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Nombre: ________________________________________________


Grupo: ________ Turno: __________ Teléfono: ________________

Gobernador del Estado de Baja California


Secretario de Educación y Bienestar Social y Director General del ISEP del Estado de Baja California


Subsecretario de Educación Media Superior, Superior, Formación Docente y Evaluación


Directora General del CBBC


Director de Planeación Académica del CBBC


Primera edición versión en español, febrero de 2011
Segunda edición versión en inglés, agosto de 2014

Edición, agosto 2016

Actualizado por:
Lic. Heriberto Guillermo López Acuña
Lic. María Selene Díaz González
C.P. Alba Rosario Marrón Canseco
Lic. Susana González Casillas
Edición, agosto 2017
Actualizado por:
Lic. Miriam Lorena García Salas Lic. Ofelia Yáñez Navarro
Lic. J. Guadalupe Olmedo Vázquez Lic. Melecia Avilés Urias
Lic. Carlos Alberto Ramírez Soto Lic. Beatriz Gabriela Hernández García
Lic. Aldo Salazar Medina Lic. Evangelina Zúñiga Lagos

En la realización del presente material, participaron:


Lic. Teresa López Pérez


Lic. Gerardo Enríquez Niebla
Ing. Diana Castillo Ceceña

La presente edición es propiedad del

Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Baja California.
Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de esta obra.

Este material fue elaborado bajo la coordinación y supervisión de la

Dirección de Planeación Académica del Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Baja California.
Blvd. Anáhuac #936, Centro Cívico, Mexicali, B.C., México.

Competencias genéricas
Competencias disciplinares básicas de Comunicación
Enfoque de la disciplina
Ubicación de la asignatura
Relación de contenidos con los aprendizajes claves.
Campo disciplinar: Comunicación

UNIT I: Personal Profile.................................................................................................. 12

UNIT II: Daily Routines................................................................................................... 42

UNIT III: Here and Now.................................................................................................. 58

UNIT IV: Units of Measurement.................................................................................. 76

Con la puesta en marcha del Modelo Educativo para la Educación Obligatoria (SEP, 2017),
se realizó una reestructuración de los programas de estudio de primer semestre por lo
que fue necesario realizar una adecuación de los materiales didácticos de apoyo para los
estudiantes y docentes.

Es importante mencionar que el Nuevo Modelo Educativo (NME), no significa un cambio

total de los manifiestos y preceptos educativos que caracterizaron la Reforma Integral de
la Educación Media Superior (RIEMS); sino que significa: fortalecimiento, articulación,
organización y concreción de aspectos educativos y pedagógicos, tal como se manifiesta en
los siguientes párrafos:

“El Modelo educativo 2016 reorganiza los principales componentes del sistema educativo
nacional para que los estudiantes logren los aprendizajes que el siglo XXI exige y puedan
formarse integralmente… En este sentido, el planteamiento pedagógico -es decir, la
organización y los procesos que tienen lugar en la escuela, la prácticas pedagógicas en
el aula y el currículum- constituyen el corazón del modelo”.
“…El cambio que se plantea está orientado a fortalecer el sentido y el significado de
lo que se aprende. Se propone ensanchar y hacer más sólidos el entendimiento y
la comprensión de los principios fundamentales, así como de las relaciones que los
contenidos generan entre sí. La memorización de hechos, conceptos o procedimientos
es insuficiente y hoy ocupa demasiado espacio en la enseñanza. El desarrollo de las
capacidades de pensamiento crítico, análisis, razonamiento lógico y argumentación
son indispensables para un aprendizaje profundo que permita trasladarlo a diversas
situaciones para resolver nuevos problemas. Los aprendizajes adquieren sentido cuando
verdaderamente contribuyen al pleno desarrollo personal y de los individuos”. (SEP,
2016: 15-18).

En este sentido, todas las Guías de Actividades del Alumno para el Desarrollo de
Competencias de las asignaturas de primer semestre fueron adecuadas a los lineamientos
pedagógicos antes citados y a los nuevos programas de estudio emanados del NME; la
elaboración de los nuevos materiales didácticos se efectuará en los próximos semestres.

Considerando y conscientes de la dificultad para que el alumnado tenga acceso a una

bibliografía adecuada, pertinente y eficaz con el entorno socioeconómico actual, el CBBC
brinda la oportunidad a los estudiantes de contar con materiales didácticos para el óptimo
desarrollo de los programas de estudio de las asignaturas que comprende el Plan de
Estudios Vigente. Cabe subrayar que, dichos materiales son producto de la participación de
docentes de la Institución, en los cuales han manifestado su experiencia, conocimientos y
compromiso en pro de la formación de los jóvenes bachilleres.

Es necesario, hacer énfasis que la guía no debe ser tomada como la única herramienta
de trabajo y fuente de investigación, ya que es imprescindible que los estudiantes lleven a
cabo un trabajo de consulta en otras fuentes bibliográficas impresas y electrónicas, material
audiovisual, páginas Web, bases de datos, entre otros recursos didácticos que apoyen su
formación y aprendizaje.
Se autodetermina y cuida de sí.

1. Se conoce y valora a sí mismo y aborda problemas y retos teniendo en cuenta los

objetivos que persigue.
CG1.1 Enfrenta las dificultades que se le presentan y es consciente de sus valores, fortalezas
y debilidades.
CG1.2 Identifica sus emociones, las maneja de manera constructiva y reconoce la necesidad
de solicitar apoyo ante una situación que lo rebase.
CG1.3 Elige alternativas y cursos de acción con base en criterios sustentados y en el marco
de un proyecto de vida.
CG1.4 Analiza críticamente los factores que influyen en su toma de decisiones.
CG1.5 Asume las consecuencias de sus comportamientos y decisiones.
CG1.6 Administra los recursos disponibles teniendo en cuenta las restricciones para el logro
de sus metas.

2. Es sensible al arte y participa en la apreciación e interpretación de sus expresiones

en distintos géneros.
CG2.1 Valora el arte como manifestación de la belleza y expresión de ideas, sensaciones y
CG2.2 Experimenta el arte como un hecho histórico compartido que permite la comunicación
entre individuos y culturas en el tiempo y el espacio, a la vez que desarrolla un sentido de
CG2.3 Participa en prácticas relacionadas con el arte.

3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.

CG3.1 Reconoce la actividad física como un medio para su desarrollo físico, mental y social.
CG3.2 Toma decisiones a partir de la valoración de las consecuencias de distintos hábitos
de consumo y conductas de riesgo.
CG3.3 Cultiva relaciones interpersonales que contribuyen a su desarrollo humano y el de
quienes lo rodean.

Se expresa y comunica.

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos mediante la

utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
CG4.1 Expresa ideas y conceptos mediante representaciones lingüísticas, matemáticas o
CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus interlocutores, el
contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.
CG4.3 Identifica las ideas clave en un texto o discurso oral e infiere conclusiones a partir de
CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas.
CG4.5 Maneja las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación para obtener información
y expresar ideas.
Piensa crítica y reflexivamente.

5. Desarrolla innovaciones y propone soluciones a problemas a partir de métodos

CG5.1 Sigue instrucciones y procedimientos de manera reflexiva, comprendiendo como
cada uno de sus pasos contribuye al alcance de un objetivo.
CG5.2 Ordena información de acuerdo a categorías, jerarquías y relaciones.
CG5.3 Identifica los sistemas y reglas o principios medulares que subyacen a una serie de
CG5.4 Construye hipótesis y diseña y aplica modelos para probar su validez.
CG5.5 Sintetiza evidencias obtenidas mediante la experimentación para producir
conclusiones y formular nuevas preguntas.
CG5.6 Utiliza las tecnologías de la información y comunicación para procesar e interpretar

6. Sustenta una postura personal sobre temas de interés y relevancia general,

considerando otros puntos de vista de manera crítica y reflexiva.
CG6.1 Elige las fuentes de información más relevantes para un propósito específico y
discrimina entre ellas de acuerdo a su relevancia y confiabilidad.
CG6.2 Evalúa argumentos y opiniones e identifica prejuicios y falacias.
CG6.3 Reconoce los propios prejuicios, modifica sus puntos de vista al conocer nuevas
evidencias, e integra nuevos conocimientos y perspectivas al acervo con el que cuenta.
CG6.4 Estructura ideas y argumentos de manera clara, coherente y sintética.

Aprende de forma autónoma.

7. Aprende por iniciativa e interés propio a lo largo de la vida.

CG7.1 Define metas y da seguimiento a sus procesos de construcción de conocimiento.
CG7.2 Identifica las actividades que le resultan de menor y mayor interés y dificultad,
reconociendo y controlando sus reacciones frente a retos y obstáculos.
CG7.3 Articula saberes de diversos campos y establece relaciones entre ellos y su vida

Trabaja en forma colaborativa.

8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos.

CG8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto en equipo,
definiendo un curso de acción con pasos específicos.
CG8.2 Aporta puntos de vista con apertura y considera los de otras personas de manera
CG8.3 Asume una actitud constructiva, congruente con los conocimientos y habilidades
con los que cuenta dentro de distintos equipos de trabajo.
Participa con responsabilidad en la sociedad.

9. Participa con una conciencia cívica y ética en la vida de su comunidad, región,

México y el mundo.
CG9.1 Privilegia el diálogo como mecanismo para la solución de conflictos.
CG9.2 Toma decisiones a fin de contribuir a la equidad, bienestar y desarrollo democrático
de la sociedad.
CG9.3 Conoce sus derechos y obligaciones como mexicano y miembro de distintas
comunidades e instituciones, y reconoce el valor de la participación como herramienta
para ejercerlos.
CG9.3 Contribuye a alcanzar un equilibrio entre el interés y bienestar individual y el interés
general de la sociedad.
CG9.4 Actúa de manera propositiva frente a fenómenos de la sociedad y se mantiene
CG9.5 Advierte que los fenómenos que se desarrollan en los ámbitos local, nacional e
internacional ocurren dentro de un contexto global interdependiente.

10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de

creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
CG10.1 Reconoce que la diversidad tiene lugar en un espacio democrático de igualdad
de dignidad y derechos de todas las personas, y rechaza toda forma de discriminación.
CG10.2 Dialoga y aprende de personas con distintos puntos de vista y tradiciones
culturales mediante la ubicación de sus propias circunstancias en un contexto más amplio.
CG10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración y convivencia
en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables.

CG11.1 Asume una actitud que favorece la solución de problemas ambientales en los
ámbitos local, nacional e internacional.
CG11.2 Reconoce y comprende las implicaciones biológicas, económicas, políticas y
sociales del daño ambiental en un contexto global interdependiente.
CG11.3 Contribuye al alcance de un equilibrio entre los intereses de corto y largo plazo
con relación al ambiente.
CDBC 1 Identifica, ordena e interpreta las ideas, datos y conceptos explícitos e implícitos
en un texto, considerando el contexto en el que se generó y en el que se recibe.

CDBC 2 Evalúa un texto mediante la comparación de un contenido con el de otros, en

función de sus conocimientos previos y nuevos.

CDBC 3 Plantea supuestos sobre los fenómenos naturales y culturales de su entorno

con base en la consulta de diversas fuentes.

CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la lengua, considerando la

intención y situación comunicativa.

CDBC 5 Expresa ideas y conceptos en composiciones coherentes y creativas, con

introducciones, desarrollo y conclusiones claras.

CDBC 6 Argumenta un punto de vista en público de manera precisa, coherente y creativa.

CDBC 7 Valora y describe el papel del arte, la literatura y los medios de comunicación
en la recreación o la transformación de una cultura, teniendo en cuenta los propósitos
comunicativos de distintos géneros.

CDBC 8 Valora el pensamiento lógico en el proceso comunicativo en su vida cotidiana y


CDBC 9 Analiza y compara el origen, desarrollo y diversidad de los sistemas y medios

de comunicación.

CDBC 10 Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral

o escrito en una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no
verbales y contexto cultural.

CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante un discurso lógico, oral o

escrito, congruente con la situación comunicativa.

CDBC 12 Utiliza las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación para investigar,

resolver problemas, producir materiales y transmitir información.
Inglés se imparte de primero a cuarto semestre, comprendiendo las asignaturas de Inglés I, II, III
y IV teniendo como propósito, consolidar y desarrollar la capacidad de comunicarse en un nivel
de dominio intermedio de acuerdo a estándares internacionales del Marco Común Europeo de
Referencia para las Lenguas (MCER). Las expectativas en primero y segundo semestre están
encaminadas a la consolidación del nivel A1 y comenzar la transición al nivel A2; por su parte
en tercero y cuarto semestre considerando el contexto, las posibilidades del personal docente y
recursos disponibles se alcanzará el umbral del nivel B1, lo anterior a través del desarrollo de las
habilidades comunicativas: comprensión auditiva, comprensión lectora, expresión e interacción
oral y expresión escrita.

Por lo tanto, en Inglés I se utilizan las funciones sociales del lenguaje para que el estudianta-
do logre comunicarse a través de las habilidades comunicativas con la intención de expresar su
perfil personal y el de otras personas, explicar sus actividades cotidianas, así como las que está
realizando en el momento del habla, para posteriormente seleccionar medidas y cuantificadores
que le permitan brindar información relacionada al proceso de compra-venta, favoreciendo una
conciencia social que promueva estilos de vida saludables con sentido de autorregulación y toma
responsable de decisiones.

1er. semestre 2do. semestre 3er. semestre 4to. semestre 5to. semestre 6to. semestre
Taller de Lectura Taller de Lectura
Literatura I Literatura II
y Redacción I y Redacción II
Todas las Todas las
Inglés I Inglés Il Inglés III Inglés IV asignaturas de asignaturas de
5to. semestre de 6to. semestre de
Informática I Informática I los componentes los componentes
Todas las Todas las básico y básico y
asignaturas de asignaturas de propedéutico propedéutico
Todas las Todas las
3er. semestre 4to. semestre
asignaturas de asignaturas de
1er. semestre 2do. semestre
Comunicarse, La comunicación y las relaciones
relacionarse y interpersonales.
colaborar con los
demás (eje La integración de la comunidad I
de aprendizaje. El trabajo colaborativo en
transversal II
el aula como base para la
para todas las La contextualización de la co- III
integración de la comuni-
asignaturas del munidad de aprendizaje a partir IV
dad de aprendizaje.
campo disciplinar de los intereses y experiencias
de Comunicación académicas de los estudiantes.
y de Ciencias
La lectura, la escritura y la orali- La importancia de la lengua
dad como prácticas habilitadoras y el papel de la gramática.
y generadoras del aprendizaje. I
La importancia de la lectura para El texto argumentativo. II
Leer, escribir, ha-
la escritura: la producción de tex- III
blar y escuchar.
tos argumentativos. IV
La importancia de la lectura para El texto como fuente de in-
la escritura: la argumentación formación y de expresión
fundamentada. de ideas nuevas.
Generación de una El sustento de la opinión del estu- La escritura argumentativa.
opinión razonada y diante con un argumento.
razonable a partir
de la elaboración La construcción de una perspec- La escritura original argu-
de textos. tiva propia y original argumenta- mentada.
Tecnología y desarrollo humano. El impacto de la tecnología
en el desarrollo humano.
La generación, uso y aprovecha- El manejo responsable de
miento responsable de la infor- la información.
Tecnología, infor- mación para el aprendizaje.
mación, comunica- El aprendizaje en red. El aprendizaje e innovación.
ción y aprendizaje.
La creación de contenidos para el En y desde la red.
El uso de la tecnología como Programar para aprender.

Competencias genéricas Competencias disciplinares

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la
distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos lengua, considerando la intención y situación comunicativa.
y herramientas apropiados.
CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes CDBC 10 Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible
sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda
objetivos que persigue. lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no
CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones verbales y contexto cultural.
CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante
10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación
la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales. comunicativa.
CG10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio
de integración y convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e
Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Propósito del bloque

Expresa información acerca de su perfil personal y de otras personas a través de las habilidades
comunicativas, para relacionarse en un entorno de conciencia social.

Interdisciplinariedad Ejes transversales

üü Taller de Lectura y Redacción I üü Eje transversal social

üü Metodología de la Investigación üü Eje transversal de la salud
üü Informática I üü Eje transversal ambiental
üü Eje transversal de habilidades lectoras

Aprendizajes esperados

• Expresa su perfil personal y de otras personas de manera oral utilizando el vocabulario,

las propiedades de fluidez, pronunciación, entonación y dominio del tema, a través de una
comunicación asertiva, empática y de respeto.
• Crea de manera escrita su perfil personal y de otras personas utilizando la gramática y
ortografía apropiada, reconociendo la diversidad cultural en su contexto.
• Fórmula respuestas con base a textos auditivos sobre perfiles de otras personas, mostrando
respeto por las demás opiniones.

Conocimientos Habilidades Actitudes

¾¾ Vocabulario ¾¾ Describe información personal de ¾¾ Se comunica de manera asertiva y
• Informaciónpersonal. manera oral y escrita. empática.
• Nacionalidades.
• Características étnicas y culturales. ¾¾ Reconoce las estructuras ¾¾ Expresa sus ideas, mostrando
• Sustitución doble. gramaticales correspondientes para respeto por las demás opiniones.
• Miembros de la familia. la creación de perfiles personales.
• Números. ¾¾ Reconoce la diversidad cultural de su
• Fechas. ¾¾ Identifica a los miembros de la contexto practicando la tolerancia.
familia utilizando el vocabulario
¾¾ Gramática correspondiente.
• Verbo "to be".
• Promotores personales. ¾¾ Diferencia nacionalidades,
• Adjetivos posesivos. características étnicas y culturales.
• Prosesivo anglosajón.
¾¾ Distingue diferentes textos
presentados de forma auditiva.


Read the questions and answer choosing the right answer.

1. - My hair ____________ curly.

a) isn´t b) are c) be d) am

2. - Jamie´s parents ____________ in a meeting.

a) are b) is c) I´m d) am not

3. - I _____________ in my house.

a) I´m not b) is not c) are d) aren´t

4. - ____________ Mary a nurse? Yes, she _____________.

a) are/is b) is/are c) is/isn´t d) are/aren´t

5. - Christmas is ___________ December.

a) in b) on c) at d) the

6. - My birthday is ____________ May 10th.

a) the b) at c) on d) in

7. - Teacher, give ____________ the answers, please!

a) your b) our c) us d) they

8. - I love ______________. (Joseph)

a) she b) he c) him d) his

9. - Susan is my best friend, _______________ is my school.

a) her b) she c) hers d) he

10. - I was born in U.S.A., so I am _______________.

a) United States b) Canadian c) Japanese d) American

11. - Ethan is from England, he is _______________.

a) English b) American c) Mexican d) Canadian

12. - My daughter´s son is my _______________.

a) son b) niece c) nephew d) grandson

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Introduce yourself

1. The teacher introduces himself or herself to the group explaining the class’ rules, the evaluation
system and how they are going to work in the semester.
2. The teacher applies the diagnostic test and analyzes the results, sharing and making an as-
sessment with the students to promote advanced learning and expectations. Once their acade-
mic expectations are set, they will pursue them to accomplish learning objectives.

Learning activity

It is the first day in the English Class, you are going to introduce yourself. Following the example,
answer the questions with your personal information.

I. Answer these questions.

My name is
1. What’s your name?
2. Where are you from?

3. Where do you live?

4. What’s your address?

5. What’s your phone number?


II. Now ask other students in your class.

What´s your Where are you Where do you What´s your What´s your phone
name? from? live? address? number?

III. Create your personal ID. Remember to include your profile picture.
**Activity to be included in the portfolio.


Verb to be in Simple Present Tense. We use am, is and are:

1. To say who or where we are.

I am Mariana. She´s in the kitchen.

2. To say what we are.

We are students. They are teachers.

3. To talk about nationality.

I’m Turkish. They’re Brazilian.

4. To describe people, things, or places.

He´s hungry. She’s beautiful.1

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

I am – I´m I am not – I’m not Am I…?
He is – He´s He is not – He isn´t Is he…?
She is – She’s She is not – She isn’t Is she…?
It is – It´s It is not – It isn’t Is it…?
We are – We´re We are not – We aren´t Are we…?
You are – You’re You are not – You aren’t Are you…?
They are – They’re They are not – They aren’t Are they…?
Chart: Gonzalez (2016).

(Broukal, 2004)

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

I. Practice. Complete the sentences. Use am, is, or are.

1. I ___________________ a student.
2. You ________________ friends.
3. We _________________ Mexican.
4. Arturo _______________ an engineer.
5. Mr. Cortez and Mr. Arvizu ________________ teachers.
6. Brandon _________________ from Italy.
7. Mariana ____________ 17 years old.
8. They ______________ in the park.
9. The cat _____________ next to the car.
10. Arturo _____________ tall.

II. Complete the sentences. Use the verb to be in present tense. (Affirmative, Negative, or
Interrrogative form).

1. Peter / American. ___________________________________________________ .

2. Carlos / not / in the room. _____________________________________________ .

3. Lucy and Dan / London? ______________________________________________ .

4. Susan and Luis / friends? _____________________________________________ .

5. The kids / not / at school/. _____________________________________________ .

III. Complete the sentences with negative contractions. Use the verb to be in present tense.

1. We _________________ teachers. We are students.
2. Today the weather ___________________ nice. It is too hot.
3. These questions ____________________ easy. They are difficult.
4. The exercises in this book ___________________ long. They are short.
5. Ricky Martin _________________ Mexican. He´s Puerto Rican.
6. Will Smith _________________ single. He’s married.
7. Madonna __________________ young. She´s old.
8. I __________________ ready. Please wait.
9. Honk Kong ___________________ in Mexico. It´s in China.
10. My mother __________________ in the kitchen. She’s in the yard.


IV. Practice. Ask your partner yes/no questions. Use the words below. Add more.

married/ single Mexican/American student/teacher young/old

15/16 years old happy/ sad at home/ at school

Example: Are you married? Yes, I am. (+) / No, I’m not. I´m single. (-)



A pronoun is a word that is used in place of a noun or a noun phrase. Pronouns therefore take the
positions of nouns in sentences. For example, instead of saying: “Peter is the thief”, I can replace
the noun “Peter” with the pronoun “he” and form the sentence like this: “He is the thief”.2


Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

I. Complete the sentences with the correct Personal Pronoun.

1. ______________ are in the garden. (the roses)

2. _______________ are from Cuba. (my sister and I)
3. _______________ is a nurse. (Andrea)
4. _______________ are on the table. (The books)
5.________________ are friends. (Mariana and Arturo)
6. _______________ is from America. (Carlos)
7. _______________ is color red.(the dress)
8. _______________ is cold. (the weather)
9. _______________ are on the wall. (the pictures)
10. ______________ is in the kitchen. (my mother)
11._______________ are married. (Mr. and Mrs. Smith)
12. _______________ are brothers. (Arturo and Jesus)

II. Write the correct Personal Pronoun.

1. sister 11. plant
2. boy 12. child
3. school 13. man
4. cars 14. children
5. Emily and Jack 15. men
6. bike 16. sunglasses
7. Sophia and I 17. people
8. dad 18. Mexico
9. parents 19. weather
10. teacher 20. rain

III. Irene is talking about her family. Complete the sentences with the correct Possessive
Adjective: my, your, his, her, its, our, or their.

Irene and her family

My name is Irene. I’m 20 years old. I am a student. __________ brother is a student too.
_____________ name is Jesus. He is ___________ favorite brother. My parents live in Los Ange-
les. _______________last name is Barrera. ___________ father is 53 years old. ______________
name is Jorge. _____________ mother is 48 years old. ____________ name is Lucy. They have
a house. ___________ house is small. They also have a dog. _______________ name is Spot.
I have three brothers and two sisters. We have a big family. ______________ family is big and
happy! 3

Adapted from (Broukal, 2004)


IV. PRACTICE. Complete the chart and use his, her, their, and my.


Roberto Rock Black Sushi



Their parents


Example: His name is Roberto. His favorite music is rock.

His favorite color is black. His favorite food is Sushi.

VI. Choose the correct Object Pronoun.

1. I can’t see Mary. I can´t see ______________. him she her

2. Karen is next to Peter. Karen is next to ________. he him his

3. Can you help Peter and Ann? Can you help ______? they you them

4. Drink your apple juice! Drink _____! it its your

5. We are going to the movies. Come with ______! we them us

6. These are my bananas. You can’t eat _______! they them It

We are going home. Carol is at school. She can’t
7 we us they
come with ________.
8. The cat is under the chair. Can you see ______? she he It

9. Dave can’t swim. Help ______! him her he

10 Today it’s Karen’s Birthday. This present is for _____. she her It

11. Where are you? I can’t see _______! your you Us

12 The windows are open. Close _______, please! it they them

13 I can’t ride a horse. Please, help ______! I me it


Formación Básica - Primer Semestre



Would you like to travel and know more about the countries around the World?
I. Complete the chart according to the nationality.


American Spanish

Brazilian Japanese

Canadian Chinese

Colombian Indian

Egyptian Cambodian

Hungarian Portuguese

Korean Irish

Mexican Swedish

Peruvian Venezuelan


II. Complete the dialogues with the correct country or nationality. Then practice them.

A: I´m from …………………… . A: Your newspaper is in Spanish.

B: Oh, so you’re Hungarian. B: Yes, it’s a ………………….. newspaper.
I’m from Mexico.
A: Is Mr. Lee from Korea? A: We´re from Peru.
B: No. He’s .......................... . B: Oh, so you’re …………………………. .
He’s from China. A: That’s right.

A: Are you Vietnamese? A: Are you from …………………………….?

B: No. I’m ………………………….. . B: Yes, we’re Japanese.
I’m from Cambodia.


IV. Languages.



1. Mandarin
2. English
3. Hindi
4. Spanish
5. Russian
6. Arabic What is your native language?
7. Bengali __________________________________________
8. Portuguese
9. Malay-Indonesian What is the official language of your country?
10.French What is another country with the same language?

in-the-world/ __________________________________________



How well do you remember the numbers?

I. Read and practice Cardinal numbers

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
one Two three four five Six seven eight nine ten
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
eleven Twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen Sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 1000 1,000,000
thirty Forty fifty sixty seventy Eighty ninety one hun- one one million
dred thou-

*Separation between hundreds and tens

Hundreds and tens are usually separated by “and” (in American English “and” is not necessary).

110 - one hundred and ten

1,250 - one thousand, two hundred and fifty
2,001 - two thousand and one

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

II. Write the numerals.

29 twenty-nine
837 ______________________________________________________________________
2,573 ______________________________________________________________________
15,352 ______________________________________________________________________
357,876 _____________________________________________________________________
8,297, 346 ___________________________________________________________________

Listening Activity
Listen and choose the right answer, then write down the number you heard from audio. This
activity is guided by your teacher. Ensure you´re listening carefully.

Website link:

1. - 202 | 212 | 222 | 220 _________________________________________

2. - 660 | 666 | 616 | 661 _________________________________________
3. - 149 | 491 | 144 | 419 _________________________________________
4. - 370 | 307 | 317 | 377 _________________________________________
5. - 550 | 515 | 551 | 505 _________________________________________
6. - 702 | 772 | 712 | 727 _________________________________________
7. - 1012 | 1020 | 1122 | 1212 _________________________________________
8. - 50880 | 15080 | 50018 | 15018 _________________________________________
9. - 12414 | 14214 | 12441 | 14020 _________________________________________
10. - 70190 | 70090 | 70019 | 70900 _________________________________________

III. Phone Numbers.

We normally give telephones by saying each individual number in it:

Our phone number is two six three, three eight four seven. (263-3847)

When there is a zero (0) in our telephone number, we often say O like the name of the letter O.

e.g. 505-1023 = five-O-five, one-O-two-three.


IV. Read and write T (True), F (False), or NA (Information Not Available).

1. The Zig Zags are on tour in New Zeland . ____

2. The four young musicians are students. ____
3. Suzie is the vocalist. ____
4. Kyle is the oldest of the group. ____
5. The final concert is on May 19th. ____
6. Kyle´s birthday´s on May 19th. ____

Oxygen for DGB, Macmillan, June 2010.

V. Group Work.

Ask for and tell your phone number. Remember to ask your classmate to spell out their
names and last name. ** Activity to be included in the portfolio.
What´s your name? What’s your last name?
Can you spell it for me? What’s your phone number?

Ask four classmates their name, last name, and phone number and fill in the address book.

Name Last name Phone Number Age

***After completing prior activity, introduce your interviewed classmates to class, using he/
she is… his/her…

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

VI. Using the Verb "To be" Write the correct form of "to be" in present tense.

My name (be) ________(1) John. I (be) ________(2) fifteen years old. I

live on a farm. It (be) ________(3) in the country. It is quiet in the country.
It (be, not) ____ ____(4) loud in the country. I wake up early. Sometimes,
I wake up before the sun rises. Sometimes, it (be) ________(5) still dark
when I wake up. But I don’t mind. I like waking up that early. I like the way
the country looks in the morning. The first thing I do after I wake up is milk
the cow. After I (be) ________(6) finished milking the cow, I bring the milk
to my mom. I think she uses it to make breakfast. She makes a delicious
breakfast. My mom (be) ________(7) a really good cook. Next, I feed
the pigs. One time, I asked my mom how come my little sister doesn’t
feed them. She said it is because my sister (be, not) ____ ____(8) strong
enough. But I still don’t understand. She is almost as strong as me! I
guess my mom doesn’t want my sister to get hurt. After all, the pigs can
(be) ________(9) pretty rough, especially when they (be) ________(10)
hungry. The last thing I do (be) ________(11) feed the chickens. That
(be) ________(12) easy. I just throw some food down on the ground and
they run out and eat it. While the chickens (be) ________(13) eating, I go into their house to collect
their eggs. Chicken eggs (be) ________(14) really good to eat. They (be) ________(15) easy to
cook too. That is what I do in the mornings. I (be) ________(16) pretty busy.

VII. Read and practice Ordinal numbers.

We use Ordinal numbers to indicate position or order in relation to other numbers: first, se-
cond, third, and so on. Ordinal numbers do not represent quantity, but rather indicate rank
and position.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th
first Second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth ninth Tenth
11th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th
four- Six- seven- nine-
eleventh Twelfth thirteenth fifteenth eighteenth twentieth*
teenth teenth teenth teenth
21st 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th
twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty- twenty-
twenty-eighth thirtieth
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh ninth



Days of the week.
Wednesday – Saturday – Monday – Friday – Tuesday – Sunday -Thursday

I. Write the days of the week in the correct order.

S……….. …………… …………… …………… …………… …………… …………...

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Months of the year

January February March April May June

July August September October November December

II. Answer with the correct information.

1. The first month of the year is ……………………………………

2. The twelfth month of the year is ………………………………..
3. There are …… months in the year.
4. We use …………….. numbers with dates.
5. April comes before ……………………………..
6. …………………….. is the month with less days.
7. The seventh month is ……………………………
8. April is the ……………….. month.
9. November is the ………………………….. month.
10. Winter starts in ……………………………

III. Read and match.

a. How old is he? 4 1. Yes, he is.

b. What´s his telephone number? _______ 2. I´m sixteen.
c. Where´s she from? _______ 3. On November 15th.
d. What are their names? ______ 4. He is twenty eight.
e. How old are you? _______ 5. Yes, they are.
f. When´s your birthday? ______ 6. It´s 555-4848.
g. Is he famous? ______ 7. Spain.
h. Are they business people? ______ 8. Susan and Linda.

Simon Williamson, Macmillan, Oxygen New Edition.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

IV. My favorite dates.

Create a calendar where you include your favorite celebrations during the year. Remember to use
months, days (using cardinal numbers), and the correct time preposition. Also include some days
of the week.

My Mother’s birthday is on December 15th.
We celebrate Father’s Day the third Sunday of June.
*Activity to be included in the portfolio.

V. Read and complete the chart.

Date Celebration
It’s on December 31st. New Year’s Eve
Mexican Constitution Day
The First Day of Spring
Mexican Labor’s Day
Mother’s Day
Teacher’s Day
Student’s Day
Mexican Independence Day
Mexican Revolution Day
My birthday
Table created by: Gonzalez (2016)


Prepositions of time

A preposition is a word or phrase that describes a relationship between its object and another word
or group of words in a sentence. A preposition gives information such as direction, time, and place.


I. Write the correct preposition of time.

1. My birthday is …… April 17th.

2. Peter is playing tennis ………. Sunday.
3. My brother’s birthday is _______ the 5th of November.
4. Her birthday is ………..May.
5. …………. 1966, a great fire broke out in London.
6. I don’t like to walk alone ………… nitght.
7. What are you doing …………… the afternoon.
8. I will finsh my homework …………. Friday.
9. I wake up ……. Seven o’clock.
10. The flowers are really beautiful ……. the Spring.

II. Answer with the correct preposition of time.

1. When is your birthday? ……………………………………………………………………………..

2. Ensenada is beautiful ………Spring.
3. I like to study………….. night.
4. What did you do …….. the weekend?
5. I usually play soccer ……..Winter.
6. We go to the mountains ………. Summer.
7. They have piano lesson ………………. Friday morning.
8. I have a meeting ……… 3 o’clock.
9. Let’s go to the movies………. Saturday.
10. Let’s meet ……….. 4:30.


Possessive (‘s)

The possessive form is used with nouns referring to people, groups of people, countries, and ani-
mals. It shows a relationship of belonging between one thing and another. To form the possessive,
add apostrophe + s to the noun. If the noun is plural, or already ends in s, just add an apostrophe
after the s. Examples:

ƒƒ the car of John = John's car

ƒƒ the room of the girls = the girls' room
ƒƒ clothes for men = men's clothes
ƒƒ the boat of the sailors = the sailors' boat

For names ending in s, you can either add an apostrophe + s, or just an apostrophe. The first option
is more common. When pronouncing a possessive name, we add the sound /z/ to the end of the
name. Examples:

ƒƒ Thomas's book (or Thomas' book)

ƒƒ Jesus's shop (or Jesus' shop)
ƒƒ the Smiths's house (or the Smiths' house)

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


'Belonging to' or 'ownership' is the most common relationship the possessive expresses. Examples:

ƒƒ John owns a car. = It is John's car.

ƒƒ America has some gold reserves. = They are America's gold reserves.

The possessive can also express where someone works, studies or spends time. Examples:

ƒƒ John goes to this school. = This is John's school.

ƒƒ John sleeps in this room. = This is John's room.

The possessive can express a relationship between people. Examples:

ƒƒ John's mother is running late.

ƒƒ Mrs. Brown's colleague will not be coming to the meeting.

I. Write the correct possessive (‘s). Use the word in parenthesis.

1. This is _____________________ book. (Peter)

2. Let’s go to the _____________________ house. (Smiths)

3. The ______________________ room is upstairs. (children)

4. _____________________ sister is twelve years old. (John)

5. _______________________ and ______________________ school is old. (Susan – Steve)

6. ________________________ shoes are on the second floor. (men)

7. My ___________________ car was not expensive. (parents)

8. ______________________ iPhone is new. (Charles)

9. This is the _____________________ bike. (boy)

10. These are the _____________________ pencils. (boys)


II. Add the ´s or the s´

1. The men families _____________________________________________________________

2. Those doctors friends __________________________________________________________

3. Her babies toys. ______________________________________________________________

4. The people names ____________________________________________________________

5. Heidi and John son. ___________________________________________________________

III. Write the correct form of the possessive ´s or the s´

1.- The books of the men. _______________________________________________________.

2.- The bikes women. ___________________________________________________________.

3.- The toys of the children. _______________________________________________________.

4.- The shirt of Ely. _____________________________________________________________.

5.- The sister of Ana. ____________________________________________________________.

6.- The feathers of the birds. ______________________________________________________.

7.- The new fancy car of James. __________________________________________________.

8.- The parents of Nataly and Nathan. ______________________________________________.

9.- The tires of the bike. __________________________________________________________.

10.- The restroom of the girls. _____________________________________________________.


Family members

Your family tree. Who is my family? Portfolio Evidence

a.- Ask your family and elders about your family background then draw the family tree. If you want,
you can use the word or paint programs. Use the vocabulary about family members and the
possessive pronouns from the pronoun appendix.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

b.- Design a collage to present in front of the group , describing your family members and their
c.- Use photos to present some of your family members to your classmates, make sure you men-
tion their names, ages and what they do.
d.- Use the verb “to be” in its three forms: affirmative, negative and interrogative.

He is my brother. He is not handsome like me. Is he attractive?

* Activity to be included in the portfolio.

Taken from:

Family Vocabulary

Your family members are also called your relatives. You have an immediate or nuclear family and
an extended family. Your immediate family includes your father, mother and siblings. Your exten-
ded family includes all of the people in your father and mother's families.

Your sibling is your brother or sister. If you have 1 brother and 2 sisters, then you have 3 siblings.
Your parent is your father or mother. Your child is your son or daughter. Your spouse is your hus-
band or wife.

You may also have a stepfamily. Your stepfamily includes people who became part of your family
due to changes in family life. These changes may include death, divorce or separation. New part-
nerships create new children. The new children and their relatives become part of your blended
family. Some people are born into a stepfamily.

In a family, the word generation means all the people in one stage of the family. For example, your
parents are one generation, you and your siblings are the next generation, and your children and
their cousins are another generation.



I. Categorize the Family members based on Gender: Male, Female, Neutral.

II. Fill in the correct family member.

1. My mother's sister is my _________________________________.

2. My daughter's brother is my ______________________________.

3. My father's daughter is my _______________________________.

4. My mom and dad are my ________________________________.

5. My sister's son is my ___________________________________.

6. My aunt's son or daughter is my __________________________.

7. My father's brother is my ________________________________.

8. My mother's father is my ________________________________.

9. My daughter's son is my ________________________________.

10. My brother's daughter is my ____________________________.

III. Read the short story below.

My Family

I love my family. There are five people in my family. I have one brother and one sister. My brother
is seven and my sister is two. My mom and dad make the rules for my family. My little sister gets in
trouble sometimes. Our favorite thing to do as a family is to play games together.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Now answer the questions about the story.

1) How many people are in the family?


2) How old is the sister?


3) Who gets in trouble sometimes?


4) Who makes the rules?


5) What does the family like to do best?



UNIT PROJECT: Oral skills.

Project A. You just move to a new city and you want to meet new people and make some new
friends. Create a profile to introduce yourself. Imagine a profile like in a social media. Be ready
to present it to your classmates and teacher. Be creative. Remember to include your name, nick
name, birthday, favorite: color, song, music, artist, book, subject, sport, food, candy, and best
friends. Check the rubric to evaluate projects.

Project B. Ask your parents or grandparents about your family background. Create your family
tree. Use the vocabulary about family members, verb to be in present tense, age, occupation, and
possessive pronouns.

She is my mother. Her name is Rosario. She is 48 years old. She’s a nurse.

Be ready to present it to your classmates and teacher. You can present it in a poster, a power point
presentation, or any other visual aid. Check the rubric to evaluate projects.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

In order to verify the learnings acquired through the Unit I, let´s evaluate how much you
have learnt.

1. - My hair ____________ curly.

a) isn´t b) are c) be d) am

2. - Jamie´s parents ____________ in a meeting.

a) are b) is c) I´m d) am not

3. - I _____________ in my house.

a) ´m not b) is not c) are d) aren´t

4. - ____________ Mary a nurse? Yes, she _____________.

a) are/is b) is/are c) is/isn´t d) are/aren´t

5. - Christmas is ___________ December.

a) in b) on c) at d) the

6. - My birthday is ____________ May 10th.

a) the b) at c) on d) in

7. - Teacher, give ____________ the answers, please!

a) your b) our c) us d) they

8. - I love ______________. (Joseph)

a) she b) he c) him d) his

9. - Susan is my best friend, _______________ is my school.

a) her b) she c) hers d) he


10. - I was born in U.S.A., so I am _______________.

a) United States b) Canadian c) Japanese d) American

11. - Ethan is from England, he is _______________.

a) English b) American c) Mexican d) Canadian

12. - My daughter´s son is my _______________.

a) son b) niece c) nephew d) grandson

Asignatura: Inglés I
Semestre: Primero
Unit I: Personal Profile.



Diagnóstica Formativa Sumativa
Tipo de Evaluación: Momento: Desarrollo
Autoevaluación Coevaluación Heteroevaluación

Individual Binas Equipo Fecha: Grupo:


Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

(0.4) EXCELLENT (0.3) GOOD (0.2) FAIR (0.1) NEEDS IM- (0) NON
(100-95%) (95-85%) (85-70%) PROVEMENT INCLUDED
Visual aids support Visual aids have Visual aids are Visual aids are
the theme and have little support for little related hard to understand
VISUAL proper size and co- the theme. Have to the theme, and/or are not re-
AIDS lor for the audience. proper size and have no proper lated to the theme; Non Included
color for the size and color size and color have
audience. for the audien- difficult compre-
ce. hension.
Uses appropriate Uses appropriate His or her The mistakes and
vocabulary without vocabulary with grammar pre- grammar errors are
any grammar few grammar sents mistakes evident and com-
GRAMMAR mistakes. His or mistakes. but he or she munication is not
her sentences are communicates. accomplished.
according to the
learning objects.
Excellent pronun- Pronounces fairly Pronounces The pronuncia-
ciation. well. with errors or is tion is poor and Only Read/
PRONUNCIATION not understan- unclear. Speaks
dable from time Spanish
to time.
Is able to commu- Is able to com- Is able to Is not able to
Only Read/
nicate ideas in an municate fluently, express ideas, communicate
excellent manner, with just some stopping to ideas, mixing both
without hesitation. hesitations. recall words. languages
Turns in on time, Turns in on time, Turn in but Poor quality, mis-
with an excellent according to the missing some sing most of the
OR WRITTEN Not Delivered
quality according to requirements. requirements. requirements.
the requirements

Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos contextos, mediante la utilización de
medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
Casi siempre/En proceso Algunas veces/ En proceso Casi nunca/ Fase
4 Siempre / Competente 3 2 1
(Avanzado) (Básico) Inicial

Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la diversidad de creencias, valores,
ideas y prácticas sociales.

Casi siempre/En proceso Algunas veces/ En proceso Casi nunca/ Fase

4 Siempre / Competente 3 2 1
(Avanzado) (Básico) Inicial

Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones responsables.

Casi siempre/En proceso Algunas veces/ En proceso Casi nunca/ Fase

4 Siempre / Competente 3 2 1
(Avanzado) (Básico) Inicial



Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of
your own learning process.
Student’s name:
Date: 1st Unit Observations
Competences performance indicators If you answer is No, analy-
100% 80% No ze the reasons.
I attend on time to all my classes.
I follow the instructions to do the exercises.
I Participate with a constructive and collaborative
attitude asking when the topic is not understood.
I answer the exercises provided in the book
I Contribute with ideas in oral and written forms.
I am able to evaluate honestly my own performance
I read the lessons and texts searching for new mea-
nings and words
I am able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and integrate new words.
I have an interest in learning by my own using the
I work collaboratively with my classmates
I feel I have improved my English with this block
I can communicate better and more confidently

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of one of
your classmates learning process.

Peer’s evaluation
Student’s name:
Date: 1st Unit Observations
Competences performance indicators If you answer is No,
100% 80% No discuss the reasons with
him or her.
He or she attends on time to all the classes.
He or she follows the instructions in the exercises.
He or she participates with a constructive and collabo-
rative attitude asking when the topic is not understood.
He or she answers the book exercises
He or she contributes with ideas.
He or she is able to evaluate honestly him or her
He or she reads the lessons and texts searching for
new meanings and words
He or she is able to establish links between new and
old grammatical forms and to learn new words.
He or she has interest in learning by his own or her
instance using internet
He or she works collaboratively with classmates
He has improved his or her English with this block.
He or she can communicate better and more confi-


Verb to be board game(Present simple)

Start 1 2 3 4

Make a question What is your tea- Where is your What is in your

with “ is “ chers name? favourite place bag?
to go?
9 8 7 6 5

Where is your Who is your Who is your favo- Make four wh- What colour is
father now? hero? rite singer? question with “ your hair?
is “
10 11 12 13 14

What is your What is your Go back 5 Make Y/N-ques- Who is your best
favorite book? father hobby? spaces tion with “ is “ friend?

18 17 16 15 15
Where is the
most popular What is the lon- What is the bi- How old are Where is your
place in your gest river in the ggest province in you? company/school?
province? world? your country?
19 20 21 22 23

What is the most Who is the prime Make two posi- Make three wh- Sing a song/
useful part in minister of your tive sentences questions with
your body? country? with “ am “ “ am “ say a Joke
29 28 27 25 24

Where is your Miss a Make two nega- What is the most What is your favo-
turn tive sentences
with “ am “
beautiful country
in the world?
rite food?

30 31 32 33 34

What is your Are you tired? How much mo- Make three wh- Are there cats in
hobby? ney is there in questions with your house?
your pocket? “ are “

Finish 38
How long is it
37 36
How many mem- She takes care
He works in the
from your house bers are there in of the patients in police station, who
to your school/ your family? the hospital, who is he?
work? is she?

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Davis, F., & Rimmer, W. (2011). Active Grammar Level 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Pinterest (s.f.) Retrieved from http:// (March 18th, 2016)

The English Language Article (s.f.) Retrieved from

Functions-Of-Pronouns (March 18th, 2016)

A. Llanas, L. Williams, (2010), Oxygen for DGB. Macmillan publishers, S.A. de C.V., México D.F.
Listverse (s.f.) Retrieved from
the-world (March, 19th 2016)

Clipart Panda (s.f.) Retrieved from

(March 19th, 2016) (s.f.) Retrieved from

(March 19th, 2016) (s.f.) Retrieved from

apostrophe_s.htm (March 20th, 2016) (s.f.) Retrieved from

nal_pronouns7.htm (March 20th,2016)

EnglishClub (s.f.) Retrieved from (March 20th,

asp?id=1965 (March 21th, 2016)

English Learn Site (s.f.)Retrieved from

time-2/ (March 29th, 2016)

Language Worksheets (s.f.) Retrievedfrom

mentary.html (April 9, 2016)

Los Cabos Guide (s.f.) Retrieved from (April 11th,


Using English (s.f.) Retrieved from (April 13th, 2016)


Competencias genéricas
3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables.
CG3.2 Toma decisiones a partir de la valoración de las consecuencias
de distintos hábitos de consumo y conductas de riesgo.

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en Competencias disciplinares

distintos contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo de la
y herramientas apropiados. lengua, considerando la intención y situación comunicativa.
CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes
sean sus interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los CDBC 10 Identifica e interpreta la idea general y posible
objetivos que persigue. desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en una segunda
CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos previos, elementos no
cotidianas. verbales y contexto cultural.
8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera mediante
CG8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un discurso lógico, oral o escrito, congruente con la situación
un proyecto en equipo, definiendo un curso de acción con pasos comunicativa.

10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y

la diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
CG10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio
de integración y convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

UNIT Ii Daily RoutinES

Propósito del bloque

Explica las actividades cotidianas propias y de otras personas a través de las habilidades
comunicativas, para promover estilos de vida saludable.

Interdisciplinariedad Ejes transversales

üü Taller de Lectura y Redacción I üü Eje transversal social

üü Metodología de la Investigación üü Eje transversal de la salud
üü Informática I üü Eje transversal ambiental
üü Eje transversal de habilidades lectoras

Aprendizajes esperados

• Explica de manera oral las actividades cotidianas propias y de otras personas, utilizando el
vocabulario, las propiedades de fluidez, pronunciación, entonación y dominio del tema con
disposición a afrontar las consecuencias de diferentes posturas ante la toma de decisiones.

• Ordena de manera escrita las actividades cotidianas propias y de otras personas, utilizando
la gramática apropiada, coherencia y ortografía, reconociendo la diversidad en su contexto.

• Conecta preguntas y respuestas de manera oral y escrita utilizando la gramática apropiada,

relacionándose con sus semejantes de forma colaborativa.

Conocimientos Habilidades Actitudes

¾¾ Vocabulario ¾¾ Identifica de manera oral y escrita ¾¾ Se relaciona con sus semejantes de
• Actividades diarias de recreación, actividades que se realizan forma colaborativa.
escolares y de trabajo. cotidianamente.
• Lugares. ¾¾ Afronta consecuencias y diferentes
• Profesiones y ocupaciones. ¾¾ Reconoce las estructuras posturas ante su toma de decisiones.
• Medios de transporte. gramaticales correspondientes
• Verbos frecuentes para rutinas. para la descripción de actividades ¾¾ Reconoce la diversidad en su
cotidianas. contexto practicando la tolerancia.
¾¾ Gramática
• Presente Simple (afirmativo, ¾¾ Predice preguntas de forma
negativo, interrogativo, respuestas coherente y precisa.
cortas y completas, afirmativas y
negativas). ¾¾ Distingue diferentes textos
• Reglas para tercera persona del presentados de forma auditiva.
• Uso de auxiliares "Do", "Does".
• Preguntas con WH.
• Adverbios de frecuencia.
• Expresiones de tiempo.
• Preposiciones de lugar.


Learning Activities:

Introduction. You are going to learn how to use the simple present in your context.

When do we use present tense?

You have to use it in the following situations:

• Actions in the present taking place once, never or several times (Now, Never, Every time he
speaks, he eats, she works, etc)
• Facts: Natural, scientific facts: when it rains, it is cloudy. Birds travel from the North, etc. Cats
hates mice
• Actions taking place one after another. The 501 plane leaves at 7:15. The 306 plane leaves at
• Action set by a timetable or schedule.

1. Henry and John _____ English three days 6. My kids _____ many sports..............( )
a week..........................................................( ) a) practices c) practice
a) study c) studying b) practiced d) practicing
b) studies d) studied
7. Sarah and Susan _____ to school, they
2. I _____ too much TV; I prefer music......( )
walk.....................................................( )
a) don´t / watches c) doesn´t / watches a) doesn´t / drive c) doesn´t / drives
b) don´t / watch d) doesn’t / watch b) don´t / drives d) don´t / drive

3._____ you _____ a lot of exercise?........( ) 8._____ you _____ a shower every mor-
ning?...................................................( )
a) do / does c) do / do
a) do / take c) do / takes
b) does / do d) does / do
b) does / take d) does / take
4. Carol _____ very often because of her job.
......................................................................( ) 9. Steve _____ to her any more............( )
a) doesn´t / talks c) don´t / talk
a) travel c) traveled b) doesn´t / talk d) don´t / talks
b) traveling d) travels
10. I _____ my mother every Sunday...( )
5._____ your dad _____ on weekends?....( )
a) visiting c) visit
a) do / works c) does / works b) visits d) visited
b) does / work d) do / work

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

My week’s schedule”

For this activity think in English all the actions (verbs) that happen in a week, the actions must be
with the specific time and day, then write them all in the following schedule chart .

“My week’s schedule”

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Go to


“ My daily activities”

Think about of at least 5 activities that you do daily in the same way and write them as the example.
Share them to the class.

Example: I go to English Class at 8 a.m. on Mondays.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________


These are words that are commonly used to express how frequently an activity is done:

ALWAYS (100% of times)

USUALLY / OFTEN (90% of times)

SOMETIMES (50% of times)

RARELY (10% of times)

NEVER (0% of times)

• I always wake up at 6 a.m.
• I usually like to drink coffee when I wake up.
• I sometimes have my breakfast before school.
• I rarely arrive late to school.
• I never skip classes.

Note: Frequency adverbs go before an action. Some of these adverbs may also be used at the
beginning or end of a sentence.

• Sometimes I go to school by bus. I walk to school often.

“What do you usually do?”

What do you frequently do on a single day? Answer the following questions to express how fre-
quently your routines are.

1. What do you always do on Monday mornings?


2. What do you usually do on Friday nights?


Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

3. What do you sometimes do after classes?


4. What do you rarely do on weekends?


5. What do you never do at school?


‘S’ Rule (Verbs for 3rd Person in Singular)

Verbs ending for he, she, and it.

call calls

wash washes
• Peter always calls his parents after school.
play plays • He usually washes the dishes after dinner.

study studies
• Anna plays flags football in the afternoons.
have has • She studies French three days at week.

do does

go goes


“My friend´s activities”

Ask to 5 of your mates what do they do in a different day of the week and write down their answers
as the example.

Example: Q. What do you do on Tuesdays at 5 p.m.?

A. Michelle goes to the dentist.

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. ______________________________________________________________________



We use at to show a specific place, location or position.

We use on to show position on a horizontal or vertical surface, also to show position on streets,
roads, etc.
We use in to show that something is enclosed or surrounded.



I. Complete the sentences with the proposition of place: in, on or at. Some prepositions may
be used more than once in a sentence.

1. He studies _____ the living room.

2. Jenny works _____ the office.

3. I don’t have sugar _____ my coffee.

4. The children are _____ school.

5. Bill always reads _____ the bed.

6. I work _____ the station.

7. There are lots of clouds _____ the sky.

8. They usually stay _____ home in the evening.

9. I read it _____ the newspaper.

10. Ellen hangs her photos _____ the wall.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

II. Look at the picture. Complete the sentences with the preposition of place: in or on.

The TV is________the table.

The painting is _____the wall.

The fish is _____ the fish tank.

The fish tank is _____ the chair.

The bottle is _____ the table.

The plant is _____ the TV.



Jobs and Activities

I. Label the following pictures with the correct profession.






II. Complete the following statements identifying the profession, the correct form of the verb
and the preposition of place according to each one.

Example: A doctor works (work) in a hospital.

a) A __________ __________ (fix) cars _____ the mechanical workshop.

b) A __________ __________ (write) information _____ a whiteboard.

c) The __________ __________ (deliver) letters _____ the mail box.

d) A __________ __________ (serve) people _____ a restaurant.

e) The __________ __________ (defend) innocent people _____ a court house.

f) A __________ __________ (prepare) delicious meals _____ the Restaurant.

g) The __________ __________ (protect) people _____ the streets.

h) An __________ __________ (perform) many plays _____ theatres.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Verbs puzzle

Find the verbs listed on the next table. Underline or circle them.

Created in



“Your routine in a day”

What do you usually do every day? In the table below you can see some of the action that
we usually do in a day

take a shower brush my teeth get up early in the morning

get dressed in a hurry go to work wash my car on weekends
go to bed early comb my hair watch videos at home
go to school eat breakfast at home read the newspaper in the morning
jog in the park party with my friends clean the house on weekends
feed my dog brush my teeth eat lunch in the cafeteria
take a bath in the evening do homework use the computers in the evening

I. Write 5 actions that you usually do, use different time expressions (always, usually, often, some-
times, rarely, never).

Example: I never take a shower on Sunday.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

II. Write 5 actions that your mother, sister, father, friend usually does in his/ her day.

Example: Luis usually goes to school at 6:00 a.m.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Wh – Question words. These words are used in the interrogative form.

Auxiliar SUBJECT Verb
word MARK

How I choose ?

Where you work ?

When exercise
we ?
(What time) study
Do travel

Why they need money, love, etc. ?

What You (plural) eat ?

(no subject?) and no

Who ?


Write interrogative sentences. Use other information.

1. What time _____________________________________________________________?

2. Who__________________________________________________________________?

3. How__________________________________________________________________?

4. What _________________________________________________________________?

5. Why _________________________________________________________________?

6. When ________________________________________________________________?

7. Where ________________________________________________________________?



“Medical checkup”

1. Work in pairs / 2. Interview your partner / 3. Use frequency adverb in the sentences / 4 Share
with the class
What´s your name?
How old are you?
When is your birthday?
How often do you get up early?
How often do you take a shower in the morning?
How often do you eat breakfast?
How often do you eat green vegetables?
How often do you eat red meat?
How often do you eat chicken?
How often do you eat fish?
How often do you eat fresh fruits?
How often do you drink water?
How often do you go to the doctor?
How often do you get sick?
How often do you go to bed late?


A famous person

Do your own research about a famous person. What does she / he usually do?

1. Print the text with the link. 2. Underline all the actions and circle the time expressions in the text.
3. Write 5 sentences about his or her actions.

1. ______________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Lab Classes

1. Lab class: watch the video and practice the SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE in the three forms with
songs with this link: “songs with the simple present”

2. Lab class: Watch the video and practice in SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE through Movies and TV


Exercise review Simple Present

I. Choose the correct form of the following verbs:

Wake (s) up Open (s) Speak (s) Take (s) Do (es) Cause (s)

Live (s) Play (s) Close (s) Live (s) Drink (s)

1. Ann __________ volley ball very well.

2. I never __________ coffee.

3. The swimming pool __________ at 7:00 in the morning.

4. It __________ at 9:00 in the evening.

5. Bad driving _________ many accidents.

6. My parents _________ in a very small house.

7. The Olympic Games __________ place every four years.

8. They are good students. They always __________ their homework.

9. My students __________ a little English.

10. I always __________ early in the morning.


II. - Write the verbs between brackets in the correct form:

1. Jane (not / drink) ____________________ tea very often.

2. What time (the banks / open) ____________________ in Britain?

3. Where (John / come) ____________________ from?

4. It (take) ___________________ me an hour to get to work.

5. She (not / wake) ____________________ up early on Sundays.

III. Choose the right verbs to complete the sentences. Sometimes you need the negative

write / turn / eat / tell / rise

1. The earth _________________________around the sun.

2. The sun _______________________in the east.

3. Vegetarians _______________________________meat.

4. A liar is someone who _____________________the truth.

5. A novelist _______________________________novels.


Formación Básica - Primer Semestre






5. My english pages (s.f) Recuperado Mayo 2016 de :

6. (s.a) You tube “ songs with Simple present” retrieved September 2011

7. (s.a.)Youtube SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE through Movies and TV retrieved



Competencias genéricas Competencias disciplinares

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo
contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas de la lengua, considerando la intención y situación
apropiados. comunicativa.
CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus
interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue. CDBC 10 Identifica e interpreta la idea general y
CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en
una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos
8. Participa y colabora de manera efectiva en equipos diversos. previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural.
CG8.1 Propone maneras de solucionar un problema o desarrollar un proyecto
en equipo, definiendo un curso de acción con pasos específicos CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la congruente con la situación comunicativa.
diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
CG10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración
y convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.

11. Contribuye al desarrollo sustentable de manera crítica, con acciones

CG11.1 Asume una actitud que favorece la solución de problemas ambientales
en los ámbitos local, nacional e internacional.
Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

UNIT III Here and now

Propósito del bloque

Expresa las actividades que se están realizando al momento del habla a través de las habilidades
comunicativas, identificando situaciones del entorno que permitan desarrollar una conciencia

Interdisciplinariedad Ejes transversales

üü Taller de Lectura y Redacción I üü Eje transversal social

üü Informática I üü Eje transversal de la salud
üü Ética I üü Eje transversal ambiental
üü Metodología de la Investigación üü Eje transversal de habilidades lectoras

Aprendizajes esperados

• Expresa de manera oral las actividades que se están realizando al momento del habla,
utilizando el vocabulario, las propiedades de fluidez, pronunciación, entonación y dominio
del tema, demostrando respeto y tolerancia a sus semejantes.

• Desarrolla de manera escrita las actividades que está realizando en el momento, considerando
la gramática apropiada, coherencia y ortografía, demostrando una consciencia social ante
las situaciones de su entorno.

• Formula preguntas y respuestas de manera oral y escrita acerca de actividades que se están
realizando en el momento del habla considerando la gramática, entonación y pronunciación
apropiada, promoviendo una escucha y participación activa.
Conocimientos Habilidades Actitudes
¾¾ Vocabulario ¾¾ Reconoce de manera oral y escrita las actividades ¾¾ Respeta y tolera a
• Actividades deportivas y que se están realizando al momento del habla. sus semejantes.
• Pasatiempos ¾¾ Identifica las estructuras gramaticales correspondientes ¾¾ Escucha y participa
• Cuidado ambiental al presente progresivo. activamente.
• Verbos dinámicos
y estáticos ¾¾ Contrasta la diferencia entre tiempos presente ¾¾ Demuestra una
simple y progresivo. consciencia social
¾¾ Gramática ante las situaciones
• Presente Progresivo ¾¾ Distingue la diferencia entre preguntas abiertas de su entorno.
• (Forma afirmativa negativa, y cerradas, respuestas cortas y completas en
interrogativa). presente progresivo.
• Reglas para verbos en
gerundio-ing. ¾¾ Asocia expresiones de tiempo con actividades que
• Preguntas con WH. se están llevando a cabo en el momento en que la
• Expresiones de tiempo. acción se está realizando.



Driving questions:

1.What are you thinking now?

2. What is going on in your life right now?
3. Why are you studying here?
4.What are you dreaming these days?

Share with the teacher and classmates.

Explanation of present progressive.

FORM: [am/is/are + ing]

Examples: your own example

I am dancing pop music. ______________________________

I am not sitting now. ______________________________
Am I cooking? ______________________________
You are doing wrong. ______________________________
Are you doing wrong? ______________________________
You are not doing wrong. ______________________________
He is studying French. ______________________________
He is not studying English. ______________________________
Is he playing? ______________________________

USE 1. Now
Use the Present Continuous with verbs to express the idea that something is happening right now,
at this very moment. It can also be used to show that something is not happening now.

Examples: your own example

You are learning English now. ______________________________

You are not swimming now. ______________________________
Are you sleeping? ______________________________
I am sitting. ______________________________
I am not standing. ______________________________

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Is he sitting or standing? ______________________________

They are reading their books. ______________________________
They are not watching television. ______________________________
What are you doing? ______________________________
Why aren’t you doing your homework? _____________________________

Use 2. Longer Actions in Progress Now

In English language, “now” can mean: this second, today, this month, this year, this century, and
so on.
Sometimes, we use the Present Continuous to say that we are in the process of doing a longer
action which is in progress; however, we might not be doing it at this precise moment.

Examples: (All of these sentences can be used while eating dinner in a restaurant.)

I am studying to become a doctor.

I am not studying to become a dentist.
I am reading the book Tom Sawyer.
I am not reading any books right now.
Are you working on any special projects at work?
Aren’t you teaching at the university now?


Be able to form the present progressive form.

Rules to make the present participle form

There are some rules that apply to form the –ing ending called present participle:
Please read carefully the example, analyze it and then write the present participle form in the blank

1ST. RULE (General rule) The general rule How to add correctly the -ing ending.
when changing a verb into its -ING form is Use of the present participle in the present
made just adding -ING to the end of the verb. progressive tense
Verb to be + verb+ing
I am visiting my grandmother
1. Visit (visitar) Visiting (visitando)
2. Ask (preguntar) asking (preguntando)
3. Belong belonging
4. Call
5. Clean
6. Need
7. Order


8. Own
9. Want
10. Pick
11. Need

Present progressive table by Marrón, 2016

2nd. RULE If the verb ends in –e, drop the e How to add correctly the -ing ending.
and add the -ING form to the end of the verb. Use of the present participle in the present
progressive tense
Verb to be + verb+ing
She is receiving an award this year.
12. Receive (recibir) Receiving (recibiendo)
13. Argue arguing
14. Bake baking
15. Change
16. Close
17. Dance
18. Hesitate
19. Hope
20. Use
21. Like
22. Leave

Present progressive by Marrón, 2016

3rd. RULE If the verb ends in a consonant + How to add correctly the -ing ending.
vowel + consonant, we double the final conso- Use of the present participle in the present
nant and add ING. progressive tense
(rule retrieved for Verb to be + verb+ing
They are planning a party
23. Stop (detener) Stopping (deteniendo)
24. plan planning
25. set
26. cut
27. run
28. sit
29. chop
30. shop
31. get

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

32. let
33. swim

Present progressive table by Marrón, 2016

But according to the webpage If a two-syllable verb ends in a consonant

+ vowel + consonant, we do not double the final consonant when the stress is on the first syllable.
And as the webpage continues, we do not double the final consonant when the verb ends in W, X
or Y or when the final syllable is not emphasized.

Infinitive ING form

to fix fixing
to enjoy enjoying
to snow snowing

• He fixing his bike.

• We are enjoying this great weather.
• It’s snowing outside.

The webpage also explains that, if the verb ends in IE we change it to YING.

Infinitive ING form

to lie lying
to die dying
to tie tying
• I know you are lying to me!
• Your plant is dying you should water your plant.
• The little boy is tying his shoelaces.

Retrieved from: on May 2, 2016.


Analyze this table and memorize how according to the subject, the verb to be is used.

Write your own sentences combining the information in the chart. Use your notebook.
Share with the teacher and classmates.

Noun/Subject Auxiliary Present Participle Complement

You are making a huge difference
We are participating very actively
They are improving enormously


My friends are coming to the party

Many writers are publishing best sellers
Beyonce and Rihana are fighting for the attention

Present progressive table by Marrón, 2016.

It changes when you describe a person or a thing, it is called 3rd. person. Remember that the
pronoun IT could be anything, but it must be a singular noun.

Noun/Subject Auxiliary Present Participle Complement

I am understanding everything
She is being very nice with me
He is changing very fast these weeks
My mother is always helping me unconditionally
My father is working In the hospital
The computer is failing every time
Baja California is getting an industrial rank this
My car is starting to stop unexpectedly

Present progressive table by Marrón, 2016.


Reading and speaking skills.

Susan: Hi, Nancy, this is Susan. I’m in Rio.

Nancy: In Rio? What are you doing there?
Susan: I’m on vacation.
Nancy: Cooll! Are you having a good time?
Susan: I’m having a wonderful time.
Nancy: What’s the weather like?
Susan: It’s nice and hot. I’m sitting near the pool, eating and delicious Brazilian breakfast. And how
are you?
Nancy: I’m okay, but the weather is terrible here! It’s really cold, and it’s snowing.
Susan: That’s too bad.

Name:_____________________________________________________ Group: ___________

Underline the correct answer according to the conversation.

1. Where is Susan? 4. What’s Susan doing now?
a) She is in River. a) She is eating cool Brazilian food.
b) She is in Rio. b) She is sitting near the pool eating.
c) She is in Reno. c) She is sitting in the food.
Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

2. What’s she doing in Rio? 5. What’s the weather like in Toronto?

a) She’s on vacation. a) Cold.
b) She’s on the station. b) Hot.
c) She’s on possession. c) Raining.

3. What’s the weather like?

a) It’s nice and cold.
b) It’s cool.
c) It’s nice and hot.

Work in pairs to complete the conversation and practice.

You: Hi, ______________________, this is _______________. I’m in _________________.
Partner: In _______________? What are you doing there?
You: I’m on vacation.
Partner: Cooll! Are you having a good time?
You: I’m having a wonderful time.
Partner: What’s the weather like?
You: It’s ______________ and _____________. I’m ________ near the ________, eating a
delicious ______________. And how are you?
Partner: I’m okay, but the weather is ____________ here! It’s really __________, and it’s
You: That’s too bad.


Complete the sentences with the present progressive form. Use the information chart.

1. Ted and Lucy __________ ___________(kiss) .

2. Tom and Ana __________ ____________(watch) TV together
3. Bob and Debbie _________ ___________(make) bubbles.
They__________ ________________ (have) fun.
4. George and Tania ___________ __________________(sit) on a bench and (smile) .
5. David (kneel) _________ _____________ and (propose) to Suzan.


6. Paul (read) ___________ __________________ a love poem to Maria.

7. Sean (give) __________ _________________ his heart to Jill.
8. Mr. & Mrs. Jones __________ ______________(dance) at a party.
9. Don (give) ________ ________________Rona a present.
10. Harry and Helen ___________ _______________(exchange) gifts.
11. Ron (give) ______________ ________________ Sarah a special dish he made for her.
12. Bart and Penny __________ ___________________ (get married)

Retrieved from on May,2nd. 2016.

Make the following sentences negative. Don’t forget to include the period at the end!
1. I am eating well. ____________________________________________
2. You are running too fast. ____________________________________________
3. He is working at Samsung. ____________________________________________
4. She is having twins. ____________________________________________
5. It is calling now. ____________________________________________
6. We are drinking soda. ____________________________________________
7. They are flying to Singapore. ____________________________________________


Use the words below to make questions in present progressive.

Exercise on interrogative sentences.

1. a book/ I / reading/ Am/ ?

2. raining / a lot/ it/ Is/ ?
3. Is / his bike/ repairing/ he/ ?
4. ?/ they / watching/ Are/ a film
5. the cat / sleeping/ Is/ ?/ on the chair
6. ?/ Jane and Emily / doing/ are/ their homework/ Where
7. waiting/ is/ at the bus stop/ What time/ Bill/ ?
8. we / listening/ What kind/ on the radio/ of music/ are/ ?
9. ?/ the children / playing/ Where/ the game/ are

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

10. Laura / walking/ Is/ the dog/ ?


Retrieved and adapted from on
English exercise “Present - simple or continuous” created by bridge with The test builder

Listening skill.


Listen and practice the song.

Lemon Tree (Fools Garden)

I’m sitting here in the boring room Isolation is not good for me
It’s just another rainy Sunday afternoon Isolation I don’t want to sit on the lemon-tree
I’m wasting my time
I got nothing to do
I’m steppin’ around in the desert of joy
I’m hanging around
I’m waiting for you Baby anyhow I’ll get another toy
But nothing ever happens and I wonder And everything will happen and you wonder

I’m driving around in my car I wonder how

I’m driving too fast
I’m driving too far I wonder why
I’d like to change my point of view Yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue blue sky
I feel so lonely And all that I can see is just another lemon-
I’m waiting for you tree
But nothing ever happens and I wonder I’m turning my head up and down
I’m turning turning turning turning turning
I wonder how
I wonder why
Yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue blue sky And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-
And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon-tree tree
I’m turning my head up and down And I wonder, wonder
I’m turning turning turning turning turning around
And all that I can see is just another lemon-tree I wonder how
I wonder why
I’m sitting here
I miss the power Yesterday you told me ‘bout the blue blue sky
I’d like to go out taking a shower And all that I can see, and all that I can see,
But there’s a heavy cloud inside my head and all that I can see
I feel so tired Is just a yellow lemon-tree
Put myself into bed
While nothing ever happens and I wonder

Written by Will Holt • Copyright © Warner/Chappell Music, Inc


Time expression used in present progressive and simple present.


Complete the chart into Spanish.

Present Progressive Spanish Simple present Spanish

At the present Usually
Now Never
Today Always
At the moment Seldom
This week Often
This month Daily
This month Weekly
This year Monthly
Nowadays Yearly


Present Progressive Simple Present

• We are learning English now. We learn English every day.
• He is presently studying in Istanbul. She studies in Istanbul on weekdays.
• At present my father is working abroad. My father works all year.
• The Director is currently having talks in The Director always has talks in the USA.
the USA.
• She’s not waiting here at the moment. She doesn´t wait here on Saturday.
• Charles is taking three courses right now. Charles takes three courses on weekends.
• Car prices are getting higher nowadays / Car prices get higher every year.
these days.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Exercise on Simple Present - Present Progressive

Exercise 1

Put the verbs into the correct tense (simple present or present progressive).

1. Look! He _____________________ (leave) the house now.

2. Quiet please! I __________________(write) a test right now.
3. She usually_______________ (walk) to school.
4. But look! Today she ________________(go) by bike.
5. Every Sunday we ______________________(go) to see my grandparents.
6. He often __________________(go) to the cinema.
7. We ____________________(play) Monopoly at the moment.
8. The child seldom ________________(cry) .
9. I ___________________(not / do) anything at the moment.
10. _____________________(watch / he) the news regularly?

Taken and adapted

Exercise 2

Complete the sentences (Simple Present or Present Progressive) making a negative statement.

1. I __________ ______________(study) on week days.

2. He ____________ _______________(wear) a t-shirt and shorts today.
3. He _____________________(eat) an apple at the moment.
4. Marc _____________________(like) fruits and vegetables every morning.
5. He ________________(eat) some every day.
6. Marc ______________________ (know) that apples (be) good for his health.


Useful vocabulary :Activities and environmental care.

Translate the vocabulary into Spanish.

English Spanish English Spanish

Going out Acid rain


Watching TV Video diversity

Spend time with family Climate change
Surfing the net Deforestation
Playjng videogames Environment
Listening to music Natural resources
Going shopping Global warming
Do home work Pollution
Working Development
Playing soccer Waste
Playing music Endagered species
Study Flood
Running Storm
Swimming Harmful chemicals
Drawing Biodiversity
Reading Drought

Reading skill.


Check the news about environmental care and then answer the sentences.
Circle T for (true) or F for (false).

Tanzania: Care for Environment Is Every Citizen’s Duty

This year’s World Environment Day theme, “Connecting people with nature”, is inviting people to
think about how everyone of us is part of nature and how intimately we depend on it.

It is challenging us to find fun and exciting ways to experience and take care of this vital relation-
ship. It was in adherence to his theme that Minister of State in the Vice President’s Office (Union
and Environment) announced there would free entry for all nationals to all national parks and all
government-controlled touristic attractions.

Daily experiences
Many of us are tending to take nature probably due to the fact that a majority of Tanzanians,

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

including those who are living in towns and cities, have rural backgrounds where interacting with
trees, grasslands and the fauna is part of people’s daily experiences. With the increase in rural-ur-
ban migration, a growing number of the population is losing connection nature, as a consequence
the need for deliberate efforts to reconnect.

We are encouraging our people to appreciate nature, which would entail visiting, savoring and
appreciating of our seashores, the lakes, the rivers and mountains. A 2015 Tourism Report shows
that most tourists are visiting the country are from Kenya, United Kingdom, United States of
America, Germany, South Africa and France and these constitutes 60 per cent of visitors to our
tourists’ destination. We need to have more Tanzanians enjoying the beauty and natural attributes
of their country instead of considering them the preserve of foreigners.

Tanzania: Care for Environment Is Every Citizen’s Duty

1. World Environment Day theme is inviting people T F

to take care of environment.
2. Many of us are tending to take nature. T F
3. The play is applied in Tanzania. T F
4. We are not encouraging our people to appreciate nature. T F
5. Most tourists are visiting the country. T F

Present simple and present continuous

1) A: What ................ ? B: He’s an engineer.

a) is your father do b) is your father doing

c) does your father do d) does your father doing

2) Why ................... sunglasses? It’s cloudy today.

a) do you wear b) are you wearing

c) do you wearing d) Are you wear

3.) A: How often the cinema? B: About once a month.

a) do you go b) are you going

c) are you go d) do you going

4) ............... a really good book at the moment.

a) I read b) I’m reading

c) I reading d) I reads


5) He................... an Iphone, an Ipad and a computer. He’s so lucky!

a) having b) has
c) is having d) have

6) Bill ................... really hard at the moment because his company has just received a big order
from China.

a) works b) is working c)is work d) working

7) It ............. a lot in La Spezia in winter.

a) rains b) rain c) is raining d) raining

8) A: Where’s John? B: He’s in the bathroom. He ............... a shower now.

a) has b) is having c) having d) have

9) A: What ........................ ? B: I’m looking for my glasses.

a) are you doing b) do you do

c) you are doing d) you doing

10) A: ..................... the party? B: Yes, very much, thank you.

a) Are you enjoying b) Do you enjoy

c) Are you enjoy d) Do you enjoying

Closing Learning Activities: Project unit III 20 % Grade

1. Think of five events that are happening today around the world and they call your attention.
Be prepared to write briefly about those 5 events and present them orally to the group.
2. Discuss the events or news in pairs.
3. Write about it and get ready to present them to the group.

Discuss with your classmates a situation or any issue that your city, country, region or state
might have. It could be a worldwide problem regarding: the environment, violence, racism, eating
disorders, etc.

Exchange information about this problem: The causes, effects, characteristics or needs that are
causing it.

Do a research in the internet and write a 300 word personal essay using the traditional structure:
Introduction, body and conclusion.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Oral presentation requirements:

Describe this situation using the information that you research from internet.

1. Print photos or images that graphically describe the situation. Bring them to the class.

2. Write a short essay about it. It will help you to organize your ideas.

3. Present your findings to your classmates. Use sentences in present progressive.

4. You should be ready for your classmates questions.

5. Analyze


Inglés I Unit III. __________________________________________________

 Diagnóstica  Formativa  Sumativa  Apertura
Tipo de
 Autoevaluación  Coevaluación Momento:  Desarrollo
 Heteroevaluación  Cierre
Trabajo:  Individual  Binas  Equipo Fecha: Grupo:

CATEGORY (0.4) (0.3) GOOD (0.2) FAIR (0.1) NEEDS (0) NON
VISUAL Visual aids support Visual aids Visual aids are Visual aids Non Included
AIDS the theme and have little little related to are hard to
have proper size support for the the theme, have understand and/
and color for the theme. Have no proper size or are not related
audience. proper size and and color for the to the theme;
color for the audience. size and color
audience. have difficult
GRAMMAR Uses appropriate Uses His or her The mistakes and Speaks Spanish
vocabulary without appropriate grammar grammar errors
any grammar vocabulary with presents are evident and
mistakes. His or few grammar mistakes but communication is
her sentences are mistakes. he or she not accomplished.
according to the communicates.
learning objects.


PRONUNCIATION Excellent Pronounces Pronounces The Only Read/

pronunciation. fairly well. with errors or pronunciation is Speaks Spanish
is not poor and unclear.
from time to
FLUENCY Is able to Is able to Is able to Is not able to Only Read/
communicate ideas communicate express ideas, communicate Speaks Spanish
in an excellent fluently, with stopping to ideas, mixing both
manner, without just some recall words. languages.
hesitation. hesitations.
PROJECT. ESSAY Turns in on time, Turns in on Turn in but Poor quality, Not Delivered
OR WRITTEN TEXT with an excellent time, according missing some missing most of
quality according to to the requirements. the requirements.
the requirements. requirements.

COMPETENCIA GENÉRICA 4: Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos

contextos, mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
4 Siempre / 3 Casi siempre/ 2 Algunas veces/ 1 Casi nunca/
Competente En proceso En proceso Fase Inicial
(Avanzado) (Básico)

COMPETENCIA GENÉRICA 10: Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la

diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.

4 Siempre / 3 Casi siempre/ 2 Algunas veces/ 1 Casi nunca/

Competente En proceso En proceso Fase Inicial
(Avanzado) (Básico)

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of your own learning
process.(Rubric designed by Marrón, 2013 and by teachers´ committee approval )
Student’s name:
Date: 3rd. block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators 100 % 80 % No
analyze the reasons.
I attend on time to all my classes.
I follow the instructions to do the exercises.
I Participate with a constructive and collaborative attitude asking
when the topic is not understood.
I answer the exercises provided in the book.
I Contribute with ideas in oral and written forms.
I am able to evaluate honestly my own performance.
I read the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
I am able to establish links between new and old grammatical
forms and integrate new words.
I have an interest in learning by my own using the internet.
I work collaboratively with my classmates.
I feel I have improved my English with this block.
I can communicate better and more confidently.

Decide honestly according to each affirmative sentence, the description and evaluation of one of your
classmates learning process.
Peer evaluation
Student’s name: Evaluator:
Date: 3rd. block Observations
If you answer is No,
Competences performance indicators 100 % 80 % No
analyze the reasons.
He or she attends on time to all the classes.
He or she follows the instructions in the exercises.
He or she participates with a constructive and collaborative
attitude asking when the topic is not understood.
He or she answers the book exercises.
He or she contributes with ideas.
He or she is able to evaluate honestly him or her.
He or she reads the lessons and texts searching for new
meanings and words.
He or she is able to establish links between new and old
grammatical forms and to learn new words.
He or she has interest in learning by his own or her
instance using internet.
He or she works collaboratively with classmates.
He has improved his or her English with this block.
He or she can communicate better and more confidently.

unit iv

Competencias genéricas Competencias disciplinares

3. Elige y practica estilos de vida saludables. CDBC 4 Produce textos con base en el uso normativo
CG3.2 Toma decisiones a partir de la valoración de las consecuencias de de la lengua, considerando la intención y situación
distintos hábitos de consumo y conductas de riesgo. comunicativa.

4. Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos CDBC 10 Identifica e interpreta la idea general y
contextos mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas posible desarrollo de un mensaje oral o escrito en
apropiados. una segunda lengua, recurriendo a conocimientos
CG4.2 Aplica distintas estrategias comunicativas según quienes sean sus previos, elementos no verbales y contexto cultural.
interlocutores, el contexto en el que se encuentra y los objetivos que persigue.
CG4.4 Se comunica en una segunda lengua en situaciones cotidianas. CDBC 11 Se comunica en una lengua extranjera
mediante un discurso lógico, oral o escrito,
10. Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la congruente con la situación comunicativa.
diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.
CG10.3 Asume que el respeto de las diferencias es el principio de integración
y convivencia en los contextos local, nacional e internacional.
Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

unit iv Units of Measurements

Propósito del bloque

Selecciona medidas y cuantificadores para solicitar y brindar información relacionada con el proceso
de compra-venta, haciendo uso de las habilidades comunicativas, promoviendo la autorregulación
y la toma responsable de decisiones.

Interdisciplinariedad Ejes transversales

üü Taller de Lectura y Redacción I

üü Eje transversal social
üü Informática I
üü Eje transversal de la salud
üü Ética I
üü Eje transversal ambiental
üü Metodología de la Investigación
üü Eje transversal de habilidades lectoras
üü Matemáticas I

Aprendizajes esperados

• Explica de manera oral y escrita, medidas y cuantificadores de productos, utilizando el

vocabulario, las propiedades de fluidez, pronunciación, entonación y dominio del tema,
mostrando empatía con sus pares y favoreciendo una postura de conciencia social.

• Establece de manera escrita y oral el uso de los sustantivos contables y no contables,

así como el uso de artículos determinados e indeterminados, con una actitud responsable
de las repercusiones de sus decisiones, aplicando la gramática apropiada, coherencia y

Conocimientos Habilidades Actitudes

¾¾ Vocabulario ¾¾ Relaciona de manera oral y escrita unidades ¾¾ Se relaciona con
• Productos alimenticios. de medida y empaque de diversos productos. los demás de forma
• Unidades de medidas y colaborativa.
empaque. ¾¾ Describe las estructuras relacionadas con
• Sustantivos contables y no sustantivos contables y no contables. ¾¾ Muestra empatía
contables. con sus pares
¾¾ Diferencia sustantivos contables y no contables favoreciendo
¾¾ Gramática a través de unidades de medida. una postura con
• How much/ How many. conciencia social.
• Cuantificadores (a few, a little, ¾¾ Identifica los artículos determinados e
some, any). indeterminados y su uso. ¾¾ Toma decisiones de
• There is/there are (afirmativo, manera responsable
negativo, interrogativo).
• Artículo determinado e
indeterminado (a, an, the).




Bread Oil
Brown bread Flour
Toast Café
Peas Water
Yogurt Lentil
Tomatoes Vinegar
Strawberries Olives
Oranges Bacon
Potatoes Mushrooms
Bananas Hot sauce
Carrots Jar
Avocadoes Spoon
Cabbage Drop
Broccoli Glass
Lettuce Grams
Onions Box
Cheese Carton
Apples Littre
Turkey Dozen
Chicken Sack
Fish Piece
Mayonnaise Loaf
Mustard Slice
Sandwich Bunch
Milk Kilograms
Eggs Ounce
Margarine Can
Honey Pasta
Jelly Bowl
Nuts Tons
Grapes Cup
Garlic Pinch
Pepper Fat
Mixed herbs Calories
Cumin Amount
Basil Serving Size
Chili powder Nutrition
Sugar Vitamin
Salt Juice
Rice Peach
Quantifiers Lemon
Containers Feet
Measures Yard

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Pounds Snack
Teaspoon Raisin
Bottle Beverage
Gallon Half
Bag Whole

Diagnostic for Unit IV

Do you know how to follow a recipe? Write some ingredients……

Answer the following diagnostic to find out how much do you know about IV Unit knowledge.

*IF there is something you don’t know, do not worry, in this IV Unit you will find your answers.

Student´s name: UNIT IV Observations.
Date: If your answer is no,
Yes No
Competences performance indicators: analyze the reasons
1. I can identify the countable & uncountable nouns
in a recipe.
2. I know the differences between how much & how
3. I can identify the use of some & any.
4. I can write a list with vocabulary of food.
5. I know how to organize a party.
6. I can use the indefinite and definite articles:
a, an,the.
7. I know how to use: “a few & a little” as quantifiers.
8. I know how to use “There is & There are”
In its three ways: affirmative, negative & interrogative.



Driving questions:

Why is it important to eat healthy?

Do you care about the quality of your food?
Do you worry about your health?
Do you worry about your parent’s health?
Do your parents or somebody else you know suffer of any kind of health problem related to food


ingest? Some of the diseases are: diabetes, cholesterol, fatty liver disease, etc.

Do you think is it important for us to restrict some kinds of food? Do you care a lot about your image?


To identify countable and uncountable nouns

Objective: to recognize the difference in use between the countable and uncountable nouns.

In English it is said that there are nine parts of speech:

1. Nouns: A word used to name a person, a thing, a place, an idea, an animal, an emotion, etc.
2. Articles: ( the) (a) (an). They are used before a noun; they point or signal a following noun.
3. Pronouns: A pronoun is a word that replaces a noun. There are 9 different types of pronouns.
4. Adjective: An adjective modifies (describes) a noun or pronoun.
5. Verbs: Verbs that express or show action.
6. Adverbs: An adverb is a word that modifies an action verb, an adjective or another adverb.
7. Conjunctions: words that join phrases, words or ideas.
8. Prepositions: words that describe space, time and place. They offer information about the
9. Interjections: words that are used to express emotions.

We are going to focus in Nouns. In English is essential to distinguish between countable and non
countable nouns because many grammar tenses forms are defined by identifying first if it is the
subject is singular or plural.

There are countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Countable nouns are things you can count and they are easily identified as separated items.

Countable Nouns: Can be used in Singular and Plural.

For example: one cat SINGULAR (No –S ending)

three cats

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

two cats

one dog There is a white, adorable little dog.

There are two beagles.

* pictures taken from windows images, 2016.


Most of the nouns are countable. You can number them: one, two or three. Here is an example:

One teacher
two teachers
three teachers
fifty teachers
A bunch of bananas 

Plural countable nouns are recognizable because they have an s at the ending. They are things
that we can count. For example: “idea”. We can count ideas. We can have one, two, three or more
ideas. Here are some more countable nouns:
• friend, sister, city, woman, street
• can, pound, bottle
• euro, bill, peso
• car, tire, window
• room, restroom, floor, door.

Countable nouns can be singular or plural:

• My baby is playing.
• My children are hungry.


We can use the indefinite article a/an with countable nouns:

• A dolphin is an animal.
• An elephant is a mammal.

When a countable noun is singular, we can use an article like a / the /:

• I want an apple. (not I want apple.)
• Where is the bottle? (not Where is car?)

But when a countable noun is plural, we can use it without the article (it is not necessary):
• I like apples.
• Bottles can easily break.

“People” is countable. “People” is the plural of “person”. We can count people:

There is one person here. There are three people here.

Before going forward with uncountable nouns, it is advisable to review how a plural noun is made.
There are some rules that apply to form plural nouns:

Rules to make plural nouns

Please read carefully the example, analyze it and then write the plural form in the blank spaces:


Singular noun Most plural nouns are formed just adding an S
Computer Computers
Chair Chairs

Plural forms rules, table made by Marrón, 2016.


Singular noun It is added -es, if the noun ends in S, X, CH,
SH, X,

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Bunch Bunches
Lunch Lunches
Mix Mixes

Plural forms rules, table made by Marrón, 2016.

Tomato and potato plurals also end with es: _________________ and _________________ 


Singular nouns that end with -f or-fe The plural is formed changing the f or –fe and
adding _ves
Wife Wives
Shelf Shelves
Himself Themselves
Yourself Yourselves

Plural forms rules, table made by Marrón, 2016.

Don’t put yourselves at risk, choose carefully every choice .


Singular nouns that end with y ( if it has a The plural is formed changing the y and
vowel before the y, the rule does not apply) adding -ies
Baby Babies
Cherry Cherries



Plural forms rules, table made by Marrón, 2016.

Vowel before y: Toy toys / day days / valley valleys / holiday holidays, etc.
There are nouns that do not follow any of the previous rules, that is why they are called

Singular noun Plural Noun

Woman Women
Man Men
Child Children
Person People
Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet
Mouse Mice


Uncountable nouns are things you see as whole, things you cannot count.

Uncountable nouns have only one form. They do not have a plural form, because they cannot be
divided or separated or counted, because it is impractical.

rice sugar flour

water love time salt

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Photos by Windows images, 2016.

NOTE: Money is considered as an uncountable noun. It is like love and money.

Example: I don´t have any money. I don´t have any time.
Susan has much money. She has much love.

It is needed to quantify:

I need 100 dollars. The car costs 3 000 dollars. The boy wants one dollar bill.

These nouns can be expressed using quantifiers or measures:

Examples with quantifiers: Examples with containers or measures:

I need some sugar 2 pounds of sugar / one cup of sugar
He needs some time 3 hours/ 5 days / 2 months / 1 year / 5 minutes
She cooks with a lot of salt One pound of salt
We do not have any rice 2 pounds of rice / a bag of rice / a box of rice
My mother gives a lot of love and attention Love is needed
We have to put some flour in the pan 3 cups of flour / 5 packages of flour
Please, just use a little salt One teaspoon of salt / one bag of salt
People waste a lot of water everyday Two bottles of water / 2 gallons of water

Quantifiers Table by Marrón 2016.

According to the webpage, uncountable nouns are substances, concepts

that we cannot divide into separate elements. We cannot “count” them. For example, we cannot
count “milk”. We can count “bottles of milk” or “liters of milk”, but we cannot count “milk” itself.
The webpage exemplifies some more uncountable nouns:

• music, art, love, happiness

• advice, information, news
• furniture, luggage
• rice, sugar, butter, water
• electricity, gas, power
• money, currency

Countable Uncountable
dollar money • Uncountable nouns are also called “mass nouns”.
Song music
suitcase luggage
Table furniture
battery electricity


bottle wine
report information
Tip advice
Job work

Table that compares nouns by, retrieved on March 18,2016.


Introduction to countable and non countable.

As homework you must bring to class one recipe: your mom´s favorite dish, your favorite food or
something that you would like to learn to cook.

You can do some research for it in internet or look in your kitchen cabinets and write it down from a
can or food product. (Most of the boxes, cans or bags that contain food have recipes on their back

Please write down in your notebook or print it.

Once you have it, do the following please:

1. Underline all the verbs in your recipe.

2. Circle all the ingredients it contains.

What do all the verbs have in common?

In class, the teacher will ask about the verbs you underlined, and he or she will write them on the

Once you and the class have noticed what they have in common, move to the ingredients.

Write a list of the ingredients that your classmates brought to class.

Can you identify which ones are countable or non countable?

Establish a difference between them, can you define which is it?

Check List:

Required Activities: Student: Self assessment Teacher

1. The student brought the
2. The student identified Verbs

3. The student classified

Ingredients in Countable or
Non countable

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


What is the difference between these two lists? Write a C if is countable and a U if is uncountable.
Also write how much or how many according to the noun.

Countable Uncountable How much.../ How many...

1. Sugar
2. Soda
3. Chips
4. Juice
5. Rice
6. Oil
7. Pepper
8. Peach
9. Orange
14. Lemon
16. Feet
17. Cabbage

Table by Marrón, 2016.



Instructions: How much or How many? Write the right choice for each noun.

1) Shoes: ______________
2) admiration:________________
3) monkeys:_______________
4) dollars:_________________
5) salt:__________________
6) children:_______________
7) sugar:_________________
8) fun:________________
9) cats:________________
10) people:_________________
11) DVDs:___________________
12) music:___________________
13) tables:___________________
14) yogurt:__________________
15) love:_________________
16) skirts:________________
17) flour:___________________
18) cereal:___________________
19) pizzas:______________________
20) soda:____________________

Exercise: Complete each sentence with “How much” or “how many”

Instructions: chose how much or how many to complete the questions. Check if they are countable
or uncountable nouns.

1) How _____________ students are in your group?

2) How _____________ people live in your house?
3) How ______________ trees are in your garden?
4) How _____________ liters in a gallon?
5) How ______________ money is in your wallet?
6) How ______________ countries are in America?
7) How ______________ sugar do you eat per day?
8) How ______________ fingers are in the human body?
9) How ________________ blood is in the body?
10) How _______________ contacts do you have in your Facebook?

Using the phrases in the box, complete and form the 10 questions. Figure out about if the noun is
countable or uncountable.

time to leave? singers have One Direction?

children do you have? followers do you have in Twitter?
do you love your best friend? time does a cat sleep in a day?
Sisters do you have? cousins do you have?
hours do you study daily? selfies do you have in your Facebook profile?

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

1) How many ______________________________?

2) How much _____________________________?
3) How many _____________________________?
4) How __________________________________?
5) How many __________________________________?
6) How many _____________________________?
7) How __________________________________?
8) How many __________________________________?
9) How ________________________________________?
10) How much ___________________________________?



QUANTIFIERS: A quantifier is a word or phrase which is used before a noun to indicate the amount
or quantity

Some common quantifiers that are used according to the type of noun: Countable and Non
Uncountable nouns Countable nouns Can be used with countable
and non countable.
A little A few Some
Little Few A Lot of
Very little Very few Any
Too much 2, 3 …
Not much Many
Too many

According to the webpage of TESOL,, a quantifier is a word (or phrase)

which indicates the number or amount being referred to. It generally comes before the noun (or
noun phrase). The chart below shows which type of noun goes with which quantifier.

The following table exemplifies the use of the quantifiers SOME, MUCH, MANY, A FEW, A LITTLE,
and ANY.


Quantifiers Countable Non Countable

Much -------------------------------------
How Much sugar do you
Many How many apples in a pie? -------------------------------------
A few I need a few apples -------------------------------------
A little ------------------------------------- I need a little salt
Some The recipe needs some apples The recipe needs some butter
Any It does not need any apples It does not need any butter
Use of quantifiers. Table No. by Marron 2016.

Writing Exercise: write your own nouns according to the quantifier

Quantifiers Countable Non Countable
Much ------------------------------------- How Much sugar do you
Many How many in a ? -------------------------------------
A few I need a few -------------------------------------
A little ------------------------------------- I need a little
Some The recipe needs some The recipe needs some
Any It does not need any It does not need any

Quantifiers Countable Non Countable

Much -------------------------------------
How Much sugar do you
Many How many in a ? -------------------------------------
A few I need a few -------------------------------------
A little ------------------------------------- I need a little
Some The recipe needs some The recipe needs some
Any It does not need any It does not need any
What is the difference between these two lists? Write a C if is countable and a U if is uncountable.
Also write how much or how many according to the noun.


Exercise: Complete with “some”, “any” in sentences

1) We need ______________ oranges.

2) You can’t buy ______________ cigarettes if you are a minor.
3) We don´t get ______________ lemons at the moment.
4) Adelle doesn´t have _______________ new song.
5) She always drinks ________________ sugar with her tea.
6) I don´t buy_________________ animal skin clothes.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

7) There aren’t _____________ books in my bag.

8) I have _____________ news for you.
9) There are _____________ dishes on the table.
10) Pam does not have _______________ pencils on her desk.

According to the webpage, we use any before nouns to refer to indefini-
te or unknown quantities or an unlimited entity:

Did you bring any bread?

Mr. Jacobson refused to answer any questions.

We use any for indefinite quantities in questions and negative sentences. We use some in
affirmative sentences:

Have you got any eggs?

I haven’t got any eggs.

I’ve got some eggs.

Not: I’ve got any eggs.

We use weak form any only with uncountable nouns or with plural nouns:

[talking about fuel for the car]

Do I need to get any petrol? (+ uncountable noun)

There aren’t any clean knives. They’re all in the dishwasher. (+ plural noun)

Retrieved from on April 8, 2016.

We can use some and any with countable nouns:

• I have some dollars.
• Do you need any batteries?

We can use a few and many with countable nouns:

• I need a few dollars.
• I don´t have many games.

We use any in interrogative sentences and also in negative sentences:

Do you have any problem? No. I don´t have any.

Is she in any problem? No, she isn´t


I don´t need any of your pity I don´t need any of this hate
She doesn´t want any of your money She doesn´t need any of that attention

Exercise: Complete each sentence with “some”, “any”.

1) Can you chop __________ of these tomatoes?

2) There are ____________ nails on the floor.
3) Does she eat salads? No, she doesn’t eat ___________.
4) We usually eat _____________ fruit every morning.
5) We don´t have time for ____________ excuse.
6) Is there _____________ cake left?
7) We don’t cook with__________ meat.
8) We have _____________ cereal, but there aren’t ___________ eggs.
9) I’m preparing _______________ steaks and burgers.
10) There is no milk and cream in the fridge. Go and buy ___________.

Exercise: Complete each sentence with “some”, “any”.

1) Can I keep ______________ of these magazines?

2) Are there _________ lions In Baja California?.
3) Students usually have fun without _____________ money.
4) Bring ______________ lemons if they are cheap.
5) Would you like____________ soda?
6) Is there _____________ free time to talk to you?
7) My father usually does ___________ charity work.
8) In this bus stop, ____________ buses run to downtown.
9) Mary never eats _____________ fish and sea food.
10) There isn´t _______________ sugar left.

Exercise: Complete each sentence with “a few” and “a little”.

1) Can you buy __________ tomatoes?

2) There are ____________ potatoes in the refrigerator.
3) Does she need money? Yes, she needs ___________ money.
4) I usually eat _____________ cream with my crepes.
5) We don´t have any money left even for ____________ chips.
6) Is there _____________ ice cream left?
7) Every Sunday we cook __________ steaks.
8) We have _____________ butter, but we need __________eggs.
9) I’m preparing _______________ burgers, just for us.
10) There is no salt and sugar in the house. Go and ask for ________ with your a

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Definite and Indefinite articles

The difference between definite articles and indefinite articles can be observed in the following two
Give me the chocolate chip cookie.
Give me a cookie, please.
Imagine a plate full of cookies. There are peanut butter cookies, sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies,
and one chocolate chip cookie.

The first sentence speaks of a particular (or definite) cookie:

Give me the chocolate chip cookie.

The second sentence speaks of any of a number of cookies (or an indefinite cookie):
Give me a cookie, please.

The difference between the definite and indefinite articles is the difference between talking about a
specific cookie, or any old cookie at all.
the cookie
a cookie

Indefinite article


The article A is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with consonant sounds.

• He is a teacher.
• She doesn’t own a car.
• I saw a bear at the zoo.


The article AN is used before singular, countable nouns which begin with vowel sounds.Examples:

• He is an actor.
• She didn’t get an invitation.
• I saw an eagle at the zoo.



Remember that A(AN) means “one” or “a single”. You cannot use A(AN) with plural nouns.Examples:

• I saw a bears in Yellowstone National Park. Not Correct

• I saw bears in Yellowstone National Park. Correct

I. Write the correct definite (the) or indefinite (a, an) article.

1. There’s _____ box over there.

2. I’ll take ______ apple to school with me.
3. We have _____ old computer downstairs.
4. We have ______ new computer upstairs.
5. They have _______ car.
6. I’m going the buy _______ newspaper.
7. Let’s go and have _______ nice meal.
8. I don’t know why they have _____ elephant in the garden.
9. There are _______ lot of people here today.
10. I need _________ egg, please.
11. That’s _______ really nice book.
12. That’s ________ easy exercise.

II. Fill in the blank with the appropriate article, a, an, or the, or leave the space blank if no
article is needed.

1. I want ____ apple from that basket.

2. ____ church on the corner is progressive.
3. Miss Lin speaks ____ Chinese.
4. I borrowed ____ pencil from your pile of pencils and pens.
5. One of the students said, “____ professor is late today.”
6. Eli likes to play ____ volleyball.
7. I bought ____ umbrella to go out in the rain.
8. My daughter is learning to play ____ violin at her school.
9. Please give me ____ cake that is on the counter.
10. I lived on ____ Main Street when I first came to town.
11. Albany is the capital of ____ New York State.
12. My husband’s family speaks ____ Polish.
13. ____ apple a day keeps the doctor away.
14. ____ ink in my pen is red.
15. Our neighbors have ____ cat and ____ dog.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


There is, there’s and there are

According to the website, we use there is and there are when we first
refer to the existence or presence of someone or something:

There’s a letter on your desk. Julia brought it from the mail room.
Not: It’s a letter on your desk.
There are three Japanese students in my class.

There is and there’s are both singular forms. We use there’s more commonly in informal
There is a new cafe in the centre of town which sells Indonesian food.
She’s very determined and there’s no chance she will change her mind.

There are is the plural form of there is and there’s:

There are two new buildings next to the school. They are both science buildings.

Retrieved from on April 8, 2016.


Singular Nouns: Plural Nouns:

There is a huge comet in the sky. There are many gardens with flowers in April
There´s a problem with your card There are many people addicted to gambling
There´s an art museum in my city There are like 25 museums in our state
There´s a need for bilingual people There are 200 parking spaces in my school
There´s a nice restaurant 2 blocks away There are 12 different restaurants in this street.

Using the pictures, please write sentences to describe them, using there is and there are.
Food Vocabulary
Describe the pictures:








Photos retrieved from: on May 2013.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Exercise . Choose the correct answer:

1. ............ a bed in the room.

There is There are Is there Are there

2. ........... an apple tree in the garden?

There is There are Is there Are there

3. .............. many cars in the street.

There is There are Is there Are there

4. ................ two chairs in the room?

There is There are Is there Are there

5. Susan, .............. a coffee maker in the kitchen?

There is There are Is there Are there

6. “Is there too much sugar in the coffee?” “No, there .......... too much.”
isn’t is aren’t are

7. ..... many boys and girls in the group.

There is There are Is there Are there

8. “Are there many TVs in the house?” “No, .............only one”

there isn’t there are there is aren’t

9. “Are there many trees in the park?” “Yes, .......... many.”

There is There are Is there Are there

10. .......... two little dogs in the portrait.

There is There are Is there Are there

11. ......... a little cat outside our classroom?

There is There are Is there Are there

12. “Is there a ghost here?” “No, ............. “
there aren’t there is there are there isn’t

13. “Is there a car in the office?” “No, ......... .”

there aren’t there is there are there isn’t

14. ......... a nice restaurant in this little town.

There is There are Is there Are there

15. In Chicago ...........a lot of skyscrapers.

There is There are Is there Are there


16. “Is there any mayonnaise?” “No, .............”
There isn´t There aren´t Is there Are there

17. ........... many gifts in your life.

There is There are Is there Are there

18. .......... some tomatoes in the salad?

There is There are Is there Are there

19. ........ a lot of paintings in the museum?

There is There are Is there Are there

20. ........... a little trick in the game?

There is There are Is there Are there

21. Is there any issue in the deal? No, ................
There isn´t There aren´t Is there Are there

22. “Are there any hurt people?” “Yes, ........... only one”
There is There are Is there Are there

23. David, ....... any food left?

There is There are Is there Are there

24. Maria, ......... any problem in the office?

There is There are Is there Are there

25. “Are there frauds in Facebook?” “Yes, .........”

There is There are Is there Are there

26. In this website............ some important information.

There is There are Is there Are there

27. This month ........ many holidays to celebrate.

There is There are Is there Are there

28. Sam, .... any garbage bags at home?

There is There are Is there Are there

29. “Are there six available rooms in the hotel?” “No, ............ only five”
There is There are Is there Are there

30. “Is there any available room in the hotel?” “No, ............ ”
There isn´t There aren´t Is there Are there

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


Learning activity No. 2: Team work and oral skills. Let´s have a party!

1. You’re going to host a party for your best friend and you should organize the menu according to
your friend preferences. What do you need to buy for the party? How do you ask your partner
what they need for the party? Everyone should describe the items that are needed.

2. Explain what you need to organize a party and use the expression (“There is / There are “ ) and
write 10 sentences about what there is not on the list, and other 10 items you already have.

3. Make a list of all the needed groceries and things for a party based in the things in your refrige-
rator, kitchens cabinets and money budget.

4. Discuss the place or the house or when the party will be held. If it is a pool party, a theme party,
a birthday party, etc. Discuss if you have to rent the place or who is going to be responsible for
cleaning, before and after the party.

5. Discuss about how you are going to collect the money.

6. Write a dialogue in which you and your friend agree about what to buy or get at the supermarket.

7. In class, you have to describe all the party details: the guest list, the menu, the activities, the
music, etc. and what they will need.

8. The teacher will mentor the activity, providing help to students when necessary.

9. This activity must be included in the portfolio of evidence.


Obesity is the world´s health issue. Eating right and just enough is the wisest choice a human must
follow every day. How healthy is your eating style? How much sugar do you consume daily? How
many vegetables and fruits do you eat per day? Is your food enough green? How much salt and
fat do you eat?


The following table is from the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion from US:

Table No. from retrieved on April 12, 2016.


Write your own menu following the pyramid from the last page, and using as example the menu that
is taken from the webpage

Write a balanced diet. You should include 3 meals and 2 healthy snacks during the day including:
Grains, cereals; vegetables, fruits, milk and meat and beans.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Table No. retrieved on April 13, 2016 from



Learning Activities: Project 20 % Grade. Portfolio of evidence

Project No. 1 Presenting your own menu.

Discuss about your own preferences in food; you are going to prepare your own menu based in all
the information that you have learned. Make up a poster with images taken from magazines and
glue them. Be very creative.

Present it to the class in 2 minutes. First write your own menu for 3 days using this table:

Meal Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Breakfast: 6-8 am 1.- 1.- 1.-
2.- 2.- 2.-
3.- 3.- 3.-
4.- 4.- 4.-
Snack: 10-11 am 1.- 1.- 1.-
2.- 2.- 2.-
3.- 3.- 3.-
4.- 4.- 4.-
Lunch: 12-2 pm 1.- 1.- 1.-
2.- 2.- 2.-
3.- 3.- 3.-
4.- 4.- 4.-
Mid afternoon snack: 1.- 1.- 1.-
3-5 pm
2.- 2.- 2.-
3.- 3.- 3.-
4.- 4.- 4.-
Dinner: 6-8pm 1.- 1.- 1.-
2.- 2.- 2.-
3.- 3.- 3.-
4.- 4.- 4.-

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre

Project No. 2. Preparing a traditional dish.

In 3-4 people teams, choose with your classmates about a traditional dish or famous dish from
any country. You have to research for the recipe, the ingredients and the instructions about how is
prepared or made.

Research in the internet and bring to the class the recipe that includes the ingredients and the ins-
tructions about how is prepared or made.

1. Work with your team in order to buy or get all the ingredients needed.
2. Organize your team to prepare the dish at home.
3. Describe it to your classmates, be sure in using the right pronouns and plural forms.
4. Your classmates must ask one question at least before try the dish.
5. Take notes and participates on the oral presentations by your classmates.
6. The team has to dress as the country, region or culture, bring to class flags and decorations
according to the region.
7. Use the rubric and the co–evaluation as reference for the oral presentation.
8. The whole team must participate and describe orally how the food is made.
9. Use the rubric and the co–evaluation as reference for the oral presentation.


Inglés I Unit IV. I am able to talk about measurements and quantities.

 Diagnóstica  Formativa  Sumativa  Apertura
Tipo de
 Autoevaluación  Coevaluación Momento:  Desarrollo
 Heteroevaluación  Cierre
Trabajo:  Individual  Binas  Equipo Fecha: Grupo:


CATEGORY (0.4) (0.3) GOOD (0.2) FAIR (0.1) NEEDS (0) NON
VISUAL Visual aids support Visual aids Visual aids are Visual aids Non Included
AIDS the theme and have little little related to are hard to
have proper size support for the the theme, have understand and/
and color for the theme. Have no proper size or are not related
audience. proper size and and color for the to the theme;
color for the audience. size and color
audience. have difficult
GRAMMAR Uses appropriate Uses His or her The mistakes and Speaks Spanish
vocabulary without appropriate grammar grammar errors
any grammar vocabulary with presents are evident and
mistakes. His or few grammar mistakes but communication is
her sentences are mistakes. he or she not accomplished.
according to the communicates.
learning objects.
PRONUNCIATION Excellent Pronounces Pronounces The Only Read/
pronunciation. fairly well. with errors or pronunciation is Speaks Spanish
is not poor and unclear.
from time to
FLUENCY Is able to Is able to Is able to Is not able to Only Read/
communicate ideas communicate express ideas, communicate Speaks Spanish
in an excellent fluently, with stopping to ideas, mixing both
manner, without just some recall words. languages.
hesitation. hesitations.
PROJECT. ESSAY Turns in on time, Turns in on Turn in but Poor quality, Not Delivered
OR WRITTEN TEXT with an excellent time, according missing some missing most of
quality according to to the requirements. the requirements.
the requirements. requirements.

COMPETENCIA GENÉRICA 4: Escucha, interpreta y emite mensajes pertinentes en distintos

contextos, mediante la utilización de medios, códigos y herramientas apropiados.
4 Siempre / 3 Casi siempre/ 2 Algunas veces/ 1 Casi nunca/
Competente En proceso En proceso Fase Inicial
(Avanzado) (Básico)

COMPETENCIA GENÉRICA 10: Mantiene una actitud respetuosa hacia la interculturalidad y la

diversidad de creencias, valores, ideas y prácticas sociales.

4 Siempre / 3 Casi siempre/ 2 Algunas veces/ 1 Casi nunca/

Competente En proceso En proceso Fase Inicial
(Avanzado) (Básico)

Rúbrica aprobada en academia estatal en la ciudad de Tijuana en agosto 2015.

Formación Básica - Primer Semestre


1. Effective English. Fraier Jacob. Silver Burdett Company. 1979.

2. Marrón Canseco Alba Rosario. Cuaderno de Texto. Lengua Adicional al Español III.
COBACH. 2001.México.
3. Steven J. Molinsky, Bill Bliss, Side by Side Book 1. Activity Book. Pearson Education.

Windows images, 2016, retrieved on March 3, 2016.

TESOL Direct Ltd, 2015. retrieved from on March 18, 2016.
EnglishClub, 1997-2016,, retrieved on March 18, 2016.
Cambridge University Press 2016 retrieved from from on April 8, 2016.
Publitek, Inc. dba Fotosearch retrieved from on May 2013.
USDA.GOV retrieved from retrieved on April 12, 2016.
retrieved on April 13, 2016.
USDA.GOV retrieved from


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