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Adeel Raza Superior College Jauharabad


A: Accuracy
This can be attained by guarding against careless thinking, expressions and

B: Brevity
is conciseness of expression, checking the development of your own ideas
and accuracy of expression.

C: Confidence
If you believe in what you are saying is right and wise, write it. Have trust in

D: Dignity
Particular attention should be given to diction. Avoid using contractions like
won’t, shouldn’t, can’t, don’t. Use straightforward expression with summarized,
simplified and well-organized information.

E: Emphasis
Make your report forceful.

F: Facility
Report Writing depends more on pacing, sequence, arrangement and connections
to achieve smooth flowing, easy to read continuity.

G: Grammatical Correctness.
Acceptable grammatical practice is important for sensible as well as social

H: Honesty
Proper documentation must be used. A technical writer must acknowledge his

The use of graphic materials is very useful in technical writing.
Adeel Raza Superior College Jauharabad

Judicious weighing of evidence is important in a report. The best evidence is that
which is (1) most ample (2) most pertinent (3) most simple (4) most in harmony
with the rest of available evidence.

K: Knowledge.

The communication of knowledge is one of the chief functions of the report. It is

more than a collection of data for it involves interpretations and formulation of
conclusions. Without intelligent interpretation, data will remain useless.

The process of showing the relations among groups of things and classes of group
is logic. It is a process of classification, putting things in their proper places.

M : M e c h a n i c a l N e a t n e s s

A report should be neatly typed and well margined so that it will be easier to
read. Headings, subheadings and indention are mechanical devices which help to
make the organization of the content clear. Your report must then be clean, free
from typographical errors and erasures.

N: Normal Procedure

Conformity to standard practices makes report easier to understand.


Can be achieved if you avoid the use of first person in order to give the impression
that the work being reported is a team effort or a company activity.

P: Planning
You need to have a clear idea of where you are going to end before you begin

Q: Qualification
Qualify what you write by describing what factors are constant and what factors
are viable as you work.

Adeel Raza Superior College Jauharabad

R: Revision
It is the most important phase of technical reporting aside from planning,
designing, rough drafting.

S: Straight Sentences
, In a good report, each paragraph begins with a straight forward statement of its

T: Thoroughness
You can be thorough by (1) preparing a checklist or requirements in the planning
phase (2) marking off each requirement as it is fulfilled (3) using the checklist
again in the revision phase for a final check.

U: Unity
A unified report is one in which everything is clearly relevant to main point under

V: Viewpoint
Point of view, e.g. as a reporter, researcher or employee, should maintain
consistently throughout there port.

W: Word Choice
Avoid pompous, vague and ornate words. Be precise as you can.

X: Extra

Effort brings success.

Y: You
A report is written for an audience and you should think in terms of pacing and
timing. Thus your information can be presented in segments appropriate to your
reader’s knowledge and needs.

Z: Zest

Write only when you have something worth saying and write as though you were
performing a service that only you can perform.

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