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UP Teacher Syllabus for General Hindi, Sanskrit :-

1. अअअअअअ,
2. अअ,
3. अअअअ,
4. अअअअअअअअअअ,
5. अअअअअ अअअअ,
6. अअअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअअ,
7. अअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअअअअअ,
8. अअअअअअअअअअअ अअअ अअअअअअअ, अअअअअअअअअअअ-
9. अअअअ, अअअ, अअअअ, अअअ, अअअअअअ, अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअअ,
10. अअअअअअअअअ अअअअ.
UP Primary Teacher Syllabus for General English :-
1. Adjectives.
2. Antonyms.
3. Clauses.
4. Fill in the blanks.
5. Grammar.
6. Sentence structure.
7. Spellings.
8. Spot the error.
9. Synonyms/ Homonyms.
10. Vocabulary.
Uttar Pradesh Assistant Teacher Syllabus for General Science :-
1. Atomic and Molecular Physics.
2. Chemical Kinetics.
3. Condensed Matter Physics.
4. Electrochemistry.
5. Electromagnetic Theory.
6. Electronics.
7. Nuclear and Particle Physics.
8. Organic synthesis.
9. Photochemistry.
10. Quantum Chemistry.
11. Thermodynamics.
UP Teacher Syllabus for Mathematics :-
1. Coordinate Geometry.
2. Exploring Real Numbers.
3. Linear Equations.
4. Mensuration.
5. Polynomials.
6. Probability.
7. Progressions.
8. Quadratic Equation.
9. Sets.
10. Statistics.
11. Tangents.
12. Triangles.
13. Trigonometry.
14. Understanding Logarithms.
UP Primary Teacher Syllabus for Teaching Aptitude :-
1. A pair of Linear Equations in two variables.
2. Areas and Volumes.
3. Arithmetic Progressions.
4. Calculus.
5. Combinatorics.
6. Coordinate Geometry.
7. Elementary Number Theory.
8. Euclidean Geometry.
9. Inequalities.
10. Linear Equations in two variables.
11. Matrices.
12. Polynomials.
13. Probability.
14. Quadratic Equations.
15. Real Numbers.
16. Statistics.
17. Trigonometry.
UP Primary Teacher Syllabus for General Intelligence :-
1. About India and it’s neighboring countries.
2. Constitution of India
3. Countries and capitals.
4. Economic issues in India.
5. Geography of India.
6. History of India.
7. Indian Culture.
8. International issues.
9. National and international current affairs.
10. National news (current).
11. New inventions.
12. Political Science.
13. Scientific observations.
UP Assistant Teacher Syllabus for Environmental Science :-
1. Animals.
2. Concept and scope of EVS.
3. Content
4. Environmental Studies & Environmental Educational.
5. Family and Friends.
6. Pedagogical Issues
7. Relationships.
8. The significance of EVS, integrated EVS.
9. Work and Play.

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