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Logic of Phantasy 65

Jacques Lacan
雅克 拉康

Lacan Seminar 14:

The Logic of Fantasy 16
Seminar 16: Wednesday, April 12, 1967

Non licet omnibus adire... since no one ever finishes it: ... Corintho. I pronounced the first word in the

Latin way, in order to suggest to you the transaction that "it is not the bus for Corinth" (laughter). The

adage, which was transmitted for us in Latin from a Greek formula, signifies more, I think, than the

remark that at Corinth the prostitutes were dear! They were dear because they initiated you into

something. Therefore, I would say, that it is not enough to pay the price. This is rather what the Greek

formula meant.

「Non licet omnibus adire...」没有人曾经完成「... Corintho」。我用拉丁文拼出第一个字,为了要跟你们建议




It is not open to all, either, to (quotation marks) "become a psychoanalyst".


This is way it has been for centuries as regards being a geometer. "Let there enter here" ... you know

what comes next: "only those who are geometers". This requirement was inscribed on the facade of the

most celebrated philosophical school of antiquity and it indicates clearly what is involved: the

introduction to a certain mode of thinking, that we can specify, by taking a further step, namely, that it is

a matter of categories (in the plural).




Categories means (as you know), in Greek, the equivalent of the word "predicaments" in Latin: what is

most radically predicable to define a field.



This is something that marries with it a specified register of proof. This is why, following the Platonic

requirement, there was heard manifested in a reiterated fashion the pretension of proving more

geometrico:: which bears witness to the degree to which the aforesaid style of proof represented an


You know - I would like you to know, I indicated to you as much as I can, namely, within the limits of the

field that is reserved to me - that metamathematics has now, through the range of these categorical

reconstructions that have historically punctuated the conquests of geometry, this metamathematics - I

am saying - has radicalised still more the status of the provable.






As you know, geometry is distancing itself more and more from the intuitions that grounded it - spatial

ones for example - in order to attach itself to being no longer (2) anything more than a specifiable, and

moreover variously layered, form of proof. To the point that in the end, metamathematics is no longer

occupied with anything other than the order of this layering, with the hope of arriving at the most radical

requirements for proof.




Let us imagine a science that can only begin with what is - in the reconstructions, thus evoked, of a

certain field - their terminal point. There is no point, for such a science, in stammering about an initial

survey, in which there would be ordered a first familiarity with the measurable, or even the transmission

of the most promising formulae, emerging singularly under the aspect of the secret of calculation. I

mean there is no point in it, or it is at the very least deceptive and vain, to dwell on the Babylonian stage

of geometry. This, because every standard of measurement, encountered at the start, carries from it the

stain of a mirage that is impossible to dissipate.





This is what we highlighted first of all in our teaching, in denouncing - without naming it yet with its term

of the imaginary, as we have pinpointed it - the deceptions of narcissism, when we established the

function of the mirror stage. Encountering such an obstacle was the lot of many sciences, in effect. It is

even here that there is situated the privilege of geometry.




Here of course, there is offered to us almost immediately, the purity of the notion of magnitude. That it is

not what foolish people believe is not something that is going to detain us here. For the science that we

are imagining, it is a completely different tablature. It is not simply that the standard of measurement is

inoperant in it, but that the very concept of a unit does not fit in, as long as one has not realised the sort

of equality in which its element is established, namely, the heterogeneity that is hidden in it.





Just remember the equation of value, in the first steps of Capital (... by Marx for those who might not

know it ... you never know there are perhaps people who are distracted!). Clearly in his writing on this

equation, it is the proportion which results from the price of two pieces of merchandise. So much of one

equals so much of the other: an inverse relation between the price and the quantity of the merchandise

obtained. Now, what is at stake is not at all what is clear, but what it conceals, in terms of what the

equation retains in itself, which is the difference in nature between values thus connected and the

necessity of their difference.






It cannot, in effect, be the proportion, the degree of urgency, for example, of two habitual values, which

grounds the price, nor of that - and for good reason! - of two exchange values. In the equation of values,

one intervenes as a use value and the other as an exchange value. You know that we see a similar trap

being reproduced, when it is the value of work that is at stake.




The important thing is that it is proved, in this "critical" work (as it entitles itself) that Capital is, that if it

fails to recognise there traps any proof remains sterile and goes astray.



The contribution of Marxism to science - I am certainly not the one who has done this (3) work - is to

reveal what is latent an necessary at the start - at the very start I mean of political economy..



It is the same thing for psychoanalysis, and this sort of latent thing, is what I am calling - what I call, for

my part - what I call structure.


Having my reservations about every effort to drown this notion - my circumscribing, from starting points

necessary in a certain field that cannot be defined otherwise than the critical field - to drown this in

something that I identify badly under the vague name of "structuralism", you must not believe, of course,

that this latency is lacking in geometry! but history proves that it is at its end-point now that one can be

content to notice it, since it is not by chance that the prejudices about the notion of magnitude, which

come from its handling in the real, have damaged its logical progress. Again it is only now that it can be

known, by noting that the geometry that has been constructed no longer has any need of measurement,

of the metrical nor even of the space that is described real.






It is not the same, as I told you, for other sciences and the question: why can some of them not start up

without having developed these facts, I mean the facts that one can describe as final, since they belong

to the structure.




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