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Aeta Mechaniea 81, 97--108 (1990) ACTA MECHANICA

9 by Springer-Verlag 1990

The shrink fit consisting of elastic hollow shaft

and nonlinearly hardening elastic-plastic hub
Y. Organ , Ankara, Turkey, and U. Gamer, Wien, Austria

(Received April 14, 1989)

Summary. Based on Tresca's yield criterion and the flow rule associated to it, general expressions for
stresses and displacement in a shrink fit consisting of elastic hollow inclusion and elastic-plastic hub
with arbitrary nonlinear isotropic hardening are derived. For two specific hardening laws -- one of
Ludwik type and the other of Swift type -- there follows the explicit determination of stresses and
displacement together with numerical results.

1 Introduction

Shrink fits are applied widely in mechanical engineering since they transmit high moments
at low production costs. To better utilize the material, plastic deformation is admitted in
the course of assemblage. The investigation of the stress distribution in the elastic-plastic
hub was initiated by Lundberg in 1944 [1]. His study is based on yon Mises' yield criterion
in connection with H e n c k y ' s deformation theory. Unfortunately, the application of Lund-
berg's results is rather intricate and hardly practicable. An exact solution based on Tresca's
yield criterion and the flow rule associated to it is due to Kollmann. He considered shrink
fits at rest [2] and rotating [3]. Later on, Kollmann's work was generalized first to materials
with linear hardening [4], [5] and then to nonlinear hardening. I t proved possible to allow
for hub material exhibiting arbitrary nonlinear isotropic hardening with rather limited
numerical effort [6].

\ \ \


I t 9


/ / . / / / /
/ / /


Fig. 1. Shrink fit geometry prior to and after


7 Acta Mech. 81/1--2

98 Y. Organ and U. Garner

The present paper is devoted to the study of the stress distribution in a shrink fit con-
sisting of an elastic annular inclusion and an elastic-plastic hub with nonlinear isotropic
hardening. Both are in a state of plane stress. The model is depicted in Fig. 1.

2 Basic equations and general solutions

In the elastic inclusion and in the outer elastic p a r t of the hub the general expressions for
stresses and displacement read [7]

Ai 1
~ = -- 7 + Bj -- ~- (3 +/~) ow2r 2, (2.1)

A~- 1
~0 = - 7 + B ~ - - ~ ( 1 + 3 # ) ~ w 2 r 2, (2.2)

Aj 1
E u = (1 + #) -7- + (1 -- #) B~r - - -~ (1 -- #2) ow2r ~

=(1--#) ~r+-~ow2r 2 r+ (2.3)


where ] : 1 designates inclusion and ] : 2 the elastic region of the hub.

Yielding starts at the inner edge of the hub, r = a, where the difference of the tensile
circumferential stress and the compressive radial stress is largest. Hence, Tresca's yield
criterion adopts the form a 0 -- a~ ~ ar as long as the interference does not exceed its criti-
cal value [8] and the radial stress does not become positive inside the plastic region due to
rotation [9]. From the equation of motion there comes

(~ = f a y - - dr - - --~
1 ~w2r ~ @ C, (2.4)

~0 = ~ + ~Y' (2.5)

The yield stress is an as yet unspecified monotonously growing function of the equivalent
plastic strain, ay = F(sso). The dependence of the equivalent plastic strain on the radius
is determined in the following.
According to the flow rule associated to Tresea's yield criterion, there occur opposite
equal plastic strains in circumferential and in radial direction, erp = --So p. Therefore, the
sum of radial and circumferential strain follows Hooke's law. Expressing the strains by the
displacement and its derivative, eliminating the circumferential stress with the help of the
equation of motion, one obtains by integration the universal displacement relation [6]

E u = ( 1 - - #) a~-~-~w2r 2 r+ r"

The name stems from the fact t h a t Eq. (2.6) agrees with the second form of Eq. (2.3) ; the
universal displacement relation holds in the entire shrink fit. From Eq. (2.6) there follow
the strains and, by subtracting their elastic parts, one obtains the plastic strains

1 D
EsoP = - - E e l " = - - ~ y ~- -~ (1 -- #) ~w2r ~ ~- 7 " (2.7)
The shrink fit with nonlinearly h~rdening hub 99

Consideration of the equivalence of the increment of plastic work yields eEQ ~ - 80 p. Thus,
the dependence of the yield stress on the radius is given as an implicit function b y

ay = F
[ 1
--(*r q- --~ ( 1 - - #) ew~r ~" 4- 7 g
D] . (2.s)

I t is possible to find a genera] solution to the problem without further specification of the
hardening law. This is done in the following.
The expressions for stress and displacement in inclusion and hub contain the unknowns
A~, B~, C, D , A2, B~ and the border radius z separating the plastic region of the hub from
the elastic region. For their determination there are seven conditions available. Radial
stress vanishes at the inner edge r = c, is continuous at the interface r = a and at the elastic-
plastic border r == z and vanishes at the outer edge r = b. Circumferential stress is continu-
ous at r = z. The displacement satisfies the geometrical condition u(a -4- o) - - u ( a - - o) = i
and is continuous at r = z. I t is advantageous to replace the condition of continuity of
circumferential stress with the redundant condition of vanishing plastic strain at the elastic-
plastic border. The latter yields

r 1
D = [ a o - - - ~ - ( 1 - - # ) o ~ w 2 z ~" z 2.
] (2.9)

From continuity of radial stress and displacement at r = z there comes

2A2 = D. (2.10)

Using this and the boundary condition at the outer edge, one obtains

B2 = ~ - [ a0 -- ~- ( 1 - - #) ew2z2 ( 3 + # ) e w 2 b 2. (2.11)

The geometrical relation leads to

1 __ 1 _ 1~) ~ w ~ z ~ ] z 2 _ (2.12)

Therewith, the boundary condition at the inner edge gives

B1 = ~ c 2 (aoz ~ - E a i ) -}- ~- 3•#--(1--,u) o~w ~ d , (2.13)

and the continuity of radial stress at r = a leads to

C=-~ ~ 1(1 ~t){[ ~o-u, J

~ z~-E,~

q- ~ ow2[(1 - - #) a e -}- (3 -}- #) ca]. (2.14)

Now, all the integration constants are expressed b y the still unknown border radius z
independently of the specific hardening law. The border radius follows from the continuity

100 Y. Organ and U. Garner

of radial stress at r = z,

f_~_ dr+-ff1 [ l+z~ (1T~ 1

~2 1)]I ~0-u 1
g~ 1

2 ~7 - ~ E~i - V ~ow~[(1 - ~) (z2 - a~) + (3 + ~) (b~ -- c~)] = 0. (2.15)

To actually determine the elastic-plastic border radius the hardening law of the hub
material is taken into account. Some numerical work has to be done, generally. The proce-
dure is as follows: One starts with a guess of z, calculates ay = / ( r ) from Eq. (2.8) and per-
forms the integration occurring in Eq. (2.15). The first guess of z will not satisfy Eq. (2.15).
The whole procedure has to be repeated with an improved guess until z is determined with
sufficient accuracy. Then, stresses and displacement can be calculated.
For some special cases closed form solutions are obtained. The shrink fit with hollow
inclusion and perfectly plastic hub material was treated by Kollmann [2], [10] for w = 0
and by Miiller [11] for w =4=0. Both authors considered plastic flow of the inclusion also.
The shrink fit with hollow inclusion and linearly hardening hub will be dealt with elsewhere
[12]. In the following, nonlinear hardening is considered.

3 Results for two nonlinear hardening laws

Frequently used by experimenters are Ludwik's hardening law [13],

and Swift's hardening law,

sr = ~0(1 + ~ o ) k (3.2)

where r] and k are material parameters. Some interesting features of Ludwik's hardening
law are discussed in [14]. For the special exponent/c = 1/2, Eq. (2.8) can be solved for ay.
If, in addition to that, w = 0, one is able to perform the integration occurring in Eq. (2.15)
analytically. This was done for a shrink fit with solid inclusion for k = 1/2 and k ----2
[6], [15].
For a shrink fit at rest the distribution of stress and displacement in the elastic hollow
inclusion, Qs =< R ~ 1, takes the following nondimensional form:

1(1 1) @ ~2 (z2-I), (3.3)

1) +~ (z~-5, (3.4)

= (1 - - re) R ~ , ~- ( Z 2 - - 1) - ~ . (3.5)
The shrink fit with nonlinearly hardening hub 101

In the plastic region of the hub, 1 < R <=Z,

9,= ~dR+y 1-- (z-zb, (3.6)


00 = G + 9y, (3.7)

Z 2
= (1 - if) Rg, + -R--' (3.S)

and the plastic strains

~0p = - , G p = --gy+ (~)~

-~ , Gp = 0 . (3.9)

The dependence of the border radius on the load parameter and the hardening law is given

( I+Q 2_
~)~" (~) + 1- I+ 1 =0. (3.10)

In the preceding relations R := r/a is the nondimensional radius, Qs : = c/a and Qn : = a/b
radii ratios of inclusion and hub, respectively, Z : = z/a nondimensional border radius,
I : = Ei/(aoa) nondimensional interference, 9i~-: = aij/a0 nondimensional stress, g : = Eu/
(a0a) nondimensional displacement, and ~ : = Ee~./ao scaled plastic strain.
Inserting the circumferential plastic strain from Eq. (3.9) into Ludwik's hardening law
for k = 1/2 and solving for 9y, one obtains with the physically relevant root


with H~ := V((~o/E)1/2. To perform the integrations occurring in Eqs. (3.6) and (3.10) three
cases have to be distinguished:

Case (i) H~ < 2:

Introducing the abbreviation M 2 : = 1 -- H~2/4, the stresses in the plastic region of the
hub become

9,= 1- logR+H, [ ~/~--M~-- --M~

+M ( arc sin -~- -- arc sin +~ '(,)

1--~s 2 (I--Z2), (3.12)

( arc sin -~- -- arc sin +-~-
1--~ (I--Z~). (3.13)
102 Y. Or~n ~nd U.G~mer

These expressions are supplemented by the equation interrelating the border radius Z, the
interference I and the hardening parameter H1

1+(2--Ha 2) l o g Z + 2 H I I ~ / ~ - M 2- I/1--M 2

4-M arc sin ~ -- arc sin M -- I+QR ~-

+ (;)
1 -- I = 0. (3.14)

For a.n inclusion containing a tiny hole, Qs --~ O, Eq. (3.14) reduces to

Z = l/I (3.15)

as in the case of a solid inclusion. This is due to the fact that the displacement in a pressure
loaded disk containing a small hole agrees with the displacement in a solid disk, and the
stresses are different in the immediate neighbourhood of the center only. I t can be shown
that for Qs --> 0 t h e stresses in the hub coincide with the ones occurring in the shrink fit with
solid inclusion [6].
B y putting Z = I in Eq. (3.14) the interference for which yielding is initiated at the bore
of the hub is obtained as

1 - O.2Qs2
I, -- (3,16)
1 -- Qs 2

independent of the hardening behavior. The interference for the hub to become completely
plasticized follows from Eq. (3.14) for Z = 1/QE

--V1--M24-M(arcsinMQn--arcsinM)ll. (3.17)

Case (ii) H1 =- 2:
~y = --1 § (3.18)

8r = - - l o g R 4. 2Z 1 - -
(;) +
1--~ (I--Z2), (3.19)

1 ( 1\
e0 = - ( 1 + log R) + 2 z + y 1 - ~s~ ) (s - z~), (3.20)

and the expression for the border radius becomes

1 -- 2 log Z -- 4(1 - - Z) -- QH'zZ ~ -[- 1 -- ~ ( I - - Z 2) := 0. (3.21)

The interference for completely plasticized hub

_ '~zs log QB - - 2 1 -- (3.22)

I~ QR 2 § 1 - - Q s 2 "
The shrink fit with nonline~rly h~rdening hub 103

Case (iii) H~ > 2:

With the abbreviation L 2 : = H12/4 -- 1,

~= 1---- logR + H ~ Llog L+]/L-~+Z 2

R + +~ ~-~ (!--Z~), (3.23)

~0 = 1-- (l+logR)+H~ Llog L+]/~-7+Z 2

] 1 ( 1 )
+ (3.25)

and the expression for the border radius,

( 2 - - g ~ 2) (l + log Z) - (l + Qn2Z~ ) + 2 H t LlOgL+]/L 2+Z ~

+ 1-- ( I - - Z 2) = 0 . (3.25)

The interference for completely plasticized hub,

1 Qs2 J - ( 2 - H~2) log Qn - H~ ~

~ - Q/~ + _--2--~1 (

+2H, ~ + L2 + L l O g L Q , + ] / 1 - ~ L2QH~ " (3.26)

For Swift type hardening law, Eq. (3.2), with ]c ~ 1/2 the yield stress is obtained as

~y -- -~- H2 -~- K 2 (3.27)

with H2 : = ~l(~o/E and K ~ : = 1 + H22/4. The stress distribution in the plastic region of the
hub becomes
H~ K R + ]/H2Z 2 + K~R 2
~'-- 2 logR+Klog K + VH~Z 2 + K ~ + vH~Z2 + K~

- H~ + K~ + ~- 1 - - ~ (Z-- Z~), (3.2S)

H2 K R + ~H2Z 2 + K2R 2
~0-- (1 + l o g R ) + K l o g
2 K + ]/H~Z 2 + K 2

+ l/H2Z~ + K~ + ~ 1 -- ~ (r -- Z~), (3.29)

104 Y. Organ and U. Garner

and the expression for the border radius,

z (1 § .2 + K )
1 @ H2(1 § log Z) § Q.2Z2 -- 2K log
K + VH~Z~ + K~


For completely plasticized hub,

1 2Qs~ K log 1 § -)- § K

I~ = QH---
~ § "-------~
1 -- Qs KQH 4- VH2 § K~QB ~

+ ~+tr~-~-(1-1ogQ~)-i . (3.31)

In the elastic region of the hub, Z ~ R _< 1/Q~,

1( 1) (3.32)

1Z2(QH2 1) (3.33)

and the displacement is given by Eq. (3.8).

4 Numerical results

The development of the elastic-plastic border radius with increasing load parameter for
Ludwik's hardening law is plotted on Fig. 2 according to Eq. (3.21) and on Fig. 3 according
to Eqs. (3.14) and (3.25). The parameters are chosen Ha = 2, Qn = 2/3, and curves marked
by @ to @ correspond to Qs = 10-6, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, and 0.9, respectively. I t is observed that
the curve marked by @ which represents an inclusion with a tiny hole at the center is
identical with the wellknown relation Z = VI for a solid inclusion. The radii ratios of Fig. 3
are Qs = 1/2 and Qs = 2/3. To the curves marked by @ to @ there belong the hardening
parameters Ha = 0 (perfectly plastic behavior), H1 = 1 and flu = 106 (quasi-elastic beha-
vior of the hub), respectively. For elastic behavior Z means the radius where g0 -- ~ ~- 1.
Fig. 4 exhibits the nondimensional interface pressure, P : = P/so, as a function of the
elastic-plastic border radius for different hardening parameters according to Eqs. (3.12)
and (3.23). The radii ratios are Qs = 1 / 2 and Q~ = 2/3. For perfectly plastic behavior the
slope dP/dZ vanishes at Z = 1/QE, i.e. when the hub is just completely plasticized.
The distribution of stresses g0 and ~,, displacement ~, aaad plastic strain ~ov is given in
Fig. 5. The border radius is chosen Z = 1.25, and the stresses are calculated using Eqs.
(3.12) and (3.13) for Ha < 2, and Eqs. (3.23) and (3.24) for H1 > 2. The displacement and
plastic strains are calculated with the help of Eq. (3.8) together with (3.12) or (3.23), and
Eq. (3.9) together with (3.11), respectively. In the elastic part of the hub the stresses coin-
The shrink fit with nonlinearly hardening hub 105

4.0 /



1.0 ~
1.0 1.25 1.5 1.0 1.25 ].5
Fig. 2. Interference versus border radius for Fig. 3. Interference versus border radius for
Ludwik's hardening law, Eq. (3.1), with H 1 = 2, Ludwik's hardening law, Eq. (3.1), with Qs ~ 1/2,
Q~ = 2/3; Qs = 10-6 (i~, 0.4 ~), 0.6 ~), 0.8 (~), QH ---- 2/3; H 1 = 0 (~), 1 (~, and 10~ (~
and 0.9 (~)



Fig. 4. Interface pressure as a function of
the border radius for Ludwik's hardening
law, Eq. (3.1), with H i = 0 (~), 1 (~), and
0.0 t I I , 10 |
1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1,5



-0.5 ---'-----0-

-I.o~ %
0.50 0.75 1.00 1.25 1.50 0.50 0.K75 1.00 1.25 1.50
Fig. 5. Stresses, displacement and plastic strains in the inclusion and the Fig. 6. Stress distribution for Swift's hardening law, Eq. (3.2), with
partially plasticized hub for Ludwik's hardening law, Eq. (3.1), with H 2 : t ; Z = 1.0 ~ , 1.25 ~), and 1.5 @
/I1 = 0 (i~', 1 @, and 10 (3)
The shrink fit with nonlinearly hardening hub 107

20[ t



Fig'. 7. Circumferential plastic strain and displaeemeng for Swifg's hardening law, Eq. (3.2), with the
parameters of Fig. 6

cide for different haxdening parameters since, in this region, the stress distribution is a func-
tion of the elastic-plastic border radius only. I t should be mentioned that to the border
radius Z = 1.25 there correspond different interferences for different hardening parameters
as depicted in the figure: I = 1.81:31. for H1 = 0, I ~ 1.8436 for H1 = 1, and I := 1.8517
for H1 = 10. Note the continuous slope of the circumferential stress and the vanishing
slope of the plastic strain for H~ > 0 at the elastic-plastic border [14].
The stress distribution for Swift's hardening law is plotted on Fig. 6 according to Eqs.
(3.28) and (3.29). The parameters are chosen Qs = 1/2, QR = 2/3 and H~ = 1. Curves @
represent onset of plastic flow (Z ~ 1), curves @ partially plasticized hub (Z = 1.25), and
curves @ completely plasticized hub (Z = 1.5). For equal yield limit o0 of hub and inclu-
sion, plastic flow sets in at the inner edge of the inclusion before Z reaches 1.25.
On Fig. 7, for the parameters of Fig. 6, using Eqs. (3.8) and (3.28) the displacement g,
and with the help of Eq. (3.9) together with Eq. (3.27) the circumferential plastic strain
gop in the hub axe plotted. The radial plastic strain g~Pis opposite and equM to ~op. The Pois-
son's ratio ~ is taken to be 1/3 in all cases.


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Authors' addresses: Y. Organ, M. S., Department of Engineering Science, Middle East Technical
University, 06531 Ankara, Turkey
Prof. Dr. U. Garner, Institut fiir Mechanik, Technisehe Universitiit Wien, Karlsplatz 13, A- 1040 Wien,

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