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1/12/18 Session 1 of Getting Beyond "Just Getting Over It.

Identifying the Road Blocks: The beliefs that shape our behavior shape our lives


How to earn Points *= opportunity for a point in our contest!

*completes all the exercises /report them to me
* does 1-1 sessions with me after assignments are completed
* fills out the feedback questionnaire at the end
-Everyone who does each of these things will get an automatic Bonus at the end!
- Whoever ears the most points will get a Bonus on top of that!
* sometimes there will be bonus points within a video!
* extra point for responding to each exercise and setting up a 1-1 time with me before the next video.
(1/12, 1/15, 1/19 at 1pm Central time.)

My dear friend,
We are here to focus on our "Sphere of Influence." There is everything we worry, fret, and can
make ourselves sick over, but within that space is what we do have control or influence over.
We become empowered by focusing on this space. The act of identifying our emotions and
core beliefs is part of our sphere of influence.

Referencing Dr. Stephen Covey in "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People"
The "starting point" of one's emotional intelligence is self-awareness: the ability to recognize our own
emotions and mood, and our thoughts about them. It's our ability to see how those thoughts and feelings
are connected with our behavior: how they affect and are affected by our actions, reactions, decisions, and
daily interactions with others. None of this can occur unless we also have the ability to label how we're
feeling or what our mood is. And that's where the emotion wheel (also called feeling wheel) comes into
play. ~ Raman Chada, founder of the Junto Institute
1. Identify a dominating emotion in your life.

Emotions are neither good/bad but rather are pleasant/ unpleasant. They are a compass that
informs us. Watch my preview 1/10 FB video from my page "A conversation about emotion,"
for further details. Use the emotions wheel to clarify your emotions.

*Additional point if you post the word "bonus" in the comments after watching it.
*Another point if you comment what emotion you are feeling right now along with the
best emoji to represent it.)

* Is there an emotion that tends to be the basis of your decision-making?

2. Identify a detrimental core belief.- Referencing the work of Teal Swan

When you find yourself in upset:

- identify the sensations and the emotion

-identify the judgment statement

-ask yourself these two questions over and over until you get down to the root of the surface

~If this is 100% true, why is that so bad?

~What does this mean to me or mean about me?

* List at least one of the detrimental core beliefs that you have discovered and the steps that
you took to get there.

*Bonus point for identifying a beneficial core belief : )

*3. What are your earliest memories and associations with this detrimental core belief?
(This may not be the first time you made an association between an emotion and a thought
that became your belief, but your earliest recollections.)

4. Anchoring Exercise

There are things that we can intentionally do with our physical body to intervene in its stress
responses. Listen to the recording posted in the comments under the video to practice this
calming process. Try it out and post "anchored" in the comments to receive the point. *

Sometimes it is emotionally crappy to discover our detrimental core beliefs and earliest
associations. If you start feeling distressed, do this quick exercise. If will help you go from
feeling the distress to becoming an observer that is acknowledging the emotions and beliefs .
Whenever you realize you are in a state of upset, do this exercise. Let me know of occasions
that you put it into play in our 1 0n 1 meeting. This will be an important skill as we continue
this journey.

* Type into this document and e-mail it back to me and we will set up our 1 on 1! In this
conversation we will be able to review these things and I will be able to further personalize the
process for you. Can't wait to hear from ya!

With all my love and honor for you in this journey,

Kera Marie

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