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O| Includes any nonprofit besides state and local governmental units

Common Traits for ALL not-for-profits

O| All 

their own fixed assets
O| All these NFP͛s M


O| All of these carry their own debt
O| ¦easurement focus =   

O| All NFP͛s must 
O| To be restricted, must be by

  (you can only spend my $$ on such and such͙)

Ex: £   

(record as revenue when collected or even pledged)

Cash 100K
Temp restricted revenue 100K

At Y/E, assuming temporarily restricted $ has not been spent

Temp restricted revenue 100K
Net assets- temp restricted 100K [B/S acct]

Upon purchase of intended purpose

Net assets- temp restricted 100K
Net assets- released from restriction 100K [I/S acct]

O| £ecord at  and record as revenue  

Pledges receivable 500K
Uncollectible allowance 50K
Unrestricted revenue 200K
£estricted revenue 250K

Criteria required to book donated services:
O| F¦ can be determined „ 
O| Skills donated the NFP would have had to pay for otherwise
O| Nonfinancial assets have either been created or enhanced

Salaries and Wage Expense xx

£evenue xx

£ £!M  


a.| Total assets ʹ total liabilities
i.| Investments are

 (no distinction between AFS, trading, HT¦)
ii.| Include fixed assets net of depreciation
b.| M"#



a.| All revenues (+) any net assets     
b.| Focus: What was the  
 in net assets (unrestricted, temp, perm)
c.| Private hospitals divide revenue into 3 categories
1.| Patient billings
ii.| c 
1.| Educational programs, nursing classes, CP£ classes, cafeteria, parking, vending machines,
gift shop
2.| Includes   M 

3.| Includes 

1.| Unrestricted gifts/bequests/pledges
2.| Gains/losses from the sale of assets
3.| Unrestricted endowment income
4.| Unrestricted interest or dividend income
5.| Term endowments that have expired (can now use principal)

a.| Operating Activities
i.| Includes agency transactions
b.| Investing Activities
i.| Includes purchase/sale of works of art
c.| Financing Activity
i.| Includes any contributions that were restricted to the purchase of LT assets


Does c& have to be recorded if following criteria are met:
1.| Piece is part of a collection
2.| Collection is held for the public͛s benefit
3.| NFP intends to use proceeds, if sold, to purchase additional items for the collection

   £ M
O| Gross revenues @ established rates (do not account for estimated uncollectibles)
O| Less: 3rd party contractual adjustments
O| Less: Charity care provided
O| Equals: Net patient service revenues

'%((%c£c(&£ '
1.| Private NFP Hospitals or health-care entities
a.| Internal reporting ʹ can  MM  (funds have ͞net asset positions͟,  ͞fund balances͟)
i.| Only  M    M ) 
1.| Day-to-day operations of the hospital
2.| Carries fixed assets, net of AD, in the general fund (differs from governmental)
3.| Carries debt in general fund
4.| Also where hospital carries #

a.| ¦oney set aside by board for specific program
b.| All interest and dividends can be used for this specific purpose only
i.| ͞Internally restricted͟ ʹ Board can change their minds
ii.| Technically M     for external reporting requirements


5.| Agency activities
ii.|     M 
1.| Specific Purpose Fund   
a.| Grants & gifts restricted for 
2.| Plant replacement and expansion fund   
a.| Gifts & grants restricted for capital additions
3.| Endowment Funds
a.| ͞pure endowment͟ Ë can  M 

b.| ͞term endowment͟ Ë after a period of time, can spend the principle
2.| % X

a.| %   
M )operated as   M **
i.| Follows GASB format for statement of cash flows

Ëc& M
O| ¦ust back out from patient service revenue if included

£(&'%c''  ('£ (&('

External reporting Ë Statements of 


State CollegesË Enterprise fund (must follow GASB)

Statement o activities issues

O| &M  
: scholarships, fellowships, tuition remission (faculty͛s child can attend school for free)
O| £ule: c& 

 MM   (washes out)

Scholarship expenditures 100K

£evenue 100K

O| £M " Direct M   M

£evenue 50
Cash 50

Statement of Activities divides expenses into 3 categories

1.| 'M

a.| Faculty salaries, research, student services
2.| M 
a.| Caf, book store, dorms, athletic programs
3.| M ' 
a.| H£, management, admin, M 

Internal reporting Ë Colleges may use funds

M ,   
1.| Unexpended plant fund
a.| Accumulates the money to acquire fixed assets
b.| î £   for capital additions (grants, gifts, etc͙)
2.| Investment in plant fund
a.| %
b.| %
&$# M#  
c.| r   net asset


3.| £etirement of indebtedness plant fund
a.| Only purpose is to service debt
b.| Net assets = î £  
4.| £enewal and replacements plant fund
a.| Accounts for major repairs, maintenance, and refurbishing
b.| Net assets = î £  
͞Board designated assets͟ = ͞internally designated assets͟ Ë UN£EST£ICTED
O| Carried in the !M
 $  fund


O| £ed Cross, United Way
O| Note: Besides governments, schools, hospital Ë This is the ͞default category͟ (churches, labor unions)
O| £equired to follow the FASB for external reporting
O| Can still use fund accounting for internal reporting
O| £EQUI£ED: 4th Statement- ͞The Statement of M 
' ͟

HWO Statement of Activities

O| Draws a distinction between     and 

O| £ M)Program revenue, membership dues, investment income, fees for services
O| M )Contributions, gifts, bequests, ͞casino night͟ and other special events

HWO Statement of Functional Expenses

O| Divide into 2 types of expenses
 )Expenses to run the program/mission (education, health, etc͙)
O| M   = Fund raising (HUGE), administrative

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