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Cautare adversiala
a) Evaluarea pozitiei in jocuri cu noduri sansa
b)Jocuri de Carti

2. Reprezentarea cunostiintelor: Actiuni,situatii si evenimente

a) Descrierea actiunilor in calculul situatilor
b)Rezolvarea problemei reprezentarii cadrelor

3. Probleme de satisfacerea restrictilor 5 case, 5 culori, 5 nationalitati, 5 animale,5 bauturi,5

tigari(ghicitoarea lui einstein). Discutati diferitele reprezentari ale acestei problem ca CSP.]

4. Inferenta in logica de ordin 1 din "Caii sunt animale" urmeaza "capul unui cal este capul unui animal"
demonstrati ca aceasta inferenta este valida prin efectuarea pasilor
a) Translatati premiza si concluzia in logica de ord 1.Folositi pred cap-de(h,x) h-este capul lui x Cal(x) si
b) Negati concluzia si convertiti premiza si negate concluzie in FNC
c) Utilizati rezolutia pt a arata cum concluzia urmeaza din premiza.
1.a) probleme de senzori
b) probleme de contingenta
C) probleme de explorare

a)functii de evaluare
b)cutt-off search

a) sa scrie baza de cunostinte pt agent in [1,2]
b) folosind logica propozitionala in [1,2] sa se infereze W[1,3]...
c) sa se scrie baza de cunostinte pt agent in [2,2]
d) folosind logica propozitionala in [2,2] sa se infereze W[2,3]...

a)problema cu transportul cargoului intre facem graphplan
b)considerand ca avionele nu sunt incarcate cu cargoul potrivit...
la fel transport....graphplan

1. Uncertainty
Explicati esenta urmatoarelor sectiuni din acest capitol
a) The axioms of probability
b) Inference using ful join destribution
C) Independence

2 Reinforcement Learning
Explicati esenta urmatoarelor sectiuni din acest capitol
a) Passiv reinforcement learning
b) Activ reinforcement learning
c) Generalization in reinforcement learning

3 Knowledge in Learning
Explanation-Based Learning
Explicati pe Simplify(1*(0+X),W)

a) Extragere regului generale din exemple

b) Imbunatatire eficienta

4 Statistical Learning Methods

Datele utilizate in diagrame pot fi privite ca fiind generate de h5.Pentru
fiecare dintre celelalte ipoteze, generati un set de date de lungime 100 si
desenati grafurile corespunzatoare pentru P(hi|d1,...,dn) si
P(Dm+1=lime|d1,...,dm).Comentati rezultatele
Erau 2 grafice: 1) Posteriors give data generated from h_5
2) Bayes prediction with data gene from h_5
Cam asta a fost.
Prezentati pe scurt notiunile din capitolul:
(1) Uncertainty

(2) Making simple decisions

(3) (Knowledge in learning) Aplicati algoritmul FOIL

pe arborele genealogic al familiei regale britanice
pentru a invata definitia predicatului Ancestor.

(4) (Agents that communicate)

Analiza semantica pentru:
(a) It is a wumpus.
(b) The wumpus is dead.
(c) The wumpus is in 2.2.

subiecte IA gr 4 salut,
iata subiectele:

1. Rezumat scurt capitolul 15 (Probabilistic reasoning over time).

2. Rezumat scurt capitolul 21 (Reinforcement learning).

3. Se dadea un arbore decizional cu relatiii de familie (cam ca in carte) si trebuia

sa folosesti FOIL (cap 19 cred) ca sa inveti definitia pentru Ancestor.

4. Se cerea reprezentarea semantica pentru 3 propozitii:

(a) It is a wumpus.
(b) The wumpus is dead.
(3) The wumpus is in 2.2.
Se mai cerea sa zici daca se poate sa definesti "It is a wumpus"
ca x apartine lui Wumpus(x). Se dadea ca hint o propozitie de genul
"It was a a wumpus".Bafta la toata lumea!

IAI June 14 2006 3033

1. First-Order Logic
2. Knowledge Representation
3. Search
Consider the graph shown in the figure. Suppose the heuristic estimate of the distance is:
h(a)=2, h(b)=3, h(c)=4, h(d)=3, h(e)= 2, h(f)=1, h(g)=0, h(h)=4, h(i)=5, h(j)=6, h(k)=5,
h(l)=6, h(s)=4.

For each of the search strategies: (i)uniform cost, (ii)iterative depending, (iii)best first,
(iv)A* to find a path from s to g specify:
(a) What is the final path found
(b) How many nodes were expanded?
(c) Explain why it selected nodes during the search that were not on the shortest path
from s to g.
(d) Explain why it may have been led astray in the final solution. Either state that it found
in the shortest path or explain why the shortest path was not found.

4. Inference in First-Order Logic

(a) Translate in FOL:
i. John likes any kind of food.
ii. Apples are food.
iii. Chairs are not food.
iv. Anything anyone eats and does not die is food.
v. Bill eats nuts and he is still alive.
vi. Sue eats anything Bill eats.
vii. Bill does not like some kind of food.
and show using resolution that John likes nuts, explaining unification.
(b) Convert to causal form:
1) FOL
DBL (Tbox)

2) la teorie adversarial search la jocuri (vezi tic-tac-toe)

un graphplan urat de tot

3) teorie inference

1. Tratati esenta urmatoarelor concepte din cautarea adversariala:

a) functie de evaluare
b) cutting off search

2. Description Logic
Se da un ABox si un TBox (cu gradele de rudenie ale familiei) si sa se faca toate rationamentele posibile
de inferenta cu exemple din ABoxul si TBoxul date.

3. Planning
Se da problema incaltarii.
a)Sa se aplice algoritmul GRAPHPLAN si sa se explice pasii efectuati.
b)Sa se adauge actiuni pentru imbracarea unei haine si punerea unei palarii. Sa se aplice GRAPHPLAN
pentru aceste actiuni.
c)Sa se calculeze numarul de liniarizari posibile.

Reatasez cursuri mai utile decat cele atasate anterior, dar oricum dl profesor nu da alte subiecte decat
tot ce se gaseste in carte (AIMA) si de acolo trebuie sa se invete capitolele 6,7,8,9 si 11, iar in plus este
cursul de Basic Description Logics.
Subiectele care s-au dat la engleza anu trecut:
1. Planning (mt-f99.pdf)
Se da functie Ride(x,e,f1,f2) descrisa in STRIPS
care duce persoana x, cu liftul e, de la etajul f1 la
(a) write down a definition for Call(x,e,f) - care
cheam liftul la etajul f
(b) wite down an effect axiom for Ride
(c) write down a frame axiom needed for this world
(d) Jeb from floor 2 wants to go to 3, with the only
working elevator E, which is at floor 7. Using the
graphical notation for plans, give the initial
empty plan.
(e) Add the ride step to this plan
(f) Is there more than 1 way to do this?

2. Learning from observations

Se dau urmatoarele features: F1 in {A,B}, F2 in
{C,D}, F3 in {E,G,H} si urmatoarele training examples:
(a) what score would the info gain formula assign to
each of 3 features?
(b) which would be the root of the tree?
(c) show remaining steps, if any, that decision tree
lerning algorithm would perform using the above
examples(d) what kind of search stratey?

3. Agents that Communicate

write down the lexicon and the grammar rules for
"wumpus pidgin" (e0)
(a) which of the following are generated by the
grammar (why or why not?)?
se dau trei prop
(b) modify the rule for "the wumpus that the dogs see
stinks" to be generated
by the gramar
(c) give the parsing tree for this using your new rule
(d) adjust grammar to allow 'the wumpus the dogs see
stinks", but to disallow "the wumpus the dogs I smell
see stinks"

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