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 Neonatal birth injuries

Shoulder dystocia Moulding

Delivery requiring additional OB manoeuvre to release Normal during VB. Skull bone overrides at suture.
shoulder, after gentle downward traction failed. 1 in
200 (0.5%). Caput (succedaneum)
Path: head stuck at coccyx and pubic symphysis; cord Normal from venous congestion 2o to pressure
squashed in between. during VB. Oedematous swelling of scalp, superficial
RF: large (postdates) babies, maternal BMI > 30, to cranial periosteum. Disappears in first days of
induction/ augmentation, prolonged stage 1 or 2, birth. A Ventouse form a chignon.
assisted delivery (forceps), previous shoulder dystocia,
GDM (independent RF). Cephalhaematoma
Associated: PPH, perineal tear, OBPI. Fluctuant, subperiosteal swelling on fetal head.
Management: as soon as it is identified, McRobert’s Boundaries limited by individual bone margins (MC
manoeuvre should be performed (flexion and over parietal bones). Spontaneous absorption (over
abduction of maternal hips, bringing her thighs to her weeks) – may cause jaundice.
abdomen), this rotation increases the relative AP angle
of pelvis. Suprapubic pressure is also applied. Subaponeurotic haematoma
Episiotomy won’t relieve bony obstruction but helps Blood between aponeurosis and haematoma (not
with internal manoeuvres. confined to one bone margin so can cause anaemia
or jaundice). Associated with Ventouse.
2nd-line: internal manoeuvre after McRobert’s and
suprapubic pressure fails. This includes Wood’s screw Skull #
manoeuvre (pressure behind posterior shoulder to Associated with forceps or difficult 2nd-stage CS
rotate it by 180o so it now lies anterior) or delivery of where head impacted. Commonest over parietal or
posterior arm (grasp by flexion at elbow, baby’s hand is frontal bones. Depressed # associated with CNS signs
brought down – so narrowing the diameter). e.g. CN VII palsy (neurosurgery consult).

Last-line: lateral replacement of urethra by metal Intracranial injuries

catheter, symphysiotomy, Zavanelli (replace fetal head Associated with difficult or precipitate labour,
by firm pressure of arm – reversing labour and instrument, and breech. Esp. in premature babies.
returning head to OA, then CS… irreversible fetal Excessive moulding and sudden pressure changes
acidosis at this stage). reduce cushioning effect of CSF.
Anoxia can cause intraventricular haemorrhage;
Oxytocin is not indicated. asphyxia causes intracerebral haemorrhage (often
petechial), resulting in cerebral palsy. EDH, SDH, SAH
If baby died: cleidotomy (cut both clavicles) to deliver. all can occur.
Pt: convulsions, cyanosis, apnoea, bradycardia,
Suggest planned CS if previous macrosomic baby. hypotonia, abnormal neurology.
Management: check fetal platelets (if low, check
Erb’s palsy mum platelet allo-antibodies, PLA1 system).
Can result from shoulder dystocia (10X increased risk). Subsequent babies at risk (PPx maternal IVIg). For
Pt: Baby arm is “waiter’s tip” posture. this baby, support + expectant management in NICU.
DDx: clavicular #
Management: PT (if do not improve after 6m, unlikely Fetal laceration
improve). 1-2% CS deliveries. More common with breech CS
delivery and CS after membrane rupture (as baby
skin lies flush against uterus). Most are superficial
and heal without scarring.
 Apgar score = assess newborn immediately after birth (10 points score at 1 and 5 minutes). Each
criteria have a score of 0 / 1 / 2 (max score =10). Score of 0-3 is very low (1-min score may be
transient, and is re-assessed at 5 mins. However, 5-min score remaining 0-3 suggests likely
permanent neurological damage e.g. CP). A score > 7 is normal.

Appearance = skin colour (blue all over / pink body + blue limbs / all pink)
Pulse = HR (0 / <100 / >100)
Grimace = reflex irritability on suction (none / grimace / cries, sneezes, or coughs)
Activity = muscle tone (absent or floppy + frog-like / limb flexion or some / active)
Respiratory effort (absent / irregular and slow / strong and crying)

 Neonatal resuscitation

Term gestation; amniotic fluid clear; breathing or Transient tachypnoea of newborn

crying; good muscle tone  routine care (warmth, Excess lung fluids, resolve by 24h. Associated w CS.
dry, A if necessary, assess colour + O2 if cyanosis
persist). Delay cord clamping by 1 minute. Hyaline membrane disease
Deficient alveolar surfactant production in premature
If don’t meet above criteria: babies, causing atelectasis. Respiratory failure due to
A – Warmth + dry, clear airway (jaw thrust; exhaustion from re-inflating lungs. Prevention: maternal
meconium + unresponsive  suction of IM steroids 2 doses (23-35/40). Management: NICU,
oropharynx under direct vision), stimulate, ventilation, inositol.
reposition (head on back, head in neutral).
If vigorous – do nothing. Assess Apgar. Clinical Rhesus
At worst, hydrops fetalis. Tx anaemia-associated CCF with
If apnoeic or HR < 100/min transfusions, vitamin K, furosemide, limit IVF.
B – Not breathing adequately by 90s = 5
inflation breath with Neopuff BVM or Vitamin K deficiency bleeding
consider tracheal intubation. Either method, Occurs 2-7 days post-partum. As baby do not have
PPV = 30 cmH2O for 2-3 seconds. Then enteric bacteria to make VK. Pt: baby is well but
reassess bleeding/bruising. Dx: PT/APTT elevated. High risk
 If HR increase = success. infants: asphyxia, bleeding, cholestasis, maternal liver
 If increase but not breathing on disease, maternal usage of carbamezapine,
own = regular 30-40/min phenobarbital, phenytoin, rifampicin, or warfarin.
breaths. Prevention: VK 1 mg (0.4mg/kg if prem) IM to all.
 HR remains slow (< 60) = fail.
Meconium aspiration syndrome
If HR < 60/min despite good passive chest Term or near-term infants when meconium passed in
movements utero. It is respiratory distress which otherwise cannot be
C – ensure A + B, start compressions (both explained. Tx: endotracheal suctioning (if not vigorous at
hands encircle chests, finger over spine, birth). Surfactant, ventilation, NO, Abx may be needed.
thumb at lower sternum). Rate = 100/min,
compress AP diameter by 1/3. The Necrotising enterocolitis
compression: inflation ratio = 3:1. Inflammatory necrotic bowel. RF: prematurity associated
+ LBW, enteral feeding, mucosal injury, bacterial
If still HR < 60/min colonisation. Pt: distension, mucus/ blood PR. If severe –
D – Drugs e.g. adrenaline (1 in 10000), sudden distension, peritonism, shock. XR = pneumatosis
bicarb (4.2%), and dextrose (10%; check intestinalis (pathognomonic).
BM). Volume replacement if acute blood Tx: stop PO feed (except probiotics), culture faeces, X-
loss. Umbilical venous catheter for match, ceftotaxime + vanco. Surgery if perf.
emergent central assess.
Sepsis (early and late) DIC
Early-onset = Prolonged ROM > 18h, maternal Pt: sick as shit, petechiae, venepuncture oozing, GI bleed.
infection, GBS carrier, pre-term labour, fetal distress, Ix: low platelets and fibrinogen, high INR/PTT/D-dimer,
breaks in skin or mucosa. Tends to be acquired schistiocytes on film.
organisms from mum = GBS, E. coli, Listeria, Tx: underlying cause e.g. NEC, sepsis. Slow vitamin K +
anaerobes, H. flu, HSV, Chlamydia. platelet transfusion. Cryo + FFP + heparin + protein C.
Exchange transfusion is last resort.
Late-onset = lines, CM, severe illness, malnutrition,
immunodeficiency. Tends to be environmental bugs
e.g. coagulase negative staph, SA, E. coli, GBS.

Management: ABCDE + sepsis-6 (including LP).

Early  empirical: benzylpenicllin + gentamicin
Late  empirical: flucloxacillin + gentamicin
Pre-term + CVP line (coag –ve staph)  source
removal + vancomycin
If meningitis suspected  ceftriaxone
If Listeria suspected (purulent conjunctivitis, maternal
infection)  ampicillin or amoxicillin.
If conventional Tx fail  ?fungal
 Perinatal psych

Large cause of postnatal maternal death. AN Puerperal psychosis

problems no more risky, but predisposes PN Psychiatric emergency. Affects 0.2% (1 in 500). Peaks
problems. RF: vulnerability, hyperemesis, pre-existing at 2 weeks to 1 month.
mental illness. Lower SES = more PND; older primip = Pt: sudden, severe psychotic episode with affective
more suicide. Sx (severe mood swings like BPD) and disordered
perception (auditory hallucinations). There can be
Normal mood changes confusion (unlike most psychosis), low self-esteem,
Baby blues – transient, self-limiting condition (75% delusions of guilt, and abnormal beliefs. Infanticide is
primips). It is not hormonal. Pt: 3-5 d postpartum as very rare.
tearfulness, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, or irritability. Tx: admit to hospital (+ maternal-baby unit). Meds
This persists for up to 2 weeks. RF: anxiety and low (mood stabilisers + anti-psychotics e.g. lamotrigine
mood in T3. Tx: reassurance + support (health visitor). and long-acting BZDs). Support. Upon discharge,
refer to local mental health services (crisis plan) +
Post-partum thyroiditis – test TSH, fT4 as well. health visits.
Recur: 20%.
Post-natal depression
Depression occuring 4-6 weeks postnatally. Peaks 3m. Couvade syndrome
Affects 10-15% women (10% mild/moderate, 3% Pregnancy Sx in father. Neurotic/somatoform
severe) phenomenon. Resolves PN.
Risk greater if Hx postpartum abnormal mood
changes (50%), or pre-existing unipolar or BPD (25%). Pseudocyesis
Natural Hx: most resolve in < 6 m. Pregnancy Sx in absence of true pregnancy (swollen
Pt: core depression Sx (low mood, anhedonia) + abdo, amen, breast enlargement). RF: pregnancy
biological Sx (lose sleep + appetite + concentration) + loss, infertility, and social isolation.
cognitive Sx (worthless, helpless, suicidal).
Ix: Edinburgh PN depression scale (EPDS): 10-item Substance abuse
test – how mum felt over previous week, with an 1%. Worsens all risk (suicide, mental + physical).
item on self-harm. Max score = 30. Score > 10 = RF: social vulnerabilities (pregnancy = window)
possible depression. Score > 13 = depressive illness of EtOH: FAS, opiates: withdrawal implications (switch
varying severity. to methadone, buprenorphine) as baby cannot
Tx: reassurance + support. CBT 1st (= SSRI). If Sx handle sympathetic overdrive from withdrawal.
severe – try certain SSRIs (sertraline, paroxetine – has
low milk/plasma ratio). Avoid fluoxetine (long half- Consequences
life). S/Es: probably safe, but can cause PHTN and Maternal: mortality (high-functioning, previous
withdrawals. attempts, rapid onset, late pregnancy + early PP);
Recur: 35% in future pregnancies. 60% relapse. morbidity (relapse and future pregnancies).

Anxiety Child: Psych (IQ, cognition, emotional regulation.

Not a Dx (many anxiety disorders including tokophobia = Risk doubled in severe maternal anxiety. Teenage
fear of pregnancy and birth, needle phobia, OCD, and depression). Physio (LBW, asthma, reduced
PTSD). Co-exist with depression. immunity, soft neuro signs, decreased telomere l).
Ix: GAD-7. Reassurance. Don’t give BZDs (dependency + Child abuse.
sedation; if use AN – cleft lips and palate).
 Breastfeeding

Breast and milk production Encourage feeding as soon as baby needs it. Lower
HPL and bHCG fall rapidly and becomes undetectable lip of baby below nipple so that it is drawn into
by day 10. Progesterone falls with delivery of mouth. This prevents insufficient milk, engorgement,
placenta. mastitis, and nipple trauma.

Colostrum produced from ½ way through pregnancy Benefits to baby

but the high progesterone inhibit milk secretion and Less GI illness (D+V, constipation); fewer chest, ear,
keep volume down. Colostrum is secreted in 2-3 days urinary infections; reduction risk of leukaemia,
after delivery (rich in WBC and Ab esp. sIgA and fat- Hodgkin’s, neuroblastoma; reduced adult obesity
soluble vitamins). The milk “comes in” (mum feels it) and TIIDM; less chance atopy.
after 2-3 days (transitional then matured milk at week
2). Benefits to mum
Reduces PPH (uterine involution); exclusive
Breast engorged between 2-4 days, increased breastfeeding is natural contraceptive (99% at 6m);
vascularity, increased areolar pigmentation, increase uses 500 cal/day; lower risk of pre-menopausal
in # and size of alveoli (enlarged lobules). breast and ovarian CA, and osteoporosis.

Milk production is a use it or lose it process. Other benefits

Cost-saving, on-demand feed (= cannot overfeed),

HIV+ mum in developed countries (use bottle

Milk composition
 70 kcal/ 100 mL
 7% lactose and oligosaccharide
 4% milk fat (via reverse pinocytosis)
 1% proteins including sIgA, lysozyme (via
 0.2% minerals (via exocytosis and apical
 Cells e.g. WBC, epithelial cells (via extravasation).
 After delivery:
1. Mum and baby should not be separated. Ensure privacy.
2. Breastfeed.
3. Early mobilisation.
4. Check daily: lochia (sloughed off necrotic decidual layer + blood, 3-6 weeks), involution,
BP, To, pulse, perineal wound (heals by 4 weeks), and fluid balance.
5. Analgesia and pelvic floor exercises.
6. FBC before discharge (Fe + laxatives if needed).
7. MW/doctor who delivered should visit. GP alerted to any complications.
8. Contraception advice.
9. Psych.

 6-week postnatal check

1. Check how mum and baby relate.
2. BP and weight (BMI).
3. FBC if anaemic postnatally.
4. Arrange smear if due.
5. Check contraception.
6. Ask about depression, backache, bowel or urinary incontinence, retention, constipation.
7. Ask if resume intercourse. Recommend abstinence or gentle intercourse for 1st 6 weeks
PP to prevent air embolism.
8. PVE to check healing – not needed unless women concerned or incontinent.

 Post-partum changes
1. Genital – uterus contraction (involution) to occlude blood vessels. Size decrease over 6
weeks (no longer palpable over by 10 days). Internal os close by day 3. Contractions and
after pain up to day 4. Lochia: blood-stained 4 weeks  yellow-white. Menstruation is
delayed by lactation. If not lactating, return by 6 weeks.
2. Cardio – CO and plasma volume decreases within 1 week. Oedema resolution takes up to
6 weeks. BP back to normal in 6 weeks if elevated transiently).
3. Urinary – physiological dilation returns to normal over 3 months. GFR falls so urea +
electrolyte back to normal.
4. Haem – Hb + HCT increases with haemo-concentration. WCC fall. Platelet and clotting
factors increase (thrombosis risk).

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