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Arduino & Embedded System Syllabus -1

1. Introduction to Embedded Systems

2. What is Arduino Microcontroller
3. Advantages of ATMEL Microcontroller
4. Introduction to Arduino
5. Drivers & Software Installation
6. Getting used to Arduino IDE
7. Anatomy of Arduino
8. Detailed Pin Mapping
9. Boot loaders and Boot loading process for Microcontroller
10. How to Program in Arduino?
11. LED Interfacing with Arduino Theory
12. Practical: Blinking LEDs in a given pattern

Arduino & Embedded System Syllabus -2

1. Basic Electronic Concepts of Embedded Designing
2. Pulse Width Modulation Theory
3. Practical: Controlling brightness of a LED.
4. Seven Segment Displays Theory
5. Practical: Displaying Digits on Seven Segment Displays
6. LCD Interfacing with Arduino Theory
7. Practical: Displaying Text on LCD
8. Practical: Scrolling Text on LCD
9. Digital Input Processing Theory
10. Practical: Detecting Switch Inputs on Arduino
11. Practical: Controlling LEDs with Single Key
12. Interfacing a Buzzer with Arduino Theory
13. Practical: Generating Tones using Buzzer
14. Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensors Theory
15. Practical: Distance/Speed approximation using
Ultrasonic Sensor
16. Serial Communication in Arduino - Theory
17. Practical: Controlling LEDs from the PC.
18. Practical: Printing text on the LCD from PC
19. Introduction to ADC and Serial Monitoring -
20. Practical: Interfacing a simple Potentiometer
21. Interfacing IR Sensors(Analog) Theory
22. Practical: Designing and fabricating an IR sensor.
23. Practical: Detecting obstacles and surface color
difference using above.
24. Interfacing LDR Sensors(Analog) Theory
25. Practical: Designing and fabricating an LDR
26. Practical: Detecting Color and Light Intensity with
LDR Sensors.
27. Interfacing Temperature Sensor Theory

Arduino & Embedded System Syllabus -3

Practical: Calibrating Sensor value
with Temperature Range.
2. Handling Heavy Power with
3. Interfacing a DC Motor & Servo
Motor with Arduino
4. Motor Driver & Its Need
5. Practical: Controlling Direction of
Rotation of a Motor
6. Working of Relays
7. Interfacing Relays with Arduino
8. Practical: Controlling AC
Appliances using Arduino and
9. Introduction to Autonomous
10. Line Follower Robot :
11. Practical: Making a Line Follower Robot
12. Pit Follower Robot :
13. Light Follower/Avoider Robot :
14. Project Discussion and Building

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