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1. Waste: limbah yang dihasilkan dari proses industri, yang tidak digunakan lagi
2. Physical pollution: polusi yang dapat dirasakan/terlihat. Contoh: sampah
3. Biomass fuel: bahan bakar yang dapat diperbaharui. Yang berasal dari makhluk hidup,
contoh: kotoran yang dapat dijadikan bahan bakar


1. What is the relation between environment and health?

2. What are the environmental factors that caused diarrhea?
3. What is the impact of environment pollution?
4. Why environmental factors can affect variable disease?
5. What is the characteristic of good environment?
6. How to prevent the impact of environment pollution?
7. What are the obstacle and solution to fix environment sanitation?
8. How to keep the quality of environment in this globalization ?
9. What is the kind of environment pollution?
10. What are respiratory disease that caused by pollution?
11. How to manage liquid waste?
12. What is the sanitation program?
13. What are the characteristics of good water?
14. How to manage our energy use?


1. What is the definitin of good environment?

Environment which has a good water, air, and
Environment that has clean water to consume, good neighbourhood and household
that impact to our healthiness.
Lingkungan yang nyaman
Lingkungan yang tidak tercemar limbah cair maupun padat dan juga limbah gas,
terhindar dari binatang yang membawa bibit penyakit(nyamuk yang menyebabkan
malaria, DBD) atau zat kimia yang berbahaya serta polusi udara

2. What is the relation between environment and health?

If the environment is good, the level of health is increasing.
If the environmet is bad, it will make various disease that is infected human.

3. What are the environmental factors that caused diarrhea?

 Lack of safe water
 Poor hygine
 Poor living condition
 Dirty food
 Processhow well the food is cooked
 The quality of water (normal level of bactery in water?)
 Tumpukan sampah
 Bad habit of human life = tidak mencuci tangan sebelum makan

4. What is the impact of environment pollution?

 Respiratory disease
 Increasing penyakit mata
 Keracunan polusi
 Eutrofikasi(in soil)
 pohon yang rusak, besi berkarat
 efek rumah kaca
 global warming

5. Why environmental factors can affect respiratory disease?

Because the air condition that consists of CO

6. What is the characteristic of good environment?

 Udara
 Tempat sampah
 Saluran air: distance between water supply and waste
 Tumbuhan hijau
 Pemukiman yang tidak terlalu padat
 Pemukiman yang jauh dari lokasi pabrik dan dekat dengan tempat pelayanan
kesehatan(etak geografis)

7. How to prevent the impact of environment pollution?

 3R (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
 Menanam pohon di sekitar rumah
 Membatasi menggunaan kendaraan pribadi dan rokok
 Buang sampah pada tempatnya
 Menempatkan industri jauh dari pemukiman penduduk dan pabrik harus
memiliki penyaring limbah

8. What are the obstacle and solution to fix environment sanitation?

Jika sanitasi lingkungan yang buruk tentu saja menimbulkan penyebaran penyakit
Air  mengandung bakteri bisa menyebabkan diare
polusidapat mengganggu sistem pernafasan
 Obstacles:
faktor geografis: dampak dari reklamasi pantai utara
Bad habit : membuang sampah
 Solution:
-Pemerintah membuat waduk untuk menampung debit air berlebih
-Membuat tanggul
9. How to keep the quality of environment in this globalization ?
-membuat penyaring udara pada pabrik
-meningkatkan kesadaran penduduk
-decrease the use of gadget

10. What is the kind of environment pollution?

Air pollution asap kendaraan, pabrik, pembakaran sampah
Water pollution limbah cair
Visual pollutiongedung tinggi yang menutupi cahaya matahari
Radioactive pollutionakibat bom atau nuklir
Polusi suara aktivitas pabrik
Soil pollution penggunaan pupuk kimia berlebih

11. How to manage liquid waste?

 Menggunakan pupuk organik
 Pabrik membuat saniatsi
 Menggunakan bahan secara efisien

12. What is the sanitation program?

13. What are the characteristics of good water?

14. How to manage our energy use?


Learning Issue

1. What is the definitin of good environment?

Pengertian Lingkungan :
1. “ Sejumlah kondisi di luar dan mempengaruhi kehidupan dan perkembangan
organisme.” (Encyclopaedia of science & technology (1960))
2. “ Pengaruh yang ada di atas/sekeliling organisme.” (Encyclopaedia Americana
3. “ Tempat pemukiman dengan segala sesuatunya dimana organismenya hidup
beserta segala keadaan dan kondisi yang secara langsung maupun tidak dpt
diduga ikut mempengaruhi tingkat kehidupan maupun kesehatan dari organisme
itu.” (A.L. Slamet Riyadi (1976))

2. What is the relation between environment and health?

3. What are the environmental factors that caused diarrhea?
4. What is the impact of environment pollution?
5. Why environmental factors can affect respiratory disease?
6. What is the characteristic of good environment?
7. How to prevent the impact of environment pollution?
8. What are the obstacle and solution to fix environment sanitation?
9. How to keep the quality of environment in this globalization ?
10. What is the kind of environment pollution?
11. How to manage liquid waste?
12. What is the sanitation program?
13. What are the characteristics of good water?
14. How to manage our energy use?

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