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Urinary System

Differentiate the following according to: (45 points)

Lining Epithelium (be Special features (Morphological)

Glomerulus Simple squamous -filtration barrier (endothelial cells,
endothelium basement membrane, podocytes)
-envelopes glomerular capillaries
with podocytes
-mesangium: consists of cells and
matrix, have a contractile function

Bowman’s capsule Simple squamous -double layered (visceral and


Proximal Convoluted Simple cuboidal -Wide brush border

Distal Convoluted Simple cuboidal -smaller cells
Tubule -no brush border
-rich in mitochondria
Thin Descending Simple squamous -high permeability for water
Loop of Henle
Thick Descending Simple cuboidal -no brush border
Loop of Henle -cannot be penetrated by water
Collecting tubules Simple cuboidal -large lumens
-pale stained
Collecting ducts Simple columnar -2 cell types:
i. principal cells (bright staining
ii. intercalated cells (dark staining
Ureters Stratified Transitional -3 to 6 cell layers
epithelium (Urothelium)
Urinary bladder Stratified Transitional -maximum of seven cell layers
epithelium (Urothelium) -mucosa is heavily folded (this helps
to accommodate for large volume

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