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SAE: Social Analytic Engine for Large Networks

Yang Yang, Jianfei Wang, Yutao Zhang, Wei Chen, Jing Zhang, Honglei Zhuang,
Zhilin Yang, Bo Ma, Zhanpeng Fang, Sen Wu, Xiaoxiao Li, Debing Liu, and Jie Tang
Deparment of Computer Science and Technology, Tsinghua University
{y-yang-11, jf-wang12},

ABSTRACT nities. For example, SNAP1 is general purpose network

Online social networks become a bridge to connect our phys- analysis and graph mining library. It is mainly designed for
ical daily life and the virtual Web space, which not only static network and provides several general analytic tools.
provides rich data for mining, but also brings many new GraphChi2 aims to bring web-scale graph computation avail-
challenges. In this paper, we present a novel Social Analytic able on a modern laptop. It supports running very large
Engine (SAE) for large online social networks. The key is- graph computations on single machine, using parallel tech-
sues we pursue in the analytic engine are concerned with niques. If has focused on computation over graphs, but can-
the following problems: 1) at the micro-level, how do people not be directly applied to social networks. For example it
form different types of social ties and how people influence ignores several important factors underlying the social net-
each other? 2) at the meso-level, how do people group into works such as social influence, social status, and structural
communities? 3) at the macro-level, what are the hottest hole.
topics in a social network and how the topics evolve over In this paper, we propose an Social Analytic Engine (SAE)
time? for analyzing and mining large social network. Figure 1
We propose methods to address the above questions. The shows the architecture of SAE. The cornerstone of the ana-
methods are general and can be applied to various social lytic engine is a distributed graph database, which provides
networking data. We have deployed and validated the pro- storage for the networking data. On the top of the database,
posed analytic engine over multiple different networks and there are three core components: network integration, social
validated the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed network analysis, and distributed machine learning.
methods. The network integration component supports to inte-
grate entities extracted from different networks. For ex-
ample, in academia, an author may have profile pages on
Categories and Subject Descriptors Google Scholar, AMiner, and LinkedIn, but with different
J.4 [Social and Behavioral Sciences]: Miscellaneous; accounts. Automatically recognizing and integrating those
H.2.8 [Database Management]: Data Mining profile pages can benefit many application such as expert
finding and influence analysis.
The social network analysis component is our major tech-
General Terms nical contribution. It first provides basic analyses for net-
Algorithms, Design work characteristics, including macro-level properties such
as density, diameter, degree distribution, community par-
tition, and also micro-level properties such as centrality,
Keywords homophily, reciprocity, prestige, and reachability for spe-
Social analytic engine; Social influence; Social network cific nodes. Moreover, we have designed and implemented
several novel technologies for social influence analysis [2, 6,
12], structural hole spanner detection [3], and social tie min-
1. INTRODUCTION ing [1, 5, 9, 10, 11]. More specifically, social influence aims to
The rapid proliferation of online social networks provides quantify the influential strength between users from differ-
rich data for us to understand the complex mechanism that ent angles (topics) in a large social network. Structural hole
governs the dynamics of social networks. This has attracted spanner detection tries to recognize structural hole spanners
much attention from both academic and industrial commu- who control the information flow in the social network. So-
cial tie mining tries to reveal fundamental factors that form
the different types of social relationships.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or We have also developed a distributed machine learning
classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed component, which supports to incorporate various social-
for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full cita- based factors derived from the above social network anal-
tion on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than ysis component into machine learning models. Employing
ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or re- factor graph model as the example, we demonstrated that
publish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission
and/or a fee. Request permissions from 1
KDD’13, August 11–14, 2013, Chicago, Illinois, USA.
Copyright 2013 ACM 978-1-4503-2174-7/13/08 ...$15.00.
Integrated Entity Search Social Influence Analysis Topic Evolution Analysis

1) Influence strength of an individual at each time.

2) Individuals who influence each other on a specific

Task 2. How to measure the influence strength from an

individual to another on a specific topic 1) Node represents a topic and links denote
the topic flow.
2) Documents and organizations in each
network relevant to the selected topic.
1) Information of a chosen individual in
3) A selected topic and its flow path will be
different online social networks.

Task 1. How to integrate multiple networks Task 3. How to track he evolution of a topic
W eb Applications

Social Network Analysis Distributed Machine Learning

Framework Social Analytic Framework
Social Influence Analysis Scocial Network Platform
Distributed Machine
Analysis Probabilistic Topic Model

Social Influence Analysis Distributed

Statistical Topic Model
Computation Engine

Social Tie Analysis

Information Diffusion Factor Graph Model

1) Existence test of social influence Analysis
2) Quantitative measure
3) Influence applications Distributed topic model used to extract
hidden topics from textural materials of
Graph Database a social network
Social Tie Analysis
Data Cleaning Data Integration
Entity Extraction
Factor Graph Model
Distributed Graph Storage h (y12, y21) y21

PLP-FGM y34=? y34=?

y12 g (y45, y34) y34
g (y12, y34)

Input: Social Network
g (y12,y45)
v3 f(x2,x1,y21)
v4 f(x1,x2,y12)
Structure Hole Spanners f(x3,x4,y34)

Heterogeneous f(x4,x5,y45)
Networks v2
r12 r34 r34

r21 r45
1) Driving force of social tie formation relationships

2) Inferring type of social ties

Distributed factor graph incorporates

the social analysis results for modeling
1) Discover structural hole spanner and predicting the dynamics in the
2) Modeling effect of structural hole social network
on information diffusion

Figure 1: Architecture. We propose an Social Analytic Engine (SAE, for mining
large networks. SAE consists of several major components: a graph database, which provides data storage
and indexing; a distributed computation engine; a social network analysis component; and a distributed
machine learning component.
are respectively the set of corresponding variables {x} and
Table 1: Several typical social networks. #Mes-
{y}), and then apply the trained model to identify the other
sages indicates the number of messages/articles associ-
linked pairs.
ated with the users in the corresponding network.
We have conducted an experiment on Google Scholar,
Data set #Users #Relationships #Messages AMiner, LinkedIn, and VideoLecture. With the proposed
Co-Author 1,629,217 2,623,832 2,174,141 method, we have accurately integrated more than 10,000
Twitter[1,3] 112,044 468,238 2,409,768 researchers from the four networks.
Patent[7,11] 190,000 32,000,000 4,000,000 Based on the integrated results, we propose a propagation-
based entity ranking algorithm. Given a query q, the idea
Weibo[3] 1,787,443 423,347,905 1,038,775,431
is to leverage both textual and network information to cal-
Slashdot[5,9] 93,133 964,562 8,714,700 culate a relevance score r[v] for each entity v ∈ V .
Email[5,9] 151 3,572 136,329 More specifically, the method has two stages: in the first
Mobile[5,9] 106 5,436 16,807 stage, we calculate the relevance score of an entity to the
query q by utilizing language model; in the second stage, we
select the top-ranked entities as candidates and construct
by incorporating social theory based features into the factor a heterogeneous subgraph. We revise the relevance score
graph model, the performance of inferring social tie [5] can of candidates by propagating the score between the linked
be significantly improved. entities in the subgraph. The intuition behind the second
The proposed social analytic engine has many real appli- stage is, a document written by the user with higher exper-
cations. We will use integrated entity search, social influ- tise degrees on a topic (query) is more likely to have a higher
ence analysis, and topic evolution analysis as the example relevance (or impact), an organization owns higher quality
to demonstrate the power of the analytic engine. documents and senior/active users should be ranked higher,
and a user who writes documents with higher impact should
be ranked higher. We perform the score propagation as fol-
2. CORE TECHNOLOGIES lows (here we use an organization vertex c as the example):
Let us begin with the social networking data we are study-
ing in the analytic engine. Table 1 lists statistics of several ξ1 X k ξ2 X k
typical social networks. Co-Author is an academic network r k+1 [c] = (1−ξ1 −ξ2 )r k [c]+ r [a]+ c r [d]
|Vac | c
|V d| c
consisting of authors and collaborative relationships between d∈Va d∈Vd

authors. Twitter is a subnetwork crawled using the snowball k

sampling method. Patent is a heterogeneous network con- where r [c] is the ranking score of organization c after the
k-step propagation; Vac denotes a set of users related to orga-
sisting of companies, inventors, and patent full text, derived
nization c and Vdc denotes a set of documents owned by orga-
from a patent database. Weibo is a Twitter like microblog-
nization c; ξ1 and ξ2 are two parameters to control the prop-
ging network.3 Slashdot is a network of friends and foes.
agation. The number of propagation steps reflects how we
Email is a network derived from the Enron data set, and
Mobile is a location based network of mobile users. trust the network information. Setting k = 0 indicates that
We then use three scenarios to introduce the core tech- we only use the content information, while setting k = ∞
indicates that we only trust the network information, thus
nologies in SAE: Integrated Entity Search, Social Influence
the algorithm obtains a result similar to that of PageRank
Analysis, and Topic Evolution Analysis.
[4] on the heterogeneous network.
2.1 Integrated Entity Search
2.2 Social Influence Analysis
Given a query, finding the most relevant entities (e.g.,
opinion leaders, authors, and companies) in a network is an Social influence occurs when one’s opinions, emotions, or
important task for social network analysis. The problem behaviors are affected by others. It is widely viewed as a
has been referred to as entity search or expert finding (when fundamental force that governs the dynamics of social net-
searching for people). However, traditional research ignores works. In SAE, we provide a unique feature to estimate
one fact: a user may have multiple different accounts in users’ topic-based influence. As the example given in Fig-
different networks. For example, in the academia, a user ure 1, Quoc Le is identified as one of the major influencees
may have profile pages in Google Scholar, and AMiner and of Prof. Andrew Ng.
LinkedIn. The input of this problem is a social network G = (V, E),
Automatically connecting the entities from different net- and a T -dimensional topic distribution θv ∈ RT associ-
works can significantly help rank the entities. We first pro- ated with each vertex (user) in G. Each element θvz is the
pose a network integration method. The basic idea is that probability
P z (importance) of the user on topic z, satisfying
the same entity in different networks would have the same z θv = 1. The topic distribution is obtained by topic
social circles. To implement the method, given two input modeling methodologies in the distributed machine learn-
networks, we first identify potential candidate pairs using ing component of SAE. The goal of social influence analysis
heuristics. We then construct a pairwise factor graph by is to derive the topic-level social influence based on the in-
viewing each candidate pair as an observation variable x put network and topic distribution on each user. Formally,
and associate each pair with a binary variable y to indicate social influence from user v to v ′ denoted as µzvv′ is a nu-
whether the pair represent the same entity. We use a small merical weight associated with the edge evv′ and topic z.
labeled data set to train the factor graph model by maximiz- In most cases, the social influence score is asymmetric, i.e.,
ing the log-likelihood objective function P (Y |X) (Y and X µzvv′ 6= µzv′ v , and the social influence from user v to v ′ will
vary on different topics.
P We also define one’s global influence
3 strength as µv = v′ ,z µzv,v′ .
To quantify the influence between users, it is necessary to search, social influence analysis, and topic evolution anal-
consider both user-specific topic distribution and the net- ysis. The engine also provides many other social network
work structure. We employ a unified approach to utilize analysis tools such as kernel community detection, struc-
both the local attributes (topic distribution) and the global tural hole spanner detection, and user behavior modeling.
structure (network information) for social influence analy- We deploy the SAE engine over a number of different genres
sis. The algorithm is called as TAP (topical affinity prop- of data sets and our studies validate the effectiveness and
agation) [6]. The main idea is to perform affinity propa- efficiency of the proposed social analytic engine.
gation at topic-level for social influence identification. The
approach is based on a factor graph model, in which the Acknowledgements. The work is supported by the
observation data are cohesive on both local attributes and Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 61222212, No.
relationships. To calculate the influence in different periods, 61073073, No. 61170061), Chinese National Key Founda-
we execute the proposed method on networks at each time tion Research (No. 60933013, No.61035004), and a research
point respectively. fund supported by Huawei Inc.

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In this paper, we present the Social Analytic Engine
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