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Capstone Project Risk Analysis

Risk Consideration Low Risk Medium Risk High Risk

Technology Reliability x
Resource Availability x
Stakeholder Availability x
Time Constraints x

High-Risk Solutions
Risk Considerations Problem and Solution
Technology Reliability/Usability The LMS software is new to me. There is a learning curve that I
am having to overcome for navigating and setting up the course
within the software. I need to watch the tutorials and learn to
set up the course in the LMS so that it works as planned. I also
need to learn how to use the available tools and resources so
that I can ensure the course is well-designed.

Stakeholder Availability The stakeholders for my capstone project are in different

departments and have very limited availability to provide input.
I will need to ensure that I use their time wisely and get the
needed information from them in a timely manner. Each
stakeholder will need ample time to evaluate the project so
they can recommend improvements to the course prior to full-
scale rollout.

Time Constraints Fully developing the course that includes three modules will
require significant amounts of time. I will need to manage my
time appropriately so that I can get the course developed by
the deadline and then allow time for assessment by the
stakeholders. I need to develop a timeline of work so that I can
work to stay on track.

Contingency Planning Statement

A risk analysis for my capstone project was completed and three high-level risks were identified. The
three items that could negatively impact the success of my completed project are as follows:

1. Technology Reliability/Usability
2. Stakeholder Availability
3. Time Constraints
Solutions for these potential risks have been determined to assist in mitigating the impact they may
have on the project. If my project does not go as planned, even with the proposed solutions in place,
I will provide the specific reasons as to why the capstone project would not be completed as
planned. At that time, a revised plan and redirection for project completion would be defined and
approved by the stakeholders and the instructor. It would then be discussed in the final capstone
project report. Following approval, such revision and redirection of the project would in effect
represent my capstone project in its entirety and deemed to meet the capstone course

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