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Two Kingdoms 6, (Part 1 & Part 2)

April 18,1971 PM. Durham, Connecticut

Robert Lee Lambert

Is He all you need tonight? Amen. You may be seated. God bless you.
My, I certainly was blessed with those special songs. I certainly do appreciate God
blessing His wonderful children while singing for the Lord. That certainly was a blessing. How
many say, Amen?
I just don’t know any assembly that God has blessed any more with God given talent as
we have here. I certainly love to come in and see people worshipping the Lord. I believe if you
love the Lord Jesus you can’t just help but just sing to Him, and make love to Him from your
heart. To me that’s one of the signs of being in love with the Lord, is being able to worship the
Lord in the spirit. You can’t hardly worship the Lord in the spirit if you really don’t love Him
and you’re afraid of your neighbor’s looking at you or something. But if you just love Him you
just got your mind so on Him and your heart, you just don’t know that anybody is around. So
that’s wonderful to worship the Lord in the spirit and in the truth. Now I’m glad it’s that way: in
the spirit and in the truth. A lot of people think they are worshipping the Lord tonight, but they’re
not worshipping Him in the truth. He won’t receive that kind of worship, He’ll only receive a
worship that’s a God-given Revelation in your heart and you worship Him by that truth. And
then if you worship Him in that truth, then your worshipping Him in the spirit. How many say,
Amen? You worship the Lord in the spirit of the Revelation in the truth because no man can call
Jesus his Lord only by the Holy Ghost. So that’s the way that we worship the Lord by a
Revelation of God in our heart.
And we’re just thrilled and excited… how many… Shirley was talking this afternoon in
our room and she said, “Sunday is so hard, trying to contain it all,” she said. “After the Sunday
morning service there was so much that was said, and I try to get it all, my head just hurts. I just
have to lay down and rest or I just can’t make it Sunday night.”
You know, truly sometimes I go home and my head hurts and I think of all these things
that’s been said and then I realize I have to give an account for them, see. It makes me run back
down through there on a plum line and see my life and go back from whence it came from, and
how I got here and who was it that appeared there, and watch it run. Then I think, Lord you
know I love those people so much, I love your people so much, I said, wouldn’t it be terrible
Lord if I told them wrong! Lord what if I told them a lie. Oh, I said, I’d rather die of an
infectious cancer, let a train run over me, kill me in any way that you can, but don’t never let me
tell one of your children something wrong.
So, then I know that the Word… and I lay right on my face in prayer and stay in the
Word of God day after day, year in and year out, staying in the room alone with the Lord. And
then I know that great presence is with me and coming and revealing that great Word. I see it
right there running right in the Word of God and running right along just a plum line, and then I
know that’s Him. Then my little heart clearly rejoices that God has given me bread for the
children. And that makes me feel good. Then, no matter how great the things are said, I see
God’s sheep eating God’s bread, the carcass for this hour, the body the revealed Word. Then you
think Lord could it be us now, my… and then I think, well it has to be somebody. I’m just so
thankful that He let my little heart see that.

It’s like the great prophet, Brother Branham said, since the Seals were opened, the Bible
became a new book to me and he said, I can’t sleep day or the night, how the Revelation, the
Bible is coming alive to him. Now that’s a prophet, a great major prophet, William Branham
who made a statement like that.

65-0911 - God's Power to Transform
William Marrion Branham

Now, it's hard to say this. It's—it's very hard, because speaking to people who feel the same way
I do, and the way I have been for many years. But since the opening of those Seven Seals, of
them Angels just behind the mountain yonder, this has become a new Book. It's the things that's
been hid, is being revealed as God promised in Revelation 10, He would do it. And we are the
privileged people that God has chosen, of the earth, that we might see and understand these
things; which is not some mythical, fleshly mind of a person trying to make it up. It's the Word of
God made manifest, proven, that It's right. Proven, not by science; but by God, that It's right.
God, as I have said before in a message, God doesn't need anyone to interpret His Word. He is
His Own interpreter. He says it'll happen, and it happens. That's, He—He confirms it, that
interprets it.

56-0129 - The Supernatural
William Marrion Branham
“It became a new Book to me after I went to the east.”

Now here we are six years later now and many things have been happening, a great
Revelation is coming forth in a little ol’ humble… Of course, anybody could say that, anybody
can get up and say what you want to, but it’s another thing for it to be. We are waiting for the
great out pouring of the Holy that’s been promised for this hour. Course we know, all over the
country and around the world, they say all the Catholics are coming in, that the Pope will even be
saved. He won’t! I assure you he won’t, and they won’t either. But there will be a little end time
Bride that really receives Christ.
How many love His Word more every day? So, your kinda gettin that about how the
coming of the Lord is gonna be, aren’t you?
We always had that drilled into us, how the coming of the Lord was going to be. That He
would just come down and appear in the heavens with His resurrected body, and all of us would
leave the earth. Well now, that’s part of it. His coming and the secret rapture, is two different
things. Two different things altogether. How many caught that this morning? The coming of the
Lord Jesus now, today, He comes in a… it’s really three parts. He comes descending from
heaven with a Shout, that’s Malachi 4:5 bringing the message. Then He comes as the Voice,
that’s the Bridegroom. Now, both of those are the Word, the Shout is a prophet, Son of Man. The
only way God can reveal himself is Son of Man.

Now everybody in this congregation should get that just seeded in your heart by a
Revelation, about the Son of Man. Don’t think about the man, but think about the Son of Man.
That seems to be so hard for people. But what it is, see, you hear Brother Branham come out and
announce all over, I got a message from the Lord God, and then he would get all excited and say
I’m going to preach on the mighty god revealed. And he was so thrilled about that, and that was
a great message.
Well, everybody was just talking about that message. Boy, that was all I heard. Oh, the
‘Mighty God Revealed’. Oh, let’s try to get to that service. It was just like a holy hush all over
the county about Brother Branham announcing that. And we went there when he preached it, and
to me it was just so simple. I seen that years ago, you know. And then after he brought it, they
still didn’t understand it. Well, that’s a marvel isn’t it! The mighty God revealed and still nobody
knows the mighty God revealed. I used to go out of his service, and hold my head and cry and
say, Lord is something wrong with me? I was always an odd duckling, you know. And they
would say after the service was over, see you down at Jerry’s (a restaurant in Jeffersonville,
Indiana). There they would have a soda and a hamburger, and they had just heard the great
message, the Mighty God Revealed, and they said, it’s all over you know.
But the mighty God is gonna be revealed. He’s gonna be revealed in human flesh, the
Son of Man… the whole body of Jesus Christ. We believe that the whole body of Jesus
Christ…God is gonna come into a multimember body and that will be called, the Bride. Now, of
course, out here we’ve said that the Methodist is the Bride, the Baptist is the Bride, and the
Pentecostal, they are also the Bride. And they ended up going into the World Council of
Churches, just as hard as they can go. Which is the mark of the beast. But now there’s got to be
a Bride. And that ministry of the Son of Man is the only way that He’s revealing Himself after
the church ages. And that doesn’t make any difference who the man could be, that’s not
important at all. The important thing is the revealed Word and that revealed Word is the
Bridegroom. That revealed Word of God is Jehovah God and He’s hidden and to be revealed in
human flesh. See! Now Jehovah God was hidden.
He was hidden in the Shout, but He is to be revealed in the Voice.
Now see, that come fresh there! See, just talking, and we see how that Revelation… how
many just got that? I didn’t see it before just like that! I’ve seen it in different angles, but I’ve
never seen it like that before. That was good, let’s go back over that again.
Now you He comes, Thessalonians 4. The Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with
a Shout. Now that Shout, that Shout is God hidden in human flesh. But notice that the Voice that
He is using of the man and we know who it was, the Voice, that He was using when He would be
speaking. Now of course, a lot of people can’t balance that. They think Jehovah God is walking
around all the time speaking, hearing everything they say. No. When the anointing’s there, when
that supernatural presence comes and anoints that vessel, he yields himself then he speaks out in
first person. Now that’s the Shout!
Brother Branham would wait for the angel of the Lord, till that presence would come.
Now, there is no way a man that can get into that anointing, it takes God to put you there. You
can’t fast your way into it.
When He walks up beside you, why then it’s just a little… now Brother Branham tried to
explain all that. I’m not going to make the mistake he did, your just gonna have to believe it. But
I know how it operates, see. But, I… believe me if I could, I’d push a button and operate it right
tonight, Brother Arthur Graybill. I’d be right here operating, pushing the button all the time, as
hungry as I am to see it done.

But see, it is a great super, super, super, supernatural anointing of God that he no doubt…
What I believe it is that angel of the Lord that came near Brother Branham, that anointing, and…
I’ve seen that operate, and I’ve had that operate just like it operated in Brother Branham, but it’s
left me. It’s gone see, it just wasn’t the hour and I didn’t listen to the Lord and disobeyed him
and got messed up with preachers. But anyway, it’ll be down the road in its own time. It’s all the
will of God and will work out. But that supernatural presence of God comes near, that great
super anointing… and it just… your just made up in such a way... God made you and
foreordained you in such a way that you just relax and yield yourself and then God is down in
that man. God’s spirit, God’s spirit is down in that man, the Lord Jesus’s spirit, the one that you
love and feel, is down in there in that man.
He was down in that man in the Shout. Naturally, you walk around normally, well you
walk around him you… he’s just like anybody else. But now when it comes time for the ministry
to operate and the angel of the Lord comes near, it’s just something between the man and the
Lord. If I explained it you still wouldn’t understand it, but it’s just like that and there it is, that’s
all. I tell you this, the exact way Brother Branham explained it and how he went into that…
You know I wouldn’t lie to you. I hold my hand right here on the Bible. I told my wife
exactly how that operated and it is word for word how Brother Branham told it. I said, “Honey if
I could just… it’s just like a little gear, like the cultch slip in fourth gear and there it is just as
plain as day.” And so, help me, Brother Branham told it the same way.
So, it is the Lord God descended with a Shout, that was right in the Bible, in Malachi 4:5,
and Luke 17:30. The Lord God, Jesus Christ, the mighty God, comes inside that man by the real
true Seal of God. He came down in that man and went across the earth and in that Second Pull it
operated. When the presence of the Lord would come near he’d wait there a little minute till the
Lord would come near and just relax a little bit, and then he would see. And what it was, he
would just yield himself, and he don’t think his thoughts, but that’s the mind of Christ, see.
That’s the mind of Christ. the Word, and that Word looks out there and says, your name is Mary
Brown you got this… and your suffering with that. Now he hears that voice speaking and he
knows that they are his vocal cords speaking, but it is another mind operating it.
See, my mind operates my voice now. You hear my voice? That’s my vocal cords, that’s
what they sound like. But now when that supernatural anointing in the Son of Man comes… I
hope I don’t get in trouble with the Lord, you understand now what I’m saying. When that
supernatural anointing strikes that man, then it is God’s vocal cords. It is His vocal cords, then
He articulates the man’s vocal cords, but the mind is the mind of Christ. And that mind of Christ
knows who you are, it knows the future, knows everything about you. That’s why it’s perfect.
But notice in the Shout, it did not say who it was! It was hidden. Now they thought it
was Brother Branham saying that. Brother Branham could you tell me…? He would say, no, I
couldn’t. I don’t know! I don’t know you, but the Lord knows you. Brother Branham said that
wasn’t me that was the Lord. They still didn’t get it, did they? They never did get it!
All right now, that was Jehovah God hidden, the mighty God, hidden in human flesh.
Now notice, He’s hid in human flesh, now that ministry is rejected and put on the outside. Now
what did they do? I’m trying to get your attention… they turned down their Messiah. The
Gentiles turned down their Messiah. They have never had a prophet, Son of Man, but they got
one in Malachi 4:5. Notice that they claim to have had the Lord Jesus Christ by the baptism of
the Holy Ghost in them. And then when He come in a man in the form of the Shout, they put him
on the outside of the churches. That’s right in Revelation the third chapter, Christ, the Shout, was
put on the outside of the churches. He was knocking, trying to get back in.

See, they claim to have Him down on the inside. They claimed to have Him down on the
inside by the true Baptism of the Holy Ghost the Seal of God. And the Pentecostal age church
put Christ on the outside, which was their Messiah. Now they don’t realize that was their
Messiah, that was their Shout. Now, notice they turned down the invitation to the Marriage
Supper of the Lamb through the Shout.
Now the next ministry that comes on the scene is the Bridegroom himself. Now the
Bridegroom is coming to bring His Bride to Himself. Now it’s not hid any more, it’s not hid any
more. Now the Bridegroom is revealed. Now He can reveal himself, because they’ve already
turned him down. So now He can come forth and reveal Himself by the Bridegroom, the Voice.
Isn’t that simple? Surely no one could misunderstand, it’s just as plain as day. Now when those
that have turned him down, have turned the Shout down and put him on the outside of the
churches, then when that ministry crosses the earth they will run out and sit down right out under
that too.
They’ll sit… now let me show you something, they will come and sit right down under
that too, and they won’t know it, see. It will be just another man. It’ll be some little odd feller
you know, but they will see Him doing great supernatural miracles that’s never been done on the
earth. See, Gods great vindication. And of course, when that comes, they will just gravitate to it,
everything comes to it, you know.
And they’ll run up there and think they’re gonna be in on that too. But it’s gonna be a
different picture this time. They done turned it down, now it’s gonna be wrath on them. It’s
gonna be wrath and judgement on them. They will see those mighty angels being revealed,
bringing wrath and judgement to them that turned down the invitation to the Marriage Supper of
the Lamb.
Now notice here, watch here. They will sit right in the presence of this great mighty God
being revealed. Now notice, it’s not, thus saith the Lord, no more then. It’s just handed out just
like this, see. It’ll tell you… now remember when that comes, and you hear it, then you
recognize it, and you remember back there what was told you, and you’ll know what that is. It
won’t say, thus saith the Lord. But it will be the Lord Jesus speaking and He’ll just give you
what you want - your heart’s desire. Now, He will identify Himself. He will identify Himself.
Oh... if you could just see the great vastness of it. If you really get it by a Revelation, it’ll
just take God to do it. You’ll never figure it out in your mind.
Now notice here, they turned down the Messiah and put him on the outside, all these
great evangelists, all these great men, friends of that man, see. Friends of that man that God used.
He was hidden, see. They will now know that it was the mighty God hidden and revealed in
simplicity. Now He comes forth in great power. Great power to manifest himself as the mighty
Jehovah God, the Messiah, that was turned down.
Then He brings the message there, fits it perfect together. That is the second coming of
the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of Man, the Voice of the Bridegroom.
Now, the Bride goes out to meet that Bridegroom. And the Bride, the true predestinated
elected Bride, is the only one that will recognize that Voice of the Bridegroom.
They’ll recognize that Word that’s coming forth from that man by a Revelation of God.
And then they will have the right attitude toward that, and then that will identify them as the
Bride. Because that will be the Word test. You heard the Shout, you believed the Shout. Fine.
but that’s not it, but are you able to hear His Voice?
My Sheep know my Shout? No. My Sheep know/hear my Voice, and another they will
not follow.


John 10:5
To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by
name, and leadeth them out.4 And when he putteth forth his own sheep, he goeth before them,
and the sheep follow him: for they know his voice.5 And a stranger will they not follow, but will
flee from him: for they know not the voice of strangers.

And that’s the only way they will recognize the Bridegroom, is by His Voice.
That is why we need to stay in the Word of God and prayer, so you’ll recognize when He
comes. That’s why the denominations and all of them are clear out of the picture. It will take a
really elected person that can see the revealed Word of God because He will be the revealed
Word of God. Now, He will identify himself.
Now, notice this. Now this is real good. Notice that the Shout had to have a Field
Manager, because it had politics in it. They had to go setup meetings. Then he’d have to have
testimonies, he had to have all kinds of testimonies and go back for years and years. Is that right?
All kinds of testimonies, he had to give testimonies.
Let me read that, I don’t know how I got on that. Let me look here in John.
There’s something that’s kind of pressing me right here. And I’d like to…
Let’s look here in John 5, and read this. That will help us understand these angels here to
put it all together. Now, let’s read beginning with Verse 28. St. John 5:28 through 38.
Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his
And shall come forth; they that have done good, unto the resurrection of life; and they that
have done evil, unto the resurrection of damnation”.

Now there’s two resurrections there.

I can of mine own self do nothing…”

Now, who is this speaking? This is the Son of Man, the Bridegroom himself, speaking. Is
that right? This was His first coming on earth, when this was wrote down by the apostles. But
now He’s speaking now of His second coming, which is the coming… not the rapture, but the
second coming of the Son of Man, which will be the Bridegroom, to gather the Bride unto his

“… I can of mine own self do nothing: as I hear, I judge: and my judgment is just; because I
seek not mine own will, but the will of the Father which hath sent me.”

Now that has got to come again exactly like that. Now is He coming with His corporal
body? No. He’s got to find another yielded body to get into to do that with. But these scriptures
will be exactly again in tat body that he hides in. Now watch here.

If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true.”

Showing you when it goes forth to the public that God will bear witness of it. Notice
there will be no Field Manager, there will be no setting up, no meetings at all. See, you believe it
or you don’t! It don’t make no difference to Him. That’s all over, that days already gone by. See,
you either believe it or parish. Now…

There is another that beareth witness of me; and I know that the witness which he witnesseth
of me is true.”

Now watch here!

you ye sent unto John.”

Now, you sent unto John, you sent unto John and said, come here for a week, come over
here and hold a meeting over here for a week. How many say amen? You sent unto John, you
sent unto John, Right? Malachi 4:5. Is that John? Now when he came he bore witness to the
truth, he bore witness to the truth, Right?

“… He bare witness unto the truth.”

But I receive not testimony from man.”

I don’t receive a testimony from man!

“But these things I say, that ye might be saved.”

Now John had to have testimony of man, because they wouldn’t give him another
meeting. How many say amen to that! He had to have testimony of man and pacify the preachers
and pacify all that, see. So that he could have testimony of man. Brother Branham is a great man
of God, we ought to have him in our cities.
But the ministry of the Bridegroom when He went forth, He won’t have no Field
Manager. And they won’t send for Him, He will just come. He will just come and God will give
witness of it and that will be it. So, see, were in for something different, aren’t we? There’ll be
no evangelization in this. This is the Bridegroom Himself.

But I receive not testimony from man; but these things I say, that ye might be saved.”

He who? John the Baptist, Malachi 4:5, was a burning and shining light. Now he was a
burning and shining light. He wasn’t the Light, but he was a burning and shining light.

He was a burning and a shining light: and ye were willing for a season to rejoice in his

Now they only done it for a season, because after that Brother Branham saw a vision that
they we’re hungry for biscuits and walked away. First it was hundreds of thousands of letters
coming in every day by the bags and the sacks full, and then you could carry them in, in a little
tiny paper bag, down to twenty-five down to fifteen letters a day. How many say amen? They
we’re willing for a season to rejoice in his light, then they got tired of it. Right? Now watch here!

But I have…”

Now here we go, this is the Bridegroom.

“But I have greater witness than that of John: for the works which the Father hath given me to

He’s gonna finish up the thing and the rapture takes place and it’s all over. He will wind
up everything that’s wrote in the Book to be fulfilled, will be fulfilled in the second coming of
the Lord Jesus.

… “which the Father hath given me to finish, the same works that I do, bear witness of me, that
the Father hath sent me.”

Showing you that the works of the Bridegroom that this ministry will do, the Voice will
bear witness that the Father God has sent him.
And the Father himself, which hath sent me, hath borne witness of me. Ye have neither heard
his voice at any time, nor seen his shape.”

Boy, if that an’t a scorcher! Verse 38.

And ye have not his word abiding in you….”

Here is the Word test right here.

“for whom he hath sent, him ye believe not. “

If they would have gotten the Word from the Shout, Malachi 4:5, then they would have
believed the Voice. Because the Shout, Malachi 4:5, wrote and spoke of the Voice that was to
follow him.

In the Seventh Seal Brother Branham said, I will leave. I am laying a foundation for
another one to stand on, this great mighty one that’s coming. That would have to be Christ Jesus,
Himself. That’s why Brother Branham said, the things that I do now, will only be amateur to
what the Lord will do when he comes. And all those great things that I’ve quoted to you. I am
not the true light, I’m only pointing to the true light, the true light when He comes will be the
Lord Jesus! The angel of the Lord said, my message will introduce him.

63-0321 - The Fourth Seal
William Marrion Branham
135 Now we notice that this—this great thing taken place. And now, we believe that there is to
be a coming of the true spirit of Elijah. It's predicted it would be. See? And we must remember
it'll be here in its own season and time. We may be laying a foundation for it now. And it won't
be no organization.

65-0815 And Knoweth It Not
William Marrion Branham
94 I'm only building. The hour is close at hand when you're going to see something happen,
when something is going to take place. And all this background here has only been laying a
foundation for a short, quick Message that will shake the whole nations.

54-1024 The Unpardonable Sin
William Marrion Branham
190 I'm laying this as a basic foundation for the coming revival. You bring your Bible every night.
You bring your pencil, bring your book to check off. And any time that you see anything you
don't understand, come, let us reason it together.

63-1229E - Look Away to Jesus
William Marrion Branham
322 And if I'm laying a foundation that another shall stand upon, grant, Lord, that soon it'll
happen, that the Word might be fulfilled.

The Sign of the Uniting
William Branham
“It may be time. It may be the hour now, that this great person that we're expecting to rise on the
scene may rise on the scene. Maybe this ministry that I have tried to take people back to the Word
has laid a foundation.”

56-0219 - Being Led of The Holy Spirit
William Branham:
And these things here that you see now will be amateur to what our Lord is fixing to do. You just
remember that with all your heart. And live for Him now and be reverent. And just be yourself.
Just—just be Mrs. Doe or Mr. Doe and—and love the Lord and just move on with a true heart
before Him, and love Him. He will take care of the rest of it. You see?

63-1229M - There Is A Man Here That Can Turn On The Light
William Marrion Branham
206 He said, also, "The axe is laid to the root of the tree. And every tree that don't believe, is
hewed down and cast into the fire." So that was his message. He was the Light of the day.
207 Jesus said, "He was a bright and shining Light, and you for a little while desired to walk into
it." 208 And what did John say, the prophet? "He is standing among you right now. I'm not
worthy to loose His shoes. And as soon as He comes on the scene, I'm going off." Oh, my! For,
He was the Light.

65-0801E - Events Made Clear by Prophecy
William Marrion Branham
91 God sent His prophet, John, as His Word had said, promised in Malachi 3, "Behold, I send My
messenger before My face, to prepare the way." John witnessed the same thing. And we find
out also, in Isaiah 40:3, that Isaiah said, "There will be a voice of a prophet, one crying in the
wilderness, 'Prepare the way of the Lord.'" See? All those prophecies! And—and look, notice
quickly, the Scripture identified him. When they said, "Who are you? Are you the Messiah?" He
said, "I am not." "Are you Jeremiah? The prophets, or one of them? 92 He said, "I am not. But I
am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, as saith the prophet Isaiah." 93 You think they
would believe that? No, sir. Why? He didn't come through their church. He wasn't of their… See,
he went in the wilderness at the age of nine years old, and come out at thirty. His message was
too great to go through a school of theology; he was the one to introduce the—the Messiah.
And everybody would be pulling him this way and that way. And God sent him in the wilderness,
after the death of his father, Zechariah. And he was a priest, but he never followed the line of his


61-0319 - Jezebel Religion
William Marrion Branham
93 I know you say, "That's my denomination." Brother, you're wrong. John came as a one-man
system to introduce a one man Jesus Christ. And the Elijah will not be a system; it'll be a man,
Jesus said so. He'll be one man that's anointed of the Holy Ghost. And he won't introduce any
three or four gods; he'll introduce One: the Lord Jesus Christ; 'cause his Message will shake the
Pentecostal children back to the faith of the fathers again.

Now notice here, he was introducing the Messiah. Now, what was he doing? How many
heard my message on the Introduction to the Messiah? See, the Shout was really introducing the
man that was coming behind him.
That’s why Jesus said, search the scriptures.
Of course, if He came today it would be… if He came today He might say it like this… I
don’t say that he will, but might say. I don’t say He would say that, but I’m just sayin what the
Word says. It looks like the way He would say it. It would be a little different language cause were
Americans you know and were living here and talk like we talk.
He would say something like this: “Search the tapes search the books in them you think
you have the token, eternal life, and they that testify of me.”
They would say something like this: “Well, we got Brother Branham and we follow
Brother Branham”.
The response would have been something like this: “If you were Brother Branham’s
followers you would love me. For because I proceeded forth and came forth from his ministry. His
ministry laid a foundation for this one. I know you don’t love me, I know you’re not my disciples
because His Word, my Word. hath no place in you. And him who God has sent you believe not,
They would probably say, “Yea, but we are disciples of that prophet, William Branham.”
He would probably have said,” God is able to raise these stones to raise children to this
Now watch, beginning with Verse 39.
Search the scriptures; for in them ye think…”

Search the tapes search the books, search the Bible in them you think…

“…ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.”
“40 And ye will not come to me…”

The Bridegroom the Voice.

“ that ye might have…”

the baptism of the Holy Spirit, Life the token. You won’t come to me that you may have life.

I receive not honor from men.”

I don’t receive honor from man.

But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in you.
I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name,
him ye will receive.
How can ye believe, which receive honor one of another, and seek not the honor that cometh
from God only?
Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even

the prophet,

“…in whom ye trust.”

For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me; for he wrote of me.”

Is that right?

Now you notice that we could be here forever on that. but now showing you that this is
the mighty God hidden and revealed in human flesh in the Shout. Later He is to be manifested in
great power and great glory in the Voice.
But then, by that time, the Pentecostal denomination has done turned down their Messiah,
put him out on the outside. They don’t know that now. They are not gonna know that until this
Voice speaks across the earth, then they will know it. Now when this Voice crosses the earth,
when this Voice ministry crosses the earth, that group will have already turned down the Messiah
and have blasphemed themselves away from eternal life. They won’t know that, see. They’ll
think they are saved and filled with the Holy spirit and think everything’s alright, until this
ministry comes on the scene.
Now notice here, over in John, in Matthew, in the gospels, it went on and said, in that
day, they would say, when they come before the Voice the Bridegroom, the Son of Man, when
they come before him, in his ministry there… Now that an’t up in heaven, that’s down here on
earth. And they come before this Son of Man, the Bridegroom, the Voice and then this Voice
reaches out and brings judgement upon them, Judgement on them because they have turned
down the ministry of the Shout, the Messiah. They have turned down the Messiah, now the
Voice brings judgement upon them. Saying, “Why did you not believe my servant John? Whence
cometh John was he of man or was he of denominations? Whence cometh him? Did he come out
of the denominations? Did the denominations send him, or did he come from God?”
Now all men know that William Branham was a prophet from God. Right? So, he’s
gonna put that on them. “Well, if you believe he come from God, then why did you not believe
his Word?” So, the Voice brings judgement and wrath upon them.
And now, they go to pieces. Why? Because this revealed Word, children, is gonna lick up
everything that’s on the field. They’re not gonna be able to stay with the false churches and the

denominations. They are gonna run out all together when this ministry crosses the earth. Because
there is gonna be so much power! Didn’t it shake the earth when Brother Branham came? Now,
when this comes, that will be the end of Jannes and Jambres, they will have no more place to
stand. And, so will all the other great ministers with their great written papers, their great books,
and everything.
Now I know what I’m talking about! I’m speaking on prophecy. And then they’ll run up
there in the presence of that man. Maybe he’ll have tent. I don’t know nothing about that. All I
know is that it’ll be there. Now whether it will be in a tent, or how it will be, it could be, we will
see. It could very well be. It could be because it won’t go into this little church and that little
church because it’s gonna be a great thing. A very, very great thing!
And so, they’ll run there. The supernatural is still the greatest draw and act of power, is
that right? So, when they come up there and run up there right in the face of this man… probably
God will use a little fella, maybe it won’t be a great handsome guy, it’ll be some insignificant
fella that don’t sound much like a preacher, but he’ll be the revealed Word of God.
And they will run up there, they won’t think nothing, they won’t know, probably think
everything is just wonderful, and then they’ll run into something they have never run into before!
They’ll run right into the face of a lion. Not a lamb no more, but a lion, mad as could be and
angry, and ripping, and tearing.
Friend, I believe a most fearful thing is gonna strike the earth. And they’ll run right up
there and run right into the wrath of God hidden behind a human being. And they’ll think that
man is totally insane, but he’ll have such great power that they can’t get away from it. And when
they run up there they will know they can’t get away from that power, because no man has had
such power, nor has done such miracles, and has had such authority. That ministry will create
arms and limbs and everything and speak the Word, that is the Voice.
Did not Brother Branham say it would be there? Now that will be right at the time of the
pressure of the World Council of Churches when that takes place.
Now notice, it will be so great and so tremendous and the Word will be such a
Revelation with such clarity, that it will make them realize that they have turned down their
So, watch this scripture come to life now! And then Jesus said in that day when the Son
of Man comes again, and they will say, “but Lord, there He is! Lord, Lord. But Lord we have
ate and drank in thy presence.”
When did they ever eat and drink in his presence?
They must realize that the same ministry that Brother Branham had is the same ministry
that will break out again, and only greater. And they will realize that they had sat in the presence,
some on the platform, and sat in the meetings where that angel was ministering with that prophet.
They will then recognize that Voice speaking up out of Him, God in human flesh. They will
come to life then.
Before He was hidden. but now He speaks out. When He calls somebody, or something
like that, judgement or whatever it is, and says “this is Christ speaking. This an’t this man, this is
the Lord Jesus speaking. You’re this, you done that, you committed adultery, you done this the
other night. Deny it, and God will strike you dead right where your standing.” This brings great
judgement and things like that, see. And they can’t run from that.
And so, what do they do? They cry out for mercy. And they cry out to the preacher like
this, “Now, look here, Lord, you know me, I’m T.L., or… I’m O.R.… Lord, I come out, I ate in
your presence. I drank in your presence.”

And what does He say? Depart from me you workers of iniquity I never did know you!
Now that an’t at the White Throne Judgement, that an’t up in heaven. That’s got to take
place here on earth.
“Now, wait a minute, Lord. I cast out devils, I healed the sick, Oh God, I had great
meetings and I raised the dead. Oh, please Lord don’t turn me away from this!”
“Depart from me you workers of iniquity, I never did know you.”
“But Lord you know me, my name is… Lord I had this great meeting, I got witnesses. I
had thousands saved.”
“Depart from me you worker of iniquity I never did know you”.
And they will be cast out into the tribulation where there’s weeping and wailing and
gnashing of teeth.
Boy, it just trembles my heart to even talk about that. How many believe that with all
your heart?
Friend, I tell ya if it wasn’t for the grace of God I’d lose my mind, knowing and seeing all
these things. And years ago I thought all that was up in heaven. And here it is ready to take
place, and preachers going on preaching and don’t know it but they are ready to run right into the
face of the Lord God Himself. That’s right. Talking about God’s prophet any way they want to,
blaspheming him, talking bad about the message of God, running him dragging him down,
crucifying him. But remember He’s got two hundred, three hundred and sixty some thousand
converts in the assemblies of God alone. Hundreds of thousands in United Pentecostal, Baptist,
Methodist, Presbyterian and thousands in independent churches and thousands all around the
world. And that Third Pull, the Voice of the Bridegroom Himself, the Son of Man is going out
there and bring them out of there.
Now, we see the coming of the Lord with his mighty Angels. The Third Pull was Angels,
not little birds but Angels. The Angels of heaven coming, bringing the Kingdom of Heaven to
the elected Bride of Christ.
Now let’s look over in Hebrews.
Children one day all them things will come to pass and you’ll look back and then you’ll
really be able to comprehend it then. Is it scriptural? It’s the promise of the hour. The Lord
I tell ya the conditions are so bad, the devil is so powerful, and things are going so
contrary, that I’m glad the Lord said Himself, He will do it. Because there is no man able to do
this thing. I believe man… Shows you right there that man is clear out of the picture, clear out of
the picture. Like the Angel of the Lord told Brother Branham, if your sincere this will come to
He told Brother Branham not to get his line tangled up in these kind of times. Shows you
that man of God where ever he’s at, that man will have to be alone. He’ll have to come to a place
where he’s so yielded to the Lord Jesus, just so close to the Lord, he’ll just stay right in the Word
till he becomes the Word. He’ll stay right in there till he becomes the Word.
There will come an hour when the spirit will fall upon him as it did on Jesus, and he’ll
start his ministry. Jesus was the revealed Word when He was in the carpenter shop. He was still
the total revealed Word…
Hold it there. Now wait just a minute! You see, He never sent Jesus, He never sent Jesus,
the first time out to meet the public till Jesus became the full body revealed Word. Now notice,
He don’t go forth with just half of the Word and then go home and rest for a while, and then
learn some more. When His ministry started, He was the Bible manifested. And when this

ministry goes forth today, it won’t go out there and learn a little bit and go home, and wait two or
three months then go back out on the field a little bit, then come back. No. When it starts it’ll be
the total body full body revealed Word crossing the earth. How many believe that?
Now, I want to look again… I got way off my subject this morning, but it was the Lord
that done that. But I will try to bring out a few things that you can see. You already can see this
Third Pull is Angels. You can see that much, don’t you? Who do I believe the captain of those
angels is? It is Michael. Michael the great archangel coming and leading the Angels from
heaven to minister to the heirs, heirs of salvation. Those believers, that elected Bride, that’s
gonna come into the body of Christ. Those angels are coming to minister to each one of them.
Every one of those children will have an Angel. An’t that wonderful? Each one of you will have
a ministering Angel. And whatever supernatural thing that God uses you for, it will be that Angel
standing beside you doing it. Now you know you couldn’t do nothing, could you? It would have
to be Him doing it for you, see. An’t that wonderful?
Now, let’s read our scriptures over here, where I’ve been bringing out, what God has
been giving us for about six months. About… How many love Mount Zion! Mount Zion is the
spiritual Bride. Of course, we know that Zion, the new city new Jerusalem, comes down out of
heaven from God at the end of the thousand years, after the thousand-year millennium. But
Mount Zion is the spiritual Zion today, and is the true first church, Bride church, the free born,
and that’s the elected Bride. Now let’s look a minute on these angels.

Hebrews 12:22
But ye are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God.”
Spiritual city, see…
“… the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an innumerable company of angels.”
Now, here’s where you’ll find these innumerable company of angels.
To the general assembly and church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven,”
There’s your elected Bride.
“… and to God the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just…”


“men made…”

mature men made…

And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant…”

Showing you that here is the new Bride covenant coming into existence to the Bride. The
church ages are over now, then you’re in a new day. How many say amen to that! You’re in a
new day, you’re under a new covenant. Now the plan to the blood was lost during the church
ages but it’s been restored again by the revealed Word of God, the plan to the Blood so we can
enter into the new covenant. Isn’t it gonna be wonderful when you receive your covenant!
Now, see it’s the law! God set it up as a law. Now if you want to get water you got to
work with the law of water. There is a certain way to get water, you got to work with that law.
Now if you want electricity you got to work with the law to get electricity in your house, right?
You work with that law, God set certain laws.
Now God has a law and He swore by His law. He sealed it by His blood, and He entered
into a covenant with the elected Bride, His wife that He’s gonna marry, the Bride of Christ. He
enters into a covenant with her. And when He gives her His covenant, His seal to His covenant,
then she has a legal right to ask anything in his name and it’s done.
That’s why she will get one hundred percent answers to prayer. That why she will get
every heart’s desire. It will be given to her, because anything she will ask it in His name…
because she gets His name. Now if your spiritual you already… Before I preached that message,
so you already ought to have got it.
There’s where’s your new name’s layin at! How many here you don’t know the
revelation of the name of Jesus? Let me see your hands. you don’t know it do you? Right?
Anybody know the revelation of the name of Jesus? No! It’s not known. Nobody knows it. But
now when you come into the body into your husband, don’t you take on your husband’s name?
So, when you come into Christ you come into His name.
All right now, you take on your husband’s name and you lose your name don’t you, and
you take on another name. I see some of you smiling, it’s dawning upon you.
How many want to come into His side?
Alright now, you enter into a covenant and this covenant spoken here.
Jesus, the mediator of the new covenant to the blood of sprinkling…
and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than that of Abel.”

Now watch here!

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake
on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:”
Now notice here, alright now here we have Mount Zion and in Mount Zion we have
innumerable company of angels, and in Mount Zion we have a new covenant in in Mount Zion
we have only an elected people who have their names written on the Lamb’s Book of Life slain
before the foundation of the world.
Now in Pentecost we used to say, glory to God he got saved tonight and got his name
wrote down in the book of life. There’s no such thing. If you were ever to be saved, you have to
have your name on the Lambs Book of Life before the foundation of the world.
That’s the scripture: Revelation 13:8, Revelation 17:8. The Bible said that all who had
their names written in the Lamb’s Book of Life slain from the foundation of the world, you come
unto Mount Zion. When you find Mount Zion your gonna find an innumerable company of
Showing you that when you find Mount Zion you won’t find it until the Third Pull is
here, which is the revealed Word of God. And when you find the revealed Word of God you find

Mount Zion. Is that right? Angels descending and ascending and the Lord God speaking at the
top of the ladder. Then you find a new covenant that you’re entering into. You find the eagles;
those that have their name written on the Lamb’s Book of Life. And now it goes down here.

See that ye refuse not him that speaketh. For if they escaped not who refused him that spake
on earth, much more shall not we escape, if we turn away from him that speaketh from heaven:
Whose voice then shook the earth: but now he hath promised, saying, yet once more I shake
not the earth only, but also heaven.”

Now watch here now! Now notice the earth was shook by a Voice. The earth… talking
about Mount Zion here. There is a Voice here that shook the earth.
Now, I certainly believe with all my heart that there is only one ministry I’ve seen rise in
the generation I’m living in, that shook the earth. And I do know it true from reading the history
of Brother William Branham’s ministry, that it shook the government of United States and more.
The picture of the Angel of the Lord hangs in Washington, D.C. FBI men were saved and
senators and all kinds of great men and kings of the earth were healed and miraculously
delivered. Brother Branham shook Finland, he shook Switzerland, he shook Africa. Africa has
never recovered from Brother Branham coming there. He shook Germany, made headlines all
over Germany in the biggest newspapers there. Great renowned men with cameras took the
picture there with the Angel of the Lord and Brother Branham. He shook all those great countries
of the world.
And that was the Voice that was speakin on earth. That was an earthy messenger Voice
speakin on earth and it shook the earth. Now it said, see that your refuse him not that speaks on
earth. Don’t you refuse that Voice that speaks on earth. See, he shook the earth, he shook the
Now watch here. We are getting to this right here, where I want to get to. But now here’s
a prophecy, see yet once more, one more time Lord, once more Lord, one more time. Now he’s
not just gonna shake earth now. He is gonna shake the earth, but not just the earth. Now, he’s
gonna shake the earth once more and then on top of that he’s gonna shake heaven. Now what is it
that’s gonna shake in heaven? Is that gonna shake all the stars, and the moon out of place and fall
to the earth? What is it? There has got to be something there that’s got a little Revelation to it,
see. Now He’s gonna shake the earth again and He’s gonna shake heaven also.
Now notice here, going back over our tape we been preaching on The Two Kingdoms.
How many remember where Satan’s seat was at? How many remember where he’s at?
Somebody tell me class? In Heaven?
We wrestle not… Ephesians Six said, we wrestle not with flesh and blood but we wrestle
with principalities and powers in heavenly places. Showing you that the devil, Satan, Lucifer, is
a person. The devil, Lucifer, that devil, that red dragon, that dragon, that serpent Lucifer, called
the devil, his throne is in the heaven on the side of the north, and he is the King of an army of
demons. ,
Literal demons. we have pictures of demons that’s been taken by photograph. How many
have you seen it? Now we don’t have a known picture of the devil himself, but he must be a
terrible fella.
Now notice when Brother Branham said that God gave him power to lose and bind that
biggest devil. More than likely it was Lucifer himself, I don’t know. But after that, Brother
Branham was laying in his bed one morning, real early in the morning, he felt an awful spirit in

the room and he opened his eyes and there at the foot of his bed stood great monstrous devil. He
said he was colored like a black man with a beard a terrible lookin fella and he spoke with a
voice and he said, “William Branham you don’t have any power with God.” Now that devil
knew that Brother Branham had just got that Revelation from God to loose and bind. Now you
know where I have taught in the Word of God and proved that vision, and proved by the Word of
God that, that is the apostolic power returning back to the earth again. That’s, that White Horse
Rider, as sure as the world! Apostolic power, pure Word and power that fell on the day of
Pentecost to go with it. And the devil come to try to bluff Brother Branham on that, and Brother
Branham told Brother Don Ruddell. Brother Branham said, I just slipped down underneath the
covers and covered up my eyes cause I was so scared. And the devil said again to him, “William
Branham you have no power with God.” Brother Branham said he raised his eyes up and said,
“Satan in the name of the Lord Jesus I rebuke you.” And in just a puff and he was gone.
Then again, the devil, or one of his demons, appeared and Brother Branham saw him out
in Tuscan. I don’t think this is on tape, but I think it is on tape, where that devil came in Brother
Branham’s study where he was prayin and the devil appeared right there. The devil didn’t talk
but stood right there in the room lookin at Brother Branham. And Brother Branham said,
“Meddie come here. I want to show you something.” “Meddie hurry!” And the devil didn’t want
him to call his wife and before she could get in there, the devil disappeared. So, friend believe
you me, I believe there is a real live Lucifer, Satan, the devil. He is a person.
But now get this, the devil is not omnipresence. He has a power but it is a perverted
power. He is not a creator. He cannot heal, he cannot create, but he does not have a corporal
body, he has a spiritual form. Right? He’s not omnipresence, he can’t be here in Connecticut and
down in Georgia at the same time. Now if Lucifer is here in this building tonight, he cannot be
down to Brother Ruddell’s tonight too. But if he’s here, were in for trouble. How many say
amen! He’s a trouble maker. There’s nothing good about him. And if he’s here, he’ll tell a lie as
sure as the world.
Now, notice the devil is one person, and can only be in one place at one time, so more
than likely Lucifer stays on his throne in heaven. And from heaven he distributes his orders to his
army of demons. Now of course if there was a great theologian here he would laugh at that.
Ahaa! Ahaa! Just explain it away, they think they can explain it away, you know.
But I like to take it just like the Bible said, Lucifer, the devil. They got big words for
epileptic, Jesus called it a devil! I don’t care what scientists wants to call it, Jesus called it a devil
and he cast the devil out. Cast that devil out. Showing you that Lucifer, that person Lucifer,
Satan called the devil dragon, has headquarters in heaven. And from heaven… now you say what
heaven is that? That I believe, that is the lower atmosphere. I believe that right in this other
dimension that we go into the heavens there on the outside of that, right there before you enter
into the glorious place of the redeemed going to those heavens there, where those church age
saints are waiting there. I believe that there is Lucifer, the devil, a person, the devil sitting on his
throne, see.
Remember how I placed Satan’s church and all that! See, I can’t go over it again and
background it for you, and put that all in there. Now the Bible said that once more God will not
only shake the earth again, but the whole nations of the earth. He will also shake heaven. He
will shake not the earth only, but also heaven.
Now watch here!

And this Word, yet once more, signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken…”

He’s going to remove those things that can be shaken.

…”as of things that are made, that those things which cannot be shaken may remain.”

Showing you there’s one thing that can’t be shaken. Let’s see what it is.

Wherefore we receiving a kingdom...”

Showing you that this whole thing is tied up with innumerable company of Angels, the
Third Pull, the revealed Word of God, the Voice of the Bridegroom, the coming of another
apostolic out pouring of the Holy Ghost, is all tied up with this thing right here were preaching
But everything in earth and heaven will be shaken and there’s only one thing that’s not
going to be shook, and it is the redeemed who has come into the true church, the true body of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Now he said, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.
Brother and sister if you really believe this that your hearing here, you certainly ought to reverent
God with godly fear.
But if your pastor just all stirred up and he’s just preaching just to feather his nest with
your ties, building himself a nice little house down here. He will get as many as he can to come
Oh. Brother Arthur, I never did do it. Honestly, I never did like them charts showing
attendance. I never did like it, in fact I’ve been a black sheep ever since I was born. I never
agreed with nothing in Pentecost. I never agreed with that thing. But were not just all excited and
yet we are, we’re not just emotionally worked up blowing our whistle and hollering and carrying
on. But we know what we’re talking about, this is reality.
God is gonna have a Bride, and the Kingdom of Heaven has been coming. It’s been
coming from the negative to the positive. Is that right? And were right up here now, when the
gates are gonna be thrown open wide for the little elected believers that are standing in love,
waiting for the promise of the Bridegroom to come. and their gonna enter into that great thing.
So, let us serve Him with fear and reverence.
Now notice here, all things are to be shaken.
Now to show you that this is Michael… I believe it’s Michael, the Archangel, that is
leading the host of heavenly Angels coming to the Bride. I really believe. At first, I kinda
thought it might be Gabriel, but yet I believe Gabriel may have something to do with the
resurrection somehow, could be. How I don’t know. We’ll have to wait a little later to get
something on that. But I do remember Brother Branham said that the Angel that was with him,
and we have the picture of what was a minor Angel. It wasn’t Gabriel, but it was a minor angel.
Brother if that was a minor angel that shook the world, I don’t have no mind to
comprehend what will happen when Michael, the Archangel, gets here. Maybe he’s here tonight.
I don’t know! Any way let’s say it this way when Michael begins to move. I wish he would start
tonight. I tell you I’m sure glad I’m on his side. Michael Dear, if your listening were on your

side, were on your side and we certainly believe Michael that the kingdoms of this world is ready
to crumble at your hand. Amen!
I believe, as the Psalm said, Oh, that the mountain would melt at thy presence and thy
Voice, and that thy would come down and rent the heavens that the mountains may move, and
thy presence, and thy Voice.

Isaiah 64:1
1Oh that thou wouldest rend the heavens, that thou wouldest come down, that the mountains
might flow down at thy presence,
As when the melting fire burneth, the fire causeth the waters to boil, to make thy name known
to thine adversaries, that the nations may tremble at thy presence!
When thou didst terrible things which we looked not for, thou camest down, the mountains
flowed down at thy presence.
For since the beginning of the world men have not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither
hath the eye seen, O God, beside thee, what he hath prepared for him that waiteth for him.

Now we see here, that it is Lucifer himself and his host of demons that are going to shake
in the heavens. Now what is he doing? Michael and his heavenly host of innumerable of angels
are coming to give out the inheritance to the Bride of Christ and she is getting ready to shake up
the devil. She’s getting ready to shake this thing.
Well, I think it’s about time, don’t you? Brother, we’ve been on the deep end so long
taking blows, but we’re getting ready to chase him now! The battle is gonna turn when Michael
gets here. And they that be with us are more than that are with them.
Now notice over in Jude 8th verse, you’ll see Michael here. And remember our scripture
this morning from Daniel 11. You remember that don’t you? Oh, Daniel, Michael shall come that
great archangel and he shall stand and all that’s written in the book shall be delivered when he
Oh Brother! I tell you my heart is just wrapped around that in love to think that I could be
living to see this glorious thing that’s gonna take place.
Children an’t it… how many churches been starved for some preacher to get up and
enthusiastic and excited and get you all stirred up, and then next thing he’s gone.
I’m so thankful for Brother Arthur Graybill. He said, he thought he was born again over
there. And the Mennonites come over here and I went to this one and boy, I got in there, and had
to get something else, then I got out of there and went over to this one and thought, I had it, and
got out of there and went over there and helped build this church up and then come up here and
here’s something else.
I think God there’s an end somewhere, you keep seeking, seeking, seeking you finally
find it! Cause, He said, seek and ye shall find. And then when you seek and find it, then knock.
Boy, I tell you the whole Bible is living! I can’t quote a scripture that I don’t get a
Revelation. Seek! You got to seek it, then you’ll find it. And when you find it, knock and I’ll
open it to you. Oh, that’s just wonderful!
Now notice here Michael, I believe is the one and who is the leader to all the innumerable
company of angels, coming to minister to the Bride.

“Jude 1:8,9
Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of
Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of
Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.”

Devil! Amen.
Looks like to me, they got in a big fuss where… Michael came down with his Angels and
hid Moses. Lucifer, the devil, got mad about it. You know that old devil he likes your body. He
wants to destroy you. He an’t satisfied if he don’t know what’s going on. So, he got to
contending with Michael over the body of Moses, but God hid Moses. I guess Michael gave the
devil such a battle that he wanted to know where Moses was at. Hard to tell what he wanted to
do with Moses body! Looks like he hates us pretty bad, don’t it?
Now notice here, I want to go to Revelation the 12th chapter now. Now, I will just teach a
bit. My voice is gone and kinda sore. Let’s read here in Chapter 12. It’s gonna take me a little
time. I want to get through this so I won’t have to come back to it, see. I think we need to fit this
into the book of Revelation.

Revelation 12
And there appeared a great wonder in heaven; a woman clothed with the sun…”

Now watch that. Now what is a woman? It is a church and clothed with the sun. now this
is the true church, this is the new testament church, clothed with the sun of righteousness.

“and the moon under her feet.”

Now, there goes to show you that the law is passing away and they type that
denomination to with the law and the moon is the reflection of the sun, only a reflection. And the
moon is under her feet, now there is that Jewish orthodox church bringing forth and unfolding
that new testament church, woman, and the sun,

“and upon her head a crown of twelve stars.”

That’s them twelve apostles, note that he called them stars. Shows you that God’s Bible
is first in the heavens, see. And if you’re ever going to be in heaven with the Lord Jesus Christ
and be in that number, your right up there in the universe somewhere. Maybe sometime will go
to the planetarium and see ourselves there somewhere. How many believe that? I believe it will
all my heart. The Bible said, ye shall shine as the stars of the firmament. Now this woman had
upon her head twelve stars which is the twelve apostles.
And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.”

Now she’s getting ready to deliver something.

And there appeared another wonder in heaven.”

Now watch this now.

“… and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon
his heads.”

Now that’s that roman dragon with all those government powers upon her head, those
And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,”

My Lord.

“…and did cast them to the earth: and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to
be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born.
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron: and her child
was caught up unto God, and to his throne.
And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they
should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days”.

Now, notice here that this is the Orthodox Church lapping over and bringing in the New
Testament church. The crown of stars upon her head and the sun was the Son of God, Son of
righteousness bringing forth that New Testament church out of the law, the moon the old
Orthodox Church. And she’s bringing forth the man child, which is Christ.
Now notice here. Now what was the other wonder in heaven? Another wonder in heaven
was the dragon, he was in heaven and he drew a third part of the stars of heaven, he drew them,
see. He drew them together. Now notice that was Lucifer. This dragon was Lucifer that was
kicked out of heaven, and he was jealous over Michael the Archangel. He was jealous. Lucifer
the devil was jealous of Michael, and his kingdom. And Lucifer was one of the great archangels
of heaven, and he wasn’t satisfied with the position that he had. But he lusted for a more
beautiful kingdom than Michael had in heaven. And he had jealousy and lust, those things that
you see in a lot of the preachers here on earth today. All them things I preached in The Two
Kingdoms coming down through there.
Now notice here, that Lucifer drew a third part of those stars in heaven. Now it hard
telling how many billions it is, I don’t know. But he drew a third part of them, I don’t know the
number but I assure you that is a fantastic number of stars that he drew over to his way of
Showing you that every one of them stars that lined up with Michael’s preaching in
heaven trying to get a greater kingdom. Do you realize that he made war in heaven and Lucifer
was going to try to take over Michael’s kingdom and the Lord God himself right up there on the
Do you think the devil fears God? Oh, brother that’s fearful to even preach about this.
The devil don’t fear God at all. He fears him because he knows that he’s got an end, and he fears
and trembles to think what’s going to happen to him. But he walks right up in the face and
talks… who ever seen such a thing, a man that would talk right back to God, defile him and say
I’m not my brother’s keeper after he bashed Abel’s head in.
Now notice here that Lucifer drew a third part of the stars of heaven and he drew them,
how did he draw them? He drew them to himself by his way of thinking.

Now notice, show me the preacher that is pastoring and you’re following, and I’ll show
you the way that your thinking. And they lined up with Lucifer and his way of preaching because
they were just like Lucifer too. Were they religious? Did they know how to worship God? Did
they know about the Bible? They ought to, it was wrote right in the heavens. Do you think they
know anything about having church? I’ll say they do!
And Lucifer drew a third part of them. And what did God do? Michael and Lucifer got in
a fight! And God let them fight it out. And Michael and his angels overcome Lucifer and his
angels, and Michaels kicked them out of Heaven. Glory to God!! He kicked them out of here! He
overcome them and whooped them and kicked them out of heaven.
And where did they land? Right on the earth. And Satan, Lucifer, took his throne in the
lower atmosphere of heaven. And his demons are right there with him in the third part of all the
stars of heaven.
Oh, now watch this! Notice here, that Lucifer, the devil himself… Now go back there in
our kingdom tapes. How did he propagate this kingdom and what did he do? He come down and
found himself a little virgin woman, called Eve that had never known anything about life, sexual
relations and all that. Now you know we don’t believe here that Eve ate an apple. We sure don’t.
That apple theory does not fit nowhere in the scriptures, nowhere. And I’ve been preaching for
years that there’s no apple in that thing. No, it wasn’t no apple from that tree that she ate of. It
was sex. And now sex is the God of this world, don’t you think it an’t. You’ll be surprised when
the Bridegroom pulls the covers off of this thing, you’ll be surprised who has fallen to the lust of
this world. Don’t tell me! I was surprised when the Lord showed me something at four o’clock in
the morning. I said surely not Lord! But he said different.
Notice here that Lucifer was kicked out of heaven to the earth and drew a third part of
those stars with him. And they were religious spiritual beings, and third part of those stars were
once in their position in heaven. And they were the stars of God, and they were in position, but
because of lust and greed, like Lucifer, they were kicked out of heaven and they are religious to
the core!! They are religious spirits. Religious!! They know how to worship the Lord, they know
how to praise God, they know how to do all those things.
Notice here that Lucifer, the devil, in order to propagate his kingdom, had to be like the
most-high God. He wanted to be like God. He wanted to be like the Lord, right? So now in order
to do that he’s got to have subjects, he’s got to have subjects so he finds this little virgin called
Eve. And he doesn’t have a corporal body. Satan don’t have no blood cell. He an’t got no body.
So, he got into the next creation, Lucifer. The devil come inside, and the devil possessed the
beast which was the most subtle creature of the garden.
The devil what? The devil in the garden of God? Yes sir’ree! He was right there in the
garden of God. And Christ was in the garden of God. Christ was the tree of life, and the devil
was the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He knew good and evil. Right! He knew it in
heaven. And was jealous, evil. He was kicked out of heaven because of jealousy. And when you
see these jealous preachers around, then you’ll know right there that they got something in them
that’s like the devil. How many say amen to that? Notice that Lucifer got into the beast, and he
possessed that beast. Now he’s got a blood cell to produce a baby that will progenerate his
kingdom. Oh yeah! Yes sir’ree.
Now notice, when Eve got deceived by this preacher!! Notice when the devil got in that
beast, immediately he started preaching to Eve the bride of Adam. So, he started preaching to the
church and he preached to her a TWIST and a PERVERTED GOSPEL!! He said, Oh, God
said… Oh, God said… Oh, he really meant this and that. He changed the first message to the

earth. And the devil took God’s message and twisted it just a little bit! Were they the elected
seed that the devil was preaching to?
Notice that this Lucifer got in this beast. I went through all that previously, but just to
review just a touch of it. This beast committed sexual relations with Eve and got her pregnant,
and then she went home to Adam and talked Adam into it. Adam was not deceived, because he
was the revealed Word of God the spoken seed Word, and he could not be deceived. And he had
no way for Satan to plant his seed in him, no way in the world! Why? Because he was the perfect
creation of God! Created in God’s own image. Right! Shows you that Jesus can’t be deceived,
but the Bride can if she is outside her Adam! And if it wasn’t for Jesus today she would be
deceived again.
Now notice here, that the only way that Satan could get to Eve was she had to be on the
outside of Adam. As long as she was in Adam… She was once in Adam, right? Adam was both
Eve an Adam. So as long as Eve was in Adam, she was safe from the devil. The devil could not
get Eve as long as she was in Adam. And that’s why we better hurry up and get into our Adam,
Christ, today because the devil is a roaring lion out here. And if we ever get into Christ, the devil
cannot touch us. Glory to God!! Amen!
You say, glory to God I’m saved sanctified and filled with the holy ghost, but I didn’t
mean to run around on my wife! But the devil made me. No. No. No. No, he never! If you ever
get into Christ your saved to sin no more, I tell yea! Shows that you just thought you were in
there, but you were not.
But as long as Eve was in Adam the devil couldn’t touch her, could not get to her - no
way, as long as she was in Adam. Don’t you see? Oh, my friend, that’s why I keep telling you
that the Bride is still on the outside of her Adam today! Why?? So, she could be tested by Lucifer
and the devils in his kingdom today.
There would have been no test for Eve if she was still in Adam! But God knew she was
going to take the test, and she was gonna fall. Why? So, He could be a savior. So, God could be
a savior!
If nobody was lost He could never be a savior. So there, Christ, God himself, took Eve
outside of Adam. She was beautiful, as she walked through the garden. And one day there was
Lucifer that was kicked out of heaven and begin to preach the gospel to her. The devil reached
over and gave her a sensation and the next thing you know he gave her a blood cell, a seed, and
Cain come forth from her.
Don’t tell me that the perfect creation as Adam could bring forth a murderer like Cain!
Never! And she brought forth Cain, and Cain was the devil. He was the devil’s baby. Let’s say it
like this! Cain was Satan’s baby! I know this modern-day people an’t gonna believe the teaching
of the prophet of God. I believe it with all my heart, because it’s the only thing that will make the
Bible live. You say, it’s just a spiritual seed. It’s just spiritual? Then Jesus was just spiritual, and
never born by the virgin Mary. You can’t get out of it.
Now notice here now. I’ll tell you one thing that the devil, Lucifer, never let anyone do
the job, he done it himself. Because he was gonna be the father of this kingdom. He’s gonna be
God of this baby. Yes sir! Now he wants to be a God. Now he’s got himself a baby and from this
baby, Cain, he’s gonna take Cain’s seed now and propagate the earth with that seed, with
children of the devil. Children of the devil you say? Yes, and that’s Satan’s kingdom.
Now notice here that one third of them stars are kicked out of heaven. Lucifer was kicked
out of heaven and came down and got into the beast by his spirit and Eve gets pregnant with
Cain. Right? Not only that, but brother we still got one third of other spirits there to deal with.

Now notice here in Revelation 12. A great wonder in heaven and a third of these stars he
did cast them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be
delivered. Right!
All right now, now watch this devil! Watch this devil! What did Cain do? Immediately
when his brother got a Revelation on the Word of God… Cain was religious as could be. He
come before the Lord and lit a fire, we went through that before. And what did he do? He got
mad at the Revelation. Abel got a Revelation of who Cain’s seed he was… Remember how we
went through that. And then Abel realized that his daddy wasn’t Cain’s daddy. Here’s two
kingdoms, two seeds. So, Cain picked up a rock and bashed his brother Abel’s head in. Showing
you that seed of the serpent in that kingdom of the devil will kill you, it’ll kill you!
All right now notice he’s religious to the core, and he may out shine the other real seed.
He may worship the Lord and praise him and he may read his Bible and say I believe everything,
but he could be the seed of the serpent. Do you believe?
All right notice here, go on down through there. Now let’s just take a couple of examples
and look at them. Let’s look at Moses. Whose seed produced Moses now? God’s seed. Moses
was God’s prophet to be, and the deliverer.
Now what happened? Notice, that right at the time the devil, Lucifer, and his demons
must have heard Jose belle and them praying for that deliverer to come. And they knew that God
spoke to her and she got all excited about it and praised the Lord, and the devil must have heard
it. And he knew that she was gonna give birth to something that was gonna cause him a lot of
trouble in his kingdom. And what did he do? Pharaoh rose up and then they begin to kill all the
first born. But God kept his hand on his seed. Hallelujah! God is gonna protect that seed. Glory
to God! Amen! And he put it in a little basket and let it float down the water through all the
crocodiles and floated it right back into the hands of the seed of the serpent, the Pharaoh himself
and fooled him. Didn’t he pull one over on the Pharaoh? Pharaoh went out there, the devil
through Pharaoh, went out there and begin to kill all the first born trying to get that seed of the
Hold it there. Now remember, Lucifer heard the Voice of God in the garden say I will
bring enmity, he said to the women. I’m going to put enmity between thy seed and the serpent’s
seed. And the serpent, Lucifer heard that sentencing on him, and he knew that one day that there
was gonna be a seed that would come forth from God given to some woman that was gonna
cause him all kinds of trouble. And that seed that was going to bruise his head!! Hallelujah!!
Lucifer thought, Moses may be the one. Maybe this child coming forth from Jochebed… Maybe
this is gonna be the one here. And so, he sent out and begin to kill all them first born.
But they didn’t fear Pharaoh ‘s command. Why? Because they had a Revelation from
God. They didn’t fear… Oh, we don’t have to fear what the World Council of Churches think.
Michael’s here and his angels. He’s able to melt the swords or wither up the hand, anything he
wants to do. So, Jochebed, his mother, put little Moses in a little basket, in the bull rushes in the
water, and you children know that story, and floated him down back to Pharaoh’s house. Because
Jochebed was poor and couldn’t raise him in the right way, so God just sent a little predestinated
seed right back down into Pharaoh’s and made him feed Moses all the days of his life. Brother,
God fooled the devil so bad that here was the devil feeding God’s righteous seed and taking care
of him all of his days. Amen! Boy, you talk about pulling one over on the devil, he sure done it
then didn’t he? And here all the time Pharaoh loved Moses and didn’t know that he was the one
that was gonna get his kingdom. My Lord! God turned the Pharaoh around and made him love
Moses. First, he wanted to kill him, and now God fooled him and now made him love Moses.

And now he’s gonna turn all his domain over to him. Moses was the fall of his kingdom. My
All right, I like that, didn’t you? Now don’t you just love the way the Lord does things?
Can you beat him? I ask you, can you beat him? Oh, my, his wonders supersede... How he does
these marvelous things. Oh, I love him. Can you imagine all the little wonderful things He’s got
prepared down the road, for His little Bride. Just makes you excited and want to praise him.
All right, look here. Notice that Lucifer, that seed, the children of the serpent. always
persecuted the prophets and killed them. Right? Look how Jezebel… if you check her
genealogy, she come right out of Cain’s linage. Come right through there. Come right out of that
ungodly line. See that seed of the serpent? And what was she, she was always after Elijah, the
prophet, all the time. I’ll cut your head off. I’ll kill you before morning. Showing you that seed
of Lucifer, the devil, was after the seed of God. Satan has to kill this seed. Everywhere he can
find that seed, he’s got to kill it, because he knows that out of that seed of God is gonna be given
to some woman sometime, that’s gonna bruise his head. He knows that there’s gonna come a
seed some time that’s gonna bruise his head, so he’s got to get it.
Now notice, we find this happened at Calvary when the angel, Gabriele, appeared to a
little virgin Mary and said, Mary blessed are you among all the little churches, you have found
favor in the site of God almighty. I was just sent from his presence to come and tell you that, that
holy thing that’s gonna come forth from thee is gonna be called Jesus. And He gonna save His
people from their sins.
Boy, don’t you just love that? It an’t changed none today either. Don’t you just love that?
He’s gonna save His people from their sins.
Now notice here, that when Mary was pained and about to be delivered of the child…
Here we go now! The dragon stood right before her through King Herod. Where was
Lucifer? Where was that devil? Where was that seed of the serpent? Right in King Herod. And
he stood right near Mary to kill and devour the Christ child when it was born. Is that right? But
notice here how the Lord God fooled him. God sent the three wise men. You know the story,
right? God sent the three wise men later, because the devil, in King Herod, was still wanting to
kill that baby. But the Angel of the Lord appeared unto Joseph and sent Mary away, see. Then
brought her back again later. Then there was that devil again in that king. He come down there
with the wise men and said, tell me when you find the Christ child? Let me know, I want to
come and worship him, too. He said, I want to come and worship him, too. See, he wanted to kill
him. And the Lord said, don’t you tell nobody about that and don’t let him know I, because he
seeks to kill the child, see. Now look at that children, just look at that how that devil wants to kill
the seed. Now notice here, the devil really thought he got Jesus when he was at Calvary, see. He
really thought he got him. But he bruised his head and he didn’t know it, see. See, he thought he
was defeated hanging up there on the cross, but there was the seed that was promised from
Genesis that was to bruise his head. But notice he bruised his head but he didn’t cut it off. He
made a way and he bruised it, and he made away for his head to be completely chopped off later!
Now notice here, Satan went on conquering even after Calvary. He went on conquering
to put every child of God in the grave yard. Afflicting them with all kinds of sicknesses from his
kingdom and put them in the graveyard and conquered every one of them through death. Right?
But Jesus was the only one that never did conquer through death, because He rose from
the grave. Why? Because He was that seed that was promised from Genesis. Now notice here,
that this seed of Christ, now coming down here to the end-time, is to be prophesied again to be
given to another virgin.

How many remember the time when the Lord told you older people that was here a few
years ago, the Lord God come to me about 4:00 o’clock in the morning and showed me a
Palestinian woman. A Palestinian woman with a long flowing garment on and down on the
border of her garment was written letters, I Will Receive a Seed! And I didn’t have a revelation
of it at that time. Remember all that?
Now, he showed me that was the Bride, showed me that was the Bride that said, I will
receive a seed. And that seed come from the Son of Man, that was the seed sower in the end-
time. He sows the seed of Christ into the woman, the church, the Bride. The wise virgin, the
bride, gets pregnant with Christ.
Now Christ coming the second time when your born again, when the bride travails and
gives birth again to Christ. He’s not coming to suffer at Calvary now, He is coming to destroy
the devil. He’s coming to put every enemy under His foot. He’s not coming to suffer now, He’s
coming to rule and reign with a rod of iron. Do you believe it?
All right! Now let’s watch here! Now notice here. Now when Jesus fully matured and
started his ministry… now notice here when He come up to people that had the devil in them…
now notice people had devils in them. Now who were those devils? Those devils that were in the
man at Gadara. The man at Gadara. Let’s take him. He had a legion of devils in him and those
devils was the very spirits that was kicked out of heaven.
Now notice here that they immediately knew Jesus when He come. And Jesus, a little
tiny fella, walked over that hill and walked up and here to that man there who was naked and had
no clothes on. Shows you when you take your clothes off your crazy. Right? And that man come
running down through there naked, and the devil cried up out of him and said, thou art Jesus the
Son of God. Have you come here to torment us before our time? Jesus have you come here to
torment us before our time? Those devils knew that it wasn’t time yet for them to be tormented.
Glory to God!
Saints don’t let that slip by you! Have you come here to torment us before our time? He
said, if you’re going to make us come out, let us go into these swine here. Then He said, Come
out! But oh… Brother! Brother, Brother, if you think the devil squalled then, how do you think
he’s gonna squall, when their time has run out.
The little Bride is gonna rise up with Michael and his angels and they are gonna torment
the devil and his angels, and cast him out! Their time for tormenting is running out, now their
time to be tormented is coming. Glory to God!
Oh, they cried, Oh, we know thee, who thou art! You know, one of the Bride! We know
thee who thou are. Have you come now, is our time up? Yes, your time’s up. Come out of
there!! Your time is up now! Time shall be no more, for you!
Oh… God hasten that day. Cripple limbs turn loose, cancers melt away. Oh brother, there
is gonna be deliverance in Zion! For Michael shall come and every one whose name is written in
the Book, shall be delivered in Zion. And out of Zion shall be a great deliverance in that day,
said the Lord. The devils time is running out. Boy, that’s good. Jesus, have you come here to
torment us before our time? Here was that Christ seed, Jesus. But the time to be tormented is
really today.
Now notice here, let’s go on down here a minute. Verse 7. Oh, this is wonderful! Oh, I
tell you the devil hates it, don’t you think he doesn’t. Don’t you know he’s trembling tonight? He
knows that his time is almost up here. We are going into war with him in a little bit. We’re not
bothering him now. We’re not bothering him now. He’s ruling in his kingdom. He is having his
way. He’s a roaring lion going about seeking whom he may devour. But just as soon as Michael

and the angels are ready to do battle, and pulls up there beside the little Bride and begins to
minister to her. Michael came down and his angels, and come up when those hundred and twenty
come up out of the upper room and little Phillip went up there and brother, devils were cryin and
squalling and he was casting them out left and right, wasn’t he? What do you think? It’ll be
today with this little Bride.
Now notice here and hurrying. Now in Revelation 12:7, now watch here. Now let’s look
at verse 5.
And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations with a rod of iron.”
Brother, He an’t coming to suffer and die at Calvary any more, He’s coming to rule with
a rod of iron,
“and her child was caught up unto God, and to His throne.”
And the woman…”
… the church…
“…fled into the wilderness, where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should feed her
there a thousand two hundred and threescore days.
And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the
dragon fought and his angel.
And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world.”

Notice here, this is not the casting out from the first time he was cast out of heaven.
Because he was not the devil then, he was Lucifer. How many see that! He was not the devil up
there, he was not the devil up there, he was Lucifer. Now notice here, here is Michael the
archangel doing battle with the great dragon, the great dragon, now the great dragon was the
Roman Empire. That’s when he come in that Roman Empire and got into those emperors.
Showing you that it was not there, see.
Now notice when the disciples came back and said, Master, the devils are just subject to
us at your name. He said, don’t marvel at that, I saw Lucifer fall from heaven. He said, I saw
Lucifer fall from heaven, he knows me real well. I was the one that kicked him out. See, they
didn’t know who he was, see… Before Abraham was, I am!
Oh Lord! Now see, that boy stands there, that’s the revealed Word, and knows all them
things, poor little fella’s going around and don’t know what’s going on. It’s about the same today
Oh Lord, the devils are subject to us. He said, now children don’t be rejoicing because
devils are being subject, rejoice that your names are written in the Lambs Book of Life. I beheld
Satan as he fell from heaven. I beheld Lucifer as he fell from heaven.
Now, he could of went on talking and said, children I kicked Lucifer out of heaven Now
that would have made it worse, that would of just confused them all the more. But he said, I
beheld him when he fell from heaven. And where did he fall? He fell and landed right in Eden,
and did his dirty work in Eden and propagated his kingdom.
Alright now, he come down over through here how he got in King Harrod. How he got
into Pharaoh’s. How he got in all those great kingdoms down through there and killed and
martyred the saints and burn them in the coliseum at Rome, fed them to lions. And he come

down through there, the dragon, he’s the devil now, and he’s Lucifer. He’s Satan. Now notice
here. Watch here now,

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the devil, and Satan, which
deceiveth the whole world.”
Glory to God children, there’s another casting out time coming. He hasn’t deceived the
whole earth yet. When he was kicked out of heaven and landed in Eden there were no nations
then. But here he went out and deceived the whole world. Amen.

“He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.”
Alright now what is this? Now here, through the denominational churches, through the
hierarchy of Rome, Satan has put out his doctrine and he has deceived the whole world. He’s
deceived the United States. He deceived Russia. He deceived all the great nations of the world.
And they’ve never seen him and they don’t know him, but he has deceived them all. Now here
he is still sitting up here in heaven in the realms of the atmosphere with all his demon power
working for him in all the government. The United States is the Kingdom of Satan. Russia is the
Kingdom of Satan, China, every nation on earth is the kingdom of Satan. Right?
Now notice here, Michael and his angels now are making war again. It shows you that
we’re right at the door now when Michael and his angels is gonna be in another great battle with
Lucifer, and the third part of his angels that was kicked out of heaven before. Now he’s gonna
kick them out of heaven again.
Now where is the devil at now? Where is Lucifer at? He’s sitting in the realms of heaven
here. And he goes up before the presence of the Lord God and he goes up there and accuses
Brother Bob. He says, do you see what Brother Bob did today? Now he said something today
that he shouldn’t have said, and he thought something he shouldn’t of thought, now you see he’s
a sinner. You don’t see no perfection in him now, Lord. And Lucifer calls your name one by one.
And he goes up there before the Lord when you make a little mistake. Now there’s your child,
now see what they done! Right? But what does God do, says, yea that’s right, but look at the
blood! Look at the blood! I know he’s not perfect yet, but he’s gonna be. I’m working on him,
there’s my blood! He said, yes there’s the blood. Then he goes down to earth and comes back up
again before the Lord. Now Lord, just look a there what she done, did you see? Just look a there!
Did you see, what she…? Yes, but there’s the blood! And continually he goes and accuses the
elected night and day. Night and day, he goes up and down to the earth with his demons and
back to heaven and gets his demons to get all kinds of reports and takes them back up there and
accuses the poor little elected children all the time, up in the realms of heaven. And his demons
are just working on you. You are restless and sleeping, and there he is trying to lay a trap for you
the next day on your job. While you’re there sleeping there, he’s got something working on you
right there. The devil says about a hundred of you go up there and attack Brother Brothers. Now
he’s gonna be going down the street in his police car tomorrow and I want this woman to come
out of here and you get on that women and just make her throw a glass of beer in his face and
just cuss him down one side and the other. And make him get mad and lose his temper and just
act awful. Well, we know Brother Brothers never did do that, but let’s just say he done it. Lord,
did you see what Brother Brothers done today? Did you see that, now! Yes, but he’s under the
blood. He’s mine, he’s covered by my blood. I’m standing for him, I’m his perfection. There he
is! He’s right there tonight!

Children can’t you see that He died for your perfection! It’s all in Christ! Christ is my
perfection. He’ll accuse you night and day but Christ, His blood, His blood.
I love him so much I don’t want to do nothing wrong, Lord. Will you forgive me for that,
Father? Lord, give me more strength more grace God. Don’t let me lose my temper, Lord don’t
let me think those things, God don’t let me do that. We’re covered by the blood!
I never will forget one night the Lord showed me something. I was laying there in bed
straight out like a dead man, and over top of me, over top of me was a great big ball of blood.
And over top of that blood was that pillar of fire whirling around, but it was over top of the blood
and the blood was over me. Just a great big beautiful… like shed blood picked right out of a
bowl and it was just hanging right over me like that. And I was just paralyzed by that, you know.
And over top of that was a pillar of fire whirling around. I said, Oh God, thank you, I’m covered
by the blood, Lord! Covered by the blood.
And that’s what we are, covered by the Lamb. He is the perfect one. He is our
justification. He is our sanctification. He is our holiness. He is our righteousness. We’re not
looking at what we are, but we are looking to what He is! So, when the devil comes up and
accuses you, Jesus points to the blood.
Alright now watch here, Michael and his angels are gonna have a war one more time with
Lucifer and his angels. And Michael is gonna overcome Lucifer and his angels and kick them out
of where they are at now. What for? Well let’s see what for.
Now, children here is a marvelous thing, a marvelous thing. Now let’s look in verse 10.
Well let’s read verse 9 again.

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent…”

…cast out of where? Cast out of where? Cast out of Heaven, where he accuses
“…called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth,
and his angels were cast out with him.”
And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the
kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast

“… out of heaven…”

“…which accused them before our God day and night.”

Now comes the power of God, salvation, and the power of His might, when the devil is
cast out of heaven.
We often sing that song here, until the church is saved to sin no more. All right now what
is it? Now notice here, until you come into Christ, until you come into Christ, the devil is gonna
accuse you. Because you’ll never be perfect until you come into Christ. Now once you come into
the body of Christ you’re perfect as God is perfect, only then.
Now notice that there will come an hour when the last elected member of the body,
comes into the body of the Lord Jesus. When that last elected believer comes into Christ by one

Token baptism and comes into His body. The last one comes in there, then the blood leaves the
mercy seat!
See now, I have to differ with my brothers on that, I just can’t see it no other way. But I
know this is right! And brother, if that blood an’t there you’re in terrible shape because that devil
is right up there accusing you, and you an’t got no blood there. And if there an’t no blood there,
you and I are a gonner.
But when that last elected member comes into the body of Christ, when that happens, the
rapture is ready to take place.
What happens now? All the third part of the stars, all them falling stars, all them demons,
and Lucifer is there in the atmosphere. Now, what are they gonna do? They are gonna hinder you
from going in the rapture. They are gonna fight against you going in the rapture. They are going
to fight against you going in the rapture.
So what Michael does, he goes up there and kicks them all out and clears all the
atmosphere of heaven out so the Bride can go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb. Glory to
Do you believe? Do you really believe that? Now the Lord don’t want no hindrance. So,
Michael and his angels, right before the out resurrection takes place, he goes up there and battles
left and right and kicks Lucifer and all of his demons clear out of there. Then it clears the whole
atmosphere and the Bride…
What will happen then? Oh, Lord! The resurrected body of the Lord Jesus comes down
there where Satan was. Glory to God! And are caught up to meet Him in the air, to forever be
with our Lord! Glory to God! Is that right Brother Bingham? Brother Bingham says that’s right!
An’t that wonderful. Then the dead in Christ shall rise. The dead in Christ shall rise and then we
all be caught up to meet him in the air! Cause Satan is kicked out of the air.
And where is Satan at? All the demons, and Lucifer himself, is kicked out of the air,
where they come back to earth again, and he lands in Rome and does the same thing again,
comes down in the Pope, comes down in the Pope and now the Beast…
Now here is the trail of the serpent seed. It was the beast in the beginning… and he
comes down in the beast in the end. He incarnates himself in the beast, the Pope, and he rules
and reigns over the whole earth now.
Oh my, but the little Bride has done went through the air. Glory to God! And she is at the
Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Who-hoo. Glory to God! Boy, I love it with all my heart. Amen and Amen! Amen.
Amen! Boy, you talk about a time. (Brother Lambert sings), Caught up to meet him in the air!
Michael and his angels kicked Lucifer and the demons out. The devil, Lucifer, lands in
the beast, the Pope. Oh, brother! Yeah, want a little more on that, do ya!
Now watch here, Lucifer is a lost angel. But once he was a saved angel, you know he was
in the right place. But when he was kicked to earth, he was then a lost angel. And all these third
of the stars that followed him are also lost angels, and they are here on the earth, in the Pope and
in the preachers. Now notice, that civilization and these religious demons have traveled from the
east China outside of Palestine. China and has traveled around the sun and come down to the
I’m gonna say something. They come down to the west as far as they can go to the west.
The sun rose in the east, civilization traveled with the sun, and the sun going down and
civilization comes to the west. And the devil moving all the time with that civilization right! And
there are the third part of all these demons, they’re religious demons, religious to the core. You

think they don’t know how to preach! Paul said, is it any marvel that Satan himself has
transformed into an ‘apostle of light’. They are apostles, false prophets. And where did
civilization travel? From the east to the west. And these lost angels wind up in Los Angeles.
Here! Who was that, that just passed by?
Satan thought he fooled us on that one, didn’t he! We got his number! There’s the third
part of those religious spirits in all them cults and isms and false prophets, Brother Branham said,
they would wind up on the west coast and it’s called the city of the angels! Glory to God!
Hallelujah! The city of the Lost Angels! Oh, that makes my hair raise up. An’t that scary! All
these religious demons get in these preachers and they wind up on the west coast so God can sink
them and destroy them.
Listen to the prophecy.
References: Prophecy on tapes of William Branham

The Choosing of a Bride- 65-0429E

Question’s And Answer’s (Law having a Shadow) 54-0516

Elijah 53-1018

Ashamed 65-0711

Works is faith Expressed 65-1126

65-1204 - The Rapture
Rev. William Marrion Branham

190. That same Son stood there, one day. He said, "Lazarus, come forth." And a man that been
dead four days, rotten, his nose fell in, stunk, he came forth. Said: Marvel not at this: for the
hour is coming, amen, when all that's in the grave will hear the voice of the Son of God, So, it's
done been spoke. It has to happen like that. There's going to be a Rapture. Oh, my!
191. I remember, just my last Message in California, where I thought I'd never go back again,
when I predicted, "Los Angeles will go beneath the ocean. THUS SAITH THE LORD." It will. She is
done. She is washed. She is finished. What hour? I don't know when, but it will be sunk. Right
after that, the earthquakes begin to jolt and bow.
192. Remember, many of you men standing right there, that rock, that day when that Angel
came down there. And that Light and Fire falling from the Heaven, around the rock where we
were standing there. Rocks fell out of the mountains, and falling across there. She blasted three
times, hard. I said, "Judgment will strike the West Coast." Two days after that, Alaska almost
193. Remember, that same God that said that, said, "Los Angeles is doomed." And she is
finished. I don't know when. I can't tell you.

194. I didn't know I said that. But this brother here, I believe it was… No. One of the Mosely's, I
believe, had me out on a street out there. I didn't know what it was till I looked back. I looked
back in Scripture. And Jesus said, "Capernaum, Capernaum, how oft… You that's exalted
yourself, rather, up into Heaven, shall be brought down into hell. For if the mighty works that
been done in you, had been done in Sodom, it'd a stood today." And about a hundred and fifty
years from there, (Sodom had already, in the earth) then Capernaum is in the water, too, today.
195. And that same Spirit of God that said all these things, and done all these things, It said
there, "Oh, city, Capernaum, who called yourself by the name of the Angels, Los Angeles, how
you've exalted yourself into heaven! The very root and seat of Satan, see, you've exalted
yourself." 196 Preachers, it's a graveyard for them. Good men go there and die like rats. What
197. "You that call yourself by the name of the Angels; if the mighty works had been done in
Sodom, that been done in you, it'd stood today. But your hour has come.

Oh, thou the city that calls themselves, the city of the angels, you’ve exalted yourself to
heaven… Oh, Glory to God don’t let this pass you by!!!!
Oh, Children raise your hands and praise him, raise your hands and praise God! That’s
the Lord, I didn’t mean to say that, that was God! My Lord Have mercy!! Oh, children do you
realize what I just said? Don’t you know that wasn’t me!! That wasn’t me I didn’t know that!
That was the Lord. How many felt the lord when he come in? That wasn’t Brother Bob that said
that, that was the Lord.
See. Let’s watch that and go back and get that! Now, what made them call that city see,
Los… look how the Lord hid that. LOS they didn’t put the t on it. But the Lord told me the other
day, Lost Angels. Boy, I tell you! Lost Angels. Now look here, now watch here, now I didn’t
know that the prophesy said that, and then the Lord let me say that.
Oh God… my heart is just pounding. Do you realize how fearful and terrible this is
children? All them preachers out there thinking they are saved, and their lost angels. See, their
demon possessed by one third part of them religious spirits that was kicked out of heaven. They
are demon possessed by them spirits. That’s why they fought Brother Branham and they fight
this message and everything, and Gods got them all on the west coast that’s where they are all at.
And that why it’s called Lost Angeles. Now let’s go back to that prophecy again where the Lord
done that there. Thou the city that calls yourself by the name of the angels, thou hast exalted
thyself to the heavens, what is that? That is Lucifer that has went up and exalted himself in
heaven over the stars of God. To be worship above the Lord God.
Let’s go over here. How many just stay a few more minutes. Now let’s look in
Thessalonians just a minute. Oh my, how we ought to appreciate the supernatural God in our
midst. My Lord! Now let’s read in, Second Thessalonians the 2nd chapter 3rd verse. Now, let’s
watch these angels. Watch this Lucifer and his angels.

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling

…from the faith revelation…


…talking about the coming of the Lord Jesus.

“…and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition.”

That’s the devil. The devil and everything about him is going to be revealed by the Son of
Man. Right! Who is exposing him tonight? That’s the Son of man, exposing the devil. Watch
here now.
Who opposeth and exalteth himself…”

There he is, thou has exalted thyself in heaven…

“above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of
God, shewing himself that he is God”.
These demons, one third part of these demons get into these people and they think they
are worshiping the Lord and their worshipping Satan.
Now you know nobody gonna say, I worship you Satan, I’m in your church, no he
deceives them. Now see we couldn’t get on all that, but now just to show you there how that fits
right in there. Oh, thou city that calls yourself by the city of angels, lost angels. You’ve exalted
yourself to heaven, through all these preachers and all your great deliverance ministry’s and all
of ya, you’ve exalted yourself to heaven, but you’re going to be brought down to hell, I’m going
to sink ya. I got you all out here now and now you’re on the west coast and you’re in the city of
Lost Angels and your lost, you preachers. Now one day they’re gonna hear that. God’s gonna put
his finger on it and their lost. Don’t you realize it’s awesome and fearful, an’t it! And how
thankful you’re in a place like you are tonight! How would you like to be in Los Angeles sitting
under one of those deliverance ministry’s, you could have very well been there, Brother Arthur.
We could very well be out there. How many have you all sat under? Let me finish this up here.
How many would like me to finish up here? Do you appreciate His presence? All right let’s
watch here.

Verse 11.
And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and
they loved not their lives unto the death.”
Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth
and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that
he hath but a short time.”

A short time, he’s got three and one-half years. And then the Lord Jesus is coming from
heaven with ten thousand of his saints riding on white horses. And they take Lucifer and what
demons he has left, and puts them into a pit with a lid and a chain on it. Now that’s not just a lid
you just pick up, but he chains the devil with a chain of circumstances. He an’t got no way to
move any more he’s exposed. So, he’s just waiting for annihilation. He’s got one more job to do,
so Lucifer waits one thousand years chained with a chain of circumstances. Because the Lord
God is on earth and Lucifer can’t do nothing no more. He’s done his job now he’s chained with a
chain. Now at the end of a thousand years, Satan and his demons are loosed again for a short
time, to go out and deceive Gog and Magog. Gog and Magog are the nation’s china and Russia, I

believe to come down to battle against Jerusalem and God destroys them with fire from heaven.
Now I’m going to go ahead and finish this up here.

And when the dragon saw that he was cast unto the earth, he persecuted the woman which
brought forth the man child.”
And to the woman were given two wings of a great eagle, that she might fly into the
wilderness, into her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, from the
face of the serpent.”

Now you got to watch that, that’s a real tricky text. Now he’s going back again to the
Christ child that came forth from the Church. In the beginning it was caught up to the throne.
And then the woman, the church, fled into the wilderness and came on the Mayflower that fled
from the Roman Empire and came to America where there was no land and the earth swallowed
them up. Now, of course, this is not my Revelation, that’s Brother Branham’s teaching on that.
You’ll find that on some of his tapes.

Now notice here.

And the serpent cast out…”
Now he’s going to something else, this goes back and forth with those two times he was
kicked out of heaven.

…and the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause
her to be carried away of the flood.
“16And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood
which the dragon cast out of his mouth.”

And the earth helped the woman. Now there you are, the earth helped the women. Why?
Because there were no people over here. Now didn’t that church flee out of ‘bloody Mary’ and
came over here and we founded America. It was the whole earth and just a few Indians. The
earth just swallowed us up, they couldn’t martyr us no more. How many know the history of
America? Brother Branham typed those days to the Mayflower landing.

Now notice here, 17th verse.

And the dragon was wroth with the woman...”

Now were going back where we are right now.

“And the dragon was wroth with the woman…”

… the church.
“And went to make war with the remnant of her seed, which keep the commandments of God,
and have the testimony of Jesus Christ.”

Now here, let’s watch this a minute. Brother Branham got his teaching on the hundred
and forty-four thousand from here. I don’t know if he placed it like this, but I believe it is the
way it is.
Now notice here, that when the Bride goes into heaven, the devil is angry and goes mad.
Because he knows he only has three and a half years, and he’s mad at this Bride. He’s mad at this
Bride, because this bride has exposed him. And what the ministry of the Bride has done, has
called out of the denominations, a multitude which no man can number.
All of God’s people are not born again, and they don’t have God’s spirit, but they are
God’s people. They just missed the oil, the foolish virgins missed the oil. They are virgins, they
are God’s people and they come out. All this is classified as foolish virgins. And the Bride… the
Bible said, the spirit and the Bride say come, come out of there. And with great power and great
authority, the Bride, with Michael, the archangel, and those ministering angels, the great power
of the Holy Ghost, and the apostolic Word, gives off such a display of the power of God that all
of those people come out of all the denominations. And that is the church.
Brother Branham typed it out this way, and it’s the best way I know of. When you
women are going to make you a dress you get a piece of material and you lay that pattern down
on the material, and you take the scissors and you cut around the pattern. And the pattern that
you cut out forms the material that makes the dress, that’s the Bride! But the material that’s left
over is the foolish virgins, the church. How many understand it?
Now, notice that the church does not go in the rapture, the Bride does. The church stays
here during the tribulation, and the devil is mad at the Bride.
The Bride escapes in the rapture and now the devil, Lucifer, comes down with great
anger and great wrath and he takes off after the seed of the woman.
I said, the seed! Hello! I said, he takes off after the seed of the women. Which is the
remnant of the material that’s left over from the Bride. The Pope, the devil, Lucifer and the pope,
and all of his demons now takes off after the church, the foolish virgins, and they begin to martyr
them, and also the Jews. They take off after the church and the Jews and begin to martyr them.
Now notice here. That’s goes to show you right there, that the Bride of Christ is gonna
plant a seed in those people that came out of those churches.
That’s what I’ve been waiting for. You must get this. Now how many see it now? Now it
goes to show you right there that the Bride has got a ministry. Notice that in the Bride, the
pattern of Christ gives off such a grand display of the power of God, and shows up the devil for
what he is and brings all the people out of the denominations and plants a seed in their minds that
denominational World Counsel Churches is the Mark of the Beast. And if they stay in there they
will be destroyed in a lake of fire forever and ever. And the Bride gives such a display of the
power of God, that they come out of the gates of hell. They come out of those prison houses.
And then the devil takes off after the seed, that comes from the Bride, planted in the foolish
virgins. How many see it? Now Brother Branham was going to get to that but never did. I know
that’s right!
So, we see the spirit in Malachi 4 saying come, and the Bride is gonna say, come. And
when the Bride says come of out of there, she plants a seed in that foolish virgin, but it does not
have time to mature and bring forth oil. But remember, they believe it strong enough in their
minds that they will be cut open, eyes gouged out, heads cut off, martyred, and persecuted in
every way. But they will not bow down to that. They will die without any grace, without any
power, and without any spirit to help them.

The foolish virgins see such a display of the real thing in the Bride of Christ that they will
let them do anything they want to with them, but they will never accept that Mark of the Beast!
Oh my, children, we ought to love the Lord God with all our hearts, soul, and all our
might, just to think you could be here hearing all the things you are hearing and have a chance to
get the oil now. Cause the little Bride comes out… the little Bride plants a seed in them foolish
virgins, to come out. And they will try to get the oil…
Now, hold it now! They come and say to the Bride, give us of your oil! Please give us the
token! And she will say, I’m sorry, we don’t have time, the rapture is ready to take place, see.
And you don’t have time to come up that ladder. They say, but stay with this, don’t accept the
Mark of The Beast.
Now, when the rapture takes place, we will be gone, but don’t you accept that Mark of
the Beast. And they hang onto that, brother. They will hang on to that right on through all that
bloody persecution from the Pope. He’ll just ride, kill, murder, cut heads of, and rip and tear. It’s
going to be awful.
How many going to be glad they’re going to meet him in the air?
Now, those things I said were all a chopped up. Sorry, but it’s awful how I brought that
out. I sure hope you see it. I sure hope God puts that down in your heart and you’ll hunger and
thirst after him and draw near him, cause all that winds up real quick.
How many glad you’re not in the city of lost angels (Los Angeles, CA). I’m glad I’m
where I am. L. A. will plunge beneath the ocean and it’ll be an awful disaster. Brother Branham
said, it’ll be worse than the days of Pompeii when they had the earthquake there. God will sink
them preachers for the way that they’ve done. As long as you get the Revelation, that’s what I
Now let’s sing a hymn.
Now, children let me say something to you. Now you’re going to have to… whatever you
do, don’t forget this. You listen to those things till you get them in your heart. You go over that
and you listen till you get it in your heart.
Now the revelation is about finished here. I’ve done tied the whole Bible together, there’s
nothing that I can see now except A BIG TEST FOR YOU!
How many went back and heard my tape on Time Tested Bride? Now, I don’t know what
I’m going to do, but I’ve got to find the will of God, cause I’ve done preached myself into a
place now where I’ve preached the Bible. The whole Revelation, there’s nothing left to be
revealed. There’s just a couple more things I want to bring out on the capstone, and that’s it. I
can preach and go back and get a little something, but the Revelation is done, out now here!
So now, children, if you believe me and have any confidence in me, you stand in a
terrible place for what you’ve heard. Do you all realize that? You stand in a terrible place and
you must do everything you can to make yourself ready. Cause we don’t know at what hour
anything could take place. I’ll leave you and I’ll be gone and you’ll have to be right on your toes
and give yourself to the Word of God and prayer. Get all this revelation inside of you as quick as
you can. Cause it’s 1971 and a half.
Los Angeles will go under any time. And when it does, I believe with all my heart this
great ministry will be in operation when she goes down.
So, she almost went the last time. She’s been quivering and shaking ever since that one.
She’s had several tremors. People scared to death out there, but any time this great thing could
start. And it will be so quick and powerful and just knock you off your feet, and then it will be
gone out of America and across the ocean.

And here you will see me gone. Many will say, Lord I had all that time and I slept there
and played and fooled around.
Now, you an’t gonna fail, are you? You expect Brother Bob… can you expect Brother
Bob to keep going on preaching great revelations for years, and years, and years? I can’t! See,
there is an end to that. There is sometime an end. Now as far as I can see… I tell you, if you
believe me to be God’s servant, you’ve had the Revelation here.
You say, what about that rapturing faith? Honey, you better go back and search the tapes,
you’ve missed something. If you an’t found what you need by now, you better go back and
listen, you’ve missed something! You got it in your head not in your heart. You go back and you
listen. And if you don’t understand, you go back there and listen, till you find it and understand
How many are going to do that?
See, all the Revelation is out/preached.
You say what about them thunders? Go back and listen to those tapes, go back there. And
if your spiritual, and you go back there and you keep listening you’ll find something. Then you
get that in your heart. Then you’ll be ready.
But you got to get it down in your heart - this great thing.
Did you know when that starts it may not last six months? It could cover the earth in six
months and the rapture could take place, in six months.
In other words, let’s say before I leave this building that the Lord God could start that
tonight. Within six months the rapture could take place and the dead in Christ would rise, and we
all will be going to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb.
Now, there’s gonna be many that’s gonna weep, wail, and cry to find something, and
So, we don’t want to let God’s great grace, the things that’s he’s done, his great presence,
great Revelation, and revealed all those things, we don’t want that…
You got to do something, you’re not supposed to sit in your seats forever. Another year,
another two years, you got to come into Christ and find your inheritance. You’ve got to strive
and struggle to find out the predestinated will of God for yourself. Not for me, for you. How
many want to find it with all your heart?
Let’s sing, “There Is a Fountain Filled with Blood.
I’m so thankful for that blood tonight. Boy, it kinda scares me about Los Angeles. Oh,
my Lord, I’m so glad I know the truth, I don’t know what to do.
Think about it, being out there all stirred up and preaching tonight and you got you a big
building, got your books, a big truck, you got you a tent, and don’t know it but you’re a lost
angel. Lost angels!

Congregation sings. “There is a Fountain Filled with Blood drawn from Emanuel’s veins…
I love that blood song, but I don’t like that part about laying in the grave. I don’t even
like to sing that, brother and sister. I an’t going to no grave. I’m going to be caught up to meet
him in the air. He’s gonna clear the atmosphere out for me, and I’m gonna meet the one I love,
not only meet His spirit down here, but I’m gonna meet His resurrected body in the air.
I’m gonna see what kind of body He came in. A little lowly Lord Jesus, and I believe
when you see Him your gonna see a little fella. I believe He will weigh about a hundred and

thirty- five pounds and He’s about five feet eight. I believe it’s gonna be the prettiest face, yet it
an’t beauty like the worlds beauty.
When I looked into his face it was the prettiest face I ever seen. And I tell you if he
would have held still, I sure would have gotten a hold of him. I wept and cried many nights and
my eyes would be all swollen together and be sore from cryin. I said, I want to see Him. I’ll die
if I don’t see what you look like. I’d wrestle with Him make love to Him way up till the morning,
and I’d be just exhausted till I couldn’t cry no more, my eyes all swollen together. I was a mess,
then years later, He let me see Him.
Oh, it was just so wonderful! I looked, and sat where you see the green chair in my study.
I turned on one little dim light, and I would sit and meditate at night. I saw Him, and I know
what He looks like now, and I just look at that profile and the angels. I can just see Him and
look at Him, you know. And… Oh my, just a little tiny face, little tiny fella, real thin chestnut
hair that goes down to his shoulders, and a little mustache, black mustache, real thin beard, just
about like Bob Gatlian’s, maybe a little darker, and coming down like that. Just a little fella. But,
oh my, friend what will it be when we look upon him there. Just oh… my…
And there, when your caught up in the rapture, you’ll be traveling like a thought.
I say by the humbly and by the grace of God, I seen the rapture and being caught up, you
know. And it was just great power and you were just traveling like a thought. I was traveling like
that and looked up, and there He was standing there with His hands out, and all them saints
popping up all around you there, see. And there He is with His hands stretched out.
Then you go up a little higher to meet Him in the air, and then He leads us right into
heaven. We will go to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb for three and one-half years.
Oh, how many just want to be there? See, if we can just pray and read His Word. If you
can love His revealed Word, then you’re in good shape, because that’s the Bridegroom. The
bridegroom is the revealed Word of God. If you can love that revealed Word of God, that’s Him!
Now that’s a sure sign that He’s coming after you, if you love the revealed Word.
Course you say, well, that’s pretty good, that sounds alright. No. See, you got to be in
love with Him. It’s got to mean more than anything else in the world. Just in love with that
revealed Word of God, see. You must be hungry and thirsty. Oh God, I want You to come.
And then somebody will say… and you say, Oh Lord, I want You to come, and then
someone says, that scares me, I don’t want him to come. Shows you right there something an’t
right, see. You just gotta be… if He said I’m coming between now and day light, that ought to
just thrill you to death, just thrill you to death. You’ve got to have it that way.
How many want it that way down in your heart? Even so, come Lord Jesus.
Let’s bow our heads. I know I’ve said so many things today, and I know it just wears
your mind out, and I know you’re wore out. Our bodies an’t got strength no more. We get up out
of bed and were just as tired as when we went to bed. But that’s going to change shortly. When
Michael manifests himself in these Angels, it’s gonna be deliverance in Zion. All these great
things will be taking place. Now your little heart gets sad, but what sadness you got, friend, is
gonna be turned into joy. You’ll be turned into joy.
You’ve asked not much hither to before, but now you’ll ask anything in His name and He
will do it. He will do it. Whatever you ask He will give it to you. Oh, what a great glorious thing
He’s gonna do for His little Bride. Lord, hasten that great day.
Now with our heads bowed and our eyes closed. While our sister plays a chorus, softly,
Jesus Is the Sweetest Name I know.
Lost angels, Lost angels.

Now with every head bowed and every eye closed. Now, if there is someone here tonight,
you know you’re not in love with the Bridegroom, really down in your heart and up in your head.
You kinda do, but down in your heart you really don’t know if you’re really in love with the
Bridegroom, or not. You say, Brother Bob, that kinda struck fear in my heart, and I see Los
Angeles and all these things your saying, I want to be right with the Lord. I want to know that
revealed Word and be in love with that Bridegroom. Will you pray for me brother Bob?
God bless all those hands, He has seen your hands.
Just think, He loves you and you’re the apple of His eye. Now you know what an apple
of your eye is, that’s the biggest most beautiful apple that is hanging on the tree and you’re that
apple of His eye. That’s what Proverbs said, the apple of His eye. And He’s coming to gather the
apples of His eye unto Himself. And He’s gonna let the world know He loves you. And He’s
gonna make the denominations ashamed that they put Him on the outside.

Closing Prayer: By Brother Robert Lambert:

Dear Heavenly father, now God, you’ve been in our midst this morning in a great way.
Your power of Revelation, and your great presence was here this morning. And now Lord, these
fearful things jump out of us here, and we see that how perfect it fits right into the scriptures, and
right into what you are doing in this hour.
God maybe the world would make fun of it, if they could see it. Maybe we look funny
and peculiar. But, Lord, we know that You are in our midst. And we know that Thou art
revealing thy Word to us. And we pray heavenly father God, that Lord Jesu, you’d bless every
hand that was up lifted tonight.
God, I pray that the people may love Thy Word with all of their hearts until they can
become the Word, Lord. Oh, Father, help us to be ready any hour that you would come and seal
us. May we be ready.
Lord, bless every man, every woman here, and every child. Father, may they not one miss
it. Lord may they not one miss it. Oh, Father, may you have preeminence in our lives. May you
will have first place. And Lord, we don’t want to save our lives, we don’t want no life here,
Lord. We’re laying down our lives, we’re laying down our lives that we might find it again, in a
new world to come. God bless everyone here tonight father.
Lord may you, this week bless each one. Be with them on their job. God, they work out
there among all that demon power and devils. Lord, I pray that you’ll bless them, give them
strength, lead them, and guide them by your Holy Spirit.
And we pray Father, for the little Bride all over the world. We pray that thy great
minister, the Son of Man, God hidden and revealed in human flesh, and the angels of God, the
Third Pull, may it go forth Lord and bring your Bride into the unity of the Revelation under the
statue of a perfect man and under the sealing of the capstone. That God, we may leave the earth
and go to our honeymoon in the sky.
Heavenly father, how we pray God that thou would bless your unworthy minister, Lord
God. Come Lord, and do the thing that thou has promised to do in this hour.
Bless all your ministers all over the country that believe thy Revelation, and those that are
gonna believe on thy Revelation, Lord. Bless them father. May you come and put all enemy
under thy feet. We ask it in Jesus name. Amen.
Alright, take the name of Jesus with you.
How many are going away in strength tonight?

Oh I just think if Los Angeles would slip under tonight. Just think. It did almost a few
days ago. Think what it will do. Then the hour is right upon us, right then.
Oh, help us to fear and reverence the Lord with all our hearts.
Take that name with you, now!

Congregation sings, Take the Name of Jesus With You.

End of Service


Note: All messages are written from recorded tapes of Brother Robert Lambert. Even the
language he used is printed here just as he said it.

You will notice that Endnotes will (when appropriate) be added to typed copy of recorded tape
messages of Brother Robert Lambert for your reference.
These are placed after the paragraph when Brother Lambert makes reference to a subject that
appeared in a message of Brother William Branham and published in the Spoken Word books,
but Brother Lambert does not actually read the referenced material.
Passages from the Bible related to the subject (mentioned, but not actually read on tape by
Brother Lambert) are denoted as Biblical scriptures by the use of italics, and are added as an
Endnote below the paragraph.
Scriptures quoted by Brother Lambert are indicated by italics and quotation marks are in the
body of the paragraph in which he quoted them.


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