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Orez prajit cu oua

Acest preparat este atat de popular in China, incat bucatarul care este in stare sa-l gateasca perfect este pretuit,
indiferent cum gateste celelalte feluri. Va voi prezenta o varianta de orez prajit adaptata dupa una originara din
Yangzhou, dar la fel de bine puteti prepara orice alta varianta, folosind ingredientele care va convin.

Bucatarie: chinezeasca
Dificultate: usor
Cantitate: 4 portii
Timp de preparare: 10 minute + inmuiere
Timp de gatit: 6 minute

2 linguri ulei de orez (sau de arahide)
2 cepe verzi, tocate
6 creveti cruzi, decorticati si taiati cubulete
2 oua, batute
350 g orez “Riso Scotti” Bob cu Bob Lung, fiert si racit
1/2 lingurita de zahar
piper alb
1 lingura de sos de soia light
1 lingura de sos de stridii
100 g mazare congelata
60 g sunca, taiata cubulete de 5-8 mm
1/4 ardei gras rosu, taiat cubulete
1/4 ardei gras galben, taiat cubulete
3-4 ciuperci shiitake, uscate
1 ceapa verde, taiata bucatele pe diagonala
coriandru (sau patrunjel) proaspat, tocat
coriandru (sau patrunjel) proaspat, pentru servit

Se inmoaie ciupercile shiitake in apa clocotita timp de 30 de minute. Se storc bine si se indeparteaza
coditele tari. Palariile se toaca cubulete de 5-8 mm.
Mazarea se fierbe in apa clocotita, la foc mediu-iute, timp de 5-10 minute, sau pana cand este frageda. Se
scurge bine.
Orezul fiert si racit se afaneaza cu furculita, ca sa se sparga toate aglomerarile. Acest lucru il face mai usor
de gatit.
Se incinge uleiul intr-un wok fierbinte. Se adauga ciupercile si se gatesc 1-2 minute. Se adauga ceapa
verde tocata si ardeii grasi si se gatesc 1 minut. Se adauga apoi crevetii, si se gatesc la foc iute timp de 10-
15 secunde, amestecand constant.
Se adauga oul batut, se amesteca putin, cateva secunde, apoi se adauga orezul. Se amesteca viguros, ca sa
se desfaca in graunte individuale si sa se acopere uniform cu ou.
Se adauga mazarea si sunca, se amesteca si se asezoneaza cu sare, zahar, piper alb, sos de soia si sos de
stridii. Se micsoreaza flacara putin si se gateste mixtura 1 minut.
Se ia wok-ul de pe foc, se adauga frunzele de coriandru tocate si se amesteca rapid. Se serveste orezul
imediat, ornat cu frunze de coriandru si cu bucatele de ceapa verde.
Mastering the Art of Risotto
 6 cups (1.4 L) beef stock or
chicken stock, heated to a boil
 1 tablespoon (2 g) saffron threads
 3 tablespoons (42 g) unsalted
 1/2 cup (84 g) finely chopped
yellow onion
 1 3/4 cups (340 g) Carnaroli rice
 3/4 cup (75 g) grated Parmesan
cheese, plus some for garnish
 3 tablespoons (45 ml) extra-virgin
olive oil
 2 ounces (57 g) bone marrow
(about 2 tablespoons), finely
 Kosher salt and freshly ground
black pepper


Combine 1 cup (237 ml) of the boiling stock and the saffron threads in a heatproof cup and set aside.

Heat 2 tablespoons (28 g) of the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the onion and sweat it
until it is soft but not browned, 4 to 6 minutes. Add the rice and sauté the rice until it is translucent
around the edges and starts to brown a little, 2 to 3 minutes. This is an important step to develop the right
flavor and texture in the rice; make sure the rice absorbs some of the oil.

Gradually add 5 1/2 cups (1.3 L) of the boiling stock about 1/2 cup (118 ml) at a time, stirring almost
constantly over medium-high heat until the rice absorbs the stock after each addition. Add the stock with
the saffron as the last addition. (It’s best to add the saffron near the end of the cooking so that it retains
maximum flavor and aroma.) When the rice is done, it should be tender but still a little chewy when bitten
and should have released most of its starch, creating a creamy sauce in the pan. This process will take 25
to 30 minutes. Near the end of cooking, add a little more boiling stock if necessary and stir the rice like
crazy to release as much starch as possible and create the sauce. Drag your spoon through the rice to the
bottom of the pan; the sauce should slowly fill in the line you made. The risotto should be a beautiful
golden yellow.

Remove the pan from the heat and add the Parmesan, oil, bone marrow, and the remaining 1 tablespoon
(15 g) butter, stirring until the risotto is creamy. Taste it, adding salt and pepper until it tastes good to

Dish out the risotto onto warmed plates and garnish with a little Parmesan.

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