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Ujian Masuk UNPAD Bahasa Inggris

Doc Name : UMUNPAD2009ING999 Version : 2012-04 halaman 1

With the technological advancements cre- 53. The word exemplify in line 12 could best be
ated in the late 20th and early 21st centuries, replaced with?
multi media forms of biography became (A) characterize
much popular than literary forms of person- (B) identify
ality. The popularit of these forms of biog- (C) juxtapose
raphy culminated in the creation of such ca- (D) illuminate
ble and satellite television networks as A&E (E) meander
The Biography Channel, the History Chan-
nel and History International. Along with 54. How did multimedia biography get popular-
documentary film Channel, the History ity?
Channel and History International. Along (A) in the late 20th and early 21st centuries
with documentary film biographies, Holly- (B) with the technological developments
wood produced numerous commercial films (C) in the forms of cable and satellite televi-
based on the lives of famous people. Also, sion networks
new web 2.0 application such as an- (D) along with documentary film biogra- enalble users all over the world phies
to compile their own biography and illustrate (E) though commercial films
it with other people’s photos.
More recently,CD-ROM and online bi- 55a. According to the passage Hollywood
ographies are appearing. Unlike books and (A) has promoted the popularity of multi-
films, thay often do not tell a chronological media biographies
story instead, they are archives of many dis- (B) has created television networks
crete media elements related to an individual (C) has produced commercial films
person, including video clips, photographs, (D) has enabled people to publish their biog-
and text aricles. Media scholar Lev Manovich raphies
says that such archives exemplify the data- (E) has created application on the web
base form allowing users to navigate the ma-
terials in many ways.

51. The primary subject of the passage is

(A) technological advancements
(B) biographies in multimedia forms
(C) cable and satellite television networks
(D) documentary film biographies
(E) online biographies

52. What does the word they in line 10 refer to?

(A) commercial films
(B) people photos
(C) CD-ROM and online biographies
(D) books and films
(E) archives

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Ujian Masuk UNPAD Bahasa Inggris
Doc name : UMUNPAD2009ING999 version : 2012-04 | halaman 2

The World Digital Library (WDL) is an international digital library operated by the
American Library of Congress and UNESCO. The WDL has stated its mission is to
promote international and intercultural understanding, expand the volume and variety
of cultural content on the Interest, provide resources for educators,scholars,
and general audiences, and to build capacity in partner institutions to narrow the
digital devide within and between countries. It aims to expand non-English and non-
56. Western content on the Internet, and contribute to scholarly research. The library
Line intends to make available on the internet, free of charge and in multilingual format,
significant primary materials from culture around the world,including manuscripts,
maps, rare books,musical scores, recording, films, prints, photographs,architectural
drawings, and other significant cultural materials.


The main idea of the passage is

(A) the history of the World Digital Library
(B) the American Library of Congres and UNESCO
(C) the purpose of the World Digital Library
(D) expansion of non-English and non-Westren content on the Internet
(E) a wide variety of materials on the Internet

57. The word primary in line 9 could best be replaced with

(A) elementary
(B) important
(C) initial
(D) earliest
(E) inaugural

58. The World Digital Library

(A) is operated by UNESCO
(B) covers a wide variety of materials on the Internet
(C) was inspired by uducation scholars, and general audiences
(D) costs users some amount of money
(E) involves international and intercultural understanding

59. What information can you get from the World Digital Library?
(A) how cattle breed
(B) why floods happen in sme coutries
(C) how pollution affet the planer Earth
(D) where a certain places is located
(E) when solar eclipse will happen

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Ujian Masuk UNPAD Bahasa Inggris
Doc name : UMUNPAD2009ING999 version : 2012-04 | halaman 3

What effect does your personality have on your longevity? Do some kinds of
temperaments lead to longer lives? A new study in the Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society looked at this question by examining the personality traits of 246
children of people who had lived to be at least 100.
The study shows that those who live the longest are more outgoing, more ac-
tive and less neurotic than other people. Long-living women are also more likely to
60. be empathetic and cooperative than women with a normal life span. These findings
Line comort with what you would expect from evolutionary theory those who are extro-
verted enough to make friends and help other are those who are goning to be able
to gather enough resources to make it through tough times
Interestingly, however, other traits that you might consider advantageous had
(5) no impact in this study in wheter participants were likely to live longer. Those who
were more self-disciplined, for instance, were no more likely to live to be very old
(which might explain the long life of the smoking French lady). Also, being open
to new ideas had to relationship to long life, which might explain all those cantan-
kerous old people who are fixed in their ways.
(10) Whether you can successfully change your personality as an adulr is the subject
of a longstanding psychological debate. However, the new paper suggest that if
you want long life, you should strive to be as outgoing as possible.


The passage mainly discusses

(A) how personality relaten to longervity
(B) characteristics of longevity
(C) a study on the Journal of the American Geraiatrics Society
(D) empathy and cooperativeness among women

61. According to the passage long-living women

(A) have fever activities than other people
(B) are likely to be extroverted
(C) have always wanted to live longer
(D) are more disciplined
(E) succeeded in changing their personality

62. In line 5 the word outgoing could best be replaced with

(A) leaving
(B) retured
(C) amiable
(D) anxios
(E) pious

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Ujian Masuk UNPAD Bahasa Inggris
Doc name : UMUNPAD2009ING999 version : 2012-04 | halaman 4

63. What would you expect from evolutionary 68. Google Inc. became the first partner of this
theory? public-private partnership and in 2005 do-
(A) long-living woman are more likely tobe nated $3 million ____ development of the
empathetic World Digital Library
(B) those who are more outgoing live the (A) which has been supported
longest (B) who supports
(C) it supports the study of longevity (C) that is supporting
(D) dynamic people survive during difficult (D) to support
periods (E) Supporting
(E) being more outgoing more active, and
less neurotic are the characteristics 69. ____Tylor’s definition of culture,in the 20th
needed to live longer century “culture” emerged as the central and
unifying concept of American anthropology.
64. The word cantankerous in line 15 could have (A) however anthropologists worldwide
the same meaning as who refer to
(A) bad tempered (B) although anthropologists worldwide re-
(B) friendly fer to
(C) ridiculous (C) despite anthoropologists worldwide re-
(D) concerned fer to
(D) as soon as anthropologists worldwide
65. The word those in line 12 refer to …. refer to
(A) resources (E) because of anthropologists worldwide
(B) times refer to
(C) women
(D) participants 70. Student Health provides routine examina-
(E) traits tions ____
(A) and trated minor injuries
66. The participants _____ working groups to (B) and trats minor injuries
address the special challenges of each of the (C) and minor injuries were treated
four project areas. (D) and minor injuries are treated
(A) forms (E) and minor injuries have been treated
(B) formed
(C) has formed 71. Other 19th century critics, following Rous-
(D) has been formed seau, have accepted this differentiation be-
(E) will have been formed tween higher and lower culture, but have
seen the refinement and ____ of high cul-
67. Dr. James H.Billington, Librarian of Con- ture as corrupting and unnatural develop-
gress, ____ as a Commissioner of the U.S ments.
National Commission toUNESCO in 2003. (A) sophisticated
(A) was nominated (B) sophisticating
(B) had been nominated (C) sophisticate
(C) nominated (D) sophistication
(D) he nominated (E) sophistry
(E) who was nominated
72. The telescope has _____ which splits light
to find wobbles in different wavelengths
(A) a special instrument
(B) a specifically instrument
(C) an instrument specific
(D) an instrument special
(E) an instrument specifically

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education
Ujian Masuk UNPAD Bahasa Inggris
Doc name : UMUNPAD2009ING999 version : 2012-04 | halaman 5

73. Biographical works _____ usually non-

fiction, but fiction can also be used to por-
tray a person’s life
(A) is
(B) has been
(C) are
(D) is being
(E) are being

74. The kind of learning characteristic of hu-

man children is Imitative learning, which
means reproducing an instrumental act to be
understood ______
(A) intend
(B) intended
(C) intent
(D) intentional
(E) intentionally

75. Intensive Program students will find

____about on-campus housing at the Shera-
ton International House, and home stay on
the enclosed applicaton form.
(A) details information
(B) details information
(C) detail information
(D) detailed information
(E) detailed informations

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Copyright © 2012 Zenius Education

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