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By :



NO.REG : 15020161



Thank to the Almighty God for His bless and grace to the writer for

accomplishing the English paper assignment .The paper is structured to meet one

task subjects Cross Culture Understanding.

The writer also wants to deliver his sincere thanks to all the people who

has given their hands to help me completing this paper. It is written to complete

the final task of English subject. It is the project to discuss about examples of

material discussions that have been presented by all groups, like nonverbal

communication, verbal patterns, work value, etc.

The writer realize that it is still imperfect but he has a high expectation that

his work may help the reader to learn about cross-cultural understanding.

Kolaka,December 27th, 2017

Muzdalifa Lubis


TABLE OF CONTENTS………………………………..…................................ii

CROSS CULTURE UNDERSTANDING............................................................1

A. Nonverbal communication………………………………..................................1

B. Interpersonal Relationships………….................................................................2

C. Work Value………….........................................................................................3

D. Verbal patterns…………...................................................................................4

E. Time and space patterns…………..................................................................5


- Non verbal communication

Nonverbal communication is communication without the use of words.

Universal emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness, are expressed in a similar

nonverbal way throughout the world. Nonverbal communication consists not only

of facial expressions and body gestures but also of the way a person uses space

and time.

( Figure 1 ) ( Figure 2 )

Based on the definition of nonverbal communication, I can conclude that

Figure 1 and Figure 2 In the picture above is a form of nonverbal communication.

Because, in Figure 1, it appears that the committee in the event is trying to direct

the participants to sit in the chair through the gesture, that is by pointing towards

the chair without speaking. Then, in picture 2 looks a participant who was
smiling. It indicates that he is happy which is a happy expression categorized as

facial expressions.

- Interpersonal relatioship

Personal relationship is relationship between people, especially those between

friends, lovers, and family members. Interpersonal relationships are formed in the

context of social, cultural and other influences. The context can vary from family

or kinship relations, friendship, marriage, relations with associates, work, clubs,

neighborhoods, and places of worship.

( Figure 1 ) ( Figure 2 )

Based on the definition of Interpersonal relationship , I can conclude that

Figure 1 and Figure 2 In the picture above is a form of Interpersonal relationship.

it is proved from the picture above. where in the first picture, it appears that their

relationship looks very familiar, it is influenced because they are classmates or

they often gather together. While in the second picture, seen there is a difference

in a friendship relationship between participants who veiled and those who do not.

Although they sit side by side, but they look unfamiliar. This is because friendship
is influenced by many factors. Especially the religious factor, the factor of

togetherness, and cultural factors as seen in the second picture above.

- Work Value

Work value can be interpreted as an individual attitude towards what he does,

loyality to company , relationships with members in the company, work in the

company, and career path in the company.

Based on the definition of work value, I can conclude that the picture above is

one example of the form of work value. Where the picture above shows the

form of work value among the committee in the event. Seen they are very

compact in organizing their event and a good relationship between the

committee ic the event. So make the event look successful because of good

work value.
- Verbal patterns

Verbal patterns is simply the communication that is expressed through

words. And then, verbal patterns is sharing of information between

individuals by using speech.

Based on the definition of verbal patterns, I can conclude that the picture above is

one example of a verbal pattern. This is evidenced from the picture above which

shows two participants who are doing the form of verbal communication. they are

seen talking to each other verbally.

- Time and space patterns

Time is the duration in which all things happen. They can use their time with

value achievement. Every community will give different meaning about time.
( Figure 1 ) ( Figure 2 )

Based on the definition of time and space patterns, I can conclude that the picture

above is a form of time and space patterns. In the images above shows the form of

time and space patterns. it is seen from the situation in and outside the auditorim

room, where there are still many participants who do registration when the event

has been started. This is one of the habits of many people in Indonesia, which

comes late or not on time.


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