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 The Reading Process

 Reading = it is a cognitive process of decoding symbols to derive meaning

from a text.
 It is an interaction between the author or the text and the reader.
 Reading can be improved though consistent practice.
 Effective Reading Strategies
 Getting an overview of the text
 Using of Context clues
 Using Connotation and Denotation
 Getting an overview of the text
1. Previewing = looking at readily visible parts of the text
 identify your purpose of reading
 examine the titles and subtitles of the text
 browse the introduction and the conclusion of the text
 look at the visual elements of the text
 take note the things that interests you better understand
the text later
2. Skimming and Scanning
Skimming = look for the main point of the reading
Scanning = looking for the specific information
 Using of Context Clues
Context Clues = words, phrases and sentences
 Synonyms = it is used when the text has words or phrase that are similar
in meaning to the unknown word (like, as)
 Antonyms = word that reveals the opposite meaning in relation to the
unknown word. (although, but, despite, instead, in contrast, unlike, even
though, on the contrary, and conversely)
 Examples = specific details in a text that are used to clarify the meaning of
the word.
 Explanations and definitions = may be given as clue to describe an
unknown term. (because, that is, is, means, is defined as, refers to)
 Situations = in which a word is used can be helpful in determining the
meaning of the word.
Mood = feeling of the reader (can change)
Tone = feeling of the author (can’t change)

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