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Revista Brasileira de Farmacognosia

Brazilian Journal of Pharmacognosy

The academic plagiarism and its punishments 21(3): 365-372, May./Jun. 2011

- a review
Roberto G. S. Berlinck

Instituto de Química de São Carlos, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil.

Abstract: Currently there is an increase in the occurrence of plagiarism in varied types of

academic texts. Therefore, in agreement with the Brazilian Coordination of Improvement
of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) policies, Brazilian higher education institutions
should establish guidelines for the detection and inhibition of academic plagiarism.
Received 8 Apr 2011
However, the notion of plagiarism is extremely complex, since the ability of textual
Accepted 6 May 2011
construction acquired during education is also developed using others’ words. Thus, it Available online 10 Jun 2011
is necessary to better know the concept of plagiarism and its implications, as well as the
consequences of plagiarism and the punishments that may result from it. Consequently,
rules and policies to be established will be better founded in order to address the problem Keywords:
of plagiarism in academic texts in a comprehensive and consistent way, not only to authorship
inhibit plagiarism but also to promote education on how is possible to create texts in an intertextuality
original fashion. plagiarism
textual construction

ISSN 0102-695X
doi: 10.1590/S0102-695X2011005000099

Introduction (Anonymous, 2009b; Bottmann, 2011; Rodrigues,

2008), but obviously is not restricted to Brazil (Butler,
In a recent statement to the academic 2010). Considering these facts, the CAPES’ guideline
community, the Brazilian Coordination of Higher is relevant and imperative. However, plagiarism is only
Education Personnel (CAPES) recommended that higher a small fraction of fraudulent practices, such as copies,
education institutions should promote awareness inadequate referencing, citation of texts fragments, and
about plagiarism when documents such as theses, even cheating when screening tests, activities reports
monographs, articles and other texts that characterize and many other documents are written in the context of
the formulation of new concepts (CAPES, 2011). The academic activities.
CAPES statement is welcome and extremely important, The purpose of this article is to review ways
considering the general increasing occurrence of of plagiarism in the preparation of texts, as well as
plagiarism (Anonymous, 2011). Plagiarism has come to the reasons why we observe plagiarism, punishment
occupy a greater space in society, probably due to the approaches that are adopted when plagiarism is
access to electronic documents. For example, chemistry discovered as well as the promotion of initiatives that
articles originally published in a peer-reviewed journal result in the prevention of plagiarism and other forms
(Kuchler & Silva, 1999; Dallago et al., 2005) have been of inappropriate text writing.
later reported as copied into another journal (Garcia,
2009). Copies of dissertations and doctoral theses were Definitions of plagiarism
notified in the Jornal da Ciência (Anonymous, 2009a).
Also, a prosecutor of the Federal District admitted Although some dictionaries treat the etymology
having copied fragments of another previously of the word plagiarism as coming from the Latin,
presented dissertation at the University of São Paulo plagiarius (hijacker), Skandalakis & Mirilas (2004)
(Stanisci, 2011). Another case of plagiarism between argue that the word originated from the Greek plagios
colleagues at the Institute of Physics, University of (obliquity, in the sense that whom presents a skewed
São Paulo has also been reported in the media (Garcia, moral). According to the Ethics Committee of Editors
2008). Previous cases such as these are also common, of the British Journal of Surgery, "[...] Plagiarism
and illustrate how the practice of plagiarism may be ranges from the unreferenced use of others’ published
widespread both in Brazilian academia and society and unpublished ideas, including research grant

The academic plagiarism and its punishments - a review
Roberto G. S. Berlinck

applications to submission under “new” authorship of particular text presents ideas that appear to be of wide
a complete paper, sometimes in a different language. It acceptation and occurrence, it seems questionable to
may occur at any stage of planning, research, writing, or assign ownership of these ideas to the author of that
publication: It applies to print and electronic versions” text. Thus, Pennycook (1996) is favorably inclined
(Skandalakis & Mirilas, 2004). Maurer et al. (2006) list to the Kearney’s concept (mentioned in Pennycook,
the following activities that result in plagiarism: 1996) that the notion of "author" came in a moment
“a) turning in someone else's work as your of individualization in the history of ideas, knowledge,
own; b) copying words or ideas from someone literature, philosophy and science. And, therefore,
else without giving credit; c) failing to put a the preparation of texts began to be directly related
quotation in quotation marks; d) giving incorrect to the notion of individual ownership, which in turn
information about the source of a quotation; established notions of authorship, giving rise to new
e) changing words but copying the sentence and original text as being characteristic of Western
structure of a source without giving credit; f) modernity. Literal plagiarism, then, emerged as a result
copying so many words or ideas from a source of the concept of authorship individualization. By
that it makes up the majority of your work, taking such premises in an uncompromised manner, the
whether you give credit or not.” teacher suffers from the dilemma of the transmission
Although these definitions are clear, the of other’s knowledge through their own words. By
borrowed word has always been frequently used accusing students of lack of originality, Pennycook
throughout the history of society. From childhood (1996) shows the contradiction of teachers who suffer
we learn to speak, read and write using the others’ from the same problem, just repeating a content without
words. Many times our words are actually the others’ having their own production of the teached content. The
words. During the literacy and learning of textual same author also notes that the rise of electronic media
construction, reproduction is frequently used through shows a tendency to indicate the death of the authorship
exercises of memorization and copying. Moreover, and to the textual deconstruction. Citing Scollon
many ideas and "sayings" are so widely used that it is (1994), Pennycook (1996) illustrates how the currently
virtually impossible to assign authorship to them. The dominant utilitarian ideology, with emphasis on the
way language is used and recycled makes plagiarism an owner’s copyright of the text, goes to a more diffuse
extremely complex issue (Pennycook, 1996). form of referencing, related to ways of authorship and
According to the historical account presented transmission that are based on oral traditions. The
by Pennycook (1996), Aristotle and Plato believed author argues that academic texts are increasingly built
that imagination was much more a reproductive than a upon layers of texts available on the Internet, making
productive activity. Until the Renaissance, the practice the notion of authorship becoming less defined. Thus,
of imitation was widely used in the arts. The creation to defend the culture of originality, creativity and
of original texts began to be valued only after the authorship of a text set, the teachers begin to assume
European Enlightenment movement. The quality of some degree of conceptual incoherence related to the
a text was intrinsically related to his former owner, a language and its meaning. Pennycook (1996) presents
source of truth and authority, and the verbatim copying Scollon´s opinion (1995), which states that "[...] the
was considered a socially acceptable practice, widely traditional view of plagiarism constitutes, in fact, an
used and represented the good quality of a text. Such ideological position which privileges a concept of the
practices also had recognition in some East Asian person established within the European Enlightenment,
countries, where the knowledge passed down through and . . . as such it obscures our understanding of the
generations as literally as possible in order to save their construction of identity in intercultural discourse".
authority (Pennycook, 1996). Clearly, the reproduction There are many forms of plagiarism,
features of a spoken text are of unquestionable cultural considered to be of greater or lesser importance, but
value. Copying is still heavily used during the stages of extremely common (Pennycook, 1996): for example,
primary and secondary education, a pedagogically valid the copy of the questions answered by others while
practice for learning the use of the written language. students perform tests and examinations, in addition
Thus, it is much less evident when one can make words to the classical verbatim copying of texts. Copying
borrowed and when not. paperwork done by other students is, to some extent,
Pennycook (1996) traces a long and interesting an accepted attitude by students in general, and rarely
argument about the ideological implications associated result in a formal complaint. Much worse is the
with the intellectual property of written texts. For this acquisition of monographs, theses and dissertations
author, the notion of a text ownership is complex, since from companies that sell such manuscripts (Hayes
the need to memorize texts is, in most cases, absolutely & Introna, 2005; Macdonald & Carroll, 2006), of
necessary during the learning of the individual. If a which nothing is known on how such texts have been

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The academic plagiarism and its punishments - a review
Roberto G. S. Berlinck

elaborated. Considering that the preparation and writing the concept of plagiarism is less known and is less well
of paperwork is an essential activity of educational defined, and few institutions have clearly defined rules
training, the acquisition of such paid work is totally about what is established as plagiarism and penalties on
unacceptable and companies that sell them should the practice of plagiarism. Indeed, while most higher
be prohibited by law from offering such services, as education institutions of excellence in the US and UK
manifested by Paiva (2010) in a document recorded establish guidelines, standards and procedures with
by the National Board of Institutional Relations of the respect to plagiarism, very clear and easy to access, in
Federal Council of the Brazilian Bar Association. Brazil such guidelines are completely missing. Searches
While plagiarism is commonly assigned to were carried out on the web pages of more than twenty
students in general, this practice is not limited to these. Brazilian higher education institutions and in none
Researchers and university professors also make use of these guidelines and guidance on plagiarism were
of plagiarism in the writing of various documents. found, and how it should be detected and its author(s)
Such practices must be under survey in the case of punished.
these professionals, not only due to the fact itself, but By approaching the problem of plagiarism, it is
also because teachers and researchers are educators of necessary to define what is plagiarism, why plagiarism
students and trainees. While self-plagiarism may be is wrong, how to prevent plagiarism, how to detect
considered acceptable to a limited extent, plagiarism plagiarism and what punitive measures can and should
should be abolished as much as possible. be adopted (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006). Plagiarism
Despite the apparently deliberate action of is a rather complex issue, understood differently by
plagiarism, sometimes the intention to plagiarize is not students, teachers, education institutions and the media.
fully characterized due to lack of knowledge of whom It is therefore necessary to understand the reasons for
is plagiarizing. Considering its variations, according to plagiarizing, the consequences of plagiarism and the
Maurer et al. (2006) plagiarism can be: “a) accidental: penalties for it, in order to consider why the scope and
due to lack of plagiarism knowledge, and understanding the many aspects of this issue are so controversial.
of citation or referencing style being practiced at an
institute; b) Unintentional: the vastness of available Reasons to plagiarize
information influences thoughts and the same ideas
may come out via spoken or written expressions as Although the term "plagiarism" has a
one's own; d) intentional: a deliberate act of copying significant cultural influence, its real significance
complete or part of someone else’s work without giving seems rather subjective. In addition to the fact that the
proper credit to original creator; d) self plagiarism: notion of plagiarism vary with the culture in which this
using self published work in some other form without concept is considered, the intrinsic knowledge of its
referring to original one”. significance is not of a consensus. For example, many
In addition, there are different ways to times it seems that literal copying of a single phrase or
plagiarize, such as the direct copying, plagiarism of a short piece of text is perfectly acceptable, provided
ideas, to paraphrase (changing the sentence building the primary literature source is cited (Macdonald &
using the same words meaning, but changing words’ Carroll, 2006). Even textual creation is extensively
ordering within the sentence), non-textual plagiarism, based on previously written texts, in order to build
such as in movies making, paintings, sound recording, concepts, reasoning and argumentative information.
etc. (Maurer et al., 2006). Taking also into account the electronic resources
In general, it is observed that the importance available on the Internet, intertextuality has assumed
of plagiarism has significantly increased since 2000, significant proportions, with difficult limitations to be
particularly in English speaking countries. Previously established.
the guidelines and procedures for the assessment Plagiarism can also be seen as a resistance
of plagiarism by higher education institutions were movement to the current Western cultural model,
not yet well defined (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006). which values the extreme individuality, creativity and
A study mentioned by Maurer et al. (2006) revealed originality, putting aside the creation from another
that the project of the Center for Academic Integrity building, without definitions of ownership or authorship
Assessment of the U.S. indicated that 40% of students (Pennycook, 1996).
admitted to have committed plagiarism (2005 data), Very often students do not know the actual
compared to 10% in 1999. Maurer et al. (2006) also notion of plagiarism, nor the consequences of it,
mentioned another assessment conducted by a professor due to failures in their training. In fact, questioning
at Rutgers University in 2003, which showed that 38% undergraduate and graduate students of the Institute of
of the assessed students committed plagiarism. The Chemistry at São Carlos (University of São Paulo) if at
same authors pointed out that in developing countries some point in their training they had any lecture, class or

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The academic plagiarism and its punishments - a review
Roberto G. S. Berlinck

explanation on plagiarism and its consequences, all said to the students to prepare texts, to develop critical
no. Students are supposed to be capable to write original textual analysis, to improve their creativity and take
texts, repeatedly and continuously during their training, responsibility for any statements they have to present
particularly in the preparation of monographs, as well as their own. Thus, according to Macdonald & Carroll,
as of dissertations and doctoral theses, abstracts and (2006), it is up to institutions of higher education:
condensed texts for presentation at scientific meetings, a) to prepare students for their learning tasks, or show
as well as articles for publication. Not knowing what is them how necessary is to learn and assimilate the
established as being plagiarism in all its peculiarities, knowledge that they are offered;
students are subject to plagiarize, deliberately or not. b) to establish programs and teaching methods that
Thus, an orientation by higher education institutions minimize the possibility of student plagiarism, such as
and by teachers/researchers about plagiarism becomes memorization, repetition and reproduction in excess;
absolutely necessary. c) to develop programs to prevent plagiarism rather than
In assessing the reasons why plagiarism to apply punitive policies, though these are necessary.
is committed, Pennycook (1996) notes that power By sharing responsibilities between students,
relations established between teachers and students teachers and institutions, it is clear the benefit to the
should be continuously evaluated in order to investigate learning system, which will enable the student to acquire
the influence on the quality of education, whether knowledge on how important is the ability to create new
stimulating or deleterious to original and innovative texts from various references. It is absolutely essential
textual creation. Considering that the current system to establish programs of discussion sessions between
of education requires that students should frequently teachers and students about academic integrity, the
repeat pre-established ideas in the same way that nature of the assessments, the value of the acquisition
teachers in the classroom, it becomes necessary to and application of critical analysis and elaboration of
establish educational programs that can properly the original texts. Institutions and their professionals
prepare students to face such situations when they arise have a responsibility to contribute to the education of
(Pennycook, 1996). Other authors consider relevant students and, therefore, students must be informed at
comprehensive and holistic actions for the assessment an early age about what constitutes plagiarism and the
plagiarism issues, taking into account educational consequences of plagiarizing.
approaches and training of individuals who must build
their own texts (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006). To this The consequences of the plagiarizing act
purpose, students must acquire very good skills to
write texts, a rare educational practice in the current The student must not only learn how to avoid
conditions of Brazilian education. plagiarism, but also why should avoid it (Macdonald
Also observed is that an increase in the level of & Carroll, 2006). Therefore, it is also necessary for
assessments leads to an increase in cases of plagiarism the educator, as a professor, a researcher, and even
related to them (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006). This members of institutional technical support, be prepared,
is due, in large part, to the fact that, under such informed and convinced of the risks we are subjected
circumstances there is a decreased availability of study when plagiarism is used.
time for students and, in parallel, an increase in the use The main consequences of plagiarism are
of simplistic learning tools. Consequently, the student penalties that can range from warnings to various forms
seems to be forced to adopt a pragmatic inappropriate of legal sanctions. While consensus on how, when and
targeting, aiming to only obtain sufficient marks to the way to apply such sanctions is nearly nonexistent,
be approved and get the desired degree, which leads the consensus in applying sanctions is definitely
sometimes to commit plagiarism. In parallel, students, absolute. Plagiarism is viewed as an extremely negative
aware of the fact that teachers also have very limited attitude, even when performed in a very slight extent.
time to read and to an in depth analysis of texts that Because it is considered as unacceptable, the word has
should be assessed, assume that plagiarism can take a very negative weight. Especially when plagiarism
place, albeit to a limited extent, because this is unlikely is detected in academia. It is interesting to note that
to be detected. Hence the need for improvement of the media and society in general rarely discuss and
students learning, which should include how to take deny plagiarism committed with books published by
notes during educational activities, the sparing use of different publishers, although this type of plagiarism
paraphrase and knowledge of proper use of citations is very recurrent, as evidenced by the blog I do not like
and references. plagiarism, by Denise Bottmann (Bottmann, 2011).
In most cases the blame is solely assigned to The penalties resulting from sanctions may
the student for misconduct or malice, and not to the vary in nature. In the case of academic plagiarism, i.e.,
institution that has not provided adequate training when committed within higher education institutions,

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The academic plagiarism and its punishments - a review
Roberto G. S. Berlinck

penalties can include: assigning a 0 (zero) score to a punishment by teachers are verbal or written warnings,
question a student has copied from another, or even an or by change marks or the final evaluation of a student
exam that the student copied, or a written paperwork course or activity. Institutional sanctions may include
that was the result of copying parts or in its entirety reprimands, education for learning academic integrity,
from the other(s); failure in courses if the student has social work, suspension, expulsion, revocation of the
repeatedly copied texts and issues submitted for review; title(s) granted(s) and even legal penalties, in accordance
suspension of student activities during certain periods with current legislation (Maurer et al., 2006). Different
when it turns out that the student may have committed universities in North America and Europe have adopted
plagiarism of a more serious nature; in the case of the different procedures as punishment for various forms
preparation of monographs, MSc dissertations and of plagiarism, in view of the increasing numbers of
PhD theses, the observation of plagiarism in small occurrence of such cases. Stanford University, for
portions may lead evaluators to require a new writing instance, saw an increase in cases of intra-institutional
and resubmission of the work; in the case of plagiarism plagiarism of 126% between 1998 and 2001, for which
noted in extensive writings, the student enrolement the most common punishment was suspension during a
may be finished (Wagner, 2011). fourth of the school period and 40 hours of community
In the case of teachers and researchers, service (Maurer et al., 2006). The University of Yale
plagiarism in scientific studies can result in many adopts punishments ranging from reprimands to
different sanctions: warning, public apology, suspensions. In the case of University of California
suspension of its activities for a specified period and at Berkeley, the institution encourages the resolution
even dismissal. The consequences in these cases can be of problems of plagiarism directly between teacher
a profound loss to the career of professionals, who can and student, and the punishments are more commonly
be literally annihilated. applied as notes of warning or censure, community
But the main consequence of plagiarism seems service, submit a letter of apology, additional
to be a deep personal frustration and demoralization on assessment activities, disciplinary failure, suspension,
the part of whom commits it (Wagner, 2011). Pennycook among others (Maurer et al., 2006).
(1996) considers that Western modernity has established In order to establish and apply penalties
that the words’ borrowing from creative and innovative against plagiarism, it is first necessary to define
authors is a crime against individual property rights. what is considered plagiarism from a technical
Citing Kolich, Pennycook (1996) mentions that standpoint. Macdonald & Carroll (2006) suggest that
plagiarism is "[...] "is a highly emotional subject, and the characterization of plagiarism should include the
the issue of how to deal with it seems muddled by analysis and documentation of how this was detected
moral confusion, apprehension, and general loathing." and analyzed, taking into account:
Although, according to Pennycook (1996), the notion 1. The extent to which it was committed: the written work
of individualism is very well established, such an was plagiarized (a sentence, paragraph, entire sections
assumption should not justify the moral outrage and the all work)? Was a whole text section plagiarized, such as
exarcebated way that plagiarists are persecuted. introduction, methods, discussion or conclusion?
Society sees the plagiarist as a criminal, 2. The level of student: a beginner or are already in
often relentlessly, even if the plagiarist has committed advanced level?
plagiarism in a very short extension, possibly 3. Knowledge of institutional rules and norms by the
unintentional, and for the first time. The word plagiarism student: the student was warned about the importance
entails a strong dislike, perhaps disgust, making a of not plagiarizing, his responsibility when citing
plagiarist an unworthy individual. Although this view and bibliographic referencing? A student committed
can easily be considered as being exaggerated, it is so plagiarism for the first time or did it before? In the
strongly entrenched that it would require a process of case of foreign students, were they notified about the
reeducation of society as a whole to show that there customs, rules and guidelines of the institution to which
are different forms of plagiarism, and that almost all they are enrolled?
people have plagiarized one day. 4. The disciplinary rules adopted by the institution.
It is observed that there are two well defined
Punishments for the academic plagiarism trends to establish punishments for plagiarism. The
first establish peremptory penalties to any type of
Punishments for academic plagiarism can plagiarism. This way of approaching the plagiarism
occur at two levels: at the teacher-student relationship problem, considered traditional and conservative,
and at the student-institution relationship. In general is imbued with the notion of authority by those who
punishments established by teachers tend to be softer, recognize and identify plagiarism, often in a teacher-
without, however, this tendency being a rule. In general, student relationship, in that the latter must follow strict

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The academic plagiarism and its punishments - a review
Roberto G. S. Berlinck

guidelines and standards concerning the preparation of and assume their responsibilities;
texts (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006). By adopting such 3. Observe the importance the institution attaches to
an approach to identify and punish plagiarism, pure and academic integrity;
simply, everyone loses, because there is no intellectual, 4. Promote activities with the faculty guidance for
moral and ethical growth. Such punishment penalizes, teachers in order to avoid plagiarism, to know the
sometimes irreversibly, the one who broke the rules, procedures and regulations to be adopted, on how to
in many different ways, as noted above. It presents properly prepare the courses to be taught in order to avoid
the risk of excessive penalizing, sometimes very plagiarism, as well as detecting and responsibilities
unfairly. The second way to punish plagiarism search when detection of plagiarism;
not only to penalize the plagiarist, but also looks 5. To make aware that it is not to the faculty staff to
toward a re-educational approach, in order to minimize establish punitive sanctions aiming to avoid inconsistent
demoralization and to show that plagiarism does not and unfair treatment;
benefit (quite the contrary), but the undermines both 6. Build a systematic approach for obtaining data that
the act itself and by the use of plagiarism as a common indicate the occurrence of plagiarism;
practice. 7. Preparation of statistical tables that show overall
Delegating the responsibility for penalties to numbers of cases of plagiarism and how these were
individuals who detect plagiarism, often the teacher, addressed and resolved.
may be even worse. The teacher must not be responsible To determine punishments for plagiarism
to determine the punishment because he is not the can be at the same time a difficult and embarrassing
institutional element who establishes policies. When this activity. Especially in the case of not knowing the actual
responsibility is assigned to the teacher, the inadequacy circumstances that led to the plagiarist plagiarize, and if
of the punishment, and sometimes the misunderstanding the plagiarism was intentional or not. Thus, establishing
of how to tackle the problem, become apparent. It is punishments for plagiarism should be considered with
to the institution the responsibility to establish such great care and professionalism.
policies, aiming to avoid differential punishments in
different situations that require a detailed analysis of Conclusion
the facts (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006).
The Academic Conduct Officers (ACO) from Plagiarism is a complex concept related to the
Oxford Brookes University suggests the following cultural construction of human identity (Pennycook,
measures when one observes the occurrence of 1996). The concept of plagiarism should be understood
plagiarism (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006): in its historical and cultural context, and with respect to
“1. A recorded discussion, which should also take into cultural alternatives.
account the institutional support to the student; While some authors consider that the cultural
2. Score(s) reduction(s) in paperwork in which the inclusion of students in the academic context is of
plagiarism occurred, depending on the extent of it. paramount importance to make them understand how to
3. Resubmission of work originally plagiarized by the establish the universe of knowledge in learning and work
student; (Macdonald & Carroll, 2006), others point out that this
4. Zero score if the work has been wholly plagiarized; argument is inappropriate, since such assumptions only
5. Zero score for the entire course if the extent of indicate that students must accept a normative view of
plagiarism is even more significant." the so-called academic standards, and how this system
Penalties should be more severely examined by works. This, in turn, fails to take into consideration
a committee under the specific circumstances that may the complexity of factors involved in the drafting of
arise. In applying such guidelines, the ACO went on texts. Consequently, the way plagiarism is commonly
to acquire more knowledge and experience of dealing referred to would be pedagogically questionable and
with plagiarism problems, which were addressed and intellectually arrogant (Pennycook, 1996).
faced more professionally. Annual assessments used to While plagiarism is mainly deployed in
evaluate the extent of plagiarism are currently adopted academia, is not restricted, however, to it. There is
by the Oxford Brookes University. The same institution plagiarism in high school education, both by students
has established the following guidelines to minimize the and by teachers, and it has been detected in government
occurrence of plagiarism by their students (Macdonald agencies and public institutions as well. When services
& Carroll, 2006): of companies that offer the drafting of documents,
1. Check if to the students were taught ways to acquire monographs, theses and dissertations, among others,
original writing abilities, according to their needs; are hired, many of these companies make extensive
2. Check if policies were properly communicated to use of plagiarism in documents they offer to customers
students so that they can ensure their academic integrity (Maurer at al., 2006).

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