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Micromechanisms of Brittle Fracture


Mechanical processes operating in materials on the scale of the microstructure have come to be
called "micromechanisms." The fundamental science and the micromechanisms of brittle frac-
ture are reviewed here, w i t h particular emphasis on cleavage and intergranular fracture. Extant
micromechanisms for these fracture types are evaluated. The role of solutes, particularly in
intergranular fracture, is also discussed in terms of the fundamentals of brittle fracture.

I. INTRODUCTION have come t o be called "micromechanisms," may relate

to appropriate engineering design parameters.
I N metals, it is possible to produce brittle fractures
which exhibit virtually no plasticity. More commonly,
deformation accompanies fracture, and it becomes nee- II. FUNDAMENTALS
essary t o define the term "brittle." In this article, w e use OF B R I T T L E F R A C T U R E
"brittle" to refer to fractures which typically have the
following characteristics: (1) unstable or catastrophic The basic ideas underlying brittle fracture theories are
failure occurs at applied stresses less than the general briefly summarized here, emphasizing points which are
yield strength of the uncracked ligament (in a cracked developed below. The ultimate mechanism of brittle
specimen) at the start of instability; tz] (2) little or no mac- fracture is usually regarded as a simple elastic extension
roscopic plastic strain t o failure is observed; and (3) little of atomic bonds up t o the point of final separation. In
or no evidence, e.g., from fractography, of local or such a situation, an approximate value for the ideal frac-
microstructural-scale plastic strain accompanies failure. ture strength may be deduced by considering the force
It will be noted that the first characteristic is, in essence, needed to separate two atoms. The familiar schematic
an engineering one, the second a classical metallurgical curve for the energy of interaction of two atoms as a
one, and the third relates t o relatively sophisticated ob- function of the distance between them is shown in
servations on a microscopic or microstructural scale. These Figure l ( a ) . In the crystalline lattice of a metal such as
characteristics thus reflect the long history of interest in iron, this curve would represent the resultant of repul-
brittle fracture a m o n g engineers, metallurgists, and ma- sion between bare (positive) iron ions and the attraction
terials scientists. between each ion and other (electron) screened ions.
The most commonly identified brittle fractures in met- The simple curve exhibits a minimum at the charac-
als are cleavage and intergranular fracture, and w e de- teristic initial spacing of the atoms, b0. The force re-
vote most of our attention here to those two types. Both quired to separate the atoms may be derived by taking
are of significance in the world of technology. The dire the differential of the interaction energy at any g i v e n
practical consequences of the occurrence of cleavage separation. As Figure l(b) shows, the force is zero at
fracture in engineering structures made in mild steel are the stable rest position of the atoms, where the energy
well recognized and documented, while temper embrit- is at a minimum, and rises t o a m a x i m u m at the point
tlement and other manifestations of intergranular frac- of inflection in the energy/distance curve. It is to be noted
ture are also well known. In recent years, much emphasis that there is a negative interaction energy and thus a pos-
has been placed on the engineering aspects of brittle itive force even at quite l a r g e separations of the atoms
fractures in metals, and the techniques of fracture me- ( ~ 2 b 0 , i.e., a displacement of about b0).
chanics have been developed t o relate applied fracture The calculation of theoretical fracture stress proceeds
stresses t o the size of any defect present in a structure.
by transforming the force/displacement curve
Rather more interest has been shown in the reproducible
(Figure l(b)) first into a stress/displacement curve and
measurement of parameters which can be used in engi-
then into a stress/strain curve. The ordinate is converted
neering design and rather less in the micromechanics of
t o stress by dividing the force by the square of the inter-
cracking, whether for cleavage or for other brittle frac-
atomic spacing in the fracture surface, and the abscissa
ture types. The present review is intended partially to
is converted t o strain by dividing the displacement by
redress this balance, by starting with the fundamentals
the initial separation, b0. The total amount of energy which
of cleavage crack propagation and showing how the as-
sociated mechanisms on a microstructural scale, which must be expended in producing fracture, i.e., the "work
of fracture" per unit area, 2 y , is given by the area under
the stress/displacement curve, which is 2 3/= f o ' ( b ) db.
ANTHONY W . THOMPSON, Professor, is with the Department Then, by approximating the stress/strain curve t o half a
of Materials Science and Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University, sine wave and using the fact that stress is equal to Young's
Pittsburgh, P A 15213. JOHN F. K N O T T , Head, is with the School
of Metallurgy and Materials, University of Birmingham, Birmingham modulus multiplied by strain, at low elastic strains, it is
B12 2TT, United Kingdom. possible to derive for the theoretical fracture stress:
This article is based on a presentation made in the symposium "Quasi-
Brittle Fracture" presented during the T M S fall meeting, Cincinnati, ~rth = X/~3,/b0) [11
OH, October 21-24, 1 9 9 1 , under the auspices of the T M S Mechanical
Metallurgy Committee and the A S M / M S D Flow and Fracture where E is Young's modulus. Equation [1] is a very
Committee. oversimplified expression but does give a reasonable order


displacement required to produce fracture. In uniaxial
tension, only a hypothetical machine would be suffi-
ciently stiff to prevent unstable separation o f a specimen
into two halves once a stress o f E / 3 had been reached,
(a) but as will be seen from the following, uniaxial tension
is not the appropriate stress state to consider for atomic
fracture, either at c r a c k tips in a laboratory experiment
Distance of separation,b=__ or for engineering applications.

L, A . Griffith Cracks
W , It is well known that, in practice, samples o f crystal-
line materials and glasses fracture in an apparently elas-
| tic manner at stresses very much less than the ideal fracture
I strength. The reason for this was first given by Griffith,[2~
I who supposed that such samples contained inherent
I cracklike flaws. He was able to circumvent the awkward
features of crack tip stress fields by considering the global
I changes in potential energy and surface energy (the only
I "work o f fracture" considered) in a stressed body as the
I i
length o f a flaw was increased. F o r an infinite body in
(b) plane strain, containing a central, through-thickness crack
o f length 2 a , normal to an applied stress, O'app, the total
I! energy o f the system decreases if a o r O'app is greater than
U given by the relationship
U- o'avp = [2Ey/rra(1 - 1 ' 2 ) ] 1/2 [2]
, rlb0 Disptacement,b
where v is the Poisson ratio. Substituting typical figures
for i r o n , E = 200 GPa and setting 3' = % , the true sur-
Fig. 1--Interatomic force and energy curves: (a) energy U as a func- face energy, with Ys = 2J/m2, it can be seen that a c r a c k
tion of distance of a t o m i c separation, s h o w i n g magnitude of b o n d i n g of total length o f roughly 1 /xm can produce a fracture
energy Uo, and (b) force-displacement curve corresponding to (a),
with lattice parameter b0 indicated, t~l
stress o f E / 2 0 0 . (The suitability o f Ys for insertion into
E q . [2] for metals is discussed at greater length below.)
For elastic bodies with a well-defined work o f fracture,
this "Griffith equation" should describe the behavior o f
o f magnitude for the i d e a l fracture stress. For a perfect most kinds o f testpieces.
elastic fracture, the work to fracture 2~/may be taken as On a macroscopic scale, the Griffith energy balance
twice the true surface energy o f a material, %, since two has been used to derive "fracture toughness" values for
surfaces are produced. The substitution o f typical ex- precracked specimens o f commercial alloys. In such ma-
perimental values for iron gives o'th - E~oo/3 for fracture terials, l o c a l plastic deformation occurs at the c r a c k tip
across the observed {t013} cleavage planes, where E~00 is before fracture, but it has been found experimentally that
measured normal to these planes. From E q . [1], the frac- unstable propagation is still characterized by a critical
ture plane should be close-packed, to maximize b0, pro- value o f the elastic energy release rate, G~nt, provided
vided that the variation o f E with crystallographic that the extent o f the plastic yielding is small compared
orientation does not have a greater effect. The body- with the dimensions of the testpiece, tl,3~ The fracture stress,
centered cubic (bcc) lattice o f iron does not possess a for an infinite body in plane strain, is then given by
truly close-packed plane, but {110} planes are more closely O'F-= [EGcrit/rra(1 - - 12)]1/2 [3]
packed than are {100} planes. It is arguable that iron
cleaves on {100} because E has a minimum value f o r and the critical energy release rate Gent plays the role o f
(100) directions. 3' and is expended partly in producing two new surfaces
A further point to note is that the nature o f metallic and partly in producing plastic deformation. O r o w a n
bonding is such that the point o f inflection in the energy/ originally suggested a relation between the two com-
distance curve (Figure l(a)), and hence, the maximum ponents o f G c r i t ,[41 and shortly afterward,* Irwin TM in-
in the force/displacement curve (Figure 1(b)), occurs at
*Irwin's 1957 articles are often cited in support of this p o i n t , leav-
a displacement o f the o r d e r o f 0.25 to 0.4b0. It may well ing the i m p r e s s i o n that his idea came years after, and i n ignorance
be that the simple sine wave approximation to the f o r c e / of, Orowan's 1945 article; tal but Irwin cited Reference 4 i n his 1948
displacement curve is inappropriate in framing a defi- overview.t5]
nition o f "fracture." The maximum stress is achieved at
a displacement o f 0.25 to 0.4b0; the assumed displace- dependently made essentially the same suggestion,
ment required to pull atoms sufficiently f a r apart to re- w h i c h i s fl,6]
duce the stress to zero is then 0.5 to 0.8b0. However,
Gcrit = 2 Ys + Yp [4]
in reality, there is still an energy o f interaction at these
distances, and the simple m o d e l may underestimate the where yp is the measure o f the "plastic work" associated


with fracture. Two contributions to yp can be distin- Kelly e t al.t8~ were the first to assess the situation in
guished: the plasticity associated with loading a c r a c k t o physically realistic terms, for a number of metals and
the point where it can propagate, called "precursor" ionic solids, using linear elastic theory to calculate crack
workt7] and written a s ~tp(p . . . . . . .r); and the plasticity as- tip stress fields in those materials for which interatomic
sociated w i t h the propagation or crack growth process potentials were not available, and m a k i n g use of ex-
itself, called Yp(growth~- Thus, the plastic work term could perimental observations of slip systems and cleavage
be written as yp = yp(p. . . . .r) + ")tp(growth)" Experimental planes. The principle of their calculation was t o derive
methods to separate these two contributions t o yp have values for the theoretical shear stress and the theoretical
been devised, as discussed further below. brittle fracture stress pertaining to the appropriate planes
It is naturally tempting t o convert G,it t o the conven- and t o compare the ratio of these with the m a x i m u m val-
tional plane strain fracture toughness, K i t , as discussed ues of local normal stress and local shear stress that could
below, through the elastic relation be obtained from the applied stress system. In such a
manner, it can be shown, for example, that cracks in
G = K2(1 - v 2 ) / E [5]
diamond (high Peierls-Nabarro force) will always p r o p -
and thus, using estimated values of Ys, to calculate yp agate in a brittle manner, while cracks in face-centered
from a measured value of KI¢. For any reasonably tough cubic (fcc) metals will always generate plasticity and,
material, such a calculation shows that yp is much greater thus, blunt.18.91 The situation for metals of some impor-
than 2y~, often by factors of 103 t o 105. We return t o tance, such as iron, is less clear, and it appears that a
the interpretation of Eq. [4] in later sections. It is clear, definitive calculation cannot be made on the basis of
however, that the meaning, in microstructural terms, of present knowledge.
a given value of fracture toughness, K~c or G,it, can be An alternative approach to this problem is that of frac-
derived only if it can be explained why a particular amount ture mechanics. The crack produces a singular stress field,
of plastic work was necessary before the material could the dependence of which upon distance from the crack
fracture. But whenever yp significantly exceeds 7s, it might tip, r, is as r -1/2 and the strength of w h i c h is g i v e n by
be appropriate to define the circumstances as "quasi- K, the stress intensity factor, which has the value tl'3J
brittle" fracture. Note that the definitions g i v e n for "brit-
K = O-appVe-~ [6]
tle fracture" in Section I are not necessarily violated in
this situation. for the crack of length 2a in an infinite body. In passing,
There are several fundamental problems concerned with it is instructive to noteE7~ that an elegant calculation of
application of the foregoing to brittle fracture, e . g . , the Griffith energy release rate, G, defined as d W / d a ,
cleavage, in metals. On the atomic scale, it must be de- may be made by considering the work done when a crack
cided whether it is reasonable t o expect a pre-existing is virtually extended from crack length a to a + 6a. Using
crack nucleus to propagate by cleavage in a truly brittle Eqs. [5[ and [6] gives, for the failure condition,
manner, i . e . , without any yielding at the crack tip. On
the microstructural scale, those features which give rise G c r i t = OrzFTra(1 -- v2)/E [7]
to crack nuclei must be identified. Experimental results
from mechanical tests made at different temperatures or which is also Eq. [3].
strain rates and under different stress states must be ex- There are obvious problems in using linear elastic stress
amined t o decide whether the fracture stress is that nec- analysis to treat crack tip fracture processes, due t o the
essary to nucleate cracks or to propagate them in the singular nature of the stress and displacement fields. As
Griffith manner. Finally, it is instructive to use the frac- r approaches zero, the stress and, therefore, strains be-
ture criteria derived from a study of the micro- come infinite; yet as negative r goes t o zero, i . e . , as the
mechanisms of fracture t o predict values of "fracture crack tip is approached from the crack side rather than
toughness" which are of use in engineering design. W e from the plastic zone side, the displacement between the
begin by examining events on the atomic scale, to assess crack faces tends to zero. It is clearly necessary t o re-
whether truly brittle fracture occurs. place the assumed linear relationship between stress and
strain by a more realistic form, such as that in
B. Conditions at a C r a c k T i p Figure l ( b ) , in the region of the c r a c k tip.
One method that has been used is to represent the crack
The question of whether an atomically sharp crack can as a distribution of dislocations, for example, of edge
or cannot propagate in a brittle manner has been treated character, with Burgers vector b = bl. A simple rect-
in terms of the ease of fracturing the bond at the crack angular approximation t o the force law is m a d e , assum-
tip by tensile stress, compared w i t h that of creating and ing no failure up t o a limiting stress, o"1, and then
propagating dislocations, which cause the crack tip to separation at constant stress t o a limiting displacement,
blunt. Dislocation production is controlled by shear stress, bl, at which complete fracture is deemed to have oc-
the m a x i m u m value of which lies at an a n g l e t o the line curred. This is termed the "cutoff" fracture displace-
of the crack. The simplest practical example of brittle ment. The m o d e l is then identical to that investigated by
fracture occurs in the basal-plane cleavage of mica and Bilby et a l . ~°~ for the equilibrium of a crack and plastic
other layer silicates. Here, it is easy t o break the weak zone. Infinities in stress and discontinuities in displace-
bonds between the close-packed layers and virtually im- ment disappear. At low stresses, the fracture criterion
possible to propagate dislocations on any plane at an angle becomes
to the basal plane. Mica can therefore be cleaved across
the close-packed layers in an ideally brittle manner. O'app ~-~ [Eorlbl/,lra(1 - v2)] 1/2 [8]


which is identical t o the Griffith equation (Eq. [2]), if as "propagation with the sharp tip" vs "crack blunting,"
the area, o-~bl, under the assumed stress/displacement and it may be worth examining this situation more closely.
curve is equated to 2% Choosing values of o'1 = 0.2E The type of stress/displacement law shown in
and bl --- 0.5b0 then gives y = 0.05Eb0. With E~00 = Figure 1(b) indicates that the attainment of O'th (of order
140 GPa and b0 = 0.3 nm, which are the values taken E / 3 ) is a necessary, but perhaps not sufficient, criterion
by Kelly e t al., f81 y would be about 2 J / m2, in good for separation. The Barenblatt and, t o a smaller extent,
agreement with % values for iron measured at 1723 K the dislocation m o d e l of a c r a c k b o t h incorporate the ex-
but about half the value obtained by extrapolation of high- istence of some cohesion across crack faces at displace-
temperature data to 0 K. merits greater than that corresponding to crth. The fracture
Realistically, fracture surface energies are "effective" energy is then a function of the cutoff fracture displace-
energies which should not be expected IH-15J t o be equal ment, bt or bl. Estimates of this lie (probably) in the
to true thermodynamic surface energies, Ys, but instead r a n g e of 1 to 2b0. In view of the discrepancies observed
should be larger than %, as most experimental deter- between experimental values for iron of work to fracture
minations t~2,~5-18~ have found. The difference is usually (see Section III), y~ff = 14 J / m 2, and that deduced from
described as a combination of irreversible work, y~, which surface energies, % = 2 t o 4 J / m 2, it is of interest to
includes the effects of local heating as stretched atomic e x a m i n e what effects m i g h t be produced by taking the
bonds relax, effects of surface roughness such as cleav- critical event not as the attainment of o'th but of a critical
age steps and other factorst~31 and of any contribution value of cutoff displacement.
from Yp~g~owth) in metals. It is then appropriate for metals In Griffith's Eq. [2], w e substitute a typical fracture
to define ~/eff as the sum of these contributions, i . e . , stress, crF = 1 GPa, a value of Ej00 = 140 GPa, and
"~eff = Ys -4- "~irr -~- Yp(growth)" Gerberich and Kurman, tlSJ three values of 3' = 2, 4, and 14 J i m e, respectively. The
for example, have made a recent determination of 3'~f in equilibrium half crack lengths, a, under this stress are
Fe-4 pct Si and arrived at a value of 23 J / m2. This alloy then: 0.19 /xm, 0.38 /zm, and 1.33 /zm. These cracks
cleaves with extensive formation of ligaments on the are sufficient to reduce the fracture stress from --48 to
fracture surface, so it is understandable that the value of 1 GPa. If the c r a c k could be treated simply as a long,
Y~e is larger than the 14 J / m2 determined for iron. thin ellipse of half length a and root radius p , the stress
In summary, the work done to determine whether or concentration at its tip would be 2 X / - a / p , using a linear
not a crack can propagate in a brittle manner in iron has elastic stress analysis. The values of p required to give
led to rather indefinite results. For many materials, either the necessary stress of 48 GPa for the three equilibrium
dislocation can be generated easily before a crack can cracks would then be of the order of b0, 2b0, and 7b0,
propagate, or the activation energy for dislocation cre- respectively. The first figure, although derived by an im-
ation at a crack tip is so high that the crack must run in proper method, is clearly in agreement with assumed
an ideally brittle manner. For iron, the situation is am- displacements at a and at the "cutoff": the figure of 2b0
biguous. It is, perhaps, possible that a crack can prop- is twice as l a r g e simply because the extrapolated value
agate with a number of dislocations e n s u i t e , although for y taken by Kelly et a l . r8J is 4 J/m 2 rather than 2 J / m2.
these would apparently "blunt" the crack. The figure of 7b0, which corresponds to the experi-
Kelly et a l . 181 compared shear stresses with a bond mental value, Yeff = 14 J / mz, is the bluntest that a
1.33-/zm-long Griffith crack can be and still give the
"fracture strength," o'th (Eq. [1]). The use of linear elas-
tic equations in the c r a c k tip region leads, however, to necessary stress, ~rth, at its tip. For any crack sharper
than this, the Griffith (macroscopic energy balance) frac-
infinities in stresses. The removal of these by use of a
ture stress will a p p l y . Now s u p p o s e that a further con-
dislocation model (taking 2 7 = o'Lb~) g i v e s an estimate
dition is applied that the "cutoff" displacement must be,
of the size of the "end region," R, in which nonlinear
say, 1 to 2b0, t o give separation. In the crack tip envi-
behavior holds, but the value of R depends critically on
ronment, unlike a smooth tensile specimen, displace-
that chosen for the fracture "cutoff" displacement, b~.
ment of the crack faces can occur only by producing
Use of Barenblatt's more realistic force/displacement
strains elsewhere in the (stiffer, because stressed below
law ~9~ leads to a smoother crack profile, but the use of ~th) body. In uniaxial tension, failure at o'th = E l 3 can
a "modulus of cohesion" as a material property, depen- occur at a displacement of 0.25 to 0.4b0 in the tip re-
dent a g a i n on a cutoff displacement, b,, demands an gion. The production of crack tip dislocations must be
identity with surface energy, the derivation of which attained in this 1 t o 2b0.
produces serious conceptual difficulties in definition of The production of crack tip dislocations in this cir-
the "work to fracture." (These are compounded if sur- cumstance may, then, not simply cause blunting but may
faces rearrange or reconstruct when they become free, become an integral part of the process by which the crack
as happens, for example, in silicon.) faces separate, essentially by allowing displacement which
Rice and Thomson,t9~ and later extensions to their would not be allowed by a dislocation-free, stiff matrix.
work, r2°'2~'z2J have treated the general problem in a less Calculations of the Rice and Thomson type 0,22,23j in-
doubtful manner, by calculating the ease of producing volve a crack at the Griffith stress: provided that it is
dislocations at the Griffith stress, which is derived from sufficiently sharp t o allow O'th t o be attained, a higher
the macroscopic energy balance, properly using linear cutoff displacement, together w i t h a few, essential c r a c k
elasticity. The resultant equilibrium distances are clearly tip dislocations, can be contemplated but does not appear
within a region at the tip where nonlinear theory should t o greatly affect the result,r22j At l o w e r fracture stresses,
be used, but their conclusions seem appropriate to the say, O'F = 500 MPa, figures for a and p (with Yeee =
observed behavior of iron. They still treat the dichotomy 14 J / m 2) are 0 . 3 3 / ~ m and 1.75b0, respectively. Such a

5 2 6 - - V O L U M E 24A, M A R C H 1993 METALLURGICAL T R A N S A C T I O N S A

displacement m i g h t not need any dislocations; again,
doubts are difficult t o resolve because the situation is
nonlinear. I i
The situation in iron may be so delicately balanced I -Brittle f r a c t u r es t r e s s
that the necessary compliance in the crack tip region can
be obtained only by the creation of a few dislocations,
which give rise t o an experimental "fracture work" term,
presumably reflecting "Yp(growth), significantly greater than
',\ ',\
the surface energy. It is possibly fortuitous that the dia- ! \ ', \ a imum stress
gram in Figure 1 of Rice and Thomson's article,tgJ show-
ing a "sharp" and a "blunted" crack tip, indicates that
the crack tip bonds in the "blunt" crack are stretched
I i ~ U n i a x i o l yield stress
relative to those in the "sharp" crack. However, more ,.I I
detailed treatment of cutoff displacementsE22,23] could, Ta ~A T e m p e r a ture
perhaps, be undertaken with benefit. A second problem i
which is becoming resolved is the role of dislocations L

U n i a x a duct e : l ~
. J
Both Drittle . ',' . . ,~otn ducti(e
nucleated near but not at the tip of the crack, whose mo- . I c r a c K e u • o rl t t I e ÷
tion can blunt or stress-relieve, i . e . , shield, the crack, t22,24~
T o summarize, the calculations show t h a t , at observed Fig. 2 - - T h e Orowan proposal for brittle fracture, with an a p p r o x i -
fracture stresses, crack nuclei of total length 0.4 to mately temperature-independent brittle fracture stress. S t r e s s elevation
2.67 /zm exist to account for the reduction in fracture due t o a notch or crack increases the m a x i m u m normal s t r e s s , thus
assisting brittle fracture in notched or cracked bars relative to t e n s i l e
strength from ~48 t o ~1 GPa. In Section III, w e turn
to specifics of cleavage fracture, and the experiments
which have been used to obtain values of fracture strength,
and t o identifying the nature of the crack nuclei in the
best-studied material, mild steel. acrit = 0.4 /xm. That is, the length of crack nucleus which
could propagate by a completely brittle fracture is only
2a = 0.8 txm in size, g i v e n two assumptions. The first
is that the nucleus is a through-thickness one. This is a
III. CLEAVAGE FRACTURE rather unrealistic situation: the nucleus is far more likely
We define cleavage as brittle fracture occurring on a to be penny-shaped, for which the stress intensity is re-
low-index crystallographic plane,t~,25~ which means that d u c e d by a factor of about 1.5, which increases the crit-
intergranular fracture cannot, in general, be termed ical nucleus size to approximately 2 / z m . The second is
cleavage. Additional fractographic criteria for cleavage that the "work t o fracture" 3' has been equated to the
in metals [25~ are also relevant to interpretation of exper- surface energy %. Instead, y should probably be inter-
iments, although they need not be detailed here. preted as the effective energy, 3'~fe, especially if neces-
The dramatic change in ductility and fracture appear- sary dislocations are involved in crack propagation,
ance over a narrow temperature r a n g e that occurs when because the displacement of bonds must be accommo-
mild steel is tested in uniaxial tension at low temperature dated through 3'i~ as well as through contributions from
has been a subject of study for many years,t~J Typically, 3"p(growth), SO that the size of the critical nucleus is further
a steel which fractures with some 65 pct reduction in increased.
area and a fibrous appearance in tests carried out at all If calculations are made for zinc,C26] the critical nu-
temperatures down to 140 K may break at 100 K with cleus size turns out t o be of the order of millimeters, and
minimal signs of plastic deformation and a fully crys- zinc crystals of diameter smaller than this size can be
talline appearance, composed of {100} cleavage facets. made which still fracture at low stress in a brittle man-
The first hypotheses proposed to explain this behav- ner. The situation for iron is not so clear-cut, although
ior, by Orowan[4] and others, postulated the existence of pre-existing nuclei of 1- to 2-/zm size are unlikely in a
a brittle fracture stress, O'F, which varied only slightly pure ferrite matrix. Even if brittle cementite particles can
with temperature (Figure 2). This could he thought of as
be regarded as inherently cracked, it is possible to reduce
the Griffith stress (Eq. [2]), deriving from a sensibly
the carbon content t o a level such that particles of 1 /zm
temperature-independent surface energy. In contrast, the
in size will not exist. The presence of pre-existing cleav-
yield stress of iron, as that of other bcc transition metals,
age fracture nuclei in nominally pure iron has not been
increases markedly with decrease in temperature
(Figure 2). In simple terms, ductile behavior is expected seriously contemplated for over two decades.
at high temperatures, because the specimen yields before In technical materials, however, nuclei for cleavage
it fractures, and brittle behavior at low temperatures, where can exist. Few investigators have been able t o identify
the reverse situation holds. The nature of this brittle frac- fracture nucleating features in their experiments, in part
ture requires examination. due t o the small size of such nuclei and t o lack of scan-
In uniaxial tension, the cleavage fracture stress is about ning electron microscopy capability in earlier work.
800 MPa, as opposed to the value of 1 GPa used earlier, However, recent studies on pearlitic s t e e l s [27,28'29] and weld
which derives from notched tests. Using an average value metals t3°l were successful in identifying fracture nuclei
for Young's modulus of 200 GPa and the surface energy and subsequently using these flaws as the basis for frac-
% = 2 J/mz for iron gives (Eq. [2]) a critical crack length ture calculations. In pearlite, nuclei were found t o be


either small o x i d e inclusions [27,28'291 or microcracks nu-
cleated across a number of pearlitic carbides, t27,28j while
a variety of inclusions were identified in weld metals,t3°1
The application of dislocation theory to metallic de-
formation processes in the 1950s was paralleled by sim-
ilar applications t o fracture processes. In 1951 and 1953,
Hall and Petcht31,3z} obtained the classical relationship
/ ~ ,~resistance
between yield stress ~rr and grain diameter, d:

t r y = cri + k r d -1/2 [9]

which could be explained in terms of the production of

mobile dislocations in unyielded grains ahead of a Liiders
front by the local shear stress at the tip of a dislocation
pileup in the yielded grain. A similar form was proposed
for the fracture stress:[32]
l a

CrF = cri + k e d -1/2 [10] (a)

although the experimental data used t o justify this form

had been manipulated, by others, in such a manner (frac- Stress
ture stresses were "corrected for the reduction of area
preceding fracture") that it does not stand up to rigorous
examination, t331 Zenert34j had proposed an appealing
mechanism for the formation of cleavage crack nuclei
by the coalescence of edge dislocations (Figure 3(a)),
and Stroht3sl made use of this to explain the significance
of Eq. [10].
~[. T T"T .~.
l j.
d/2?~ 111~I

Suppose, as in Figure 3(b), that there is a yielded grain

containing a dislocation pileup. This can be regarded as
a mode II (shear) crack under a stress Teff = ('Tap p Ti), - -

where T~pp derives from the applied tensile stress and T~

is the lattice friction stress. Then the distribution of ten-
sile stress ahead of the crack is as Fig. 3 - - T h e role of slip in cleavage fracture. (a) Pileups of dislo-
cations at grain boundaries under a shear stress ~" resulting from an
o'~pr, = K u / V ' - 2 ~ r f ( O ) = (T~pp - T~) ~ [11] a p p l i e d s t r e s s a t . ( b ) T h e Z e n e r c r a c k n u c l e u s idea d e v e l o p e d b y Stroh,C3s~
i n w h i c h an e f f e c t i v e s t r e s s , z - r~, f o r c e s a p i l e u p o f l e n g t h d/2 t o
Suppose that a Griffith crack nucleus forms at an a n g l e open a c r a c k . T h e m a x i m u m s t r e s s ~r00 o c c u r s at an a n g l e t o t h e p l a n e
o f the p i l e u p .
O, e . g . , by the Zener mechanism. Then, if certain im-
provements are made to the original Stroh calcula-
tions, [36'371 it can be shown that the nucleus will
i . e . , that 3" should be replaced with %ff because of con-
propagate if
tributions from 3'p<grow,h)" AS temperature increases, it is
Tef f "m-- Tape - - T i > [7rE3'/4(1 - 1/2)]1/2d-1/2 [12] perhaps possible that thermal activation could give gen-
uine blunting, so that 3"p<growth) and %ff increase sharply,
The form of Eq. [10] is obtained and a meaning is given but this has not been investigated with respect to Stroh's
t o ke. The derivation, however, shows t h a t , provided that model, because the second problem seems t o dismiss it
3' remains constant throughout crack growth, either a crack thoroughly.
nucleus forms and propagates under the action of the shear This second problem is that Eq. [12] is written in terms
stress or no nucleus forms. This is called "nucleation- of shear stress and predicts no effect of the applied ten-
controlled" fracture: the critical event is formation of a sile component on fracture. It is clear from experiments
crack nucleus. that different behavior is found in different stress sys-
There are two main problems w i t h this as a general tems (cf. Figure 2). If the maximum tensile stress at yield
conclusion. First, in a g i v e n type of test on mild steel, is ~rr and the yield stress in shear is k, w e see the most
such as uniaxial tension, there is a clear transition from ductile behavior (lowest transition temperature) is found
brittle to ductile behavior as the temperature is raised; in torsion (o'r = k); the next most ductile in uniaxial
yet if fracture occurred at, say, the yield stress at low tension (o'v = 2k); and the least ductile of these three
temperature, there is no reason, from Eq. [12], why it in the general yield failure of a sharply notched bar tested
should not occur at the yield stress at room temperature, in slow bend (orv -- 5k). A cracked bar, w i t h local max-
since the relation Tv - T i = "/'eft (Eq. [12]) is independent imum stresses of 6k or more, would show still less duc-
of temperature in annealed mild steel (where dislocations tility. The higher m a x i m u m tensile stresses encourage
are fully pinned), unless deformation twinning is in- more brittle behavior in mild steel. This response of frac-
volved in the low-temperature fracture. One possibility ture events to tensile or normal stresses suggests that the
m i g h t be that the value of 3' in Eq. [12] is greater than fracture in mild steel is not nucleation controlled but,
the surface energy and involves necessary dislocations, instead, is propagation controlled.

5 2 8 - - V O L U M E 24A, M A R C H 1993 METALLURGICAL T R A N S A C T I O N S A

The ideas o f Smith expressed in E q . [12] were ex-
tended, in light o f McMahon and C o h e n ' s results,t38] to
include a role f o r nucleation at carbides, t391 as sketched (7 Ferrite matrix:
in Figure 4. It is sometimes assumed that these would surface energy
have to be grain boundary carbides, as in m u c h original Ys
work, [38,4°] but in f a c t , spheroidal, intragranular carbides
give rise to similar effects.[17] This model for propagation-
controlled fracture from carbides has been quite suc-
cessful f o r mild steel. Yet this conclusion o f propagation
control in steel is also not general. Equation [12], with ~Grrain boundary carblde
its implication o f nucleation control, does appear to de- = s u face energy, y¢
scribe the behavior o f zinc ~261 and perhaps o f the titanium I
aluminide alloy Ti-24 AI-1 1 N b ,t41j while for mild steel, ~L .J
p~bpagation control appears to dominate behavior. d ICo I
It seems clear, in both brittle ~12,42-441 and quasi-brittle Grain diameter Carbide
materials, that additional experimental work would be thick ness
valuable to examine the extant theoretical ideas in more
detail. When a distinct microstructural constituent, such Fig. 4 - - T h e c o m p l e t e S m i t h modelisgj for cleavage in mild steel, nu-
cleated at a grain boundary carbide of thickness Co. T h e effective
as a carbide in mild steel, operates as the nucleus for
stress, ~" - ~'i, is from Fig. 3.
fracture, the fracture behavior o f that constituent must
be understood. A statistical approach, pioneered by Curry
and KnotttlTJ and l a t e r extended in some detail, t45J shows
promise and may warrant extension to other microstruc-
turally controlled brittle fractures. More complexmicro-
structures, such as pearlitic steels t46] o r multiconstituent
titanium alloys like Ti-24 AI-1 1 Nb, t4~1 are a challenge 5 ~ " 3- $ ~
to these concepts w h i c h should repay further work.
The role o f microstructure in cleavage fracture may
involve variables other than those emphasized above, =l" l. ~ .,
namely, the size o f grains and grain boundary carbides.
This is particularly true when, for example, grain bound- x.~2~ I
i 1
ary particles are sparse and their relative distances from 0 I I I i
a c r a c k tip may be more important than their size alone. O.OI 0.02 0.03 x / ¢ K l a ' , Iz
Models based on the original Ritchie and co-workers I
"critical distance" idea [47'48'49] are a logical extension o f
effort to incorporate microstructural factors into brittle
fracture, as Figure 5 shows. In this figure, a critical frac-
ture stress, 0-*, is supposed to be maintained over a suf-
ficient distance, 1", that an effective c r a c k nucleus can
fail and thus support advancement o f the crack. Several
experimental results have been found to be adequately
described by such an interpretation, t4t,491
Fig. 5 - - T h e "critical distance" idea, as originally formulated b y
Ritchie e t al. 1471 T h e critical distance 1" is expected to be of the order
IV. INTERGRANULAR FRACTURE of the graindiameterdg for the microstructure s h o w n , with y i e l d strength
o0 normalizing stresses. [49]
In intergranular fracture, fracture is characterized pri-
marily by its path, namely along the grain boundaries.
Since at relatively l o w temperatures, metals normally
exhibit greater grain boundary strength than grain inte- Another aspect has been directed at the phenomena o f
rior strength, that is, fracture is transgranular, the evi- segregation-induced embrittlement, f o r example, the ex-
dent grain boundary weakness requires explanation. It is tensive, experimentally based articles o f McMahon and
often found that brittle intergranular fracture at ambient co-workers, ts4,sS,s61 These articles p o i n t out that E q . [4]
temperatures is associated with segregation o f solute or is readily misinterpreted: although yp may o f t e n be f a r
impurity elements to grain boundaries, altering their larger than %, that should not be a basis for concluding
cohesion, although there are counterexamples in w h i c h that the contribution o f Ys is unimportant to fracture. In-
the intergranular weakness appears to be intrinsic and deed, if Ys along the grain boundary fracture path were
not a function o f segregated elements, tS°,51j Further work to fall to zero, so that no cohesion between grains re-
has examined the toughness o f these "intrinsically" brit- mained, then presumably Gcrit (or any other measure o f
tle materials in some detail, t52,s31 fracture resistance) would also fall to zero. Thus, an
There have been numerous efforts to develop the fun- interrelation must exist a m o n g %, yp, and y (or Gcrit),
damental basis for fracture at boundaries, flL13,14,~2,54-57] and it must be recognized that a large value o f yp in one
One aspect has been to apply the Rice-Thomson ap- circumstance cannot imply the maintenance o f that v a l u e
proacht9] to grain boundaries, as first outlined by Rice.t1~1 if % is reduced. The complication here is that the net


surface energy of the fracture is given by 2 y~ - Ygb, not The summary equations derived by McMahon and
by 2 y~ alone, so the interrelation among boundary cohe- co-workers for intergranular fracture I54,55] are o f the Griffith
sion, as expressed by y , along the (intergranular) frac- form (Eq. [3]) and employ concepts quite similar to those
ture path, and the grain boundary energy itself, Ygb, must o f Smith;t37,39] indeed, Smith's equations were the start-
be understood. ing point for their derivation. F o r brittle intergranular
McMahon and co-workers, [54'55,56] however, have stated fracture, as for cleavage, the role o f grain boundary par-
the dependence among these variables entirely in terms ticles w h i c h may act as fracture nuclei is a relevant con-
o f the energies, aiming to make explicit the relation be- c e r n , and similar analytical approaches have been
tween the plastic energy yp and the surface energy Ys. used. ]54,55,'~81 A sketch o f the m o d e l basis is given in
This is an awkward approach experimentally, because Figure 7.
the energies themselves are difficult to measure inde- These ideas are now being extended to brittle fracture
pendently (as opposed to inferring them from fracture o f interfaces between dissimilar materials. ~59-63] Al-
experiments). The equations o f McMahon and though both mechanics and experimental techniques are
co-workers, [54,55,56] Rice and Wang[~7] and others [2°,2q can complicated, the topic is o f v i t a l importance to c o m p r s -
describe the interrelation which occurs when large de- ite materials for a range o f applications from engineering
creases occur in y,, for example, by the segregation o f structures to electronic devices.
metalloid elements to grain boundaries in steels. The
subject o f solute effects is treated in Section V.
In dealing with fracture experiments, the concept o f a
fixed fracture stress[4] is helpful, since it clarifies how
the amount o f plastic deformation accompanying frac- A n u m b e r o f solutes are known experimentally to af-
ture, i . e . , yp, varies naturally with y,. The interrelation fect brittle fracture at boundaries. Examples include met-
o f these two variables can be envisioned as in Figure 6, alloid elements such as S, P, As, and Sb in steels, ts4'64~
where the effect o f changes in the brittle fracture stress lead in aluminum alloys,[651 and hydrogen in a n u m b e r
o-F on the magnitude o f yp is evident in the (conceptual) o f structural alloys,C66,67,681 all o f w h i c h are damaging to
stress-strain curve at the c r a c k tip. The total plastic work fracture resistance, and such elements as boron in Ni3A1,
Wp is then given by an equation such as the following, which increase fracture resistance.I69,7°] A n u m b e r o f ap-
for parabolic hardening according to tr = O-y + ke", proaches to understanding these effects have been sug-
gested, most recently in a series o f articles by
Wp = f t r d e = o'r" ee + f k e " d e [13a] Cottrell. t7~,72'731 The simplest is to begin with the atomic
and, for integration between zero and 6g, scale effects o f changes in cohesion, as summarized by
W e ~- [(OrF -- O'y)/k]l/n[(OrF + n t r v ) / n + 1] [13b] Figure 8 shows some o f the possible cohesion changes
which have been suggested. The salient points in these
Implementation o f Eq. [13] requires normalization by the
plastic v o l u m e , w h i c h is complicated by the complex diagrams are these: the location o f the curve at zero stress
shape o f the plastic zone, as well as by the strain gra- identifies the lattice parameter; the low-stress slope o f
the curve at that point is a measure o f the elastic mod-
dients within it; but the concept o f o-F as a limiting stress
in the plastic behavior at the c r a c k tip is clear. One then ulus; the maximum stress, although not the appropriate
needs to formulate a relation between/3r r and % (or the criterion for fracture m o d e l s ,t13] is a measure o f the co-
net energy from 2 y~ - Ygb), a complex and well-studied hesive force; and the area under the curve is a measure
problem~l.20,2~,54-57] which, however, remains difficult to o f the work of fracture Y. Each o f these may or may not
change with solute additions. For c r a c k tip analyses, it
test experimentally.
would appear that the area under the curve is the most
important parameter, so that all the sketched curves in
Figure 8 would imply lowered fracture stress, although
some o f the curves imply further, testable effects o f the
solute, such as changed lattice parameter. Note that
(~F1 changes in lattice parameter o r modulus, if they occur,
would take place within distances very near the bound-
ary and thus would be difficult to measure experimentally.
N o w that atomic calculations by techniques like the
embedded atom method ( E A M ) are possible at surfaces
(~F2 and grain boundaries, ]7°,74] greater understanding o f
/Nl I
d,,.I] cohesion changes can be expected. The E A M technique
has already been applied, for example, to the p r o b l e m
\f \11 o f B in Ni3A1,]7°J and the expected change in cohesion
\ 1 Nil I energy quantified as about 15 pct.
Nl Nil Given that changes in boundary cohesion occur when
EF2 EEl Strain E segregants are present, it is important for the brittle frac-
ture case to evaluate the concentration o f segregant needed
Fig. 6 - - A sketch of a crack tip stress-strain curve, with termination
at a brittle fracture stress ~rr which has two different values due to to "embrittle" the boundary, i . e . , to cause at least some
changes in 7~- The area under the curve is proportional t o the plastic areas o f intergranular fracture to occur a m o n g the pre-
work of fracture. vailing, nonsegregated fracture m o d e . Some published


O" a"

// //
/'4 / /,¢ J

"•?," ~k " ~~7777777~ "'"~'"

~\\ X ~" \\ \

1111 o"
1111 17"

(a) (b)
Fig. 7--Concepts for grain boundary fracture nucleation, analogous t o Figs. 3 and 4. (a) Stroh-like crack located at a grain boundary. (b) Stroh-
like crack which nucleates at a particle-matrix interface rather than a grain boundary.[ 54j

U O-

0 ~ I .._.b 0 " b

I ; /.,~
I t ,,5,"

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 8--Cohesion changes due t o solutesY 31 Here, the lattice parameter i s designated b0 and the m a x i m u m force era- (a) An energy-distance
curve with solute-induced changes (cf. Fig. l(a)). (b) The corresponding force curve (cf. Fig. l(b)). (c) Changes i n the force curve which leave
lattice parameter and modulus unchanged. (d) A force curve change which keeps crm constant.


(PCT Fe---~-~03 )
I0 20
! I

o 6O
~ 60

-r -- 4 0 "~
•o 40
W - 2 0
'~ 20

I u_ I I I
Cc CH o., 0.2 _ 0.3

(a) (b)

(c) (d)
Fig. 9--Dependence of fracture stress O'Fon soluteconcentration, here expressed for hydrogen, C.. (a) Threshold model, in which fracture
stress is lowered at a solute concentration of C,. (b) Measured data for antimony at grain boundaries,164}where .~ is the estimated fraction of an
atomic layer at the boundary. (c) Concentration dependence sketched from (b) results. (d) Linear version of (c), with modified critical value
C cr'.[67]

models have assumed a critical or threshold concentra- boundaries which are fractured have contained various
tion, which is a simple approach; but experimental evi- concentrations of damaging impurities, such as metal-
dence suggests that it is probably oversimplified.[66] loids, although not in sufficient quantities to cause inter-
Figure 9 illustrates the p o i n t . Figure 9(a) shows a granular fracture by themselves. One of the best-studied
threshold-type model, compared in Figure 9(b) to an ac- materials is nickel, in which it appears that sulfur plus
tual determination of effect of segregation on fracture.[64] hydrogen can cause brittle intergranular embrittle-
A smoothly curving dependence of fracture on segre- ment,[75-781 but that hydrogen alone merely causes a highly
gation (Figure 9(c)) or at least a linear transition from localized plastic fracture within a few tens of nanometers
segregation-free to fully segregated effects (Figure 9(d)) of the boundary, thus appearing brittle. [77J In other words,
would be more realistic than a sharp threshold. Because it would appear that hydrogen by itself ordinarily cannot
local, not global, concentrations of solute are relevant to weaken metal g r a i n boundaries sufficiently for inter-
problems of this kind, [671 determination of the value of granular fracture but can only cause such fracture when
Ccr or Ccr' is not simple. "assisting" other segregants which partially weaken the
Hydrogen is often associated with intergranular frac- boundary. It would be of interest, and of some funda-
ture.[66'68[ Numerous practical instances of hydrogen em- mental worth, to have determinations of 7elf values for
brittlement have been observed in which hydrogen damage such cases of fracture, so that relative magnitudes of ef-
occurs in the form of a brittle intergranular fracture mode fects of various solutes could be quantified; but t o date,
not present without hydrogen. Yet careful experiments it appears that none have been determined.
have shown that in nearly all such cases, the grain Such measurements could well be implemented for


intergranular fracture with tests using the established 2 4 . B.S. Majumdar and S.J. B u m s : Acta Metall., 1 9 8 1 , vol. 2 9 ,
methodology of notched bar fracture mechan- p p . 579-88.
2 5 . C.D. Beachem and R.M.N. Pelloux: in Fracture ToughnessTesting
ics. [1'7'17"26-30'40'46'67'79-82] AS in the case of cleavage, there and Its Applications, STP 3 8 1 , ASTM, Philadelphia, PA, 1965,
is a balance between yield and fracture behavior which p p . 210-44.
can be exploited to minimize contributions from plastic- 2 6 . D.A. Curry, J.E. King, and J.F. Knott: Met. S c i . , 1 9 7 8 , vol. 1 2 ,
ity, O'7,:6,2s'46,sll i.e., f r o m yp(p. . . . . .), a n d t h u s a c h i e v e a p p . 247-50.
2 7 . J.J. Lewandowski and A.W. Thompson: in Fracture 1 9 8 4 , Proc.
good estimate o f yCff. It would also be useful to attempt ICF 6 , S.R. Valluri, D.M.R. Taplin, P . Rama Rao, J.F. K n o t t ,
systematic variation in microstructural parameters of in- and R. Dubey, e d s . , Pergamon, Oxford, United Kingdom, 1984,
terest, such as grain boundary particle size, type, and vol. 2 , p p . 1515-24.
distribution, to provide a robust test of extant models. 2 8 . J.J. Lewandowski and A.W. Thompson: Metall. Trans. A, 1986,
Much underlying fracture sciencetu-13,21-23~ and experi- vol. 17A, p p . 1769-86.
2 9 . D.J. Alexander and I.M. Bernstein: Metall. Trans. A , 1 9 8 9 ,
mental knowledge I1'28'29'44'46'62"66'831 exists, but additional vol. 20A, p p . 2321-35.
experimental work is still needed. 3 0 . D.E. McRobie and J.F. Knott: Mater. Sci. Technol., 1 9 8 5 ,
vol. 1 , p p . 357-65.
3 1 . E.O. Hall: Proc. Phys. Soc. (London), 1951, vol. B64, p p . 747-53.
3 2 . N.J. Petch: J. Iron Steel Inst., 1 9 5 3 , vol. 174, p p . 25-32.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3 3 . J.F. Knott: in Yield, Flow and Fracture o f Polycrystals (Perch
Festschrift), T.N. Baker, ed., Applied Science Publishers, London,
We appreciate helpful discussions with J.J. 1 9 8 3 , p p . 81-99.
Lewandowski, R.O. Ritchie, J.P. Hirth, and J.C. 3 4 . C. Zener: in Fracturing o f Metals, ASM, Cleveland, OH, 1948,
Williams o n this topic. Our original collaboration o n this p p . 3-31.
3 5 . A.N. Stroh: Adv. Phys., 1 9 5 7 , vol. 6 , p p . 418-65.
review was supported b y the SERC in the Department 3 6 . A.H. Cottrell: Trans. AIME, 1 9 5 8 , vol. 2 1 2 , p p . 192-203.
of Metallurgy, University of Cambridge. One of us (AWT) 3 7 . E. Smith and J.T. Barnby: Met. Sci. J., 1 9 6 7 , vol. 1 , p p . 56-64.
acknowledges the hospitality of the Materials Science 3 8 . C.J. McMahon and M . Cohen: Acta Metall., 1 9 6 5 , vol. 1 3 ,
Division, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, during the p p . 591-604.
3 9 . E. Smith: Acta Metall., 1 9 6 6 , vol. 1 4 , p p . 985-89 and 991-96.
preparation of this manuscript, and partial support from 4 0 . J.F. Knott: J. lron Steel Inst., 1 9 6 7 , vol. 2 0 5 , p p . 288-91.
the David Jackson Fund for Scholarly Endeavors. 4 1 . Wu-Yang Chu and Anthony W . Thompson: Metall. Trans. A,
1992, vol. 23A, p p . 1299-1312.
4 2 . D. Marsh: Proc. R. Soc. A, 1 9 6 4 , vol. 282A, p p . 33-43.
4 3 . A.G. Evans: Phil. M a g . , 1 9 7 0 , vol. 2 2 , p p . 841-49.
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