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Monster Kit Projects

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Project 1. Blinking LED with resistors

Project description
This tirst project will simply switch a LED on and ott indetinitely or until you remove power trom
your Arduino board. The project consists ot one LED with a resistor connected between the LED
and the power. This resistor is used to bring the volts to the LED down and to limit the current so
that the LED don't get damaged.

Project Schematic diagram

In tuture projects, we will not show the tull schematic with the tull Arduino micro-controller as
shown in the above diagram. We will use a diagram like below where the number 13 will mean pin
13 on your Arduino board, the ground will mean any ot the ground connections that are available on
the Arduino board.

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x led, 1 x 220 Ohm resistor and 2 x jumper cables

Breadboard diagram

The sketch you will have to upload is the usual blink sketch in the Arduino IDE examples section. It
is the same one we went through in the “getting started” manual in detail. The only ditterence is that
we do not use the on-board LED but we tit an external LED.

1. Put the jumper that is connected to pin 13 on pin 8 and change the sketch code so the led
will now work trom pin 8.
2. Change the delay times so that the LED tlashes taster or slower.

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Project 2. 8 Led sequence
Project details
We have caused one LED to blink, now it's time to up the stakes. Let's connect eight ot them. We'll
also have an opportunity to stretch the Arduino a bit by creating various lighting sequences. This
circuit is also a nice setup to experiment with writing your own programs and getting a teel tor how
the Arduino works. We will also expand your programming skills in this project.

Project schematic

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 8x LEDs, 8 x 220 Ohm resistors and 9 x Jumper cables

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Breadboard layout

Sketch 1
int ledPin2=2;
int ledPin3=3;
int ledPin4=4;
int ledPin5=5;
int ledPin6=6;
int ledPin7=7;
int ledPin8=8;
int ledPin9=9;

void setup() {
//define all pins as output pins

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void loop() {
//switch led's on one at a time
digitalWrite(ledPin2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin5, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin6, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin8, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin9, HIGH);

//switch led's off one at a time

digitalWrite(ledPin2, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin3, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin4, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin5, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin6, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin7, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledPin8, LOW);

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digitalWrite(ledPin9, LOW);

Wow, that is a lot ot code to get something as basic as running LEDs to work. Imagine having many
ditterent LED sequences?

Sketch 2

We can make the code shorter by creating arrays and using a tor loop.

int ledPin[] = {2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; //we create an array for all those pins

void setup() {
//define all pins as output pins
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){

void loop() {
//switch led's on one at a time
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
digitalWrite(ledPin[i], HIGH);
delay (1000);
//switch led's off one at a time
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
digitalWrite(ledPin[i], LOW);

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Project 3. Motors
Project details
Not just Arduino, but all microprocessors can only supply tiny amounts ot current directly trom its
pins. In tact, your Arduino pins can supply a maximum of 20mA!
In many cases, this current is more than enough tor many components like temperature sensors,
led's and so on. When you are going to use power hungry components and equipment like motors
we will need to supply those components with its own power and then switch that power using
transistors or relays with our Arduino.
The chances that the motor with spin without the transistors are good but you will run the risk ot
permanently damaging your Arduino when the motor is connected to something that makes it work
hard to turn.
The whole idea behind this project is to teach you how to use a low current device to control high
current devices.

Project diagram

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x 5V motor, 1 x 1K Ohm resistor, 1 x NPN transistor
(BC547) 5 x Jumper cables, 1 x diode

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int motorPin = 9; // define the pin the motor is connected to

void setup()

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pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT);

void loop() // run over and over again

void motorOnThenOff(){
int onTime = 2500; //the number of milliseconds for the motor to turn on for
int offTime = 1000; //the number of milliseconds for the motor to turn off for

digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH); // turns the motor On

delay(onTime); // waits for onTime milliseconds
digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW); // turns the motor Off
delay(offTime); // waits for offTime milliseconds

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Project 4. Servo's
Servo's are usetul because you can instruct these small motors how tar to turn, and they do it tor
you. In robotics, it's used tor many things like steering a robot or sweeping an area lett to right with
an ultrasonic sensor connected tor tinding obstacles.

One ot the great teatures ot the Arduino is it has a sottware library that allows you to control two
servos (connected to pin 9 or 10) using a single line ot code. They’re usetul because you can
instruct these small motors how much to turn, and they do it tor you.

In this project we will make a servo sweep lett and right continuesly.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x hobby servo, 5 x Jumper cables

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Servo connection
A servo has 3 connection wires. One tor power, one tor ground and a signal wire. The signal wire
plugs into one ot your Arduino digital PWM pins to control the servo. This makes connecting a
servo extremely easy. Thanks to the electronics inside the servo no additional components are
required to the servo.

In the code below we use digital pin 9 to connect to the servo data wire.


#include <Servo.h>
Servo myservo; // create servo object to control a servo
int pos = 0; // variable to store the servo position
void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object
void loop() {
for(pos = 0; pos < 180; pos += 1) // goes from 0 degrees to 180 degrees
{ // in steps of 1 degree
myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position
for(pos = 180; pos>=1; pos-=1) // goes from 180 degrees to 0 degrees
myservo.write(pos); // tell servo to go to position in variable 'pos'
delay(15); // waits 15ms for the servo to reach the position

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Project 5. Potentiometers
Another name tor a potentiometer is a variable resistor. You can turn a “pot” clockwise or anti-clock
wise to get ditterent resistance values.
Project details: This project will control the speed a led tlashes on and ott.
Connecting a pot to an Arduino.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x 10k pot, 1 x 220 Ohm resistor, 5 x Jumper cables

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The sketch

int sensorPin = 0; // select the analogue input pin for the potentiometer
int ledPin = 13; // select the pin for the LED
int sensorValue = 0; // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //declare the ledPin as an OUTPUT:
void loop() {
sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);// read the value from the sensor:
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn the ledPin on
delay(sensorValue); // stop the program for <sensorValue> milliseconds:
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn the ledPin off:
delay(sensorValue); // stop the program for <sensorValue> milliseconds:

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Project 6. Servo control

It's time to start combining some projects to make them more useful.
In this project we will combine 2 previous projects. We will use a potentiometer to control a servo.

This project is an improvement on our previous servo project where the servo just sweeps trom lett
to right and back again. This time we will be using a potentiometer so that we can control the servo

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x 10k pot, 1 x servo, 8 x Jumper cables

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#include <Servo.h> // insert the Servo.h library

Servo myservo; // create servo object to control servo

int potpin = 0; // connect potentiometer to digital pin0
int val; // variable value to read value from analog pin

void setup() {
myservo.attach(9); //Attach the servo on pin 9 to the servo object.

void loop() {
val = analogRead(potpin); //eads the value of the potentiommeter (value between 0 and 1023)
val = map(val, 0, 1023, 0, 179); // scale it to use it with the servo (value between 0 and 180)

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myservo.write(val); // sets the servo position according to the scaled value

Project 7. 8 LEDS using only 3 digital pins

This is not just limited to LEDs, you can also control any other digital devices like relays the same
To do that we need an integrated circuit called a shitt register. A shitt register allow us to use only 3
digital pins to control many LEDs, you can also connect many shitt registers together to control
even more LEDs and still just use 3 pins.

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x Shitt Register 74HC595, 8 x leds, 8 x 220Ohm resistors,
15 x Jumper cables

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int latchPin = 5;
int clockPin = 6;
int dataPin = 4;
byte leds = 0;

void setup()
pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(clockPin, OUTPUT);

void loop()
leds = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
bitSet(leds, i);

void updateShiftRegister()
digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);
shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, LSBFIRST, leds);
digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH);

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Project 8. Buzzers

Project description: Sound is an analogue phenomena, how will our digital Arduino cope? We will
once again rely on its incredible speed which will let it mimic analogue behaviour. To do this, we
will attach a buzzer to one ot the Arduino's PWM pins. A buzzer makes a clicking sound each time
it is pulsed with current. It we pulse it at the right trequency (tor example 440 times a second to
make the note middle A) these clicks will run together to produce notes.

Let's get to experimenting with it and get your Arduino playing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star".

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x passive, 4 x Jumper cables

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int speakerPin = 9;

int length = 15; // the number of notes

char notes[] = "ccggaagffeeddc "; // a space represents a rest
int beats[] = { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 4 };
int tempo = 300;

void playTone(int tone, int duration) {

for (long i = 0; i < duration * 1000L; i += tone * 2) {
digitalWrite(speakerPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(speakerPin, LOW);

void playNote(char note, int duration) {

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char names[] = { 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'a', 'b', 'C' };
int tones[] = { 1915, 1700, 1519, 1432, 1275, 1136, 1014, 956 };
// play the tone corresponding to the note name
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (names[i] == note) {
playTone(tones[i], duration);
void setup() {
pinMode(speakerPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
if (notes[i] == ' ') {
delay(beats[i] * tempo); // rest
} else {
playNote(notes[i], beats[i] * tempo);

// pause between notes

delay(tempo / 2);

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Project 9. Relays

Warning: Relays are otten used with high power equipment like the mains trom your house.
This power can kill you! Please do not attach high power equipment to your relay project, we will
not take any responsibility tor any injuries – your relay can handle it you can't.

From the warning above it is clear that relays can be used to switch high power equipment like
220V lights, motors and so on. It can also be used to switch low power equipment like 12V motors
and so on.

Arduino, transistors and relays

Why not just use a transistor?
• Transistors can not switch AC power
• Transistors can not switch very high power

We will still use a transistor when working with Arduino and relays because most relays need more
current to switch on than provided by the Arduino digital pins. You also will tind that some relays
switches at the max voltage an Arduino can supply but that will leave you with instability because
sometimes it will switch and sometimes not. A transistor is always a good idea to use.

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x relay, 1 x NPN transistor, 3 x 220Ohm resistors, 5 x
Jumper cables, 1 x diode (optional over the coil)


int relayPin = 2; // Relay connected to digital pin 2
void setup() {
// initialize the digital pin as an output:
pinMode(relayPin, OUTPUT);
void loop()
digitalWrite(relayPin, HIGH); // set the LED on
delay(1000); // wait for a second
digitalWrite(relayPin, LOW); // set the LED off
delay(1000); // wait for a second

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Project 10 Push buttons

A push button is a straight torward component but not so straight torward to connect to an Arduino
because we need something called a pull-up resistor.

Project details

Our project is a simple one, we will tirst just use one button that will turn a led on while the button
is pressed. Then we will use two buttons that we will use to switch the led on with the tirst button
and use the second button to switch the led ott.

How to use push buttons with your Arduino.

With Arduino we most otten use push buttons to send volts to an Arduino digital pin, the Arduino
will pick up that it just received volts on the pin and you can write code to tell Arduino what to do
when it receives volts on a digital pin. When a push button is not pushed to make a connection it
means the push button tloats in the air and can pick up all kinds ot static electricity and so on,
making it behave unpredictable and weird. We use a pull-up or pull-down resistor to stop this trom

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 2x push buttons, 1 x leds, 2 x 10k resistors, 1 x 220 Ohm
resistor, 10 x Jumper cables

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1 button code

int buttonPin = 2; // the number of the pushbutton pin

int ledPin = 13; // the number of the LED pin

int buttonState = 0; // variable for reading the pushbutton status

void setup() {
// initialize the LED pin as an output:
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// initialize the pushbutton pin as an input:
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT);

void loop(){
// read the state of the pushbutton value:
buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin);

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// check if the pushbutton is pressed.
// if it is, the buttonState is HIGH:
if (buttonState == HIGH) {
// turn LED on:
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
else {
// turn LED off:
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);

2 button code

int ledPin = 13; // choose the pin for the LED

int inputPin1 = 3; // button 1
int inputPin2 = 2; // button 2

void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); // declare LED as output
pinMode(inputPin1, INPUT); // make button 1 an input
pinMode(inputPin2, INPUT); // make button 2 an input

void loop(){
if (digitalRead(inputPin1) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW); // turn LED OFF
} else if (digitalRead(inputPin2) == LOW) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH); // turn LED ON

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Project 11 Photo resistor (LDR)
This is a project that will make a led shine brighter or less bright depending how much light is
received on the LDR.

We have not looked at sensors yet.

The photo resistor is the tirst sensor we will look at, the photo resistor is also called a Light
Dependant Resistor (LDR). In simple terms, when the sensor detects light, its resistance changes.
The stronger light in the surrounding environment, the lower the resistance value the photo resistor
will read. By reading the photo resistor’s resistance value, we can work out the ambient lighting in
an environment.

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, LDR, 1 x LED, 1 x 10k resistors, 1 x 220 Ohm resistor, 6 x
Jumper cables

Code to see values from the sensor

int val = 0;
void setup() {

void loop() {
val = analogRead(0); //reads value from analogue pin 0

Open up serial monitor to see the values trom the LDR.

Main project code.

Now that we have the two values we can use it in our main project sketch. We use the value 0 tor no
light and 900 tor tull light. Change the sketch below and add your values in this section:

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lightLevel = map(lightLevel, 0, 900, 0, 255);

Main code.

//PhotoResistor Pin
int lightPin = 0; //the analog pin the photoresistor is connected to the
//photoresistor is not calibrated to any units so
//this is simply a raw sensor value (relative light)

int ledPin = 9; //the pin the LED is connected to we are controlling brightness so
//we use one of the PWM (pulse width modulation pins)
void setup()
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT); //sets the led pin to output
void loop()
int lightLevel = analogRead(lightPin); //Read the lightlevel
lightLevel = map(lightLevel, 0, 900, 0, 255);
//adjust the value 0 to 900 to span 0 to 255

lightLevel = constrain(lightLevel, 0, 255);//make sure the value is between

//0 and 255
analogWrite(ledPin, lightLevel); //write the value

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Project 12 Photo resistor (LDR) and 8 led
intensity meter
In this project, we will use the LDR with 8 LEDs to measure light intensity. The 8 LEDs will act as
a light intensity meter. The higher the light intensity is, the more the LED is lit. At the end is also an
example ot a day/night switch you can try.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x LDR, 8 x leds, 1 x 10k resistors, 8 x 220 Ohm resistor,
10 x Jumper cables

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const int NbrLEDs = 8;
const int ledPins[] = { 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12};
const int photocellPin = A0;

const int wait = 30;

// Swap values of the following two constants if cathodes are connected to Gnd
const boolean LED_ON = HIGH;
const boolean LED_OFF = LOW;

int sensorValue = 0; // value read from the sensor

int ledLevel = 0; // sensor value converted into LED 'bars'

void setup() {

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for (int led = 0; led < NbrLEDs; led++)
pinMode(ledPins[led], OUTPUT); // make all the LED pins outputs
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
//sensorValue = analogRead(analogInPin); // read the analog in value
sensorValue = analogRead(photocellPin);
ledLevel = map(sensorValue, 300, 1023, 0, NbrLEDs); // map to the number of LEDs
for (int led = 0; led < NbrLEDs; led++)
if (led < ledLevel ) {
digitalWrite(ledPins[led], LED_ON); // turn on pins less than the level
else {
digitalWrite(ledPins[led], LED_OFF); // turn off pins higher than
// the level
if (ledLevel < 3) {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
if (ledLevel > 3) {
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

An idea to try yourself – add a relay for a day/night switch.

To make a day/night switch trom the code above is quite easy. You can keep the lightbar code and
circuit above to make your project more impressive.
1. Hook up a relay (see the relay project) on pin 13.
2. Put the relay in OUTPUT mode in the setup() tunction.
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

3. In the loop() tunction you want to create 2 new commands, the tirst is when your relay should
switch on and another value when it should be switched ott. A day night switch does not dim or

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bright, a light goes on when it is getting dark and ott when the sun comes out to save on electricity
when you torget to switch ott the lights in the daytime.
if (ledLevel < 3) {
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
if (ledLevel > 3) {
digitalWrite(13, LOW);

You can change the on/ott values above to get better results. It you look at the main sketch the
ledLevel variable reters to the number ot LEDs that should be on as accomplished trom using the
map tunction.
We can thus look at how many LED's are on when we want the relay to switch on. In our code
above we say that it there are only 2 or tewer LEDs on it should switch the relay on and it there are
4 or more LEDs on to switch the relay on.
You will note that nothing will happen it there are 3 LEDs on (we haven't written any code tor that
condition), that is to compensate tor that time ot day when it's just nearing sun up or sun down so
your relay does not shutter uncontrollably on and ott during that time.

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Project 13 Tilt switch
The tilt-switch we use is a ball tilt-switch with a metal ball inside. It looks very similar to a capacitor.

The principle ot the tilt switch is very simple. It mainly uses the ball in the switch to detect tilting ot
something like a robot chassis and trigger an Arduino digital pin The tilt switch will conduct, or it will break
depending on where the ball is. Simple, but ettective.

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x Tilt switch, 4 x Jumper cables

const int ledPin = 13;//the led attach to the Arduino Uno board

void setup()
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT);//initialize the ledPin as an output
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
void loop()

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int digitalVal = digitalRead(2);
if(HIGH == digitalVal)
digitalWrite(ledPin,LOW);//turn the led off
digitalWrite(ledPin,HIGH);//turn the led on

Note that we use the on-board LED to see what happens when you tilt your breadboard, you can
hookup a LED to your Arduino it you wish.

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Project 14 Temperature sensor
Temperature sensors came in many ditterent package sizes as well as with ditterent temperature
measuring capabilities.

We will be using the LM35DZ temperature sensor, its a complicated IC (integrated circuit) that
looks like a transistor.

It has three pins:

• ground
• signal

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x lm35 temp sensor, 5 x Jumper cables

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int temperaturePin = 0;
void setup()

void loop() // run over and over again

float temperature = getVoltage(temperaturePin); //getting the voltage reading from the temperature sensor
temperature = (temperature - .5) * 100; //converting from 10 mv per degree with 500
// mV offset to degrees ((voltagge - 500mV) times 100)
Serial.println(temperature); //printing the result
delay(1000); //waiting a second

* getVoltage() - returns the voltage on the analog input defined by
* pin

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float getVoltage(int pin){
return (analogRead(pin) * .004882814); //converting from a 0 to 1023 digital range
// to 0 to 5 volts (each 1 reading equals ~ 5 millivolts

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Project 15 RGB LEDs

In this project, we will create ditterent colours using an RGB led.


The RGB LED has tour leads. It you are using a common cathode RGB LED, there is one lead
going to the negative connection ot each ot the single LEDs and a single lead that is connected to
all three positive sides ot the LEDs.

By assigning ditterent values ot brightness to the 3 primary colours using PWM we can create any
value we like. From previous discussions, we said that a PWM pin can have any value between 0
and 255 where 0 is 0V and 255 is 5V.

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Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x RGB LED, 3 x 220 Ohm resistors, 4 x Jumper cables

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int redPin = 9;
int greenPin = 10;
int bluePin = 11;
void setup(){
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(greenPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluePin, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
//R:0-255 G:0-255 B:0-255
void colorRGB(int red, int green, int blue){

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Project 16 RGB led, pot and push button
In this project, we will use a pot and push button to change each colour to whatever we want. The
push button will be used to select the colour to be changed and the pot to change the brightness ot
the selected colour.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x RGB LED, 3 x 220 Ohm resistors, 1 x push button, 1 x
10k pot, 11 x Jumper cables

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int redPin = 11;// R – digital 9
int greenPin = 10;// G – digital 10
int bluePin = 9;// B – digital 11
int potPin = 0;// potentiometer 1 – analogue 0
int buttonPin = 1;
int buttonStatus = 3;
int potValue;
void setup(){
pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);
void loop(){
int state = digitalRead(buttonPin);
if (state == LOW){

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if (buttonStatus < 3){
buttonStatus=buttonStatus + 1;

buttonStatus = 1;
switch (buttonStatus){
case 1:
potValue = analogRead(potPin);
potValue = map(potValue,0,1023,0,255);
case 2:
potValue = analogRead(potPin);
potValue = map(potValue,0,1023,0,255);
case 3:
potValue = analogRead(potPin);
potValue = map(potValue,0,1023,0,255);

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Project 17 Infra-red remote control
NOTE: This is a module straight from our online training. We added this
module to show you the difference between a basic project and an online
training project that contain much more detail. This module contains double the
number of pages compared to a standard project module.
An intra-red receiver, or IR receiver, is a hardware component that receives IR intormation trom an
intra-red remote controller. A remote controller comes with many buttons and each button will have
a unique code sent with an intra-red signal to an intra-red receiver that identities the button.

This code is then used in order to convert signals trom the remote control into a tormat that can be
understood by the other device.

Because intra-red is light, it requires line-ot-sight visibility tor the best possible operation, the
signals can however still be retlected by items such as glass and walls. Poorly placed IR receivers
can result in what is called "tunnel vision", where the operational range ot a remote control is
reduced because they are set so tar back into the chassis ot a device.

When working with IR receivers and transmitters (remote controllers) there are 2 major steps
to take:

1. Find the unique code ot each button you will use on the IR controller
2. Once you have that codes you use it statements in your sketch to do “something” when the
IR receiver picks up that code.

The tirst sketch is used to tind the code ot a button press.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x LED, 1 x 220 Ohm resistor, 1 x remote controller, 1 x IR
receiver, 5 x Jumper cables

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#include <IRremote.h> // insert IRremote.h library
int RECV_PIN = 11; //define the pin of RECV_PIN 11
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN); //define RECV_PIN as infrared receiver
decode_results results; //define variable results to save the result of infrared receiver
void setup(){
Serial.begin(9600); // configure the baud rate 9600
irrecv.enableIRIn(); //Boot infrared decoding
void loop() {
//test if receive decoding data and save it to variable results
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
// print data received in a hexadecimal
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
irrecv.resume(); //wait for the next signal

In this code above we will use a library called “IrRemote.h”.

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Download this library and add the library to your Arduino
IDE (sketch→include library → add zip library).
Atter you uploaded the sketch open the serial monitor. When you press a button on the remote
controller you will see the button code in the serial monitor. It would be similar to this
10EFD827 would be your code which you will use and the “FFFFFFFF” is when you push too long
you Arduino will receive this code, always use the tirst one trom last button press.
NOTE: It is very common with IR receivers that you will see 2 or 3 ditterent codes. You will even
see it with a normal home remote control. Now and then you have to press the button more than
once to get a TV or something to respond.
Most people think the code was not received by the remote but the IR receiver actually interpreted
the code wrong, mostly because ot not pointing the remote straight to the receiver and because ot
environment interterence. But also because ot the IR technology itselt is not a high precision
technology, its main advantage is that it is cheap and easy to use by the consumer market.
The only thing you can really do is to have the remote transmitter's "eye" as close as possible to the
receiver's "eye" and press the button a couple ot times and take the code that comes up most ot the
In code output, it looks very inconsistent (because it is), but practically it is not that bad.
Write down the codes of at least three buttons so we can use it in an it statement to turn a led on
or ott.
The code below will start the IR library and must be placed in the setup() tunction.

The code below is used to constantly read values trom the IR receiver.

if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
unsigned int value = results.value;
irrecv.resume(); // Receive the next value

Basically what happens above is that it there is a value received trom the IR receiver the
irrecv.decode call to the library will convert the code it received into a hexadecimal.

Page 50
The original intra-red decoding is very complicated to manipulate, that is why we use the library
that will do this tor us.

The above code will print the result trom the library
The final code to switch a LED with the remote controller.
Now that we have the button code it is simple:
#include <IRremote.h>
int RECV_PIN = 11;
int ledPin = 13; // LED – digital 10
boolean ledState = LOW; // ledState to store the state of LED
IRrecv irrecv(RECV_PIN);
decode_results results;
void setup(){
pinMode(ledPin,OUTPUT); // define LED as output signal
void loop() {
if (irrecv.decode(&results)) {
Serial.println(results.value, HEX);
//once receive code from power button, the state of LED is changed from HIGH
//to LOW or LOW to HIGH
if(results.value == 0x10EFD827){
ledState = !ledState; //reverse
digitalWrite(ledPin,ledState); //change the state of LED

Replace your button HEX value with the button code (10EFD827) in the it statement:
if(results.value == 0x10EFD827)

Important: The code we copied trom our previous sketch is in hexadecimal but Arduino by detault
will think it works with normal numbers and letters. By adding 0x in tront ot your code, Arduino
will now know that it works with a hexadecimal number.
We will be using the Arduino on-board LED just to makes thinks a bit simpler, you can also use a

Page 51
led trom a breadboard as you did many times betore in this training.
There is one simple piece ot code I want to comment on.
ledState = !ledState; //reverse

This code is an extremely easy way to change the state the led is in (either on or ott) every time the
button is pressed.
This code work because the ledState variable is a boolean data type. A boolean data type can only
take one ot two values, either true or talse.
When working with LEDs, true will usually mean the LED is on and talse will mean it is ott.
The piece ot code above uses the “!” operator that means not.
This code below means that the value ot ledState (either true or talse) will be changed or reversed
trom either true to talse or talse to true.
ledState = !ledState; //reverse

Page 52
Project 18. 8-segment led display

This project uses an 8 segment LED to build a counter.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x LED, 8 x 220 Ohm resistors, 8 segment led display, 1 x
remote controller, 1 x IR receiver, 12 x Jumper cables

Page 53
void setup(){
for(int pin = 2 ; pin <= 9 ; pin++){ // define digital pin 2-9 as output
pinMode(pin, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(pin, HIGH);
void loop() {
// display number 0
int n0[8]={0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1};
//display the array of n0[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){

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// display number1
int n1[8]={0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1};
// display the array of n1[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 2
int n2[8]={0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1};
// display the array of n2[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 3
int n3[8]={0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1};
// display the array of n3[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 4
int n4[8]={0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1};
// display the array of n4[8] in digital pin 2-9

for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){

// display number 5
int n5[8]={1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1};
// display the array of n5[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 6

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int n6[8]={1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
//display the array of n6[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 7
int n7[8]={0,0,1,1,1,1,0,1};
// display the array of n7[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 8
int n8[8]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1};
// display the array of n8[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){
// display number 9
int n9[8]={0,0,0,0,1,1,0,1};
// display the array of n9[8] in digital pin 2-9
for(int pin = 2; pin <= 9 ; pin++){

Page 56
Project 19: LCD display
NOTE: This is another module straight from our online training. We added this
module to show you the difference between a basic project and an online
training project that contains much more detail. This module contain double the
number of pages compared to a standard project module.

LCD1602 Display

We will be using the LCD1602 display module in this project. The numbers 1602 reters to the
ability to display 16 characters and that it can display two rows.

They are available in many background colours.

This module has many pins that need to be connected to the Arduino, a total ot 6 pins to your
Arduino's digital pins and 2 more tor the power.

Pin connections:

* LCD RS pin to digital pin 12

* LCD Enable pin to digital pin 11
* LCD D4 pin to digital pin 5
* LCD D5 pin to digital pin 4
* LCD D6 pin to digital pin 3
* LCD D7 pin to digital pin 2
* LCD R/W pin to ground
* LCD VDD pin to Arduino 5V
* LCD VSS pin to Arduino ground
* LCD A and K Pins that control the brightness ot the LED backlight with a potentiometer.

It's a lot ot pins, I know.

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There is a much easier solution that uses another module called an I2C board that can be titted to
this display that combines all these wires into only 2 data wires and 2 power wires. One can also
buy LCDs with the I2C converter already on the board.

There are no such boards in the kit, we will do it the ditticult way and learn more.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1 x 16 x 2 LCD display, 1 x 220 Ohm resistor, 1 x 10 K pot,
16 x Jumper cables

Page 58
Page 59
We will use a library to make our coding easy…. very easy actually
The library we will use is one ot the detault libraries that comes with your Arduino IDE sottware.
You should be able to copy/paste the code below without having to install the LiquidCrystal library
into the IDE tirst.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup() {
lcd.begin(16,2); // columns, rows. use 16,2 for a 16x2 LCD, etc.
lcd.clear(); // start with a blank screen
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set cursor to column 0, row 0 (the first row)
lcd.print("BotShop"); // change text to whatever you like. keep it clean!
lcd.setCursor(0,1); // set cursor to column 0, row 1
lcd.print("IS AWESOME");

void loop() {

The above sketch have the code in the setup() tunction. The one below is in the loop() tunction,
looping between the two lines.
#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 5, 4, 3, 2);

void setup() {
lcd.begin(16,2); // columns, rows. use 16,2 for a 16x2 LCD, etc.

void loop() {
lcd.clear(); // start with a blank screen
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set cursor to column 0, row 0 (the first row)
lcd.print(" BotShop"); // change text to whatever you like. keep it clean!
lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set cursor to column 0, row 1
lcd.print(" IS AWESOME");

Page 60
In the above code, you can see that the library do all the work tor us. The code is commented well
so you can easily see what each line does.
As a side note, you can also connect the positive wire trom the pot directly to one ot your digital
pins so you can switch the back-light on or ott trom your code.
Don't break up this project yet, we will add to it in the next project.

Page 61
Project 20: LCD display and Serial monitor

NOTE: This is another module straight from our online training. We added this
module to show you the difference between a basic project and an online
training project that contains much more detail. This module contain double the
number of pages compared to a standard project module.
To type text into your serial monitor that must be sent to the Arduino open the serial monitor, it is
the button that looks like a magnitying glass on the right ot your IDE:

Once the serial monitor opened you will see a tield where you can type text into and a send button
next to it:

I typed “Hello
World” in the space provided in the picture above. As soon as I press the send button the serial
monitor will send the data via the USB cable to your Arduino.

Doing this right now will send the text to your Arduino but your Arduino will do nothing with it as
we tirst need to:
1. Write code to put the text received into a variable
2. Write code to use that text in the variable to do something tor us.

#include <LiquidCrystal.h>
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 13, 5, 4, 3, 2);
String comdata = "";

void setup() {
lcd.begin(16,2); // columns, rows. use 16,2 for a 16x2 LCD, etc.
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial port at 9600 bps:

void loop() {

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//read string from serial monitor
if(Serial.available()>0) // if we get a valid byte, read analog ins:
comdata = "";
while (Serial.available() > 0)
comdata += char(;

lcd.clear(); // start with a blank screen

lcd.setCursor(0,0); // set cursor to column 0, row 0 (the first row)
lcd.print(comdata); // change text to whatever you like. keep it clean!

Capture the text from serial monitor

The tirst thing to do is to start serial monitor in the setup() tunction:

Serial.begin(9600); // start serial port at 9600 bps:

Next we will capture the data trom serial monitor and put that in a variable called comdata:

if(Serial.available()>0) // if we get a valid byte, read analog ins:

comdata = "";
while (Serial.available() > 0)
comdata += char(;

We start ott by looking it there is any data available trom the serial monitor with the
Serial.available() tunction, it there is data trom serial monitor the value will be greater than “0” and
we will execute the code in the curly brackets.

Page 63
The text trom serial monitor will be received one character at a time, we will use the
tunction to read each ot the characters and add them to the variable comdata. The + sign we
encountered betore and all it does is to add another character to the characters already in the

All that is lett to do is to place the comdata variable into the lcd.print() tunction so it can be
displayed on the LCD display.

lcd.print(comdata); // change text to whatever you like. keep it clean!

Page 64
Project 21. Stepper motors
A normal motor just turns, either clock wise or anti-clock wise and by controlling the volts supplied
they can turn taster or slower. Don't understand me wrong, normal motors are very usetul especially
in robotics it you want to build a robot with wheels.

A stepper motor is quite ditterent, they are DC motors that move in small, precise steps. They have
multiple coils that are organized in groups called "phases". By energizing each phase in sequence,
the motor will rotate, one step at a time. With a computer controlled stepping, you can achieve very
precise positioning and/or speed control.

Wiring the stepper motor.

Parts required
1 x Arduino Uno, 1x breadboard, 1x ULN2003 IC or ULN2003 driver board , 1 x stepper
motor, 5 x Jumper cables

Page 65

#include <Stepper.h>

#define Number_Of_Rotations 2
#define STEPS_PER_OUTPUT_REVOLUTION 2048 * Number_Of_Rotations
int StopTime = 100;

Stepper myStepper(STEPS_PER_MOTOR_REVOLUTION, 8, 10, 9, 11);

int Steps;

void setup(){

void loop(){


Page 66
Our online training course

Would you like more details? A better explanation ot the electronics and the code?

Our online training course take each project and explain the code and electronics in great detail.

Included are over a 100 quiz questions and a training torum where we answer your question in

You can tind out more about our online training on our website.

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