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P. L. Cadwallader

prepared for the

Australian Nature Conservation Agency


Overview of the Impacts of Introduced Salmonids on

Australian Native Fauna
by P L Cadwallader

The views and opinions expressed in this report are those of the
authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Commonwealth
Government, the Minister for the Environment or the Director of
National Parks and Wildlife.

ISBN 0 642 21380 1

Published May 1996

© Copyright
The Director of National Parks and Wildlife
Australian Nature Conservation Agency
GPO Box 636
Canberra ACT 2601

Design and art production by BPD Graphic Associates, Canberra

Cover illustration by Karina Hansen McInnes

2.1 Brown trout 7
2.2 Rainbow trout 8
2.3 Brook trout 9
2.4 Atlantic salmon 9
2.5 Chinook salmon 10
2.6 Summary of present status of salmonids in Australia 11
3.1 Studies on or relating to distributions of salmonids and native fish 13
Grey (1929)
Whitley (1935)
Williams (1964)
Fish (1966)

Frankenberg (1966, 1969)

Renowden (1968)
Andrews (1976)
Knott et at. (1976)
Cadwallader (1979)
Jackson and Williams (1980)
Jackson and Davies (1983)
Koehn (1986)
Jones et al. (1990)
Lintermans and Rutzou (1990)
Minns (1990)
Sanger and F ulton (1991)
Sloane and French (1991)
Shirley (1991)
Townsend and Growl (1991)
Hamr (1992)

Ault and White (1994)

McIntosh et al. (1994)
Other Observations and Comments
3.2 Studies Undertaken During the Invasion of New Areas by Salmonids
Tilzey (1976)
Raadik (1993)
Gloss and Lake (in prep)
3.3 Experimental Introduction study
Fletcher (1978)
3.4 Feeding Studies, Including Analysis of Dietary Overlap and Competition,
and Predation
Introductory Comments
Morrissy (1967)
Cadwallader (1975)
Jackson (1978)
Cadwallader and Eden (1981,_ 1982)
Sagar and Eldon (1983)
Glova (1990)
Glova and Sagar (1991)
Kusabs and Swales (1991)
Crowl et at. (1992)
Glova et al. (1992)
Glova and Sagar (1993)
Gillespie (1995)
Other Observations and Comments
3.5 Behavioural Studies

Glova (1989)
McIntosh et al. (1992)
Edge et al. (1993)
3.6 Studies on the Disease Impacts of Salmonids
Introductory Comments
Saville-Kent (1888)
Parisot et al. (1965)
Ashburner and Ehl (1973)
Pollard (1974)
Ashburner (1977)
Whittington and Cullis (1988), Carson and Handlinger (1988)
Langdon et al. (1988), Langdon (1989a, b)
Davies (1991)
3.7 Overview of Studies on Impacts of Salmonids

4.1 General Considerations 39
4.2 Review of Experimental Methods and Recommended Approaches
for Investigating the Impacts of Salmonids on Native Fauna 39
4.3 Research Priorities 41
4.4 Management Actions 42
5.1 Introductory Comments 45
5.2 Victoria 45
5.3 New South Wales 46
5.4 Australian Capital Territory 47
5.5 Tasmania 47
5.6 South Australia 47
5.7 Western Australia 48
5.8 Queensland 48
5.9 Future Directions 48

This series of national overviews was commissioned by the Invasive Species Program to enable existing
knowledge on the impact of introduced species on the natural environment to be collated and examined for
key knowledge gaps. The impact of introduced animals on native species is an area that has been little
studied in Australia. More often than not, the impact of introduced species is assumed rather than
Five species of salmonids were introduced into Australia in the late 1800's. Since that time salmonids,
particularly trout, have become widely distributed in certain areas of Australia and form a
significant component of recreational fishing. However, in some places, at some times, salmonids
can constitute a threat to populations of native fish, like the endangered Barred galaxias.
This review on the impacts of introduced salmonids on Australian fauna is a comprehensive document
providing excellent material for future research and planning for freshwater fisheries management. It
is an invaluable contribution to the Australian Nature Conservation Agency's pursuit for information on
the identified impacts of various introduced species and recommends a number of options to further
investigate, clarify and contend with recognised impacts. I hope that it will be well utilised by all agencies
and individuals concerned with biodiversity conservation.

Peter Bridgewater
Chief Executive Officer
Australian Nature Conservation Agency


There have been few studies in Australia on the impacts of salmonids on fauna other than fish and those
studies which have been done cover a relatively small part of the fish fauna. The most substantive evidence
of impacts comes from an experimental introduction study and from observations made during the invasion
of new areas. Much of the information on the distributions of salmonids and native fish is derived from
surveys not specifically designed to investigate the effects of salmonids.
The numerous and widespread instances of fragmented galaxiid distribution patterns in the presence of
trout, the more widespread distribution of galaxiids in the absence of trout, and the fragmentation of
galaxiid distribution pattern as trout move upstream, provide a substantial body of evidence for an adverse
impact of trout on stream-dwelling galaxiids.
The major impact of salmonids has been via predation. Salmonids have undoubtedly also had an
impact via the spread of pathogens.
Studies on the effects of salmonids on the distributions of native fauna should be designed specifically to
test the hypothesis that the occurrence of a particular species is affected by the presence of salmonids.
Introduction experiments in the field provide the most convincing evidence of an impact.
Salmonids are implicated in the demise of ten of Australia's threatened fish species. Priority should be given
to research on the threatened galaxiids, pygmy perches and Australian grayling. Reserves for all Tasmanian
galaxiids should be established. The impact of trout on macroinvertebrates and aquatic vertebrates other
than fish has been largely ignored and requires urgent assessment.
The value of salmonids as sport-fish and in aquaculture has overshadowed consideration of their effects
on native fauna and, in general, legislation to safeguard native fauna from the effects of salmonids is
lacking. The agencies responsible for the management of salmonid fisheries need to re-assess their
attitudes and take a more pro-active approach to protecting native fauna.

Funding to compile this report was provided by the Australian Nature Conservation Agency (ANCA) under
the Invasive Species Program. The views expressed in this report are not necessarily those of ANCA.


I thank John Hicks, Jim Barrett and Narelle Montgomery of the Australian Nature Conservation Agency
for their help in setting up the project and for guiding it through to completion; Noel Morrissy of the
Fisheries Department of Western Australia, Wayne Fulton of the Inland Fisheries Commission of
Tasmania, Nigel Forteath of the Department of Aquaculture of the University of Tasmania, Gary Henry of
NSW Fisheries, Alan Baxter of the Victorian Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (VDCNR),
Don Mackie of the South Australian Department of Primary Industries, Bryan Pierce of the South
Australian Research and Development Institute, Peter Reiman of the South Australian Fly Fishers'
Association, Mark Lintermans of the ACT Department of the Environment, Land and Planning, and Peter
Jackson of the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI) for providing information on the
impacts of salmonids or on stocking policies and regulations in relation to salmonids; Sue Palmer, librarian
at the Victorian Fisheries Research Institute, VDCNR, for conducting the electronic literature search
and for providing reference material; Zena Seliga, QDPI librarian, Peter Grant of the Snobs Creek
Freshwater Fisheries Research Station and Hatchery, John Humphrey and Mark Crane of the Australian
Animal Health Laboratory, and Grant Rawlin of the Victorian Institute of Animal Science for providing
reference material; Gerry Closs of the Department of Environmental Management and Ecology of La
Trobe University for making available unpublished material; Colin Townsend of the Department of Zoology
of the University of Otago, New Zealand, Tarmo Raadik of the Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental
Research, VDCNR, John Harris and Bob Faragher of NSW Fisheries, Noel Morrissy, John Humphrey and
Wayne Fulton for their constructive comments on an early draft of the manuscript and for providing new
material or drawing my attention to other relevant material.

Habitat degradation is recognised as a major • review policies and regulations relating to

factor in the decline of Australia's native the introduction and stocking of
freshwater and estuarine fauna. In particular, salmonids from the perspective of impact
the importance of sustaining fisheries by on native fauna; and
sustaining fish habitat is well recognised ( • provide a comprehensive bibliography.
Hancock 1992). However, even though habitat A priori it must be assumed that the
degradation has had a major impact on the introduction of any species will have an impact
range and abundance of many native as far as the native fauna is concerned (
freshwater fish species, introduced fish are Cadwallader 1978). As pointed out by Taylor et
also implicated in the demise of several species al. (1984), defining "impact" as any effect on a
(Pollard and Burchmore 1986, Ingram et al. native population attributable to an introduced
1990, Jackson 1993, Jackson et al. 1993, species deems its occurrence a foregone
Wager and Jackson 1993). conclusion; that no effects should result from
Earlier reviews of the effects of introduced fish such perturbations strains ones's confidence
on Australian native fauna by Butcher (1967), in ecological principles. With few exceptions,
Weatherley and Lake (1967), Cadwallader ( research and comment on the impact of
1978), Tilzey (1980), McKay (1984), Fletcher ( salmonids on the freshwater and estuarine
1986), Morison (1988), Arthington (1989), fauna of Australia has been focused on the
Pollard (1990) and, specifically of the effects of fish fauna. Jackson (1981) provided a list of
salmonids, by Jackson (1981) and, more the native fish (together with their maximum
recently, Crowl et al. (1992) and Keam (1994), recorded lengths) which occur in trout waters
have highlighted the paucity of hard evidence in south-eastern Australia. Theoretically,
in relation to the demonstration of an impact of members of the following fish families, all of
introduced salmonids on Australian native which occur in waters in Australia in which
fauna. salmonids have been introduced, could be
The purpose of this report is to: affected at some stage of the their life cycle by
• provide a summary of the introduction of salmonids: Petromyzontidae, Anguillidae,
salmonids into Australia, the species Galaxiidae, Retropinnidae, Prototroctidae,
present, their distribution, utilisation and Aplochitonidae, Gadopsidae, Nannopercidae,
biology; Bovichthyidae, Teraponidae, Percichthyidae,
• review research findings on the impacts of Eleotridae and Gobiidae. Adding lists of the
salmonids on Australian native freshwater vertebrates other than fish and the
and estuarine fauna, together with relevant macroinvertebrate families which occur in
overseas work, particularly that done in waters in which salmonids have been
New Zealand which shares several native introduced makes quite a catalogue of
taxa in common with Australia; Australian fauna which has been exposed to
• review research methods and recommend some interaction with these introduced fish.
practical methods and priorities for At the outset it must be realised that the
research in Australia to clarify the impact greatest impacts would have occurred in the
of salmonids on Australian native years immediately following the introduction of
freshwater and estuarine fauna; salmonids into Australia. Consequently, the
• identify specific localities and native species faunal assemblages in which many of the
and populations where the impact of subsequent observations and research projects
salmonids is regarded as greatest, and were carried out do not reflect "natural"
recommend management options; conditions, but faunal assemblages
which are likely to have been substantially
modified from those which occurred before
salmonids were introduced.
Observations that trout do not have an impact
because they occur together with various
macroinvertebrate and fish species are at best
misleading. What the observations reflect is
probably a much changed fauna, containing
animals which, because of their particular life
history characteristics, reproductive strategies or
ability to withstand environmental extremes, are
able to co-exist with salmonids. Those animals
lacking appropriate predator -avoidance
mechanisms or whose life history
characteristics, behaviour or size make them
particularly vulnerable to salmonids are likely
to have already been eliminated or restricted to
being a much less significant component of the


The family Salmonidae is relatively small, but Detailed early accounts of the introduction of
contains some of the world's most popular brown trout are given by Wilson (1879) and
angling species. Its members are characterised Nicols (1882); later accounts include those of
by an adipose fin, a lateral line, axillary Fraser (1953), Arentz (1966), Lynch (1970),
processes on the pelvic fins, small scales and a Gilmour (1973), Clements (1988), O'Brien (
dorsal fin high on the back and further forward 1988), Ritchie (1988) and Walker (1988).
than the pelvic fins (McDowall and Tilzey 1980) Self-sustaining brown trout stocks are now
. The family is native to the cool and cold widespread in the cooler parts of Australia,
waters of the Northern Hemisphere (Berra and isolated populations of sea-run trout
1981). Some species are restricted to fresh occur in Victoria and Tasmania (Kailola et al.
water, but others spend various parts of their 1993). Reasons for their success in the
lives in the sea. Salmonids have been Australian environment are reviewed by
introduced into many countries in the world, Weatherley (1974) and Tilzey (1977). Probable
primarily to provide recreational fishing. There key factors in their establishment and success
are five species of the family Salmonidae in were the physicochemical and biological
Australia (Lake 1971, Merrick and Schmida similarities between many Australian trout
1984, Allen 1989). habitats and those of the ancestral stocks, the
minimal competition from native fauna, the
abundance and availability of native food
2.1 Brown Trout species and the virtual absence of parasites
Salmo trutta Linnaeus and disease (Tilzey 1977).
In addition to the existence of self-sustaining
Brown trout are native to Europe, from
brown trout stocks, releases of hatchery-
Iceland and Scandinavia southward to Spain
produced trout maintain fisheries in marginal
and North Africa and eastward to the Black
habitats, in waters lacking suitable spawning
and Caspian Seas. They have been introduced
conditions or where fishing pressure is thought
into many countries and are present on all
to be too great for local populations to sustain
continents except Antarctica (Frost and Brown
(Nicholls 1962, Morrissy 1967, 1972,
1967, MacCrimmon and Marshall 1968,
Cadwallader and Tilzey 1980, Cadwallader
MacCrimmon et al. 1970).
1983, Baxter 1992, Cadwallader et al. 1992,
Roughley (1966) described the introduction and
Hall 1992).
spread of brown trout in Australia. They were
A map outlining the distribution of brown
introduced as fertilised eggs brought to
trout in Australia is given by Kailola et al. (
Tasmania from the United Kingdom in 1864.
1993). More specific information on the
Soon afterwards, stocks in Victoria were
occurrence of brown trout in the various
developed from eggs obtained from Tasmania,
States is given for Tasmania by Fulton (1990),
and in 1888 brown trout were introduced into
for Victoria by Cadwallader and Backhouse (
New South Wales. Progeny from the resulting
1983) and Tunbridge et al. (1991), for New
stocks were distributed widely throughout
South Wales by Lake (1957), Llewellyn (1983)
Tasmania, Victoria and New South Wales.
and Faragher (1986), for South Australia by
Brown trout were first introduced into South
Morrissy (1967) and Scott et al. (1974), for
Australia in 1901, but it was not until the
Western Australia by Morrissy (1972), and for
1930s that they became established in Western
Queensland by Grant (1978).
Australia. Despite repeated attempts, brown
trout have not become established in

McDowall and Tilzey (1980), Cadwallader and The brown trout is an excellent angling
Backhouse (1983), Merrick and Schmida ( species and is taken primarily on rod-andline
1984) and Kailola et al. (1993) have reviewed using bait, lures or flies. It is considered as
the biology of brown trout in Australia. probably the most important introduced sport
Brown trout can reach over 1400 mm in fish in Australia (McDowall and Tilzey 1980).
length and over 20 kg in weight; in Australia,
they have been recorded up to 14 kg in weight
and up to 950-1000 mm long. Their optimum 2.2 RainbowTrout
temperature range is 4-19 degrees Celsius and
they typically occur in cool, well oxygenated Oncorhynchus mykiss
waters, usually in streams with a gravel
substrate and moderate to fast flow, but also
in cool, clear lakes. Rainbow trout are native to the Pacific
Spawning occurs in autumn and winter (April coast of North America, from Alaska to
to July), often following a flood. Spawning fish Mexico. Like brown trout, they have been
typically migrate upstream into small introduced into many countries and are now
tributaries with gravel beds. Pair formation present on all continents except Antarctica (
occurs. The female excavates a depression in MacCrimmon 1971).
the stream bed, while the male chases away Roughley (1966) and Clements (1988) have
intruders. The male joins the female above the detailed the introduction and spread of rainbow
depression and their eggs and milt are released trout in Australia. They were introduced in
together, the fertilised eggs settling amongst the 1894 as fertilised eggs brought to New South-
gravel. The female then covers the eggs by Wales from New Zealand, where the species had
dislodging gravel upstream of the depression, become established after introduction from the
and then excavates another. The spawning USA in 1883. Populations soon became
area, encompassing several depressions, is established in New South Wales and the
called a redd. Brown trout eggs are bright progeny from these stocks were subsequently
orange and 4-5 mm in diameter. Development distributed to Victoria, Tasmania and South
within the egg takes several weeks, depending Australia. Unlike brown trout, rainbow trout
on temperature (about six weeks at 10 degrees appear to have been successfully introduced
Celsius). into a few waters in southern Queensland. As
Newly-hatched brown trout are 15-25 mm long with brown- trout,- rainbow trout did not become
and have a prominent yolk sac. At this stage established in the south-west of Western
they are called alevins. They remain in the Australia until the 1930s (Fraser 1953).,,
gravel for several weeks, absorbing their yolk, As with brown trout, self-sustaining rainbow
before emerging to begin feeding. There is a trout stocks are-now widespread in the cooler
general downstream movement after parts of Australia, and releases of hatchery-
emergence. The young trout form small shoals produced fish are made in order to maintain
in moderately fast water at the tails or margins fisheries in-marginal habitats, in waters lacking
of pools. At this stage, they have a series of suitable spawning conditions or where fishing
bold, dark blotches along their sides and are pressure is thought to be too . great for local
called parr; the blotches are referred to as parr trout populations to sustain.
marks. - The reasons for the success of rainbow trout in
Although initially gregarious, brown trout Australia are as described for the brown trout.
soon become solitary and territorial, A map outlining their distribution in Australia
becoming increasingly so as they get bigger. is given by Kailola et al. (1993). More specific
They feed on a wide range of animals, information on their occurrence in the various
including aquatic insects, crustaceans, States is given in the
molluscs and small fish, as well as on references cited for the State distributions of -
terrestrial invertebrates which fall on the brown trout. -
water surface. McDowall and Tilzey (1980), Cadwallader and
Backhouse (1983), Merrick and Schmida (1984)
and Kailola et al. (1993) have reviewed the
biology of rainbow trout in Australia.
Rainbow trout are known to reach 1120 mm They were first introduced to Tasmania in
long and more than 18 kg in weight; in 1883, but did not become established. Further
Australia, they have been recorded to 9.3 kg. introductions were made from Canada as
Their optimum temperature range is 10-22 recently as 1962. Self-sustaining populations
degrees Celsius. Essentially, their life history now occur in a few waters, and hatchery
and environmental requirements are the same releases maintain populations for recreational
as those of brown trout, but they tend to be angling in several other waters (Fulton 1990).
more successful in lakes than in rivers and Brook trout have also been released since the
streams. Spawning occurs a little later than 1970s in streams on the mountain tablelands
that of brown trout, in winter and early spring of New South Wales. However, there are no
(August-early November). In other respects, records of the establishment of self-sustaining
their breeding biology is similar except that populations, although hatchery releases are
their eggs are smaller than those of brown made into several waters for recreational
trout and they develop more quickly. angling (Llewellyn 1983, Faragher 1986).
Young rainbow trout feed on zooplankton; Attempts to introduce brook trout into South
adults feed on a wide range of aquatic Australia in the early 1970s were unsuccessful
organisms, including crustaceans, insects, (J. Williams, South Australian Fly Fishers'
molluscs and fish, as well as on terrestrial Association - pers. comm.).
invertebrates which fall onto the water McDowall and Tilzey (1980), Merrick and
surface. Schmida (1984) and Fulton (1990) have
The rainbow trout is regarded as an excellent reviewed the biology of brook trout in
angling species. It is more easily hooked than Australia. They are known to reach a length of
brown trout and a better fighter once hooked. 850 mm and a weight of 6.5 kg; in New South
The rainbow trout is the only species of trout Wales they have been recorded to 2 kg, and in
cultured commercially for direct human Tasmania to 4 kg. They are a coldwater fish,
consumption in Australia, although brown occurring both in streams and cool lakes.
trout are produced in hatcheries to provide Brook trout in streams tend to move upstream
fish for stocking for recreational fishing into small tributaries. The species does not
purposes. Trout farms in New South Wales, usually coexist well with other salmonids,
Victoria, Tasmania, South Australia and which could explain why its success in
Western Australia mostly produce pan-sized ( Australia is limited.
250-300 g) rainbow trout. In recent years, sea- The breeding biology of the brook trout
cage farming of rainbow trout has developed in resembles that of the brown trout, with
Tasmania; young trout are reared in spawning occurring in late autumn. Their food
freshwater hatcheries until they weigh 70-100 typically consists of aquatic crustaceans,
g before they are gradually acclimatised to sea insects, molluscs and small fish, as well as
water and transferred to floating sea cages in terrestrial invertebrates.
coastal bays for ongrowing (Kailola et at. 1993). The sporting qualities of brook trout are less
well known than those of other salmonids.
They are said to be readily caught, like
2.3 Brook Trout Salvelinus rainbow trout, but do not fight as well (
McDowall and Tilzey 1980).
fontinalis (Ivlitchill)
Brook trout are native to north-eastern North
America (Scott and Crossman 1973), and have 2.4 Atlantic Salmon Salmo
been introduced into many countries
throughout the world because of their appeal salar Linnaeus
as a sport fish (MacCrimmon and Campbell Atlantic salmon occur naturally in cool and
1969). In Australia, they have a restricted cold waters which flow into the North Atlantic
distribution in Tasmania and New South Wales Ocean, from northern Spain through eastern
(McDowall and Tilzey 1980, Merrick and Europe to Iceland, Greenland, and along the
Schmida 1984). north-east coast of North America (Jones 1959,
Scott and Crossman 1973, Mills 1980). In
Australia, they have a restricted distribution in
Tasmania and New South Wales (Kailola et al.
Atlantic salmon were first introduced to Their diet is similar to that of trout (McDowall
Australia as fertilised eggs brought from the and Tilzey 1980, Merrick and Schmida 1984).
United Kingdom in 1864. Young salmon were The Atlantic salmon is regarded as a great
subsequently released in Tasmania, Victoria sporting fish in its natural range, particularly in
and New South Wales with the aim of trying to Europe, where it is often referred to as "the
establish sea-runs of Atlantic salmon similar king of fish" (Jones 1959, Mills 1980). Because
to those in the United Kingdom. Detailed of its restricted distribution it is of little
accounts of these early efforts are given by significance as a sport fish in Australia. However,
Boccius (1854), Allport (1864), Johnston (1888) the commercial culture of Atlantic salmon in
, Saville-Kent (1888), Wilson (1879), Nicols ( sea-cages in Tasmania has recently become a
1882) and Seager (1888). Although the young major part of the aquaculture industry (Kailola
salmon did well in the fresh waters of et al. 1993). Atlantic salmon are also farmed
Tasmania, they did not return to these waters, commercially in fish farms in mainland south=
after migration to the sea and the attempt to eastern Australia, primarily in New South Wales
establish the species was a failure. and Victoria.
Atlantic salmon were subsequently
reintroduced to Australia as eggs brought to
New South Wales from Canada in the 1960s ( 2.5 Chinook Salmon
Francois 1965, Arentz 1966, Roughley 1966,
Clements 1988), and have recently been
reintroduced to Tasmania as part of tshawytscha (Walbaum)
commercial aquaculture operations (Kailola et The chinook salmon is native to the west
al. 1993). coast of North America from southern
There are no records of self-sustaining stocks California to Alaska, and north-eastern Asia
of Atlantic salmon in New South Wales; from northern Japan to Kamchatka. It has
releases of hatchery-produced fish maintain been introduced into several countries, but
recreational fisheries in a few impounded only in the South Island of New Zealand have
waters in the high country (Llewellyn 1983, self-sustaining populations become
Faragher 1986). Atlantic salmon are established (Davidson and Hutchinson 1938,
occasionally reported in the lower River Murray Scott and Crossman 1973).
in South Australia (B. Pierce, South Chinook salmon were introduced to Australia
Australian Research and Development as fertilised eggs brought to Victoria from
Institute - pers. comm.); presumably these are California via New Zealand in 1877. Fry from
escapees from impoundment stockings in New this consignment were distributed widely in
South Wales or from commercial fish farms in Victorian coastal rivers, but did not establish sea-
Victoria and New South Wales. In Tasmania, run populations. From 1936 onwards,
Atlantic salmon are now established in fertilised eggs were imported on a regular basis
hatcheries supplying several sea-cage farms from either New Zealand or the USA and the
and have also been released into Great Lake. progeny from these eggs were released into
Escapees from sea-cages are present in several several lakes, but only in two deep, crater
bays and estuaries in southern Tasmania ( lakes, Lakes Purrumbete and Bullen Merri, did
Fulton 1990). flourishing fisheries develop. Subsequently, a
Little is known of the natural history of landlocked hatchery stock was developed from
Atlantic salmon in Australia. In its natural fish obtained from the USA in the 1960s. This
habitat, it is a migratory species, with adults stock is the source of releases into Lakes
moving into rivers in winter to spawn. These Purrumbete and Bullen Merri, the only two
fish may reach almost 40 kg in weight. Wild waters in Australia in which chinook salmon
sea-run populations have not become are currently released (Butcher 1947, Barnham
established in Australia, but escapees from 1977, Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983,
sea-cages in Tasmania have been caught up to Clements 1988).
10 kg in weight. Atlantic salmon in landlocked
populations seldom exceed 2-3 kg (Fulton
1990). Like other trout and salmon, Atlantic
salmon require cool or cold waters.

Sea-run chinook salmon reach a large size, to
1470 mm in length and 57 kg in weight. In
2.6 Summary of Present
Victoria, landlocked chinook salmon have been Status of. Salmon ids in
recorded to 890 mm long and 11.4 kg in
weight. They thrive in the two deep, cold lakes
in which they are stocked and although they Of the five salmonid species introduced into
become ripe they do not breed because of a Australia, the brown trout and rainbow trout
lack of suitable streams for spawning. They have the widest distributions and have formed
feed on a wide range of aquatic animals, self-sustaining populations throughout most of
including fish, insects, crustaceans and their ranges. In addition, releases of hatchery-
molluscs (Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983). produced fish maintain stocks for recreational
fishing purposes in marginal habitats and in
waters in which there are no suitable spawning
areas. Brook trout have formed self-sustaining
populations in a few localities, but there is no
evidence that Atlantic salmon or chinook
salmon have formed self-sustaining
populations; all three of these species have
restricted distributions in Australia.

For ease of presentation, the studies and Whitley (1935)

observations on the ecological impacts of Whitley (1935) reported the observation of E.
salmonids are considered in the following O. G. Scott, who had made extensive
categories: collections of fish in Tasmania, that in
• studies which provide distributional Tasmanian streams, as elsewhere, galaxiids
information, including observed had been wholly or largely displaced by
distributions recorded during fish surveys, introduced salmonids, particularly in the
before and after observations, comparisons western districts.
of the distributions of particular species in
the presence or absence of salmonids, and Williams (1964)
statistical analyses of distributional data Williams (1964) reported that brown trout
sets for salmonids and native fauna (section were the only fish taken during a survey of
3.1); Lake Tarli Karng, a small, high-altitude lake
• studies undertaken during the invasion of in the Gippsland region of Victoria. Galaxias
new areas by salmonids (section 3.2); coxii (= G. brevippinis) was not taken either in
• experimental introduction studies, e.g. the lake or in the inflowing creek although it
introducing salmonids into a delineated had previously been recorded during 1892.
stretch of stream and monitoring the Williams remarked that although it was not
effects in comparison to a control stretch possible to state definitely that the
of stream without salmonids (section 3.3); introduction of trout, which took place over 40
• feeding studies, including analysis of dietary years previously, had led to the extinction of
overlap and competition, and predation ( the galaxiid, this seemed a hypothesis for
section 3.4); which there was some circumstantial
• behavioural studies, including those on evidence.
competition for space, either in natural
systems or in artificial streams (section 3.5)
Fish (1966)
; and Fish (1966) reported substantial changes in
• studies on the disease impacts of salmonids the fauna of Lake Waingata, a small, sand
(section 3.6). dune lake north of Auckland, New Zealand,
following annual releases of rainbow trout
fingerlings between 1960 and 1964. Earlier
3.1 Studies on or Relating to releases of trout fry between 1954 and 1959
had not been successful. Up until 1962, "
Distributions of Salmonids numbers" of Galaxias gracilis were found in
the lake. The species was scarce in 1963 and
and Native Fauna could not be found at all during surveys in
Gray (1929) 1964 and 1965. Similarly, McDowall et al. (
1975) reported that the introduction of trout
In Popes Creek in southern New South Wales,
into Lake Taharoa was also followed by the
Grey (1929) reported that Galaxias coxii (= G.
virtual extinction of G. gracilis.
brevipinnis) was plentiful, and could be found
A substantial population of the freshwater
in pools practically on the brink of a waterfall,
crab Hymenosoma lacustris was found in Lake
but that he failed to find any galaxiids in the
Waingata during earlier surveys, but none
stream below the waterfall. The only other fish
were found during the study. Occasional
he could find in the area were rainbow trout.
specimens of freshwater crayfish Paranephrops
planifrons were trawled before 1962, but none
were recorded during the
study. The population of frogs, which was was surrounded by dense native vegetation of
extremely vociferous up to 1962, was scarcely eucalypts and tree ferns. It consisted of a series
heard at all during subsequent surveys until of pools separated by long- stretches of shallow
the summer of 1965. water. Because of the prevailing dry conditions
at the time, water flowin the creek ceased
Frankenberg (1966, 1969) during the course of the study. However, this
In the headwaters of the Kiewa River on the was thought not to have had a serious impact
Bogong High Plains in north-eastern Victoria, on the results because even when the creek
Frankenberg (1966, 1969) reported that was running the fish were confined mainly to
Galaxias olidus and brown trout displayed an the pools.
essentially complementary distribution pattern, The numbers and types of fish in each pool
with their ranges overlapping on only one were recorded during December-January
occasion. Trout occupied the main body of the 1967-68 (Table 1). Of the pools below the
stream, while the galaxiids were usually found rockfall, the one immediately below the rockfall
only in situations apparently inaccessible to contained a large number of galaxiids and a
trout, such as above waterfalls or in small single trout; some pools contained several
tarns adjacent to the main stream. Assuming trout and virtually no galaxiids; other pools
that the galaxiids were once continually contained only one or two trout, and galaxiids
distributed, Frankenberg concluded that the were relatively more common; and one pool
trout appeared to have fragmented their range which contained no trout held several
into a number of small isolated populations. galaxiids. All three of the pools above the
rockfall contained no trout, and held large
Renowden (1968)
numbers of G, brevipinnis.
Renowden (1968) undertook a survey (primarily Renowden commented that although numbers
using a seine net and an electroshocker) of the were small, it certainly appeared that the
freshwater fish fauna in the Otway region of introduction of trout into the section of
Victoria and found that trout, mainly brown Hendersons Creek below the rockfall had
trout, had become established in virtually all brought about a fairly substantial decrease in
the streams in the area. He stressed the the size of the galaxiid populations.
difficulty in determining exactly what effects the Further, Renowden cited a personal
introduction of trout had had on the communication from a local, who reported that
indigenous fish fauna because of the lack of it was possible to catch as many as fifty "
observations comparing the faunas of waters mountain trout" (i.e. Galaxias truttaceus and
before and after the introduction of trout. A Galaxias brevipinnis) in any of the larger pools
comparison of the faunas of similar streams, in the river before trout were introduced. At
some of which contained trout and some of the time of the study, Renowden reported that
which did not, was not possible because of the it was virtually impossible to find these
presence of trout in virtually all of the local galaxiids in the main stream of the St Georges
streams. However, it was possible to compare a River.
section of stream containing trout with another
section that did not contain trout.
There were several streams in the area in
which trout could be found up to, but not
above, obstructions such as a waterfall. One
such stream, which was also reasonably
accessible, was Hendersons Creek, a
tributary of the St Georges River. The
obstruction on this water was a pile of large
boulders which had fallen across the creek,
virtually forcing it underground for about
30 m. The creek ran through a succession of
steep-walled valleys and for most of its length

Table 1. Numbers of fish taken in pools in been made in the past to introduce trout into
Hendersons Creek, Otway region, Victoria, during Hartz Lake they did not appear to have
the summer of 1967-68. P, pool number; D, survived, and Knott et al. found no evidence of
approximate distance upstream (m) from the the presence of trout in the lake. The authors
confluence with the St Georges River; T, trout; GM, argue that if trout had become established in
Galaxias maculatus; GT, Galaxias truttaceus; GB, the lake it is likely that A. tasmaniae would no
Galaxias brevipinnis; E, eels. Pools 1-9 were located longer be a component of the fauna, but that
downstream of a rockfall barrier; pools 1012 other species, judging from their occurrence in
were located upstream of the barrier. Modified other lakes, would survive. The authors
after Renowden (1968).
suggest that their findings support the
contention of Knott (1973) and Lake and
P D GM GT GB E Knott (1973) that trout are responsible for the
discontinuities in the distribution of A.
1 50 4 4 0 0 0
tasmaniae on the basis of the observed
2 80 4 0 0 0 0
distributions of A. tasmaniae and trout in
3 500 1 1 0 0 1
4 600 1 1 1 1 1
5 680 2 2 3 0 2 Cadwallader (1979)
6 800 6 0 1 0 7 The distribution of fish within the Seven
7 1100 0 0 6 3 3 Creeks River system, a tributary of the
8 120 1 0 3 0 2 Goulburn River in the Murray-Darling basin,
9 0
125 1 0 0 34 5 was determined by a survey carried out during
10 0
130 0 0 0 16 2 the summer of 1975-76 (Cadwallader 1979).
11 0
135 0 0 0 13 1 Nine native species and five introduced species
12 0
1800 0 0 0 17 3 were recorded during the survey, but the only
evidence of a substantial effect of an
Andrews (1976) introduced species on a native species was the
During the collection of specimens for a apparent fragmentation of the range of Galaxias
taxonomic review of the Galaxiidae in olidus by brown trout, whose numbers in the
Tasmania, Andrews (1976) found that system had been augmented until the mid
Galaxias brevipinnis was one of the most 1970s by releases of hatchery-reared fish, the
widely distributed members of the family. He first release of trout in the system occurring in
found that the species was fairly evenly 1886.
distributed throughout the central and Galaxias olidus was widespread in the upper
coastal regions and in many areas, because of reaches of the system and was recorded at 22
its climbing ability, it was able to invade of the 60 sampling sites, in 1st-order (11 sites),
waters which were inaccessible to other 2nd-order (9 sites), 3rd-order (1 site) and 4th-
species. However, in many areas its order (1 site) streams. (Stream order is an
distribution appeared to have been indication of the hierarchical status of a stream
fragmented by introduced salmonids. It was in relation to its tributaries; 1st-order streams
found to be abundant in areas which have have no tributaries, 2nd-order streams are
never been stocked with trout and also in formed by the confluence of two 1st-order
areas which were protected from invasion by streams, 3rd-order streams are formed by the
physical barriers, e.g. waterfalls along the confluence of two 2nd-order streams, and so
Hugel River were considered to provide a on.) The presence of G. olidus in 3rd-order and
barrier which prevented trout from moving 4th-order streams indicates that it is not
upstream from Lake St Clair into Shallow confined to the upper limits of catchments.
Lake where large shoals of G. brevipinnis Brown trout were recorded at 19 sites, also in
occurred. 1st-order (1 site), 2nd-order (4 sites), 3rd-order (
5 sites) and 4th-order (9 sites) streams.
Knott et al. (1978) However, the distribution of trout and galaxiids
In a study of Hartz Lake in southern overlapped at only three sites, all of which were
Tasmania, Knott et al. (1978) found that the marginal trout habitats. Typically, trout
littoral rock fauna was dominated by occupied the main channel and the lower
crustaceans, particularly Anaspides reaches of
tasmaniae, in contrast to the insect-
dominated rock faunas reported for other
Tasmanian lakes. Although attempts had

highland tributaries, whereas the galaxiids and indicated a highly significant negative
were found in the upper reaches of relationship between brown trout and G.
tributaries, in situations inaccessible to olidus.
trout, such as above waterfalls. In streams in the Otway ranges, brown trout
Brown trout spawned in some of the upper were again the most frequently recorded fish,
tributaries of the Seven Creeks system, but being taken at eight of the eleven sampling
their numbers in the system had been sites, in 3rd, 4th and 5th-order streams.
maintained primarily by regular releases of Galaxias brevipinnis was found at the only
hatchery-reared fish. Many of these fish were three sites from which brown trout were
released into marginal trout habitats from absent, in 3rd and 4th-order streams. Unlike
which they disappeared when stocking of the in the upper Yarra River catchment, Jackson
waters ended. For example, two of the three and Williams found that brown trout were not
sites where galaxiids and trout were recorded abundant (1.2-2.8 individuals per 100 square
together during the summer 1975-76 survey metres) in 4th-order streams, and in these
were revisited one year later during February streams Galaxias maculatus and Galaxias
1977. At one of these sites the river blackfish truttaceus were abundant (3.9-13.9 individuals
Gadopsis marmoratus had also been recorded. per 100 square metres).
During the second visit, no trout were On Wilsons Promontory, no trout were
recorded, but galaxiids and blackfish were recorded and galaxiids were abundant at all
taken in numbers comparable to those taken of the seven sampling sites; G. breuipinnis
during 1975-76. At the time of the second occurred at two sites, G. truttaceus at four
visit, the streams at each site were reduced to sites and G. maculatus at five sites.
a series of small pools (up to 0.5 m deep) with Jackson and Williams concluded that their
only a trickle of water in the interconnecting data provided circumstantial evidence that
channels. brown trout had deleteriously affected the
A few juvenile G. olidus were found in the upper distributions of G. olidus and possibly G.
reaches of the main channel after the 1975-76 breuipinnis.
survey, but not during the survey (even though
the area was extensively fished). This Jackson and Davies (1983)
downstream movement of juveniles from an Jackson and Davies (1983) recorded seven
upper tributary indicates the mechanism by native and six introduced species of fish at
which G. olidus could recolonise the main 115 sampling sites in a survey in the Glenelg,
channel in the absence of trout. Wannon and Wimmera River catchments in
the Grampians region of Victoria during
Jackson and W illiams (1980) October-December 1979. They pointed out
Jackson and Williams (1980) found eight that the effects of the introduced- species on the
species of native fish and two introduced fish native species were unclear, but that
during an investigation of the distribution of circumstantial evidence suggested that brown
fish in streams in three areas of southern trout had fragmented the range of Galaxias
Victoria, viz. the upper part of the Yarra River olidus.
catchment, in the Otway Ranges and on Galaxias olidus was the most widespread
Wilsons Promontory. Brown trout did not occur native species, occurring at 40 sites in all
on Wilsons Promontory,- but did occur in the three catchments, in 1st-order to 5th-order
other two areas; this provided an opportunity streams. Brown trout were recorded at ten
to compare the distributions of native fish in sites, in 1st-order to 4th-order streams in the
areas with and without trout. Wannon and Wimmera River catchments.
In the upper Yarra River catchment, brown Typically, both Galaxias olidus and brown
trout dominated the fish fauna, being found at trout were recorded at sites with steep
39 of the 49 sampling sites,- in 1st-order to gradients at higher altitudes, and mainly in
6th-order streams. Galaxias olidus occurred at streams flowing through undisturbed
only three sites, in a 1st-order, 2nd-order and catchments well shaded by overhanging
3rd-order stream, and was the only native vegetation.
species which did not occur with trout. The Galaxias olidus dominated the headwater
extent of association of brown trout and some tributaries of all three river systems with the
of the native fish in the system was tested exception of those areas where brown trout
using a chi-square contingency table

occurred. There were many sites on the diversity provided more refuges for galaxiids. In
headwater tributaries of the Glenelg River, some stream sections containing trout,
containing G. olidus, which appeared suitable galaxiids were found at the edges among debris
for brown trout, but the low-lying swampy and overhanging vegetation. At other sites,
areas of the Glenelg River probably form an galaxiids were abundant in sluggish
effective barrier to invasion by trout, backwaters and trout occurred in flowing
particularly in summer when temperatures are water in the main channel. In the smaller
high and oxygen levels low. streams, with much less cover, only trout were
present. On the other hand, galaxiids were
Koehn (1986a) abundant in the Naas River and, especially,
Koehn (1986a) recorded nine native and four the Naas Creek where trout were absent. This
introduced fish species at seven sites during a catchment was considered to be unsuitable for
survey in Badger Creek in the upper Yarra River trout, particularly in summer, because of its
catchment in southern Victoria between May low discharge and abundant aquatic
1984 and March 1985. Brown trout were taken vegetation which choked the channel.
at four sites, being most abundant at the two
most upstream sites. Galaxias olidus was Lintermans and Rutzou (1990)
recorded at two sites in the middle and lower Lintermans and Rutzou (1990) recorded two
reaches of the creek, where numbers of brown native species (Galaxias olidus and the two-
trout were low, but was absent from the two spined blackfish Gadopsis bispinosis) and
uppermost stream sites (where habitat rainbow trout in surveys carried out at 28
conditions appeared suitable) where brown sampling sites in the upper Cotter River
trout numbers were high. One specimen of catchment in the Australian Capital Territory
Galaxias truttaceus and three specimens of during 1988 and 1989. The rainbow trout was
Galaxias brevipinnis were also taken during the the most widely distributed species, being
survey. The absence of G. olidus and the small recorded at 20 sites, in 2nd to 5thorder
numbers of G. brevipinnis in the upper reaches streams, whereas G. olidus had the most
of the system, where they would normally be restricted distribution, being recorded at only
expected to be more abundant, led Koehn to six sites, usually in the smaller, headwater, 1st
suggest that their numbers may have been to 3rd-order streams.
affected by the presence of trout. Galaxiids occurred with trout at only one site,
where a single individual of each species was
Jones et al. (1990) recorded above a 2.5 m waterfall, while below
Jones et al. (1990) recorded Galaxias olidus the waterfall numerous trout and no galaxiids
and introduced brown trout and rainbow trout were found. An inspection of the site about one
in a survey carried out at 22 sampling sites in year previously had indicated that only
the Naas-Gudgenby River catchment in the galaxiids were present above the waterfall. In
Australian Capital Territory during summer the period between the initial inspection and
1986-87. The galaxiids had a widespread but the survey it is thought that a period of high
fragmented distribution, occurring at 17 of the flow enabled trout to move upstream above
22 sites, in 2nd to 6thorder streams, and were the waterfall. Four of the six sites where
most abundant in the smaller headwater galaxiids were recorded were above waterfalls
streams and minor tributaries. Brown trout or barriers to trout access. It is unknown
occurred at eight sites, principally in the main whether barriers exist below the other two
river channels, in 4th to 6th-order streams. sites. The authors considered that the
Rainbow trout were more widely distributed fragmented distribution of G. olidus and its
than brown trout, extending further upstream absence from sites occupied by rainbow trout
into the smaller tributaries, and were found at provides evidence of the adverse impact of
eleven sites, in 3rd to 6th-order streams. trout on this species.
The authors found an inverse relationship
between trout biomass and galaxiid biomass. Minns (1990)
They considered that at those higher-order Using the New Zealand Freshwater Fish
stream sites where both trout and galaxiids Survey data base which contained almost 6,
occurred together, the increase in habitat 500 entries by November 1985, Minns (
1990) analysed presence-absence data for
the New Zealand freshwater fish fauna for
evidence of species interactions and of links reported to have resulted in the galaxiids
with land use and geological patterns. Native being almost completely eliminated from a
and introduced species had overlapping major part of their former range in this stream
geographical distributions but tended to be within three years. Earlier, Fulton (1978) had
segregated at the site level. The number of pointed out that the downstream limit of the
freshwater fish species found in catchments G. fontanus population in the Swan River
and lakes increased with catchment and lake coincided with a natural barrier to trout
area respectively. Species-area curves were invasion, and postulated that the trout were
developed for lotic and lentic sites and responsible for the absence of galaxiids
explained a small portion of the variation. further downstream.
Regressions involving land use and geological Populations of Galaxias johnstoni were
variables accounted for more variation. restricted to isolated sections of the Clarence
Analysis of co-occurrence patterns, where River system, the species being absent from all
distributions overlapped, indicated relatively sections of the system where brown trout were
more negative associations between native and established, including the type locality of G.
introduced species than amongst native fish johnstoni. Natural barriers limited the
themselves or amongst introduced fish upstream invasion of brown trout. For
themselves. The presence-absence patterns of example, in the Clarence River system below
several native species were related to land use Clarence Lagoon there was a steep cascading
and geological factors. Minns concluded that stretch of stream which prevented upstream
both changes in land use and introduced fish, invasion by trout. Brown trout were the only
particularly brown trout and rainbow trout, fish present below the cascade, but
had caused changes in the distribution of immediately above the cascade, and even in
native fish species. some of the pools within the cascade, G.
johnstoni and brook trout occurred.
Sanger and Fulton (1991) . Interestingly, G. johnstoni and brook trout were
In a paper on the conservation of endangered also found together in Clarence Lagoon. Brook
freshwater fish in Tasmania, Sanger and trout were reported to be unable to coexist
Fulton (1991) summarised information which with brown trout in Tasmanian rivers and
suggests an impact of introduced trout on lakes.
Galaxias fontanus, Galaxias johnstoni and Populations of Galaxias tanycephalus were
Galaxias tanycephalus. restricted to two lakes, viz. Arthurs and Woods
Populations of G. fontanus occurred in small Lakes, and a few associated streams. Sanger
tributaries of the Macquarie River and in the and Fulton reported that predation by brown
Swan River above Hardings Falls. Other trout was recognised as a major source of
streams in the area which contained no mortality in the Woods Lake population,
wholly freshwater fish (some contained eels) although the galaxiids appeared to be "coping
were very small and dried up in summer. Most adequately with this pressure". However, the
of the permanent streams in the area galaxiid population in Arthurs Lake was much
contained self-sustaining populations of smaller than in Woods Lake and it was
brown trout. The streams containing G. suspected that predation by brown trout was
fontanus all had self-sustaining populations of at least partly responsible for this, although
trout downstream of the galaxiid populations. the authors reported that the two species have
All the G. fontanus populations were coexisted for about 100 years.
considered to be under threat from brown
trout. Their continued existence was thought Sloane and French (1991)
to be dependent on natural barriers preventing Sloane and French (1991) reported that the
brown trout moving upstream. These barriers relationship between observed galaxiid
ranged from shallow marshes to substantial abundance and trout population density in the
waterfalls. Predation on G. fontanus by trout western lakes of the central plateau of
was reported to have been observed following Tasmania was not clear. Conceding that ,
penetration of the less substantial barriers by neither parameter could be readily measured
small numbers of trout. A recent introduction in these remote waters, their observations
of brown trout above Hardings Falls on the suggested that in some lakes (e.g. Lake Ingrid)
Swan River was both trout and galaxiids were

particularly abundant, whereas in other waters availability of background data with the
(e.g. Lake Malbena) the abundance of both intention of producing a balanced study
introduced and native fish seemed to be quite design. Each land use type was represented by
low. In lakes where trout were absent or in low two catchments and, within each catchment,
numbers, galaxiids were observed to be more the main channel and at least three tributaries
conspicuous in the open surface waters. When were selected. At the individual site level, three
trout were abundant, the galaxiids appeared to pool/riffle sequences within each stream
be more confined to the lake margins, the channel were selected, incorporating as much
rocky shorelines and the shallow bays of the stream as possible, so that the top site
dominated by emergent reeds. was located near the headwaters and the
bottom site was near the confluence with the
Shirley (1991) main channel.
Following a study of the distribution and Catchment-level variables, e.g. altitude and
ecology of the endangered Galaxias fuscus in gradient, were derived from existing maps.
the Goulburn River system in central Victoria, Stream channel characteristics, e.g. physical
Shirley (1991) concluded that trout (brown features such as waterfalls and surrounding
and rainbow trout) were influencing the vegetation, were recorded, as were in-stream
distribution of the galaxiid. Analysis of the physical variables, such as velocity and
species composition at sites in areas where G. substrate type, and chemical characteristics.
fuscus had previously been found indicated a Statistical analyses were performed in two
negative effect of the presence of trout. stages. Firstly, each sampling site was placed
Of the 14 sites where G. fuscus had previously in two different classifications, one based on
been recorded, it was still the only species land use, the other based on the presence of G.
present at seven of the sites, trout were the vulgaris and trout. The fish classification
only species present at four of the sites, and at included sites with no fish, sites with G.
the remaining three sites (all within a 350 m vulgaris only, sites with trout only, and sites
stretch of the Taggerty River) both rainbow with both G. vulgaris and trout. For each
trout and G. fuscus were present, but the classification (land use and fish) separate
density of galaxiids (number of fish per square multiple discriminant function analyses were
metre) was depressed compared to sites in performed on all variables to determine which
trout-free areas. were important in discriminating amongst the
The extant populations of G. fuscus in the classes. Comparison of the variables included
upper reaches of the Keppel Hut Creek in the two models permitted Townsend and
catchment were found to be separated from Crowl to determine whether or not land use
rainbow trout by a single large cascade, the could account for the observed fish
trout having successfully circumvented several distributions. Secondly, multiple regression
smaller cascades lower down stream. analyses were used to determine which
variables best explained the observed densities
Townsend and Crowl (1991) of G. vulgaris.
Townsend and Crowl (1991) conducted an Of the 198 sites surveyed, 54 contained no
electrofishing survey of the fish at 198 sites in fish, 69 had brown trout only, 63 had G.
eight catchments in the Taieri River basin of vulgaris only, and 9 had both brown trout and
the South Island of New Zealand and found a G. vulgaris. The most important variables in
strong negative association between the discriminating fish species assemblage classes
distribution of introduced brown trout and were the number of waterfalls with a height of
Galaxias vulgaris, a native freshwater fish 3 m downstream of the site, the proportion of
similar in many respects to Galaxias olidus cobble in the substrate, and the elevation of
which occurs in Australia (McDowall 1980, the site.
1990a). Although habitat degradation as a result of
The survey included tributary catchments agricultural and forestry practices was
encompassing homogeneous examples of the associated with lower densities of fish, these
four major land uses of the region, viz. native reductions were found in all fish species and
bush, native tussock grassland, plantations of did not help to explain the trout/galaxiid
introduced pines and agricultural pasture. pattern. The statistical analyses incorporating
Catchments were chosen according to the the various physical, chemical
and biological variables indicated that streams had also been invaded by Galaxias
presence and abundance of galaxiids were best brevipinnis, another potential competitor and
predicted by the absence of trout. In most predator.
cases, G. vulgaris was found only above
waterfalls which were large enough to prevent
Ault and White (1994)
the upstream invasion of trout. Ault and White (1994) examined the effect of
In support of their conclusion that brown brown trout on Galaxias truttaceus in several
trout were responsible for a negative effect on streams in south-eastern Tasmania by using
galaxiid abundance and distribution, population abundance models to compare
Townsend and Crowl cited historical records habitat use by the galaxiids in streams with
which suggested that G. vulgaris was once and without trout. The study sites included 35
widespread in the Taieri River basin. Trout sites in five streams lacking trout and 14 sites
were introduced in the 1870s and their in four streams' containing trout. Habitat use by
distribution and abundance gradually G. truttaceus was investigated with respect to
increased. Although there were no quantitative four principal components extracted from eight
historical records concerning G. vulgaris, it was habitat variables, viz. mean depth (1), mean
clear that its distribution and abundance had water velocity (2), mean substrate size' (3) and
decreased throughout the catchment. Four of proportions of detritus (4), vegetation (5), silt
the eight study catchments were in native and algae (6), overhead cover (7) and instream
tussock and bush habitats and had received cover (8). Fish were sampled by electrofishing.
minimal human disturbance, so that historical Different size-classes of G. truttaceus displayed
galaxiid distributions might be expected to varying non-random patterns of . habitat use,
have remained intact if land degradation was shifting from shallow, open sections of stream
the responsible factor. However, these sites to deep sections with plenty of cover as they
showed the same scale of population increased in size. All size-classes preferred slow-
fragmentation as the most heavily modified flowing sections of stream to fast-flowing
catchments, consistent with the hypothesis sections. Population abundance models were
that brown trout and not land use determined constructed for three size-classes of G.
the observed distribution of G. vulgaris. truttaceus, viz. less than 85 mm long, 85-125
mm long and longer than 125 mm. Given the
Hamr (1992) hydrologically variable nature of the study
Galaxias pedderensis and Galaxias parvus streams, all the models were found to be
occurred in the original Lake Pedder and its reasonably successful in explaining the
feeder streams. In 1972, a new enlarged Lake observed variation. The application of the
Pedder was created as the result of the models to streams containing brown trout
construction of a large hydroelectric scheme. indicated that the presence of trout was more
Following the creation of the new lake, there important than habitat characteristics in
was a large population explosion of galaxiids, determining the abundance of G. truttaceus. In
with large schools being observed until the late streams containing trout, the density of each
1970s. In the early 1980s, the number of size-class of galaxiids was substantially less
galaxiids in the lake declined dramatically. than that expected on the basis of habitat
Surveys indicated that although numbers of G. characteristics alone.
parvus remained high in the Pedder region, the The authors concluded that their study
number of G. pedderensis had undergone a provides evidence that brown trout adversely
dramatic decline in the lake and its affect G. truttaceus because differences due to
surrounding streams. The species was found habitat characteristics were accounted for
to be absent from the lake and occurred in low when streams with and without trout were
numbers in only two feeder streams. The compared.
causes of the demise of G. pedderensis were
not clear, but it was considered that the McIntosh et a/. (1994)
introduction of brown trout may have been at McIntosh et al. (1994) investigated the impact
least partly responsible. However, the situation of small (less-than 100 mm long) and large (
was complicated because the lake and more than 100 mm long) brown trout on the
adjoining distribution of Galaxias vulgaris (very similar

in many respects to Galaxias olidus) in the Davies (1989) reported that he had found a
Shag River in the South Island of New negative correlation between the abundance
Zealand. They described the macrohabitat in of non-trout fish species and the abundance
riffles in the river in terms of substrate type, of brown trout in Tasmanian streams. He
flow, elevation, and vegetation characteristics. pointed out that although the impact of the
Fish were sampled by electrofishing. introduction of trout on the Tasmanian native
Galaxiid densities were lower in riffles fish fauna is unclear, the high proportion of
containing large trout than in riffles with only brown trout in the total fish standing-stock
small trout or no trout. Trout size was found of streams would suggest some considerable
to be the most important variable determining impact.
galaxiid density. Densities of galaxiids less Comments and observations on the effects of
than 80 mm long were reduced in the presence introduced salmonids on the distribution and
of large trout, whereas densities of galaxiids abundance of New Zealand taxa are
greater than 80 mm long were not affected. summarised and reviewed by Thomson (1922),
Riffles with large, small or no trout varied in Phillipps (1940), Allen (1949, 1961), Waugh (
water depth, substrate type and elevation, but 1973), McDowall (1968, 1976, 1984, 1987,
the authors thought that these differences were 1990a, b, c), Glova (1989), Crowl et al. (1992)
unlikely to account for variations in galaxiid and Townsend (in press).
densities because selection for these particular
habitat features accounted for only a small
proportion of the observed variation in galaxiid 3.2 Studies Undertaken During
The authors suggested that a change in the Invasion of New Areas
macrohabitat use by galaxiids from fast
current velocities at sites without trout to
by Salmon ids
slower velocities at sites with large trout may Tilzey (1976)
be explained by competition for areas of high Tilzey (1976) sampled the fish fauna of all the
velocity, which potentially were the better major streams within the Lake Eucumbene
feeding areas. However, a combination of catchment in south-eastern New South Wales
interspecific competition and predation by by electrofishing and poisoning with rotenone
large trout was considered the most likely during 1971. Galaxias brevipinnis was found in
cause of the observed reductions in the only four streams and Galaxias olidus was
density of smaller galaxiids. found in only one (Four Mile Creek) of the 27
Other Observations and Comments streams sampled, whereas introduced
In a study of the fish fauna of streams in the salmonids (brown trout, rainbow trout or both)
Western Port catchment, Koehn (1986b) noted occurred in all but the stream containing G.
that the absence of Galaxias maculatus from olidus.
deep pools in Cardinia Creek may be Fish biomasses in streams in the Lake
attributable to the presence of large brown Eucumbene catchment varied considerably,
trout and rainbow trout; G. maculatus was with biomasses in streams flowing through
abundant in the creek immediately below forest being usually significantly lower than
these pools where trout were not present. those in streams flowing through grassland.
Furthermore, in an investigation of the Nevertheless, the biomass of G. brevipinnis in
distribution of freshwater fish in the Otway the four streams in which trout also occurred
region of south-western Victoria, Koehn and O' was markedly lower (0.01-0.30 grams per
Connor (1990) suggested that the distribution square metre of substrate) than that in Four
of Galaxias brevipinnis may be affected by the Mile Creek which contained only G. olidus (8.08
presence of brown trout which at some grams per square metre). However, as Tilzey
sampling sites appeared to restrict the pointed out, total fish biomasses (i.e. the
galaxiids to shallow riffles which were not biomasses of trout and galaxiids combined) in
accessible to trout. these four streams were lower (0.94-6.10
grams per square metre) than 8.08 grams per
square metre and the galaxiid species were
different, so comparisons should be made with
The streams containing G, brevipinnis all had Comparison of the stomach contents of some
steep gradients, with consequent rapid flows, of the rainbow trout and G. olidus taken from
and ran through forest before directly entering Four Mile Creek on the sampling day in 1974
Lake Eucumbene. These streams were used indicated that the species composition of the
annually by lake-dwelling trout for spawning. diets of the trout and galaxiids were essentially
Four Mile Creek, containing G. olidus, was similar.
often inaccessible to trout because of a 3 m Tilzey reviewed historical data for the area
high waterfall which and, although early records on the distribution
became exposed when the lake level fell below of galaxiids were lacking, thought it was likely
1155 m above sea level. that galaxiids once occurred throughout the
Subsequent sampling of Four Mile Creek in entire Lake Eucumbene catchment. Assuming
1974 indicated that rainbow trout had that widespread populations or a series of
invaded the stream below the 3 m high contiguous populations of G. breuipinnis and
waterfall since 1971. G. olidus existed previously, Tilzey concluded
In 1971, G. olidus was abundant both above that the introduction and subsequent success
and below the waterfall, with biomasses of 8. of trout were primarily responsible for the
42 and 7.84 grams per square metre present much fragmented galaxiid distribution.
respectively. In 1974, no galaxiids were found
below the waterfall in the same 0.5 km stretch Raadik (1993)
of stream which was electrofished in 1971. In the Goulburn River catchment in central
Rainbow trout were found to have invaded this Victoria, Raadik (1993) reported that trout,
water and no other fish species were present; particularly rainbow trout, had expanded their
25 trout with a biomass of 3346.3 g were range into nearly all the extant G. fuscus
taken from a 115 m stretch of stream, with populations, and were continuing to colonise
two trout about 420 mm long making up 64. further upstream-with a consequent
4% of the total biomass. Galaxiids were still contraction in the range of the galaxiids.
present above the waterfall, their biomass (10. In waters such as the Taggerty River and
16 grams per square metre) being greater than Pheasant Creek, where there were no physical
that recorded in 1971. These observations barriers to:prevent the invasion of trout, the
suggested that the presence of rainbow trout range of G. fuscus was contracting rapidly. For
was responsible for the disappearance of example, in June 1991, rainbow trout were
galaxiids below the waterfall. first reported to have moved into a stretch of
Comparisons of the length frequency Pheasant Creek occupied by G. fuscus; seven
distributions of the G. olidus population in trout were collected and removed from a 500
Four Mile Creek in 1971 and 1974 indicated m section of the creek and 86 adult G. fuscus
that there had been little change in the were recorded. Six months later, in December,
population structure, so the disappearance of 31 rainbow trout were removed from the same
G. olidus below the waterfall could not be section of creek and only 55 adult G. fuscus
attributable to a change in population were recorded, a reduction of 36% in adult
structure. numbers in six months.
Four year-classes (1970-73) of brown trout Furthermore, the stomachs of rainbow trout
were found below the waterfall. Comparison of taken from Pheasant Creek and Taggerty River
their mean, back-calculated growth rates contained G. fuscus. One trout (167 mm long)
indicated that growth of the 1970 year-class out of seven taken from Pheasant Creek
was markedly higher than that of succeeding contained three galaxiids in its stomach and
year-classes, and exceeded that of the 1970 one in its mouth; the length range of the
year-class of rainbow trout in Lake galaxiids was 40-60 mm. Three trout out of 16
Eucumbene and that of brown trout in a taken from the Taggerty River contained G.
stream at a similar altitude and flowing fuscus.
through essentially similar terrain. Raadik concluded that trout predation on G.
Furthermore, comparison of the growth fuscus was a major threat to the survival of
curves of the 1970 year-classes from Four the galaxiid.
Mile Creek and Lake Eucumbene indicated
that the Four Mile Creek trout had not
resided in lentic waters.

Class and Lake (in prep) conditions, which resulted in the drying up of
Closs and Lake (in prep) mapped the most of the pools along the river, they
longitudinal distribution of brown trout and suggested that trout could only have survived
Galaxias olidus in the upper reaches of the in the deeper permanent pools further
intermittent Lerderderg River in central downstream. The elimination of trout from the
Victoria over four summers between 1985 upper reaches of the system during the
and 1988. During this period, the drought would have created trout-free habitat
distribution of the trout extended upstream for G. olidus to colonise. If trout had occupied
and, coincident with this upstream expansion the main channel of the river before the 1982-
of the range of brown trout, there was a 83 drought, it is likely that G. olidus survived
contraction in the distribution of G. olidus. within the catchment in the uppermost
At the start of the study in the summer of reaches of headwater streams.
1985, brown trout occupied only a short
section of stream at the downstream end of the
study area. The distribution of trout and 3.3 Experimental Introduction
galaxiids overlapped for a short distance.
Neither species was particularly abundant,
suggesting that the populations of both species Fletcher (1979)
were recovering from the effects of the 1982-83 Before selecting a stream in which to make an
drought. Many pools throughout the upper experimental introduction of brown trout,
reaches contained no fish. Fletcher (1979) chose four streams in Victoria
The distribution of brown trout expanded which contained parapatric populations of
about 1-1.5 km upstream each year between trout and Galaxias olidus separated by a
1985 and 1988; the distribution of G. olidus waterfall for preliminary investigation. These
correspondingly contracted upstream. The sites included two lowland streams: Watchbox
distribution of each species continued to Creek and Running Creek, and two alpine
overlap for a short distance during each streams: a tributary of Cope Creek on the
summer of the survey, although the zone of Bogong High Plains and a tributary of Buffalo
overlap moved progressively upstream. In Creek on Mt Buffalo. In both alpine streams, G.
contrast to the situation at the start of the olidus was the only fish species present above
study in the summer of 1985, virtually all of the waterfall and brown trout were the only
the pools in the survey area contained either fish present below the waterfall. In Running
trout or galaxiids, suggesting that the total Creek, G. olidus and Gadopsis marmoratus
abundance (irrespective of species) had occurred above the waterfall and had a total
increased. By the time the river pooled in the mean biomass of 8.82 grams per square metre.
summer of 1988, the distribution of G. olidus Below the waterfall, G. olidus, G. marmoratus and
had contracted into very small headwater eels were present, but the dominant species
streams and had fragmented into two sub- was the brown trout which accounted for 70%
populations. Between 1987 and 1988, brown of the total mean biomass of 5.87 grams per
trout had succeeded in moving upstream square metre.
above a 1 m high waterfall. In Watchbox Creek, G. olidus was the only fish
In the summer of 1988, an extended period of species present above the waterfall and had a
dry weather resulted in high levels of mortality mean biomass of 1.92 grams per square metre.
in trout at the upper limit of their range, A few G. olidus were present below the
suggesting that their upstream limit could waterfall, but the dominant fish species in this
ultimately be restrained by their inability to stretch of stream was the brown trout, with a
tolerate prolonged periods of low stream flow mean biomass of 3.23 grams per square
and high temperatures which occurred in the metre. The galaxiids at the sites below the
headwaters of the Lerderderg River. waterfall had a mean biomass of 0.19 grams
The authors cited references which indicated per square metre.
that brown trout were abundant in the upper Fletcher compared the diets of the fish in the
reaches of the Lerderderg River before the four streams on a seasonal basis and found
1982-83 drought. Under the severe drought that there was positive (often statistically
significant) overlap in the diets of G. olidus and
brown trout. The major items of overlap
were terrestrial dipterans and hymenopterans. allow for a mortality of 60-90% which would
The diets of juvenile galaxiids and juvenile yield a biomass at the end of the experiment of
trout also positively overlapped. Their diets 1-4 grams per square metre, similar to that for
consisted primarily of chironomids, which were trout in the main channel below the waterfall.
relatively less abundant in the benthos than in The practical difficulties of such work soon
the diet, and were highly selected. became apparent. A flash flood, which raised
Ephemeropterans (mainly Atalaphlebioides) the water level above the barriers at the
were eaten by both fish species, but they were boundaries of the experimental and control
relatively abundant in the benthos during all sections, caused trout to be lost from the
seasons so were not necessarily highly experimental section. No trout were found to
selected. There was also a positive overlap in have moved upstream into the control section.
the diets of brown trout and G. marmoratus, A second stocking of trout was made on 9
with the range of items taken by both species December to bring the biomass of trout in the
including similar benthic taxa, particularly experimental section to 9.6 grams per square
Atalaphlebioides; chironomids were also taken metre.
by juveniles of both species. The experimental and control sections were
A site above the waterfall on Watchbox Creek electrofished in the following April, four months
was chosen for the introduction experiment. after the final introduction of trout. None of the
Barriers were constructed in shallow areas at large trout survived, probably because of the
each end of the 70 m long experimental high ,summer water temperatures and shallow
section. The barriers consisted of wire mesh water. The mortality (= disappearance from the
supported by metal stakes, with nylon fishing experimental section) of the two batches of
net (10 mm aperture) attached to prevent fish young-of-the-year trout was 86.7% and 80%,
moving through the barrier. The 70 m long similar to that reported in previous studies of
control section was located immediately hatchery-reared trout.
upstream of the upper barrier. The mean width The establishment of the trout in the
of each section was 1.5 m, and their area experimental section appeared to be at the
approximately 105 square metres. Both expense of the galaxiids. Both the number
sections were similar physically and consisted and biomass of G. olidus were lower in the
of a series of pools (to 1 m deep) and flat areas. experimental section than in the control.
Each section was marked out into ten 7 m section.
long zones to facilitate recording fish At the end of the experiment, one galaxiid was
observations and siting of invertebrate found in the stomach of a trout in the
samples. The experiment was conducted during experimental section, and two galaxiids formed
summer to include the anticipated peak the entire stomach contents of a trout taken in
feeding and activity periods of the fish, at a the control section; this trout was thought to
time when it was thought that low rainfall and have entered this section during a flash flood
consequent streamflow minima would reduce which occurred two days before the end of the
the possibility of the barriers being washed experiment.
away. The duration of the experiment was to Analysis of the length frequency distributions of
be four months. Samples of the benthic the galaxiids in the experimental and control
invertebrate fauna in each section were taken sections -indicated that the number of galaxiids
before the trout were introduced and each greater than 60 mm in length was similar in
month throughout the experiment. the two sections, but the number of young-of-
Estimates of the numbers and biomass of the-year galaxiids was significantly lower in the
galaxiids in the experimental and control experimental section compared with the
sections were similar before the start of the control section. This suggested that there may
experiment. have been size-selective predation by the trout
The trout, including 30 young-of-the-year on the 0+ galaxiids.
fish (47-60 mm long) and six fish about 18 The condition factors of the galaxiids,
months old (140-185 mm long), were particularly the larger individuals, in the
stocked in the experimental section on 11 experimental section were significantly less
November. The biomass of the introduced than those of the galaxiids in the control
trout was 10.1 grams per square metre to

section. Young galaxiids (0+ and 1+ age- trichopterans and molluscs. Considerably
classes) fed mainly on ephemeropterans and greater diversity exists in lakes. Small fish are
trichopterans; older galaxiids (2+ and 3+ age- eaten mainly by the larger salmonids, the
classes) took more terrestrial items. The diet of particular species taken depending on the local
brown trout showed positive correlations with fauna. Those native species which are most
the diets of all age-classes of G. olidus, and likely to be affected are those whose habits
these correlations were significant in almost all and appearance make them attractive to
cases. Ephemeropterans, trichopterans and salmonids (Allen 1961).
terrestrial items were the main items of As pointed out by Tilzey (1977), trout are
overlap. Trichopterans formed the bulk of the opportunistic predators and usually select the
diet of the trout, constituting 49% by volume, largest and most readily accessible prey. In this
with Ecnomus, Aphilorheithrus and a tasimid context, the remarks made by James Youl (
being the major taxa consumed; all had high who was involved in the first successful
electivity indices, indicating that they were introduction of brown trout and Atlantic
highly selected. In the control section, tasimids salmon into Australia) in a letter to New
formed 19.6% of the volume of the diet of Zealand are very interesting "... I beg you on
galaxiids 70-90 mm long, whereas in the no account to permit the brown trout to be
experimental section, where the trout introduced... until you have got the salmon
consumed tasimids, these trichopterans were fairly established... They are the greatest
not eaten by galaxiids. These results imply that enemies the salmon can have. I can compare
competition for food may have occurred, them to nothing, but wolves in a flock of
contributing to the poor condition of the sheep. Again and again I have warned Dr
galaxiids in the experimental section. Officer, of Tasmania, of the danger of admitting
Some invertebrates were less dense in the these voracious fish into any stream suitable
benthos in the experimental section than in for salmon before the salmon are established
the control section, but others were found to therein..." (Thomson 1922).
be more abundant. The densities of most of Given the large size to which trout and salmon
the benthic invertebrates did not vary between can grow compared to most of the native
the two sections, indicating that in the short aquatic fauna of Australia, it is likely that the
term they were not affected by the change in main impact of salmonids has been via
predator pressure. predation rather than competition (Tilzey 1977)
. However, competition for food and space
between salmonids, particularly juveniles, and
3.4 Feeding Studies, I the larger, aquatic, native predators (mainly
fish and the larger macroinvertebrates) is also
ncluding Analysis of likely to occur. This interspecific competition
may involve either interference competition or
Dietary Overlap and exploitation competition. Interference
Competition, and competition occurs when one species
establishes a territory and physically excludes
Predation other species: exploitation competition occurs
when both species use a resource which is in
Introductory Comments short supply (Fletcher 1986). It is extremely
Since it is almost axiomatic that game fish difficult under field conditions to demonstrate
should be carnivorous, it follows that one of that a particular food item is in short supply
the principal impacts of salmonids on the and, therefore, to demonstrate that competition
native freshwater fauna will be their for food is occurring.
predation on small native animals, both From the point of view of providing evidence
vertebrate and invertebrate. The extent to of an impact of salmonids on the native fauna,
which the various food items are eaten there are no quantitative or even qualitative
depends on their abundance and on the data bases on the composition of aquatic
extent to which their habits and structure communities before the introduction of
make them available to and eatable by the salmonids into Australia and no accounts of
salmonids. Amongst invertebrates, the main the effects of the first introductions of
groups eaten by stream-dwelling salmonids salmonids on the composition of aquatic
are chironomids, ephemeropterans,
communities. Most studies on the feeding Other studies on the food and feeding
relationships between salmonids and the relationships of salmonids in Australia,
native fauna were undertaken long after although not necessarily providing evidence of
salmonids had become established in an impact, nevertheless provide insights into
Australia. the mechanisms whereby impacts can occur
In relation to the effects of salmonid predation or into the reasons why some native aquatic
on aquatic communities, including the effects animals are more susceptible than others to
on native predators which may consume the predation or -competition from salmonids.
same foods, the most substantive evidence of These studies, together with relevant New
impacts comes from records of the events Zealand studies on the same or closely-related
occurring during invasions of new areas by native taxa, are reviewed in the following
salmonids (e.g. Tilzey 1976, Sanger and Fulton sections.
1991, Raadik 1993), of the composition of the
invertebrate faunas in waters containing
Morrissy (1967)
parapatric populations of salmonids and native Morrissy (1967) studied the food of brown
fish (e.g. Fletcher 1979) and of the effects of trout and rainbow trout in several waters near
experimentally introducing trout into a new Adelaide in South Australia. He found that
area (e.g. Fletcher 1979) (see sections 3.2 and there was an unusual absence of
3.3). representatives of the larger native aquatic
Although not providing evidence of an adverse fauna in Sixth Creek, a tributary of the Torrens
impact, i.e. that trout are the cause of the River, compared with other waters and
demise of a particular species, several studies postulated that this was brought about by the
and observations on the food of trout in trout selectively eliminating, or reducing to
Australia, e.g. McKeown (1934a, b, c, 1936, very low numbers, species which were large
1937, 1955), Evans (1942). Butcher (1945, and/or highly accessible to them. He suggested
1946), Jenkins (1952), Lake (1957), Williams ( that the total biomass of aquatic animals had
1965), Wilson (1966), Knott (1973), not been reduced, but that there had been a
Frankenberg (1974), Bishop and Tilzey (1978), change in the relative abundance of the
Cadwallader (1979), Faragher et al. (1979), various species, and that such changes in
Faragher (1980, 1983), Pidgeon (1981), aquatic community structure seemed to be a
Humphries (1989), Lintermans (1991,1992) consequence of the introduction of trout to
and Sloane and French (1991) provide an waters which had not previously been
inventory of the types of fauna eaten by subjected to such large predators. Trout were
salmonids, and indicate that the diets of abundant in Sixth Creek and had a continuous
introduced salmonids and native fish often distribution throughout a wide range of habitat
overlap. types, whereas in the other waters investigated
In some cases, these observations indicate the they occurred in lower numbers and exhibited
potential for trout to cause the demise of a discontinuous distributions.
particular species. For example, the One of the missing groups in Sixth Creek was
observation reported by Humphries (1989) the Galaxiidae. Morrissy reported local farmers
that Galaxias auratus in a Tasmanian alpine recalling "enormous numbers" of these fish
lake represented 99% of the number of food before the, 1940s, when the trout started
organisms in the stomachs of the 29 brown dispersing up the creek from the Torrens River,
trout examined, suggests that predation by and attributed their elimination to the
trout could have a severe impact on the presence of trout. Galaxias kayi (= G. olidus)
galaxiids in this particular lake. Further, can still be found in the small tributaries of
Lintermans' (1992) observation of predation by most streams where they can survive
rainbow trout on the highland water skink stagnation and drought during summer,
Eulamprus tympanum and Gillespie's (1995) conditions which trout cannot tolerate. Other
observations of predation by brown trout on animals which appeared to be highly
the tadpoles of several frog species indicate the vulnerable to predation by trout and which
potential for salmonids to have an impact on were absent from Sixth Creek were tadpoles,
aquatic vertebrates other than fish. yabbies Cherax destructor, whirligig beetles of
the family Gyrinidae which were numerous on
the surface of pools in which

there were no trout, and large water beetles of the various food categories in their diets.
the family Dytiscidae which were observed in a Kendall rank correlations indicated that the
tributary of Sixth Creek. diets of the two species were similar on all
The larger animals which can still be found in but one occasion. Because of apparent
Sixth Creek, e.g. the predatory dragonfly differences in habitat preferences, the
nymphs (Aeschnidae, Corduliidae and similarity in diets was considered as having
Gomphidae), apparently manage to persist the potential to give rise to indirect
because for part of their life cycle they remain competition.
inaccessible to trout under stones in shallow
riffles and in algal beds. However, they are
Cadwallader and Eden (1981, 1982)
vulnerable when they drift and move in open, The food and growth of one-year-old, hatchery-
relatively quiet water when they are small and produced, chinook salmon released into Lake
also when they emerge from the water. Purrumbete, Victoria, were investigated over a
two-year period (1976-78) by Cadwallader and
Cadwallader (1975a) Eden (1981). Fish formed the bulk of the
Cadwallader (1975a) studied the seasonal stomach contents of the salmon for most of the
feeding relationships of brown trout and time, except in spring. Galaxias maculatus was
Galaxias vulgaris (similar in many respects to usually the only fish species taken, but
Galaxias olidus), bullies Gobiomorphus Galaxias truttaceus and pygmy perch
breviceps (family Eleotridae) and eels Anguilla Nannoperca australis were taken occasionally.
australis (which also occurs in Australia) and Other items eaten included Amphipoda,
Anguilla die, ffenbachii in the Glentui River, Cladocera, Ostracoda and Decapoda (
Canterbury, New Zealand. Crustacea), Odonata, Coleoptera, Diptera,
With few exceptions, the same food organisms Trichoptera and Hemiptera (Insecta) and
were utilised by all fish species, but the gastropod molluscs.
relative proportions of each food type in the At the end of their first three months in the
diet varied between species. Kendall rank lake, the salmon had increased 85% in length
correlation coefficients indicated that the diets and 670% in weight. After two years in the
of native fish were dissimilar, with the lake, their mean length was 582 mm and their
exception of galaxiids and bullies in autumn, mean weight was 2.73 kg. Growth rate was
but in six out of nine comparisons involving lowest in spring when the relative amount of
the introduced trout, the coefficients indicated fish in the stomach contents was at its lowest
varying degrees of similarity with the diets of and there was a greater diversity of food types
the native species. in the diet. The availability of fish, particularly
Since their feeding mechanisms and feeding G. maculatus, appeared to be the major factor
localities were different, similarities in the diets affecting the growth of chinook salmon in Lake
of eels and trout, bullies and trout, and bullies Purrumbete. It was thought that G. maculatus
and galaxiids were regarded as having the moved from the lake into inflowing intermittent
potential to give rise to indirect competition (i. streams for spawning during late winter and
e. where there is no contact between spring, so they were not available as food for
individuals). However, since trout (up to 200 the salmon at that time of the year.
mm long) and galaxiids occupied the same The food of rainbow trout (up to 6.6 kg in
microhabitat and fed in the same manner, weight and 725 mm long) taken at the same
similarity in their diets was regarded as having time as the chinook salmon contained a much
the potential to give rise to direct competition ( wider range of food types than the salmon (
i.e. where there is contact between individuals). Cadwallader and Eden 1982). However, of the
fish eaten, all were G. maculatus, with the
Jackson (1978) exception of a few N. australis taken on one
In a study of the benthic invertebrate fauna occasion. An earlier field investigation of the
and the diets of brown trout and river food of rainbow trout in April 1967 revealed
blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus in the that galaxiids had formed a substantial part of
Aberfeldy River, Victoria, over a 12-month the diet of the trout, with 708 galaxiids being
period, Jackson (1978) found that the range of recorded from 28 trout (mean of 25 per
food organisms utilised by the two species was stomach; range
very similar, as were the proportions of
12-47). Unfortunately, during April 1977, only eels Anguilla dieffenbachii, bullheads (family
eight rainbow trout were taken. These fish, Eleotridae), Galaxias paucispondylus and
which had similar length and weight ranges to brevipinnis (which also occurs in
the trout taken in 1967, had eaten 80 Australia).
galaxiids (mean of 10 per stomach; range 1- The proportions of the various benthic
25). Although the number of trout in the invertebrates in the diets of two of the
April 1977 sample was small, these figures bullheads, eels, G. brevipinnis, G.
nevertheless suggest that galaxiids were less paucispondylus and juvenile brown trout were
common in the diet of the rainbow trout in similar to the proportions of the prey items in
Lake Purrumbete than they were in 1967. the benthos. Deleatidium (Ephemeroptera)
Some extremely large rainbow trout had been and chironomid (Diptera) larvae dominated the
produced in Lake Purrumbete. Wharton (1967) -benthos in all seasons and formed the bulk of
reported yearling trout from the lake weighing the food of these_ species. Overlap in diet was
1.4 kg, 3-year-olds weighing 8.4 kg and 4- high, suggesting potential for competition,
year-olds weighing 9.3 kg. These growth rates but preferred habitat and differences in
were considered world records for rainbow feeding habits, together with low fish
trout at the time and reflected an excellent population density and the abundance of the
food supply. Such growth rates no longer main prey items, were thought to "eliminate
occurred in the lake and this was attributable the occurrence of any serious competition".
to the reduced availability of G. maculatus. The diet of chinook salmon differed from the
Anecdotal reports from anglers and local other species; it consisted largely of prey items
residents suggested that G. maculatus (a well of terrestrial origin, including adult
recognised, popular, local bait species) was Deleatidium and dipterans.
much less common in the lake at the time of
the study than formerly. Furthermore, smelt Glova (1990)
Retropinna semoni were recorded in the lake Glova (1990) commented that while there was
previously, but none were taken during the little doubt that competition for food and space
present study. occurred between galaxiids and salmonids,
Predation by both chinook salmon and these impacts were probably of minor
rainbow trout had most probably affected the importance compared to that of predation. In
abundance of G. maculatus in Lake particular, galaxiid fry tended to shoal in large
Purrumbete. Stocking densities of trout in the numbers in the water column in areas of slack
past (1958-67) were generally less than in the water, making them easy prey for yearling and
years before this study (1969-76), so growth older trout. As stream- . dwelling galaxiids got
rates and the number of galaxiids per trout older, they tended to become cryptic bottom-
stomach could well have been directly related dwellers, which probably made them less easy
to differences in stocking density, both being targets for trout to prey upon.
affected by the number of salmonids present To test the hypothesis that free-swimming
at a given time. Neither chinook salmon nor prey were more vulnerable to predation by
rainbow trout bred in Lake Purrumbete, their trout than bottom-dwelling prey, Glova
numbers depending solely on releases of carried out three sets of short-term
hatchery-produced fish. Under these experiments in glass tanks. The first set of
circumstances, it was concluded that tanks had a simple gravel substrate, the
introduced salmonids were unlikely to second set had a more complex gravel and
eliminate the galaxiids from the lake unless cobble substrate, and the third set had a
the lake was mismanaged by overstocking with complex substrate with gravel, cobbles and
trout or salmon or both. a submerged willow branch. For each set of
tanks, a control tank was used to determine
Sagar and Eldon (1983) mortality of the prey in the absence of
Sagar and Eldon (1983) investigated the predation.
benthic macroinvertebrate fauna and the
food and feeding relationships of several
small fish in the unstable, braided Rakaia
River, New Zealand, over a 12-month period.
The fish species included juvenile brown
trout, chinook salmon, long-finned

The free-swimming prey were fry of Galaxias species. Small prey items made up a greater
vulgaris (similar in many respects to the proportion of the diet of G. brevipinnis than for
Australian Galaxias olidus) and the bottom- either trout species. The narrower breadth of
dwelling prey were juvenile bullheads of the the diet of G. brevipinnis in this study compared
family Eleotridae. to the more diverse diet reported by other
A yearling trout, about 150 mm long, was researchers was thought by Glova and Sagar to
placed in each of the tanks, followed a day later perhaps indicate that the feeding of G.
by 20 each of the two prey types. The galaxiid brevipinnis in the Ryton River was restricted to
fry were 22-42 mm long, and the juvenile some extent by their interaction with trout.
bullheads 34-49 mm long. The same number of All three species were found primarily in riffles
each prey type was included in each control and runs in water depths of 0.1-0.3 m with G.
tank, but with no trout present. The brevipinnis often being in faster flowing areas (
experiments were terminated on the day when water velocity 0.8-1.1 m per sec) than either
only one live galaxiid fry remained in the water brown trout and rainbow trout (0.4-0.7 m per
column, which varied from four to nine days sec). Glova and Sagar concluded that these
after the start of the experiment. differences in diel feeding patterns and
The results were as predicted, with young free- microhabitat no doubt reduced the interaction
swimming galaxiids eaten in greater proportion between the galaxiids and trout.
than the bullheads. Predation was greatest and
fastest for both prey types in the tank with the
Kusabs and Swales (1991)
simple substrate (92 galaxiids/66 bullheads), Kusabs and Swales (1991) examined the diet of
and was reduced markedly by adding cobbles sympatric populations of migratory juvenile
to the substrate (77 galaxiids/40 bullheads). rainbow trout and Galaxias brevipinnis (which
The addition of the willow branch did not also occurs in Australia) in the Waipehi and
reduce predation as expected (85 galaxiids/63 Omori Streams, which drain into Lake Taupo,
bullheads), probably because it did not provide New Zealand.
a sufficiently complex environment, and the The diets of both species were dominated, both
trout may have hid in it, making it easier to numerically and by weight, by aquatic prey,
ambush prey. It was thought that not all the with ephemeropteran, trichopteran and
galaxiid fry were eaten by trout; the losses of dipteran larvae being the most numerous prey
galaxiids in the controls was on average 27%, items. Adult G. brevipinnis and juvenile
indicating that the bullheads may have been rainbow trout both fed on juvenile galaxiids.
responsible for some of the predation on Terrestrial prey items were present in the diets
galaxiids in the experimental tanks. There were of both galaxiids and trout; although present in
no losses of bullheads in the controls. low numbers they were important in terms of
weight. Resource partitioning was found to be
Glova and Sagar (1991) weak, although G. brevipinnis ate more small
Glova and Sagar (1991) studied the benthic benthic invertebrates such as chironomid
and drifting invertebrates, together with the larvae, whereas the rainbow trout took more
fish, in the Ryton River, New Zealand, over a ephemeropteran larvae and terrestrial insects.
24-h period during summer in order to In Waipehi Stream, G. brevipinnis ate both
investigate interactions for food and space rainbow trout ova and G. brevipinnis ova; in
between Galaxias brevipinnis (which also Omori Stream trout ova were taken by the
occurs in Australia) and juvenile brown trout juvenile rainbow trout.
and rainbow trout. Since the diets of G. brevipinnis and juvenile
Galaxias brevipinnis fed almost exclusively at rainbow trout in these Lake Taupo inlet
night on the benthos, whereas both brown streams were similar, Kusabs and Swales
trout and rainbow trout juveniles fed mostly concluded that the populations may co-exist
during the day on drifting and benthic prey. by temporal and/or spatial partitioning of food
Larvae of Deleatidium (Ephemeroptera), resources, whereas predation by adult trout
Hydrobiosis and Oxyethira (Trichoptera), and on small G. brevipinnis may be a limiting factor
Austrosimulium and Chironomidae (Diptera) for G. brevipinnis populations.
formed the bulk of the prey of all three
Crowl et al. (1992) The authors suggested that the slight
Crowl et al. (1992) reported that in a series of differences in feeding times, diets and
laboratory experiments all sizes of microhabitats were important in reducing
vulgaris (very similar in many respects to competitive interactions between co-
Galaxias olidus) were vulnerable to predation occurring populations of G. vulgaris and
by brown trout. Very young galaxiids were brown trout.
especially vulnerable to predation by young
trout, with consumption rates of up to 135 Glova and Sagar (1993)
galaxiids per day. Even the largest galaxiids Glova and Sagar (1993) examined the feeding
were vulnerable to larger brown trout (up to and spatial inter-relations between two
200 mm long). galaxiids, Galaxias vulgaris (similar in many
This study, like that of Glova (1990), can be respects to the Australian Galaxias olidus) and
criticised on the grounds that the experimental Galaxias paucispondylus, and juvenile brown
conditions bear little resemblance to conditions trout and chinook-salmon in Deep Creek, a
in nature, but they both demonstrate that trout tributary of the upper Rangitata River in the
consume native fish and that predation rates South Island of New Zealand. Fish were
can be exceedingly high. sampled by electrofishing.
Interspecific overlap in the timing of feeding of
Glova et al. (1992) the four species was greatest between predusk
Glova et al. (1992) investigated the feeding and and pre-dawn. Aquatic invertebrates were
spatial inter-relationships between juvenile eaten by all fish, with the chinook salmon also
brown trout and Galaxias vulgaris (very similar taking trichopteran imagoes. Similarities in
in many respects to Galaxias olidus) over a 24- diets were least between G. vulgaris and G.
h period during summer in Weydon Burn, a paucispondylus, moderate between the
small tributary of the upper Oreti river in the galaxiids and salmonids, and greatest between
South Island of New Zealand. Fish were the two salmonids.
sampled by electrofishing. The mean sizes of Both galaxiids were found primarily in riffles,
the galaxiids and the juvenile trout in the with G. uulgaris occupying slightly deeper (up
samples were similar. to 0.3 m) and slower (0.5-0.8 m/sec) waters
Interspecific overlap in feeding was found to be than those occupied by G. paucispondylus (up
greatest at dusk and dawn, with G. vulgaris to 0.2 m; 0.7-1.0 m/sec). The salmonids were
feeding primarily from dusk to postdawn and found mainly in pools and runs, with the
juvenile trout feeding primarily from pre-dawn chinook salmon occupying slightly deeper (up
to post-dusk. Both galaxiids and trout fed to 0.5 m) and slower (0.1-0.2 m/sec) waters
mainly on benthic and drifting aquatic than those occupied by brown trout (up to 0.4
invertebrates, with larval Deleatidium ( m; 0.2-0.5 m/sec).
Ephemeroptera), Hydora (Coleoptera) and The authors concluded that that mixed
Chironomidae (Diptera) being the preferred populations of galaxiids and juvenile
prey, although trichopteran imagoes also salmonids in streams with a gravel/cobble
formed an important part of the diet of juvenile substrate were likely to overlap considerably
trout. in their use of food and space, but that
The stream channel at the study site was about interspecific differences in feeding and
4-7 m wide, with extensive areas of shallow microdistribution reduced interactions
riffles and runs and relatively unstable bed and between the galaxiids and salmonids.
banks composed mainly of gravel and small
cobbles. Galaxiids and trout were found in both
Gillespie (1995)
riffles and runs, with the galaxiids occupying Gillespie (1995) pointed out that frogs which
slightly shallower (up to 0.3 m) and faster (0.3- coexist with fish, such as those living in
0.7 m/sec) waters than did trout (up to 0.5 m; streams, have evolved strategies for avoiding or
0.2-0.4 m/sec). minimising predation on their tadpoles. These
strategies may include laying eggs in
inaccessible places, activity patterns which are
different from the activity patterns of fish and the
production of unpalatable or poisonous
chemicals. In many instances, fish species
have been found not to eat the

tadpoles with which they coexist. However, 1910-1911 to about 1 kg in 1917. This decline
these strategies may not be effective against has been attributed to a decline in the number
introduced species, which may forage in of G. brevipinnis as a result of trout predation.
different ways, be more effective predators or Further evidence that the decline of G.
be unaffected by the chemicals produced by brevipinnis is related to trout predation is
the tadpoles. Therefore, tadpoles of some provided by the abundance of these galaxiids in
amphibian species may be vulnerable to other lakes where trout have not been
increased predation pressure from introduced introduced (McDowall 1987). A summary of
fish such as trout. the food of trout in New Zealand waters is given
In laboratory feeding experiments, it was by McDowall (1990a), and comments and
found that brown trout ate the tadpoles of observations on the effects of trout feeding and
three species of frog, whereas Galaxias olidus, predation on the New Zealand fauna are
which coexists with the three frog species in reviewed by Thomson (1922), Phillipps (1940),
nature, did not eat any of the tadpoles of Allen (1961), Waugh (1973), McDowall (1984,
these three species. The author indicated that 1987, 1990a, b, c). and Crowl et al. (1992).
further investigation of the effects of trout on
tadpoles is required, but speculated that trout
have probably had a substantial impact on 3.5 Behavioural Studies
frogs in south-eastern Australia.
Glova (1989)
Other Observations and Comments Glova (1989) reported that behavioural studies
Tilzey (1977) pointed out that even though had provided some insight into the potential
angling and scientific records for the years impact of salmonids on native fish stocks, and
immediately following the introduction of trout mentioned that in various stream simulation
into Australia (1870-1910) are scarce, they projects he had observed that juvenile
indicate that the trout at that time were salmonids were generally behaviourally
substantially larger than those taken from the dominant over various galaxiid species.
same waters today, and that such growth Galaxiids entering the territories of salmonids
probably reflected low trout population were invariably threatened, chased or nipped in
densities and an abundant food supply. an effort to make them leave or retreat into the
Lyne (1948) mentioned that in 1897 a brown substrate. Occasionally galaxiids were observed
trout of 6.6 kg was taken in the Yarra River, to fight back by charging and nipping their
and provided an anecdotal description of what attackers, but seldom did they win in the end.
conditions in southern Victorian, streams Glova pointed out that there was now good
would have been like at the time. Native fish evidence that juvenile salmonids were
such as galaxiids, grayling and smelt would territorially-active only during daylight,
have abounded, but having no innate defence whereas most galaxiids and other New Zealand
mechanisms to avoid such "a fast and fish species were active at night. Typically, the
ferocious feeder" as the trout they would have native fish became active at dusk, and at dawn
been soon thinned out. The food supply was they retreated to the substrate, so that direct
not sufficient to withstand the ever-increasing interactions between galaxiids and salmonids
natural reproduction and artificial stocking of in nature may be limited primarily to twilight
trout, and the large fish gradually disappeared conditions.
to be followed by fish of a much smaller
average size. McIntosh et al. (1992)
The early prodigious growth of trout in the
McIntosh et al. (1992) investigated
lakes of the central North Island of New
microhabitat used by Galaxias vulgaris (very
Zealand has been attributed to the
similar in many respects to Galaxias olidus) in
abundance in these lakes of Galaxias
the presence and absence of brown trout in
brevipinnis, which declined dramatically
the Shag River, New Zealand.
following the introduction of trout. In Lake
Several microhabitat variables were measured
Taupo the high quality of the trout
at random locations where G. vulgaris was
deteriorated rapidly in the years after they
present during the day. The galaxiids
were established, the average weight of
preferred coarse substrates, using
rainbow trout dropping from 4 kg in
them as resting places, but showed no other proportion of its behaviour that was inactive,
microhabitat preferences. This pattern of either during the day or night, but the relative
microhabitat use did not change in the frequency of FS postures increased at both
presence of brown trout although galaxiid times. Type C galaxiids exhibited more active
densities were considerably lower. behaviour both during the day and at night,
The field observations were followed by but the relative frequency of cryptic FS
experiments using trout (120-150 mm long) and postures was greater during the day than at
galaxiids (75-85 mm long) in six artificial night. The proportions of galaxiids feeding were
stream channels constructed from 2 m long reduced for all types A, B and C, but was least
sections of 400 mm-diameter PVC stormwater marked for type C. Feeding rates were reduced
pipe cut in half longitudinally. Each channel during both day and night for types A and B,
was fitted at each end with 5 mmdiameter but not for type C.
stainless-steel mesh and was covered by a The authors acknowledged that the
tightly-fitting perspex lid. The channels were behaviour of both galaxiids and trout could
positioned in pairs in three riffle areas of the have been modified by the artificial
Silver Stream about 80 m apart. They were conditions of the experiment. However, their
secured in position using steel stakes and were results indicated that the galaxiids modified
placed so that, during base flow, water flowed their behaviour in the presence of trout, and
evenly through the channels at a depth of 150 that the three genetic types responded
mm. All channels received similar water flows. differently.
Drift nets set inside and beside the channels
showed that food availability inside the
channels was similar to that outside. 3.6 Studies on the Disease
Experiments in the channels confirmed that
competition for space did not occur during the Impacts of Salmonids
day even at high galaxiid densities. However, Introductory Comments
the situation changed dramatically at night,
In the early days of fish introduction, prolonged
with the galaxiids spending significantly more
transport times may have contributed to the
time in slower areas when trout were present.
death of eggs carrying disease or infectious
Since G. vulgaris fed on drifting invertebrates,
agents. Faster transport eliminated the time
McIntosh et at. concluded that brown trout
factor, making it more likely that diseases could
could affect the galaxiids deleteriously by
be introduced with fish and eggs (Ashburner
forcing them to occupy less profitable feeding
1976). However, Australia still appears to be free
positions. Further, they speculated that
of most of the serious pathogens which affect
interspecific competition for space, combined
salmonids in many other countries (Humphrey
with competition for foodand predation by
1985). To maintain this situation, there is a
trout, could explain observed declines in G.
total ban on imports of trout and salmon
vulgaris populations.
products, other than those canned or hot
Edge et al. (1993) smoked, although this ban is constantly
Edge et al. (1993) investigated the antipredator challenged by foreign exporters (Kailola et al.
behaviour of three genetic types of Galaxias 1993).
vulgaris (very similar in many respects to The importation of live fish and eggs is the
Galaxias olidus) in the presence of brown trout most efficient way of importing pathogens for
in two, recirculating stream channels. Fish that species. Imported- fish bring with them -
behaviour was recorded using photography and not only pathogens specific to them, but also
a video recorder. pathogens which may affect other fish or they
The responses of the three genetic types (A, B may be hosts and vectors for pathogens found
and C) of G. vulgaris to trout differed. Type A - previously in other organisms (Langdon 1988a)
galaxiids exhibited more inactive behaviour ( . Furthermore, infectious agents maybe more
increasing the frequency of the cryptic "flat on pathogenic in atypical hosts than in typical
the substrate" posture, FS) during the day, but hosts, and may cause major disease outbreaks
not at night. Type B galaxiids showed no when atypical hosts come into contact with
significant effect of trout on the typical hosts (Langdon 1989b).

Although the likely role of introduced fish in Saville-Kent (1888)
introducing and disseminating fish diseases in The remarks made by Saville-Kent (1888) in
Australia is well described (Fletcher 1986, relation to the impact and origin of the fungus
Langdon 1988b, 1989b, Morison 1988), most Saprolegnia are extremely interesting. He
research has been focused on the pointed out that the fungus occurred each
identification and treatment of diseases in breeding season at the salmon hatchery on the
aquaculture (Ashburner 1983, Humphrey and River Plenty (where brown trout and Atlantic
Langdon 1985, Rowland and Ingram 1991). salmon had been held since 1864). On some
Furthermore, as new pathogens are occasions, it was said to be "so abundantly
discovered, it is becoming increasingly difficult developed as to constitute a veritable epidemic
to determine whether they originated from which may be communicated to apparently
introduced fish or from native fauna (Fletcher healthy fish".
1986). Saville-Kent then went on to consider the
It is assumed that parasites such as apparent epidemic some 17-18 years previously
Ichthyophthirius multiftlis, which causes white which had caused the demise of the Australian
spot disease, and Ichthyobodo necator ( grayling Prototroctes maraena. The grayling
formerly Costia necatrix) were brought into were said to "have been seen floating down the
Australia with live fish some time between rivers in thousands, covered more or less
1880 and 1930 (Ashburner 1976). Whether extensively with a cottony fungoid growth. So
they were introduced with salmonids or with virulent and exhaustive was this epidemic that
other fish species, or with both salmonids and many, more especially of the southern rivers,
other species, is debatable and perhaps will were more or less completely denuded of their
never be known. Butcher (1941) attributed an stock of this species and have so remained up
outbreak of white spot disease, which caused to the present date". Saville-Kent posed the
massive mortalities in trout at the hatchery of questions of how, when and where the
the Ballarat Fish Acclimatisation Society, to epidemic originated and whether at the time
ornamental carp. An earlier outbreak of the there were any abnormal conditions associated
disease (apparently not associated with the with the rivers carrying the infected fish. He
presence of carp) had been reported in trout at went on to say: "The approximate date of the
the Plenty Hatchery in Tasmania in 1933 ( appearance of this epidemic would appear to
Butcher 1941, Ashburner 1976). Similarly, be about the year 1869 or 1870, periods it may
Saville-Kent (1888) and Hardy (1910) reported be remarked of great activity in association
fungal infections at the Plenty and Studley with the distribution of the fry of the newly
Park (Melbourne) salmonid hatcheries acclimatised Salmonidae in the rivers of this
respectively. colony. Is it possible ...that the fungus,
Whether pathogens were introduced into Saprolegnia, was hitherto unknown to
Australia with salmonids or not, the Tasmania and was introduced with the ova of
widespread stocking of salmonids, mainly these Salmonidae, or more probably in the
trout, by the Ballarat, Plenty, Studley Park moss wherein they were packed? Under such
and, later, other hatcheries would have spread conditions the germs or spores, like the
parasites such as I. multif its and other microbes of measles or smallpox, arriving on a
pathogens widely throughout Tasmania, virgin and congenial soil, might be expected to
Victoria and New South Wales, then to South spread with devastating virulence among the
Australia and Western Australia. aboriginal inhabitants."
Unfortunately, there have been few studies on
the role that hatchery-produced salmonids Parisot et al. (1965)
have played in acting as vectors for the In July 1963, a batch of chindok salmon eyed
dissemination of the wide range of protozoan, eggs was sent by air from the Coleman Fish
metazoan, bacterial and fungal pathogens Hatchery on Battle Creek, a tributary of the
typically found in Australian salmonid Sacramento River in northern California, USA,
hatcheries (Ashburner 1978, 1983, Humphrey to the Victorian State Fish Hatchery at Snobs
and Langdon 1985) or on other possible Creek. The eggs hatched normally in August
disease impacts of salmonids on the Australian and at the "swim-up "stage in September the
fauna. The few studies which have been fry appeared normal. However,
undertaken are reviewed here.
a sudden rise in mortalities occurred about Pollard (1974)
ten days after the fry started feeding. The Pollard (1974) found that Galaxias maculatus
moribund fry were reported to have pale gills in landlocked Lake Modewarre, southern
and a red blotch on the skin in front of the Victoria, was infected with Ligula, a parasitic
dorsal fin. Haemorrhages were seen in some cestode, and Eustrongylides, a parasitic
cases on the side of the fish below and behind nematode.
the dorsal fin and stretching to the ventral Ligula was present as the plerocercoid stage in
surface, on the opercles and on the the coelomic cavity of the galaxiid. The mean
branchiostegal skin. The disease outbreak percentage weight of plerocercoids per infected fish
lasted for three weeks and resulted in losses was about 9 % (maximum 50%) of the intact
of about 11%. host weight. The mean number of plerocercoids
According to Parisot et al. (1965), except for per infected fish was 1.5, the maximum number
the lateral haemorrhaging, the symptoms per fish being five. The mean incidence of
were almost a classic description of infection was 50%. The effects of these cestodes
Sacramento River chinook disease on the host galaxiids included a reduction in
(= infectious haematopoietic necrosis or IHN - general body condition, an inhibition of gonadal
J. D. Humphrey, Australian Animal Health maturation, and an inhibition of movements to
Laboratory, pers. comm.). Subsequently, all the spawning areas during the breeding season.
fish in the infected batch at the Snobs Creek Eustrongylides was usually found encysted in
Hatchery were destroyed and the disease has the visceral peritoneum. The mean number of
not recurred. nematodes per infected fish was 5.4, and the
maximum number per fish was 44. The mean
Ashburner and Ehl (1973) incidence of infection was 80%. One of the
Ashburner and Ehl (1973) reported the
effects of this nematode on its host was the
occurrence of the parasitic protozoan
inhibition of egg laying by female fish when the
Chilodonella cyprini on brown trout held at
nematode was encysted in the ovary or vent. In
the Victorian State Fish Hatchery at Snobs
Lake Modewarre, Eustrongylides was also
Creek, the parasite normally being found on
found in rainbow trout and an eleotrine goby
the gill filaments of the trout. It was found to
and, and a similar form (thought to be an
cause little or no damage to adults, but in fry (
intermediate-adult stage of the same species)
20-40 mm long) heavy mortalities associated
was found in a cormorant.
with gill hyperplasia resulted from as few as
The finding of Ligula in the Australasian
two or three of the protozoans per gill
region constituted a new zoogeographic record,
and its occurrence in G. maculatus constituted
The stocking of waters with infected trout
a new host-family record. Regarding the origin
would have assisted in the spread of C.
of the Ligula infecting these landlocked
cyprini throughout Victoria. Fish samples
galaxiids, and thus the presence of this
taken in Victoria during the previous ten
parasite in the Australasian region in general,
years had shown that C. cyprini occurred on
Pollard speculated that possible agents for its
several native and introduced fish species.
introduction were the brown trout, rainbow
Infected native fish included galaxiids,
trout and redfin perch Perca fluviatilis, all of
Australian smelt Retropinna semoni,
which have been introduced into Lake
Macquarie perch Macquaria australasica,
Modewarre and all of which have been
Murray cod Maccullochella peeli, trout cod
recorded as a host of Ligula in the Northern
Maccullochella macquariensis, southern
Hemisphere. The arrival of Ligula in
pygmy perch Nannoperca australis, river
Australasia via a migratory bird host would be
blackfish Gadopsis marmoratus, and striped
much less likely because of its short adult life-
gudgeon Mogurnda adspersa; infected
cycle stage in the bird (less than five days)
introduced fish included brown trout,
compared with the fish host , (up-to 12-14
rainbow trout and goldfish Carassius

Ashburner (1977) for salmonids, with Atlantic salmon being the
Ashburner (1977) described the incidence of most susceptible and rainbow trout the least
mycobacteriosis in hatchery-confined chinook susceptible of the salmonids tested.
salmon derived from a presumed "disease- Furthermore, the organism was transmitted
free" consignment of 50,000 eyed eggs from inoculated fish to within-tank control
received at the Victorian State Fish Hatchery fish via water and established a carrier state
at Snobs Creek from Oregon, USA, in 1966. in Atlantic salmon.
Before the salmon eggs were imported, Similarly, Carson and Handlinger (1988) found
mycobacteriosis had not been observed at that an atypical strain of A. salmonicida
Snobs Creek, although other acid-fast bacteria isolated from goldfish with cutaneous
(Nocardia) had been isolated from rainbow ulcerative lesions proved to be highly virulent
trout. Mycobacteria appear to have been to Atlantic salmon challenged by
introduced with the eggs, particularly since intraperitioneal injection and by bath
the strains appear similar to those isolated in immersion. The salmon developed lesions
the USA. The possibility that the infection was bearing a close resemblance to classical
transmitted to the salmon in the food they furunculosis in salmonids.
received at Snobs Creek was ruled out because Although this atypical strain of A. salmonicida
no cases of mycobacteriosis were found in the was introduced into Australia via goldfish
hatchery stocks of brown trout and rainbow imported from Japan in 1974 (Humphrey and
trout which at the time were fed on the same Ashburner 1993), it is likely to be
food as the salmon. It is also unlikely that the disseminated by both goldfish and salmonids.
salmon contracted the disease from their Whittington and Cullis (1988) and Carson and
immediate surroundings, which were Handlinger (1988) predicted that outbreaks of
indistinguishable from those of the trout held furunculosis in salmonid fish are likely to
at Snobs Creek. occur in south-eastern Australia if this strain
Ashburner reported that it took two years for of A. salmonicida is transmitted from goldfish
the number of mycobacteria to increase to with GUD to salmonids. They concluded that
readily detectable numbers, but noted that the the organism posed a significant threat to the
incidence of infection decreased in subsequent aquaculture industry and wild salmonid stocks
year-classes. The occurrence and effects of in Australia. Its potential impact on native
mycobacteria in the Goulburn River system, in fauna is unknown.
which Snobs Creek is located, or in Lakes
Purrumbete and Bullen Merri, in which Langdon et al. (1988), Langdon (
chinook salmon derived from the Oregon 1989a, b)
shipment of eggs were stocked, is unknown. Langdon et al. (1988) reported two outbreaks
of a disease in hatchery-confined rainbow trout
Whittington and Cullis (1988), Carson caused by the epizootic haematopoietic
and Handlinger (1988) necrosis (EHN) virus of redfin perch Perca
Whittington and Cullis (1988) found that an fluviatilis which was first isolated in north-
atypical strain of the bacterium Aeromonas eastern Victoria in 1984. The outbreaks in
salmonicida, which causes goldfish ulcer trout represented the first verified instance of a
disease (GUD), had attributes typical of viral disease in Australian salmonid stocks.
virulent, typical strains which cause Extensive virological surveys using appropriate
furunculosis in salmonids. They isolated the techniques had previously failed to detect
bacterium from diseased goldfish Carassius viruses or viral diseases in salmonids (Langdon
auratus in Australia and inoculated it into et aL 1986).
Atlantic salmon, brown trout, rainbow trout Langdon (1989a) subsequently found that
and brook trout by intraperitoneal injection several native species, viz. Macquarie perch
and by bath immersion. The results of their Macquaria australasica, silver perch Bidyanus
experiments demonstrated that the strain of A. bidyanus and the galaxiid Galaxias olidus were
salmonicida in populations of goldfish in all highly susceptible to the virus; Murray cod
south-eastern Australia is highly pathogenic Maccullochella peeli was a potential carrier,
and golden perch Macquaria ambigua and
Australian bass Macquaria novemaculeata
were considered unlikely to be naturally
susceptible hosts. He considered
that carrier individuals of redfin perch, rainbow estuarine as well as freshwater habitats, the
trout and Murray cod, and possibly other fish, studies cover a relatively small part of the
represented a further reservoir of infection. This native fish fauna.
case illustrates the hazards of transmission of The most substantive evidence of impacts of
infectious diseases between different families salmonids in Australia comes from Fletcher's (
and species of fish, and the risks of moving fish 1979) experimental introduction study and the
from one area to another. Langdon observations of Tilzey (1976), Raadik (1993)
recommended that translocations of P, and Closs and Lake (in prep) during the
fluviatilis, salmonids, percichyids and invasion of trout into new areas. Much of the
teraponids at least should be subject to health information on the distributions of salmonids
certification of freedom from EHN virus. and native fish presented in section 3.1 was
Further, Langdon (1989b) pointed out that derived from general fish surveys not
although the EHN virus was not introduced specifically undertaken to investigate the
into Australia with the naturally susceptible effects of salmonids on particular species or
redfin or salmonids, it had been spread aquatic communities. Exceptions to this
insidiously by their translocations on approach were the studies of Jackson and
mainland south-eastern Australia. For Williams (1980) and Ault and White (1994).
example, hatchery-reared trout infected by Jackson and Williams .(1980) compared the
wild redfin were moved from the upper distributions of native fish in areas with and
Murray catchment to the upper without trout. It was apparent that when trout
Murrumbidgee drainage where the disease were present, galaxiids such as olidus
had since occurred on a trout farm. and Galaxias brevipinnis were restricted to the
upper reaches of river catchments in areas
Davies (1991) which were inaccessible to trout. However,
The bacterium Yersinia ruckeri is responsible when trout-were absent, galaxiids were not
for enteric redmouth disease, an acute and restricted to such areas. Observations made by
chronic infection of salmonids, and has been Closs and Lake (in prep) in their invasion
known to exist in Australia since the 1960s. study indicated that as trout moved
Davies (1991) reported two clonal types of Y progressively upstream the galaxiid population
ruckeri from Australia, one of which appeared became progressively fragmented, giving rise to
to be unique to Australia and one of which a series of isolated populations, and producing
shared characteristics with isolates from the type of trout/galaxiid distribution pattern
Europe and the USA, suggesting that at least described in many of the distribution studies
one biotype of Y ruckeri was introduced with presented in section 3.1. Ault and White (
salmonids or their eggs (J. D. Humphrey, 1994), using a similar approach to that
Australian Animal Health Laboratory - pers. adopted by - Townsend and Crowl (1991) in
comm.). The effect of Y ruckeri on native New Zealand, were able to demonstrate that
Australian fauna is unknown. the presence of brown trout rather than
habitat characteristics was responsible for the
observed distribution of Galaxias truttaceus in
3.7 Overview of Studies on their study streams.
Taken together, the numerous and widespread
Impacts of Salmonids instances of fragmented galaxiid distribution
Studies on the impacts of salmonids on patterns in the presence of trout (in a wide
Australian fauna reviewed in sections 3.1-3.6, range of catchments, some in areas of natural
including New Zealand studies on Galaxias vegetation, some in cleared areas), the more
brevipinnis but excluding those on taxa not widespread distribution of these galaxiids in
found in Australia, are listed in Table. 2. It is the absence of trout, and the observations of
immediately apparent that there have been few fragmentation of the galaxiid distribution
studies on or relating to the impacts of pattern as trout progressively move upstream,
salmonids on fauna other than fish and, provides a substantial body of evidence for an
considering the families of fish which occur in adverse impact of trout on these stream-
areas in which trout have been introduced in dwelling galaxiids.
Australia, including

Studies on the mechanisms by which requirements, are able to avoid direct
salmonids have had an impact on the native encounters are likely to be able to co-exist
fauna are sparse, but nevertheless indicate with salmonids. Evidence of exclusion based
that predation has been the major cause of the on competition is extremely difficult to
impact. This is hardly surprising given the demonstrate in field situations. However, the
large size to which salmonids can grow and the few studies which have been done on the
relatively small size of individuals in families interactions between stream-dwelling
such as the Galaxiidae, which appears to have galaxiids and salmonids in artificial stream
been the fish family most affected by channels indicate that competitive exclusion
salmonids, at least on the basis of the present of galaxiids by salmonids can occur.
evidence. The impact of salmonids on the native fauna
The studies which have been done on the via the spread of pathogens, particularly via
interactions between juvenile salmonids and the widespread releases of hatchery-produced
the native fauna indicate that direct fish, is unknown. However, the occurrence of
competitive encounters may occur between pathogens in salmonid hatchery stocks
juvenile trout and those species which occupy indicates that salmonids have undoubtedly
the same microhabitat and feed in the same played a major role in the spread of these
manner on the same foods. Conversely, those disease organisms, irrespective of whether or
native species which, because of their not the pathogens were introduced into
particular life histories and habitat Australia with the salmonids.
Table 2. Studies on impacts of salmonids on Australian fauna.

Author(s) Native fauna

Salmonid species
Saville-Kent (1888) Prototroctes maraena brown trout/Atlantic salmon
Gray (1929) Whitley ( Galaxias brevipinnis rainbow trout trout
1935) Williams (1964) brown trout
Frankenberg (1966, 1969) brown trout
Galaxias brevipinnis brown trout/rainbow trout
Morrissy (1967)
Galaxias olidus
brown trout/rainbow trout
Galaxias olidus brown trout/rainbow trout
Cherax destructor brown trout/rainbow trout
brown trout/rainbow trout
brown trout
brown trout
Renowden(1968) Galaxias brevipinnis brown trout/rainbow trout
Ashburner and Ehl (1973) several fish species trout
Pollard (1974) Andrews (
Galaxias maculatus trout
1976) Knott et al. (1978)
Galaxias brevipinnis rainbow trout
Tilzey (1976) brown trout/rainbow trout
Anaspides tasmaniae
Galaxias olidus brown trout
Fletcher (1979) brown trout
Galaxias brevipinnis
Jackson (1978) brown trout
Galaxias olidus
Cadwallader (1979) brown trout
Gadopsis marmoratus
Jackson and Williams (1980) brown trout
Galaxias olidus
Galaxias olidus chinook salmon
Cadwallader and Eden (1981) rainbow trout
Cadwallader and Eden (1982) Galaxias brevipinnis
Galaxias maculatus brown trout
Jackson and Davies (1983)
Sagar and Eldon (1983), NZ Galaxias maculatus brown trout
Koehn (1986a) Koehn (1986b) Galaxias olidus brown trout
Davies (1989) brown trout/rainbow trout
Galaxias brevipinnis
Humphries (1989) brown trout
Galaxias olidus
Langdon (1989a, b) brown trout
Galaxias maculatus
Jones et al. (1990) "non-trout" species rainbow trout
Koehn and O'Connor (1990) Galaxias auratus brown trout/rainbow trout
Lintermans and Rutzou (1990) several fish species brown trout
Glova and Sagar (1991), NZ Galaxias olidus Galaxias rainbow trout
Kusabs and Swales (1991), NZ brown trout/rainbow trout
brevipinnis Galaxias rainbow trout brown trout
Sanger and Fulton (1991) olidus Galaxias brown trout
brevipinnis Galaxias brown trout
brevipinnis Galaxias trout
Sloane and French (1991)
fontanus Galaxias brown trout/rainbow trout
Shirley (1991) Hamr (1992)
Raadik (1993) Ault and johnstoni Galaxias brown trout
tanycephalus rainbow trout
White (1994) Gillespie (
galaxiids brown trout
1995) Closs and Lake (in
Galaxias fuscus brown trout
brown trout
Galaxias pedderensis
Galaxias fuscus
Galaxias truttaceus
Galaxias olidus

4.1 General Considerations 4.2 Review of Experimental
Taylor et al. (1984) pointed out that although
the effects of introductions may not be in
Methods and
doubt, at least on theoretical grounds, rigorous Recommended
documentation of specific examples of impacts
is generally lacking because investigators have Approaches for
not accommodated the consequences of Investigating the Impact
multiple causality in the design of impact
studies. The demonstration of an impact by an of Salmonids on Native
introduced species on a native species requires
verification of a causal relationship between
Future studies of distributions or, more
observed or measured changes in a population
specifically, mutually exclusive distributions of
of the native species and the presence of the
salmonids and native species in Australia,
introduced species. This requires an
should adopt the approach taken by Townsend
experimental design with appropriate controls
and Crowl (1991). Their statistical analyses
and replicates. As pointed out by Morison (
incorporating various physical, chemical and
1988), such experimental manipulations can
biological variables from a large number of
seldom be achieved in nature, so there is then a
sampling sites in one catchment indicated that
compromise between the need to control all
the presence and abundance of galaxiids were
potential variables and the need to prevent the
best predicted by the presence or absence of
experiment from becoming an
trout rather than by any of a wide range of
oversimplification and artificial representation
other possible variables such as changes in
of the natural situation.
land use, the nature of bankside vegetation
Comparison of differences in the composition of
and the substrate type. Their study was
natural communities between areas with and
specifically designed the test the hypothesis
without an introduced species can provide
that the occurrence of Galaxias vulgaris was
evidence for impact, but only to the extent to
affected by the presence of brown trout. This
which alternative causal agents can be
sort of approach is much more useful than
eliminated as explanations for the observed
merely recording the absence of native species
differences. Furthermore, such approaches do
in the presence of salmonids because it
not usually provide information on underlying
provides information on the likely cause of the
mechanisms. The occurrence of a correlation
observed distribution patterns of the native
between the introduction of a species and a
species which presence/absence studies do not
subsequent change in a native population does
not establish causality. Similarly, trying to
The approach of Minns (1990) who analysed
demonstrate an impact at a site after an
the data base on freshwater fish distributions
introduced species has become established
in New Zealand to examine patterns of overlap
lacks the controls required to demonstrate
and exclusion also has merit. The main
causality (Taylor et al. 1984, Morison 1988).
difficulty in this approach is that information in
the various State data bases may not be site-
specific and, therefore, not

detailed enough to demonstrate mutually- the rocks taking up about 50% of the cage
exclusive distribution patterns. Again, this volume, the remaining volume being made up
approach provides no information on the by the spaces between the-rocks. Cages were
cause of the observed distribution patterns left open (i.e. top removed) for an initial period,
unless appropriate habitat characteristics and then five cages were sampled to provide
land use information is also included in the information on initial invertebrate community
data base. However, it can provide the basis structure. The remaining 15 cages were
for more detailed investigations of the searched in situ for vertebrate predators which
Townsend and Crowl (1991) type. may-have-colonised them (no trout were found).
Introduction experiments in the field, like that A single predator (trout) was placed in each of
of Fletcher (1979), provide the most convincing five cages and the top fixed to each cage; these
evidence of an impact of salmonids on native were the trout inclusion cages. In another five
fish. Similar experiments have also been done cages; tops were fixed without adding a trout;
to examine the impacts of salmonids on these were the trout exclusion cages. The
macroinvertebrates and tadpoles, e.g. see remaining five cages were left open to allow free
Cooper (1988), Feltmate and Williams (1989) access of all animals in the stream. The
and Andersen et al. (1993). There are many complete design was run twice, and the
practical difficulties in setting up and running composition of the invertebrate community in
such experiments in lotic situations, not the all cages recorded. This sort of approach has
least of which is the construction and great potential for investigating the effects of
maintenance of the barriers at each end of the salmonids on macroinvertebrates in Australian
experimental and control sections. It is also waters.
important to run the experiments over long time It is important to obtain local knowledge of the
periods in order to monitor progressive changes previous history of trout in any catchment in
in macroinvertebrate community structure. For which introduction experiments are
example, initially, the most obvious impact may contemplated since prior occupation of an area
be that galaxiids are eliminated, followed by by trout may well have already modified the
some of the larger macroinvertebrates, and so structure of the aquatic community.
on. Only by long-term monitoring will these Introductionexperiments in nature imply
changes become apparent. It is not possible to setting up the experiment in an area in which
run true replicates of this type of experiment trout have not previously occurred, e.g. as in
under natural conditions because no two Fletcher's (1979) study, in a stretch of stream
streams are identical. However, the experiment above a waterfall which previously had been
can be repeated one or more times in nearby inaccessible to trout. In situations where
streams. evidence of impact is being sought for
Replicated introduction experiments could be threatened species it may be inappropriate to
set up in paired raceways in aquaculture introduce trout into an area which they had not
facilities such as occur in trout hatcheries. previously occupied. In such - circumstances,
These units are often big enough (20-30 m one approach would be to monitor the aquatic
long) to simulate sections of small streams and community in a stretch of stream in which
have the advantage that the water flow can be trout occur, then remove the trout downstream
regulated. to a natural or artificial barrier and monitor the
Rather than investigating the effects of trout subsequent changes in the aquatic community.
on macroinvertebrates by comparing the fauna This approach of removing trout is being
in sections of stream with and without trout, adopted by necessity in the recovery program
Reice and Edwards (1986) adopted a different for Galaxias fuscus - by Raadik (1993), but is
experimental design whereby they used a also being used experimentally with Galaxias
series of benthic cages some of which olidus in a small upland stream in the
contained trout and some of which did not. Australian Capital Territory (M.: Lintermans,
The advantage of this approach is that Parks and Conservation Service, ACT
replicates can be run for experimental and Department of the Environment, Land and
control treatments. Their experimental Planning - pers. comm.). In the latter situation,
protocol was as follows. Twenty cages were set trout were eradicated from a section of stream
in the stream substrate and filled with cobble- using rotenone, and existing barriers to
sized rocks (up to 100 mm diameter), upstream movement were augmented to
prevent re-

invasion; G. olidus are now recolonising the interest to compare the incidence of
stream from which they had been previously pathogens in populations of native fish (and
absent. macroinvertebrates) which have not had
Data from Renowden's (1968) study on the contact with salmonids with their incidence in
distribution of galaxiids and trout in pools in a populations which have had contact with
small stream are presented in Table 1 as an salmonids; for example, in the case of the
indication of the relatively small numbers of study by Closs and Lake (in prep), in which
fish likely to be encountered in field studies of the trout population had expanded upstream
the impact of salmonids on native fauna. Such then contracted downstream because of a
small numbers do not detract from the value of drought, would the pathogens in the galaxiid
the observations because, at the field level, fauna be any different from that in gala-)did
elimination of one species by another populations which had had no contact at all
ultimately involves interactions between with trout?
individuals, e.g. one trout eating one or more In summary, experimental studies have the
galaxiids. However, observations involving such potential to provide the most compelling
small numbers of individuals highlight the evidence of the impacts of salmonids on native
need for replication of experiments or several fauna. Unfortunately, very little of this type of
sets of observations of similar events to build research has been undertaken in Australia.
up a convincing body of evidence to The most useful and practical techniques for
demonstrate that predation, for example, is the demonstrating impacts in the field are
causal agent for observed trout/galaxiid introduction experiments conducted either in
distribution patterns. stream sections or in cages. Experimental
The use of artificial stream channels to stream channels and even basic aquaria are
investigate interactions between salmonids and ideal tools for investigating impact
native fish or between salmonids and native mechanisms. Studies on salmonid/native
macroinvertebrates has great potential. These fauna distribution patterns in nature should
studies can be set up either in the field, e.g. be designed to incorporate an analysis of all
McIntosh et at. (1992), or in the laboratory, e. possible variables which could contribute to
g. Edge et at. (1993), and enable interactive the observed distribution patterns.
mechanisms to be investigated under
controlled conditions. The literature contains
examples of a wide range of flow-through and 4.3 Research Priorities
recirculating stream channels, e.g. see Salmonids, mainly brown trout, have been
Brocksen et al. (1968), Ringstad (1974), implicated in the demise of ten of the fish
Cadwallader (1975b). Fausch and White (1983) species classified as threatened (i.e. those in
, McIntosh et al. (1992) and Edge et al. (1993), the endangered, vulnerable, potentially
and Warren and Davis (1971) have reviewed threatened and indeterminate conservation
the possibilities and constraints of their use. status categories) in the Australian Society
Even basic glass aquaria can be used to good for Fish Biology 1992 listing (Table 3).
effect, e.g. see Glova (1990), to investigate Of these ten species, five are galaxiids (four of
predation and other interactions between which, G. fontanus, G. johnstoni, G. pedderensis
salmonids and native fish and and G. tanycephaius occur only in Tasmania),
macroinvertebrate, particularly to investigate two are nannopercids (pygmy perches), two are
the mechanisms of impact of salmonids on the percichthyids (trout cod and Macquarie perch),
fauna of lentic waters. and one is a prototroctid (Australian grayling).
The most difficult area in which to investigate Macquarie perch and trout cod are relatively
the impact of salmonids is that of fish disease, large fish compared with the other threatened
primarily because most of the damage in species, and habitat degradation is thought to
spreading pathogens has probably already been have played a major part in their demise (
done and because other species, in addition to Cadwallader and Backhouse 1983, Douglas et
salmonids, may also be involved in the spread al. 1994). Faragher et al. (1993) suggested that
of particular disease organisms. In addition, both brown trout and rainbow trout were likely
working with pathogens, particularly viruses, to be major predators of juvenile trout cod. The
requires quarantine facilities. However, it effect of trout on these
would be of
percichthyids still requires clarification, but Table 3. Species in the Australian Society for Fish
priority should be given to research on the Biology 1992 listing of threatened fish in
whose demise trout, mainly brown trout, have been
threatened galaxiids, for which the impact of
implicated (after Jackson et al. 1993).
trout is thought to be the primary threatening
process (Jackson et al. 1993), the pygmy
perches for which we have little information on Endangered
what caused their demise, and the Australian Galaxias fontanus Swan galaxias
grayling. The role of salmonids, particularly Galaxias fuscus Galaxias Barred galaxias
trout, in the extinction of the closely-related johnstoni Galaxias pedderensis Clarence galaxias
New Zealand grayling Prototroctes oxyrhynchus Maccullochella macquariensis Pedder galaxias
still has not been satisfactorily explained, Vulnerable Trout cod
although it has been discussed at length ( Galaxias tanycephalus
Thomson 1922; Phillipps 1940; Allen 1949, Nannoperca variegate Saddled galaxias
1961; Waugh 1973; McDowall 1968, 1976, Variegated pygmy
1987, 1990a, c). It is, therefore, imperative that perch
the impact of trout on the Australian grayling
Potentially threatened
is investigated. As pointed out by Jackson and
Edelia obscura Yarra pygmy perch
Koehn (1988), it would be unwise to
Prototroctes maraena Australian grayling
contemplate stocking trout in waters
containing Australian grayling until the Indeterminate
relationships between this species and Macquaria australasica Macquarie perch
introduced salmonids are better understood.
The effects of salmonids on fish in the
families Petromyzontidae (particularly 4.4 Management Actions
juvenile lampreys), Anguillidae (particularly The most threatened species in whose demise
juvenile eels), Aplochitonidae, Retropinnidae salmonids are implicated are the three
and Gadopsidae also requires investigation. Tasmanian galaxiids, G. peddererensis, G.
There is a pressing need to clarify the impact of fontanus and G, johnstoni, and the Victorian
salmonids on the large Tasmanian crayfish galaxiid, G. fuscus. Galaxias pedderensis
Anaspides tasmaniae, for which concern over appears to be the species most at risk (
the impact of brown trout has been expressed ( although Galaxias brevipinnis, as well as trout,
Williams 1965, 1969; Knott 1973, Knott et al. is implicated in its demise).
1978), and to investigate the impact of Recovery plans, including estimated costs, for
salmonids on other freshwater crayfish species, these and the other species of threatened fish
including Euastacus spp., Cherax spp. and listed in Table 3 are outlined by Wager and
Geocherax spp., which occur in areas occupied Jackson (1993).
by trout. In Tasmania, management actions as part of
The impact of trout on macroinvertebrates and recovery plans are being implemented for G.
aquatic vertebrates other than fish has been pedderensis, Gs fontanus and G, johnstoni, as
largely ignored and requires urgent well as for G. tanycephalus (Sanger and Fulton
assessment. It is likely that trout have had a 1991, Gaffney et al. 1992, Hamr 1992, Sanger
substantial impact on the structure of faunal 1993). The protection of existing populations of
communities in fresh waters throughout the G. pedderensis by invasion from brown trout
cooler parts of Australia, but this issue, with and Galaxias brevipinnis was considered to be
the exception of Morrissy's (1967) study, has both difficult and likely to be unsuccessful, so
also largely been ignored. specimens of G. pedderensis were translocated
to another lake which had a rich (but not
locally endemic) invertebrate fauna (Gaffney et
al. 1992, Hamr 1992). However, this
translocation of galaxiids to a previously fish-
less lake has been criticised as inappropriate on
ecological grounds (Horwitz 1995).
The recovery plan for G. fontanus involves
translocations of fish into upstream sections
of streams devoid of brown trout and the

augmentation of a small natural barrier to trout access to the galaxiid populations, and to
the upstream movement of trout on one assess whether the G. fuscus populations will
stream (Sanger 1993). increase following trout eradication. Weirs will
Habitat protection measures and translocations be built at the downstream end of the sections
to suitable streams and lakes devoid of brown of stream to be secured for G. fiscus and
trout are advocated for the conservation of G. trout will be eradicated upstream of the
johnstoni. An interesting and practical solution barriers. Two barriers will be constructed at
to the problem of preventing the introduction of each site, with the zone between them being
brown trout into Clarence Lagoon is to continue monitored for the presence of trout. The
stocking the lagoon with brook trout to provide galaxiids upstream of the barriers will be
fishing for the many recreational anglers who monitored to record changes in population
use the water, thereby reducing the risk of the structure.
illegal introduction of brown trout. Brook trout Specific management actions for the protection
and Gi johnstoni appear able to coexist. of other fauna thought to be affected by
Proposals to safeguard G. tanycephalus include salmonids cannot be undertaken until the
a cessation of brown trout stocking in Woods nature and extent of the impacts are
lake, one of the only two waters in which this understood. However, as high-level predators, it is
galaxiid occurs (Sanger and Fulton (1991). likely that salmonids, particularly brown trout
Sanger and Fulton (1991) pointed out that the and rainbow trout, have had a marked impact
speed with which the decline in abundance of on aquatic fauna and the structure of aquatic
G. pedderensis occurred highlighted the need communities throughout the cooler parts of
for routine fish survey work in order to Australia, so that fisheries and conservation
recognise declines before they become agencies should ensure that waters or
irreversible. They considered that the other six catchments are set aside specifically for the
species of endemic galaxiids in Tasmania could maintenance of natural communities and that
undergo similar declines at any time and trout are excluded from these areas. In some
recommended that refuge populations of all instances it may be necessary to remove
Tasmanian galaxiids be established, where the salmonids from particular waters as is being
impact from brown trout predation is absent. done in the G. fuscus recovery program in
In Victoria, a recovery plan for Galaxias fuscus Victoria (Raadik 1993). The setting aside of
is being implemented (Raadik 1993). Part of the such waters or catchments can be
program includes the building of trout accommodated in strategic plans for the
exclusion structures on two streams to management of inland fisheries and aquatic
determine their effectiveness in preventing resources in all affected States and Territories (
section 5.9).

alternative arrangements" refer to formal,

5.1 Introductory Comments
usually long-standing, arrangements for the
Since their introduction into Australia last
stocking of trout in particular waters by
century, salmonids, particularly trout, have
bodies such as the Ballarat Fish
been released into most waters thought to be
Acclimatisation Society. "Special management
suitable for them and have now established
or research needs" are those needs which in
self-sustaining populations in many of these
the view of the Fisheries Branch are sufficient
waters, particularly in Tasmania and the cooler
to merit variation in general policy for the
parts of Victoria and New South Wales (section
overall benefit of angling in the State. A
2). Consequently, a great deal of the damage
recent example is the stocking of trout eggs
has probably already been done as far as
via Whitlock-Vibert boxes in a small number
impacts on the native fauna is concerned. This
of streams by members of angling bodies.
of course took place long before codes of
The policy states that waters will be
practice (e.g. Turner 1988) and issues such as
considered for stocking with trout when all of
the maintenance of biodiversity (e.g. Kitching
the following conditions are satisfied:
and Lyonns 1993) were regarded as being
• sufficient acceptable or marginal habitat
important. However, a review of the current
for their maintenance and/or growth
policies, regulations and guidelines of the
various State and Territory agencies on
• natural reproduction is insufficient to
salmonid stocking and translocation in relation
support a fishery;
to impact on native fauna reveals a wide range
of attitudes and responses to the problem.
• the fish are accessible to anglers; and
• there is a reasonable expectation that
enough anglers will fish the water to justify
5.2 Victoria the expenses involved.
The Department of Conservation and Natural Priorities for waters considered for stocking
Resources, specifically the Fisheries Branch, is are determined by habitat suitability criteria,
the agency responsible for salmonid stocking in existing or potential trout population levels
Victoria. The Department considers trout to be and the needs of the angling public.
"desirable introduced species" and manages The policy states that stocking of trout will
the State's recreational fishery on that basis. not occur in waters in the following
The Department also supports the commercial categories:
aquaculture of salmonids. • where the released fish may constitute a
The current policy on stocking trout in public threat to a population of a species of
waters has been in place since 1988. The policy special concern or where an unique faunal
states that the Department will produce trout assemblage occurs;
for stocking inland waters and that stocking • where natural reproduction adequately
will be confined to public waters except where supports a fishery;
recognised alternative arrangements exist or • waters east of the Snowy River catchment;
special management or research needs exist or and
arise. "Recognised • waters identified as unacceptable habitat.

The Victorian Fisheries Act 1968 requires that out what has been done to conserve and
all persons wishing to release fish into manage a taxon, a community or, potentially
Victorian waters must first have written threatening process and what is intended to
permission from the Department of be done. Action statements become public
Conservation and Natural Resources (a documents.
standard application form is provided for this Two examples of relevant nominations for
purpose). Further, a person is required to listing under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee
notify the Department if bringing fish or fish Act are given below.
eggs from interstate. Trout releases are not The "deliberate or accidental introduction of
permitted in private waters in the Mallacoota live fish into public or private waters within a
basin in east Gippsland; few introduced fish Victorian river catchment in which the taxon to
occur in this area, which is managed by the which the fish belongs cannot reliably be
Department of Conservation and Natural inferred to have been present prior to the year
Resources for the protection of its natural 1770 AD" was recommended by the Scientific
aquatic fauna. Advisory Committee on 10 March 1992 for
The Victorian Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act listing as a potentially threatening process on
was proclaimed in Victoria in 1988. The Schedule 3 of the Flora and Fauna Guarantee
Department of Conservation of Natural Act 1988.
Resources, specifically the Flora and Fauna "Galaxias olidus var. fuscus - Tiger or Brown
Branch, is responsible for the administration Galaxiid" was recommended by the Scientific
of the Act. Advisory Committee on 22 May 1991 for
The relevant objectives of the Act are: listing as a threatened taxon on Schedule 2 of
• to guarantee that all taxa of Victoria's flora the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988.
and fauna can survive, flourish and retain The impact of trout was recognised as a threat
their potential for evolutionary which was likely to lead to the extinction of
development in the wild; the taxon.
• to conserve Victoria's communities of flora
and fauna;
• to manage potentially threatening 5.3 New South Wales
processes; New South Wales Fisheries is the agency
• to ensure that any use of flora and fauna responsible for salmonid stocking. Trout are
by humans is sustainable; considered "beneficial" and are stocked on a
• to ensure that the genetic diversity of flora regular basis. The commercial aquaculture of
and fauna is maintained; salmonids is supported.
• to provide programs of community The New South Wales Fisheries and Oyster
education in the conservation of flora and Farms Act 1935 prohibits the stocking of fish,
fauna; and or the eggs or fry of any fish, into any waters
• to encourage the conserving of flora and without the consent of the Minister.
fauna through co-operative community The objectives of stocking salmonids are:
endeavours. • to maintain adequate stocks in public
Any person or organisation can nominate waters by stocking streams and
threatened taxa and communities or impoundments in which there is
potentially threatening processes for listing inadequate natural reproduction or in
under the Flora and Fauna Guarantee Act. An which environmental factors have had a
independent Scientific Advisory Committee deleterious effect on stocks; and
assesses the validity of the nominations and • to ensure that all fish stocked in public
makes recommendations for listing either on waters are free of specified diseases.
Schedule 2 of the Act (threatened taxa or The number of each species produced is
communities) or Schedule 3 of the Act ( determined in consultation with recreational
potentially threatening processes). Once a fishers.
threatened taxon or community or a The principles governing stocking include:
potentially threatening process is listed, the • all proposed stockings of public waters
Department of Conservation and Natural must be approved by NSW Fisheries before
Resources must prepare an action statement the stocking takes place;
as soon as possible. An action statement sets

• all stockings of salmonids into public
waters, regardless of the source of the
5.5 Tasmania
stock, must be reported immediately to The Inland Fisheries Commission is
NSW Fisheries on stocking data forms; responsible for salmonid stocking in the
• all salmonids stocked into public waters inland waters of Tasmania.
must be from hatcheries which are In its April 1987 newsletter, it was reported
certified free from EHN virus, goldfish ulcer that the Inland Fisheries Commission had
disease, yersiniosis and any other disease adjusted its trout stocking policy "to avoid
stipulated by NSW Fisheries; conflict with sensitive native species". As a
• in general, salmonids should not be stocked general policy, salmonids are only stocked in
in areas where they have not previously waters in which they already occur. This has
been stocked; been the case for some years. A general rule is
• in general, salmonids should not be stocked that trout stocking also does not occur in
into areas where they could compete with National Parks, although present trout stocks
populations of endangered species; in parks are self-sustaining.
• salmonids supplied to acclimatisation In specific areas such as Clarence lagoon
societies must be stocked into public where Galaxias johnstoni occurs, the
waters which have open access; and development of a recreational fishery based
salmonids should not be stocked into on stocking with brook trout rather than
streams to which they are not biologically brown trout is encouraged because brook
suited and in which lethal or sub-lethal trout and G. johnstoni appear to be
temperatures have regularly been compatible, unlike brown trout and G.
experienced in the past. johnstoni (W. Fulton, Inland Fisheries
Commission, Tasmania - pers. comm.).

5.4 Australian Capital 5.6 South Australia

Territory The Department of Primary Industries,
The ACT Parks and Conservation Service is the specifically the Fisheries Branch, is the
agency responsible for salmonid stocking. agency responsible for salmonid stocking in
Current policy is that there is no stocking of South Australia.
salmonids (or native species) in streams in the The introduction and control of all non-native
ACT, but trout are stocked for recreational fish is covered by the Fisheries (Exotic Fish,
fishing purposes in Canberra's urban lakes. In Fish Farming and Fish Diseases) Regulations,
practice, there has been little stocking of 1984. This legislation prohibits the importation
salmonids in these lakes because of poor of all non-native fish to South Australia, but
survival rates. allows the Department of Primary Industries to
Salmonids are not stocked in the three Cotter issue permits allowing the importation and
River water storages, viz. Corin, Bendora and farming of exotic fish if it is satisfied that the
Cotter Reservoirs, because all three are closed fish are certified diseasefree and that they will
to fishing. Furthermore, Cotter and Bendora be stocked or farmed in a manner consistent
Reservoirs are in the Namadgi National Park with the aim of the Fisheries Act 1982 to
and, together with their feeder streams, are conserve and enhance fish stocks in South
managed as a "fish conservation zone", with Australia.
the reduction of existing trout populations as a Under permit, the South Australian Fly
management aim. Fishers' Association is the body which
Googong Reservoir is managed jointly by the undertakes the importation and stocking of
ACT Parks and Conservation Service and NSW salmonids, mainly brown trout and rainbow
Fisheries. Trout are currently stocked in an trout. Eyed eggs are obtained usually from
attempt to enhance the recreational fishery (M. Tasmania, hatched and the young trout are
Lintermans, Parks and Conservation Service, either stocked into public waters or sold for
ACT Department of the Environment, Land and stocking private waters (farm dams), usually
Planning - pers. comm.). in the Adelaide Hills area.
In the past, the Fly Fishers' Association in Queensland is currently being developed,
attempted to stock any water which would which incorporates both decision making
support trout through a normal season. Any protocols and disease risk assessment
stretch of water which held trout for four out protocols (P. D. Jackson, Department of
of five years was considered worth stocking (J. Primary Industries, Queensland - pers.
Williams, South Australian Fly Fishers' comm.).
Association - pers. comm.). The public waters
which can now be stocked by the Fly Fishers'
Association are limited by the Department of 5.9 Future Directions
Primary Industries to about 5-6 rivers so as to Historically, in Australia the value of
avoid potential conflict with threatened native salmonids as sport-fish and, later, as
fauna. aquaculture species has overshadowed
consideration of their effects on native fauna
and, in general, legislation to safeguard native
5.7 Western Australia fauna from the impacts of salmonids has been
The Fisheries Department is the agency lacking. Given the more enlightened public
responsible for stocking salmonids. It has attitudes of recent years and the adoption by,
recently released a discussion paper on the fisheries management agencies of the principles
issues relating to the introduction of fish, of ecologically sustainable development,
crustaceans and molluscs in Western incorporating the maintenance of biodiversity,
Australia (Lawrence 1993). it is time for the various agencies responsible
In relation to brown trout and rainbow trout, for salmonid management to re-assess their
it is recognised that the cost of their attitudes towards the- adverse impacts of
introduction into Western Australia is their salmonids and to take a more pro-active
impact on natural ecosystems. On the other approach to protecting native fauna.
hand, the benefits arising from their It is not good enough to say that no new
introduction are the establishment of a waters will be stocked with salmonids when
recreational fishing industry and an every inland fisheries manager in Australia
aquaculture industry. It is seen as a benefit knows that almost every water which was
that trout are unable to establish-self- thought to have been suitable for the survival
sustaining populations in many waters, despite of salmonids has already been stocked with
having been stocked for over 90 years. In order them! What is required is a more positive -
to preserve "the integrity of existing trout approach in setting aside waters or
populations" it is recommended that any catchments specifically for the management of
further importation of trout into Western native fauna and: from which salmonidsare
Australia should continue to be discouraged in excluded and, if necessary, removed. The
order to minimise the risk of introducing Victorian Flora and :Fauna Guarantee Act 1988
pathogens. Although trout are released to is a good model for providing the legislative
enhance the recreational fishery in specific framework for such an approach. The
areas of the south-west of the State, stocking approach is not one of trying to turn back the
is not now widespread because of conservation clock to a time when there were no salmonids
concerns. in Australia, but to recognise that as well as
The introduction of aquatic species for the providing substantial recreational and
aquaculture industry is strictly controlled. All economic benefits, salmonids do have an
interstate translocations of aquatic organisms adverse impact on Australia's aquatic fauna
for aquaculture purposes currently require and that this fauna must be protected.
health certification to prevent the introduction Currently, this protection is most needed in
of disease. Tasmania.
Within a strategic framework for the
management of fisheries and-aquatic fauna, it
5.8 Queensland is possible to accommodate salmonid fisheries
Salmonids are not a significant component of as well as the conservation of native fauna. For
the Queensland fish fauna and their impact in example, recognising the need to balance the
that State is negligible. However, it is worth various demands being made on the aquatic
mentioning that a comprehensive policy for the environment and the resources it
translocation of freshwater fish
supports and at the same time ensuring that
all such demands are ecologically sustainable,
a proposal has been developed for a Victoria-
wide strategic plan to accommodate the
conflicting demands of conservation,
recreational fishing and aquaculture (
Cadwallader 1992). Within the strategic
framework, it is proposed that some water
bodies or catchments would be managed
primarily for the protection or rehabilitation of
threatened fish species and other aquatic
organisms and for the maintenance of aquatic
habitats and their communities in a natural
or undisturbed state. Other water bodies or
catchments would be managed primarily for
recreational fishing in its various forms, and
yet others would be managed for commercial
fishing, including aquaculture. There is a need
for such an approach to be adopted more
widely in order to ensure the survival of
native fauna at the same time as enabling the
continuation of the enjoyment of salmonids as
fine sport-fish.

1. There have been few studies on the impacts 6. Studies on the interactions between juvenile
of salmonids on fauna other than fish and, salmonids and native fauna indicate that
considering the families of fish which occur direct competitive encounters may occur
in areas in which trout have been between juvenile salmonids and those
introduced in Australia, including estuarine species which occupy the same microhabitat
as well as freshwater habitats, the studies and feed in the same manner on, the same
cover a relatively small part of the native foods. Conversely, those native species
fish fauna. which, because of their particular life
2. The most substantive evidence of impacts of histories and habitat requirements are able
salmonids in Australia comes from Fletcher' to avoid direct encounters are likely to be
s (1979) experimental introduction study able to co-exist with salmonids.
and from observations such as those of 7. The impact of salmonids on native fauna
Tilzey (1976), Raadik (1993) and Closs and via the spread of pathogens, particularly via
Lake (in prep) during the invasion of trout the widespread releases of hatchery-
into new areas. produced fish, is unknown. However, the
3. With few exceptions, much of the occurrence of pathogens in salmonid
information on the distribution of hatchery stocks indicates that salmonids
salmonids and native fish is derived from have undoubtedly played a major role in
general fish surveys not specifically the spread of these disease organisms,
designed to investigate the effects of irrespective of whether or not the
salmonids on particular species or aquatic pathogens were introduced into Australia
communities. with the salmonids.
4. Taken together, the numerous and 8. Future studies of the distributions of
widespread instances of fragmented galaxiid salmonids and native species in Australia
distribution patterns in the presence of should adopt the approach taken by
trout, the more widespread distribution of Townsend and Crowl (1991). Their statistical
these galaxiids in the absence of trout, and analyses incorporating various physical,
the observations of fragmentation of the chemical and biological variables from a
galaxiid distribution pattern as trout large number of sampling sites indicated
progressively move upstream, provides a that the presence and abundance of a
substantial body of evidence for an adverse particular species were best predicted by the
impact of trout on these stream-dwelling presence or absence of trout rather than by
galaxiids. any of a wide range of other possible
5. Studies on the mechanisms by which variables. Their study was specifically
salmonids have had an impact on the designed to test the hypothesis that the
native fauna are sparse, but nevertheless occurrence of a particular native species
indicate that predation has been the major was affected by the presence of brown trout.
cause of the impact. This sort of approach is much more useful
than merely recording the absence of native
species in the presence of salmonids
because it provides information on the likely
cause of the observed distribution patterns
of the native species which presence/
absence studies do not provide.
9. Introduction experiments in the field 14. Salmonids, -mainly brown trout, are .
provide the most convincing evidence of implicated in the demise of ten of the fish
an impact of salmonids on native fish. species classified as threatened by the
10.Introduction experiments in nature imply Australian Society for Fish Biology. Of these
setting up the experiment in an area in species, five are galaxiids, two are
which trout have not previously occurred. In nannopercids (pygmy perches), two are
situations where evidence of impact is being percichthyids (trout cod and Macquarie
sought for threatened species it may be perch), and one is a prototroctid (Australian
inappropriate to introduce trout into an area grayling). The effect of trout on the
which they had not previously occupied. In percichthyids still requires clarification, but
such circumstances, one approach would be priority should be given to research on the
to monitor the aquatic community in a threatened galaxiids, for which the impact
stretch of stream in which trout occur, then of trout is thought to be the-primary
remove the trout downstream to a natural threatening process, the pygmy perches for
or artificial barrier and monitor the which there is little information on what
subsequent changes in the aquatic caused their demise, and the Australian
community. grayling.
11.Data from Renowden's (1968) study on 15.The impact of trout on macroinvertebrates
the distribution of galaxiids and trout in and aquatic vertebrates other than fish has
pools in a small stream indicate the been largely ignored and requires urgent
relatively small numbers of fish likely to be assessment. It is likely that introduced trout
encountered in field studies of the impact of have had a substantial impact on the
salmonids on native fauna. Such small structure of faunal communities in fresh
numbers do not detract from the value of waters, throughout the cooler parts of
the observations because, at the field level, Australia.
elimination of one species by another 16. In Tasmania, recovery plans are being
ultimately involves interactions between implemented for Galaxias pedderensis, G.
individuals. However, observations involving fontanus, G, johnstoni, and G.
such small numbers of individuals highlight tanycephalus. The speed with which the
the need for replication of experiments or decline in abundance of G. pedderensis
several sets of observations of similar events occurred highlights the need for routine
to build up a convincing body of evidence. fish survey work in order to recognise
12.The use of artificial stream channels to declines before they become irreversible.
investigate interactions between salmonids 17.It is recommended that reserves for all
and native fish or between salmonids and Tasmanian galaxiids be established.
native macroinvertebrates has great 18.In Victoria, a recovery plan for Galaxias
potential. fuscus is being implemented. The program
13.The most difficult area in which to involves the building of trout exclusion
investigate the impact of salmonids is that structures to determine their effectiveness
of fish disease, primarily because most of in preventing trout access to galaxiid
the damage in spreading pathogens has populations and to assess whether the G.
probably already been done and because fuscus populations will increase following
other species, in addition to salmonids, may trout eradication.
also be involved in the spread of particular 19.The value of salmonids as sport-fish and
disease organisms. as aquaculture species in Australia has
overshadowed consideration of their effects
on native fauna and, in general, legislation
to safeguard native fauna from the
impacts of salmonids has been - lacking.

20. It is recommended that the various 22.Within a strategic framework for the
agencies responsible for salmonid management of fisheries and aquatic
management re-assess their attitudes fauna, it is possible to accommodate
towards the adverse impacts of salmonids salmonid fisheries as well as provide for
and take a more pro-active approach to the conservation of native fauna. There is a
protecting native fauna. need for such an approach to be adopted
21. It is recommended that waters or more widely in Australia.
catchments be set aside specifically for the
management of native fauna and from
which salmonids are excluded or, if
necessary, removed. The Victorian Flora
and Fauna Guarantee Act 1988 is a good
model for providing the legislative
framework for such an approach. The
approach is not one of trying to turn back
the clock to a time when there were no
salmonids in Australia, but to recognise
that as well as providing substantial
recreational and economic benefits,
salmonids have an adverse impact on
Australia's aquatic fauna and that this
fauna must be protected. Currently, this
protection is most needed in Tasmania.

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