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DUBBLEGUM CRISIS: BEFORE AND AFTER — tHe ao Pouce avo pUBBLEGUM CRASH SOURCEBOOK 2 } a Ea Qo om BUDBLEGUM CRISIS: BEFORE AND AFTER — THe 40 POUCE ar BUBBLEGUM CRASH! SCURCELOOK ra) fe} | a = rs fe] g| Pa SOURCENO" BEFORE AND AFTER CONTENTS ITRODUCTION al AD POLICE...... wena ‘AD Pouce Fites SUMMARIES 5 ‘Wevcome 10 2027 8 CCvacrwencs & Boonen SrnonoMe.. 10 Genow iw 2027 13 MesaToxvo 2027 14 ‘AD Pouice Procepures 16 ADP Campaians 2 ADP CHaracrens 26 ADP MecHa, 2 Boowens 2027 36 Anopoins & Sexanoins 37 BUBBLEGUM CRASH! .......42 BGC! E: SUMMARIES 8 ‘Wetcome 10 2034 46 ‘Walt-1o-WaL Boomers 48 VinTua. Pensonaumes 48 Geno wn 2084. 49 MeseToxvo 2034 50 Geo Cry 5 ‘THe CvBeReUNK UNDERGROUND . 53 AD Pouce 2034 54 Kovight Saves 2034 55 Mencenanies in BGC 56 BG Cras! CaMPalcns 58 CHanactens 2034 62 Knut Sasen Tech 2034 66 Knicit Sager Mecha 2034... . 68 Bowers 2034 7 ‘ADP Mecia 2034. Oruer Mecua 2034 GAME MATERIAL ... erence Notes Craerwerics utes. HiTech ViLANTES Caearing & HEADQUARTERS . .. 109 New Characren TeveLares 110 BGC Abventuré “Mesacnisis”.... 112 2027: 30 Pieces oF SuveR ...112 2083: VIRTUAL VENGEANCE... 116 2034: SIN OF THE FATHER... 118 Mecia Constaucrion IN MZ# 121 Fuzon™ Conversions 125 BGC Ennara 127 BEFORE AND AFTER CREDITS WRITER: David uber ‘TECHNICAL MATERIAL AND FUZION™ ADAPTATION: Benjamin Wight FUZION™ ROLEPLAYING RULES: Davie ‘Ackerman Gray, Ray Geo, George MacDonald ‘Stove Peterson, Mike Pondsmith, Benjamin Wight (OTHER WRITING CONTRIBUTIONS: Mice Pondsmith, David Ackean-Gray ‘TRANSLATOR: Fyosike Teton EDITOR: Jerice Salers LAYOUT DESIGN: denjamin Wright (GRAPHICS: Genin Wight, Cav Ackerman Gray, Alex Ota ANIMEIGO SUPPORT: Janice Hindle, Suzanne Stale, Rebert Woodhead EUS cia BELATED THANKS: Aosuke Toketomi (sony we forgot o cedt you fr your invaluable transition work on the Bubblegum Crisis RAG, Thomas Chan (sory we forgot to ret you for your conti tions to the BGC DYN lists) ‘ONLINE RESEARCH THANKS: Robert. Farquatar imagines nl peau), eaper ofthe ‘Sydey 2033 page (wiwanicnetau/-magines Mogesyiney)# Bran Edmands, keeper ofthe BGC website [hitp/Awworcsubc ca/spderfedmonds {anime/oge bmi)» Michael Ko, keeper ofthe MegaToivo Inactive Map website (tp /Aops. sifu edu-vincie/megatotyo ht) « Jeanne Hedge, keeper ofthe BGC Synopses website wes acs /heige/bgcinahtn) © fc Tbrus Chena, oper ofthe AD Folic Flos website hp ww eybersca/-et/adp html) # ‘Andy Skuse, kespe ofthe Ravers Garage we site fit: / * ian James Kuler, keeper of the GURPS:860 website tp//phoenix cshtm) » David Kel, creator ofthe homegrown ‘2GC-Mettan ules and keeper of his own BGC website tp //ares phys /afoubble hi) # Shawn Hagen, ceatr ofthe ‘BGC Shadowrun als # Ardy MeDemot, ka Paynds, compiler ofthe amazing BGC AZZ list (heo/uryiconvhonyedermotAndy/bge mi) * Ping Lin, svque Cony Mike Gaines, Chandra Reyer, Nick Clan, Thomas Chan, and “Celia ‘Stingray’, compers ofthe BGC DYN lists» Steve Pratl etr ofthe BGC FAQ and moderator of rec.artanime mise « C.J. Seat (aka, “The Fg’) \Who faye out the eonnection between Mason and Largo Bon Cant alias Macky Stingray) ‘ADDITIONAL THANKS: Peter Norigren, ian Hughes, Salomon Farin, Dan Quackenbush, Steve Gil, Nick Cola Frank, Douglas M. Akin, Andieas ven uth, Todd Showalter, Patrick Hall, Am ‘Mizina, Ken Arromdee, C.Rosot, Stephan ‘Douglas, Shawn Kester: Chis Holmes, Ross M Sinerman, Phil Y#, The Nomad, ‘SHOWTINE, INN TOWN FUL OF Mi TONIGHT, THE HEART WALKS B TIGHTROPE, STRAINING MY VES IN THE PITCH DARKNESS... UNABLE TO SEE ANYTHING. 1 SEEK TOMORROW. THE BUSTLING TOWNS DANCING.. WITH SEEMINGLY SECRET HEART, TONIGHT. WITH STARDUST REFLECTED Or WES... YOU EMBRACE FREEDOM... V ABOUT THIS BOOK The Bubblegum Crisis Roleplaying Games based on the Japanese anime \ideo series Bubblegum Crisis (ar "BGC" as its sometimes called). We here at Talsorian and AnimEigo have been very gratified with ts huge success—utwe also knew there was mae todo. There were two entire chapters ofthe BGC story we had yet to bring to gaming lit: Bubblegum Crash! and AD Police. This book provides in-depth coverage on these shows, alg wth new data, game rules and adventures. Throughout this boo, its assumed that you have a copy ofthe BGC:APG, but even if you dont, youl ind a huge wealth of data and art on one ofthe best ‘anime series ever dane Bubblegum Criss was produced by Artic design stuio and wes released as an &-part video-only series in Japan from 1987-1990. Bubblegum Csi: Bore and Ataris based on Bublegur Cis two spine cf series: Te 3-part prequel series AD Pe (released in Japan in 1990), andthe 3 part saquel sri Bubblegum Cash! (eleasedin Japan in 1991) ‘AnimEigo, one of the premiere American anime importers and ds vibuors has released subtitled and dubbed versions of Bubblegum Gris, Eaubblegum Crash! and AD Paice forthe U.S. market. you have't seen these videos yet check them out! Bug your local video store or contact Animeigo at: PO. Box $88, Wilmington, NC. 28402-0989, Email 72447, Web http ww animeigocony. As some fans may know, BGC was axially supposed to be 13 eisodes long. However, only eight were made due to legal complications. The lest fv episodes were eventually boiled down into the 3-partsoqul series Bubilegum Crash, but many fens feel thatthe storyline was never fully resolved. But BCS legal problems are now over, and we'e happy report that there willbe anew BGCTV series on the air in Japan in late 1987. Word hast that the new series will runabout 26 episodes and there may also be a move or new OVA series. Although details ae til sti sketchy, we do know that fans can look forward to... afith Knight Saber! A. Talsorian Games wil keep you posted as details become available, So) a | W FUZION™ EVOLUTION The Bubblegum Crisis Roleplaying Game was the fist game to use the new Fuzion™ game system, but it fr from the last. The lst of Fuzin™ ‘games already includes: Hero Games’ classic superhero roleplaying game, ‘hampions: New Millennium; Gold Rush Games’ Segoky and. Usagi Yojimbo: the superb anime Armored Trooper VOTOMS APG (om A. Talsorin and Central Park Medial: and later in the year gamers can look forward to Fuzion powered versions of Cyberpunk and Mekton Zeta, Thus, Fuzion! is a wok in progress. In oder to ting the BGC APG up to date, AGC Before & After features afew smal differences from the base rulebook. From now on all BSC books wil usa these changes: New Terminology: PERSonalty has been changed to PREsence because “presence” is @ more accurate description of the Stats use; @ character's PD (Physical Defense) has been changed to SD (Stun Defense) because thats what it really is; and all armors PO (Physical Defense) has been changed to KD (Kilng Defense) to distinguish it from SD; ation ally, the tam "Campeign Pints” has been changed to Option Points. Scaling Kills: In order to avoid “confuzion™”, the many mecha of the BGC RPG have been sorted ito various scales. Human scale mecta (such as Harduits, Powered Suits, and Boomers) and Small Vehicle scale designs (such as cars, motorcycles, Motorslves, Battlemovers, truck, and hic tors) wil always be listed with KD, SDP and their weapons wll do damage in D63—Kills will no longer be used for them. Therefore, all damages dished out by mecha ofthis scale should be multiplied by 14D6 (rounded nearest) in order to find their scale-corect damages. For example, the Mouth Laser of the BU-SC (BGC p99) does 2206, since 15 x14 = 22.4 ‘Another way of looking atKllcon- version i to check how many | OOK: 006 08K: +706 rontactonal Kils te tack | OAK: +106 06K: 4808 does—each ful Kili 1406. Add | 02K: 4206 OK: +1008 these 1406 increments vo, then | 92K: +406 OK: 1106 refer tothe right to convert ery | gay, Sy remaining factona/Kilsto dice. LAK’ *808 _ 08K +1808 Large mecha (such as aircraft, tanks, and giant robots) wil use Kil, and no fractions wil be used—In the Bubblegum Crisis RPG book, only the Orca Shutl, hy Carre, and the VA-6 Satelite wil use Kils, Read below to see how damage works in these dtferent scales AL SDP- and Hit-rated targets attacked by D6-rated weapons: Damage is applied normaly, by determining the total amount of damage role, subtracting armor, then applying any remaining damage to the SOP. Human-scale targets attacked by Kill-rated weapons: For ary target weighing 1000kg or less (which has Hits or SDP), damage is applied by adding 13 to the number of Kills of damage; the result is the numberof ice of damage that is done tothe target. Determine the total amount damage rolled, subtract armor, then apply any remaining damage tothe SOP ‘Small Vohicle-scale (SDP-ratod) targets attacked by Kill-rated ‘weapons: Damage is applied by mukiplying the Kills ofthe weapon by 50, subtracting armor, then applying any remaining damage tothe SOP. Large Meche-scale (Kill-ted) targets attacked by D6-rated ‘weapons: Damage is applied by cividing the DC ofthe attack by 14, op ping fractions. The result isthe Kils of damage done (e.g, a 3308 attack becomes @ 2Kil attack. Subtract the Kil of armor fom the attack, then ‘poly any remaining damage tothe targets Kills Kill-rated targets attacked by Kll-rated weapons: Damage is applied normally, by subtracting the rumber of Kil of armor from the Kills cof damage, then subtracting ny remaining damage rom te targets Kil Teper) JBBLEGUM CRISIS: BEFORE AND AFTER — tHe 40 Pouce an | f ale pr RENIERC ICY RELI e EPISODE GUIDE: AD POLICE FILE-1 THE PHANTOM WOMAN re A DERUTIFUL BOOMER ATTACKS NORMAL POLICE ROOKIE LEON MCNICHOL. TRUNTINGIY. SHE CLOSES IN, Fesines TINKLING. AT THE LAST MOMENT, LEON GATHERS HIS NERVE, SHOOTING KGAIN AND AGAIN. POLICE ASSRULT TERM ARRIVES —NINONG THEM NRE VETERANS JEENA MALSO AND ALUS, IND NEWIY TRANSFERRED ROOKIE LEON. DURING THE BATTLE, THE BERSERK BOOMER TAKES RLUS" LIFE, ANID THE ENRAGED ADP OFFICERS SHOOT THE MANNEQUIN TO PIECES. Ng teas 2097. A WNITRESS BOOMER RAMPAGES THROUGH 8 TER SHOP. AN AD HTEAM LEARNS THBT ALUS HAD A HUGE LIFE INSURANCE POLICY AND (COINCIDENTALLY?) JFREQUENTED THAT SINE TER SHOP. THE INSURANCE RGENT WON'T PAY UP, IMPLYING THAT ALUS MAY HAVE SRBOTAGED THE BOOMER HIMSELE JEENA AND LEON GET SIX HOURS elal-\ ris cco Bi aye a UO erate nme eM Cy I THE PATROL CAR, JEENA ASKS LEON WHY HE TURNED HER DOWN, AND HE TELLS HER ABOUT THE CRAZED FEMALE yet Ree A enn OY Ua Sg Sc) aC a aS BOOMER WHO ONCE ATTACKED HiM—IT HAD GONE INAD DUE TO DISORDERS MANIFESTED DURING SEX, DECAUSE IT HAD BEEN ILLEGALLY RECYCLED. JEENA FIGURES THAT'S A POSSIBLE LEAD, AND THE PARTNERS CHECK OUT SEVERAL RECYCLING PEDIC LOm cer Tne) ss ONE HICKS INTO THE POLICE NET, HIGH- UGHTING TWO LOCRTIONS. THEY SPLIT WANE ene mren isa ILLEGAL PARTS TO. UPGRADE D-CLBSS BOOMERS INTO SEX MODELS. UC Sakon ahaa BOOMER THAT KILLED ALUS, AND RECOG~ Area eli cael aa aed WAICHING LEON AT THE DARI Sen MR TSMC am LV.V ae ONL Neo pele er aL em PLANT OWNER, THE PHANTOM WOMAN HAD BEEN DESTROYED BY THE POLICE, BUT HER DRAIN WAS ILLCGRLIY RECYCLED INTO. NR Rea aR sO MES eld Ry MeN aN at cL oo LEON, PUMPING BULLETS INTO HER BODY. oon ace DUE PHANTOM WOMAN ATTACKS LEON, UNSTOPPABLE, SHE PINS HIN. TO THE cio D ey ps eo SHOOTING HER De ane Peed Relag akong aCe any INELANCHOV. EPISODE GUIDE: AD POLICE FILE-2 THE RIPPER I PAC USM men nae e Wiel ch ea RCL a Malas sO]c) a Mes einen Tam aes san

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