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Response #1 Perfect Society Utopia Directions: Utopian societies are humanities way of envisioning their perfect way of living. You assignment is to create your own perfect society or utopia. In a full page describe your perfect society, focusing on how it functions and why it is so perfect or utopic. Some things to think about while creating your perfect society: Basies Name your utopian society, describe the setting. Explain what makes your society unique. What would a visitor notice first? Is your society in a city, Tropical Island, rural farmland, jungle, or other place? What do the homes look like? What do the people look like? Government System Who is in charge, laws, and consequences for breaking the laws, etc. Education System Who gets an education, what is taught, and how will tis relate to future careers? Family Life What are your guidelines for marriage, children, gender roles, and other expectations of families? What will prevent domestic abuse, poor parenting, or divorce? Rites of Passage What responsibilities/privileges are given at different ages? What ceremonies will you have? When is a child considered an adult? Belief Systems What values are most important in this society? What character traits are rewarded—and how? What do the citizens of your society believe about the world and human rights? Big Issues How will you cure illness? Fix poverty? Eliminate crime? Eradicate racism? sacluclé 4 ye ick Z pik Extra Creclit & yer an {bostra Gein oa)

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