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Name(s): Maide Elmir

Can Büyükayhan
Merve Elli
Unit Title
Cartoon Characters
Grade Level
4th Grade
2 lesson hours
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
At the end of the two hours lesson, 4th graders will construct at least %75 of positive, negative and
interrogative sentences by learning about possessive adjectives and pronouns, can/cannot sentences and

Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
Infographic, visuals, videos, games, worksheets, concept map.

Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]

Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
1. Quiz.
2. Presenting the subject with an infographic.
3. Completing the exercises in the coursebook.
4. Playing a group game.
Individual Learning Activities Completing coursebook.
Oral conversations.
Group Learning Activities Group game about possessive adjectives and pronouns.

The class begins with a quiz to see whether the student have understood the last lessons’ topic or not.Then, the
teacher will begin the new subject which is possessive adjectives and pronouns by presenting an infographic.
Teacher will show the concept map about subject and ask them to repeat the words aloud. When the teacher is
sure that the students have understood the topic, s/he will help the students complete the exercises in the
coursebook. Finally, the students will play a group game which will make them form sentences orally.
Measurement & Evaluation
Teacher observation
Kahoot Quiz

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students have to do the quiz and complete the
Individual Performance coursebook’s exercises.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for Students are expected to participate in game vigorously.
Group Performance
Homework (optional) Students are supposed to do homework on time.

Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan

In case of any problems related to the online sources, the teacher will come to class having prepared the
infographic and Kahoot game as a hard copy.

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