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I. Choose the phrase(s) that best complete the empty spaces:

1. He introduced me to … of the artists present at the exhibition.

a. many b. each c. a large amount d. some
2. In her test paper, she managed to write … correct sentences.
a. many b. a lot of c. several d. a great deal of
3. My best friend was in trouble and asked me to give him … advice.
a. an b. a little c. some d. many
4. I don’t quite agree to the fact that your children eat … chocolate.
a. a lot of b. many c. a large number of d. a great deal of
5. Jane bought … Christmas presents for her family last year.
a. plenty of b. lots of c. few d. a huge amount of
6. If you don’t have … information on the topic, you may consult the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
a. an b. much c. any d. many
7. There is … money on the table. Is it yours?
a. some b. a few c. a little d. many
8. She always seems to have … homework to do.
a. many b. much c. plenty of d. a

II. Translate into English:

1. Trebuie să obţinem orice informaţie care ne-ar putea ajuta în încercarea noastră. 2. Am plecat cu prea multe
bagaje şi acum trebuie să le car singur. 3. Avem nevoie de un binoclu şi o busolă. 4. Mă tem că nu te pot ajuta.
Am puţine cunoştinţe în acest domeniu. 5. Singurul sfat pe care mi l-a dat a fost să merg mai departe. 6. Poliţia
nu a făcut încă nici o arestare în acest caz. 7. Ştirile pe care le-am primit până acum sunt extrem de interesante.
8. Unde sunt banii Mariei? Nu sunt în sertarul unde îi ţine de obicei. 9. Care din cele două bagaje e mai greu: al
tău sau al mamei tale? 10. Fiecare ştire despre activitatea voastră este binevenită. 11. În general, preoţimea se
opune fertilizării in vitro. 12. Mi-am spălat salopeta fiindcă era foarte murdară.

III. In the following fragment, there are some nouns that should be in the plural, but are not. Change the
text where appropriate:

When I realized that I wanted to be a star, I left home and I tried to find lodging in the capital. I finally got a
place, but it was on the outskirt of the city. The owner did not live on the premise, so there was no-one to
disturb with my music. The acoustic in the basement was excellent, so I used to practise there. The problem
was that I made so much noise that I almost shook the foundation! Unfortunately, when I went to the
headquarter of the Musicians’ Union, somebody there told me that I didn’t have a good enough look to be
famous. So that was the end of my dream!

IV. Correct any errors in these sentences:

1. My reading glasses is somewhere in the bedroom, but I just can’t find it. 2. In the south of the country,
houses are generally made of stones, but here, bricks are more common. 3. This pair of binoculars have been in
this drawer for a long time. 4. What you have just told me is a really good advice. 5. They had such a terrible
weather that they had to give up the idea of living in a tent and got an accommodation in the town. 6. He has a
great deal of experiences in dealing with such problems. 7. Although my knowledge in this area are quite poor,
I like antique furnitures. 8. The scissors in grandmother’s sewing box needs sharpening. 9. I have made great
progresses with my researches these days. 10. I think that the bathroom scales is out of order. It indicates my
weight at a different value every time.

V. Use the appropriate specific quantifier in each case:

1. We had an excellent … of warm weather at the seaside last summer. 2. An unexpected … of rain prevented
us from leaving the supermarket for ten minutes. 3. A … of wind turned Mary’s old umbrella inside out. 4. The
children got scared when a … of lightning lit up the sky. 5. They got even more scared when it was followed
by a loud … of thunder. 6. I’ve just felt a … of rain on my nose. I think we should go home.

1. I don’t feel very well. I must go out for a … of fresh air. 2. During the fire, there was a huge … of smoke
hanging over the district. 3. While he was watching me, he was blowing little … of smoke out of a cigarette. 4.
I saw a very interesting insect on a … of grass. 5. There is a problem with my left eye. I think I’ve got a … of
dust in it.

1. I would like to buy a … of bread, one … of soap and two … of chocolate. 2. All that he says should be taken
with a … of salt. 3. How many … of sugar do you take in your tea? 4. Put a few … of rice in a bowl. 5. Have
at least one … of meat and one … of cake!

1. This … of land is suitable for a garden. 2. She is tired because she didn’t get a … of sleep last night. 3. He
was late because, just before he was about to leave, his wife developed a serious … of nerves. 4. She was a
skinny, tall girl, with a … of red hair. 5. Until they open the new … of motorway, the traffic will be heavy here.
6. Don’t wait too long! Call me at the slightest … of trouble! 7. Your idea was a … of genius! And it was a …
of luck that you were able to put it to practice! 8. I have never seen you in such a … of temper before.

VI. Fill in the blanks with one of the words below in order to refer to small quantities:
wisp rasher crumb scrap pat/nut dab ear sip morsel lock/strand beam

1. I wrote the address down on a … of paper that I found in my purse.

2. Could I have a … of your tea? I just want to see how it tastes.
3. I like your painting, but, if I were you, I would add a … of yellow here.
4. While searching in a drawer, I found a … of hair from the time I was a little girl.
5. I think you should add a … of butter and a pinch of salt to the mixture.
6. Moodily, he was making ramparts with the … of bread on the table.
7. In the … of light from his torch, John saw a girl lying on the floor.
8. The tiny … of smoke coming out from the chimney indicated that there was someone living in the old
9. I’m very hungry, because I had only some … of food this morning.
10. All my guests admire the … of wheat that I keep in a vase.
11. Could I have a … of bacon on a … of bread?
12. How many … of sugar do you take in your coffee?

VII. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. The new sentences will contain common
phrases with invariable nouns.

1. He goes jogging every morning, no matter if it is raining, snowing or bright sunshine. weathers
2. Although immoral, lying may be necessary sometimes. evil
3. The money they made with the concert is going to the children’s fund. proceeds
4. Once the models are no longer so good looking, their career comes to an end. looks
5. He proved that he knew the situation very well. knowledge
6. There is little chance of finding someone who can lend us that money. odds
7. She hoped that she would feel better after she had slept for some time. sleep
8. She got on very well with her boss. terms

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