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S.No. Activity T.


1 Assign Chart of Accounts to Company Code OB62

2 Assign Comapnty Code to Company OX16

3 Assign Fiscal year variant to compay Code OB37

4 Assign Posting period variant Company Code OBBP

5 Create Chart of Accounts OB13

6 Create the Acount Groups OBD4

7 Creation Fiscal year Variant OB29

8 Define Bussiness Area OXO3

9 Define Company 0X15

10 Define Company Company Codes OXO2

11 Define Open and Closing Periods for Variant OB52

12 Define Posting Periods Variant OBBO

13 Path for posting Period at user Level S_ALR_87003642

14 Retain Earning Accounts OB53

15 Documeny Types and Number Ranges OBA7

16 Assign Company code to field status Variant OBC5

17 Change Document FB02

18 Change Vendor Master XK02

19 Check the exchange rate type OYO3

20 Cleared item Reversal FBRA

21 Create No. Ranges for Vendor Accounts XKN1

22 Creation of Accural/Deffral Document FBS1

23 Creation of GL Masters FS00

24 Creation of Parked Document F-65

25 Creation of vendor account Group OBk3

26 Creation Vendor Master Centraley XK01

27 Define interst Calculation Procedure OB46

28 Define No Range internal for No Ranges FBN1

29 Define Tolerance Group for Vendors OBA3

30 Define Tollarance Group for Employees OBA4

31 Display changes to Master FS04

32 Display Changes to Parked Documents FBV5

33 Display Parked Documents pending for Approval and Release FBVO

34 FI vedor Creation Master Fk01

35 Genral Ledger Posting F-02

36 Global Paremeters OBY6

37 How to make default Lay Out FB00

38 Individual Revesal FBO8

39 Maintain field Staus Variant OBC4

40 Mass Reversal` F.80

41 Out Going Payment with Line Item F-07

42 Preparation Account balance interset calculation OBAA

43 Reversal of Accral/Defferal Document F.81

44 System Lock SM12

45 Tax Calculation Procedure ( Sales Tax Or VAT) OBBG

46 To View the Document FB03

47 To View the Ledger FS10N

48 View Genral Ledger Account FBL3N

49 View the Samle Document FBM3

50 Documeny Types and Number Ranges OBA7

51 (Cash Discount Received) Define accounts for Cash Discount taken OBXU

52 (Down) Advance Payment Posting (Special GL) F-48

53 Assign Payment Programm to Company Code TO42

54 Cancel Payment FCH8

55 Cheque encashment date updation FCH6

56 Clear the (Down) Payment Clearing (Special GL) F-54

57 Clear the Normal Items F-44

58 Clear the Vendor Invoicess (Out going Payment) F-53

59 Create Cheque Void Reason Code FCHV

60 Creation Check Lots F11O,FCH1

61 Define House Banks FI12

62 Delation of Cheque encashment date FCHG

63 Display Cheque Register FCHN

64 Link between Sundry Creditors and Advance to Vendors OBYR

65 Manuval Cheque Creation FCH5

66 Out going payment clearing party Account F-53

67 Purchase Invoice posting F-43

68 Purchase Invoice posting F-43

69 Un issued Cheque Cancellation FCH3

70 View the Vendor line item Document FBL1N

Accounts Receivables
71 Bills of Exchange Discounting F-33
72 Bills of Exchange Payment F-36
73 Clearing of normal Items F-32
74 Clearing the down payment customer invoice F-39
75 Create No. Ranges for Customer Accounts XDN1
76 Creation Customer Master XD01
77 Documeny Types and Number Ranges OBA7
78 Down Payment Received Posting F-29
79 FI Level Customer Master FD01
80 Incoming Payment F-28
81 Link between Sundrey debitors and Bank Account OBYK
82 Link between Sundry debitors account and Advance from Customers OBXR
83 Link between Sundry debitors account and Sundry Debitors Bills of Exchange OBYN
84 Reverse Contengent Liability F-20
85 Sales Invoice Posting F-22

To view the Customer wise, Bills of Exchnage Date wise,

86 S_ALR_87012213
Bank wise Out standing

87 View the Customer invoice Account (Sales Invoice Posting) FBL5N

88 Run the Dunning F150
89 Assign 0% tax code for non taxable Transactions OBCL
90 Assign country to calculation procedure OBBG
91 Assign Dunning Procedure in Customer Master XD02
92 Creation of tax Codes FTXP
93 Define dunning Areas OB61
94 Define Dunning Procedures FBMP
95 Define Tax Accounts OB4O
96 Define Tax Procedure OBY3
97 Acctuval order head Assessment run KSU3
98 Assign RKS(Acctuval statical key figures) for co no range internal groups KANK
99 Cration of assement cycle S_ALR_87005742
100 Cration of Internal order KOO1
101 Cration of statical key figures KKo1
102 Create batch input Session OKB3
103 Creation of Assessment cycle KSU1
104 Creation of asset master AS01
105 Creation of capital work in progress Asset AS01
106 Creation of cost center KS01
107 Creation of cost center groups KSH1
108 Creation of cost element group KAH1
109 Creation of order types KOT2_FONCAREA
110 Creation of orders KOO1
111 Creation of Primary cost element at controling area KAO1
112 Creation of secondary cost element KA06
113 Creation of settlement cost Element KA06
114 Creation of Unternal order groups KOH1
115 Define order type KOT3_FUNCAREA
116 Define order types KOT2_FONCAREA
117 define settliement profile OKO&
118 Enter actval statical key figures KB31N
119 execuation assement cycle KSU5
120 Execute batch input session SM35
121 Maintaim No Ranges for settlement document SNUM
122 Maintain Controling Area OKKP
123 Maintain No ranges for Controling Area KANK
124 Maintain No. Ranges for settlement profile SNUM
125 Make Default Settings OKB2
126 Manuval Reposting cost KB11N
127 Order settlement to cost centerer KO88
128 Period Lock for controling Area OKP1
129 Planig cost center wise KPO6
130 Planing order wise KPF6
131 Posting of Capital work in progress F-90
132 Repost Cost ` KB11N
133 Repost line items KB61
134 Repost of line item KB61
135 see the cost center dept values KSBI
136 see the documents FB03
137 Set thecontroling Area OKKS
138 Settlement of capital work in progress ATAB
139 To make cost center optional in field status group OBC4
140 To view the controling document list KSB5
141 To view the cost center wise report KSB1
142 To view the cost costelements created KA03
143 To view the order actuval line items KoB1
144 To view the service cost center values KSIM
145 To view the variance report cost center wise S_ALR_87013611
146 To viewthe variance Report S_ALR_87012993

Profit center Accounting

147 Assign profit center in cost center KS02
148 Choose additional balance sheet and Profit and loss account 3KEN
149 Creation of center KE51
150 Creation of dumy profit center KE59
151 Define no ranges for local document GB02
152 Maintain automatic Account assignment of revenue elements OKB9
153 Maintain controling area settings OK65
154 Planing profit center wise for balance sheet account 7KE3
155 Planing profit center wise for profit and loss items 7KE1
156 Set control parameters for Actuval data 1KEF
157 To view report for balace sheet accounts profit center wise S_ALR_87012336
158 To view the profit center wise variance report for profit and loss item S_ALR_87013326
159 Transfer of sales from profit center to another profit center 9KE0

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