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Project proposal on


Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

the Degree of Software Engineering

under Pokhara University

Submitted by:

Sandesh Pokhrel, 14730

Rajan Lamichhane, 14747

Date: 5 October 2016



Balkumari, Lalitpur, Nepal

1. Abstract

The proposed of making project is to create chat portal application

that make people chat in same network and they feel secured while
chatting. One can connect with another with client server
architecture. This software will be really help to chat with same
network like LAN people feel conformable using this in small talk.
This will be java based application which really solved the user
need in small task. This application is developed which java
technology. Chat concept of client server architecture is shown.

Keywords: Chat, java, network, sockets, client, server.

2. Introduction

This system provides a suitable platform for both the clients and by

providing all the information’s required in the real time texture

message Chat may refer to any kind of communication that offers a
real- time transmission of text messages from sender to receiver.
Chat message are generally short in order to enable other
participants to respond quickly. Thereby, a feeling similar to a
spoken conversation is created, which distinguishes chatting from
other text-based communication. Online chat may address point-to-
point communications as well as multicast communications from
one sender to many receivers. Sender send message and receiver
receive message. Chat application solve the real problem in real
time. The receiver receive message in real time.

3. Problem Statement

To build java based chat there should be knowledge of networking

in java. The manipulation of graphics user interface(GUI) should
be handled properly.

4. Project Objectives

The objective of project is to make chat portal using client server architecture.

5. Significance of the study

The purpose shows the importance of chat in daily life. For those
who use this app they should chat with respective they want as
their condition. They can able to choose according to their need for
the purpose they are using it. No other disturbance from outside
parts. As client and server itself two bodies there is not any
disturbance of outside. The outside user should not bother while in

6. Scope and limitations

I. Scope
- Any person can chat by fulfilling certain criteria of portal.

II. Limitations
- Only one person can operate the machine.

7. Literature Study

Whenever a program is under execution, then definitely it would be loaded into a specific
location in the RAM. Now, the local operating system, maintains a tables which has two entries
i) Port number ii) Address of the location in the RAM in which the program under execution
when the sender sends the data, be maintains the IP address of the machine along with the port
no. Local OS maps the port number to the one present in the table it maintains. When it finds
one, there will be a corresponding address of the local of the RAM in which the program is
present. The program which is supposed to receive the data should be executed first before
executing the program which is supposed to send the data. The transferring the data is that every
system will have a buffer memory. The data which is supposed to enter into the system or leave
the system will pass through the buffers only. For convenience, let us assume we have two
machines M-1 and M-2 between which data is to be transferred. Let B-1 be the buffer memory of
M-1 and B-2 be the buffer memory of M-2. For better understanding, let us assume only
pro1.class file is in M-1 and only pro2.class file is present in M-2. M-1 and M-2 are connected
through the network. Since pro2.class file is supposed to receive the data it should be executed
first. Now, we create an object of a class in B-2 of M-2 let us call the object as obj-2. The
reference of obj-2 should be present in pro2.class file. Let this reference be ref-2. Now, in
pro2.class file, we call the accept() method on the reference ie ref-2.accept(). Coming to the
transmitting side, we need to create an object of some class in the buffer B-1 of M-1 let us call
the object as obj-1. The reference of obj-1 should be present in pro1.class file. Let this reference
be ref-1. Another important point is, obj-2 should contain ref-1 and obj-1 should contain ref-2.

Once this process is finished, now the data transmission can be achieved.

8. Technical description of project

The application is developed which the help of java network and sockets. The
objects which we create in the buffers using which we send/receive data to/from
the systems across the network are known as sockets. Thus, sockets are nothing
but objects. The transfer of data between the programs which are being executed
in different systems is done through the sockets. Hence, this is known as socket
programming. In order to locate a socket, corresponding to a program in the
buffer of the receiving machine, we need to mention the port number (in which
the program is under execution in the socket object, while creating the socket
object in the buffer of receiving machine. Some important term which are used in
project are listed below.

Server: It is a network related program.

Client: It is also a network related program. Which request server.

The responsibilities of server and client is proper know while doing project.


- Server is always designed to wait for the data.

- First, it should receive the data.
- Identify the address of the client from where the data has come.
- Process the data that it has received.
- Send the result of processed data to the client.


- Connects itself to the server program based on the port number and machine address
- Now client sends the data first.
- After that, client revives the processed data from the server


- It is the data going from the client program to the server program.


- It is the processed data coming from the server program to the client program.

Server socket:

- Server socket has to wait for the connection. It has to be created with the port

Client socket:

- Client socket gets itself connected to the server socket. No port number is required.

Features of the project:

This app features

1) Send request.
2) Trusted center.
3) Receiver

9. Proposed deliverables

This project delivers the software on java platform. The delivers

product will be chat portal.

10. Task and time schedule


Week 10

Week 12
Week 11
Week 1

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Week 9
Week 2


1.5 week

Analysis 1.5 week

Designing 2.5 week

Coding 3 week


2.5 week


Documentation 12 weeks

Fig: Gantt Chart for project development

We have planned to complete the project by 12 weeks. The required number of days required for
different phases are:

I. Requirement specification - 1.5 weeks

II. Analysis - 1.5 weeks
III. Designing - 2.5 weeks
IV. Coding - 3 weeks
V. Testing and Maintenance - 2.5 weeks
VI. Documentation - 12 week

11. Bibliography

[1] Kathy Sierra & Bern Bates, Head first java, 2nd.: O’Reilly Media, Inc., 2005.

[2] “A Networking explanation,” Oct. 3, 2003. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Nov. 15,

[3] . Network programming in java, [Online] Available:

[4] Java™ Platform , Standard Edition 7 Course Technology, 2016.


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