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“Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the
mouth of God.”

Man is designed to live – to be nurtured, energised, inspired, comforted,

edified and sustained – by the original blueprint Thought, in its most
comprehensive form, the Incarnation.

The Word that was before time was, the Word that proceeds from the mouth
of God, not diluted by traditions of men, or compromised to compliment, or
excuse an inferior interpretation of life.

For human life then to be reduced to feed on bread alone, is certain suicide.

Jesus suggests that we take no thought for what we shall eat, drink or wear!
How radical can you go! How boring can that be?

Or does He have different information about our make-up?

Remember, He came so that we may have life more abundantly;

He is certainly not the thief trying to cheat us out of our next meal!

The most successful way in which the thief can steal life from us is to reduce
our appetite to the flesh.

Isaiah says that God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts, just like the
heavens are higher than the earth; often we stop reading there thinking that
it’s supposed to be like that!

In Christ God cancelled every definition of distance! No informed man has any
valid excuse to feel lonely, seperated, isolated or neglected any longer.

The words that come from His mouth, (the authentic thought, the eye of the
fountain) will impact you just like the rain and snow that come down from
above, and return not there without first saturating the soil, awakening the
dormant seed, causing it to sprout into a full harvest, ready to feed and repeat
the ongoing cycle of life, “giving bread to the eater and seed to the sower.”

Just like our daily bread, the Word comes to us from above. Even though the
seed is already buried in the soil, without the rain and the snow, there will be
no bread! It is amazing how rain awakens seed even in the driest desert.

He desires to feed us with the finest of the wheat and nourish us with honey
from the rock. He counsels us to buy from Him wine and milk without money
and without price. Is.55:1. The only valid currency in that realm is to pay
attention to the original Word that proceeds from His mouth like rain.

God has never been silent; day to day pours forth knowledge, night by night
utters wisdom; and like the sun, there is nothing that is hid from its influence.
Ps.19. This is as 24/7, 365 days a year as you can get.

While the universe articulates His voice in every vibrating atom and molecule,
He spoke in many and in various ways of old through the prophets. “Men
moved upon by the Spirit of God, spoke from God.” 2Pet 1:21.
Inspired Words, spoken from man to man, remain God’s ultimate language.

Hebrews1:1 “Throughout ancient times God spoke in many fragments and

glimpses of prophetic thought to our fathers.
1:2 Now, the sum total of His conversation with man has finally culminated in
a Son; He is the official heir of all things, He is after all the author of the ages.
In Him everything find their destiny. (Christ is the crescendo of God’s
conversation with us.)
1:3 He makes the glory (intent) of God visible in radiant reflection, He gives
stature to the character and person of God. (Gen.1:26,27.)This final powerful
utterance of God (the incarnation) is the vehicle that carries the weight of the
The content of His message celebrates the fact that God took it upon Himself
to successfully purge and acquit mankind. Jesus is now His right hand of
power, seated in the boundless measure of His majesty. He occupies the
highest seat of authority.” The Mirror Translation

Col.1:15 “In Him the invisible God is made visible again; in order that every
one may recognise their true origin in Him, He is the firstborn of every
creature. (In Him we clearly see the mirror reflection of our original image and
1:19 The full measure of everything God has in mind for man indwells Him.”
The Mirror Translation

The Hebrew words traditionally translated, every word of God, can better be
translated, the complete word of God. (Hebrew, KOL, complete)

Christ is the most exhaustive and authentic expression of God in human form.
Nothing feeds us more and imparts life more dynamically than the incarnation
does. He is the Word that was from the beginning, the Word that is God and
became flesh and tabernacles in us. “Beholding His glory as in a mirror we
are awakened again in His likeness.” 2 Cor.3:18.

“I shall be satisfied when I awake, beholding Your form.”

To study Scripture in any other context is to become snared in a maze of dead

doctrine that leaves man striving, starving and confused.

“Thy words were found, and I ate them, and thy words became to me a joy
and the delight of my heart; for I am called by thy name, O LORD, God of
hosts. (His Name, our identity.)
If you utter that which is precious and not that which is worthless, you shall be
as My mouth.” Jer.15:16,19.

No wonder Paul’s desire was “that when I open my mouth to speak, utterance
will be given me to speak the mystery of Christ as I ought to.”

The word of faith, the language of the righteousness of God, “is near unto
you, it is in your mouth and in your heart.” Rom.10:6,8.
10:8 “Faith-righteousness announces that every definition of distance in time,
space or hostility has been cancelled. “The Word is near you, it is as close to
you as your voice and the conviction of your heart.” We publicly announce this
message (because we are convinced that it belongs to every man.)
10:9 Now your salvation is realised! Your own words echo God’s voice. The
masterful act of Jesus forms the words in your mouth, inspired by the
conviction in your heart that God indeed raised Him from the dead. (Salvation
is not reduced to a recipe, or “sinners prayer” formula, it is the spontaneous
inevitable confession of a convinced heart!)
10:10 Heart-faith confirms the fact of man’s righteousness, and ignites the
kind of conversation consistent with salvation. (He restored us to blameless
innocence) Mirror Translation.


The mystery that once was hidden, for ages and generations, which God
decreed for man’s glorification, is now revealed. 1 Cor 2:6-9.

Col.1:25 “God entrusted me with the revelation of this mystery as a

responsible administrator of His household, so that in my ministry to you I will
make the word known in its full consequence.
1:26 This mystery was concealed for ages and generations but is now fully
realised in our restored innocence before Him.
1:27 (God knows the mineral wealth that He deposited in the earth on man's
behalf) in the same way He now eagerly anticipates the unveiling of the riches
of the ultimate treasure in all the nations; which is Christ in you! The revelation
of His indwelling fulfills His dream for you.
1:28 This is the essence and focus of our message; we awaken every man’s
mind instructing every individual, bringing them into full enlightenment in order
that we may exhibit the whole of mankind as perfect (without shortcoming and
fully efficient) in Christ.” The Mirror Translation

Temptation has only one target, which is to make you forget what manner of
man you are. It will seek to distract you with any excuse to reduce you again
to a “mere man” when you are the god-kind in your essence and design.

Thank God for the knowledge of the truth about ourselves, as it is on

exhibition in Christ; it sets us free to be free indeed!

In 2 Cor 3 Paul says, “you are a letter, delivered by us, written by the Spirit of
the living God on tablets, not of stone, but human hearts, known and read by
all men! Your life and testimony carries universal appeal! “Even as the
testimony of Christ is confirmed in you! “ 1 Cor.1:6.

Notice that Paul says our ministry is the job of a postman! We are simply
delivering the message! “Already you are filled, already you are rich, without
us you have become kings!” 1Cor 4:8 “All this is from God who has made us
ministers of a new covenant!” He has made us… we or our ministry are not
the product of our own making.

“Of God’s doing are we in Christ, whom God made unto us, wisdom from
God! His wisdom knows how righteousness we now are; and how holy! This is
what redemption is all about.” 1 Cor. 1:30. He is our only boasting.

While we may commend ourselves to every man’s conscience, we are not

preaching ourselves, we are proclaiming Christ! 2 Cor 4:2, 5.


“The mystery that none of the rulers of this age understood, otherwise they
would never have crucified the Lord of glory” is revealed in the fact that when
one died for all, all indeed died. 1Cor.2:6-8, 2 Cor.5:14.

It further unfolds in the fact that while we were still dead in our sins. He made
us alive together with Christ and raised us up together with Christ and seated
us together with Christ in heavenly places. Eph.2:5,6.

Now in Colossians 3 Paul says, that all this may be true, but while we
continue to focus our minds on the earthly dimension, (knowing ourselves and
one another merely from a human point of view) all the old habits of a sinful
inferior lifestyle will continue to dictate to us and dominate us.

To be renewed after His image and likeness in all of our conduct and attitude
begins with a new mindset. Set your mind upon the things that are above,
where Christ is seated in the right hand of God! His thoughts concerning us,
our joint inclusion in Christ remains our exclusive reference and testimony.

Col. 3:1 “Pursue with diligence the consequence of your co-inclusion in Christ.
Relocate yourself mentally! His resurrection co-raised you to the same
position of authority, seated in the strength of God’s right hand.
3:2 Becoming affectionately acquainted with Throne Room thoughts will keep
you from being distracted again by the earthly (soul-ruled) realm.” Mirror

Because we were raised together with Christ, let us now engage and occupy
our thoughts with Throne Room realities and not with the futile contradictions
and distractions of a lesser life.

“Incline your ear!” No one else can do that for you! Is.55.

“Let the Word of Christ richly indwell you in all wisdom.” Col.3:16.


How do you become passionate about something?

Truth is attractive!

Humans are value conscious beings; their appetite drives them beyond their
next meal and distinguishes them from the animal world. Job 28 :5, 7-10.

Passion is contagious. Mixing with people of passion certainly rubs off!

“Follow me as I follow Christ!” says Paul.

Peter writes, I will consider how to stir you up and arouse you by way of
reminder...and you will do well to hold fast to this as to a lamp shining in a
dark place UNTIL the morning star rises, and the day dawns in your own

Paul is confident that “when you read this, you will perceive my insight!
Eph. 3:4. “In reading these words you will co-know the mystery of Christ
together with me. It is inevitable, just like two rivers flowing together.” Mirror

John says, “I am writing this so that your joy may be complete!” 1John 1:4.

From rumor to revelation.

The queen of the South heard enough to investigate for herself, and
“BEHOLD, the half has not been told!” There remains a half that can never be
told, the other half can only be defined in personal encounter!

Not only in my presence, says Paul, but much more in my absence discover
the full consequense of your own salvation!” Phil.2:12.

Look at the progression in John’s testimony, 1John 1:1, 2 “The rumors we

have heard arrested our attention, and we investigated for ourselves fixing our
gaze upon it until our hands felt the tangible feedback and resonance of the
living original Word.” (Greek, psallo, to touch the strings.)

Our testimony is therefore not based on hear-say; we are eye witnesses of

the life that becomes visible like rays of sunlight.

There is a level of persuasion that does not seek for signs. Signs and
wonders follow it.

“With all diligence aquaint yourself with His Gift in you, just like a conducter of
music would study to know every voice in the choir, and familiarise himself
with every individual sound of the many and varied instruments in his
orchestra and then weave those harmonies together in order to best

compliment the music; draw from within your faith, virtue, and from within
virtue knowledge...2Pet.1:4.

There is a level of knowledge that can only be accessed in the virtue of faith.
“By faith we know that the ages were fashioned by the utterance of God,
whatever is visible originates in the invisible. Heb.11:3. The Word was before
molecules were.

The Greek word, translated, add to, is the word epichoregeo, epi, a
preposition in relation to distribution, or to have charge of, and choro (choir)
and ago, to lead as a shepherd leads his sheep, thus, to conduct a choir or

We have received a faith of equal standing in the righteousness of God, no

one’s faith is inferior to another, because God sees everyone equally justified
in Christ, all that salvation offers, is equally valid for all. 2Pet.1:1.

We cannot afford to be forgetful hearers, deceiving ourselves, forgetting what

manner of people we are. Looking deeply into the perfect law of liberty means
to look deep enough into the mirror image of our birth and blueprint likeness
so that no contradiction of any proportion or nature can disturb our joy and
cosciousness of how perfect and complete and without lack we are! Our faith
reveals that we are born from above, from the Father of light with whom there
is no variableness or distortion. James 1,2-4,17,18 and 25.

The most dangerous place you can be in is not somewhere geographic, but
somewhere in your thoughts where you begin to question and doubt the
integrity of your original identity and redeemed innosence.

What kept Israel out of the promised land was not a lack of the supernatural,
they witnessed the supernatural 24/7 for forty years. It was their unbelief
defined in the report of ten of their tribal leaders, “When we saw the giants
(the same giants that Caleb and Joshua saw) we seemed to ourselves like
grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them!”

What a blatant insult to their Maker and Redeemer.

The way you see yourself is the way your enemy sees you!

An already defeated enemy can only blind the minds of those who empower
him again with their own unbelief.

The two houses Jesus refers to faced exactly the same storm; it was only the
foundation, dug deep enough to rest on the rock that made the difference.

The Rock throughout Scripture always speaks of the authentic identity of

God’s image and likeness revealed in human form. Deut.32:4,18, Isa. 51:1,

In His amazing Love, Francois


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