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Scaf folding

To access elevated
work areas, concrete
contractors typically
rely on scaffolding
(tubu Iar-f rame, adj ust-
planks behave homogenmusiy. The boards also weigh
able, or suspended) or about 10% iess than other planks, according to the man-
mast-climbing work ufacture~They come in two thicknesses (1M and 1 % inch-
es) and widths (9%and 11% inches), and in iengths of 8
platforms. Here we to 24 feet. An exrerioc-vade adhesive and selected spruce-
w d veneers reporrediy make the planks very durable.
highlight one brand of The boards are p r o o f - r e d to ensure compliance with
appiicable OSHA and ANSi standards. McCausey
each type of system Lumber Co. Circle 2
as well as an engi-
neered wood plank
designed specifically
for scaffold staging.
Al1 scaffolding is
required to have a
safety factor of 440-1
(per OSHA 29 CFR
1926),while rnast-
clirnbing platforrns
rnust have a safety
factor of 2-to-1.
RaIsad by iollar chaln
Cable-Less Tower adjusrable scaffolding replaces cables wirh a heavy-duty
roller-chain mechanism that raises the piatform support cirriage using interna1
braces as climbmg mngs. A 38-1 gear ratio allows workers ro quickly hiind-
crank the climbing mechanism, which can be accessed from either side of rhe
tower. To raise the platform even faster (at up to 13 feet per miniite), workers
can use a standard %-inch elscnic drill. Capabic of carrying a SO-psf load at
any poinr on the scaffoiding, the unir reportedly allows contracrors to place
materials where needed. The dimbing chain and rower can supporr 6,000
pounds with the required sakty factors. Morgen MLq. Co. Circle 3
1cI* W n t e Construciion b September 20üü www.woiMo(
Unobstructed access
Because it has no cross braces on the inside of the scaffold,
the SL Frame Cystem gives workers unobstructed access to
the wall surface for increased productivity. The tubular-
frame scaffold also features built-in ladders and hatches so
workers can move easily between levels. F d y planked and
guardrailed platform at each leve1 eliminate the need to
move decks up or down. Flush dechg, integcated into the
frame, is designed to minúnize tripping hazards. The deck-
ing is three planks wide (planks are made of galvanized
steel), and adjustable side brackets allow extensions two
planks wide to be added at any height. Shon extension
tubes and eyebolts tie the scaffold securely to &e buüding.
Safway Formwork Systmis LLC &de 4

Upgraded modu-
lar platform
To give usen of irs
MKD (Modular
Knock Down) or
MKD2 suspended-
scaffolding plat-
forms 30 inches of
additionai work sur-
face, this manufac-
turer aeated the
MKD D d . Fea-
turing a newiy Hydraullc maat ollmber
designed end stir- The Hydro-Mobile is a motorued
NP, the Dual can hydraulic work platform, available in
acwmmodate the 12- and 24-foot-lengths, with option-
side panels of botb al bridge and hoist systems. The 24-
theMKDand foot unit has a load capacity of
MKD2 platfomis. 15,000 pounds, a 4oO-foot nominal
The 27-ii-high reacb, and a double outrigger with
MKD panel is on 18,000-pound implement jacks. The
the side away from 124001 unit has a load capacity of
the work surface; 15,000 pounds, a 300-foot nominal
the MKD2 panel reach, and is road towable. Both
(U mches high) is models feature checkered platosteel
MI the front side main decks and have a lifting/de-
near the work sur- scending speed of 3 feet per mjnute.
face. Acwrding to Avant-Garde Engineering
mmpany, Cide 6
panels (with guard-
outside panel h g h t
reqhment of 42
incbes on jobs where
workers are 12 mb.
es or l e s from the
face of the work
a m . Sky Cümber
Cude 5

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