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Name(s): Feyza Nur Gülseven

Melisa Köseoğlu
Yağmur Su Kolsal
Unit Title
Wild Animals
Grade Level
7th grade
2 hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
At the end of the lesson, 7th grade English students will understand and use adverbs of frequency correctly and
utilize them to talk about the characteristics of the animals.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Coursebook, worksheet, storybook, video
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Communicative Language Teaching Method
Co-operative Learning
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
1. Watching a video introducing the students to the adverbs of frequency
2. Reading a text illustrating the usage of the adverbs in context
3. Speaking activity based on students’ opinions about the animals’ characteristics
4. Storytelling activity based on the images in the storybook
Individual Learning Activities Students are expected to express themselves and their
opinions on their own for the speaking activity.
Group Learning Activities Students are expected to work as a group to invent a
story based on the images they see in their books.
The content is based on the grammatical subject “Adverbs of Frequency”. The lesson starts off with a fun and
short video introducing this subject, then the students build on this new knowledge by reading texts where they
can find those adverbs. After that, students attempt to share their opinions about the characteristic and habits
of the animals by using these adverbs effectively.Towards the end of the lesson, students form groups to create
stories based on pictures they see. That way, they revise the vocabulary items of the previous week, while
learning how to use what they learned this week.
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher observation, homework

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are expected to participate in speaking activity by
Individual Performance using what they have recently learned.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are expected to effectively work with their group
Group Performance mates to create a grammatically-correct and relevant
Homework (optional) Students are expected to complete True & False and
Question & Answer based homework they are assigned.
Write the points regarding to the measurement and evaluation which you want to explain. (If any)
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
If the teacher faces issues regarding the implementation of the plan, the teacher will resume the lesson
introducing the grammar subject to be introduced in the video on his/her own.If the students are not motivated
enough to participate in the story-telling activity, the teacher can join their groups in turns to inspire them and
give ideas.

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