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NSST Student Tracking System - Data Entry Section


  The University of Arizona   (Acct #8183) Hitchcock, Rebecca is logged in.  

  Case ID #: 1476-20171002-001   (Status: Approved) Date of Service: 10/2/2017 
Student Information
Semester: Spring 2017
Course: NURS 471
Preceptor: Markovich, Susan
Clinical Site: Psychiatric [Other-Urban]
Patient Demographics
Group Encounter
Clinical Information
Time with Patient: 1 minutes
Consult with Preceptor:
Procedures/Skills (Other/Clinical/SILC)  (Critical in Bold)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Alcohol Withdrawal-CIWA (SILC)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Mental Health/Psych Assessment (Clin)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Mini Mental Status Exam (Clin)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Opiate Wihtdrawal Assessment (SILC)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Pain (SILC)
NURS 471 - Assessment: Vital Signs (SILC)
NURS 471 - Body Mechanics: Ambulation With Assistive Devices (SILC)
NURS 471 - Body Mechanics: Wheelchair (SILC)
NURS 471 - Communication: Documentation (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Intra/Interprofessional (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Nursing Process (Clin)
NURS 471 - Communication: Therapeutic (Clin)
NURS 471 - Hygiene/Infection: Hand Washing (Clin)
NURS 471 - Hygiene/Infection: Standard Precautions (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Environmental Assessment (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Fall Risk (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: ID Band (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Restraints (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Risk for Suicide (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Risk for Violence (Clin)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Seizure Precautions (SILC)
NURS 471 - Safety/Risk Reduction: Side Rails (SILC)
NURS 471 - Specimen Collection: FSBS (Clin)
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