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1/22/2018 Quiz - Quizizz

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Microbe Mission Date :

1. Archea differs from Bacteria because archea ___________

a) can not form spores b) is a eukaryotic cell

c) has peptidoglycan as their cell d) is a prokaryotic cell


2. Viruses can remain dormant inside a cell in a cycle known as the _______

a) lytic cycle b) dormant phase

c) lysogenic cycle d) metaphase

3. prions are essentially

a) diseased proteins b) acellular microbes

c) all of the above

4. Prions are prokaryotic

a) True b) False

5. Viruses are living

a) True-they are basically b) True-they contain DNA or

parasites RNA and can survive without
a host
c) False-they are acellular d) False-they connot grow or
microbes, meaning they are perform life functions without a
not living host

6. Which microbe contributes to diseases such as the mad cow disease and kuru? (Hint: they are all
nuerodegenerative diseases)

a) Viruses b) Gram positive bacteria

c) Fungi d) Prions

7. The nucleus is responsible for being a control center responsible for DNA replication

a) True b) False 1/4
1/22/2018 Quiz - Quizizz

8. What does the endosymbiotic theory state?

a) Cells support the viruses living b) Parasitic worms and the host
inside, creating a symbiotic have a special symbiotic
relationship with the cell giving theory where parasitic worms
viruses protection kill the bacteria inside
c) A huge cell engulfed a d) All of the above
prokaryotic cell, with the cell
giving support to the
prokaryote while the
prokaryote supplements the
cell with energy

9. ___________ converts light energy into sugars while ____________ converts oxygen and sugars into ATP

a) nucleus, nucleus b) golgi complex, ribosomes

c) Mitochondrion, chloroplasts d) Chloroplasts, Mitochondrion

10. Which of the following is a sequence of phases in a growth curve?

a) lag phase, stationary phase, b) lag phase, exponential phase,

exponential phase stationary phase, death phase
c) stationary phase, exponential d) stationary phase, lag phase,
phase death phase, exponential

11. All of following microbes fit in one kind of kingdom except

a) Fungi b) Archea

c) Bacteria d) Protists

12. One MAJOR distinction of a fungi from any other microbes is that _________________

a) their cell walls are made of b) they are prokaryotes


c) their cell walls are made of d) they do not contain any

cellulose nucleic acids

13. Name the following microbes from the smallest size to the biggest size

a) they are all the same size b) prokaryotic cells,viruses,

prions, eukaryotic cells
c) viruses, prions, eukaryotic d) prions, viruses, prokaryotic
cells, prokaryotic cells cells, eukaryotic cells 2/4
1/22/2018 Quiz - Quizizz

14. this following structure is commonly known as ___________

a) coccus b) spirillum

c) bacillus d) pill

15. Prions contain nucleic acids

a) True b) False

16. What type of microbe is involved in the production of most breads?

a) Yeast b) Gram positive bacteria

c) Protists d) Cows

17. Why does a bacteria contain ribosomes?

a) because ribosomes defend off b) because ribosomes are

infections membrane bound organelles
c) because ribosomes are NOT d) because bacteria has evolved
membrane bound organelles and nature said so

18. Which organelle is involved with this equation: 6CO2+6H2O--> C6H12O6+6O2

a) Ribosomes b) Nucleus

c) Chloroplasts d) Mitochondria 3/4
1/22/2018 Quiz - Quizizz

Answer Key
1. a
2. c
3. c
4. b
5. d
6. d
7. a
8. c
9. d
10. b
11. d
12. a
13. d
14. c
15. b
16. a
17. c
18. c 4/4

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