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& UNMANAGED Inside the obsession with ‘White Privilege’
that is roiling Edina’s public schools.
By Katherine Kersten
T he Fall 2017 issue of Thinking
Minnesota featured an article by
American Experiment Senior Policy
students in the form of public shaming
and lowered grades.
Now, however, one family has coura-
In the 2016-17 school year, his junior
year, Flores’ son took a required 11th-
Fellow Katherine Kersten that described geously stepped forward to tell its story. grade English class from a teacher who,
the egregious politicization of the Edina The account makes clear the Edina like others at EHS, regularly used class
Public Schools (EPS). The article was school district’s “racial equity” agenda time to “criticize politicians and political
entitled “Whose Values? Educational ex- is actually driving out some of the very principles” with which they disagreed,
cellence threatened by ideology in Edina students it is ostensibly designed to according to Flores. When assigned to
schools.” To say it stirred up a “Hornets’ benefit. give an oral report about a “modern-day
nest” would be putting it mildly. Orlando Flores is the father of a witch hunt,” Flores’ son and a classmate
The article showed how the ideology Hispanic student who left Edina High
of racial identity politics—which holds School (EHS) to pursue Postsecondary
that “white privilege” is to blame for Enrollment Options in Fall 2017, his
all problems minority groups face—now senior year, because of what Flores calls
dominates Edina’s schools. It included “the pervasive ‘viewpoint discrimination’
disturbing accounts by students and and closed-mindedness” being taught at
parents of classroom indoctrination, the school. The Flores family’s unique
and of the bullying of students who hold personal background gives the issue Students are instructed
non-conforming views on the ideological special urgency for them. in white supremacy and
trinity of “race, class, and gender.”  Orlando Flores and his parents escaped
Since the article appeared, Kersten has a Marxist regime in Nicaragua in 1979.
“Whiteness as property;”
gathered troubling new information on “We became refugees to avoid the politi- encouraged to tell their
what’s happening in the Edina schools. cal indoctrination that is the hallmark of personal “racial awakening
We now have more details on what it absolutist regimes and intolerant philoso-
means—in district leaders’ minds—to phies,” he said in an interview. “We can’t stories;” and led to view
view all “teaching and learning ex- stand by silently now while any group— human beings, first and
periences” through the lens of racial from the right, left or wherever—moves foremost, as members of
“equity” as EPS’s “All for All” plan to squelch freedom of expression here
requires. The article that follows provides in America, in our children’s public racial and ethnic groups
an update.  schools.” rather than unique
Kersten’s original article provided The Flores’ son was an outstanding
strong evidence that sweeping changes student at EHS, a National Merit semi-
individuals who transcend
must occur if the Edina schools are to finalist who scored at the highest level in their skin color.
return to the proper mission of public many Advanced Placement classes and
education. But many Edina residents exams, according to his father.
resisted this conclusion. In part, this His son experienced and witnessed
was because the families who described many instances of political indoctrination chose a topic “inconsistent with the
alarming classroom persecution to and viewpoint repression while at EHS, teacher’s political orientation”—the ac-
the Center were reluctant to speak out Flores says. Finally, one particularly tions of student protesters at the Univer-
publicly, fearing retaliation against their disturbing event led the family to say sity of Missouri following high-profile
racial incidents in Ferguson, Missouri.
The presentation was supposed to
take seven to 10 minutes. When the
About the Author: Katherine Kersten, a writer and boys were finished, however, the teacher
attorney, is a senior policy fellow at Center of the American forced them to stand in front of the class
Experiment. She served as a Metro columnist for the Star for about 40 minutes and endure relent-
Tribune from 2005 to 2008, and as an opinion columnist for less criticism from both the teacher and
the paper for 15 years between 1996 and 2013. She was a the “most liberal students in the class—
founding director of the Center, and served as its chair from all white,” Flores’ son wrote in an email
1996 to 1998. to me. (The teacher called this bringing
in “multiple perspectives,” he adds.)


The boys asked to sit down several trary viewpoint. I, however, applaud are more minority families who have
times, but the teacher refused to allow my son for his courage. pulled their kids from EHS because
them to do so.   the kids are tired of feeling different
During six days of oral reports, only Flores says his son felt persecuted by and separate by the school’s relentless
one other team of students was subjected the classroom “witch hunt” he endured obsession with race—which has per-
to similar grilling, Flores’ son wrote. This and wrote to the teacher asking for an meated every aspect of teaching and
team’s report—on affirmative action— apology. Instead, the next day, he was class in the school—and because they
also took a position contrary to the teach- “abruptly” summoned to EHS Principal want a better education where strong
er’s. Other presentations, which reflected Bruce Locklear’s office to “clarify” the academics are taught without fear of
liberal perspectives, “were let through previous day’s events. He was admon- retribution.
without any problems” and discussion of ished not to call his parents, but did so  
anyway, according to Flores. Flores emphasizes that he believes race
Flores’ wife hurried to school to dis- and racism need to be discussed, along-
cuss the matter with the principal. “Like side other factors that affect academic
so many other documented cases” at performance, such as socioeconomic
EHS, says Flores, the principal “simply differences. However, “relentlessly
took the teacher’s side and denied any obsessing about them and pretending that
wrongdoing.” race is the only thing that matters is coun-
Fearing retribution, Flores’ son asked terproductive and harmful to everyone,
to transfer to another English class. especially those whom it seeks to help, as
There, however, according to his son, a experienced by my son and other minori-
student teacher told students that they ties” at EHS, Flores says.
would not be reading classic texts be-  Flores urges EHS leaders to take a
cause “dead white men are boring,” says new path forward that starts with strong
Flores. The supervising teacher raised no academics and help for new immigrants
objection to this remark, he says. and low-income students, who—unlike
“After this experience and many other many Edina students—can’t afford tutors
instances of viewpoint repression” at to “bridge gaps in their education.”
EHS, the Flores boy decided to leave  Clearly, EPS’s racial equity plan is
Edina High School. The family also a failure in two important respects. First,
withdrew its 15-year-old daughter. it has created a school climate—espe-
EHS teacher Jackie Roehl wrote an While at the high school, Flores’ son cially at Edina High School—that is toxi-
essay in More Courageous Conversations repeatedly saw classmates publicly cally intolerant of diversity of thought. 
about Race in which she reveals that humiliated and shamed, and forced to de- Second, it has failed to accomplish its
the EHS English Department purposely
fend themselves from groundless charges goal of improving the academic perfor-
designed Pre-AP English 10 as a
of racism, according to his father. He told mance of black and Hispanic students.
year-long vehicle for indoctrinating all
sophomores in “white privilege” and
his parents that many teachers “imme- Between July 2014 and June 2017, the
racial identity politics. diately group and label” students who district’s Achievement and Integration
“don’t agree with them 100 percent.” He Plan sought to increase student profi-
also reported that “discussion sessions” ciency on all state reading accountability
them was not allowed, he says. After one at the school are often really “one-sided tests and to decrease performance gaps
such presentation, Flores’ son “not only indoctrination sessions, not true, multi- between white students and black, His-
raised his hand, but shouted out, ‘Let’s faceted discussions.” In fact, in his son’s panic and low-income students.
discuss this,’ but the teacher refused to 11th-grade English class, the teacher often But at the end of the period, overall
allow open discussion.” stopped his son during “discussions” and reading proficiency had not improved,
 “This is a typical way that bias is “wouldn’t even let alternative views be nor was the racial-ethnic achievement
introduced and indoctrination occurs,” talked about in her class,” Flores said. gap reduced. In fact, scores for black,
Flores told me: Flores describes what he views as Hispanic and white students actually
  a pervasive, and dangerous, problem dropped, while Asian students’ perfor-
Those in authority choose what they at Edina High School. His son and mance stayed the same.
want to go unchallenged and what to other minority students who have been How much have taxpayers spent on
suppress.... Sadly, many students told persecuted—“some of the brightest in EPS’s racial equity campaign—now
my son after his presentation that he the school”—left Edina High, he says, nearly a decade old? Costs have included
should have known that this would adding: pricey national and local “diversity”
happen—in other words, that it’s best consultants; sweeping equity training
to be silent and not express any con- These are not isolated cases. There for district employees; equity-related


years starting in 2009.
In her essay, Roehl reveals that, in fact,
the EHS English Department purposely
designed Pre-AP English 10 as a year-
long vehicle for indoctrinating all sopho-
mores in “white privilege” and racial
identity politics. Students are instructed
in white supremacy and “Whiteness as
property;” encouraged to tell their per-
sonal “racial awakening stories;” and led
to view human beings, first and foremost,
as members of racial and ethnic groups
rather than unique individuals who tran-
scend their skin color. Roehl’s essay, and
my post about it on the Center’s website,
can be accessed at https://www.american-
Making matters worse, the Center
learned that a new analysis of the texts
used in Pre-AP English 10 suggests that
their average reading difficulty (Lex-
ile) is at approximately the fifth-grade
level. The analysis was performed by a
group of Edina residents who con-
sulted—the website of the
Roehl’s detailed description of the new organization that developed the Lexile
Framework for Reading—to determine
course’s ideological motive and content the reading level of the books, and
confirms that the high school is substituting then averaged the Lexiles of core and
political indoctrination for legitimate academic “choice” books in a way that reflected
their potential use in the course.
instruction—and apparently seriously dumbing When EHS announced the new
down instruction in the process. required Pre-AP English 10 course in
2012, it claimed that student assign-
ments would be “carefully chosen” for
their “rigor,” since “we’re aiming for the
positions within individual schools; and a backbone of the school’s “racial equity” top.” In fact, the texts used in the course
variety of race-focused events for parents indoctrination. do not prepare 10th-grade students for
and students. EHS introduced Pre-AP English 10 future academic challenges, either in high
and made it a required course in 2012-13, school or college, if the new analysis is
Parents are left in the dark around the time the All for All plan made correct.
Since my original Thinking Minnesota racial identity politics a centerpiece of Not surprisingly, most of the books
article appeared, the Center has learned the EHS curriculum. In an announcement used in the course are contemporary
more about how racial identity politics to parents and students, the high school works with political themes, or works
became entrenched in the Edina schools, portrayed the new course as a rigorous that lend themselves to interpretation
and how this extremist ideology has af- class designed to “provide students with through a “race, class, gender” lens. Even
fected the curriculum. a common experience” and enhance “cit- assignments that don’t appear to be ideo-
One important source of information izenship.” logical on the surface can be twisted to fit
on this point was an essay penned in But Roehl painted a radically different an agenda. For example, EHS’s 2012 an-
an unguarded moment by EHS Eng- picture in an essay she wrote for More nouncement of the new course lists a unit
lish teacher Jackie Roehl. Roehl was a Courageous Conversations about on Fort Snelling, and then notes that Fort
designer of Pre-AP English 10, the re- Race—a publication of the Pacific Edu- Snelling will be studied “as a concentra-
quired 10th-grade English class at Edina cational Group (PEG). PEG served as a tion camp and Dakota genocide.”
High School that forms the ideological diversity consultant for EPS for several EHS’s design and implementation of


Pre-AP English 10 is a textbook example
of political propaganda. Propagandists
attempt to manipulate people to achieve
their ends by disguising their real
agenda. Roehl’s detailed description of
the new course’s ideological motive and Edina Young Conservatives Club responds
content confirms that the high school is to student bullying and school indifference
substituting political indoctrination for by filing a lawsuit in federal court.
legitimate academic instruction—and
apparently seriously dumbing down
instruction in the process. On December 7, 2017, the EHS Young students chose to “protest” by refusing
  Conservatives Club (YCC) and five of to stand, sprawling on the gym floor by
New information its student members brought a lawsuit the bleachers, and disrupting the event by
about “white privilege” against defendants Edina Public Schools, talking loudly and playing music on their
training for staff Superintendent John Schultz, and Edina cell phones.
Since the publication of my Thinking High School Principal Andrew Beaton. Members of the YCC criticized the
Minnesota article, the Center has also The suit—filed in federal district court in protesters’ conduct, both at school and on
learned more about how EPS’s focus Minnesota—followed years of violations of social media. Over the following weekend,
on racial “equity” has shaped profes- students’ constitutional rights to freedom the protesting students and their support-
sional development for teachers and staff of speech by Edina school authorities. Its ers denounced the YCC on social media
members. context was set, in part, by the district’s (see nearby examples), and YCC members
For example, after the article appeared, decision in 2013 to view all “district work,” continued their criticism.
the widow of a former Edina school bus “initiatives,” “teaching” and “learning” Shortly thereafter, a group calling itself
driver told us that EPS had compelled through the “lens” of racial equity. the “Edina High School Anti-Fascists”
her husband to attend “white privilege” The students filed the suit after Princi- posted a YouTube video in which a masked
training in 2012, and that he had found pal Beaton banned the Young Conserva- student issued threats against the YCC. A
its ideological bias so appalling he had tives Club—a non-sponsored, unofficial mechanical voice ominously intoned the
saved the materials. She forwarded them Edina High School (EHS) student club—on threats, which included statements like
to us. November 13. Briefly, the facts are these: “we at EHS Anti-fascists have decided that
The training session, which took place On November 9, EHS sponsored a your club cannot continue to exist in its
on July 19, 2012, was entitled “Edina Veterans Day assembly in the school gym. current form” and “[w]e will not stop until
School District Equity and Racial Justice A group of veterans spoke about their ser- every tentacle of your evil monstrosity is
Training: Moving from a Diversity to vice to America, and the National Anthem sliced off at the nerve.”
a Social Justice Lens.” A Minneapolis- and “Taps” were played. During these The “Anti-Fascists” demanded that
based organization called the Hackman songs, a group of the YCC “remove every student who has
Consulting Group conducted the frequented racism from your club” and
session. Other Edina school employees closed with a final threat: “Consider your-
also apparently attended the training, selves warned.”
along with bus drivers. The Young Conservatives Club com-
The Hackman Group is operated by plained to Beaton about these threats,
Heather Hackman, a former St. Cloud but—according to the lawsuit complaint—
State University professor. Accord- he “simply excused” their harassers.
ing to her group’s website, Hackman
consults nationally on “issues of deep
diversity, equity and social justice and
has focused most of her recent train-
ing work on issues of racism and white
privilege, gender oppression, heterosex-
ism and homophobia, and classism.” 
Sample trainings listed on the
website include “Developing a Critical
Racial Equity Lens: Addressing Race,
Racism and Whiteness in Education”
and “Teaching Climate Change Through
a Social Justice Lens.”
 The Hackman Group training session


for school bus drivers and other EPS
employees was an exercise in ideological
re-education uncomfortably reminiscent
of tactics employed by authoritarian
The instructional materials called for
trainers to berate and humiliate district
employees, labeling them racists who
profit immorally every day from “white
privilege.” During the session, employ-
ees were exhorted to denounce their own
presumed bigotry, acknowledge their
guilt, transform their self-understanding,
and embrace the Edina school dis-

A group calling itself the “Edina High School Anti-Fascists” posted a YouTube video
in which a student hid behind a Guy Fawkes mask and issued threats against the Hackman trainers—
YCC. A mechanical voice ominously intoned the threats, which included statements
like “we at EHS Anti-fascists have decided that your club cannot continue to exist in
its current form” and “[w]e will not stop until every tentacle of your evil monstrosity that white racism is
is sliced off at the nerve.”
biological in nature.
“White conditioning
begins when white bodies
Subsequently, in a public communication [they had] brought it upon themselves by
on November 13, EPS Superintendent John criticizing the protests” at the Veterans
are preverbal,” according
Schultz called the Antifa video “inflamma- Day program, according to the complaint. to the flyer for the session.
tory and creepy,” but dismissed the fears According to the complaint, on Novem-
of YCC members and their parents on ber 13 Principal Beaton called the president
grounds that an investigation had “uncov- of the YCC into his office, demanded to trict’s ideology of racial “equity.” 
ered no credible or legal threat.” (Schultz’s examine his cell phone, looked at the club’s Trainers instructed district employees
reaction would likely have been very differ- GroupMe (a private group text messaging that “dismantl[ing] white privilege” is
ent if the YCC had issued threats like this app), and then ordered the president to “the core of our work as white folks.”
against EHS’s Black Student Union.) disband the club by deleting its GroupMe. This “work,” they maintained, will
Meanwhile, the Veterans Day protest- In addition, Beaton suspended four stu- “requir[e] a major paradigm shift in the
ers and their supporters continued to dents who had criticized the protesters on thinking of white people.” A paradigm
threaten and harass the conservative the private GroupMe. shift in one’s thinking is a lot to demand
students. Groups “as large as 30 students Yet EHS authorities apparently took no from individuals who simply want to
were daily surrounding club members and disciplinary action against the Veterans drive a bus for the Edina schools.
threatening to injure them if they did not Day protesters; the students who posted The “Edina School District Equity
change their political views,” according to insulting and disparaging messages about and Racial Justice Training” materials
the complaint. YCC members on social media; or those included a bizarre history lesson that
One of the student plaintiffs confirmed who physically threatened and harassed exemplifies their extremist nature. In
this in an interview: The protesters and the conservative students to the point of a lesson entitled “The Invention of the
their allies “crowded YCC members in the causing them to fear for their safety. White Race,” participants were taught
hall, pushed them into lockers, taunted “EPS’s policies suggest that ‘all are that the white race did not exist until the
them, threatened to beat them up, and welcome here,’” concludes the complaint, last several hundred years. According to
chased them,” she said. “Some of the kids “but what EPS really means is that all are the materials,
were afraid to come to school. They only welcome except conservatives.”  
walked in the halls in groups, or tried to The YCC’s federal lawsuit asserts that The 18th and 19th centuries saw the
find alternative routes to class.” the Edina school district has violated the emergence of the ‘white race’ as a
But when the YCC students told Beaton student plaintiffs’ rights of freedom of deliberately constructed social group
they feared for their safety, he “responded speech and association under the First for the first time in U.S., and perhaps,
to their security concerns by saying that Amendment. • in world history. The reason for this
was two-fold:


 White Supremacy (WS) is
the ideology (values, beliefs,
ideals and cultural markers)
that justifies racism on all
levels (individually, culturally
and institutionally) and
supports the existence of
The training materials
asserted that “Whites are
actively taught not to see
their privilege: They are
meant not to notice the
benefits and advantages
they get as a result of be-
ing white.”
The reason? “Super
Whitey”—a menacing
figure undefined in the
materials—“likes to
keep whites oblivious to
these benefits.” Black
people, trainers insisted,
cannot be racists.
The instructional The “Edina School District
Equity and Racial Justice Train-
materials called for ing” session concluded with
trainers to berate   role-playing by participants, in
and humiliate district 1) To codify the political, economic, which they were required to parrot back
and cultural ‘superiority’ of whites, the ideological orthodoxies they had
employees, labeling 2) To drive a wedge between poor absorbed.
them racists who profit whites and people of color, thus The Edina school bus driver’s widow
immorally every day minimizing their identification with who sent us the Hackman materials
each other and organizing against said that, according to her husband,
from “white privilege.” the power of the white elite. drivers who attended the training were
During the session,   not allowed to disagree with or de-
This preposterous claim is intended bate the group’s premises. The widow
employees were exhorted to justify the “power” equation at the added that her husband told her that
to denounce their own heart of the Edina School District’s racial participants who seemed inattentive or
presumed bigotry, equity ideology—“Whiteness=White resistant could be required to repeat the
Privilege + White Supremacy,” as the training.
acknowledge their training materials put it.  Edina bus drivers were not the only
guilt, transform Equity trainers used the following EPS employees subjected to Hackman-
their self-understanding, definitions to explain to bus drivers the led racial equity training. Teachers, staff
need for white guilt: and administrators were compelled to
and embrace the Edina   attend equity training—which included
school district’s ideology Whiteness (WN) is the overwhelm- Hackman sessions as an option—as part
ing presence of white centrality, white of EPS’s Achievement and Integration
of racial “equity.”  normativity and white supremacy in Plan, effective July 2014 to June 2017.
our society. The Center does not have the training
materials used in these sessions. But
White Privilege (WP) is the systems of their ideological tenor is suggested by
advantages and benefits that white folks a promotional flyer for a workshop for
receive as a result of WN and racism in educators and others that the Hack-
our society. man Group facilitated in 2015. The


workshop was inequity and describe
entitled “More what steps you took
Than Skin Deep: as a response.” Again,
Uprooting White the question presup-
Privilege and White poses that applicants
Supremacy One Cell at have seen inequitable
a Time.”  conduct by teachers
At this workshop, or students in schools,
Hackman trainers—as- and requires them to
tonishingly—asserted that describe their response
white racism is bio- to it even if they believe
logical in nature. “White they have not.
conditioning begins  The Edina teacher
when white bodies are application also asks
preverbal,” according to candidates how strongly
the flyer for the session. they agree or disagree
Participants will learn with 10 statements
about the “connection about race or ethnicity,
between systems of RRW like the following: 
[race, racism and white-
ness] and nervous system ·  “It’s important to rec-
patterns in the individual ognize that a student’s
and social body of white The Hackman Group is operated cultural background
people.”  by Heather Hackman (center), may influence his/her
As a result for white people, the founder of the Hackman Group ability to learn.”
that consults with EHS. According
“work” of racial equity “is about ·   “It’s natural for students with
to her group’s website, Hackman
literally becoming a different person similar backgrounds to congregate/
consults nationally on “issues of
from the cells out,” according to the deep diversity, equity and social
sit together in the cafeteria.”   
flyer “In order to end systems of racial justice and has focused most of her ·   “Students’ cultural backgrounds af-
dominance, we have to end whiteness. recent training work on issues of fect how they perceive teachers.” 
Period.”   racism and white privilege, gender ·   “Teachers should talk with each
It’s safe to say that most Edina resi- oppression, heterosexism and other about how students’ cultural
dents would reject the racial “equity” homophobia, and classism.” backgrounds impact their behav-
training just described as directly at ior.”
odds with America’s color-blind vision
of racial matters. School district lead- Schools Employment Application form Many applicants may wonder what
ers’ decision to require teachers and on the EPS website. the officially approved “equitable”
other staff to submit to extremist Hack- The first asks applicants to “[i]dentify answer is to some of these questions.
man Group-type training raises serious what is/isn’t happening in education For example, is it racist to think black
questions about both their ideological that contributes to the achievement gap students “naturally” want to sit together
commitments and their judgment. between white students and students of at lunch, or is it racist to think the oppo-
color. In your role, how would you help site? One thing seems certain: Candi-
Working for the resolve this dilemma?” dates who guess wrong will not become
Edina Public Schools: This question assumes that “inequity” teachers in the Edina Public Schools. 
Only social justice in school—undefined, and presumably Since the publication of my original
warriors need apply? perpetrated by teachers—is responsible Thinking Minnesota article on racial
The EPS’s All for All plan calls for the for the failure of black children to identity politics in the Edina Public
“recruitment, hiring and retention of perform, on average, at the academic Schools, district leaders have made
racially conscious teachers and admin- level of white children. Phrased as it clear they do not intend to modify or
istrators.” It’s no surprise, then, that the is, the question gives applicants no op- re-examine their curriculum or policies.
district’s application for teaching jobs portunity to discuss the role of socioeco- Students and families will pay the price.
includes an ideological litmus test that nomic factors, such as family break- In the end, only the citizens of Edina
appears designed to weed out applicants down, that contribute to the achievement can ensure—through public demand—
who diverge from the party line. gap but are beyond schools’ control. that their schools provide legitimate
Two questions with this apparent The second question is similar: “De- education, rather than political indoctri-
intent are included in the Edina Public scribe an example where you identified nation.


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