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//Words between "%" are replaced with data from dwellers.

//%S%: Is the value of the dweller's strength. (%P%: Perception.., etc)
//%lvl%: Means the level of a dweller.
//%job%: The name of the current job ("Exploring", "Water purifier"...).
//%outfit%: Name of the current outfit.
//%weapon%: Name of the current weapon.
//%#%: Number of the dweller inside the vault.
//%id%: The ID of the dweller.
//%fullname%: First name + last name. Note once a name formatting is applied to a
dweller the original first and last names are overwritten!
//%name%: The first name.
//%lname%: Last name.
//%hp%: Health
//%maxhp%: Max health.
//Each line contains one system and this file is loaded when the editor is started.
//Each line starts with the name of the system then the formatting. A "|" character
is required to split the name and the formatting.

ID + Level | %id% %lvl%

ID + Job | %id% %job%
ID + weapon | %id% %weapon%
ID + outfit | %id% %outfit%
SPECIAL + Job | S%S% P%P% E%E% C%C% I%I% A%A% L%L% %job%

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