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 Problems of Solid Mechanics/Structural Mechanics, called as

BVP, are generally formulated as governing differential
equations/partial differential equations/functional, in basic
variables of displacements (strains)/forces (stresses), using the
relations between stresses and strains and satisfying the
conditions of equilibrium, compatibility and statc/kinematic
boundary conditions.
1.2 Classical Methods
 Some classical elastic problems are as follows:
(a) beam problems are governed by fourth order differential
EI( d4w/dx4) = q
(b) torsion of shaft problems are formulated as Laplace-
equation/harmonic equation/second order partial differential
 2φ = -2Gφ,. Laplace operator is defined as
Δ2 =  2/x2 + 2/y2
(c) plane stress and plane strain problems are reduced to
partial differential equation of Laplace form
Δ2 φ = 0, where φ is Airy stress function.
(d) plate bending problems are governed by bi-harmonic
equation/fourth order partial differential equation
Δ4w = q/D, where Δ4 is the bi-harmonic operator,
defined as  4/x4 + 2 4/x2y2 +  4/y4 and D
the flexural rigidity of the plate, defined as
D = E t3/ [12(1-μ2)]

1.3 Variational Approach

 Structural mechanics problems are also solved by Variational
Formulation based on the stationary (extremum) value of the
governing functional.
 The extremum or stationary value of the functional is obtained
by equating the first variation of the functional to zero.
 Total potential energy of the system is the governing functional
in elastic bodies and variational formulation is the minimum
energy principle or principle of virtual work
1.4 Numerical Methods
 A framed structure, also called as skeletal structure/discrete
structure is an assembly of discrete line elements (members)
and joints and supports as points.
 Non framed structures are called continuum e. g. surface
structures and volume structures.
 An analytical solution is a mathematical expression which
gives the value of basic variable at any point of a body.
 For structures involving complex shapes, material properties
and complicated boundary conditions, is difficult/impossible
to formulate the governing differential equation or functional
and to obtain analytical solution. Therefore numerical
methods that provide approximate but acceptable solutions,
are as follows:
(i) Functional Approximation
(ii) Finite Difference Method
(iii)Finite Element Method

1.5 Finite Element Method (FEM)

 FEM combines in the best features of two approximate
methods. FEM is physical.
 The basic concept is that a body or a structure is divided into
smaller elements of finite dimensions called finite elements.
(Concept of finite difference).
 The original body is then considered as an assemblage of these
elements connected at a finite number of joints called Nodes or
Nodal Points.
 Simple functions known as Shape Functions are chosen to
approximate the variation of displacement within an element
in terms of displacement at the nodes of the element. (Concept
of functional approximation).
 The strains and stresses within an element is also expressed in
terms of of the nodal displacements.
 The principle of virtual displacement or minimum potential
energy is used to derive the equation of equilibrium for the
element in terms of the unknown nodal displacements.
 The equations of equilibrium for the structure or body are
then obtained by combining the equilibrium equation of each
element such that the continuity of displacement is ensured at
each node.
 The necessary boundary conditions are imposed.
 The equations of equilibrium are solved for the nodal
 The strains and stresses are evaluated using the element
 FEM is similar to stiffness matrix method for skeletal/framed
structures, except the special steps of (a)discretization of
structure as a elastic body/continuum into finite elements
(b)computation of stiffness matrix of each element and
(c)computation of load vector for each element.
 FEM is considered as extension of stiffness matrix method.
 FEM is amenable to systematic computer programming and
offers scope for application to a wide range of analysis
 FEM is applicable to any structure/continuum as a elastic
body. Therefore many software are based on finite element
1.6 Comparison between stiffness matrix method and FEM

Matrix Method FEM

()Valid only for skeletal structures ()Applicable to any elastic body

beams/frames/trusses/grids as continuum-beams/frames/
()Natural discretization due to joints ()Artificial discretization
() Members as lines only ()Elements of any shape
()Joints per member=2 ()Nodes per element=2 or more
()Unknown joint displacements ()Unknown nodal displacements
()Member stiffness matrix in terms of ()Element stiffness matrix is to be
geometrical properties and material developed by using displacement
properties of the member, is well function and applying appropriate
established analytically according variational principle or principle
to the type of structure of virtual work
()A=S*D () F=Kδ
()After obtaining the element properties (stiffness matrix) and element
equilibrium equations, the procedure of FEM is matching with the
procedure of stiffness matrix method.

1.7 Pre – Requisites

 Mechanics and Structural Analysis
 Stiffness Matrix Method
 Mathematics
 Theory of Elasticity and structural mechanics
 Calculus of Variations
 Computer Programming
2 Element Properties

2.1 Types of elements for various types of structures

Analysis of framed structures

(a) 2 Noded One-dimensional line element

Plane stress/strain and Axi-symmetric Analysis

(a) 3 Noded triangular element
(b) 6 Noded triangular element
(c) 4 Noded quadrilateral element
(d) 8 Noded curved element

Analysis of plates and shells

(a) 4 Noded rectangular
(b) 4 Noded quadrilateral
(c) 8 Noded curved element

Three-dimensional stress Analysis

(a) 4 Noded tetrahedron element
(b) 8 Noded hexahedron element
(c) 20 Noded curved solid element

µ θ     π ∫

ε ζ α β γ δ μ σ

2.2 Notations for FEM

{ δ(x,y)} = Vector of displacement at any point within the

[f(x, y)] = Polynomial function. Matrix of the coordinates of any
point within the element.

{α} = Vector of unknown coefficients, also called as generalized
coordinates, of polynomial function.

{ δe} = vector of nodal displacements of an element.

[ A ] = Matrix of nodal coordinates of an element.

{ ε(x,y)} = Vector of strain at any point.

[ C ] = Matrix of differentials of [f(x,y)].

[ B ] = Matrix relating strains and displacements = [C] [A]-1

{σ (x,y)} = Vector of stress at any point.

[ D ] = Elasticity matrix relating stress and strain.

{ δe*} = Vector of virtual nodal displacements of an element.

{ Fe } = Vector of nodal forces of an element.

[ Ke ] = Stiffness matrix of an element.

[ K ] = Stiffness of a structure.

{ F } = Vector of nodal forces of a structure.

{ δ } = Vector of nodal displacements of a structure

2.2 Displacement Function

Approximation of the variation of displacement in the element by
suitable functions, called as displacement function.

Assumed mathematical model in terms of unknown coefficients
such that the idealized structure shall deform as closely as possible
to the actual structure.

In the form of polynomial of finite order, which can be handled
mathematically and which is convenient for computer.

δ(x) = α1 + α2 x + α3 x2 + -------------- + αn xn

α,s are unknown coefficients, also called as generalized
coordinates. They are not the actual displacements.
Number of α.s are generally equal to number of nodal
displacements of an element. The order of polynomial may
be chosen so that it satisfies the geometrical isotropy as per
Pascal triangle.

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