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TEST a) careless

1) Can you hear what he is .........? b) carefree

a) saying c) telling c) caring
b) speaking d) talking d) careful
2) She hasn't come home .......... 13) Do what you like, I really don't ..........
a) still c) yet a) concern
b) already d) till b) interested
3) I ......... TV yesterday evening. c) dislike
a) saw c) viewed d) mind
b) looked d) watched 14) If you want to ......... that book remember to bring
4) We live ......... the city centre. it back.
a) near a) borrow
b) next b) lend
c) by c) loan
d) nearby d) owe
5) She looks ......... a famous film star. 15) When your train arrives, I'll ......... you from the
a) as station.
b) like a) take
c) similar b) bring
d) same c) fetch
6) This television gives you the ......... news d) remove
a) last 16) I always get ......... early in the summer.
b) latest a) up
c) least b) over
d) later c) through
7) I only ......... one mistake in last night's test. d) on
a) made 17) When you first meet someone, you usually shake
b) done them ......... the hand.
c) did a) with
d) make b) on
8) I want you to tell me the ......... truth. c) in
a) all d) by
b) exact 18) I have never ......... her before.
c) real a) saw
d) whole b) seeing
9) He is looking ......... a present to buy for his c) seen
girlfriend. d) see
a) for 19) The teacher asked her students to do their ..........
b) at a) housework
c) in b) homework
d) on c) home duty
10) That's what I would like ......... Christmas. d) house job
a) for 20) The police officer told the children always to tell
b) at the ..........
c) in a) true
d) on b) facts
11) You must not drink and then ......... a car. c) information
a) lead d) truth
b) drive
1) I'm terribly sorry but I ......... what you said just
c) take
now and I wonder if you could repeat it.
d) guide
a) wasn't listen to
1 2) Please be ......... when you cross this road.
b) wasn't hearing
c) didn't hear II. Find the mistake in each sentence
d) didn't hearing 1) Not woman held a presidential cabinet position in
22) I ......... attentively to the lecture on philosophy the United States until 1933, when Frances Perkins
but I still didn't understand much of it. became secretary of labor
a) heard a) A c) C
b) listened b) B d) D
c) was hearing 2) . The human body relies on certainty nutrients for
d) was listen its survival.
23) Can you ......... me all right over there because a) A c) C
you are rather a long way away? b) B d) D
a) listening 3) Too much electric current may flow into a circuit
b) hearing as a result either of a fault in the circuit and of an
c) listen outside event such as lightning.
d) hear a) A c) C
24) I ......... what you are saying but that still doesn't b) B d) D
make me want to change my mind one little bit. 4) The Appalachian Trail, extending approximately
a) listen 2,020 miles from Maine to Georgia, is the longer
b) hear continuous marked footpath in the world
c) am listening a) A c) C
d) am hearing b) B d) D
25) I ......... to the concert every Monday on the radio 5) For years, elephants were hunted for food and
and I imagine I am there listening to it in person. ivory, and as a result theirs numbers have been
a) listen greatly reduced
b) am listening a) A c) C
c) hear b) B d) D
d) am hearing 6) Barges which carrier most of the heavy freight on
26) I should explain that he finds it very difficult to rivers and canals are usually propelled by towing.
follow your conversation because he is very hard of a) A c) C
.......... b) B d) D
a) listen to 7) Although afflicted by serious eyesight problems,
b) listening Alicia Alonso was one the principal stars of the
c) to hear American Ballet Theater and later formed her own
d) hearing dance company
27) Now will you please ......... me and pay attention a) A
to what I'm saying because it's very important. b) B
a) hear c) hearing c) C
b) listen to d) listening to d) D
28) You've been making so much noise with your 8) The ritual combat of animals are triggered by
music that people at the far end of the road can ......... precise signals.
you. a) A c) C
a) listen to c) hear b) B d) D
b) listening to d) hearing 9) It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and
29) He sometimes pretends he can't ......... a single effective than to employ flowery but vague
word you are saying but all the time he's taking it all expressions that only obscure one meaning
in. a) A c) C
a) listen to c) hear b) B d) D
b) listening to d) hearing 10) Different species of octopuses may measure
30) I have been ......... strange stories about you anywhere from two inches to over thirty feet in long.
recently but I do hope that there is no substance in a) A
them. b) B
a) listened to c) heard c) C
b) listening to d) hearing d) D
III. Writing
1. Write about your house or flat. Describe where it is, what rooms there are, what is in the rooms, what you
do in the living room,where you have lunch and dinner, and what you like about it.
2. Write five sentences about your family. Write their names and when they were born.

IV. Reading
Read the following passage , then circle the correct answer:
"Where is the university?" is a question many visitors to Cambridge ask, but no one can give them a clear answer,
for there is no wall to be found around the university. The university is the city. You can find the classroom
buildings, libraries, museums and officers of the university all over the city. And most of its members are the
students and teachers or professors of the thirty-one colleges.
Cambridge was an already developing town long before the first students and teachers arrived 800 yeas ago. It
grew up by the river Granta, as the Cam was once called. A bridge was built over the river as early as 875.
In the 14th and 15th centuries more and more land was used for college buildings. The town grew much faster in
the 19th century after the opening of the railway in 1845. Cambridge became a city in 1951 and now it has the
population of over 100,000. Many young students want to study at Cambridge. Thousands of people from all over
the world come to visit the university town. It has become a famous place all around the world.

1. Why do most visitors come to Cambridge?

A. to see the university 4. After which year did the town really begin to study in the colleges in Cambridge develope?
C. to find the classroom building A. After 800
D. to use the libraries of the universities B. After 875
2. Around what time did the university begin to C. After 1845
appear? D. After 1951
A. In the 8th century 5. From what we read we know that now
B. In the 9th century Cambridge is
C. In the 13th century A. visited by international tourists
D. In the 15th century B. A city without wall
3. Why did people name Cambridge the "city of C. a city of growing population
Cambridge"? D. a city that may have a wall around it
A, Because the river was very well - known
B. Because there is a bridge over the Cam.
C. Because it was a developing town
D. Because there is a river named Granta

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