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Partea a ll-a ANUL II DE STUDIU LECTIILE: 35-66 Lectia 35 VOCABULAR Fi 4 beginner [bi'gina] s. tncepitor to compose (12 Kom'pauz] ». @ compune composer [kam‘pauza] s. compozitor congratulation [kangratju'leifan] s. correct [ka'rekt] adj. corect definitely [‘definith} ado. hotartt, cu siguranta to draw [ta ‘dro:], drew [dru:], drawn (dro:n] ¢. a desena ever since [‘eve 'sins] conj. de cind exhibition [cksibifan] s. expozitie favourite [‘feivarit] adj. favorit hobby [‘hobi] s. ocupatie preferat’, pasiune (in. timpul liber) Hterature [‘litoritfa] s. literaturs mock-serious [mak 'siarios] adj. pretins serios musie ['mju:zik] s. muzicd occupation [akju'peifan] s. ocupatie on [on] prep. despre, asupra felicitare to paint {te point) o, a piota e a :staim |] ctie, streceres. ‘timy ta ie tt i belated ‘pisonist] ¢. piani Pine (nero ohn leis) s. casé Portealé [ipo:trit] ¢. portret Precisely [p) ri'saisli) ado. exact prise ipa s premiu progress [‘prougres] . progres Tesult [ri'zalt] s. cata since [sins] conj. intructt, deoarece to sketch [to ‘sketf] ¢. a face o gchifi/un crochiu to study [ta ‘stadi] o. a studia to suggest [ta sa'dsest] ». a sugera, a propune therefore ['Seafs:] adv. de aceca tone [toun] s. ton to win [tu ‘win], wor ctstiga [wan], won [wan] . a EXPRESIL — din nou, iar(%gi), inc’ 0 dat& at ‘hoa ease —acasi la Eva the great Wl — Marele Will (William Shake- to give a talk — a fine o prolegere Ym prectising my ‘on You — exersez engleza folosindu-m& de tine that’s all! —asta-i tot! doar atit (si nimic mai mult)! to make sued preqrees be — a face progress lot me tell you — dafi-mi voie si v4 spun not only... but also — nu numi (for) how long...t — de ctt timp. We've been talking about our hobbies, haven’t wet — am vorbit despre ocupafiile noastre preferate, nu-i aga? THE PRESENT PERFECT CONTINUOUS Our friends are once again at Eva's place for their weekly talk in English. Paul: been meeting here, (in a mock-serious tone) Well, now, ladies and gentlemen, since we have quite regularly, for the past four months, we have learnt a lot of things about English, the language of the great Will. Diana: ‘Are you going to” give us a talkon English literature, Paul? Paul: No, Diana, I’m not. ’'m Diana: I see. Well, go on. just practising my English on you, that’s all. Paul: As I was saying, we have been learning very hard at the Cultural-Scientific University all this time, ever since classes began in October last year. The result is that we have made good progress in English. But, ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you that we still know very little about one another. I therefore suggest that today we speak about our hobbies. 217 Alexandra: “Hobbies”? I don’t know the word. What does it mean? George: I know it. It means a favourite occupation or pastime. Is that correct, Paul? Paul: Precisely. Eva: All right, let’s talk about our hobbies, then. And since the suggestion comes from you, Paul, you tell us first about your hobbies. Paul: I have only one hobby: the piano. But I’m only a beginner, you know. George: How long have you been playing it, Paul? Paul: I’ve been studying it for about three years. Alexandra: He's only been studying it for three years, but he has already composed some music. Eva: Has he? So our friend Paul is not only a pianist, but also a composer. Congratulations, Paul. Paul: Oh, thank’ you. You are very kind. Eva: I say, Victor, what are you doing over there? Victor: Er — nothing. Eva: What do you mean “nothing”; You’ve been looking at Alexandra ever since she came in half an hour ago, and you have been drawing something on that paper all this time. Victor: Well, I've made Alexandra’s portrait. Alexandra: So sketching is Victor’s hobby. For how long have you been drawing now, Mr Artist? Victor: Oh, I’ve been drawing for many years. And painting, too. Diana: Victor’s won several prizes at the Annual Amateur Artists’ Exhibition. Eva: Do you know what we've been doing so far? George: Of course we know. We’ve been talking about our hobbies, haven’t we, Eva? Eva: Yes, we have. And we have also been practising the Present Perfect Con- tinuous. Victor: English grammar is definitely Eva’s hobby. A JOKE Tom: “What a lucky man you are, Father!” Father: “Why, my son?” Tom: “I needn’t any new books for the next school year. I have been left in the same form.” EXPLICAPI LEXICALE § 183 A talk on English literature. Prepozitia on are in acest context sensul despre, asupra“. EXPLICATIL GRAMATICALE § 184 Present Perfect Continuous. Timpul Present Perfect Continuous se formeaz& cu ajutorul auxiliarului to be, care se foloseste la Present Perfect, si participiul prezent al verbului de conjugat. Exemple: 218 Afirmatio Interogatio I have been learning (= invat; Have I been learning? am invafat) You have been learning Have you been learning? He /she has been learning Has he/she been learning? We have been learning Have we been learning? You have been learning Have you been learning? They have been learning Have they been learning? Negatio I have not been learning You have not been learning He/she has not been learning We have not been learning You have not been learning They have not been learning Present Perfect Continuous se folosegte pentru a exprima o actiune inceputd in trecut care continua in prezent gi poate continua gi in viitor. Acest timp cores- punde de cele mai multe ori indicativului prezent din limba roman’. Exemple: (For) how long have you been drawing? — de cind desenezi? De cit timp desenezi? Pee been studying the piano for about three years — invat pianul de aproximativ trei ani. § 185 For, since. In sens temporal, Present Perfect se folosegte in constructii cu prepozitiile for gi since. For indic& lungimea unei perioade de timp. Since indic& ineeputul unei perioade de timp. § 186 Pronumele reciproe. Pronumele reciproc are doua forme in limba englez&: each other gi one another. Each other se folosegte, de regula, cind ne referim la dowd persoane, iar one another cind ne referim la mai mult de doud persoane. Exemplu: Mary and Tom love each other. The ten friends know very little about one another. § 187 You tell us first. Am vazut c& la imperativ persoana a II-a singular gi plural subiectul nu se exprima in limba englezi. Pronumele you se foloseste ins uneori in vorbirea colocvialé pentru accentuare. § 188 Artists’ Exhibition. Genitivul sintetic al substantivelor cu plural regulat se formeaz& addugindu-se numai un apostrof dup& numele posesorului. 219 1) Réspundefi la urmdtoarele tntrebari: How long have you been learning English? Have you made good progress in English? What does the word hobby mean? What are your hobbies? Can you play the piano? What famous Romanian artists do you know? Do you like English grammar? Is English grammar very difficult for you? 2) Trecefi urmdtoarele propozitii la forma interogativd: He has learned a lot of things about English. You are going to give us a talk on English literature. She has been learning very hard. Classes began in October. We have made good progress in English. They are speaking about their hobbies. He is only a beginner. He’s been learning to play the piano for three years. Victor’s won several prizes at the Annual Amateur Artists’ Exhibition. English grammar is Eva’s hobby. 3) Trecefi verbele urmdtoarelor propozitii la Present Perfect Continuous: We meet here every day. He learned a lot of things. We spoke about our hobbies for an hour. He played the piano for half an hour. She looked at Alexandra for ten minutes. We are practis- ing English grammar. 4) Facefi propozifii cu ajutorul tabelului de mai jos: studying a foreign language practising the piano music| for many years now. Gaon for the past ten years. U have been painting soca tee ever since | came here two years ago. him all this time. meeting her quite regularly. them 5) Traducefi tn limba englezd: Ocupafia favorita a lui Paul este pianul. El a inceput s& invefe pianul cu trei ani in urma. Si desi (although [9:1'dau]) nu sint decit trei ani de cind cint& la acest instrument (instrument (instrument), el a si compus muzicd pentru pian. Prietenul stu Vietor nu cinta la pian, dar stie s& picteze. El picteazi de mai mulfi ani, si a gi cistigat clteva premii la expozifiile anuale ale artistilor amatori. 6) Vorbifi despre ocupafia dv. favorita. Lectia 36 an airport a factory VOCABULAR airport [‘eapo:t] s. aeroport Alice [‘elis] architect [‘a:kitekt] s. arhitect breakdown [‘breikdaun] s. pani (de motor) to build [ta ‘bild}, built [bilt}, built [bilt] ». a construi café [‘kefei] s. cafenea, braserie, cofetarie chat [t{et] s. conversafie, discufie, taifas cheerio [‘tfiori'ou] interj. (la despdrtire) la revedere! (familiar); (la béuturd) in sin’- tatea ta! (familiar) Constanza [kon'stentso] Constanta to decide [to di'said] . a (se) hotari, a (se) decide to discuss [ta dis'kas] ». a discuta to drive [to ‘draiv], drove [drouv], driven ['drivn] ». a conduce (un vehicul) to drive on [ta ‘draiv ‘on] ¢. a-si continua dru- mul (conducind magina) each other ['i:t{ '4%a] unul pe celilalt, reci- proc end [end] s. sfirgit factory ['faektari] s. fabrict family [‘femili] s. familie fish-smoking ['fif ‘smoukip] . afumarea pes- telui to fix [to ‘fiks] o. a fixa Job [dsob] s. slujb’, post Tong [lop] ade. (de) mult timp to marry [to ‘mari] ¢. a lua in c&sitorie, a se c&sitori cu to miss [ta mis) o. a pierde plan [plan] s. plan pretty [‘priti] adj. dragut private [‘praivit] adj. particular, intim problem [‘problom] s. problema rather ['ra:8a) adj. oarecum, cam registrar [redsis'tra:] ¢. ofijer al st&rii civile Registrar’s Office [redsis'tra: ‘ofis) oficiul st&rii_civile to regret [to rivgret] ». a regreta to save [ta ‘seiv] 9. a economisi seaside ['si:said] s. litoral, mare 80 a8 ['sau 92) conj. astfel tnctt s0 that ['su Bat] conj. astfel inclt story ['sto:ri] s. poveste surprise [so'praiz] s. surprizd to take off [ta ‘teik'of], took off ['tuk ‘of, taken off [‘teiken ‘of] o. a decola unfortunately (an‘fo:tfnitli] ado. din nefericire to want [tu ‘wont] 9. a vrea, a dori wedding ['wedip] s. nunta 221 EXPRESII to have a chat —a sta la taifas, a avea o discutie over a glass of beer — la un pahar de bere, la o bere how is it that...? — cum se face cf... it’s like this —lucrurile stau asa; (tn text) iat& cum s-a intimplat at the time — in vremea aceea, pe atunci to get married — a se cis&tori to cut a long story short — pentru a nu mai lungi_povestea in love with — a se tndragosti de it was meant to be — urma, trebuia si fie on the day — fn ziua to take a plane —a lua avionul as fast as I could — cit am putut de repede to get on well with someone — a se infelege bine cu cineva Here’s to you — in s&n&tatea ta THE PAST PERFECT Paul and George are sitting at a table in a café. They are having a chat over a glass of beer. George: Paul, there’s a little question I have always wanted to ask ‘you. Er — it’s rather private, I’m afraid, so you needn’t answer it, if you don’t want to. But we have known each other for so many years that I thought — Paul: All right, George, go ahead. What is it you want to know? George: Well, how is it that you didn’t marry that pretty girl you had met at the seaside before you knew Alice? You have never told me the end of the story. Paul: Oh, well, it’s like this. You know I had already been at the seaside three years before I met that girl. I was working in a fish-smoking factory at the time, and I had long wanted to get married. Well, to cut a long story short, we fell in love with each other and decided to get married. So we fixed the date of the wedding. I was very happy. She was young and pretty, and I had a good job. Money was no problem. For some years before I met her I had saved enough money to build a flat in Bucharest. Of course, she didn’t know anything about it, for it was meant to be a surprise. On the day of our wedding, I was still in Bucharest, discussing plans with an architect. The girl was waiting for me at the Registrar’s Office in Constanza with her family and friends. 1 meant to take a plane and fly to Constanza so as to be in time for- the wedding. Unfortunately, while I was driving to the airport with one of my friends, we had a breakdown and we arrived too late. George: You mean you missed your plane? Paul: Yes, when we arrived at the airport, the plane had just taken off. Of course, I drove on to Constanza as fast as I could. But by the time I reached Constanza, she had decided not to marry me because I was late. And it was all over. Still, I do not regret it. I am very happy with Alice. We are getting on well together. George: Well, here's to you, old man, and to your wife. Paul: Cheerio. A JOKE ‘An absent-minded man who has just learned he is a father is congratulated by a friend of his: “Congratulations! I hear your wife has had twins. Are they boys or girls?” “T believe one is a boy and the other is a girl but it may be the other way round”, replied the man. 222 PROVERB Money lent is money spent. EXPLICATII LEXICALE § 189 Seaside. Cuvintul seaside inseamna ,,itoral“, iar cuvintul sea inseamnd mare“. Sensul expresiei romAnegti ,la mare“, ,,tntr-o localitate la mare“, se red& prin at the seaside, iar a merge la mare“ prin to go to the seaside, § 190 To arrive at, to reach. Verbul to arrive este urmat de prepozitia at sau in gi inseamna ,a sosi“ (la o destinatie). To reach, care este verb tranzitiv si deci este urmat de un complement direct, inseamn& ,,a sosi, a ajunge“ (intr-un anumit loc). Exemple: By the time I reached Constanza... When I arrived at the airport... § 191 To marry. To get married. To marry este folosit mai ales ca verb tran- zitiv, de exemplu: I decided to marry her si inseamna .,a lua in casitorie“. To get married inseamn& ,a se cisktori“, de exemplu: They got married yesterday. To be married inseamn& ,,a fi cisitorit“, iar to be married to someone tnseamn’ a fi cisitorit cu cineva". § 192 Old man. Expresia familiar’ old man corespunde cuvintului romanese »b&trine“ folosit intre prieteni. EXPLICATIT GRAMATICALE § 193 Past Perfect. Timpul Past Perfect (mai-mult-ca-perfectul) se formeazi cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar to have la Simple Past (forma had pentru toate persoanele) gi participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat. Forma interogativa se obfine prin inversiune intre subiect gi auxiliar, iar forma negativa prin agezarea adverbului not intre auxiliar gi participiul trecut al verbului de conjugat. Afirmatio Interogativ Negatio I had spoken (= vorbisem) Had I spoken? I had not spoken You had spoken Hed you spoken? You had not spoken He/she had spoken Had he/she spoken? He/she had not spoken We had spoken Had we spoken? We had not spoken You had spoken Had you spoken?, You had not spoken They had spoken Had they spoken? They had not spoken 223 _Past Perfect corespunde timpului mai-mult-ca-perfect din limba romana (vor- bisem — vorbisegi — vorbise etc.) gi se foloseste pentru a exprima o actiune trecuts, sivirgit& inaintea altei acfiuni trecute. Exemple: How is it that you didn’t marry that pretty girl you had met at the seaside? When I arrived at the airport, the plane had just taken oft. § 194 By the time I reached Constanza (Cind am ajuns la Constanja). Prepo- zifia by asociatd cu ideea de timp indic& o perioada (limita) de timp nedepagita. EXERCITII 1) Punefi verbele din paranteze la timpurile cerute de sens: Paul ...a lot of money before he... his future wife (to save, to meet). When he. cinema, the film... already (to get, to begin). When the woman... cakes (to get, to eat). When Paul... at the airport, the plane just... (to arrive, to take off). By the time he... Constanza, she... not to marry ‘him (to reach, to decide). 2) Raspundefi la urmatoarele tntrebéri: Where are Paul and George sitting? What are they talking about? What is the name of Paul’s wife; Why did the girl decide not to marry him? Why couldn’t Paul arrive at the airport in time? Does he regret his bad luck? Is he happy with his wife? 3) Completafi cu articolul hotdrit sau nehotarit: ‘When I arrived at ... airport... plane had just taken off. Of course, I drove on to... Con- stanza as fast as I could. But by... time I reached Constanza, she had decided not to marry me. She didn’t know anything about it, for it was meant to be... surprise. On... day of our wedding, I was still in Bucharest. 4) Trecefi urmatoarele propozitii la persoanele indicate tn paranteze: There's a little question 1 have always wanted to ask you (I-a plural). We have known each other for so many years (a I1J-a plural). | had already been three years at the seaside before I met that girl (a I/J-a singular masculin). 1 was working in a fish-smoking factory at the time (a IJJ-a singular masculin). We fixed the date of the wedding (a /II-a plural). 1 was very happy (a II-a plural). For some years before 1 met her, I had saved enough money to build a flat in Bucharest (a I/J-a singular masculin). Unfortunately, while | was driving to the airport, I had a breakdown and I arrived too late (a III-a singular masculin). 5) Formafi propozifii cw ajutorul urmatoarelor tabele: a) The train afew minutes we arrived at | the station. The ship __| had | tefe | twenty minutes| before| Tom got to the harbour*. The plane a little the tourists | reached | the airport. ese e b) The train left the station | afew minutes 1 piitles ho The ship left harbour | twenty minutes! 2 | we gs The plane |, | taken off la little ieee ‘arrived at | the airport. i: | & | the tourists | got to | | reached * harbour [‘ha:ba] s. port 224 ©) ' arrived at | the station, | the train | @ Wren : we got to the ship £ dee ceases aes reached the plane | & | taken off, the tourists 2 4) 4 arrived The train_| = |jleft_the station 1 chara: The ship 7) 2 | lefe harbour when we oem! El taken off by the time | Tom ‘the airport.| The plane 3 the tourists | got to = reached 2) ' £ > twenty minutes | when the train _| left the station, 7 . 3 | there the ship _| left harbour. ha 3 ante before [the plane | took off. The tourists ai f) : 3 the train left_the station. 3 we ~ | there | five minutes | When | the ship left_harbour. Tom < a minute he Took om The tourists z ene barnes beta fl | L 8) ' the train it_left_the station. we had just got on the ship when | it_left_harbour. Tom had hardly Jthe ship | at tote arbour. The tourists the plane it took off. 6) Traducefi in limba englezd: Cei doi tineri (young people) s-au indragostit si au hotarit si se cAsitoreascd. Tindrul (young man) era foarte fericit. Inainte de a o intilni pe viitoarea lui sofie, el economisise ceva bani pentru (to) a-si construi un apartament la Bucuresti. Fata il astepta cu familia la Oficiul starii civile. El intentiona si plece cu avionul. pentru ca si ajungi (to get) la timp la Con- stanfa. In timp ce mergea spre aeroport, a avut o pana de motor sia intirziat. Cind a ajuns la aeroport, avionul decolase. Cind a sosit la Constanfa era prea tirziu — fata hotdrise s4 nu se mai marite cu el. 7) Povestiti oral pajania lui Paul ca gi cum ar povesti-o George. Lectia 37 VOCABULAR Amerfoan [o'merikan] s., adj. american. author ['9:60] s. autor to bear {to ‘bee, bore [bo:), born(e)* (bo:n] ¢. a haste command [ke'ma:nd] 2. ordin, porunci famous ['feimes] adj. celebru Finn [fin {him elt] pron. de tntdrire tnsugi Huckleberry [‘hakiberi humorist [‘hju:merist] ¢. umorist. Mark [ma:k Pauper [\po:po] +. sirac, cengotor perhaps [pa'heps} adv. ‘poate prince [prins] #. print realistic [ria'listik] adj. realist Sawyer ['s9:ja] Twain [twein] wish [wif] s. dorinfa to write [to ‘rait), wrote [rout], written [‘ritn] o. a serie writer ['raite] # scriitor EXPRESII to tell a story — a spune o poveste why? — ei cum? aren't we supposed to... ['a:nt wi: sa'pouzd ta] — oare nu trebuie (noi) s8...? some more about him — (si) altele despre el to get to the story — a trece la poveste, a ajunge la poveste at last [ot ‘lo:st] — tn sftrgit 80 would everybody — ca toaté lumea THE CONDITIONAL Who wrote it? George: Why, Mark Twain himself. Alezandra: Who is Merk Twain? Eva: Don’t you know that? Alezandra: Of course I know. But aren’t we supposed to do exerci conversation here? Eva: Oh, yes, you're right. Paul: Well, who would like to speak today? I should like to tell you a story about Mark Twain. in English George: Mark Twain is a famous American humorist and realistic writer. He was born in 1835 and died in 1910. Alezandra: Thank you. Liza: But I'd like to know some more about him. Diana: Oh, would you? But we'd like to hear the story. George: A lady’s wish is a command. Mark Twain is the author of Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The Prince and the Pauper and many other books. Liza: Thank you, George. * Forma born apare numai in constructii pasive. Exemplu: He was born in 1900 nascut in 1900. Dar: She has borne him two sons — i-a nascut doi biieti. 226 Dan: Well, now perhaps we could get to the story at last. Maria: We could, of course, but why should we do it so quickly? I'd prefer a cup of tea first. Eva: So would everybody, I’m sure. First a cup of tea or coffee and then the story. A THOUGHT The greatest of faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none. Thomas Carlyle EXPLICATIT GRAMATICALE § 195 Condifionalul prezent. Conditionalul prezent se formeaz& cu ajutorul verbului auxiliar should [fud] (trecutul verbului shall) pentru persoana I singular gi plural gi al verbului auxiliar would [wud] (trecutul verbului will) pentru per- soana a Il-a gia IlI-a singular gi plural urmat de infinitivul scurt al verbului de conjugat. Exemplu: I should Ike to tell you a story. La forma interogativ’ se agazi auxiliarul inaintea subiectului, iar la forma negativé se adaugé adverbul not dup verbul auxiliar. Afirmatio Interogatio Negatio I should like — mi-ar plicea, ag vrea Should I like? I should not like You would like Would you like? You would not like He/she would like Would he/she like? He/she would not like We should like Should we like? We should not like You would like Would you ihe? You would not like They would like Would they like? They would not like Afirmatio Interogatio 8. + Should/Would + Infinitiv scurt Should/Would + 8. + Infinitiv scurt Negatio 8. + Should/Would + not + Infinitiv scurt Not&. Forma afirmativa contrast a condifionalului prezent se reduce la ‘d (apostrof d) Ja toate persoanele, Exemple: Wd like, you'd like Forma negativé contrast a condifionalului prezent se reduce la should’t (should not) gi wouldn’t (would not). Exemple: I shouldn't (fudnt) like We shouldn't like You wouldn't [wudnt] like You wouldn't like He/she wouldn't [wudnt] like They wouldn't like Conditionalul prezent corespunde optativului din limba romana gi, in construc- fille condifionale, conditionalului. § 196 Prepozifia in. Prepozitia in se foloseste pentru a exprima o perioadd de timp mai lung& (luni, anotimpuri, ani), Exemplu: He was born in 1835. 227 § 197 Could. Could este trecutul verbului can (avind aceeagi forma la toate persoanele). Uneori could se folosegte gi cu infelesul de conditional, de exemplu: I could run faster a few years ago — puteam s& alerg mai repede acum clfiva ani, We could have a cup of coffee — am putea servi o cafea, We could get to the story — am putea trece la poveste, § 198 Why should we do it? (= De ce s-o facem?) Intocmai oa gi shall, in propozitiile interogative should corespunde conjunctivului din limba romand, de exemplu: What should I do now? — ce si tac acum? Where should they go? —unde si se duci? EXERCITII 1) Raspundefi la urmédtoarele intrebari: What do you know about Mark Twain? When was Mark Twain born? When did Twain die? What books written by Twain do you know? Have you read any books by Mark Twain? 2) Trecefi urmdtoarele propozitii la forma interogativd: He'd like to speak about Mark Twain. He wrote a lot of books. We are supposed to do exercises in English conversation. You'd like to hear the story. Mark Twain is the author of Tom Sawyer. 3) Completati cu articolul hotdrit saw nehotdrit unde este cazul: I should like to tell you... story about Mark Twain. Mark Twain is... American humorist. ‘We'd like to hear... story. ...lady’s wish is... command. Mark Twain wrote... Tom Sawyer and... Prince and... Pauper. 4) Formati propozifit cu ajutorul tabelului de mai jos: now. 1 should . | immediately. We ‘d aa ae it en Monday. shouldn't on Tuesday morning. oer at ten o'clock. about 6:30. in the afternoon, like to go in January. He er ee the this autumn. She » in a week's time. at ee today. They to see him | tomorrow. oe | hee next time. | them | next Friday. 228 5) Traduceti in limba englezd: Ag dori s% vA spun o poveste despre Mark Twain. Povestea a fost scrisi de insusi Mark Twain. Twain a fost un mare scriitor umorist american. S-a nascut in 1835 gi a murit in 1910. Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, Print si cersetor sint titlurile (titles) unor c&rfi celebre de Mark Twain. Afi citit vreo carte de Mark Twain? Da, am citit Tom Sawyer anul trecut. 6) Povestifi in scris activitatea dvs. zilnicd. 7) Citii, scriefi dupa dictare gi povestiti: The story of the Prince and the Pauper Prince Edward, the son of Henry VIII discovers Tom Canty, a pauper boy, to be exactly like him in appearance. In order to amuse himself he takes Tom inside the ' palace and he changes clothes with Tom, but then the servants throw Edward out of the palace and keep Tom there as the real prince. Edward tells everybody in the town that he is Prince Edward but the people think he is insane. So he has to live among the poor and he learns the suffer- ings of the people. After the death of Henry VIII, Tom is taken to Westminster Abbey to be crowned. Prince Edward manages to come there too and proves his identity with the help of Tom, who returns to his poor family. Edward becomes king and will be a good king because he has’ learned very much during his contact with the common people. to amuse oneself [tu a'mju:z wan'self] ». ase insane [in'sein] s. alienat mintal amuza inside [‘insaid] adv. in interiorul appearance [o'piarans] s. infatisare to manage [ta 'mamnids] ». a reusi Canty [‘kenti] palace [‘pzlis] s. palat common ['koman] adj. comun to prove [ta 'pru:v] » a dovedi contact [‘kontekt] s. contact real [rial] adj. adevarat to crown [t) ‘kraun] ¢. a incorona servant ['so:vant] s. servitor to discover [ta dis'kava] v. a descoperi suffering ['safarig] s. suferinga Edward [‘edwod] to return [ta ri'ta:n] ». a se intoarce Identity [ai'dentiti] ». identitate to throw [ta ‘@rau} v. a arunca Lectia 38 a fridge biscuits chocolate a pot & sandwich a lemon VOCABULAR anybody [‘enibodi] pron. nehot. cineva (tn jam [dsm] s. dulceats, marmeladi construcfii interogative), nimeni strucfii. negative) biscuit [ biskit] s. biscuit, pesmet to bring [ta ‘brip], brought [bro:t], brought [bro:t] . a aduce butter ['bate] ». unt buttered [‘bated] adj., part. tre. uns cu unt chocolate ['tfoklit] 2. ciocolats frldge [frids] «. frigider (familiar de la refrige- rator [ri fridgereita]) (tn con- to keep [ta'ki:p], kept [kept], kept [kept] ». a fine, a p&stra lemon [‘lemen] s. limtie milk [milk] s. lapte pot [pot] ». cand to put [te ‘put], put [put], put [put] ». a pune sandwich ['senwids] ». sandvig somebody ['sambadi] pron. nehot. cineva (tn constructii afirmative ) until [on'til] prep. pin& co EXPRESII some of you — unii dintre voi you take lemon... don’t you? — doresti 1a- mile... nu-i aga? 1 don't think so — nu (prea) cred here’s — iat& bread and butter — ptine cu unt help me put all these things away — (tn text) ajuté-ma st string masa let's get back to our work — hai s& ne apuctm din nou de treab& 230 AFTERNOON TEA Eva: (bringing in a pot of tea and one of coffee): 1 know some of you don’t like tea in the afternoon, so I've also madé some coffee. Tell me, what shall I pour for each of you? Maria: Coffee for me, please. Victor: Tea for me, please. Diana: What would you like to have, Dan? Dan: Ob, 1 think I'd like coffee, please. Maria: And would you like a sandwich? Dan: Yes, please. I like sandwiches. Alezandra: You take lemon with your tea, Victor, don’t you? Victor: 1 do take lemon sometimes, but I think I should prefer to have milk today, thank you, Alexandra. Paul: Would you like some jam, Eva? Eva: No, I don’t think so, thank you. Liza: Here's some buttered toast, Adrian, or would you prefer bread and butter? Adrian: Yes, I'd prefer some bread and butter, please. Eva: Would anybody like a chocolate cake? George: I will have one, thank you. Victor: Will you have another cup of tea, Liza? Liza: No, thank you. I’ve had too much of everything. Maria: | say, Eva, that was a very good tea, indeed, but next week Adrian and I will bring ice-cream for everybody and you can keep it in the fridge until the tea-break. And perhaps somebody could bring some biscuits. Eva: All right. But, by the way, our break is over, so help me put all these things away and let’s get back to our work. A THOUGHT He that can have patience can have what he will. Benjamin Franklin PROVERB Give a man luck and throw him into the sea. PRONUNTARE Bread and butter [‘bredn’bata]. In aceastd constructie conjunctia and [snd] se reduce la [n]. 231 EXPLICATIL GRAMATICALE § 199 Substantivele comune luate in sens general, ca indicind materia, se folo- sesc fri articol. Exemple: 2) ») i tea. good tea. ike coffee. Victor a cup of | good coffee. 1 | don't like ' George | likes to drink good milk. We | drink iE a always drinks dome drink | PST ina Tass of | cold beer. ae om cold water. °°) \ liked ° tea, ee drank coffee. We lel) che | milk, [| George | didn't | like beer. ; fa Liza a, water, | He wasn’t good. Substantivele comune luate in sens particular (restrictiv) se folosesc mai ales cu articolul hotarit sau adjectivul demonstrativ. § 200 Somebody, anybody. Some, any + bodylone formeazi pronumele neho- trite (somebody, someone, anybody, anyone, care se folosesc ca gi some gi any.) Exemple: Somebody could bring some biscuits. Would anybody like a chocolate cake? § 201 What shall I pour? Degi la persoana I singular gi plural a verbului se poate folosi atit forma shall (viitorul simplu) cit si will (viitorul volitiv, cu nuant& modal, aratind intentia, hotdrirea), la forma interogativa nu se poate folosi decit shall la persoana I singular si plural. § 202 I do take lemon sometimes. Verbul to do se poate folosi in constructii cu forma afirmativa a indicativului prezent si imperativului, pentru accentuare. I do take We do take You do take You do take He/she does take They do take Verbul de intarire (Emphatic “do”) se poate traduce prin cuvinte de intarire insofite de o intonajie speciali. Exemple: ‘Sit down, please — luafi loc, va rog. Do sit down, (please) — Dar, va rog, luati loc. § 203 will, would. Formele interogative will you? would you? sint formele de politete pentru a ruga pe cineva ceva, sau a-i oferi cuiva ceva. Formula cea mai politicoas& este Would you like...? Exemple: Will you have another cup of tea? — mai doriti/servifi un ceai? Would anybody like chocolate cake? — doreste/vreajserveste cineva o préjitura de ciocolata? What would you like to have? — ce serviti? ce doriti s& serviti? 232 EXERCITII 1) Traducefi in limba englezd urmétoarele propozitii folosind verbul de intdrire to do unde este cazul: Va rog, luafi loc. Dar, va rog, Iuafi loc! Citeste lecfia. Dar, te rog, citeste lecfia. Nu-i place ceaiul. Ba fi place mult ceaiul. Vino aici! Dar, te rog, vino aici! Ajut&-m& s& string masa, te rog. Dar, te rog, ajuti-ma si string masa. 2) Trecefi urmdtoarele propozifii la viitorul volitiv: I take some tea in the afternoon. We also make some coffee. I keep some ice-cream in the fridge. We have chocolate after lunch. I drink milk in the morning. 3) Completafi urmdtoarele propozitii cu articolul hotdrit sau nehotdrit: I know some of you don’t like... tea in... afternoon. I think I'd like... coffee. Would you like... sandwich? I like... sandwiches. Would you like... chocolate cake? This was... very good tea. 4) Facefi propozitii cu ajutorul urmdtoarelor tabele: a) b) lsome teat lko buy? to drink _|some coffee? to have? to have |some wine? aE \some beer? “ to drink? to see? jan apple? you 1 you toe fa peart ie to listen to He 7 = would ice |Woutd| like | to have [an tee ms she la cake? ee ty | — He lsome good records? lko got to listen 0 |ome piano music?| Where Ito stay? |to live? eee to stay there? to live 5) Traducefi in limba englezi: Teri am fost [acasa] la unul din prietenii mei. El ne-a tntrebat: Ce dorifi, ceai sau cafea?* Unii dintre not au réspuns: Am dori ceat*. Aljii au spus: »Preferim cafes”. Prietenul nostru ne-a dat [nite] sandviguri si prajituri. Totul a fost foarte bun. Lectia 39 VOCABULAR to break [to ‘breik], broke [brouk], broken [ubrouken] ». a rupe, a sparge; a cilea (0 regula) Clemens ['klemanz] Alsgraced {dis 'greist] adj., part. trec. dezonorat isobedient [disa'bi:djant] adj. neascultator dollar ['dola] ¢. dolar to earn [tu'a:n] v. a ctytiga (prin muned) father [‘fa:Bo] s. tata fine [fain] 2. amend’ headmaster [‘hed'ma:sta] s. director de scoala mark [ma:k] s. semn, crest&tur& naughty ('nd:ti] adj. neascultator, obraznic penknife [ pennaif} s. briceag Pen-name [‘penneim] s. pseudonim practice [‘preektis] ¢. obicei, practic& Publlely { pablikii) ade. tn public quiet [kwaiat] adj. quiet! linigte! real [rial] adj. real, adevirat to realize [ta ‘riolaiz] 0, Samuel ['seemjuol] schoolboy ['sku:lboi] «. scolar, elev shame [jeim] s. rugine to stop [ta 'stop] o. a opri, a pune capat atriet [strikt) adj. strict, sever unbearable [an‘bearabl] ‘adj. de nesuportat unless [an'les] conj. numai dac8, de nu, afar& de cazul cind unpunished (‘an panift] adj, part. tree. nepe- depsi upstairs ['4p'steoz) adv, sus, 1a etaj to whip (tu'wip] o. a bate cu biciul, a biciui whipping [‘wipip] s. bataie cu biciul whole [foul] ad), tntreg, tot, agi da seama EXPRESII they used to make marks — (tn text) obis- nuiau 88 fack mtzgalituri, crestaturi the headmaster had made It a rule that... — directorul stabilise regula ca. to break a rule — a cilca o regula, un regu- lament He was to be whipped — urma sa fie biciuit It would be @ shame to have the name of Clemens disgraced — ar fi o rugine ca nu- mele (de) Clemens 68 fie facut de ocaré to go unpunished — a scipa de pedeapsi, a rimtne nepedepsit to give somebody a good whipping —a da cuiva o bataie stragnicd cu bictul In this way — tn acest fel HOW MARK TWAIN EARNED HIS FIRST MONEY After tea the conversation is resumed. Diana: Well, at last, 1 think we can now hear George's story about how Mark Twain earned his first money. Quiet, please, and everybody listen to George. Liza: Wait a minute. Is it true that Mark Twain's real name was not Mark Twain? Paul: Quite true, His real name was Samuel Clemens. Mark Twain was his pen- name, George: Well now, may I begin? All; Yes, do please. We are all waiting for the story. 234 George: Now, then, when Mark Twain was a schoolboy, the boys at school were very naughty and disobedient. They used to make marks on their desks with their pencils and penknives. In order to stop this practice the headmaster had made it a very strict rule that any boy who made marks on his desk had either to pay a fine of five dollars or be whipped publicly. One day Mark Twain broke the rule and was to be whipped the following day unless he paid the five dollars. When he told his father about it his father said to him: “Sam, it would be a shame to have the name of Clemens disgraced before the whole school, so Pll pay the fine. But I don’t want you to go unpunished, so come upstairs”. Mark Twain went upstairs to his room and there his father gave him a good whipping. But as Sam realized that the whipping wasn’t unbearable, he decided to keep the five dollars his father gave him and to take another whipping at school. In this way he earned his first money. All; Very good, George. A very nice story, thank you. EXPLICATI LEXICALE § 204 To earn. To win, Ambele verbe inseamn& ,a ctytiga bani“. Dar spre deosebire de to win care implick nofiunea de gansi, to earn inseamna a clgtiga prin munc&“. In povestioara despre Mark Twain, to earn este folosit’ in sens ironic, EXPLICATII GRAMATICALE 205 USED TO ( + infinitiv). Construcia used to ['ju:stu] urmaté de un infinitiv arat& 0 acfiune repetaté in trecut gi se traduce (tn text) prin ,obig- nuiau 84...“ § 206 Any. In propozitia afirmativé any = ,orice, oricare“. § 207 He was to be whipped. Verbul to be urmat de un infinitiv lung capata un infeles modal exprimtind 0 acfiune hotarttd anterior. El se traduce — fn textul lectiei — prin ,urma s& fie biciuit“. Alt exemplu: He is to go there — el urmeazd s& plece acolo. § 208 Omisiunea pronumelui relativ. Pronumele relativ tn cazul acuzativ se poate omite cind introduce o propozitie atributiva. Exemplu: He decided to keep the five dollars (whlch) his father gave him. EXERCITII 1) Raspundefi la urmatoarele intrebari: What was Mark Twain's real name? What is the English for “pseudonim”? What did the headmaster do in order to stop the pupils making marks on their desks? What did Mark Twain do after breaking the rule? What did his father say? What did Mark Twain decide to do after taking a whipping from his father? Do you think Mark Twain really earned the five dollars? 2) Trecefi urmdtoarele propozitii la forma interogativd: Now we can hear George's story. Mark Twain’s real name was Samuel Clemens. The boys ‘were very naughty and disobedient. One day Mark Twain broke the rule. He was to be whip- 235 ped the following day. Mark Twain’s father was to pay the fine. Mark Twain went upstairs to his room. 3) Completati spafiile libere cw prepozifiile necesare: .tea the conversation is resumed. Mark Twain decided to keep the 5 dollars and take another whipping... school. It would be a shame to have the name... Clemens disgraced... the whole school. Any boy who made marks... his desk will be whipped publicly. We are all ing... the story. 4) Povestiti cum si-a cistigat Mark Twain primii sai bani. 5) Traducefi in limba englezd: Mark Twain este doar un pseudonim. Adevaratul nume al scriitorului american era Samuel Clemens. El ne povesteste cum a clstigat primi si bani. Cind era la scoala, baietii obignuiau s& faci semne cu creionul ‘ briceagul pe bancile lor. Baiefii care faceau acest lucru urmau s& pliteascd o amenda de 5 dolari sau s& fie batui in public. Mark Twain a calcat gi el regu- lamentul. Tatal siu s-a hotdrit si pliteasci amenda. ,,Ar fi o rusine“ a spus el ,ca numele de Clemens sa fie facut de ocara in fata intregii scoli*. El n-a vrut insa s&-si lase fiul (sau) nepedepsit si i-a tras o bataie stragnicd. Micuful ‘Sam s-a hotarit s& plstreze cei 5 dolari si s& mai primeasc& o bitaie la scoala. Acestia au fost primii bani cistigati de Mark Twain. 6) Formafi propozitii si fraze cu ajutorul urmédtoarelor tabele: a) b) I He was read She speak read very much la student.| to| answer | Next: 1 | used to | work very hard | when | was |young. We translate | "OW get up very early lat school. You | were| | try They Lectia 40 a rowing boat a sailing boat VOCABULAR ch [a:tf] s. arc around [a'raund] prep. in jurul Athenaeum (20i'niom] s. Ateneu avenue ['zvinju:] s. bulevard, sosea (tn ora) Block [blok} s. bloc boat [bout] s. barcd building ['bildip] s. cladire coach [koutf} s. autocar cousin [‘kazn] s. var, vara cultural ['kalt{aral] adj. cultural district [‘distrikt] s. cartier to enjoy [tu in'dsoi] ¢. a-i placea, a se distra entertainment [enta'teinmant] s. distractie, amuzament, agrement grass [gra:s] . iarb& green [gri:n] adj. verde Grand National Assembly [‘grend ‘nafanl a'sembli] s. Marea Adunare Nafionali guide [gaid] s. ghid hall [ho:l] s. sala to house (ta thauz] ¢. a fi sediul, a gizdui to impress [tu im'pres] ¢. a impresiona Intercontinental [,intakonti'nentl] large [lo:d3] adj. mare, intins. major ['meidsa] adj. mare, principal modern ['moden} adj. modern wuseum [mjuziam] s. muzeu National Travel Office (:nefanl ‘trevl ‘ofis] s. Oficiul National de Turism neighbourhood [‘neibahud] s. vecinatate the one [89 'wan] pron. dem. cel care, cea care Opera-house [‘oparshaus] s. Opera palace [‘palis) s. palat park [pak] s. pare to pass [to 'pa:s] v. a trece (pe ling’) Poland [‘pouland} Polonia Pole [paul] s. polonez principal ['prinsapal] adj. principal Printing Works [‘printip ‘wa:ks] s. intreprin- dere poligrafic rowing boat [‘rouiy bout] s. barca’ cu visle sailing boat ['seilip but] s. barci cu pinze ship [Jip] s. vas, ambarcatiune sightseeing ['saitsi:iy] s. vizitarea orasului sport [spo:t] s. sport tourist ['tuarist] s. turist triumph [‘traiomf] s. triumt the United States of Amerlea [89 ju'naitid 'steits ov a'merika] Statele Unite ale Ame- ricii Village [‘vilids] 5. sat visitor [‘vizita] s. vizitator whom [hu:m] pron. rel. pe care to work with (tu 'wa:k wid] . a lucra la (0 intreprindere etc.) EXPRESII you are weleome to [ju 9 'welkam tu] — poftim te rog, eu plaicere around town — prin oras to go on foot — a merge pe jos to go down the street — a merge pe stradd by themselves — ele singure so that — astfel incit 237 SIGHTSEEING Diana: I'd like to be the one to speak today. All: You're welcome to. Go ahead. Diana: It’s about a sightseeing tour of Bucharest. My cousin works with the National Travel Office and yesterday she took a group of foreign tourists around town. I went with them. Dan: Did you go on foot? Diana: Oh, no. We went by coach. In fact we had a big bus because there was a very large group of tourists whom we took around sightseeing. Alexandra: What countries did they come from? There were English people from England, Americans from the United of America, French people from France, Russians from the Soviet Union, Italians from Italy and some Poles from Poland. Maria: And what places did you show them? Diana: We went down the major streets, boulevards and avenues, and saw such principal buildings as the Palace of the Republic and the Palace Hall, the Athenaeum, the Intercontinental Hotel, the National Theatre, and the building which houses the Grand National Assembly. Victor: Did you go to Kisseleff Avenue, too? Diana: Yes, we did. We saw the large building of the Sctnteia House Printing Works, the great Exhibition Hall near it, the Village Museum and the Arch of Triumph, all of them in the neighbourhood of the Herdstrdu Park with its een grass, many flowers and its lakes with little ships, and sailing and rowing oats on them, Adrian: Did you also go through the new districts of houses for the working eople Diana: Yes, and everybody was very much impressed at seeing these thousands of blocks of modern flats forming little towns by them selves all around our capital. Paul: Did you also tell our foreign visitors anything about cultural buildings and places of entertainment? You know some of them may like to go to the cinema or to a concert. Diana: Of course I showed them the museums, the big libraries which we Ratsed, the cinemas, theatres, the Opera-house, the Palace of Sports and Culture and so forth. Alezandra:'I am sure you enjoyed the tour very much. Diana: Yes, certainly. “Especially as the guide spoke English and French all the time so that [ had a useful lesson in both languages. EXPLICATIT LEXICALE $ 209 Cousin este un substantiv de gen comun avind aceeagi form pentru genul masculin gi cel feminin (= var, vara). EXPLICATIL GRAMATICALE § 210 Locul prepozitiei. Prepozitia care se referd la cuvintul interogativ cu care Incepe o tntrebare specialé (what, where, whom) se agazi in limba vorbitd la sftrgitul propozitiei. Exemplu: What countries did they come from? 238 § 211 Numeralul, Numeralul thousand (ca gi hundred) poate deveni substentiv, primind terminafia -s la plural gi find, in acest caz, intotdeauna urmat de pre- pozitia of (tntocmai ca gi un substantiv). Exemplu: thousands of blocks of flats — mii de blocuri. § 212 Verbul TO PASS. Verbul to pass este uneori urmat de un complement direct gi in acest caz se traduce prin ,a trece pe ling. Exemplu: the big libraries which we passed — marile biblioteci pe Ing’ care am trecut. EXERCITII 4) Completafi urmatoarele propozitii cw prepozitiile necesare: My cousin works... the National Travel Otfice. She took a group... foreign tourists... town. They’ did not go... foot. I am sure you enjoyed... the tour very much. She spoke to our foreign visitors... our cultural buildings. Some... them like to go... the cinema or... a concert. 2) Raspundeti la urmatoarele tntrebari: What is Diana speaking about? Where did she take a group of foreign tourists? Did the tourists go by bus or on foot? What countries did the tourists come from? What, important buildings in Bucharest do you know? What can you see in the Hertstrdu Park? Whet foreign languages do you speak? 3) Sd se scrie dupd dictare ultimele 12 rinduri din teatul lectiei. 4) Traducefi tn limba englezd: Varul meu, care luereandca ghid (as a guide) la Oficiul National de Turlsm, mi-a povestit despre jun tur (de, visitare] al, Bucuragtiolui cu ‘un grup de turigti strain, Erau turigti din multe ari. Ei au vizitat (to cisit [‘vizit]) principalele clAdiri gi monumente (monuments ('mo- njumonts)) ale oragului, Si mie tmi place s& vad alte locuri gi fan, Anul acesta am fort cu ONT-ul tn Tugoslavia gi Ungaria, iar anul trecut am fost tn Bulgaria. 5) Spumefi ce reprezintd desenele de mai jos: Lectia 41 \2/ oF yt a { achin nieae: k fat man thin mi VOCABULAR age [eids] ». virst& heart (ha:t] s. inim& anatomy [o'nztomi] s. anatomie Imagination {imedsineifon] s. imaginatie 2 brat fo inform (tu in'To:m] o. a informa ktiv] adj. drigut, atrigitor leg (leg) s. pic stoful] adj. frumos Mleraged ['midl'cidsd} adj. de virstt. mij- body [‘bodi] s. trup, corp miecle bottom ['botom] s. fund mouth [maud] s. guré character [‘kerikto] s. personaj neck [nek] s. git cheek [tfi:k] s. obraz nose [nauz] s, nas chin [tin] s. birbie nothing ['nAGip] pron. nehot. nimic creation [kri'eijan] s. creafie opinion [a'pinjan) s. parere dark [da:k] adj. (despre ochi) negri to raise [ta ‘reiz] °. a ridica doing, (-du:in) s, activitate reader ['ri:do] s. cititor ear {ia} 6, ureche to remain (ta ri'mein] 9, a rimine elderly [‘eldali] adj. in virst& repulsive (ri'palsv] adj. respingttor ene alls. ocht serlous ['siorios] adj. serios face [feis] *. fata short [Jo:t] adj, scund, scurt tat [fat] adj. gras tall [to:l} adj. tnalt funny [‘fani] adj. nostim, hazliu; comic theirs (5e0z] pron. pos. rey, rel adj eri, comugin thin [¢in] adj. (d. omen) slab, (d. tueruri) hand [hend) ». mtn subfire head [hed] s. cap ugly [‘agli] adj. urtt EXPRESIL to raise a question — a pune o Intrebare from the bottom of one’s heart — din adincul next to nothing — aproape nimic, mai ni- nimi well said — bine zis to'do one’s best [to ‘du: ‘wanz ‘best] — a to be in love with — a fi indréigostit de, a face tot posibilul iubi pe THE CHARACTERS IN THE BOOK One afternoon after tea, Dan raised the following question: Dan: Do you know? A long time has passed since we first met in this book and our readers know next to nothing about us. Paul: What do you mean? They know something about our jobs and our doings... Diana: Oh, no, Dan’s right. They don’t know anything about us. Are we young or middle-aged or old? Who is tall and who is short among us? Who is thin and who is fat? Have I blue eyes? Has Victor brown or dark eyes? Are Eva’s eyes grey? ‘Are there any beautiful women among us? Are there any good-looking men? Are we nice, pretty, attractive, or are we ugly and repulsive? Adrian: All right. Then let us inform them about us. Dear readers, we have a head, a face, two eyes, two ears, a nose, a mouth, two cheeks, a chin, hair on our head... Victor: Adrian, we also have a body, a neck, two arms with two hands, two legs with two feet... Maria: Now, don’t be funny and change this talk into a lesson of anatomy. That'll be enough. Our readers would like to know something else about us, something serious. 241 Eva: No, 1 think we mustn't say anything more than was already said here. Let anybody imagine us to be how he or she may like us. Young readers may imagine us to be their age, elderly students theirs. If we remain the creation of their ima- gination, they'll like and love us more. George: And we must do our best to make our readers feel that we are their friends who want to help them, from the bottom of our herts, to learn English. Liza: Well said, George. I am already in love with all'of you. THOUGHTS ‘We have two ears and only one tongue in order that we may hear more and speak jess. Diogenes Nothing great was ever achieved without enhusiasm. Ralph Emerson PROVERB If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain. EXPLICATI LEXICALE § 218 Beautifal. Adjectivul beautiful se foloseste mai ales referitor la o femeie, un peisaj, sau o operd de arté. In legiturd ou frumusetea masculin& nu se poate folosi. EXPLICATI. GRAMATICALE § 214 Pluralul substantivelor. Substantivele terminate la singular in sunetul {2}, indiferent de ortografia lor, adauget la plural, n pronunfare, sleba (iz), de exer: plu: nove — noses [ noutiz). § 215 Nothing, Acest pronume nehotarlt, care se formeaz& de la no + substan- tivul thing se foloseste ca gi adjectivul nehotarlt no (v. § 180). Exemplu: They know nothing about us — Nu gtiu nimic despre noi. (Lit. §tiu nimic despre noi). Atragem atentia o& tn limba englezi prezenta unui cuvint cu infeles negativ core ca verbul s& fie la forma afirmativd (pentru oa propozifia st aibd un sens nega- tiv), deoarece doud negatii in aceeagi propozitie ar face oa sensul acesteia aa fie afirmativ si nu negativ. Exemplu: I'm not nobody — Nu stnt ,,nimeni*, (Sensul: Stnt cineva, nu stnt un oarecare). § 216 If we remain the creation of their imagination, they’ll like us more. Dac& predicatul propozitiei principale este la viitor, predicatul propozifiei subordonate condifionale care tncepe cu if — ,,dac&, este la prezent. 242 : EXERCITII 1) Réspundefi la urmdtoarele tntrebdri: Do you know many things about the characters in this book? Are the characters in the book young or old? {iow afd do you think Diana ls? How old t# Victor in your opinion? Which of the ton characters are young do you think? And which are old? Which of {he ten characters in the book do you prefer 2) Completati cu prepozitiile necesare: Our readers know next... nothing... us. I am... love... all... them. I want to help you the bottom... my heart. Don’t change our talk. lesson... anatomy. Are there any beautifi women... us? Let us inform them... us. 3) Facefi propozitii cu ajutorul urmdtoarelor tabele: book 1 J———| shall bring ie, dictionary | we My husband We have A man has 4) cheeks. him 50. Let arm we | he et Weeh them write, the children | run, 4) Trecefi urmdtoarele propozifii la forma interogativd: One day Dan raisod a serious question. They know something about our jobs and our doings. Viclor has brawo yas. Eva's eyes are greon. There are, tomo beautiful women among us. Our readers would like to know something about us. They'll like and love us more. You make your readers foel that you are thelr friends. He wants to help them to learn English. 5) Traducefi tn limba englezd: Ag dori s& va spun ctteva cuvinto despre personajele acestei c&rfi. Nu gtiu multe lucruri deepre ele, dar mio tmi plac foarto mult, Nu gtiu nt tineri sau batrini., Cred c& uni Aint inert i ait slat batrni. Unit au ochi albaptr, alfi au ochi negr, unele fomel sint tru moase, unil birbati stut chipogi. Imi dau seama (J feel) c& personajele acestei c&rfi m-au ‘ajutat’ foarte mull s& tnvit englezeste. Lectia 42 a horse a swallow arose ey smoke VOCABULAR activity [wk tiviti] s. activitate appetite ['epitait] s. poftt barking [‘ba:kip) adj. care latrs best [best] I. adj. the best cel mai bun (superl. de la good). II. adv. cel mai bine (superl. de la well) better [‘beta] ade. mai bine (comp. de la well) to bite (ta ‘bait}, bit [bit], bitten [‘bitn] o. a mugca to come back [ta "kam 'bwk] ¢. a se intoarce to convince [ta kan'vins] . a convinge devil (‘devl] s. diavol, drac different [‘difrant] adj. diferit, deosebit (de) eating [‘i:tip] s. mincat sanivaleat {i'kwivalont] s., adj. echivalent to err [tu '9:] o. a gregi evidence [‘evidans] s. example [ig'za:mpl] exception [ik'sepfon} to excuse [tu iks'kju: far (fa:] adj. departe to father [ta 'fa:0a] 9. a concepe, a da nastere to fish [ta 'fif] o. a pescui gi fe ift] s. dar [te ‘glite] o. a straluci a on [ta ‘gou ‘on] ». a continua lovada exemplu exceptie °. a seuza gold Ugouldy «au haste [heist] s. helpful tihetptalf ad dj. uti, de folos horse [(ho:s] s. cal hunger [‘hage] s. foame to Illustrate [tu ‘ilostreit] 9. a ilustra, a exem- plifica instance [‘instans] s. exemplu to interrupt [tu into'rapt] ea tntrerupe fron [‘aion] s. fier Latin [‘latin] I. adj. latinesc. II. ». latina less {les} adj. mai putin (comp. de ta ttle) mistake [mis'teik] s. greseal& need [ni:d] s. nevoie none [nan] pron. nehot. nimeni ourselves [aua'selvz] pron. de tntdrire noi ngine to paint [to ‘peint] o. a vopsi, a zugrivi to prove [ta 'pru:v] . a dovedi proverb [‘proveb] s. proverb to put off [ta ‘put ‘of] ¢. a amina to resemble [ta ri'zembi] o. a semfina cu rose [rouz] s. trandafir saying ['seiip] s. zicala ‘sauce [59:8] $. 508 limba 244

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