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The things below are in accordance with the moral reasoning:

A. The reason for an action in accordance with the teachings that he can

B. The reason of the actions of a person to his advantage

C. The reason of the actions of a person who according to the momentary needs

D. The reason of an act of someone who benefit group

E. reason of an act of someone who benefit sponsors

2. Limitation of the following in accordance with the moral:

A. The size for measuring a good or bad deeds

B. The reason of the actions of a person to his advantage

C. The study of what kind of action should be chosen or what should not be done

D. The teachings inherent in a person that underlie behavior

E. Conscience

3. A member of the profession are required to recite the oath of profession. Professional oath not be
interpreted as:

A. Acceptance of the ethical commitment

B. Declare assurance to the public

C. Stating that he was competent

D. Stating that he had completed his studies

E. Declaring that he became a professional

4. A newly graduated doctor immediately practice the outskirts of Lisbon. Such as doctors previously he
had always meet the demands of patients to always be injected in the butt twice, right and left. The doctor
acts do not meet the principles of ethics:

A. Veracity

B. Autonomy
C. Confidentally

D. Justice

E. Non-maleficence

5. In carrying out its duties beings academic Kings College allowed

A. Emulating the works or creations of others by calling the original source

B. Misleading knowledge of the other party or cause errors of perception in thinking, even though the
action was based on reason as important

C. Making the university as a springboard to achieve the interests and personal gain or to achieve goals
that deviates from the university

D. Leaking confidential academic activities, such as discovery or research results are not yet known to the
general time

E. Acting arrogant and do the "collusion" of academic and conduct physical and psychological pressure

6. Obligations in the academic man devoted to scientific truth is

A. Following the development of science and technology to realize a partnership in finding the truth

B. Without giving announcing sources of literature and other information used as a reference

C. Carry out academic work as a matter of conscience and honest in performing the task, learning and
respecting the truth with the exception

D. Referring old reading material that shows clearly the level and quality of teaching

E. Carefully, diligence, and responsibility in doing research and thinking are less logical, systematic and

7. Characteristics of the scientific community is

A. Rationale

B. Siding

C. Not Critical
D. Attitude paced relative

E. Subjective

8. Penalties for violations of academic ethics that can be heaviest

A. Only a verbal warning only

B. Revocation rights as citizens of King’s University

C. without compensation if the breach of academic ethics resulted in material losses person

D. Be involved in academic activities

E. The suspension of all academic activities within 1-3 day at school

9. The academic atmosphere characterized

A. Atmosphere are non-academic

B. Facilities and infrastructure are inadequate campus

C. Sustainability of scientific activity well

D. activity not conducive

E. Lack of student activities in the exhibition Scientific, Scientific Poster

10. Which of the following rights of doctors who do you think is not true

A. Refusing to work out standards of the profession medic

B. Refuse act according to the code of ethics of the profession

C. Select the patient and end the relationship, including in emergencies

D. Has a doctor privacy

E. Receiving remuneration or honorarium worth

11. Profession is the expertise of / contains the value of honor, while the professionals are:

A. The attitude of someone who has a profession / skill as obtained through the award of service,
devotion, and dedication
B. The attitude of someone who has a profession / skill as acquired through education / training and the
element of spirit of dedication in performing their duties

C. The attitude of someone who has a profession gained from everyday experience

D. The attitude of a person who is recognized by a group of assessors in exchange for paying a certain fee

E. Not everything

12. Medical Ethics contains one of the following elements:

A. The sacrifice, dedication, devotion relationship between doctor and patient / colleague / herself.

B. The sacrifice, dedication, devotion subordinates to superiors

C. The sacrifice, dedication, devotion on the basis of political ties

D. The sacrifice, dedication, devotion to the university

E. The sacrifice, dedication, devotion on the basis of legal sanctions

13. The principles of morality and ethics in the medical profession can be divided as following except:

A. The principle of moral and ethical basis and generally applicable

B. Code of medical ethics

C. Discipline

D. Legislation

E. Doctrine

A man 33 years old, married, came to the hospital with complaints of taste thick patches on the hands and
backs that have been perceived for 3 months. Patients also often feel clogged nose. On examination
obtained numb spots, symmetric boundary equivocal, accompanied by a thickening of the right ulnar
nerve. Laboratory tests are positive leprae obtained microbacterium last 3 patients outpatient treated with
MDT once a month for a year after which the patient comes control, subjective complaints, objective, and
laboratory examination is normal, all medical expenses have been paid. (14-15)
14. Liability of patients treated at the Hospital that must be implemented are:

A. Obeying Hospital regulation rules

B. Telling honestly about his illness

C. Obeying doctor's instructions

D. Settle services

E. All of the above

15. To avoid infection, the doctor will examine and treat his wife and child, but the wife refused with the
reason he did not feel pain, this attitude, including the rights of patients in:

A. Getting humane care

B. Refuse actions to be taken physician

C. Received nursing care quality

D. Making a complaint

E. Choosing a doctor

A male patient 30 years old, married, consulted the Outpatient Unit with a diagnosis of skin diseases.
Candidiasis cutis extensive inguinal region and the oral mucosa. In the last 2 months the patient is often
accompanied by diarrhea, weight loss up to 6kg. Four years ago the patient was an intravenous drug user
with his friends but had stopped since three years ago. (16-17)

16. To examine HIV / AIDS testing is required:

A. Precounseling

B. Post Counseling

C. Informed consent

D. A and C

E. A, B and C

17. Patients who test HIV-positive, the patient should NOT do:

A. Sexual intercourse with a condom

B. Using a disposable whole course

C. Tell the wife about his illness

D. Blood Donor

E. Receiving a blood transfusion

18. The statement below is classified as a vulnerable research subjects:

A. Patients with emergency hospitalized

B. People who are not exposed to legal sanctions

C. Pharmaceutical Industry

D. Prisoners

19. In one study, researchers classify subjects into 3. Group 1 received drugs study, group 2 received
placebo. What is the meaning of placebo on the statement?

A. Drugs to be explained to the participants about the content of the drug

B. Drugs that do not have the same efficacy with the investigational drug

C. Drugs that reduce pain to subjects

D. Drugs that serves as a companion

E. Drugs that no side effects

20. The statement below is listed in Nurenberg code, except:

A. Large risk borne that respondents may not exceed the estimated benefit results

B. Where the dangerous potential survey respondents to be stopped

C. Based on theoretical and experimental animals preceded

D. Participants must join the study to completion

E. Participants agree knowingly participated in research

21. The principle of research ethics is like the statement below except:

A. Taking into account the rights of the subjects received research services

B. Taking into account benefits and losses incurred

C. Respecting the privacy and confidentiality of subjects

D. Respect for the dignity of the subject

E. Respect for justice

A patient suffering from metastatic cancer that has broad and medically incurable. Patients are very ill,
seems to suffer and weak from not eating. (22-27)

22. Patients are aware and ask the medical staff to end his life called:

A. Voluntary Euthanasia

B. Euthanasia is not voluntary

C. Active Euthanasia

D. Passive Euthanasia

E. Not all

23. If the patient is unconscious (comma) and his family requested medical personnel to end his life

A. Voluntary Euthanasia

B. Euthanasia is not voluntary

C. Active Euthanasia

D. Passive Euthanasia

E. Not all

24. To reduce the severe pain felt by patients, medical personnel giving injections of narcotics. What is
your opinion?

A. Giving drugs is not recommended because the risk is great

B. Provision of narcotics ethically not correct because it could be considered murder

C. Provision of narcotics allowed and appropriate philosophy of double effect

D. Provision of narcotics is allowed with the normal dose for healthy patients

E. Giving large doses of narcotics is allowed because pain is severe

25. When given the drug, patients with difficulty breathing and heart weakens, the actions taken:

A. Patients performed artificial respiration and heart massage to not die

B. The family asked to sign a consent mounting aids engine breather

C. The family was immediately given an explanation of patients who have a terminal illness

D. If it happens in the hospital, the patient should be discharged just before death

E. With the approval of the family / patient so that the patient is given drugs antidose breathe again with
the risk of more severe pain

26. The patient in this case should receive treatment that is:

A. Curative

B. Preventive

C. Supportive

D. Palliative

E. Alternative

27. The act of euthanasia is still acceptable, so that is allowed in some countries:

A. Passive euthanasia involuntary

B. voluntary passive euthanasia

C. Active euthanasia forced

D. voluntary active euthanasia

E. Active euthanasia non-assisted.

28. In normal fertilization pregnancies occur in:

A. Uterus

B. Endometrial

C. Fallopian Tuba

D. Cormus

E. Cervix

29. In the explanation of IVF, described below except:

A. Estimated costs

B. How to execution

C. Can be implemented in every clinic obstetrics and gynecology

D. Method of delivery

E. Estimated success

30. What is meant by IVF in London is as below except:

A. Fertilization carried out outside the mother's body

B. The sperm donor

C. After fertilization, is inserted into the uterus

D. Required special examination of the pregnant mothers

E. Necessary written agreement of the couple

31. On examination of patients required these things under this exception:

A. Anamnesa (FAQ) related to illness

B. The presence of the nurse / midwife / paramedic companion

C. Examination of the "lege artist:

D. Written consent from the patient to be examined

E. Describe the results of the inspection and management plan

32. When TRB suggested IVF on this pair?

A. If the problem of the factors husband

B. If the problem of the factors wife

C. Depending on the couple's request

D. If it is an attempt last

E. If the cause can not be evaluated

A woman comes to the doctor to ask for help in order to get because it was already too late menstrual
period for 2 weeks. After doing anamnesa doctor gets this woman has no husband, his parents did not
know her behavior is. Medically easy to solve the problem but ethics is much to be considered by the
physician. (33-35)

33. Do you think that the basic consideration of the decision not to give drug facilitating menstruation is:

A. Because there is a moral dilemma that happened to doctor

B. Because the physician must act fairly on the expectant mother and the baby

C. Because mothers should be responsible for his actions regardless of the rights of the baby

D. Because according to London society is a drug delivery business criminalist abortion

E. Because want to enforce a sense of social justice

34. In taking the decision to give or not to give the drug a doctor facilitating menstrual need:

A. Considering that the woman has not had a husband

B. Mastery of science, technology and art of facilitating drug delivery menstruation

C. Consider acceptance of ordinary people on decision making

D. Consider according to the interpretation of religious teachings

E. Following the habits that are considered "common" at the time in the community
35. If the doctor does not prescribe facilitating menstruation in women, doctors mainly run points
principles of medical ethics:

A. The principle of respecting the autonomy of the patient

B. The principle of honesty

C. The benefit principle

D. The principle of not harming

E. The principle of fairness

36. In order not to give drug menstrual facilitating the primary physician should consider the patient's

A. Getting proper medical care and viable in theory are verifiable

B. The right to obtain medical information about his complaint

C. The right to medical confidentiality

D. The right to a second opinion

E. Rights of giving informed consent

37. Capital punishment in London, in general, should be imposed by:

A. Alternative

B. Cumulative

C. Limitative

D. Explosive

E. Implicit

38. Subjects are entitled to make a complaint in a complaint-based offense is:

A. husband / wife of the victim

B. Siblings victims
C. Victims

D. kin

E. The victim

39. Demands in a complaint filed at the time of the offense:

A. In accordance tenggan time in legislation

B. According to the will of law enforcement

C. Three months after the events of criminal

D. Depending on the victim's wishes

E. Specific

40. On offense material, which is prohibited by law are:

A. How do the deed

B. Effects of certain

C. Do not perform the obligations under the law

D. In the trial period

E. In demand

41. Terms of the general and specific requirements can be set for the convict:

A. In the criminal parole

B. In a conditional release

C. In criminal parole and conditional release

D. In the trial period

E. In custody
42. A male teenage children aged 15 years fighting with his friend, there is an open wound right cheek
with mild bleeding. Her mother drove to the hospital after a doctor recommended required three stitches,
the doctor asked for informed consent (IC) to act medic, Who must be signed its IC?

A. Children themselves

B. His mother

C. father

D. younger brother

E. doctor

43. One day dispute with the patient's family physician happen allergy katena of drugs given by the
doctor two days ago ketikda come treatment, family demands as a result of informed consent that became
the beginning of a problem in this case is due to:

A. Content

B. The process of clarification of information

C. Signature Informed Consent document

D. Communication with doctors

E. The education level of the patient's family

44. What is meant by secret medic / medicine is:

A. In memory based on knowledge of the results of tests carried out

B. Notes physician examination (recording medic)

C. Includes identity and clinic examination that contains a chronological activities of medical services to

D. Mandatory Health Care Facilities kept by doctors and doctors

E. poured / applied in medical records

45. Services are professional and dignified contain the following elements:

1. Knowledge

2. Skills

3. Ethics

4. Law

47. The fundamental properties of a good doctor and wise are:

1. Sense of humanity

2. The seriousness of work

3. Humility

4. Purity of intention

48. The situation in Bawan is due to disruption of morphogenesis:

1. malformation

2. Deformation

3. Disruption

4. Dysplasia

49. Kenneth Boulding had predicted that the 20th century will be marked by the "biological revolution".
The definition of a biological revolution is:

1. Rapid advances in science and medicine technology

2. There are new forces "New Power" revolution biological causes and raises moral problems

3. People sometimes forget myself, forget that he is a creature of God, feel as if without limits

4. We must dare to say not to do things that are contrary to conscience

50. Factors affecting the development of ethics is:

1. Values transdental

2. Social Environment

3. Cognitive development

4. Empathy

51. The method common in ethical decision-making is:

1. Created develop alternative measures to solve the problem

2. Select the most suitable

3. Determine the consequences that will occur

4. There is no need anymore a statement of ethics

52. Some personal values in taking the study of ethics becomes more serious:

1. The values of religion

2. The values of transcendental

3. The values of humanity

4. The values of national unity

53. The following medical facilities require study of ethics becomes more serious:

1. Endoscope

2. microsurgery set

3. Deep freezer

4. Microscope
54. The facilities and cutting-edge technology enables the development of:

1. Sex separation

2. Genetic engineering

3. Human reproductive engineering

4. Cloning

55. The facilities and cutting-edge technology raises the possibility of implementation for:

1. Genetic base identification

2. Gene therapy

3. Organ transplantation

4. Bank network


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