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Pallavi Pallerla

Evan Speice

Independent Study and Mentorship 3A

17 November 2017

Original Work Proposal

Curiosity has been something that has been with me from the beginning. It is what pushes

me through this journey and holds together the foundation. With this support, I have been driven

to study chemical engineering through ISM. Not really having a clue on what this field is, I

started researching through my research assessments and interviews. The information I learned

brought up many questions. By being involved in ISM, it has given me the opportunity to

explore and find answers independently through Original Work. For my Original Work, I have

decided to explore various methods of DNA Fingerprinting.

DNA Fingerprinting was first exposed to me during my freshman year in my biology

class. It was a very interesting experience that I ended up doing my very first research

assessment on this subject. The inter-career relations that are necessary for this topic to be

successful first appeared bizarre but after understanding the significance, it was eye-opening and

sparked curiosity. With the research that I conducted, it was clear that there is a long process of

getting the results of the testing. It made me realize that it would be beneficial, if, in the future, a

faster method was discovered to help speed up the process. The faster the identification is done,

the faster the forensic cases are solved, and faster the right decision can be made at the court to

achieve justice. Having this in mind, for my Original Work this year in my journey through

chemical engineering, I want to test out different DNA Fingerprinting methods and analyze the

results to determine how each one is beneficial when compared to the others and potentially
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create an ideal method to improve the process. This will give me experience in this fascinating

field and make me push myself to achieve my purpose of creating an ideal DNA Fingerprinting


Through my extensive research on this topic, this appeared to be the most feasible way to

approach this current issue with the time I have. This project consists of both an observational

study and an experiment. The observational study consists of conducting the known methods of

DNA Fingerprinting to gather data and analyze so I can use this data to experiment and create a

new method. In other words, I would first have to study each method carefully and take detailed

notes. It would ensure minimum errors while experimenting. Since I am trying to create a new

method, I should be well informed about the substances I will be dealing with so the changes

made will be optimal. The four methods of DNA Fingerprinting I will be studying are restriction

fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), polymerase chain reaction (PCR), amplified fragment

length polymorphism (AmpFLP), and the short tandem repeat (STR) methodology. In order to

study and improve these methods, I will need access to the equipment and will need to be in a

laboratory environment to ensure this project is being conducted in the best working

environment for accurate results for the observational study and experiment.

I believe the most beneficial to present my research will be to write a thorough report on

this project. It would be the best way for me to give back to my community since it would make

it easier to have DNA tests done and potentially have an impact on the world and achieve my

purpose of helping my community and other careers related to DNA Fingerprinting.

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