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GLOSS & GOES Project:

• GLOSS data: The data is in the form of YYYYMMddHHmmss folders. It usually contains 63
files which are .spec extension.
• A Java program called “” reads the entire folder at once and inserts the values of
the individual files into the database.
• To insert the files into DB, Run the following command:
$java -jar ReadSpec.jar <folderPath>
• GOES data: The data is in the form of .csv files in a folder on a month basis.
• A Java program called “” reads the entire folder at once and inserts the value of
the individual files into the database.
• To insert the files into DB, Run the following command:
$java -jar ReadGOES.jar <folderPath>

Web Interface to access the data:

• The .war (Web Archive) file is placed in the /var/lib/tomcat/webapps directory.
• To access the web interface in the web browser:
http://radiodata:8080/GLOSS_Calendar4 or
• The input to this is Date in YYYYMMDD format. After the respective plots are retrieved and
displayed, the input for Start Time and End Time in HH:mm:ss format is needed to zoom to a
particular area in the plot.
• The output of the fits file is stored in the location - “/var/lib/tomcat/webapps/fits_files/”

• Database Name: GLOSS_Data
UserName: postgres
Password: postgres123
• Database Name: GOES_XRay
UserName: postgres
Password: postgres123
Tables: goes_solar_xray

Files & Folders:

• Daily GLOSS Images:
File Name in the format: GBD_DSPEC_<YEAR><MONTH><DAY>.jpeg
• Python Programs:
Day X-Ray Plot: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/GLOSS_GOES_Info2/
Zoom Plot: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/GLOSS_GOES_Info2/
• Output Folder:
The timestamp is the time at which the program is started. Initially create a directory
“GLOSS_GOES” and assign permissions 777 using chmod command.
UVIT Engineering Project:
• Automatic Report Generator and Mailer:
This program automatically generates the current state and essential report and mails it to the
respective user list.
Folder Located: /var/lib/tomcat/webapps/
1. report.jar
3. report_log.txt
(Permissions – 777)
The output of report.jar is stored in the folder:
The shell script “” runs the program “report.jar” everyday at 12 P.M. Noon which is set
by the crontab. The timings can be changed by the following command.
$ crontab -e
The output of the program is logged in the file “report_log.txt”

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