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Weight Training 1

Weight training
Research paper
Alex Le
Career Education 12
Mr. Koshman
Weight Training 2

“Weight training is a form of exercise for developing the strength and size of skeletal

muscles. It is a common type of resistance training, which is one form of strength training.

Properly performed, weight training can provide significant functional benefits and improvement

in overall health and well-being”. I will be researching those two lifts and learning how to do it

the most beneficial way. Also, how to do it safely and prevent long term injuries. I’ve learned a

lot about weight lifting and that these two lifts are the most popular dynamic lifts so that’s the

reason why I chose these lifts.

“Training for strength is the most important and effective exercise that you can do, and

virtually everyone, from teenagers to the elderly, can and should engage in it regularly. It’s

important for the gaining and maintenance of muscle mass, one of the most underrated factors in

health, which maintains insulin sensitivity, prevents heart disease and cancer, and keeps older

people from losing muscle mass (sarcopenia) and descending into frailty and dependence.”

Anyone beginning an intensive physical training program is typically advised to consult a

physiotherapist, because of possible undetected heart or other conditions for which such activity

is contraindicated.

Exercises like the bench press or the squat in which a failed lift can potentially result in the

lifter becoming trapped under the weight are normally performed inside a power rack or in the

presence of one or more spotters, who can safely re-rack the barbell if the weight trainer is

unable to do so. Also, the risk of injury is very high if you don’t perform proper technique.
Weight Training 3

“Weight training is a safe form of exercise when the movements are controlled and carefully

defined. However, as with any form of exercise, improper execution and the failure to take

appropriate precautions can result in injury.”

Knowing what you’re doing while weight lifting is important because it can prevent you from

getting hurt and long term injuries. Also, it’s good to know what you’re doing because it will be

a lot more beneficial to you and you wouldn’t have to waste time doing the wrong things.

“Weight lifting, resistance training, muscle strengthening, or strength training are all common

terms used to describe types of exercise that help build lean body mass. These types of activities

provide additional benefits not found with aerobic activity. The main focus though, is weight

lifting and the benefits of weight lifting include increased bone density and muscular strength.

Muscle-strengthening activities can also help maintain muscle mass which is especially

important when you are on a weight-loss program or if you are trying to gain strength.”

“The genealogy of lifting can be traced back to the beginning of history where humanity's

fascination with physical abilities can be found among numerous ancient writings. Progressive

resistance training dates back at least to Ancient Greece, when legend has it that wrestler Milo of

Croton trained by carrying a newborn calf on his back every day until it was fully grown.

Another Greek, the physician Galen, described strength training exercises using the halters (an

early form of dumbbell) in the 2nd century.”

“Ancient Greek sculptures also depict lifting feats. The weights were generally stones, but

later gave way to dumbbells. The dumbbell was joined by the barbell in the late half of the 19th

century. Early barbells had hollow globes that could be filled with sand or lead shot, but by the

end of the century these were replaced by the plate-loading barbell commonly used today.”
Weight Training 4

Even back from the ancient times weight training was being used to become strong and gain a

physical muscular look.

“The 1960s saw the gradual introduction of exercise machines into the still-rare strength

training gyms of the time. Weight training became increasingly popular in the 1970s, following

the release of the bodybuilding movie Pumping Iron, and the subsequent popularity of Arnold

Schwarzenegger. Since the late 1990s increasing numbers of women have taken up weight

training, influenced by programs like Body for Life; currently nearly one in five U.S. women

engage in weight training on a regular basis.

“Breathing shallowly or holding one's breathe while working out limits the oxygen supply to

the muscles and the brain, decreasing performance and, under extreme stress, risking a black-out

or a stroke by aneurysm. Most trainers advise weight trainees to consciously "exhale on effort"

and to inhale when lowering the weight. This technique ensures that the trainee breathes through

the most difficult part of the exercise, where one would reflexively hold one's breathe.

As with other sports, weight trainers should avoid dehydration throughout the workout by

drinking sufficient water. This is particularly true in hot environments, or for those older than 65.

“Some athletic trainers advise athletes to drink about 7 imperial fluid ounces (200 mL) every 15

minutes while exercising, and about 80 imperial fluid ounces (2.3 L) throughout the day.”

“However, a much more accurate determination of how much fluid is necessary can be made

by performing appropriate weight measurements before and after a typical exercise session, to

determine how much fluid is lost during the workout. The greatest source of fluid loss during

exercise is through perspiration, but as long as your fluid intake is roughly equivalent to your

rate of perspiration, hydration levels will be maintained.”

Weight Training 5

Under most circumstances, sports drinks do not offer a physiological benefit over water

during weight training. However, high-intensity exercise for a continuous duration of at least one

hour may require the replenishment of electrolytes which a sports drink may provide. Some may

maintain that energy drinks, such as Red Bull that contain caffeine, improve performance in

weight training and other physical exercise, but in fact, these energy drinks can cause

dehydration, tremors, heat stroke, and heart attack when consumed in excess. 'Sports drinks' that

contain simple carbohydrates & water do not cause ill effects, but are most likely unnecessary for

the average trainee.

If you decide to weight train, you should have a strong determination and a good reason why.

Weight training is hard and if you don’t have good motivation to keep you going, you won’t be

doing it for long and you won’t get the result you hope for. For example, people do it because

they want a nice, muscular body, or it’s simply to get stronger for either sports or just in general.

Stuff like listening to music while working out, working out with a friend, competition, or even

to impress someone is a great way to keep you motivated. Weight training is not easy otherwise

everyone would be doing it, but it’s definitely not impossible!

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