake.”

His specialist, Dr. Brentjens, said: “We had hoped, but couldn’t have predicted that the response
would be so profound and rapid.”
Would have been dead by now...

Then there’s David Selleck, an engineer who had kidney cancer. The tumour was massive and the
cancer had spread.

His doctor, a cancer specialist at Johns Hopkins, enrolled David in a clinical trial that would mobilize
his body’s Divine Army to fight the cancer from within.

David’s tumours disappeared and haven’t come back.

His doctor also reported three other patients who had similar responses. All, with advanced disease,
would have been dead by now, he said, adding, “I have never seen anything like this.”

“This period will be viewed as... a moment in medical history when everything changed,” says Dr.
Drew Pardoll, research director at Johns Hopkins School of Medicine.

What’s great about this treatment is that it works on many types of cancer...

That means there’s REAL HOPE for people just like you!

As you know, cancer doesn’t discriminate. It strikes young and old, male and female, rich and poor.

The good news is, this new treatment doesn’t discriminate either!

Rather, it gives hope to people fighting all kinds of cancers.

For instance:

Polly Gibson, a retired real estate agent, was diagnosed with lung cancer, but chemotherapy didn’t
work. When the cancer progressed to stage-4, she had exhausted all her options. So she elected to
give this new treatment a go... and within weeks, the cancer was gone. “Two things kept me going,”
she says. “My trust in God; and the love and the support from our family.”

Ian Williams was diagnosed with stage-3 prostate cancer. “When my doctor recommended [this],”
he says, “I went online and researched it and I thought: what better way to treat the disease than to
use your own cells?” Within about one month, Ian successfully completed treatment. He went on to
create the Empowerment Network, a prostate cancer survivors group.

Sheryl Bard had melanoma. Chemo was destroying her healthy cells, but not the cancer, which had
spread to her lungs and brain. But a few short months after activating her body’s Divine Army, her
body had rid itself of tumours. “By the grace of God I am here today,” she says.

So if you or a loved one is fighting for your life, please be sure to carefully consider the information
in this special report.

Starting conventional treatments like chemo and radiation, without first considering this alternative,
could be a HUGE mistake. One that might make the difference between life and death.

But before I go any further, there’s something else you should know... something that could have a
huge impact on your journey back to health.
As I’ve shown you, this treatment is changing history, right now.

Not only is it curing people all over the country, but it also solves one of the biggest challenges of
treating cancer...

You see, the problem with chemotherapy, radiation and surgery is that the cancer often returns.

But now, your cancer could be gone forever.

Sure, it’s a huge relief if standard treatments work. But roughly one third of patients see the cancer
return within 5 years.

That leaves you wondering when the second shoe will drop. At the back of your mind is the chilling
thought of the cancer quietly spreading in your body.

Each follow-up scan comes with heightened anxiety. Is it still there? Have the tumours come back?

But with this new treatment, you don’t have to be stuck in a never-ending nightmare.

You see, your body’s Divine Army has a unique capacity for memory.

So if the cancer comes back, your soldier cells recognize it immediately and attack, before it takes
hold again.

“It’s the most exciting thing I’ve ever seen. It’s [about] long-term survival of people who have
advanced disease,” says Dr. David Lane of the Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research.

As The Wall Street Journal reports:

“Current treatment approaches such as surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, which often kill most
but not all of a cancer, could be made obsolete by a potent [treatment] that eradicates the cancer
cells and provides subsequent protection against return and relapse.”

By now you might be wondering why you haven’t heard of this amazing breakthrough before. If it’s
so good, why isn’t it plastered on the front page of every newspaper in the country?

Well, in large part it comes down to a peculiarity of the medical world—what some doctors call their
“dirty little secret.”

And frankly, it's going to make you mad when you understand how many patients’ futures are at risk
because of this disgraceful practice.

You see, some cancers, like lung cancer or breast cancer, ARE responsive to chemotherapy in the last
6 months of life. Others, like pancreatic cancer, ARE NOT.

But doctors prescribe chemotherapy with the same frequency for both chemo-responsive and
chemo-unresponsive cancers!

Worse still, even in cancers that DO respond to chemo, giving it near the end of life “does not
improve survival,” reports the New England Journal of Medicine.
It’s outrageous! So why do specialists continue to prescribe chemotherapy to patients they know
can’t benefit from it?

It has to do with a scheme known as the “chemotherapy concession.”

It allows private practice oncologists—unlike any other doctors—to profit from prescribing
chemotherapy drugs.

Think about that for a moment.

Cancer doctors are the ONLY ones allowed to directly profit from the medications they prescribe,
which in the case of chemotherapy, can cost as much as $100,000 per patient.

Essentially, the system rewards them for over-prescribing ineffective drugs with the highest mark-
ups – and it accounts for a whopping 65% of profits in a typical oncology practice.

Of course, I’m not suggesting that cancer specialists are bad people. And I’m sure your doctor is
deeply committed to saving lives.

But doctors are humans. And humans respond to incentives.

The bottom line is that oncologists have a strong monetary interest to prescribe chemotherapy,
which means they are less likely to refer patients to research on possible cancer cures.

Can you imagine the pain of losing a loved one who could’ve been saved by a treatment their doctor
omitted to tell them about?

It’s not just unethical... it’s criminal!

But luckily, you don’t have to be at the mercy of “the system.”

By the end of this report, you’ll discover exactly how to get full details about your body’s Divine
Army—and how to activate it—so you’ll be able to make informed decisions about your health.

That’s why I encourage you to read carefully...

The best way to activate your body’s Divine Army comes directly from God!

You see, your soldier cells can be activated in four different ways.

Some doctors use pharmaceutical drugs... some use a vaccine... and others re-engineer cells in your

The problem is, these man-made solutions come with side effects, like hepatitis, skin blisters,
paralysis, holes in the gut and even death.

But the GOOD NEWS is that researchers at the Health Sciences Institute recently uncovered a fourth
way to activate your body’s soldier cells, just as God intended: The natural way!

I don’t know about you, but I would much rather use a natural cancer cure created by God, than
something synthetic, designed by well-intentioned but fallible human beings.
The natural cure we’ve uncovered is a compound extracted from a rare form of mushroom. It is so
powerful, it can help defeat even the DEADLIEST cancers known to man, in conjunction with
standard treatment. And it has NO SIDE EFFECTS.

For decades, the Japanese have used this little-known plant extract to activate the Divine Army
inside our bodies.

In fact, it is now used in over 1,000 cancer clinics in Japan and around the world.

There’s even a conference in Tokyo each year where the world’s top researchers meet to share their
latest findings.

The exact composition of the life-saving mushroom extract is considered a trade secret, as well as
the method used to prepare it.

But the good news is that it recently came on the market in the U.S. and is available to you right

Please keep in mind that we don’t get a dime from this treatment. The Health Sciences Institute is
100% independent of special interests, and has no hidden agenda.

We pride ourselves on conducting accurate, unbiased research. That’s what our members have
come to expect.

What’s incredible about our latest discovery is this:

The mushroom extract increases the activity of your Divine Army by 300%, on average!

And there’s a ton of solid, no-nonsense science to prove it...

The potent hybridized mushroom extract is “as well researched as any conventional prescription
drug,” says Dr. Fred Pescatore, president of the International and American Association of Clinical

In the U.S., researchers at Harvard Medical School, Yale University School of Medicine, and Drexel
University Department of Bioscience and Biotechnology, among many others, have researched the
compound extensively.

And international researchers have conducted at least 80 rigorous studies in humans and in vivo that
prove how effective this compound is in activating your Divine Army.

In fact, the health benefits and safety of this remarkable compound have been studied more
conclusively than any other supplement of its kind.

Better still, it has NO harsh side effects.

Best of all, it is believed to work on ALL types of cancer, including liver cancer, prostate cancer,
ovarian cancer, multiple myeloma, and breast cancer.

So if you know anyone who has cancer, telling him or her about this remarkable substance could be
a life changer.
The facts we’ve established to date are simply astounding...

The extract helps your Divine Army recognize tumours by ripping off the PD-L1 disguise that cancer
cells use to evade detection...

It increases the number of “hand grenades” inside your soldier cells. The more ammunition each cell
carries, the more cancer it can destroy...

And it helps protect against subsequent return and relapse.

The results we’re seeing in clinical tests are simply astounding...

One study involved 27 patients, whose soldier cell activity was low.

After only 2 weeks of taking the mushroom extract, their soldier cell activity had increased as much
as: 332% in breast carcinoma... 275% in cervical carcinoma... 385% in prostate cancer... 240% in
leukemia... and 537% in multiple myeloma! That’s about 300%, on average, across these cancers.

Another trial involved 24 cancer patients undergoing chemo. Sixteen hours after the first dose of this
compound, soldier cell activity increased by 50%. After one week, activity had increased eightfold.

And at the end of two months, the Divine Army was killing 27 times more cancer cells!

And a 10-year study looked at 269 patients with liver cancer, following surgery. In the test group,
which received the mushroom extract, only 34.5% of patients experienced a recurrence in their
cancer after 10 years, compared with 66.1% of the patients who did not receive the compound. Plus,
the test group showed DOUBLE the survival rate after 10 years!

All by activating the human body’s Divine Army to hunt down cancer and destroy it... with virtually
no side effects!

Here’s the thing, though...

The big pharmaceutical companies do everything they can to discredit natural treatments. That’s
because these effective alternatives – which can’t be patented – eat into the profits they rake in
from prescription drugs.

In addition, American physicians are sceptical when it comes to nutritional supplements.

It’s really not their fault. Since day one of medical school, they’ve been brainwashed into thinking
that any alternative to pharmaceutical drugs should be dismissed as “quackery.”

That’s why I can almost guarantee that your doctor will say that substituting this extract for
chemotherapy is a bad idea.

But listen to this...

When it comes to treating your cancer, it doesn’t have to be one OR the other. You can use both
together... with amazing results.
That’s because this mushroom extract actually boosts the effectiveness of chemotherapy!

Over and above its ability to activate your body’s Divine Army, this compound has been shown to
lessen the toxic side effects of conventional cancer treatment.

When added to a chemotherapy regimen, a study showed that this all-natural extract:

? Strengthens the effects of chemotherapy, shrinking tumors 20% more than chemo alone.

? Helps protect against side effects like hair loss, nausea, liver damage and depression.

? And even prevents the spread of cancer by nearly 30% more than chemo alone!

In other words, you get all the benefits of this mushroom extract...

PLUS super-charged therapeutic effects of chemo, PLUS reduced adverse side effects.

It’s like the best of both worlds.

For instance, Carl Simon, a 45-year-old physician’s assistant from Minnesota had neck cancer... and
was given a one-in-ten chance of living for more than a year.

Instead of opting for chemotherapy alone, Carl and his doctor decided to add this extract to his
treatment plan.

His records show that while taking this compound in conjunction with chemo, his body’s soldier
cells—which are often rendered useless by chemotherapy on its own—stayed at normal, healthy

Meaning, if he contracted a virus or bacterium, his body could easily fight it off.

Plus, he kept his hair throughout the treatment.

Soon, Carl returned to work, cancer-free.

Up until recently, this extract wasn’t available in the U.S.

And now that it is, there are a limited number of suppliers...

I can almost guarantee your doctor won’t tell you about it... but thanks to researchers at the Health
Sciences Institute, you have easy access to “underground” breakthroughs like this one.

So if you’re interested in learning more about this natural treatment, I’d like to send you all the
details right away, including where you can buy it and how you should use it.

Miracles From the Vault Every life-saving detail you need to know is in a book called Miracles from
the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures, which we recently published.

When you let me know you want a copy, I’ll show you how to claim yours for FREE... and I’ll even
cover the cost of shipping. I want to ensure that you get our groundbreaking research as soon as
Miracles from the Vault is a 500-page anthology containing 18 years’ of research into the most
promising breakthroughs in medicine.

And not just for cancer...

I’m talking about cures—REAL CURES—for diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, Alzheimer’s and more...

Cancer kills over 500,000 Americans each year. That’s why I consider our most recent discovery to be
the most important one yet.

But there are millions of people suffering from other diseases like stroke, heart disease, diabetes,
and respiratory problems.

That’s why our researchers travel the world, looking for “underground” cures that are being ignored
by mainstream medicine. And we’ve jammed 18 years’ worth of research into this book.

So in addition to a full report on the mushroom extract that activates your body’s Divine Army to
fight cancer (page 53), Miracles from the Vault contains full details on treatments like:

A simple under-the-tongue migraine remedy that dulls the pain and reduces sensitivity to light
within 6½ minutes (page 36).

A single-ingredient fish extract that produces the same blood pressure lowering results as a common
prescription ACE-inhibitor—but the effects last 3 times longer (page 146).

The Chinese herbal rejuvenator that targets the real source of your aches and pains: the blood.
Combining modern science and thousands of years of Chinese medicine, this formula increases
energy and improves circulation to levels normally seen only in the very young (page 210).

A breakthrough compound that goes beyond bone density to reverse osteoporosis by actually
rebuilding bone. HSI medical adviser Dr. Martin Milner says, “I have never seen a natural-medicine
product better developed to specifically address the underlying limitations preventing bone re-
modelling and osteoporosis reversal,” (page 289).

Chock full of 90 groundbreaking natural treatments, Miracles of the Vault is a one-of-a-kind resource
that you can refer back to whenever an ailment arises.

Please keep in mind that I’m not asking you to buy the book. We don’t sell it anywhere. And I’m not
trying to sell you any pills or remedies either.

What’s more, we have absolutely no links to pharmaceutical companies, the American Medical
Association, the FDA, or any other self-serving organization in mainstream medicine.

Instead, we focus on “underground” natural alternatives that are either ignored or vilified by
ordinary doctors.

The bottom line is that for the sake of you and your loved ones’ health, it is vital that you get access
to this information right away.
I’ll explain how you can claim your FREE copy of Miracles from the Vault in a moment.

But first, have you heard of an herbal treatment that is making both pre-diabetics and diabetics
rethink the way they treat their disease?

It is 3 TIMES more effective than the top rated diabetes drugs, as shown in animal studies...

And costs just pennies!

So for the 27 million Americans suffering from Type II diabetes, this herbal powerhouse could be a
game changer...

That’s because it causes sugar levels to fall – naturally – and lowers blood pressure too. Without all
the side effects of pharmaceutical drugs...

In one study:

Blood sugar dropped a whopping 107 points

Triglycerides fell by 20%

LDL cholesterol tumbled more than 34%

And total cholesterol dropped over 19%

As you likely know, even the top-selling diabetes drugs only drop blood glucose levels by at most 36
points. In other words, this ]herb is three times more effective.

Plus, you get all the cardiovascular benefits that come with lower cholesterol.

And as an added bonus, participants lost an average of 10 pounds in just 90 days.

DOUBLE-DIGIT weight loss, without changing your diet or exercising habits?

You bet.

To help you take advantage of this natural remedy for Type II diabetes, I’ll tell you how to claim your
FREE copy of Miracles from the Vault, in a moment, so you can check it out for yourself.

Miracles From the Vault

For 18 years, the doctors and researchers at the Health Sciences Institute (HSI) have scoured the
globe to provide independent, unbiased information you absolutely must know about.

Like I said, HSI is dedicated to bringing little-known natural cures to folks just like you. Today, we
have more than 166,000 members worldwide.

In your FREE copy of Miracles from the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures, you’ll find 500 pages
containing all-natural cures, remedies and treatments that have almost no chance of being covered
by the mainstream media.
Without a copy of this book, you are missing out on research that changes lives for the better, every
single day.

Just like the cancer cure we uncovered, the breakthroughs you’ll read about are designed to either
replace or complement standard treatments, when appropriate.

For instance, you’ll find comprehensive reports on:

An ancient herb that can reduce rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by 50% (page 2).

How to grow new joints and target painful inflammation with a substance that is so effective, it
could add pain-free years to your life (page 287).

The Scandinavian secret to cutting cold symptoms in a flash (page 387).

You’ll find these and other medical breakthroughs when you claim your

FREE bonus, Miracles from the Vault.

And unlike late-night infomercials that charge you a $15 “handling fee,” we’ll pick up the cost of
shipping too.

You’ll be the first to hear about natural alternatives to pharmaceutical drugs that treat both deadly
diseases and annoying conditions.

Whether you’re looking for a way to ease eczema itching... soothe aching joints... or cure cancer by
activating your body’s Divine Army... Miracles from the Vault is an invaluable resource.

But it doesn’t stop at cancer...

For instance, there’s a treatment that can help prevent and even reverse the havoc Alzheimer’s
wreaks on your life, helping regain brainpower, cell by cell.

Frankly, every day you wait to try this remedy is one less day to enjoy with your loved ones.

That’s because by the time symptoms appear, it’s often too late...

Alzheimer’s is cunning, sneaking up on you and destroying a lifetime of memories.

But this cruel disease can be held at bay and function can be restored.

Equally important, you can take steps to help prevent it from ever taking hold in the first place.

With a single safe, natural substance, you can protect the brain cells you have, and quite possibly
replace some of those you’ve lost already.

With its cascading snowy white tendrils, this ancient Chinese medicine has been preventing and
treating Alzheimer’s disease and dementia for thousands of years.

Specifically, this substance has been shown to help:

Improve memory function

Enhance mental clarity

Stimulate coordination

Boost the immune system

Regenerate brain cell function

Maintain independence

And significantly improve daily functioning

If you’re caring for a loved one who is showing signs of declining mental function, you know that
even small victories are important.

For instance, Lin S., an 81-year-old woman had struggled with depression and declining cognitive
function for years.

After multiple hospitalizations over several years, she approached a doctor whose recommendation
entirely changed her life...

Four years earlier, she’d struggled to name even four vegetables, but after treatment with this
compound, she can name as many as she’s asked to – without hesitation.

She couldn’t cook before, but now she can.

She can even solve double-digit subtraction problems – something that’s most often impossible with
dementia patients.

In short, her nightmares vanished... and her family’s vanished too, thanks to this powerful natural

It is these kinds of life-changing breakthroughs that we cover in Miracles from the Vault. All-
natural... safe... effective... and free of many of the side effects associated with prescription drugs.

For example...

Are you suffering from painful joints?

We’ve uncovered a remarkable herbal formula that can vaporize joint pain without dangerous

So if you need fast pain relief from joint pain, back pain flare-ups, and aching hips, this could be
exactly what you’re looking for.

In one trial, the formula was given to arthritis patients. By day ten, 70% reported a reduction in joint
When the wear and tear on your joints affects your everyday tasks results like this can make a huge
difference in your life!

Imagine opening the pickle jar with no pain... standing in line at the store without aching hips... or
picking up your grandchild with no shooting pain in your back.

You can’t buy this pain reliever in a store or get it from a doctor. It's only available from one source
in the U.S. And it works like nothing else you have ever tried, even for aching, swollen inflamed

So if you avoid shaking hands because of painful inflammation in your hands... or if you toss and turn
at night, unable to settle the aches and pains in your shoulders... then this treatment is exactly what
you need.

Today, we are opening the HSI “vault” of the best natural cures available... and letting regular
Americans know that there ARE alternatives to harsh drugs that often come with debilitating side

For instance...

Miracles From the Vault

The mother’s milk secret that saved a leukaemia-stricken HSI member. He was the worst case the
Mayo Clinic had seen in 20 years! (Page 57).

A treatment that is stronger than other anti-aging secrets of Hollywood stars – and doesn’t require
painful surgery or injections (page 273).

The “ultimate cure” that improved congestive heart failure in 12 patients in just 2 weeks, is as cheap
as aspirin! Find out where to get it... (Page 156).

That barely scratches the surface of what you’ll discover in Miracles from the Vault.

I believe the new cancer cure we uncovered is our biggest breakthrough to date... but you’ll be
equally amazed by the other “underground” breakthroughs in this book.

So instead of trusting Google to find natural alternatives to expensive, side effect ridden drugs, you’ll
find EVERYTHING you need in HSI’s definitive guide.

The truth is...

If HSI can’t find a cure, it probably doesn’t exist.

This 500-page compendium is something every single health-conscious

American should own.

It is the most comprehensive resource you’ve ever seen, full of groundbreaking research that can
transform your life completely.
As I mentioned, we have a network of doctors and researchers around the globe, who report their
findings whenever they uncover a new therapy.

That’s how we discovered the treatment that activates your body’s Divine Army to cure cancer... and
could prevent it from returning.

But you’ll NEVER hear about these breakthroughs from your doctor...

Truth is... the pharmaceutical industry is threatened by the types of treatments we tell our members

These companies work hard to prevent anyone from successfully introducing alternative cancer
treatments into the healthcare system.

Imagine what it would do to their bottom line, if more Americans knew about these effective
alternative treatments!

Plus, they’re not interested in cures. They want to produce drugs that treat chronic diseases, so that
they make money month after month, year after year.

Here at HSI, we want to get the news out, so that ordinary Americans don’t have to suffer at the
hands of a deeply flawed healthcare system.

We are committed to bringing our members the very latest breakthroughs – treatments that CURE.

With HSI on your side, you’ll have unlimited access to research that isn’t tainted by special interests.
And you’ll be the first to know what works and what doesn’t.

As an HSI member, you’ll receive a FREE copy of Miracles from the Vault, which contains details of
over 90 healing miracles. How they work... recommended dosage... and where to get them...

In addition, as an HSI member...

You’ll be first in line to get a full report on the latest medical breakthroughs, every month.

Plus, in our monthly reports, we update you on any new research about remedies we’ve covered

Over the years, the HSI monthly reports have shown our members how to:

Stop your “going problem” in days with a breakthrough Far East blend (Dec 2008).

Watch varicose veins disappear—along with the dangerous condition that causes them (Jun 2009).

Ease the itching and redness associated with eczema and rashes – naturally (Sep 2010).

Free yourself from IBS (and the bathroom) with this cutting-edge remedy (Sep 2010).

No more CPAP. This dramatically different approach to sleep apnea keeps your oxygen high and your
sleep sound (Sep 2011).
Keep the flu from flattening you with this all-in-one flu survival pack (Oct 2013).

An Aboriginal secret for softer, smoother feet—even with diabetes (Dec 2008).

The shattering secret of osteoporosis: It’s not just killing women... so MEN, keep reading (Oct 2013).

How you can turn Alzheimer’s anxiety into peace of mind in just one month with this brain-saving
Ayurvedic formula (Oct 2013).

Lose up to three times the weight in no time at all with the secret of “fat-proof” mice (Jun 2014).

Just 10 drops of this anti-aging secret helps ward off Alzheimer’s disease (Jun 2014).

An ancient Viking currency that fixes the most embarrassing problem – Where’s the bathroom? (Jan

We cover all these ailments and more, each and every month in the HSI health alerts.

So let me show you how you can join the HSI global network today...

After all, 166,000 Americans can’t be wrong!

Please keep in mind that we have a full-time team of 13 alternative medicine experts... each
specializing in their own distinct discipline. That means very little happens in the alternative
medicine world without us knowing about it.

That’s how we uncovered the new cancer treatment I’m so excited about. It might just be our most
important discovery to date!

Most people will have to wait years or even decades to hear about the life-saving breakthroughs
you’ll read about in Miracles from the Vault.

But we’ll send you a free copy, when you become a member of the Health Sciences Institute today.
We’ll even pick up the cost of shipping.

When a new drug is approved by the FDA, we’ll give you the real story in our monthly alerts... and let
you know the potential risks and dangers. And when a new cure becomes available, we’ll make sure
you’re among the first to know about it.

Over 166,000 folks just like you have already joined HSI, and are feeling and looking better and more
pain free than they ever thought possible.

In fact, I have a file cabinet full of letters from happy members who are using the lifesaving advice of

“After your articles come out, TV news andspecial reports on 60 Minutes, 20/20, PrimeTime Live and
Dateline are talking about the same thing.”

Mitch M., Anaheim CA

"I am a member to the HSI group and have very much enjoyed reading your various research articles.
Your organization is definitely on the 'cutting-edge' and you are indeed providing a wonderful
service to humanity at large."

Thomas N., Indianapolis, IN

"I will soon be 97 years old... THANK YOU SO MUCH, HSI!"

Bonnie H., Olympia, WA

"It is really unreal and unbelievable. My blood sugar readings continued to come down. My blood
pressure also came down with my weight loss. The two doctors of mine cannot believe these
figures... all done with the help of your organization! My wife and I are simply elated. I thank you so
very much for changing my life."

Richard D., Springfield, IL

"I was scheduled for cataract surgery, but learned of [the all-natural eye drops] through HSI. I saw
improvement that was so dramatic... the surgeon put off my surgery! Now, I'm praying I NEVER need
surgery! Plus, I'm sharing the drops with my husband now. He's shown dramatic improvement too.
We believe he won't need surgery either!"

Margaret D., Sioux Falls, SD

"I was facing advanced prostate cancer that had spread up to my lymph nodes. Thanks to [an
underground cancer cure], I was able to beat my metastatic cancer. That was six years ago... and
today, I'm still going strong. Thanks to you!"

Vernon S., Jacksonville, FL

The point is, HSI is changing lives every day...and we can do the same for YOU.

So please join us for a one-year trial membership today. As soon as we hear from you, you’ll have
access to:

1. Miracles from the Vault: Anthology of Underground Cures

HSI’s most comprehensive volume of alternative cures, treatments and remedies contains over 18
years—and 500 pages—of cutting-edge cures you and your loved ones can use to beat cancer,
diabetes, Alzheimer’s, arthritis, heart disease and more. It’s yours, FREE.

2. Monthly HSI Members Alerts

Each month, our Members Alert will be delivered directly to your email inbox. The Members Alert is
how we brief you on our latest research findings from our network of doctors and researchers.
Everything is explained in plain English. And every fact is meticulously sourced. Even your doctor will
be impressed. You’ll be first in line to know what’s working and what isn’t... directly from our
3. Instant Health Alerts

Every weekday, you’ll receive a short, to-the-point email with a daily recap of the most vital health
news from around the world. It’s like having your own research assistant who separates the real
facts from so much of the nonsense you find on the Internet.

4. The Health Sciences Institute Library

As a member, you’ll have immediate online access to our Library. This resource contains over 18
years of HSI Members Alerts—and so many daily HSI Health Alerts, it would take days to go through
them all. But don’t worry, there’s an excellent search engine on our website that makes it simple to
find exactly what you’re looking for.

5. Our Panel of Experts

HSI has a panel of 13 health experts—each with a distinct specialty—dedicated to helping our
members. We have the clout and the means to stand up to the corruption and greed of mainstream
medicine. Being part of our worldwide network means that when it comes to alternative medicine,
there’s rarely a treatment we haven’t heard about. You are invited to write, fax, or email directly to
our offices with your questions, concerns, and suggestions (although please keep in mind we cannot
offer personalized medical advice). Tell us what we’re doing right (we love hearing success stories!)
or where we can do better.

6. First Access to Breakthrough Products

Whenever we discover a new cure, remedy, or treatment, you’ll be the first to know. You’ll know
exactly which websites to visit and which phone numbers to call. And if you need assistance finding
the best price, we’d be happy to step in and help however we can.

7. Member Discounts

During our 18 years of existence, HSI has grown into a force of global proportions, linking over
166,000 members—doctors, researchers and individuals like you. That means we have considerable
buying power and the muscle to negotiate deep discounts on many of the products we spotlight in
our HSI Members Alerts. Over time, you could save thousands of dollars... far more than you’ll pay in
membership fees.

8. Participate in Cutting-Edge Research

When available, we let our members know about opportunities to participate in clinical studies of
promising new cures or treatments.

These are just a few of the perks of being an HSI member.

But keep in mind, when you become an HSI member, you won’t be locked into anything. If you
decide that HSI isn’t right for you any time within the first 12 months, just let us know and we’ll
refund every cent.
How much does it cost to become a member?

I’ll tell you in a few short moments, but before I do, there’s one final thing I want to share with you

We want to give you a BONUS gift.

And this gift may be the most valuable of all. Let me explain...

As I went to write this report, we were just wrapping up the research on a breakthrough that can be
life-altering for men over 50...

So let me ask you...

Did you know that it might not be your prostate that’s keeping you up at night?

It’s the middle of the night, you’re dog-tired, but you have to get to the bathroom right now. Again.

But then you stand there over the bowl for what seems like forever, producing nothing more than a

If you’re an older man with this kind of problem, everyone’s jumping to blame an aging prostate...

But what if it’s not your prostate?

Because the truth is, keeping your prostate healthy is just one small part of urinary health. So
anything that focuses on just your prostate could be missing the bigger picture.

The good news is that if getting a more restful night’s sleep and going longer between bathroom
breaks is what you’re looking for – and your doctor has ruled out more serious issues – there’s a
game-changing formula that could do just that.

One user, Martin Parise, told us: “I experienced some dribbling and often had to get up at night to
pee. I switched to [this formula] and very seldom get up at night anymore.”

And Randall Young of York, PA, says: “Now I can relax and sleep comfortably for hours – reducing the
number of trips at night. I certainly cannot do without [it].”

This information is so up-to-the-minute it’s not even covered in Miracles from the Vault.

That’s why, when you join HSI today, we will also send you a FREE 100-page bonus addition to
Miracles from the Vault.

It’s called The New Miracles and it’s the only way to be sure you get every detail on this formula for
urinary problems. Having to go twice an hour is no joke. You’ll find everything you need to know,
including where to get the formula in your FREE copy.

The New Miracles is available only to new HSI Members through this special report today.

In your BONUS gift, we’ve included every important HSI breakthrough since we published

Miracles from the Vault.

The New Miracles has more than 100 pages of our latest healing cures and life-saving protocols.

This is the most valuable offer we’ve ever made to new HSI Members.

Not only do you get a FREE copy of Miracles from the Vault, you also get a FREE copy of The New

And remember, you won’t pay a penny for shipping.

Just listen to what else you’ll find in your bonus gift...

An “accidental” discovery that reverses male baldness in six months. Ladies... this is not just for

How a Cleveland fry cook actually stumbled on what is likely the heart health discovery of the

You’ll learn how one COPD sufferer was able to say, “I never used an inhaler again”...

Or how exotic bees hold the key to treating painful gastric ulcers and other digestive woes fast...

Want to drop some weight for good? We have found a surprising solution that really works...and it
could put an end to yo-yo weight loss.

And there’s so much more to discover.

I’d like to send you your 500-page Miracles from the Vault anthology of cures... PLUS your 100-page
copy of The New Miracles right away...

Both of these books are yours, FREE, with a one-year membership.

Through this special offer, you can join HSI for an entire year... for just $74. And if you are 60 years
or older, you can claim a 50% discount.

That’s just $37 for 12 issues.

Is it worth $37 to have access to a cancer treatment that is saving lives every day... and could do the
same for you? I think it is.

Just click the button at the bottom of this page to go ahead and give HSI membership a try.

Right away, you’ll have online access to a full library of HSI members-only monthly alerts, going back
to 1998.

Dig in to get a taste of what HSI is all about.

As soon as your application is processed, we will rush you a copy of Miracles from the Vault and The
New Miracles.

Miracles from the Vault & The New Miracles

You’ll find all the details of the new cancer cure we uncovered on page 57.
You’ll learn how to activate your body’s Divine Army... what happens when you do... where to find
the treatment... and more.

Keep in mind that when you become an HSI member, you’re not locked into anything. All I’m asking
is that you give it a try.

So if at any point, you’re not completely satisfied, just drop us a line or give us a call and you’ll get a
prompt and courteous refund of every cent you paid.

No matter what you decide...

Please keep Miracles from the Vault and The New Miracles—our way of saying “thanks” for trying

But I do hope you’ll continue with your membership... because in today’s world, you need a team of
medical experts on your side—a team that can help you not just treat illness... but cure it... the
natural way.

I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity today. It could literally save your life.


Jenny Thompson

Director, The Health Sciences Institute

P.S. Remember, if you accept our invitation to join HSI today, you’ll get access to all HSI Member
Benefits, including your special collection Miracles from the Vault, PLUS your BONUS gift, The New
Miracles: An Updated Anthology of Underground Cures.

Of course, if you decide the HSI is not for you, simply pick up the phone anytime in the first 12
months and let us know. You’ll receive a prompt, 100% refund PLUS – You get to keep Miracles from
the Vault AND The New Miracles, with our compliments, as a thank you for giving HSI a try.

P.P.S. The above report was created by HSI and distributed by http/
report.pdf as we felt it deserved a larger distribution.

I know I would have been delighted with this report some 18 and a half years ago as I lost my wife to
cancer. Which prompted my search for alternative medicines as we were not very happy with how
my wife was treated.

To your good health

Fred Scott publisher

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